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Name: Risk & Opportunity

Document No.: VBL - QF - 07
Issue Date: 01-06-19
Issue No: 01
Rev. No.: 00
Rev. Date: -
Prepared &
Issued By: Sr. Manager HR & Admin
Reviewed &
Approved By: Managing Director
No. Department
Risk Cause & Events

1 HRD Benefits Administrations

2 HRD Monthly Oritation

3 HRD Employee Opinion Survey

4 HRD HR Recruitment Plan

5 HRD Perforamance Management

6 HRD Statutory Requirement (ESI & PF)

7 HRD Training and Development

8 HRD HR Documentaion

9 HRD In & Out time of Employee

10 HRD Minimum Wages

11 HRD Chaild Labour

12 HRD Forced Labour

13 HRD Lack of Awarenees for labour laws

There is no procedure for for workers to

14 HRD express their complaints(Grievance

The hiring, compensatation and

15 HRD promotion of workers is not based on the
job requirements and workers skills
Workers don't have access to separate
16 HRD and clean areas for eating and changing
17 HRD Long time for recruitment

18 HRD High Attrition

19 HRD Employees not performing upto expectati

20 HRD No on job training in production

21 HRD Key people not recruited


Risk Description Risk Owner Risk

Severity (S)

1) Poor User Exeprience 2) Lack of employee

Prabhakar/Rajamma 3
Engagement 3) Employee Turnover

Grievance,Lack of Awareness Knowledge to employee

towards the Organization and poor knowledge on Roles Prabhakar/Rajamma 3
and Responsibilities

Lack of growth for company Prabhakar 3

Effect on day to day ectivities Prabhakar/Rajamma 3

1.Lack of employee Engagement 2) Low employee Self esteem

Prabhakar 3

1.Lack of Legal Laws 2) Lack of employee EngagementRajamma/Prabhakar 5

1.Unsafe Work Environments 2.Unhappy, Unsatisfied Employ

Rajamma/Prabhakar 3

1.Communication gaps 2.Losing the competitive edge.

3.Loss of reputation. 4.Failing to comply with legal Prabhakar/Rajamma 4

Execessive Working Hours and Lack of Over time

Rajamma/Prabhakar 3
1.Not able to meet the employee mimimum Requirements
Prabhakar/Rajamma 4
2. Local labour law requirements

Chaild Labour mentally and physically dangerous work

interferes with schooling and long-term development the
worst forms include slavery, trafficking, sexual Rajamma/Prabhakar 5
exploitation and hazardous work that put children at risk of
death, injury or disease.
Lack of sustainable jobs and education, as well as a weak
rule of law, corruption and an economy dependent on Prabhakar/Rajamma 4
cheap labour

Inadequate wages, benifts and contracts. Excessive

Rajamma/Prabhakar 4
overtime. Descrimination

Disciplinary abuse and harassment, Worker Injuries and

Prabhakar/Rajamma 4
chronic conditions

Disciplinary Rajamma/Prabhakar 3

Illness Prabhakar/Rajamma 4

Business loss Rajamma/Prabhakar 3

Business loss Prabhakar/Rajamma 4

Work loss Rajamma/Prabhakar 4

Increase in rejections Prabhakar/Rajamma 5

Effect on process Rajamma/Prabhakar 4

Inherent Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Risk Index Low (1-8),
Probability (S X P =
(P) I) Medium (9-16),
High (17-25)

2 6 Low

3 9 Medium

4 12 Medium

3 9 Medium

2 6 Low

2 10 Medium

3 9 Medium

3 12 Medium

2 6 Low
3 2 Low

3 2 Low

2 3 Low

2 2 Low

3 2 Low

2 3 Low

2 3 Low

3 3 Low

3 2 Low

2 2 Low

2 2 Low

3 2 Low
Control Measures Residual Ris

Mitigation Action Mitigation Risk

Action Type Severity (S)

Awareness to be conducted 2 2

Proper induction and Induction kit implimentation 2 3

Brainstorming session to be conducted to share the innovative ideas 4 3

Using Job Portels, employee referral &Linkdin 4 4

Tracking every day on production target sheets and getting feedback

1 1
from reporting managers

Ensure the proper check list and Payments to happened 1 1

Skill matrix prepared for identifying the Training requirements 2 2

Lack of HR risks management, in additions to other factors in

5 3
business leads to poor governance, poor service quality.

Finger Print is registored to all the employee to track the Login and
4 2
Log Out details.
Based on local labour law requirements minimum wages will be paid 3 3

Below 18 Years chaild labour prohibited , Checking Government Age

5 3

Policy has implimented for Forced for Labour to work only 8 hours a
4 2

Awareness will be conducted for labour laws 3 1

Complaint Box been kept at employee entrance and awareness has

3 2
given to express their complaint

Procedure implimented based on skill and job requirements 2 2

Separate dinning area is allocated for having food 3 2

Policy for recruitment is identified. 3 4

Strong HR policy in place 4 3

Regular training provided to marketing executives 4 2

Training calendar is established. 5 2

Review the recruitment policy 4 3

Ref No. VBL QF-07

Residual Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Risk Risk Index Low (1-8), Medium
Probability (S X P =
(P) I) (9-16), High (17-

2 4 Low

2 6 Low

2 6 Low

2 8 Low

2 2 Low

1 1 Low

2 4 Low

2 6 Low

2 4 Low
2 6 Low

2 6 Low

2 4 Low

2 2 Low

2 4 Low

2 4 Low

3 6 Low

2 8 Low

2 6 Low

2 4 Low

2 4 Low

2 6 Low
Ref No. VBL QF-07


HR Should understand all the issue of employees and support to over come 2) Explain the
benefits provided from the company.

HR Training and Policies to be explained and Induction Kit to be handover to new Joiners

Deprtment wise, group of employees to be called for brainstorming and conduct the
Innovation section to ideas for New development

Using employee referrels and Job portels

Identify the Potential of the employee from each deprtment on monthly as per his
performance and arrange the training for skill development

Every month before 15th making the payment as per laws and avoid the riska

Department wise skill matrix prepared to indentify the training needs

Documentation check list prepared for

Biometric device has installed to Moniter Over time and working hours
Minimum wages has been paid as per labour Law

Policy has been implimented for not allow below18years chaild labour

Allocated the 8 hours tim forall the employee to avoide the foraced labour

Labour Lwas are displayed in Local and English Language to understand the workers and

Suggestion Box kept at intrance of the gate

Procedure implimented and

Dinning area is seperately allocated for all the employees with clean and neet

Outsourcing the recruitment

Introducing employee feedback programme to understand the concern and retain the

Regular trainings

Technical staff can be trained on multiple skills

Recruitment process can be outsourced

Review Date

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
Inherent Risk Assessme
No. Depart Risk Risk
Risk Severity Probabi
ment Risk Cause & Events Risk Description
(S) lity (P)

1 QA Edge colour validity Respirory problem HG 3 4

IMI buckle inspection light wats Satish

2 QA is high Eye problems HG 3 3

3 QA Eliminate the Rework at QA Not able to deliver on time HG 4 3

4 QA Customer rejection Loose the business HG 3 3

5 QA Frequent Customer Complaints Business loss HG 3 2

Improper usage of tools and Satish

6 QA procedures by QC Incorrect test results HG 4 2

Frequent usage of uncalibrated Satish

7 QA instruments Incorrect test results HG 2 3

Non availability of calibrated Satish

8 QA test equipment Incorrect test results HG 2 2

9 QA Shortage of skilled resources Inspection delays HG 2 3
erent Risk AssessmentRisk Control Measures Residual Risk
Risk ment Mitigati
Low (1- Risk
Index 8), Mitigation Action on Severity
(S X P Action
= I) Medium Type (S)

12 Medium Monthly once expired date checking colour storage area 1 0

9 Medium change the inspection light in IMI 2 0

12 Medium process wise line inspection carried out 3 0

Based on mail-communication by customer, will check the in-

9 Medium house stock and same will be updated in CAPA Report. 3 0

6 Low regular trainings are scheduled 3 3

8 Low Test procedures are identified and checklist followed 4 4

6 Low Monitor calibaration calendar regularly 3 2

4 Low Calibration is scheduled according to the calendar 3 2

6 Low Training identified for production team 3 2

Ref No. VBL QF-07

Residual Risk AssessmentRisk

Assess Propose
Risk ment d
Risk Low (1- Opportunities Review
Probabi Index 8), Date
(S X P
lity (P) = I) Medium

0 0 Low All colour canes expired date mentioned 6 Months

0 0 Low New light will be provided 6 Months

0 0 Low problem wise provide the training to the operator 6 Months

0 0 Low Prepared Corrective & Preventive Actions 6 Months

2 6 Low Customer focus programmes to be introduce 6 Months

2 8 Low Continues education 6 Months

3 6 Low Transfer the calibration activity to an authorised calibrated agency6 Months

2 4 Low Awareness of calibration plan 6 Months

3 6 Low Cross skill training to be identified 6 Months


Sr. No.
Department Risk Cause & Risk
Risk Description
Events Owner

1 FG Climbing Heights 1.Head injury 2. Fall Down Kumar

2 FG Lifting Boxes 1.Back Pain 3. Spinal Card problems Kumar

Inherent Risk Assessment Control Measures Residual Risk Assessme
Risk Risk Risk Index Assessment Mitigatio Risk Risk
Severity Probabilit (S X P Low (1-8), Mitigation n Action Severity Probabil
Medium (9- Action
(S) y (P) = I) 16), High Type (S) ity (P)
Wearing Safety
4 2 8 Low 3 2 2

Procedure to lift
4 3 12 Medium 4 2 2
the Boxes
Ref No. VBL QF-07
esidual Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment Opportunities Proposed
Index Low (1-8), Review Date
(S X P = Medium (9-
I) 16), High
4 Low Awareness provided to all the employee of FG 6 Months

4 Low Procedure and signages displayed to pickup the Box 6 Months

Sr. No. Depart
ment Risk Cause & Events Risk Description

1 NPD Die Storage & Lifting 1 Hand Injury 2. Back pain

2 NPD Sample Lead Time Loose the Business

3 NPD New Die R&D Fractur of Hand

4 NPD Not clearly communicating regar

Business Risk

5 NPD Improper planning Development schedule is effected

6 NPD On-availability of manpower Unable to meet the schedule

7 NPD Unable to meet planned schedulDevelopment delay, business loss

8 NPD Non-availability of raw materiaDevelopment schedule will be effected

9 NPD Frequent changes of requiremenDevelopment schedule will be effected

10 NPD Failures of tools Development delay

Inherent Risk Assessment Risk
Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Risk Owner Severity Probabi Index 8),
(S X P
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium
Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 (17-25)

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 4 3 12 Medium

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 7 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 2 3 6 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 Low

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 4 4 16 Medium

Ramesh J/Madan Raj 3 2 6 Low

Control Measures

Mitigation Action on

Procedure to lift the Die and keeping safely at located area 4

Standard operating procedure has been implimented 3

Competent resources are part of the contract review team 3

Process guidelines are established on NPD process 4

Training is provided regularly 4

Production schedule is reviewed regularly to ensure schedule is achieved 4

Raw materials required for production are planned in advance and any delay is communicated duri5

Changes in requirements are studied and effect if any communicated to the concerned person. 4

Regular inspection is planned 5

Residual Risk Assessment Risk
Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Severity Probabi Index 8),
(S X P
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium
2 2 4 (17-25)

2 2 4 Low

1 1 1 Low

3 2 6 Low

2 3 6 Low

3 2 6 Low

3 2 6 Low

3 2 6 Low

4 4 16 Medium

3 2 6 Low
ER Ref No. VBL QF-07


Separate die storage is allocated to keep the dies to avoid the accidents and awareness given for lifting the dies

Procedure has been implimented to handle the sample lead time

Regular awareness on new products, process is imparted

Cross functional training

Use of production scheduling tools

Regular communication with customers and recuiting of skilled resources during the initial stage

Backup of critical spares

Proposed Review Date

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
Sr. No.

1 Production

2 Production

3 Production

4 Production

5 Production

6 Production

7 Production

8 Production

9 Production

10 Production

11 Production
Risk Cause & Events

Production activities involve workers routinely interacting with machinery

Prodction have significant lifting and carrying

On time delivery

Process & orginal top leather deffect rejection

Failure of tools

Frequent Machine failures

Non-availability of manpower

Not meeting the production schedule

Non-availability of raw materials for production

Frequent changes of requirement

Failures of parts
Inherent Risk Assessment
Risk Low
Risk Risk (1-
Risk Description Risk Owner Severity Probabi (S X P 8),
(S) lity (P) Medium
= I) (9-16),
Workers injuries and chronic conditions Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 4 2 8 Low

Worker injuries and Chronic conditions Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 5 3 15 Medium

Loose the customer and business Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 4 12 Medium

Rework and not able to deliver the

product in time Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 5 15 Medium

Production delay Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 2 6 Low

Production efficiency is effected Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 4 3 12 Medium

Unable to meet the production schedule Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 2 6 Low

Production delay, business loss Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 2 2 4 Low

Production delay Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 3 9 Medium

Production delay Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 3 4 12 Medium

Production delay Ramesh VJ/Rajashekar 2 1 2 Low


Control Measures

Mitigation Action

It is responsibility of Maintenance deprtment to ensure good working condetation of Machine

PPE has provided to employee who are lifing and carring the meterial

a)Trace out old cutting date moved from cutting section b)Provide production as per cutting date

Checked & removed in the cutting section for orginal top leather defect & For process rejection will be remove in the final insp

PM schedule is maintained and measuring tools are calibrated

Spare parts are maintained

Training is provided regularly

Production schedule is reviewed regularly to ensure schedule is achieved

Raw materials required for production are planned in advance and any delay is communicated during the contract review meeti

Changes in requirements are studied and effect if any communicated to the concerned person.

Regular inspection is planned

STER Ref No. VBL QF-07

Residual Risk Assessment

Mitigati Risk Risk Risk

on Index Risk Assessment Low (1-8),
Action Severity Probabi (S X P Medium (9-16), High (17-25)
(S) lity (P)
Type = I)

3 4 2 8 Low

4 3 1 3 Low

5 3 2 6 Low

5 2 1 2 Low

3 3 2 6 Low

4 3 2 6 Low

5 3 2 6 Low

3 2 2 4 Low

5 2 3 6 Low

4 3 4 12 Medium

3 2 1 2 Low
L QF-07


Maintenance team have separate SOP to ensure good condetation of machine

PPE has issued to employees who are lifting the meterial

Production done as per cutting date without rejection & if rejection happened Immediate RRP taken & close
the lot

Improve leather quality in supplier end & controlled the process rejection by production by improving the
process & training the supervisor & employee about quality standards

Opensource tools is identified.

Backup of critical spares

Cross functional training

Use of production scheduling tools

Regular communication with customers and recuiting of skilled resources during the initial stage

Backup of critical spares


6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
Sr. No. Departmen
t Risk Cause & Events

1 Non Avilibility of Space to keep the meterial

2 Store few condetations meterials not able to receive intime

3 Few Customer are sending meterials without DC

4 Wrong material identification

5 Issue of wrong parts

6 Damage to stock while handling

7 Expiry of self life items if process is not followed

8 Damage to customer property like molds etc

9 Non-availability/Less than minimum stock level
Inherent Risk AssessmentRisk
Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Risk Description Risk Owner Severity Probabi Index 8),
(S X P
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium
Hazadous Ravichandran 4 2 8 Low

delay in dispatch and loose the customers Ravichandran 5 3 15 Medium

1.Problem of counting 2. Time consumed Ravichandran 3 2 6 Low

delay in issue of materials Ravichandran 4 2 8 Low

Production delay Ravichandran 3 2 6 Low

Production delay and financial loss Ravichandran 3 2 6 Low

Production delay Ravichandran 4 2 8 Low

Financial loss resulting in business loss Ravichandran 2 3 6 Low

Production delay Ravichandran 2 2 4 Low

Control Measures Residual Risk AssessmentRisk
Mitigati Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Mitigation Action on Severity Probabi Index 8),
Action (S X P
Type (S) lity (P) = I) Medium
Accidents 3 2 3 6

SOP for time line to receive the metrials 4 3 2 6

Procedure for compalsory DC for all in and Out Low

Metrerials. 4 2 2 4

Process is established for issue. 3 4 2 8

Regular training is provided 4 3 2 6

Regular training is provided 5 3 2 6

Process is established 4 4 2 8

Process for handling of customer property is estab 3 2 4 8

Stock level to be monitored 3 2 2 4
Ref No. VBL QF-07
Opportunities d

Non movable matrials identifyed and stored seperately Quarterly


Security responsibility is to ensure In & Out DC's Quarterly

Using softwares for issues Quarterly

Continued education Quarterly

Continued education Quarterly

Process of FIFO & FEFO can be established Quarterly


regular Stock taking process Quarterly

Sr. No.
Department Risk Cause & Events

1 Health and Safety Personal Protective Equipments

2 Health and Safety Hazardous

3 Health and Safety First Aid Box and First Aid Medicians

4 Health and Safety EYE Wash

5 Health and Safety RO Water Teast results and Reports

6 Health and Safety Hazardous Storage Area

7 Health and Safety Dust emission/High Noise Levels due to certain Activitie
8 Health and Safety Tools are not maintained in good Concertation

Equipment, Machinery and tools are not regularly

9 Health and Safety
inspected and maintained

10 Health and Safety Blockage of Emergency Exit

Risk Description Risk Owner

1. Head Injury 2.Eye and Face Injury 3.Respiratory problems 4.Hand & Skin
problems 5.Hearing problems

Unsafe work environment occurs when an employee is unable to perform her

required daily duties because the physical conditions of the workplace are too
dangerous. For instance, exposed wiring, broken equipment, hazardous materials,
or asbestos could pose an unsafe working environment for employees

Fail to give immediate first aid treatment Rajamma/Prabhakar

Fail to protect the eye Rajamma/Prabhakar

Fall in sick Rajamma/Prabhakar

Fail to protect from Hazardous and accidents Rajamma/Prabhakar

Respiratory problems and Noise Induced hearing loss Rajamma/Prabhakar

Fatigue physical injury such as falling objects Rajamma/Prabhakar


Injury and Loss of life Rajamma/Prabhakar

Inherent Risk Assessment
Assess Control Measures Residual Risk Assessm
Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1- Risk
Severity Probabi Index 8), Mitigation Action Mitigation Severity
(S X P Action Type
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium (S)
High Ensure to provide Health and
(17-25) Safety PPE's and Training to be
1 1 1 Low 1 1
planned on every week for
health and Safety

Hozadous identifyed , taged

5 1 5 Low and awareness given to 2 1

Maintaining First aid check list

at all the places where we kept
4 1 4 Low 2 4
the first aid Box and cross
checking every week

Maintenaining eye wash near to

the production area and
5 2 2 Low 2 4
ensuring good working

Water test to be done quarterly

5 3 2 Low to check and ensure quality of 1 3
RO Water

Ensures Place of keeping

5 2 2 Low Hazardous and diposing in a 1 3
proper manner

Hear plugs has been provided

for all the employee who are
3 2 2 Low 2 3
handling the noise machine and
Verifying the checklist it can
4 4 2 Low identifye the condetation of the 3 2

Check list made for day to day

5 3 2 Low 3 2
checking to avoide accidents

Check list has been maintained

5 4 2 Low at emergency exit and day to 4 2
day monitoring
Residual Risk Assessment
Risk ment
Risk Low (1-
Probabi Index 8),
(S X P
lity (P) = I) Medium
1 1 Low

1 1 Low

2 8 Low

3 12 Medium

2 6 Low

2 6 Low

3 9 Medium
2 4 Low

2 4 Low

2 4 Low
Ref No. VBL QF-07


Awareness training to be provided for all the work men

Training to be given for Identifying the Hazardous and ensure all employees knows the Hazardous.

First aid check list to be maintained at all the places where we kept the first BOX

Ensur to give the eye wash training to all the employee and inform location whre employees can use the eye wash

Ensure to condust the water test and reports to be maintained quarterly

Separate storage area has been allocated for storing the Hazadous and labeld

Noise level test will be done on every 3months and crosess check the noise level to control
Tools check list maintained to cross check candition of tool

Inspection check list is maintained and it will be monitered the condetation matchine

Check list maintained at all the places of emergency exit


6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
6 Months

6 Months

6 Months
Sr. No.
Risk Cause & Events

Maintenance Electrical panel door tag out


Maintenance Loose Wires


3 Stitching m/c needle guard

4 Stitching m/c pulley belt guard

5 Splitting m/c door safety guard

6 DG is Freely asseble from all the sides

7 Secondory container for deesal Storage area

8 DG sets are free from flammables

9 Lecage of Lubricants and Oils ate DG area

10 Pannel Board Installed in maintenance room

11 Frequent Power failure
12 Frequent machine breakdown

13 Infrastructure not available at relevant sections
Risk Description

Accidents and Loss of life

1.Sort circute 2.Loose neutral wire can cause abnormal arcing around its point of connection, usually
resulting in the neutral wire becoming unusually hot, burning its insulation off and even causing damage to
its surroundings. A loose neutral wire is also the cause of the majority of electrical fires.

Broken nedle will injure the face or eye

1.Hand injury 2. Leg Injury

1. Head Injury 2. safety problems

Avoids the accidents and emergency issues

1. Spillage of diesal

Fire accidents at DG located area

Fire accidents


Production delay
Effect on servicing

Unable to meet the delivery schedule

Inherent Risk AssessmentRisk Control Measures
Risk ment
Risk Risk Inde Low (1-
Risk Severity Probabi x 8), Mitigation Action
(S) lity (P) (S X Medium
P = I) (9-16),
(17-25) a)Trace out loose wires and correction
b)All electrical panel provide safety tag
Siddaraju 3 2 6 Low

Check list is maintained for all the connected points and

Siddaraju 5 1 5 Low cross checking with production workers.

Ravi 4 2 8 Low Installing the Sfety Guard at all the stitching matchine area

Ravi 3 2 6 Low For the all the machine safety guard has installed

Ravi 3 3 9 Medium Safty guard installed for splitting matchine

Siddaraju 5 2 10 Medium DG is freely accessible from all the sides

Siddaraju 4 1 4 Low Secondery container has provided for disel storage area

Siddaraju 4 2 8 Low Flammables are stored with located area.

Siddaraju 4 2 8 Low Check list is maintained to moniter the lekage of oils.

Siddaraju 4 3 12 Medium separate partition made for panel board

Siddaraju 2 3 6 Low DG is installed

Siddaraju 2 3 6 Low Preventive maintenance process is defined.

Infrastructure is planned and budget fixed

Siddaraju 3 2 6 Low
Residual Risk AssessmentRisk
Mitigati Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
on Severity Probabi Index 8),
Action (S X P
Type (S) lity (P) = I) Medium
5 2 3 6

4 1 1 1

3 4 2 8

4 4 2 8

5 3 2 6

2 3 2 6

1 1 4 4

2 2 3 6

2 2 4 8

4 3 2 6

3 2 3 6
4 2 3 6

4 3 2 6
Ref No. VBL QF-07

Opportunities Proposed Review Date

All electrical panel door taged out to avoid the accidents 6 Months

Check list maintained to check the loose wires at all the

6 Months

For all the needle matchine , guard to be maintained to 6 Months

avoid the accidents.

6 Months
Guard has provided for all the matchine

6 Months
Guard provided for all the machine

6 Months
DG is freely accessible from all the places

Secondery caontainer has been provided for diseal storage

6 Months

Check lis is maintained at DG area to ensure to avoid for

6 Months
keeping flammables

Check lis is maintained at DG area to ensure to avoid for

6 Months
keeping flammables

Seperated from maintenance area 6 Months

UPS, Backup system 6 Months

6 Months
Check List to be maintained for reason to breakdown

6 Months
Sr. No. Departmen

1 Marketing

2 Marketing

3 Marketing

4 Marketing

5 Marketing

6 Marketing

7 Marketing
Risk Cause & Events

Unable to meet targets

Frequent customer complaints

Gap in competency of person collecting the requirements

Lack of knowledge of product

Delay in payment from execution of orders involving power plant equipments

Processing of orders involving power plant equipments takes long time

Specific custmer requirement not communicated on time

Inherent Risk Assessment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Risk Index
Risk Description Risk Owner Severity Probabi (S X P 8),
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium
Business loss KenyaKumari 3 4 12 (17-25)

Business loss KenyaKumari 3 5 15 Medium

Business loss KenyaKumari 4 4 16 Medium

Business loss KenyaKumari 2 3 6 Low

Business loss KenyaKumari 4 3 12 Medium

Delay in receiving the order KenyaKumari 2 5 10 Medium

Delay in delivery KenyaKumari 2 3 6 Low

Control Measures

Mitigation Action

Regular training provided to marketing executives

Meeting the customer to understand the concerning area for improveme

Regular training provided to marketing executives

Regular training provided to marketing executives

Regular follow up with the customer for faster payment realization process

Based upon management decision., the risk is accepted as is and shall be closely monitored.

Review of customer requirement is conducted regularly

TER Ref No. VBL QF-07
Residual Risk Assessment
Mitigati Risk Risk Risk Low (1-
on Index
Action Severity Probabi (S X P 8),
Type (S) lity (P) = I) Medium
5 3 2 6 (17-25)

5 3 2 6 Low

5 2 2 4 Low

5 2 3 6 Low

3 2 3 6 Low

5 2 2 4 Low

4 2 3 6 Low
Ref No. VBL QF-07


Market study for new geographical location and product range

Regular workshops to be conducted

Recruitment of skilled marketing staff

Experienced Marketing team to be created

Identify business from alternate market segment for fast payment realization..

Explore business from alternate parties while ensuring regular business

Developing contract review system

Proposed Review Date







Sr. No.

1 External Providers

2 External Providers

3 External Providers
Risk Cause & Events Risk Description

Services not available as planned Production delays

Competency of vendors not meeting expectation Production delays

Material not available as per the plan (Quality, Time, Quantity)

Production delays
Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Control Measures
Risk ment
Risk Risk Low (1-
Risk Owner Severity Probabi Index 8), Mitigation Action
(S X P
(S) lity (P) = I) Medium
Purchase & Marketing 2 3 6 Low
(17-25) Vendor evaluation system
Purchase & Marketing 3 1 3 Low Vendor evaluation system, Training

Purchase & Marketing 4 2 8 Low Vendor evaluation system


asures Residual Risk Assessment Risk

Assess Propose
Mitigati Risk ment d
Risk Risk Low (1- Opportunities Review
on Severity Probabi Index 8),
Action (S X P Date
Type (S) lity (P) = I) Medium
4 2 3 6 Low
(17-25) Introducing supplier audit programmes
5 3 1 3 Low Introducing supplier audit programmes

4 4 2 8 Low
Inherent Risk Assess

Sr. No. Departmen Risk

t Risk
Risk Cause & Events Risk Description Owner Severity

1 Purchase Late Delivery Production delays Somashekar 3

2 Purchase supply of wrong materials Production loss Somashekar 2

3 Purchase Damage of goods during transit Production delays Somashekar 2

4 Purchase Giving wrong specifications to the s Production delays Somashekar 1

5 Purchase Limited suppliers for critical items Production delays Somashekar 2

Inherent Risk Assessment
Risk Control Measures
Risk Low
Risk (1-
Probabi (S X P 8), Mitigation Action
lity (P) Medium
= I) (9-16),
4 12 Medium Supplier Rating is carred out at periodic intervals to evaluate the suppliers.

3 6 Low Supplier Rating is carred out at periodic intervals to evaluate the suppliers.

4 8 Low Supplier Rating is carred out at periodic intervals to evaluate the suppliers.

3 3 Low Requirement from the intiator is reviewed

2 4 Low Identify multiple suppliers for critical items

Ref No. VBL QF-07
Residual Risk Assessment
Risk Risk Risk Assessment
Mitigation Index Low (1-8),
Action Type Severity Probabi (S X P = Medium (9-
(S) lity (P)
I) 16), High

4 3 2 6 Low

4 2 3 6 Low

3 2 4 8 Low

5 1 3 3 Low

3 2 2 4 Low
No. VBL QF-07


Introducing supplier audit programmes 6Months

Introducing supplier audit programmes 6Months

Use of authorised logistics provider 6Months


Multiple supplier database for critical items 6Months

Sr. No.
Department Risk Cause & Events

1 Management Technology Changes

2 Management Unable to achieve targets

3 Management Price war

4 Management Competition

Not complying with the requirements of certification body for ISO

5 Management

5 Management Limited Product range

Inherent Risk Assessment Assess
Risk Risk
Risk Severity Probabi Index Low (1-
Risk Description 8),
Owner (S X P Medium
(S) lity (P) = I)
Business Loss VBL 3 4 12 Medium

Revenue loss VBL 3 3 9 Medium

Reduction in Business VBL 3 3 9 Medium

Business Loss VBL 3 2 6 Low

Suspension of certificate resultinmg in business loss VBL 3 5 15 Medium

Business Loss VBL 4 3 12 Medium

Control Measures Residual Risk Assessment
Mitigati Risk
on Risk Risk Index
Mitigation Action Severity Probabi
Action (S) lity (P) (S X P
Type = I)

Study the market for technology changes 4 3 2 6

Frequent review with marketing team. 5 3 2 6

Regular market study by the marketing team 4 4 2 8

Periodic Internal audits and MRM are scheduled 4 3 2 6

Periodic Internal audits and MRM are scheduled 3 2 3 6

Market study for exploring options related to new products 4 4 3 12

Ref No. VBL QF-07
k Assessment
Assess Propose
ment d
Low (1- Opportunities Review
8), Date
High Exploring our existing technical capabilities to explore new areas
(17-25) - Deputing our skilled technical team at customer locations for executing any new Yearly
requirements from customers

Low Develop strong marketing team Yearly

Low Upgrading technology Yearly

Low Enhancing our techical capabilities for venturing into new technical areas Yearly

Low Continual improvement of management system is planned Yearly

Medium Upgrading technology Yearly

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