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You may choose one of these roles after completing Adventure 3.

DEXTERITY d8 □+1 □+2 Should the call of “Avalanche!” go out across the valley, the winter witch is the only one
CONSTITUTION d4 □+1 □+2 guaranteed to hear the echo.
INTELLIGENCE d12 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4
WISDOM d6 □+1 □+2 HAND SIZE 6 □7 □8
CHARISMA d8 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4 When a character at your location attempts a check to acquire an ally or defeat a barrier (□ or a
DIPLOMACY: CHARISMA +2 monster), you may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 (□2) (□ 3) plus the card's
adventure deck number. (□ If the check to defeat is against a bane that is immune to the Cold or Fire
POWERS trait, ignore those immunities.)
HAND SIZE 6 □7 When you fail to defeat a non-villain, non-henchman monster, you may recharge a spell to shuffle the
When a character at your location attempts a check to acquire an ally or defeat a barrier monster into a random (□ or any) other open location deck.
(□ or a monster), you may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 □ When you play a spell that would add the Acid, Fire, Electricity, or Poison trait, you may add the Cold
(□ 2) plus the card’s adventure deck number. trait instead.
When you fail to defeat a non-villain, non-henchman monster, you may recharge a spell to □ For your Dexterity or Acrobatics non-combat check, you may use your Arcane skill and add the Cold trait.
shuffle the monster into a random (□ or any) other open location deck. □ You may discard any number of cards to add 1 (□ 2) to the result of your check after the roll (□ or to
reduce Cold or Fire damage dealt to you by 4) for each card discarded.
SPELL 5 6 7 8 9
When a beast-bonder’s familiar learns a new trick, it’s a lot more impressive than “fetch” or “stay.”
ALLY 3 4 5 6 HAND SIZE 6 □7
BLESSING 4 5 When a character at your location attempts a check to acquire an ally or defeat a barrier (□ or a monster), you
may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 (□ 2) plus the card's adventure deck number.
When you fail to defeat a non-villain, non-henchman monster (□ or fail to acquire an ally that has the
Animal, Arcane, or Vermin trait), you may recharge a spell to shuffle the card into a random (□ or any)
Claimed by witches in the frozen reaches of Irrisen, young Feiya witnessed untold terrors as she
other open location deck.
learned her captors’ craft. Her freedom eventually came with the help of an unlikely liberator,
□ On your turn, you may put a cohort (□ or an ally that has the Arcane, Animal, or Vermin trait) on
a wise fox who helped her elude the witches’ pursuit. Now free to choose her own path, Feiya
top of your deck to examine the top card of your location deck. (□ Then you may discard a card to
travels where she pleases, joined by her vulpine companion Daji. Although she’s still baffled
explore your location.)
by some aspects of civilized life, her eerie magics help her overcome nearly any challenge.
□ You may bury (□ or discard) a cohort (□ or an ally that has the Arcane, Animal, or Vermin trait) to
reduce damage dealt to you to 0.
□ When setting up, when you add cohorts to your hand, you may choose an additional Witch Class Deck
cohort that has the Arcane trait and add it to your hand.
© 2016 Paizo Inc.. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc.
Illustration by Wayne Reynolds.
Visit to learn more about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.


You may choose one of these roles after completing Adventure 3.

DEXTERITY d6 □+1 □+2 Temple clerics seek your coins. Hedge witches seek your thanks.
INTELLIGENCE d10 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4 HAND SIZE 6 □7 □8
WISDOM d8 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4 At the end of your explore step, you may discard a card to choose another character at your location to
shuffle 1d4 (□+1) random cards from his discard pile into his deck. (□ If the discarded card is a spell, you
PERCEPTION: WISDOM +2 may attempt its checks to acquire; if you succeed, recharge it instead.)
CHARISMA d8 □+1 □+2
When you attempt a check to acquire or recharge a spell, you may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty
of that check by 1 plus the recharged card's adventure deck number. (□ If you succeed at the check, you
POWERS may shuffle the spell into your deck.)
HAND SIZE 6 □7 □ When you attempt a check to acquire or would banish a card that has the Healing trait, you may
recharge (□ or reveal) a spell (□ or a boon that has the Arcane, Divine, or Magic trait) to gain the
At the end of your explore step, you may discard a card to choose another character at your skill Divine: Intelligence +0.
location to shuffle 1d4 (□+1) random cards from his discard pile into his deck. (□ If the
discarded card is a spell, you may attempt its checks to acquire; if you succeed, recharge □ At the start of your turn, you may discard a spell to draw a spell that has the Healing (□ or Mental or
it instead.) Poison) trait from your discard pile.
When you attempt a check to acquire or recharge a spell, you may recharge a card to □ At the start of your turn, if you have no cards in your hand, you may draw a card.
reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 plus the recharged card's adventure deck number. □ When a character at your location attempts a check against a bane that is not a check to defeat, you may
□ When you attempt a check to acquire or would banish a card that has the Healing trait, recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 plus the recharged card's adventure deck number.
you may recharge a spell to gain the skill Divine: Intelligence +0.


WEAPON — Where there is fire, there is a hearthcaller. Where there is nothing left to burn, there is no need for one.
ITEM 4 5 6 At the end of your explore step, you may discard a card to choose another character at your location to
ALLY 2 3 4 shuffle 1d4 (□+1) random cards from his discard pile into his deck. (□ If the discarded card is a spell,
you may attempt its checks to acquire; if you succeed, recharge it instead.) (□ If the discarded card
BLESSING 3 4 5 6 has the Magic trait, you may do the same.)
COHORT EACH SCENARIO,CHOOSE A WITCH CLASS DECK COHORT When you attempt a check to acquire or recharge a spell (□ or a blessing), you may recharge a card
to reduce the difficulty of that check by 1 plus the recharged card's adventure deck number.
Witchcraft may frighten the average village-dweller, but not when it comes with a gentle
hand. Kasmir is a master of the healing arts, curing the sick and needy wherever he walks. □ When you attempt a check to acquire or would banish a card that has the Healing trait, you may
recharge a spell to gain the skill Divine: Intelligence +0.
He has been forced to leave many a town in Brevoy, not because he overstayed his welcome
but because the need for his services outspanned his abilities. So he wanders the countryside, □ On your check that has the Attack trait, you may add 2 and the Fire trait.
fearful of turning a blind eye to suffering, but knowing there will always be more of it. □ On your check (□ or a check by a character at your location) to defeat a barrier, you may recharge
a spell (□ or a blessing) to add your Wisdom or Survival skill and the Fire trait.
□ At the end of your turn, you may examine the top 3 cards of your deck, then recharge 1 (□ or
any number) of those cards.
© 2016 Paizo Inc.. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc.
Illustration by Ekaterina Burmak.
Visit to learn more about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.
You may choose one of these roles after completing Adventure 3.

DEXTERITY d10 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4 Keep your gaze up when you see the night-haired witch. Something is likely headed for your skull.
INTELLIGENCE d8 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4 HAND SIZE 5 □6 □7
KNOWLEDGE: INTELLIGENCE +2 For your combat check, you may recharge a card to use your Dexterity skill + 1d8 (□ 2d8) and add the Magic
WISDOM d6 □+1 □+2 trait and the Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing trait. (□ If you succeed at the check, you may draw a card.)
CHARISMA d6 □+1 □+2
On your check to defeat (□ or your check to acquire an item or a spell), you may recharge any number
of items to add 1d4 for each item recharged (□ plus the items' highest adventure deck number) to your
POWERS check. (□ Then you may shuffle your deck.)
□ On your Dexterity check, you may discard a spell to reroll the dice; take the new result.
For your combat check, you may recharge a card to use your Dexterity skill + 1d8 and add
□ You may discard a spell or item to reduce Combat damage (□ or any damage) dealt to you to 0.
the Magic trait and the Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing trait. (□ If you succeed at the
check, you may draw a card.) □ When you fail to acquire a boon and would banish it, you may instead shuffle it back into (□ or put it
on top of) its location deck.
On your check to defeat (□ or your check to acquire an item or a spell), you may recharge
any number of items to add 1d4 for each item recharged (□ plus the items’ highest
adventure deck number) to your check. RAHELI (GRAVEWALKER)
The gravewalker eschews the standard animalian familiar for a poppet made of human skin. This
CARDS LIST FAVORED CARD TYPE: ITEM is often not a popular choice.
SPELL 3 4 5 6 HAND SIZE 5 □6
ARMOR — For your combat check, you may recharge a card to use your Dexterity skill + 1d8 (□ 2d8) and add the Magic
ITEM 6 7 8 9 trait and the Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing trait. (□ If you succeed at the check, you may draw a card.)
ALLY 3 4 5 On your check to defeat (□ or your check to acquire an item or a spell), you may recharge any number
BLESSING 3 4 5 of items to add 1d4 for each item recharged (□ plus the items' highest adventure deck number) to your
COHORT EACH SCENARIO,CHOOSE A WITCH CLASS DECK COHORT check. (□ If the check invokes the Undead trait, add 1d6 for each item instead of 1d4.)
□ On your check that invokes the Undead (□ or Cold, Mental, or Poison) trait, you may discard (□ or
The nation of Zi Ha is the homeland of the blue-skinned Samsarans, known for their inherent recharge) a spell to reroll the dice; take the new result.
goodness and generosity. That is something Raheli is willing to take advantage of. The long-
haired witch has a peculiar talent of using her hair as a weapon, gathering up all available □ You may treat non-villain monsters you defeat as if they have the Undead trait.
items and flinging them with her tresses. Whose items those are is of little concern to her. She □ You may banish a monster displayed next to your cohort to reduce damage dealt to you to 0 (□ or to
might ensorcell others to gain their permission, or just bonk them unconscious with their own examine your location).
stuff and move on.

© 2016 Paizo Inc.. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.
Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is a trademark of Paizo Inc.
Illustration by Ekaterina Burmak.
Visit to learn more about the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

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