Note For Exam Invigilators

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Note for Exam Invigilators

 Please can you mark the attendance list with everyone who attended the
exam. Please can you tick everyone who has attended (not just who
hasn’t attended) and can you also return the exam scripts back to the
office after the exam has finished so we can do a check with the
attendance list.

 If students use more that one transcript – please tell them to put one
inside the other

 If the exam has multiple choice with other exam questions, please can
you tell the students to put the multiple choice sheet inside their exam

 Please ensure all bags and coats are moved away from desks. For
special circumstances exams please ensure bags and coats are removed
from the cubicle.

 If a student refuses to stop at the end of the exam place a line on the
script at the point when they should have stopped writing and inform
the assessment tutor (Lorenzo Stafford) with a written account straight
after the exam.

 In the case of suspected cheating draw a line under the exam script and
note the time next to the line. The student can then carry on with the
exam. Inform the assessment tutor (Lorenzo Stafford) with a written
account straight after the exam.

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