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Self-Employment Opportunities

Through this creative project I have realised that I could become self-employed through
promoting and organising more battle of the band events and possibly team up with a
venue to be able to create a monthly slot for a local battle of the band’s competition which
could generate a local cult popularity. The skills used in this could be used to venture into
promoting tour dates for artists passing through on tours as well as teaming up with local
acts who require a promoter to help promote a single concert or even a tour for them.

Income Generation
In terms of being an income generator, there is a possibility of events such as battle of the
bands or promoting gigs and tours could lead to a steady income provided the events, gigs
and tours are well attended. However, there are risks involved in this as many independent
and free-lance promoters walk the line between profit and loss very closely and because of
this a couple of poorly attended events could see them lose potentially lots of money.
However, on the other hand, a few very well attended events good see the promoter gain

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