MER231SteadyFlowExamples PDF

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6.76 A steam turbine receives steam from two boilers.

One flow is 5 kg/s at 3

MPa, 700◦ Cand the other flow is at 15 kg/s at 800 kPa 500◦C. The exit state is
10 kPa with a quality of 96%. Find the total power out of the adiabatic turbine.

Given: Inlet and outlet conditions of steam turbine.

Find: Power output of turbine.
Assumptions: Steady flow process, negligible changes in kinetic and potential
energy, Q̇ = 0 (adiabatic).
Conservation of mass:
dm X X
= ṁi − ṁe
dt CV
0 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 − ṁ3
ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2

Conservation of Energy:
dE X X
= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁi (hi + kei + pei ) − ṁe (he + kee + pee )
0 = 0 − Ẇ + ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3
Ẇ = ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3

Define States:
State 1 State 2 State 3
P1 = 3 MPa P2 = 800 kPa P3 = 10 kPa
T1 = 700◦ C T2 = 500◦ C x3 = 0.96
h1 = 3912 kJ/kg h2 = 3481 kJ/kg h3 = 191.8kJ/kg+(0.96)2392.8kJ/kg= 2489 kJ/kg
ṁ1 = 5 kg/s ṁ2 = 15 kg/s ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 = 20 kg/s

Ẇ = 5 kg/s(3912 kJ/kg) + 15 kg/s(3481 kJ/kg) − 20 kg/s(2489 kJ/kg) = 22.0 MW

6.77 A compressor receives 0.05 kg/s R-410a at 200 kPa, -20◦ Cand 0.1 kg/s
R-410a at 400 kPa, 0◦ C. The exit flow is at 1000 kPa, 60◦ C. Assume adiabatic,
neglect kinetic energies, and find the required, power input.

Given: Inlet and outlet conditions of a compressor.

Find: Required power input to compressor.
Assumptions: Steady flow process, negligible changes in kinetic and potential
energy, Q̇ = 0 (adiabatic).
Conservation of mass:
dm X X
= ṁi − ṁe
dt CV
0 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 − ṁ3
ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2

Conservation of Energy:
dE X X
= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁi (hi + kei + pei ) − ṁe (he + kee + pee )
0 = 0 − Ẇ + ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3
Ẇ = ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3

Define States:
State 1 State 2 State 3
P1 = 200 kPa P2 = 400 kPa P3 = 1000 kPa
T1 = −20◦ C T2 = 0◦ C T3 = 60◦ C
h1 = 278.7 kJ/kg h2 = 290.4 kJ/kg h3 = 335.7 kJ/kg
ṁ1 = 0.05 kg/s ṁ2 = 0.1 kg/s ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 = 0.15 kg/s

Ẇ = 0.5 kg/s(278.7 kJ/kg) + 0.1 kg/s(290.4 kJ/kg) − 0.15 kg/s(335.7 kJ/kg) = −7.38 kW
6.85 A heat exchanger is used to cool an air flow from 800 K to 360 K, with
both states at 1 MPa. The coolant is a water flow at 15◦ Cat 0.1 MPa. If the
water leaves as saturated vapor, find the ratio of the flow rates ṁwater /ṁair .

Given: Inlet and outlet conditions of a heat exchanger.

Find: The ratio of flow rates needed to satisfy the inlet/outlet conditions.
Assumptions: Steady flow process, streams do not mix, air can be treated
as an ideal gas, negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy, Q̇ = 0 (to
Conservation of Energy:
dE X X
= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁi (hi + kei + pei ) − ṁe (he + kee + pee )
0 = 0 + 0 + ṁair (h1 − h2 ) + ṁwater (h3 − h4 )
ṁwater h1 − h2
ṁair h3 − h3
Define States:
Air Water
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4
P1 = 1.00 MPa P2 = 1.00 MPa P3 = 100 kPa P4 = 100 kPa
T1 = 800K T2 = 360K T3 = 15◦ C x4 = 1
h1 = 822.2 kJ/kg h2 = 360.9 kJ/kg P > Psat|T =15◦ C ∴ subcooled h4 = 2675.5 kJ/kg
h3 ≈ uf |T =T3 + P vf |T =T3
h3 ≈ 62.98 kJ/kg + (100kPa)0.001001 mkg
h3 ≈ 63.08 kJ/kg

ṁwater h1 − h2 822.2 − 360.9

= = = 0.177
ṁair h3 − h3 2675.5 − 63.08
6.93 Two air flows are combined to a single flow. One flow is 1 m3 /s at 20◦ C
and the other 2 m3 /s at 200◦ C, both at 100 kPa. They mix without any heat
transfer to produce an exit flow at 100 kPa. Neglect kinetic energies and find
the exit temperature and volume flow rate.

Given: Inlet temperature, pressure, and volumetric flow rates. Outlet pressure
Find: Outlet temperature and volumetric flow rates.
Assumptions: Steady flow process, air can be treated as an ideal gas with
constant specific heat, negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy, Q̇ = 0
(to surroundings).
Conservation of Mass:
dm X X
= ṁi − ṁe
dt CV
0 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 − ṁ3
ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2

Conservation of Energy:
dE X X
= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁi (hi + kei + pei ) − ṁe (he + kee + pee )
0 = 0 − 0 + ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3
0 = 0 − 0 + ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − (ṁ1 + ṁ2 )h3
0 = ṁ1 (h1 − h3 ) + ṁ2 (h2 − h3 )
0 = ṁ1 Cp (T1 − T3 ) + ṁ2 Cp (T2 − T3 )
ṁ1 Cp T1 + ṁ2 Cp T2
T3 =
ṁ1 Cp + ṁ2 Cp
ṁ1 T1 + ṁ2 T2
T3 =
ṁ1 + ṁ2
Define States:
State 1 State 2 State 3
P1 = 100 kPa P2 = 100 kPa P3 = 100 kPa
T1 = 20◦ C T1 = 200◦ C
V̇1 = 1 m3 /s V̇2 = 2 m3 /s
v1 = RT1 /P1 v2 = RT2 /P2
v1 = (0.287kJ/kgK)(293K)/100 kPa v2 = (0.287kJ/kgK)473K)/100 kPa
v1 = 0.841 m3 /kg v2 = 1.36 m3 /kg
ṁ1 = V̇1 /v1 ṁ2 = V̇2 /v2
ṁ1 = 1.19 kg/s ṁ2 = 1.47 kg/s

ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2

ṁ3 = 1.19kg/s + 1.47kg/s
ṁ3 = 2.66kg/s
ṁ1 T1 + ṁ2 T2
T3 =
ṁ1 + ṁ2
(1.19kg/s)(20◦ C) + (1.47kg/s)(200◦ C)
T3 =
T3 = 119◦C
V̇3 = ṁ3 v3
V̇3 = ṁ3 RT3 /P3
V̇3 = 2.66kg/s
V̇3 = (2.66kg/s) 1.125
V̇3 = 2.99

Note that V̇3 = V̇1 + V̇2 is just a coincidence in this case and not always true.
6.95 An open feedwater heater in a power plant heats 4 kg/s water at 45◦ C,
100 kPa by mixing it with steam from the turbin at 100 kPa, 250◦ C. Assume
the exit flow is saturated liquid at 100 kPa and find the mass flow rate from the

Given: Inlet and exit conditions. One inlet mass flow rate. Find: The other
inlet mass flow rate.
Assumptions: Steady flow process, negligible changes in kinetic and potential
energy, Q̇ = 0 (to surroundings).
Conservation of mass:
dm X X
= ṁi − ṁe
dt CV
0 = ṁ1 + ṁ2 − ṁ3
ṁ3 = ṁ1 + ṁ2

Conservation of Energy:
dE X X
= Q̇ − Ẇ + ṁi (hi + kei + pei ) − ṁe (he + kee + pee )
0 = 0 − 0 + ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − ṁ3 h3
0 = ṁ1 h1 + ṁ2 h2 − (ṁ1 + ṁ2 )h3
0 = ṁ1 (h1 − h3 ) + ṁ2 (h2 − h3 )
h3 − h1
ṁ2 = ṁ1
h2 − h3
Define States:
State 1 State 2 State 3
P1 = 100 kPa P2 = 100 kPa P3 = 100 kPa
T1 = 45◦ C T2 = 250◦ C x3 = 0
◦ ◦
h1 ≈ uf |45 C + P vf |45 C h2 = 2974 kJ/kg h3 = 417.44 kJ/kg
h1 ≈ 188.4kJ/kg + (100kPa)(0.001010m3 )
h1 ≈ 188.5kJ/kg
h3 − h1
ṁ2 = ṁ1
h2 − h3
417.4kJ/kg − 188.5kJ/kg
ṁ2 = 4kg/s
2974kJ/kg − 417.4kJ/kg
ṁ2 = 0.358kg/s
7.7 A combination of two refrigerator cycles is shown in the figure. Find the
overall COP as a function of COP1 and COP2 .

Given: COPs of individual refrigerators.

Find: COP of the combined refrigerator.
Assumptions: Steady flow process.

βTotal = (1)
Ẇ1 + Ẇ2
β1 = ⇒ Ẇ1 = (2)
Ẇ1 β1
β2 = ⇒ Ẇ2 = (3)
Ẇ2 β2
Plugging equations (2) and (3) into equation (1):

βTotal = (4)
β1 + β2

Q̇M = Ẇ1 + Q̇L = + Q̇L (5)

Plugging equations (5)into equation (4) and divide through by Q̇L :

Q̇L 1
βTotal = Q̇L
= 1
+Q̇L 1 β1
+ β1
β1 + β2
β1 β2

β1 β2
Multiply by β1 β2 :

β1 β2
βTotal =
1 + β1 + β2
7.16 Calculate the efficiency of the steam power plant given in Example 6.9.

Ẇnet ẆT − ẆP wT − wP 640.7kJ/kg − 4kJ/kg

η= = = = = 0.225 = 22.5%
Q̇in Q̇b Qb 2831kJ/kg

7.32 For each of the cases below, determine if the heat engine satisfies the first
law and if it violates the second law.
a. Q̇H = 6kW Q̇L = 4kW Ẇ = 2kW
b. Q̇H = 6kW Q̇L = 0kW Ẇ = 6kW
c. Q̇H = 6kW Q̇L = 2kW Ẇ = 5kW
d. Q̇H = 6kW Q̇L = 6kW Ẇ = 0kW
a. Q̇H = Q̇L + Ẇ , ∴ Satisfies first law. Does not violate second law.
b. Q̇H = Q̇L + Ẇ , ∴ Satisfies first law. Violates second law because all of the
heat is converted to work.
c. Q̇H 6= Q̇L + Ẇ , ∴ Violates first law. Does not violate second law.
d. Q̇H = Q̇L + Ẇ , ∴ Satisfies first law. Does not violate second law.
7.44 Calculate the thermal efficiency of a Carnot-cycle heat engine operating
between reservoirs at 300◦ C and 45◦ C. Compare the results to that of Problem
Given: Temperatures of two thermal reservoirs.
Find: Maximum efficiency of a heat engine operating between the two tem-

TL 318K
ηMax = 1 − =1− = 0.445 = 44.5%
TH 573
The efficiency in 7.16 is lower than this because there are loses and most of
the heat is added at temperatures below 300◦C, and the heat is rejected at
temperatures above 45◦ C.

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