Anoka County Permit To Carry Letter

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April 3, 2020

Sheriff James Stuart

Anoka County Sheriff’s Office
13301 Hanson Blvd NW
Andover, MN 55304

via electronic delivery

Dear Sheriff Stuart,

Recently your office announced a suspension of processing of permit to carry applications, citing
Governor Walz’s recent Executive Order 20-20 and Minnesota Statute 624.714.

While I recognize that your office, like all Minnesotans, is facing challenges as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic, it’s my belief that permit to carry applications must continue to be processed pursuant to
Minnesota Statute 624.7192.

According to the statute (highlights added):

(c) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no governmental unit, government official,
government employee, peace officer, or other person or body acting under governmental
authority or color of law may undertake any of the following actions with regard to any firearms
and ammunition, and components thereof; any firearms accessories and ammunition reloading
equipment and supplies; and any other personal weapons:

(1) prohibit, regulate, or curtail the otherwise lawful possession, carrying, transportation,
transfer, defensive use, or other lawful use of any of these items;

Failure to process permit to carry applications would undoubtedly curtail the lawful possession and
carrying of firearms under 624.7192.

In addition, the underlying permit to carry statute that you reference, (M.S. Chapter 624.714,
subdivision 2, 3 and 6) requires residents to apply to the county sheriff where they live, requires that the
forms are available at all sheriff’s offices, and the sheriff must issue the permit within 30 days of receipt
of the application unless the falls into one of the exceptions for issuance of the permit.
I respectfully request that your office resume processing of permit to carry applications, in accordance
with social distancing and other guidelines outlined by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). I understand that some Sheriffs’ offices have responded to the
challenges of processing permit-to-carry applications by appointment only during the COVID-19

Please pass along my deepest gratitude to the employees of your office for their service and
commitment to protecting our community during these challenging times. I am available to discuss any
questions you may have about this or any other matter.


Minority Leader Kurt Daudt Representative John Heinrich

District 31A District 35A

Representative Linda Runbeck Representative Peggy Scott

District 38A District 35B

Representative Nolan West

District 37B

cc: Rhonda Sivarajah, Anoka County Administrator

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