CDC-Booklet On S&T

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1. The present shape of railway signalling has evolved after covering long passage from train
lead by a horseman with a red flag in his hand and a lighted candle placed on the table of
Station Master, first signal ever used at Hartlepool in England. The policeman at the back of
horse called as Bobies used to maintain a time interval between the trains.
2. During 1829, in USA hand signals were used in the day and lighted lantern in the night in
Balti- more Ohio Rail Road. Thereafter bell-shaped peacock signals and ball signals were
devised followed by Kite signals. Marine telescopes were used by flagmen to observe
signals and to repeat them to adjoining station. Block signalling was a crucial development
for railway signal and interlocking. William F. Cooke and Charles Wheat Stone, people who
developed Railway telegraph, developed Cooke & Wheat stone needle graph in 1837. In
1838, Disk and crossbar signal was used on Great Western Railway as suggested by Brunel,
a Permanent Way Engineer of British Rail Road.
3. In 1840 red metal disk, four feet diameter with word danger painted on it was used on
British Railway. Coming to present day signalling system first were semaphore signals.
Charles Hutton erected first semaphore signal at New cross England, in 1841. The ‘V’ notch
in the tail of signal was introduced by John Sexy in 1872, to indicate signal to be permissive.
Somersault Semaphore was introduced by Edward French in 1877. During the intervening
period continuous development in the shape of spectacles and fixing of lenses was done by
British Rail Road Engineers James Deakin in 1843, James Stevens in 1847, Boakes & Reilly in
1853, John Saxby in 1854 and by Rowe in 1865.
4. The first mechanical interlocking was installed at Bricklayers arms Junction in England by
C.H. Georgy with levers for points and stirrups for signals, in 1843, which was
improvised by Stevens in 1847. Further developments were done by Douglas Galton,
Col Yolland, John Sexy & Austin Chambers Signal Engineers in U.K. and Ashbel Welch
signal engineer in U.S. Operation of trains using signals only without train order was first
demonstrated by Eastern Rail Road Company in 1843, through Salem–Massachusetts
Tunnel. This system went through further developments and became train traffic control.
5. George Boole developed his algebra of logics named after him as Boolean’s algebra, in
1847, which widely used to design electrical interlocking circuits. Single stroke bell system
was developed by Charles Vincent Walker in 1851. In 1858, Block System based on space
interval was developed in England. Tyer developed a train indicator in 1861. In1863 a
banner signal was used in Philadelphia Railway. A rotating disk painted half red and half
white was also used during this period. In United States Ashbel Walch introduced manual
block system with space interval, for the first time in 1863. Charles Ernest Spangnoletti
developed disk block instrument in 1864. Strowley in 1866 patented in England the wedge
system for facing point tongues. Lock bar to prevent operation of points under wheel was
introduced by Liversey, Edwards & Jeffereys in 1868. Saxby in collaboration with Liversey
and his partners introduced Facing point plunger lock in 1870. Schrender, Spiear, Cohman,
Hanton, and others in U.S. and Schnable & Hunning of Germany used hydraulic pressure for


operating signals, in 1871. Harve Talden & Guerben developed it for operation of points
and signals, in 1881. Electromagnetic control came in1882 at Board Brock in New Jersey,
6. Siding control was introduced by James Annet in 1876. First power interlocking was
installed in U.S. in 1876 under patent of Pratt & Burr, Tylor’s electric interlocking in 1889,
and Ramsey & Weir’s in 1888. In 1876, Sykes introduced lock and blocks system at St. Pauls
station in London. In 1878 Edward Tyer introduced tablet apparatus. The Tyer’s system was
modified by Webb & Thompson in1888. Track locking was devised by Lackson in 1880.
First electromechanical signal interlocking was installed by Sykes in 1883 at Victoria
Terminal in England. Absolute Block System was made compulsory in Britain for all
passenger trains in 1889 by an act of Parliament. Direct current motor operation of
signals was developed by Ramsay, Weir Latting and others in 1890. Sykes & Wyles after
the Aburmuile head on collision introduced electrical interlocking between Starter signal
and the corresponding Block Instrument for the first time in Farnham London and South
Western Railway in 1893. Telephone was used for the first time for train order in 1897
in the Smith Fork branch of Pennsylvania Rail Road.
7. Color light signals were first used in United States in 1904. The visibility of this signal was
150 Mts only. These signals were initially meant for tunnels first having been installed
in East Boston tunnel of Boston Elevated Railway. The visibility of these signals was
improved to 450 Mts. In 1912 and to 1050 Mts. range in 1914 Position light signals were
developed in 1915. First color light signal were used in Britain a Liverpool cross Road
Railway in 1920 while first search light signals of 1350 Mts. Visibility range was
developed in the same year. Double wire signaling was developed around 1920 in Germany.
Color light signals with two colored lamps were introduced in 1921.A.F. Bound introduced
speed signaling at Mir field in England. Automatic signaling with semaphore signals was
developed by A.H. Johnson in England in 1926. LMG Ferreia & R.J. Insell of Great Western
Railway introduced route working with miniature levers.
8. The basics thus installed have continued to march forward thereafter changing shape in the
form of Relay interlocking, Route relay interlocking(RRI), Block Proving by Axle
counters(BPAC), change of analogue axle counters to Digital Axle counters, DC track circuits
to multi section digital axle counters, Audio Frequency track circuits, Juemont Track
circuits etcetera.
9. The conventional signals erected by the side of track have gone into the cab of Electric
locomotives. With the fast pace of advancement, it was no more possible to run
the trains followed by a man riding horseback or guided by a lighted candle on the Station
Masters table. The signalling has passed through phase from semaphore via colour light to
cab signalling. The points in the yard operated by solid rod to point machine.



2.1 What is Railway Signaling?

 This is a type of communication between Driver and the Station Staff dealing with the Train

2.2 What is the purpose of Signaling?

 To ensure safety and speed to achieve maximum Line Capacity.

2.3 Definitions used in Railway Signaling

 ‘Adequate distance’ means the distance sufficient to ensure safety.
 ‘Approved special instructions’ means special instructions approved or prescribed by
Commissioner Railway Safety (CRS).
 ‘Authorized officer’ means the person who is duly empowered by general or special order
of the Railway Administration, either by name or by virtue of his office, to issue instructions
or to do any other thing.
 ‘Authority to proceed’ means the authority given to the Loco pilot of a train, under the
system of working, to enter the block section with his train.
 ‘Block back’ means to dispatch a message from a block station intimating to the block
station immediately in rear on a double line or to the next block station on either side on
Single line, that the block is obstructed or is to be obstructed.
 ‘Block forward’ means to dispatch a message from a block station on a double line
intimating to the block station immediately in advance, that the block in advance is
obstructed or is to be obstructed.
 ‘Block section’ means that portion of the running line between two block stations on to
which no running train may enter until the Line Clear has been received from the block
station at the other end of the block section.
 ‘Centralized Traffic Control’ means a system by which the working of trains over a route, to
which the system applies, is governed by fixed signals remotely controlled from a designated
 ‘Commissioner of Railway Safety’ means ‘Commissioner of Railway Safety’ appointed to
exercise any functions under the Act and includes ‘Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety’.
 ‘Direction of traffic’ means: -
 on double line, the direction for which line is signaled.
 on a single line, the direction for the time being established under the system of
working, to allow the trains to move in that direction.
 ‘Driver’ means the engine driver or any other competent railway servant for the time being
in charge of driving a train.
 ‘Electrical communication instrument’ means either a telephone or a Morse telegraph
 ‘Facing and trailing points’; Points are facing or trailing in accordance with direction a train
or vehicle moves over them. Points said to be facing points when by their operation a train
approaching them can be directly diverted from the line upon which it is running.


 ‘Fixed signal’ means a signal of fixed location indicating a condition affecting the movement
of a train and included a semaphore arm or disc or fixed light for use by day and fixed light
for use by night.
 ‘Fouling mark’ means the mark at which the infringement of fixed Standard Dimensions
occurs, where two lines cross or join one another.
 ‘Interlocking’ means an arrangement of signals, points and other appliances, operated from
a panel or lever frame, so interconnected by mechanical locking or electrical locking or both
that their operation must take place in a proper sequence to ensure safety.
 ‘Intermediate Block Post’ means a class ‘C’ station on double line, remotely controlled from
the block station in rear.
 ‘Intermediate Block Signaling’ means an arrangement of signaling on double line in which a
long block section is split into two portions each constituting a separate block section by
providing Intermediate Block Post (Block Hut in single line working).
 ‘Isolation’ means an arrangement, secured by setting of points or other approved means,
to protect the line so isolated from the danger of obstruction from other connected line or
 ‘Last Stop Signal’ means the fixed stop signal of a station controlling the entry of trains into
the next block section.
 ‘Line Clear’ means the permission given from a block station to a block station in rear for a
train to leave the latter and approach the former; or the permission obtained by a block
station from a block station in advance for a train to leave the former and proceed towards
the latter.
 ‘Main line’ means the line ordinarily used for running trains through and between stations.
 ‘Point and trap indicators’ are not Signals, but are appliances fitted to and working with
points to indicate by day or by night the position in which the points are set.
 ‘Running line’ means the line governed by one or more signals and includes connections if
any, used by a train when entering or leaving a station or passing through a station or
between stations.
 ‘Shunting’ means the movement of a vehicle or vehicles with or without an engine or of any
engine or any other self- propelled vehicle, for the purpose of attaching, detaching or
transfer or for any other purpose.
 ‘Special instructions’ means instructions issued from time to time by the authorized officer
in respect to particular cases or special circumstances.
 ‘Station’ means any place on a line of railway at which the traffic is dealt with or at which
an authority to proceed is given under the system of working.
 ‘Station limits’ means the portion of a railway which is under the control of a Station
Master and is situated between the outermost signals of the station or as may be specified
by special instructions
 ‘Station Master’ means the person on duty who is for the time being responsible for
working of the traffic within the station limits, and includes any person who is for the time


being in independent charge of the working of any signals and responsible for working of
trains under the system of working in force.
 ‘Subsidiary rule’ means a special instruction which is subservient to the General Rule to
which it relates and shall not be at variance with ant General Rule.
 ‘System of working’ means the system adopted for the time being for the working of trains
on any portion of a railway.
 ‘Track circuit’ means an electrical circuit provided to detect the presence of a vehicle on a
portion of track, the rails of the track forming part of the circuit.
 ‘Axle counter’ means an electrical device which, when provided at two given points on the
track, proves by counting axles in and counting axles out whether the section of the track
between the said two points is clear or occupied.
 ‘Train’ means an engine with or without vehicles attached or any self-propelled vehicle with
or without trailer, which cannot be readily lifted off the track.
 ‘Two aspect signaling’ means a signaling arrangement in which each signal displays at any
one time either of the two aspects.
 ‘Multiple- aspect signaling’ means a signaling arrangement in which signals display at any
one time any one of the three or more aspects and in which the aspect of every signal is pre
warned by the aspect of the previous signal or signals.

2.4 Principles of Signaling

 Fail safe Feature
 One aspect one indication
 Normal danger system, one operation and one clearance of the signal
 Minimum no of fixed signals in a route
 Visibility of signal aspect from the place of operation
 Continuous visibility of signal to driver
 Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Serviceability (RAMS)
 Block signaling to be independent of yard signaling
 Operation friendly system (Flexibility)
 Uniformity of signaling on a section
 Overlaps. This is the distance to ensure safety. A signal can display OFF aspect when the line
is clear not only up to the signal next in advance but also up to specified overlap distance.
 Block overlap
 Signal overlap

2.5 Block overlap

 It is the adequate distance kept in advance of First stop signal of a station in advance before
granting Line clear for a train to the station in rear.
 On Two aspect signaling territory the Block overlap is not less than 400 meters in advance
of FSS.


 On multiple aspect signaling territory the Block overlap is not less than 180 meters in
advance of FSS.
 At ‘C’ class stations (which includes IBS), the Block overlap is not less than 400 meters.
 On Automatic signaling section the Block overlap is not less than 120 meters.

2.6 Signal overlap

 It is the adequate distance to be kept clear before taking ‘off’ Home signal of a station
beyond outer most trailing points on single line and beyond starter signal on double line
section in addition to keeping clear of trains form foot of the Home signal to outer most
trailing points on single and up to starter signal on double line section.
 Under approved special instructions of CRS, this distance may be reduced on a case to case
 On Two aspect signaling territory the signal overlap is not less than 180 meters.
 On multiple aspect signaling territory the signal overlap is not less than 120 meters.

2.7 Type of Signals used on Indian Railways

 Fixed Signals
 Hand signals
 Detonating Signals
 Flare signals

2.7.1 Fixed signals

 Semaphore signaling
 Color light signal

Semaphore signal
 Two aspect LQ signal
 Multiple aspect UQ signal

Color light signal

 Two aspect CLS
 Multiple aspect color light signal (2/3/4 aspects)

2.7.2 Day and Night aspects of signals

 LQ signal
 Danger: the horizontal position of the signal arm by Day and Red light by Night
 Proceed: the inclined position to 45* below the horizontal position by Day and Green light
by Night

2.7.3 Multiple aspect UQ signal

 Danger: the horizontal position of the arm by Day and Red light by Night
 Caution: the position of the arm as raised to an angle 45 0 above the horizontal position by
Day and Yellow light by Night


 Proceed: the position of the arm raised to 900

 above the horizontal position by Day and Green light by Night

2.7.4 Color Light Signal

Both Day and night same aspect

Two aspect CLS

 Danger: Red
 Proceed: Green

 Danger: Red
 Caution: Yellow
 Proceed: Green

2.7.5 Subsidiary signals

 Calling ON signal, repeating signal and Co-acting signals are subsidiary signals which do not
have independent existence of their own and they are subservient.
 Shunt signals which are not meant for running trains.

Markers, Signs, Indicators, Sighting boards and Repeaters

 Markers and Signs are used to distinguish different type of signals and provide added
intelligence needed to be conveyed by the said signal. Markers and Signs are fixed on the
signal post itself below the signals to which they refer.
Examples: ‘P’, ‘A’, ‘G’, ‘C’, ‘R’, ‘IB’, ‘S’ etc.

2.7.6 Indicators
Indicators are used to provide additional information regarding the route to be traversed by the
train. Indicators are provided on Points and Traps to display their position and on signals to
indicate the Route.

2.7.7 Sighting Boards

Sighting Boards are used in signaling schemes to facilitate the Drivers:
 In sighting the approach signals at stations i.e. Passenger and Goods sighting Boards
 In demarcating the limits Block section i.e. Block section limit board (BSLB) on double line
section and Shunting limit board (SLB) on single line section
 In knowing the beginning and end of an Automatic signaling section

2.7.8 Back lights and Arm & light repeaters

Back lights and Arm & light repeaters are provided for the semaphore signals to take care of
the requirement of visibility of aspect of signals from the place of operation and also at the place
where Block instruments have been provided.


2.7.9 Hand signals

Hand signals are exhibited by Day by showing a Flag or Hand and by Night. Hands are used
only in emergencies when flags are not available. During night a Hand signal is given using a Red or
Green light. A white light waved violently is used as a stop signal only when Red light is not

2.7.10 Detonating signals, otherwise known as Detonators or Fog signals

Detonating signals, otherwise known as Detonators or Fog signals are appliances fixed on
rails and when an engine or vehicle passes over them, they explode with loud noise to attract the
attention of the Driver.

2.7.11 Flare signals

Flare signals are kinds of Fuses that emits a bright Red flame when lighted and is used to
warn the driver of an Approaching train of any Obstruction.

2.8 Aspects and Indications

MACLS is only provided now on IR.
 Stop signal: 3-Aspect
 Red– Stop dead
 Yellow---Caution—Proceed cautiously up to the next signal and be prepared to stop at
the next signal
 Green –Proceed
 Stop signal: 4-Aspect
 Red– Stop dead
 Yellow---Caution—Proceed and be prepared to stop at the next signal
 Attention– Double yellow—Proceed cautiously and pass the next signal at such
restricted speed as may be prescribed by Special instructions
 Green –Proceed
 Permissive signal:
 Yellow--Caution —Proceed and be prepared to stop at the next signal
 Double yellow—Attention—Proceed cautiously and pass the next signal at such
restricted speed as may be prescribed by Special instructions
 Green –Proceed

Kinds of fixed stop signals for approaching trains in MACLS: Home, Routing signal
 Home signal is the First Stop signal of a station
 Routing signal is a signal used to indicate to a Driver which of the two or more diverging
routes is set for him, when the Home signal is, in consequence of its position, inconvenient
for this purpose.

Kinds of fixed Stop signals for departing trains


Starter and Advanced Starter

When a train leaving a station is guided more than one Starter signal, the outer most starter
signal is called the Last stop signal of the station and is called the Advanced starter.

Advanced Starter shall be fixed at the limit beyond which no train may pass, unless the
Driver is given the Authority to proceed required under the System of working and shall be placed
outside all connections on the line to which it refers.

2.9 Intermediate Block stop signal

Intermediate Block stop signal is the Home signal provided at Intermediate Block Post.

Kinds of Fixed stop signals in Automatic Block territories: (Shall be Color light type, three or four
 Automatic stop signal
 Semi-Automatic stop signal
 Manual stop signal

An Automatic stop signal which is not dependent upon manual operation but is controlled
automatically by the passage of a train into, through and out of the automatic block signaling

A Semi –Automatic Stop signal which is capable of being operated either as an Automatic
stop signal or as a Manual stop signal, as required.

A Manual stop signal operated manually and which cannot work as an Automatic stop
signal or a Semi-Automatic stop signal.

Subsidiary signals
 Calling on signal: A calling on signal shall be fixed below a stop signal governing the approach
of a train. Under approved special instructions, a calling on signal may be provided below any
other stop signal except the last stop signal.

A calling on signal, when taken “off”, calls on the Driver of a train to draw ahead with caution
after the train has been brought to a stop even though the stop signal above it is at “on "and
indicates the driver that he should be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.

A calling on signal shall show no light in the “on” position.

 Shunt signal: A Shunt signal is position light type in CLS territory and a white disc with red bar
across it in Semaphore signaling territory.

Shunt signals control shunting movements. It may be placed on a post by itself or

below a stop signal other than the first stop signal of a station. When taken “off” it
authorizes the Driver to draw ahead with caution for shunting purpose although
stop signal, if any, above it is at “on”


 Co-acting signals: Co-acting signals are duplicate signals fixed, below ordinary signals and are
provided wherein consequence of the height of the post, or there being an over bridge or
other obstacle, the main arm or light is not in view of the Driver during the whole time that
he is approaching it i.e. to maintain continuous visibility of either main signal or the Co-acting
 Repeating signals: A signal placed in rear of a fixed signal for the purpose of repeating to the
Driver of an approaching train the aspects of the fixed signal in advance is called a Repeating

The above signal shall be provided with an “R” marker.

Shall be of Banner type or square ended semaphore arm or a Color light signal

 Route indicators: When two or more lines diverge, the signal shall be fixed on a bracket post
or an approved type of Route indicator instead of separate signals.

Route indicators work in conjunction with stop signals and show the route only when the
signal is “off”.

These are three types:

 Direction type
 Non- directional type and
 LED matrix with Directional type Route indicator

2.10 Stop signals at converging Junctions

 Where two or more lines converge, signals shall be placed on separate posts. Where the
number of signals is considerable, these may be provided on bracket post or signal bridge or
 Where signals are placed on a bracket post or signal bridge or gantry, these shall be-
 So grouped that the respective signals are easily distinguishable for each running line
and are placed as nearly as possible over the running lines to which they refer.
 So placed that he signal referring to the mail line is higher than the signal or signals
referring to other running line or lines and
 So arranged that the extreme left hand signal refers to the extreme left hand line and the
second signal from the left refers to the next line from the left and so on.

2.11 Electric repeater

 The arm and light of any fixed signal which cannot be seen from the place from which the
signal is worked shall be repeated to such place by means of an efficient electric repeater.
 The “ON” and “Off” aspects of color light signals shall be repeated by luminous indicators at
the place of operation.

Minimum equipment of fixed signals at stations provided with Multiple aspect signaling:


 Class “B” station: a Distant, a Home and a Starter

 Class “C” station: a Distant and a Home

In addition to the minimum equipment of signals prescribed above, such other fixed signals
shall be provided as may be necessary for the safe working of trains.

2.12 System of working

 All trains working between stations shall be worked on one of the following system, namely:
 Absolute block system
 Automatic block system
 Following train system
 Pilot Guard system
 Train staff and Ticket system, or
 One train only system

Absolute and Automatic block systems alone shall be used on every Railway. Any other
system may be sanctioned under special instructions.

2.12.1 The Absolute block system:

Essentials of Absolute block system:
 When a trains are worked on the absolut block system:
 no train shall be allowed to leave a block station unless line clear has been received
from the block station in advance and
 on double line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear not only up to the
first stop signal at the block station at which such line clear is given but also an adequate
distance beyond it;
 on single line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear of trains running in
the same direction not only up to the first stop signal at the block station at which such
line clear is given but also an adequate distance beyond it; and is clear of trains running
in the direction towards the block station to which such line clear is given
 Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance referred
to above shall not be less than-
 400 meters in two aspect LQ signaling or two aspect CLS
 180 meters in case of multiple aspect signaling

2.12.2 The Automatic Block system:

Essentials Automatic block system on double line:-
 Where trains on double line are worked on the Automatic block system
 the line shall be provided with continuous track circuiting or Axle counters
 the line between two adjacent block stations may, when required, be divided in to a
series of automatic block signaling sections each of which is the portion of the running


line between two consecutive stop signals, and the entry in to each of which is governed
by a stop signal and
 The track circuits or axle counters shall so control the stop signal governing the entry in
to an automatic block signaling section that-
 the signal shall not assume an “off” aspect unless the line is clear not only up to the
next stop signal in advance but also for an adequate distance beyond it, and
 the signal is automatically placed to “on” as soon as it is passed by the train
 Unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance referred
to above shall not be less than 120 meters.

Essentials of the Automatic block system on single line:

 Where trains on single line are worked on the Automatic block system
 the line shall be provided with continuous track circuiting or Axle counters
 the direction of traffic shall be established only after line clear has been obtained from
the block station in advance
 a train shall be started from one block station to another only after direction of traffic
has been established
 it shall not be possible to obtain line clear unless the line is clear, at the block station
from which line clear is obtained, not only up to the first stop signal but also for an
adequate distance beyond it,
 the line between two adjacent block stations may, where required, be divided into two
or more automatic block signaling sections by provision of stop signals.
 after the direction of traffic has been established, movement of trains into, through and
out of each automatic block signaling section shall be controlled by the concerned
Automatic stop signal and the said Automatic stop signal shall not assume “off” position
unless the line is clear up to the next Automatic stop signal and an adequate distance
of120 meters beyond it, provided further that where the next stop signal is a Manual
stop signal, the line is clear for an adequate distance of not less than180 meters unless
otherwise directed by approved special instructions and
 all stop signals against the direction of traffic shall be at “on”

On double line /single line automatic signaling section, the automatic stop signal can be
passed at Danger by the Loco pilots duly observing relevant rules under G.R i.e by stopping the
train one minute by day and two minutes by night at the Automatic signal which is Danger and
proceed cautiously till passing the next Automatic signal in advance and act upon the aspect of the
Automatic signal further.

2.13 Classification of Stations:

 A class (in two aspect signaling only)
 B class
 C class or Block huts
 D class or Flag station or Halt station


A class
 Normally provided at stations with steeper gradients in two aspect signaling territory.
 Line clear shall not be granted to the station in rear unless:
 the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete
 all signals have been put back to “on” behind the said train
 the line on which it is intended to receive the incoming train is clear up to starter and
 all the points have been set and all facing points have been locked for the admission of
the train on the said line.

B class
 Provided at two aspect and multiple aspect signaling territories where shunting in the face of
an approaching train is permitted within the station section.
 Line clear shall not be granted to station in rear unless:
 the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete inside the outer most facing
points or the BSLB, if any,
 all necessary signals have been put back to “on” behind the said train and
 the line is clear up to not only up to first stop signal but also an adequate distance of
400 meters in two aspect signaling or 180 meters in multiple aspect signaling territories

C class: is also called Block Hut.

 It is nothing but splitting of longer block section in to two block sections to enhance the line
 Line clear shall not be granted to station in rear unless:
 the whole of the last preceding train has arrived complete at least 400 meters beyond
the Home signal and is continuing its journey; and
 all signals taken ‘off’ for the preceding train have been put back to “on” behind the said
train. Provided that on single line, the line is also clear of trains running in the opposite
direction towards the block hut from the block station at the other end.

The presence of a vehicle on the track is detected either by:
1. DC track circuit (or)
2. AC track circuit (or)
3. Audio frequency track circuit(or)
4. Axle counter.
AC track circuits are now obsolete.


3.1 DC Track circuits

 The first use of track circuiting was by William Robert Sykes on a short stretch of track of
the London Chatham and Dover Railway at Brixton in 1864
 First failsafe track circuit was invented by William Robinson, America in 1872
 Robinson first demonstrated a fully automatic railway signaling system in model form in
1870. A full-sized version was subsequently installed on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad
at Ludlow, Pennsylvania (aka Kinzua, PA), where it proved to be practical. His design
consisted of electrically operated discs located atop small trackside signal huts, and was
based on an open track circuit. When no train was within the block no power was applied
to the signal, indicating a clear track.
 An inherent weakness of this arrangement was that it could fail in an unsafe state. For
example, a broken wire in the track circuit would falsely indicate that no train was in the
block, even if one was. Recognizing this, Robinson devised the closed loop track circuit
described above, and in 1872, installed it in place of the previous circuit. The result was a
fully automatic, failsafe signaling system that was the prototype for subsequent
 A DC track circuit is an electrical circuit, which consists of an insulated section of running
rails in to one of which is fed a source of DC electrical energy and a relay is connected at the
other end to complete the electrical circuit. There are two types:
 Open track circuit and
 Closed track circuit.


Open Track Circuit

Closed Track Circuit

 Open track circuit is one where in the electrical circuit is completed when the vehicle
occupies the track circuit zone and the track relay picks up. When the track circuit zone is
not occupied, the relay will be in dropped condition. This type is obsolete due to poor
performance and limited to very less length of the track circuit.
 Closed track circuit is one where in the electrical circuit is completed when there is no
vehicle on the track circuit zone and the track relay picks up. When the vehicle occupies the
track circuit, the voltage across the relay coil reduces considerably and drops proving the
occupation of the track circuit zone
 Components of a DC track circuit
1. Battery charger 110 V / 2-10 V D.C
2. Feed Battery (1 to 4 secondary cells)
3. Fuse & link
4. Regulating Resistance (adjustable) 0-30 Ω
5. Type ‘B’ choke (R=3Ω & Z=120Ω at 50Hz)
6. Track lead cable (2 X 2.5 mm2 copper)
7. Track lead Junction Box
8. Track lead Steel wire ropes
9. Transverse bonds
10. Block joints
11. Track Relay (ACI)
12. Continuity Bonds


The typical DC track circuit arrangement

 The advantages of DC track circuit are:
 simple electrical circuit
 economical
 easy to install and maintain
 The performance of DC track circuit is dependent upon:
 Condition of ballast provided on the track circuit zone as the leakage current will be
more if the ballast is covered with mud etc. leading to poor ballast resistance
 Condition of drainage arrangements as water logging will affect very badly the
performance of the track circuit
 Condition of sleepers on the track circuit zone
 condition of insulated joints
 the length of the track circuit and
 electrical interference viz. battery charging
 Periodical maintenance of rail bonding, batteries and insulated rail joint is necessary for
efficient working of a DC track circuit.
 Different types of track relays are used, viz.
 Shelf type, Plug in type.
 Shelf type is obsolete now.
 Plug in type: QT-2 type for non-RE area, QTA-2, QBAT for RE area are used.

Important parameters affecting the functioning of a DC track circuit:

 Ballast resistance – to be as max as possible Not less than 2 ohms in station yard and
4 ohms in block section
 Rail resistance- less than 0.5 ohms/Km for track circuits more than 700mts length
and less than 1.5 ohms for track circuits less than 700 mts length.
 Train shunt value- to be less than 0.5 ohms.

DC Track circuits- Ballast Resistance

Ballast Resistance is the net resistance of various leakage paths across track circuit rails
offered by ballast and sleepers. Ballast resistance is inversely proportional to the length of Track
circuit and also it varies as per condition (Dry/Wet) of the ballast and soil. It reduces with increase
in the length of track circuit as leakage paths in parallel are more. Clean ballast offers high
resistance (low leakage).

Water across the tracks causes leakage. So ballast resistance falls during rainy season. A
good drainage is essential to avoid water logging and for maintaining a higher ballast resistance.
Periodical screening of the ballast is not only necessary to improve the strength of track bed but it
also increases the track circuit ballast resistance


Measure the voltages and currents as shown in the above figure, the Ballast Resistance can
be calculated from:

(V F +V R )
Average Rail Voltage 2 V +V R
R B= = = F
Leakage current (I F−I R ) 2(I F −I R )

VF = Feed End Track voltage
VR = Relay End Track Voltage
IF = Feed End Track Circuit current
IR = Relay End Track Circuit current
rr = Rail Resistance
Rr = Sum of the Rail Resistances from Feed end to the Relay end

Knowing the length of track circuit, RB per Kilometer can be found out.

It is considered as:-
1. 2Ω per Kilometer track length in station yard, and


2. 4Ω per Kilometer track length – block section (as here, better drainage can be provided, the
track being free from all line connections).

Rail and Bond Resistance

Rail Resistance is the combined resistance of the track circuit rails and the continuity bonds
at rail joints. 8 SWG, G.I wire (4 mm Dia) bonds are provided by the signaling staff to reduce
resistance at these joints. In DC RE areas, Traction Power department also provides larger cross-
section multi-strand copper bonds for good conduction of traction return currents at these joints.
These also serve to limit the rail drop of track circuit voltage.

The resistance of these bonds is considerable enough as compared to the resistance of rails
themselves, which is negligible Due to continuous battering of rail ends by the moving wheels and
due to the interference of External factors, these bonds sometimes get loosened, become rusty at
the ends or may even break. This causes further increase in their resistance. Obviously, the longer
the track circuits, the higher becomes their rail resistance.

Measure the voltages and currents at the feed end and relay end of the track circuit. Then
the rail resistance valve can be deducted as below:-

(Voltage drop∈the rails) (V −V R ) 2(V F −V R )

Rr = = F =
( Average Track circuit current ) (I F + I R ) (I F + I R )

VF = Feed End Track Voltage
VR = Relay End Track Voltage
IF = Feed End Track Circuit current
IR = Relay End Track Circuit current

(Note: In track circuits where alternating currents are fed to the track rails, rail induction also plays
a part along with rail resistance to cause voltage drop in rails. Also, due to their ‘Skin Effect’ rails
offer more resistance to AC currents. To know the total effect of both these factors, rail impedance
is considered instead of rail resistance in the working of these track circuits.)

Generally the track circuit length is limited to 700m Clear Standing Room (C.S.R) length
within station yards. Outside the station sections, track circuits may be longer. The condition of rail


bonds cannot be checked as frequently outside the station yards as inside them. Hence, the need
for keeping the rail resistance minimum there.

Track circuit length Maximum permissible rail resistance per kilometer

Up to 700 m 1.5 Ω
More than 700 m 0.5 Ω

Train shunt resistance (TSR)

The highest resistance which, when applied across the track, can be open the track relay
front contacts is known as its ‘Train Shunt Resistance’ (TSR).

It is specified as:-

1. 0.5 Ω for D.C. Track Circuits.

For Audio frequency Track Circuits outside their
turned lengths.
3. 0.15 Ω for Conventional AC Track Circuits and the turned
portions of Audio Frequency Track Circuits.

(Note:- For D.C. Track Circuits, it is expected that if a Track relay drops with 0.5 Ω shunt across rails,
it will be able detect any vehicle such as Motor Trolley, Light engine, Full train which give better
shunting effect if rails & wheels are not rusted condition. Thus higher TSR of > 0.5Ω is desirable and
to be ensured)

DC Track circuits- 25 KV AC electrified area

In 25 KV AC Electrified territory, single rail track circuit is deployed as one of the rails is used
for traction return current path.

B type choke is provided at the feed end to suppress AC traction current interference. In
some cases, one more choke is provided at relay end. The track relay used is AC immunized one.

When block joint No. 1 fails, 1TR drops as its feed gets short circuited and when block joint
No. 2 fails. 2TR drops as its feed gets short circuited.


The rail at whose joint, traction return current flow is stopped is called the ‘Insulated Rail’.
The rail at whose block joint, traction return current is given an alternate path through transverse
bonds is called the ‘Un-Insulated Rail’.

Cross Bonding of Uninsulated Track Circuit Rails

Uninsulated flow of traction return currents through negative rails shall be ensured to avoid
their interferences with track circuit working.

In case there is a break in the traction return path of track circuit as shown, the heavy
traction return current passes through the track feed source to the insulated rail and returns to the
un-insulated rail through the track relay at the other end to go further ahead. This can cause
unsafe conditions in track circuit working. To avoid this, an alternate path shall be provided for
traction return current in such circumstances.


In multiple line sections traction return rails in track circuits are cross connected with
bonding straps at an interval od about 100 mts in between them. At the end of last track circuits, a
cross bond is provided to connect the two track circuited rails.

D.C Single Rail Track Circuits

DC Track circuits-Testing of PSC sleepers

Minimum Permissible Resistance of a Concrete Sleeper
Type of Area Minimum Permissible Resistance of a Concrete Sleeper
(a) In Non - RE and AC RE area 500 Ω after six months from the date of manufacture.
(b) In DC RE area 800 Ω for Single Rail Track Circuits of up to 200 m length
and Double Rail Track Circuits of up to 400 m length.
1000 Ω for Single Rail Track Circuits of more than 200 m
lengths and Double Rail Track Circuits of more than 400 m


With PSC (Pre-Stressed Concrete) sleepers, availability of insulated GFN (Glass Filled Nylon)
liners up to a minimum level of 97% shall be ensured.

Method of Measurement
Measurement shall be made with a sensitive Multimeter of not less than 20 KΩ/Volt
resistance of coil. Megger should not be used.

After cleaning a spot on the surface of each insert, measurement shall be made between
inserts A&B, A&C, A&D, B&C, B&D and C&D.

The lowest of these readings shall be considered the sleeper resistance.

3.1.1 Complete Arrangement on DC Track Circuit


3.1.2 Measurement of Track Circuit Parameters

3.1.3 Equivalent Circuit of DC Track Circuit

Regulating Resistance:
RB = Ballast Resistance, Rr = Rail Resistance, RR = Relay Resistance, RS = Resistance of the shunting
Rfc = Resistance of track lead cable at feed end, Rrc = Resistance of track lead cable at relay end
In this, Rr shown includes the resistance offered by the continuity rail bonds which is rather
more than the resistance of the rails themselves. It is in fact negligible under normal conditions,
but varies according to bond conditions.
RB is the net resistance offered by the ballast and sleepers across the track to leakage of rail
currents. It varies according to the dry or wet condition of the ballast and soil
RR is fixed for a relay and type of its coil connections.
RS is the resistance offered by the shunting vehicle axles. It varies according to the condition of rail
table (top), weight of the vehicles and their speed.
RT is the regulating resistance which is adjustable when used with a fixed voltage battery and
connected in series with the track, Rfc is generally very low and Rrc is the main constituent of cable






3.2 Audio Frequency track circuit

 AFTC is the joint less type of track circuit, which has been designed to meet the immunity
required in DC and AC Electrified areas against high levels of interference present due to
Traction Harmonics
 The Transmitter of AFTC feeds in the AF voltage to the track through a Tuning unit which is
received at other end by the Receiver. A standard Line relay is directly operated by the
 AFTCs have distinct advantage of joint less feature (for straight line track) which eliminates
the need for Nylon or Glued joints thereby improving the reliability.
 Audio Frequency used in AFTCs can be in the range of 1500 Hz to 20 KHz depending upon
the type of equipment.
 Longer lengths of track circuits is possible up to 1 km
 Same equipment can be used for Point zone Track circuit also

Some popular AF track circuits used in the UK

 Some of the earliest audio frequency track circuits still in use today were made by the Aster
Company in France. Frequencies of the Aster SF 15 type track circuit are 1700 Hz and
2300 Hz on one track and 2000 Hz and 2600 Hz on the other. SF stands for 'single
frequency' and was the name given to the units made under license by ML Engineering in
Plymouth, UK. These frequencies are by definition unmodulated. The lack of modulation
can lead to availability problems as well as making the signaling safety case difficult to
 To address these problems, modulated track circuits were developed like the TI21 system
 TI21 type track circuits (now known as EBI Track 200) use eight nominal frequencies, from
1549 Hz to 2593 Hz for main line applications and eight frequencies from 5600 Hz to 8400
Hz for metro applications (designated TI21-M or EBI Track 300). Actual transmission is ± 17
Hz around the nominal frequency for main line and ±100 Hz for metro. The signal is FSK
modulated at 4.8 Hz (20 Hz for metro) unless overridden by the MOD terminal on the front
panel. TI stands for 'traction immune' and was the name used by ML Engineering in
 ML Engineering was taken over by various companies and is owned by Bombardier
Transportation (2009). TI21 main line track circuits can be up to 1100 m in length. This can
be extended to 2200 m with compensating capacitors
 To simplify traction pack design in locomotives, many track circuit manufacturers now
transmit a unique code from the transmitter to the receiver. This offers improvements in
availability, simplification in signaling system design and more robust safety cases. Such
systems include the Siemens FTG S, Westinghouse (Invensys) FS3000, Bombardier EBI Track
400 and Alstom's Digi code and Jade.



 CSEE (now Ansaldo STS) UM71 is another kind of joint less track circuit. It uses 1700 Hz and
2300 Hz on one track and 2000 Hz and 2600 Hz on the other.[1] To reduce the chance of
stray currents causing a wrong side failure the basic frequencies are modulated ±15 Hz or
so. Different rates of modulation can be detected by equipment on the trains and used for
ATC, so long as the transmitter end (Tx) is at the front of the train.
 The TI21 and Westinghouse FS2500 joint less track circuits are similar to the UM71.

Classification of AFTC
(a) As per type of modulating signal
(i) Non-coded
In this type of AFTC, the modulating signal is not coded.
(ii) Coded
In this type of AFTC, the modulating signal is bit coded with digital message.
As bit coding of modulating signal enhances the safety, coded type track circuits are preferred over
the non-coded type.

 Can be used in End -fed or Centre -fed modes

 Can also be operated as Local fed or in a Remote fed mode
 With addition of one extra equipment i.e. Line matching unit (LMU), centralized operation
can be achieved where in all the equipments except Tuning units can be housed in a
centrally located equipment room.
 Broken Rail detection is available
 Both the rails are available for Traction return
 Data transmission between Train and Track for implementation of AWS and Cab signaling is
 Train shunt can be set to required value by changing the gain setting in the receiver

3.2.1 AFTC General Arrangements

Block Diagram of a Basic Audio Frequency Track Circuit

 In ADTRANZ make AFTC, model TI-21 there are 8 frequencies in the range of 1.5 KHz to 2.6
KHz which can be deployed for multiple tracks. They are coded as A to H
 Components of TI-21 AFTCs are:


 Transmitter (Tx)
 Receiver (Rx)
 Power supply unit (PSU)
 Tuning unit(TU)/End termination unit (ETU)
 Track connections and
 Track relay Transmitter

A bi-stable multivibrator (1) produces a square wave output of 4.8 Hz. An oscillator (2)
produces the nominal frequency f(A or B or ...........H). The square wave output of the
multivibrator modulates the output of oscillator (f) to produce a signal which varies by +/- 17
Hz. about the nominal frequency (f) at a rate of 4.8 Hz in modulator (3). The output amplifier
(4) increases the signal to a power level suitable for transmission down the track. The
transformer (5) provides a means of matching the amplifier output to the load. Filter (6) is
provided to isolate the unit from unwanted ACIDC currents from the track. The transmitter
output wave form is shown below: Receiver – Rx: Block diagram of receiver is shown below


Signal received from the (receiver end) tuning unit is fed to the input isolating transformer (1)
of the receiver. This has, tappings to obtain different turn ratios for the adjustment of receiver
gain Inter winding earth screen is provided to afford protection from the common mode
interference’s. Different taps as provided on the input side to be connected to the tuning unit
are shown ' below. The connected tap is for a gain of 7. Receiver input wiring & pick up current
for different gain settings are given in Annexure I. One ohm resistance is provided to enable
direct measurement of input current Power supply unit:

 Tx and Rx are designed in such a way that they do not require regulated power supply as
the regulation is provided in Tx and Rx itself. Hence the power supply used in this
equipment is unregulated 110V AC supply. It consists of a 110/24V transformer, a bridge
rectifier which converts 24 V AC to 24V DC and a filtering capacitor which reduces the ripple
voltage in 24V DC. The power supply is rated for a max output of 4.4 Amp
 Tuning unit: This is a passive device. It consists of a Tuned circuit which is used to form the
Electronic separation joint (ESJ). ESJ comprises of two Tuned circuits and 19.5 m of track
section (39 meters of rail). It is thus associated with two Track circuit frequencies which
form the pairs viz. A-B, C-D, E-F and G-H.
 Each tuning unit presents low impedance for the frequency of adjacent track circuit. The
inductance of the rails between two Tuning units is tuned to high impedance for both the
frequencies by means of net Capacitive Reactance in the Tuning units. Each TU tunes the
rails to its associated frequency and stops the adjacent frequency to give directional tuning.
 This results in directional transmission or reception. Low impedance circuits in the Tus also
serve the very important function of shorting the Rail to Rail traction harmonic voltages at
the track circuit frequencies. The Overlap zone of the tuned Track circuit is measured from
the point mid-way between TUs of two adjacent track circuits. Within this region both the
track circuits may be de-energized with a shunt
 On the TU, the Receiver (Rx) is always connected to terminal 1 & 2.
 For normal power mode (Track circuit lengths 200—1000 meters), the transmitter is
connected to the terminals 4 & 5 while for Low power mode (Track circuit lengths 50—250
meters), it is connected to terminals 1 & 2.


 End Termination unit (ETU): ETU is a self-contained tuned circuit for application where
electronic separation for track circuit isolation is not required i.e. adjacent TC is a DC track
 Track relay: TI-21 receiver generates 50V DC and this is used to feed 50V line relay with
1000 ohms coil resistance. Feeding arrangements

 Two kinds of feeding arrangements are possible- End fed and centre fed.
 In the End fed, signal is fed to the Track circuit from one end and is received at the other
 The length of End fed Track circuit is from the centre of the Transmitter tuned zone to
centre of the Receiver tuned zone.
 Centre fed arrangement is provided when longer length of track circuit is used say beyond
900 meters. TX is provided at the Centre of the track circuit, while Rx is installed at both the
ends of the track circuit.
 Configuration arrangements: Can be configured in two versions viz. locally fed and remote
 In a locally fed version, all equipments are located at site. TU/ETU are located close to track,
while the TX, RX, PSU, Lightning arrestor and Relay are installed in Location Box at site. In
the Remote fed version, a pair of Line matching units is required. LMU is a kind of
Transformer, used to reduce the transmission losses. In the equipment room, the LMU –Tx
boosts up the transmitting voltage thus reducing the current. This signal is transmitted to
the site, LMU- TU steps down the voltage and feeds this signal to the corresponding
TU/ETU. This arrangement reduces IR losses and thus achieve longer feeding distances
 LMUs are used only at TX end and not with the receiver. TU/ETU & LMU-TU are located at
site where as Transmitter, Receiver, PSU, LA, Relay and LMU-Tx are located in the
equipment room.
 The TI-21 AFTCs can be operated in two modes-
 Normal power mode (for Track circuits of more than 200 meters) & Low power mode (for
Track circuits of length between 50 to 250 meters)

3.3 Axle Counter:

 An Electronic device that detects the presence of vehicle(s) over a specified section of
Track. The number of Axles entering a specified portion of track at one end and leaving at
the other end are counted electrically/electronically and if the ‘In count’ and the ‘Out
count’ tally, the section is deemed to be clear of the presence of vehicles. There are two
versions viz. Analogue and Digital.
 Analogue version has almost faded away. Only Digital version is widely used on IR.
 The first US patent for an axle counter was filed on 3 June 1960 by Ernst Hofstetter and Kurt
 Axle counting initially started with treadle-like mechanisms. They consisted of a mechanical
contact device mounted on the inside of the foot of rail; the wheel flange running over the

device actuated a lever. However they were susceptible to errors and were replaced in
Europe at the end of the 19th Century by hydraulic rail contacts.
 Hydraulic rail contacts were actuated by the deflection of the rail caused by axle load
running over the tracks. The first cylinders were filled with mercury; later hydraulic oil was
used. They were then replaced by pneumatically operated switching elements.
 In pneumatic axle counting systems, pistons were actuated by specific loads and speeds.
They proved limited in application, and therefore from the 1950s onwards were replaced by
magnetic contacts. Up until that point, Track Circuits always had a big edge when it came to
 Magnetic contacts were the first contactless switching devices. They were known as "axle
counting magnets". The iron wheel flanges triggered an actuation by interrupting a
magnetic field. Hofstetter and Haas' patent was of this type. During this time, inductive
methods were also being produced based on transformers. During the 1970s,
developments in the electronics field as well as the introduction of integrated circuits
allowed the design of the axle counters currently used

 What are the limitations of Track Circuits?

 Ballast Resistance dependent –
– Flooding of tracks
– Muck, slush mixed with ballast
– Missing Insulating rubber pads, GFN Liners
– Non FTC PSC sleepers in the track circuited zone
 Traction Bonds dependent – Problems caused by
– Absence where required
– Presence where not required
 Limited Length
– DC track Circuit in RE area with QTA2 relays - 350 m
– DC track Circuit in RE area with QBAT relays - 750 m
– Centre fed AFTC - 1400 m
 Requires a large number of equipment like
– TJ, Resistance, Choke, Battery, TR, TPR
 Rusted rails – Chances of non-detection
 Shorting of GJs by insertion of wrong Clip
 Requires high maintenance effort
 Reliability - Not guaranteed
 Axle Counter is a solution for these limitations.
 What is an axle counter?
 A track section monitoring device that
 counts the axles
– entering in - Incount A
– exiting out – Outcount B
 And declares the section CLEAR if A= B & OCCUPIED in all other cases


Axle Counter: Reference Direction

Axles are counted in the section when a train passes detection point #1 in the direction of the
arrow or a train passes detection point #2 in the opposite direction to the arrow. Axles are counted
out of the section when a train passes detection point #1 in the opposite direction of the arrow or
a train passes detection point #2 in the direction of the arrow.












3.3.1 Application of Axle counters

 Monitoring of track portion between two points ( berthing track, other plain track portion
in station yards, block sections and Bridge portions
 Monitoring of Point zone tracks in station yards
 IB signaling territory- for splitting of the Block section and monitoring each portion
 Automatic signaling territory- for proving clearance
 Block working- for detection of presence of vehicle in Block section and proving clearance
of Last Vehicle from it or proving complete arrival of the train in station section
 Axle counter based Block instrument on Single and double line sections
 Train actuated warning at LC gates.

3.3.2 Resetting of Axle Counters

 IR uses cooperative reset (SSDAC & AZLS)
 Within a station, a LV Box is kept outside. Pressing a switch in LV Box simultaneously with
the SM’s reset switch initiates Preparatory Reset.
 This activity is counted.
 First train to pass the A/C section after a reset, is moved by issue of authority.
 If EV clears after the first train, A/C resumes working.
 Auto reset is followed in AZLM systems using Supervisory track concept.

Track Sections – A, B, C.
Supervisory Track Section – AC
If AC is clear and A or B or C has failed, Auto reset is initiated.



4.1 Point Machines
 Low Voltage Point Machines- 24V DC (Obsolete)
 High Voltage Point Machine- 110V DC
 3-Phase Point Machines (Rarely Used)
 Combined Type
 Separate Type (Obsolete)

4.1.1 High Voltage Point Machine- 110V DC

 Spilt Field Point Machine. The change in direction of rotation is achieved through two
different field windings
 Single Field Point Machine (Obsolete). The change in direction of rotation is achieved by
reversing the direction of current in the Armature

4.1.2 High Voltage Spilt Field Point Machine

 IRS Type - Normally used in Indian Railways(140mm stroke)
 Siemens Type (140mm stroke)
 Clamp lock Type (220 mm stroke)

4.2 Different Methods of operation

 Parallel operation of both the ends of a cross over simultaneously. Suitable for way side
 Sequential operation of each end of a cross over to avoid over loading of Point battery set.
Suitable of major yards. In Siemens RRI, the sequential operation is resorted to always
 Control Contacts available inside the point machine
 NC contact made other than in Normal position of the point. This is made use for
operating the point from Reverse to Normal
 RC contact made other than in Reverse position of the point. This is made use for
operating the point from Normal to Reverse
 Both NC and RC makes when the point is neither in Normal nor in Reverse i.e during
 Two sets of detection contacts are available inside the point machine i.e one for proving the
Normal setting of the point and another one for proving the Reverse setting
 One set of Crank handle “cut out contact” is available to disconnect the power supply to
point machine whenever crank handle is inserted to operate same manually
 110V DC series split field motor to impart 140mm stoke to the point driving mechanism
 Friction clutch to disconnect the motor during obstruction in the point/drawing of excessive
current. i.e more than 1.5 to 2 times the normal working current
 Rotary locking mechanism to lock the point in the Normal or Reverse position

4.2.1 Installation procedure (to be ensured from P.Way side):


 P.Way fittings and other provisions in the point lay out are made to the required standards
and the parameters are within limits.
 Correct level and alignment
 Fully ballasted and packed properly
 Adjusted to correct gauge
 Leading and following stretcher bars fixed properly so that the throw of the switches is as
per approved drawings (115mm plus or minus 3mm)
 Housing of the switches against the stock rails is as per approved drawings i.e. the planed
surface of the switch rail fully houses against the stock rails
 Provided a stop for the open switch of a Trap point (single switch)
 Two long sleepers are provided for mounting point machine

4.2.2 Installation procedure from signaling side:

 Keep all required materials and tools before starting the work
 Install as per RDSO’s drawing
 Can be fixed on the left hand side or right hand side of the point lay out
 Drill proper sized holes on the switch rails for fixing switch brackets
 Mark the point machine mounting holes as shown in the standard lay out
 Fix the point machine using proper size of Hexagonal bolts, nuts and spring washers
 Keep the point switches in centre and connect the driving rod to the leading stretcher bar
duly cranking the point machine to centre position
 Crank the point machine and adjust the throw rod nuts for proper housing of switches for
normal and reverse setting with adequate spring on switches
 Then connect the detector rods with switch brackets. All the ground connection rods shall
be as far as possible straight and level, clear from the bottom of the rail by 25mm to 40mm
 Adjust he detector in such a way that the roller falls inside the detector slide notches only
when the point is fully set and housed and simultaneously control disc with friction clutch
completes its rotation to ensure that the point is locked.
 Connect lock and detector slides such that the detector rollers fall in short notch for closed
switch and long notch for open switch detection
 Connect the lock slides to the switch bracket through lock rods and adjust them such that
the locking segment can enter the notches only when the point is correctly set. Test that
the locking segment does not get the notch of locking slide when 5mm obstruction test
piece is placed at 150mm from the toe of the closed switch
 Check the tightness of all the bolts and nuts, intactness of spring washers, split pins
 Test the point several times using the crank handle and carry out fine adjustments for
proper working
 Ensure to provide insulation for Switch bracket, stretcher bars, ‘L’ bracket, Gauge tie plate
(if available)
 Carry out Point machine control, operation and detection wiring inside the location box or
relay hut as per the approved circuit diagram. Test the wiring with help of a Buzzer or Bell


 Fix a cable termination box CTB) as close as possible to the point machine clear of
 Extend the power for operation of point machine from the location box/relay hut to the
above CTB through PVC insulated 3 core x 10 sq mm aluminum power cable or equivalent
size copper cable.
 Lay a separate 19C x 1.5 sq mm copper cable from the location box/relay hut to CTB for
detection circuit
 Extend the electrical connections from CTB to Point machine using 3/ 0.75mm PVC
insulated wire through DWC pipe and complete the wiring as per the circuit
 Carry out cross protection wiring inside the Point machine as per approved Circuit diagram.
 Operate the point machine electrically and ensure that the locking of point is proper and
detection contacts made only at the end of the locking operation. Also ensure the NC/RC
contacts make with the beginning of the operation after detection breaks
 Check the correspondence between the point, point lever/switch, both the ends of points
and point indication
 Carry out operation of point both from panel/lever and for each route operation. Check
whether points are throwing to the respective position for a particular route. This testing
shall be done for all routes as a part of SAT
 Carry out obstruction test, detection contact break test, out of correspondence test in a
cross over, track locking test and ensure the same are as required
 Record the electrical working parameters of each point machine viz. voltage, normal and
obstruction current and ensure that they are within permissible limits

High Voltage Spilt Field Point Machine- Control Circuits (Indoor)

Point Control Detection Circuit


Point Operation Circuit

4.3 Crank Handle Interlocking

 Crank Handle is used for manual operation of Points whenever Electrical operation Fails.
This is chained with different configuration keys.
 Inter locked in such a way that,


 When signal is taken ‘Off’ ,concerned Points Crank Handle gets Locked in the Electrical
key transmitter (EKT), thus preventing manual operation of Points
 When Crank handle is out of EKT, the Signal leading over the concerned points cannot
be taken ‘Off’
 Grouping of Crank Handle is done to avoid more number of Crank Handles in a Station and
that too in a manner to achieve maximum flexibility in the yard.
 Extraction of a particular Group Crank Handle should not hamper other parallel
 Under route locked condition, the Crank can be extracted from EKT after a time delay of
120 sec.
 Crank handle ‘IN’ & ‘Locked’ indications are provided on the Control panel for guiding the
Operating staff.
 Crank Handle ‘Free’ indication is provided at the EKT box to guide the Operating staff during
extraction of the same from EKT.
 Crank Handle register is maintained by operating staff to record the usage with date and
 Crank Handles are installed as required at site,
 at Stations and/or
 at Point locations
 Circuits are different for both

Crank Handle interlocking - Located at Stations

Crank Handle interlocking - Located at points




5.1 Interlocking
 Interlocking means an arrangement of signals, points and other appliances, operated from a
panel or lever frame, so interconnected by mechanical locking or electrical locking or both
that their operation must take place in a proper sequence to ensure safety.

5.2 Essentials of Interlocking:

 IRSEM part I Para no.7.82 states that Lever frames and other apparatus provided for the
operation and control of signals, points, etc. shall be so interlocked and arranged as to
comply with the following essentials:-
 It shall not be possible to take ‘OFF’ a running signal, unless all points including isolation
are correctly set, all facing points are locked and all interlocked level crossings are
closed and locked against public road for the line on which the train will travel including
the overlap
 After the signal has been taken ‘OFF’ it shall not be possible to move any points or lock
on the route including overlap and isolation, nor to release any interlocked gates until
the signal is replaced to ‘ON’ position.
 It shall not be possible to take ‘OFF’ at the same time, any two fixed signals which can
lead to any conflicting movements
 Where feasible, points shall be so interlocked as to avoid any conflicting movement.

5.3 Methods of Interlocking:

 Mechanical interlocking
 Electro mechanical interlocking
 Relay or Electrical interlocking
 Electronic interlocking

5.3.1 Mechanical interlocking:

 The interlocking between signals, points, and LC gates is achieved through tappet locking
available in Lever frames controlling the operation of the above said functions.
 However the safety of trains was to some extent dependant on the human being operating
the same. Execution and maintenance of mechanical interlocking used to pose lot of
problems at site. This interlocking is not suitable for dealing more traffic and ensure safety
as they
 have limit in the range of operation of points and signals
 take more time to operate the signaling functions viz. Points, Signals etc.
 depend on the skill of the person operating them.

5.3.2 Electro mechanical interlocking:

 To reduce the dependence on human being ,certain electrical appliances viz. Track circuit,
Inter cabin slot, Electrical motors for working the points, signals, Electrical lever locks, Signal


reversers and later color light signaling have been introduced. In addition to mechanical
tappet locking provided in the lever frame, electrical locking through lever locks have been
adopted in Electro mechanical interlocking.
 Though safety has improved, still the execution and maintenance of Electro mechanical
interlocking used to pose lot of problems at site.
 This interlocking is also not suitable for dealing more traffic in addition to ensuring safety
due to the reasons stated above in mechanical interlocking. Hence the birth of Relay

5.3.3 Relay Interlocking

 This is more safe and suitable for the present level of traffic.
 This interlocking is predominantly available over Indian Railways.
 The interlocking is achieved through electrical relays which is more reliable and absolutely
safe. The principle of Relay interlocking is ‘Fail Safe’ and less human dependent.
 The human agency is required only to operate the Control panel which controls all the
signaling functions from a central place.
 As all the functions are operated electrically, there is no limitation in the range of operation
in Relay Interlocking.
 Time taken to operate Button/switch on the Control panel to operate functions is very less
and least effort is required.
 Therefore Relay interlocking is much superior to Mechanical/Electro mechanical

5.3.4 Electronic Interlocking:

 Interlocking logic is based on Software, requiring no wiring in the system for individual
Route/Signal. Hence the installation time is drastically reduced than for a conventional
Relay interlocking.
 Alterations do not require major wiring changes. Only data of the CPU card will have to be
changed. Therefore, Yard Re- modelling will not require large scale wiring alterations and
testing, obviating the need for long duration of Traffic blocks. This is, in fact, the most
important advantage of EI system.
 No relays are required for interlocking function. Only field gear actuating relays are
required. Power supply, Relays, Relay racks & accessories and indoor wiring get, thus
reduced. Consequently, the space requirement is reduced substantially.
 EI system has got extensive Self- Diagnostic features which helps in quick fault localization.
Thus the Down time of the installation in case of failure is reduced substantially.

5.4 Other features of interlocking:

 Holding Route is necessary when the distance between the point and controlling signal is
more than 180 meters. This may be achieved by providing Lock retaining bars or track
 Locking trailing points by Signal in advance in both ways i.e Normal and Reverse.


 Interlocking of Slip/Catch siding with the Block instrument

 Track circuit /Axle counter control of signals.
 Slotting arrangement between cabins and SM
 One slot one train feature
 Interlocking of Last stop signal and First stop signal with Block instrument
 Automatic replacement of signal to Danger
 Approach locking/Dead approach locking
 Route locking or Back locking
 Sectional release route locking
 Track locking
 Indication locking
 Automatic Route release
 Emergency cancellation of full route and sub route
 Emergency operation of point, if point zone track circuit fails
 Swinging isolation
 Proving of aspect of signal ahead to avoid blanking of signal for main signals
 Crank handle interlocking
 Alternate route and alternate overlap selection

5.5 Standards of Interlocking

 Standard I® up to 50 Kmph
 Standard II® up to 110 Kmph
 Standard III® up to 140 Kmph
 Standard IV® up to 160 Kmph
Minimum equipments of signaling at a station is provided as per the Standard of Interlocking

 Isolation: At stations,
 run through lines shall be isolated from all other connected lines for the passage of the
train if the speed of the train exceeds 50 Kmph
 all passenger lines shall be isolated from Goods lines and Sidings.
 all sidings may be isolated from Goods lines( desirable)
 Catch and Slip sidings are provided for isolation purpose only

Methods of achieving isolation

1) Connecting to another line or a siding


2) Provision of short dead end sliding (Vehicles should not be stabled on this siding).

3) Provision of traps, derailing switches (inexpensive, popular dependable)

4) Long dead end siding with trap (Vehicle can be stabled on this siding)

5) Provision of sand humps.

Slip Sliding due to gradient steeper than 1:100 falling away from the station in the neighbourhood.


Catch siding due to falling while approaching the station if steeper than 1:80.

5.6 Selection circuits

 Selection circuits consists of:
 Route initiation circuits (in Relay interlocking)
 Signal control circuits
 Point control circuits
 Route releasing circuits
 Emergency route cancellation circuits
 Crank handle/siding/LC gate interlocking circuits
 Block control circuits
 Indication and other warning circuits

5.6.1 Circuit Design Concepts:

General Principles in Designing:


 Essentials of interlocking to be fully complied with.

 Wherever possible use only energised contacts of any relay to achieve vital interlocking,
 Cycle of operation of any relay shall be ensured even to metal to carbon contact relays.
 Grouping of circuits for conflicting signals
o TSR circuits
o JSLR circuits
o Timers
 Not more than 45 contacts in a circuit to avoid voltage drop across relay coil.
 Economisation of common contacts when two or more parallel circuits are drawn.
 Ensuring both ways locking between two functions.
 Point and signals
 Crank handle and signal
 Signal and LC gate interlocking.
 Double cutting for all outdoor circuits and for certain vital Internal circuits viz. WLR.
 Cross protection for all TPRs, NWKRs/ RWKRs and HR circuits.
 Blank aspect Protection.
 Cutting in arrangement of Signal aspects.
 Ensuring signal aspect sequence as per sequence chart.
 When single track circuit is available ahead of a signal to control/ensure the movement of a
train to release the route, it shall be ensured that in addition to sequential operation of
track circuits (TSSLR), 60 seconds time delay is also incorporated.
 All emergency cancellation operations are registered by a counter.
 Energise repeater relays sequentially using the front contact of previous picked up relays in
the next relay and so on. Never energise repeaters parallel to each other. This is to avoid
the effect of induced E.M.F. of one relay on the other.
 Three stages of interlocking viz. LR stage, UCR stage & HR stage.

5.6.2 Important Principles of designing various circuits:

LR Circuit
 Except where parallel movements are possible, one LR shall pick up at a time.
 Achieved through proving back contacts.
 SM’s key ‘IN’, signal knob reversed and route button pressed.

UCR circuit
 All points in the route, overlap and isolation – NWKR/RWKR in energised position.
 Conflicting signals ASR in energised position.

Certain exceptions are:

 Home and Calling-on below it
 Calling-on signal and Starter ahead.

 In Home signal UCR, Calling-on signal ASR is proved and vice versa it is Home signal
UCR is proved in Calling on UCR Circuit.
 In Starter signal UCR, Calling-on signal ASR is proved and vice versa it is Starter UCR is
 These are to enable
o taking OFF calling on signal during the failure of Home signal,
o Run through signal given but Home signal failed subsequently and Calling-on signal
being taken OFF.
 Signal knob LR in energised position.

HR Circuit:
 All points are proved in the required position in addition to proving of UCR (Route +
overlap + isolation).
 All TPRs in the (Route + overlap) section are in the energised position.
 Concerned crank handles are ‘IN’ and CH-CRs in de-energised condition.
 All LC gates closed position (LCP) relays in energised position.
 Conflicting signal ASRs in energised condition.
 Concerned LR in energised position.
 Concerned ASR, JSLRs, TPZRs, TSSLR in dropped condition.
 For diverging line, UGR will energise first and with UECR, HR will energise.
 ASR energised contact across HR coil to achieve cross protection.

Designing of (ASR, JSLR, NJPR) route releasing circuits:

 For achieving automatic route release, minimum of the two track circuits shall drop and
pick up sequentially (if only one track circuit is available ahead of a signal in addition to
TSSLR, 60 sec. Timer is to be incorporated).
 Concerned signal UCR, HR, HECR, DECR, UECR in dropped condition.
 All back lock track circuits in energised condition.
 When common timers/JSLRs are used for two or more conflicting signals, it shall be ensured
that only one JSLR picks up at a time (achieved through RJPR).
 Wherever approach locking is effective, prove TSR also in series with approach track
circuit TPR to ensure that the train has not passed the signal.

WLR Circuits (Point control circuits)

 Concerned signal ASRs, OHRs and Point track circuit TPRs in energised position.
 SM’s key is ‘IN’
 Concerned CHR in energised position.
 Any one signal LR in energised position to throw the point in a particular position with drop
contacts of all LRs which do not require the point in that position.



 When the crank handle chained with EKT key is ‘IN’ – the CHR picks up. The concerned
signal UCR and HR in dropped condition are proved to energise CHR-CR to enable crank
handle extraction.
 The signals governing the movement (towards LC) ASRs in energised position and Gate
control knob in ‘Normal’ are proved to pick up LXCR/LCAR to enable LC controlling Gate
lever to be normalized (since provided with lever lock)
 LCPR picks up through the de-energised contact of LCAR/LCXR and Gate Control lever (fitted
with lever lock circuit controller) in ‘Reverse’ position.

Indications and Warning Circuits:

 All signal aspects using concerned aspect ECR are given.
 All track down indications are given through TPR contact.
 When a particular signal is taken ‘OFF’, the route locked indication (white) is given through
the de-energisd contact of ASR.
 Timer cancellation indications are given through respective JSLR and NJPR.
 LC closed indication is given through LCPR contact.
 Crank handle ‘IN’ indication is given by CHR contact.
 Crank handle ‘Free’ indication (white) is given by CHR-CR contact and ‘OUT’ indication
(Red) is given CHR-CR contact.
 Power supply failure indication is given by ‘R’ relay  contact.
 SM’s key ‘IN’ indication is given by SMR contact.



6.1 Introduction
Signals are provided to guide the rail engine driver for safe journey. Therefore, it is
necessary that signals display correct aspect. In color light signaling territory, signal may go "blank".
A blank signal is a grave safety risk as it can cause confusion to the drivers and can result in
accidents if driver does not take action to control his train in time. Various CRS inquiry reports have
recommended that adequate protection against blank signal must be taken. Railway Board have
accepted the recommendations. Signal may go blank either due to failure of signal lamp or due to
interruption in power supply. At present, filament lamps light signals. Rate life of lamp is only 1000
hours. Replacement of a signal lamp is not a simple work, as focusing is to be checked and adjusted
after replacement of each lamp. With increase in signaling gears at most of the stations, signal
technicians in general are not able to cope up with the huge work of adjustment of focusing. To
overcome these problems RDSO developed LED Signal units, which has the life of not less than one
lakh hours.

Fig. 6.1 Led Signal

6.2 LED Signal (Light Emitting Diode)

LED light sources are solid state p-n semiconductor devices. By doping substrate material
with different materials, a p-n junction is formed within the semiconductor crystal. The dopant in
the n region provides mobile negative charge carriers (electrons), while the dopant in the p-region
provides mobile positive charge carriers (holes). Within a semiconductor crystal, when a forward
voltage is applied to the p-n junction from the p-region to the n-region, the charge carriers inject
across the junction into a zone where they recombine and convert their excess energy into light.
The materials used at the junction determine the wavelength of the emitted light. A clear or diffuse
epoxy lens covers the semiconductor chip and seals the LED. It also provides some optical control
to the emitted light.

LEDs have been developed that have a luminous efficacy (lumens per watt) exceeding that
of incandescent lamps. However, the relatively small lumen package that is produced by a single


LED still means that dozens, if not hundreds, of LEDs must be used together to produce even a
modest amount of light.

6.3 Salient features of LED Signal Unit

There is no Phantom effect
(a) LED lamp is Pre-focussed and do not need external lenses or periodic focussing.
(b) LED lamps are compatible with existing signal housings, hence can be retrofitted.
(c) Traffic hazards while bulbs are being changed by maintenance staff are eliminated.
(d) LED signals use less energy.
(e) DC power feeding to signals possible, thereby eliminating transformers.
(f) Wide voltage variation in power feed is tolerated.
(g) One design of ECR for all LED signal lamp application including shunt signal and route
indicator (universal ECR).
(h) Maintenance costs reduced, as they don't need frequent replacement. Only occasional
cleaning of transparent cover needed in dusty areas.
(i) Power factor of LED signal lamp shall be 0.8 or better.

6.4 Construction of LED Lamp

6.4.1 LED Signal aspect unit
It comprises of a cluster of LEDs in series and parallel combinations. LEDs in a signal aspect
are arranged in more than one array so that in the event of failure of even a single LED, whole unit
does not become blank. LEDs in the arrays are interleaved so that effect of failure of any array is
spread out equally to maintain uniform visibility. All aspects (except route and shunt) use two
arrays for higher noise immunity and also provide the redundancy. LED’s in each array are provided
electrically independent path so that failure of any LED does not affect operation of other LED and
the same shown in Fig. 6.3. The optical sensors are provided for each aspect and output from
optical sensors is given to the current regulator unit for corrective / alarm action. A few LEDs in the
signal unit are so arranged as to ensure near visibility of 5 meters so that the signal is clearly visible
to a driver stopping at the foot of the signal.

Fig. 6.2 LED Lamp Unit and Universal Current Regulator


Fig. 6.3 LED’S Connected in Series in LED Signal Aspect Unit

Fig. 6.4 LED Signal Aspect Unit


In LED signal aspect unit number of LED’s used should not be less than 60 for RED and
YELLOW, 30 for GREEN main LED signal lighting unit,16 for Route and 13 for Shunt signal lighting
units. Variation from stipulated number shall be considered based on merits of the design. Signal
lighting unit shall not light up to 60 V. LED signals for use of road traffic shall be used without ECR.

6.4.2 Current regulator unit (CR)

LED is a current driven device therefore; LEDs clusters in a LED signal lamp are fed with
constant current irrespective of input voltage fluctuations by current regulator. It consists of solid-
state variable resistance controlled by feedback from sensors (current and voltage for each array &
optical sensor) and current regulator for each LED array.

If optical sensor detects signal blank / dim, it reduces the current less than ECR pick up
current to generate alarm and cut-off the aspect. (a). Limits the current to cause low current alarm
or (b) . Boosts the current to cause high current alarm.

LED signal unit housing is made either of mild steel sheet or of industrial grade plastic like
ABS or fibreglass. The front cover is made of CV stabilised polycarbonate dome. LED signal unit is
hermetically sealed in order to ensure that it is able to withstand the environmental severity. A
gasket made of EPDM (Ethylene propylene Diene Monomer)-20 rubber shall be provided and
pasted on the rim with the help of Anaerobic adhesive to the LED unit The dimension of LED signal
unit is such that it can fit securely in the existing CLS units without any modification to them. An
MOV or Gas discharge tube of rating 200V shall be provided at the input terminals of CR to take
care of power surges.

6.4.3 Functional Requirements:

The LED lamps should satisfy the following functional requirements:

1 The color coordinates of LED Red, Green and Lunar Class ‘C’ of BS:1376-1974
signal unit white aspect.
Yellow aspect. Class ‘B’ of BS:1376-1974
2 The visibility of each main 600 m in clear day light
aspect of LED signal unit
3 Visibility of Route indicator 400 m.
4 The minimum illumination of Red aspect. 50 Lux
LED signal units measured at a
Yellow and Green 100 Lux
distance of 1.5 meters in axial
5 LED signal lighting units Main and Calling-On 125 mm diameter.
display area. signals
Route and Shunt 85 mm diameter.


6.5 Operating Parameters

Parameter Main Signal Calling-on Route Position Light
Signal Indicator Shunt Signal
Rated Voltage at 110 VAC 110 VAC 110 VAC 110 VAC
Input terminals of
Wattage 15 W 15 W - -
Current at rated 140mA 150 mA 25 mA 55 mA
voltage per unit.
Color R/Y/G Yellow Lunar White Lunar White

Note: Refer Specification No- RDSO/SPN/153/2011.

6.5.1 LED Signal Unit Functions

S.N Minimum
LED Signal unit Out put A C immunity
o Visibility
1 Main Running RED 150 Lux 600 m AC Noise immunity
signal YELLOW 175 Lux 60 volts
GREEN 150 Lux
2 Directional type route 50 Lux 400 m
3 Calling –on signal 50 Lux 200 m
4 Shunt signal 30 Lux

Note: Refer Specification No- RDSO/SPN/153/2011.

6.6 Blanking & Non-Blanking failure modes of Main LED signal lighting
In blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall extinguish when input current drawn by
the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to a
value which is not less than 40% of nominal illumination due to a failure or any other reason. In
such case, current regulator should not draw input current more than 30 mA at maximum rated

In non-blanking mode, a Main Signal Lighting Unit shall remain lit when input current drawn
by the current regulator falls outside specified limits of rated input current or illumination falls to a
value which is less than 40% of nominal illumination due to a failure or any other reason. In such
case, input current drawn by current regulator shall be limited to less than 40 mA to ensure
dropping of ECR. Limit on input current shall apply when illumination has deteriorated to a value,
which is not less than 40% of nominal illumination.


6.7 Safety Considerations in Design of LED signal aspect as follows

6.7.1 Hardware failure
A filament lamp either draws current when lit or does not draw current when not lit.
Filament lamp fails only in open circuit mode while LED can fail in open or short or leaky mode.
Thus LED can draw current when it is lit as well as when it is not lit. Therefore following conditions
have been taken into account to make sure that LED signals fail on safe side:

(a) LED failing in short-circuit mode

(b) LED failing in open circuit mode
(c) LED failing in leaky mode

Design of LED array is such that with failure of one LED due to open circuit failure, no other
LED is affected in the LED array. Similarly, with failure of LED due to a short, other LED is not
affected and partial loss to the extent of that LED in the array (LED in series) takes place.

With open circuit failure of LED, the total array current will decrease and with short circuit
failure of LED, the total array current will increase. These two variations of array current are
monitored and used to generate alarm when LED fails. For leaky mode of failure of LED, an optical
detector is used to detect light output of the LED signal unit. When the light output is below
allowed level, alarm is generated along with switching "off" of the aspect.

6.7.2 Color of LED Signals

Indian Railways follow the BS: 1376:1974 standards. In this specification colors are defined
in X, Y, Z coordinates in terms of CIE Chromatically chart. X coordinate is analogous to red, Y to
green and Z to blue. The other colors are defined in terms of X Y, and Z coordinates and
represented by dominant wavelength on the periphery. The colors which do not lie on the
periphery of the CIE chart have to be necessarily defined by co-ordinates and for the purpose of
visual appearance to the eye are defined by dominant wavelength.

LED is a solid state device, and can fail in open or short or leaky mode. P-n junction of LED is
responsible for exhibition of color. As there can be numerous stages of p- n junction failure, it is
essential to carry out the color failure analysis of the LEDs to ensure that LED signal failure take
place on safe side.

6.7.3 Effect of voltage variation on LED color

The LED aspect is fed through current regulator. Current remains constant to the LEDs with
input voltage variation in the specified range. Input voltage variation has no affect on light emitted
within the specified range of specification i.e. 90 to 130 VAC, with current regulator working.

6.7.4 Effect of Current variation on LED color


The variation of color in LED aspect has been checked on all colors from cut-in current till
burnout current. Excessive current leads to primarily heating in the LEDs causing ultimately
reduction in light output.

(a) Red aspect and green aspect have been found to be in their color ranges, even in the
transient period of burnout.
(b) White aspect has been found to be in its color range except during transient period of
burnout where it becomes momentarily blue at current above 180 mA (7.2 times overdrive).
(c) Yellow aspect has been found to be in its color range except it shifts towards Red when
current is in excess of 300 mA (about 2.4 times over drive). Its shift into Class 'A' red is
momentary during transient period of burnout at current above 460 ma (3.7 times over

Therefore, there is no chance of change of color on unsafe side due to increase in current.
At the transition stage when the color of LED is trying to change, the LED gets burnt out within

6.7.5 Effect of Temperature on LED color

Red, Green, Yellow and white aspects are found to be within their ranges within the
specified temperature range. Yellow aspect color coordinate improves at higher temperature.

6.7.6 Effect of Aging on LED color

The degradation in LED color after 100000 hrs of continuous stress is approx. 5%. Sealing of
units reduces effect of moisture and further improves the performance. Thus LED lamps are safe
and shall not fail on unsafe side.

6.8 LED Signal units

LED Signal Unit, It is suitable for fitment in existing CLS units available in RE & Non-RE areas.

(a) Main Signal - Red aspect, Yellow aspect, Green aspect.

(b) Calling on Signal.
(c) Route Indicator.
(d) Position Light Shunt Signal.

For LED signals, Common ECR for all types of signals helps in reducing number of spares and
hence spare parts cost.

6.8.1 ECR for LED Signal Unit

(a) Universal Plug-in-type, tractive armature AC lamp proving relay is used.
(b) ECR pickup current = 108 mA / AC, 50Hz.
(c) ECR Drop away current = 72 mA / AC, 50Hz.
(d) This ECR withstands for a continuous current of 250 mA / AC 50Hz.
(e) Contact configuration: 4F-4B identically in A to D rows.
(f) Voltage drop across R1 and R2 is less than 10V @ 125 mA /AC (normal working current).


6.8.2 Procedure to install Signal Aspect & Current Regulator

(a) Sticker provided may be put on the Current Regulator to indicate the selection.
(b) Remove both the lenses of the aspect.
(c) Remove the bulb holder, bulb & transformer.
(d) Install from the rear side the LED aspect on the four mounting screws of the roundel.
(e) Your Current regulator is Universal ,field selectable mode as follows:
(i) Lighting supply – AC
(ii) (ii) Universal ECR
(iii) Cascading mode – ON aspect: Non-Blanking, OFF aspect: Blanking
(f) Install Current Regulator on the mounting screws of Signal Transformer.
(g) Connect the 4 pin & 2 pin couplers of the current Regulator to the aspect.

6.8.3 Jumper Selections on Current Regulator.

Jumper selections to be made on Current Regulator to work as per site requirement. As per
manufacturer’s instructions jumper selections to be made for blanking/non blanking mode, ECR
selection etc.

6.8.4 ECR Working

(a) Main signal:
ECR should be pick up if aspect is fully glow and if aspect half glow and intensity are 50%
ECR should be picked-up at input rated voltage 88 to 132 VAC

(b) Shunt Signals:

ECR should pick up with two shunt LED signal lighting units in parallel & both lit From 88 V
to 132 V. ECR should drop when one shunt LED signal lighting unit is taken out from circuit.

(c) Route Signals:

(i) Route ECR shall pick up (minimum 3-lamps lit).
(ii) Route ECR shall drop on 2-lamps lit.


1 Use 600 mA fuse in signaling circuit. 1. Don’t leave loose connectors between
. LED signal lighting unit and current
regulator. This may cause false

2 Select Blanking mode for OFF aspects 2. Don’t leave loose wires on input
. and Non Blanking mode for ON aspects terminals of LED signal lighting unit and
in current regulator of Main LED signals. current regulator. This may cause false
3 Ensure all terminations in CT rack, 3. Don’t try to interchange connections of
. Junction Box, LED signal lighting unit and LED signal lighting unit, current
current regulator are tight and clean. regulator.
4 Polycarbonate cover of LED signal 4. Don’t use fuse of more than 600 mA
. lighting unit may be cleaned with soft rating in signaling circuit.
and anti static cloth periodically.
5 Check installation once a year by 5. Don’t try to give direct supply to the LED
. disconnecting the interconnecting cable signal lighting unit of main signals.
between CR & LED signal lighting unit of
main signal to check audio-visual alarm
and correspondence of ECR.
6 Ensure up gradation / modification, if 6. Don’t carry current regulator by its
. any, as advised by RDSO. cable.
7. Don’t carry hanging LED signal lighting
unit connected with current regulator.
8. Don’t insert or remove LED units when
system is ON.


7.1 Introduction


Automatic Block Working is a system of train working in which movement of the trains is
controlled by the automatic stop signals. These signals are operated automatically by the passage
of trains into through and out of the automatic signaling sections. The following are the essentials
of Automatic Block System.

Where trains are worked on Automatic Block System: -

(a) The line is track circuited throughout its length and divided into a series of automatic
signaling sections each of which is governed by an Automatic Stop Signal.
(b) The movement of trains is controlled by stop signals, which are operated automatically by
the passage of train past the signals.
(c) No Automatic Signal assumes 'OFF' unless the line is clear not only upto the stop signal
ahead, but also an adequate distance beyond it.

The Automatic Signaling arrangement facilitates to Increase the Line capacity without any
additional Stations being constructed and maintained.

7.2 Adequate Distance or Overlap

The adequate distance referred to above, which may also be termed 'overlap’, shall not be
less than 120 meters unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions.

The first para of the essentials require the entire length of track to be track circuited for
providing automatic block working and divided into sections (as shown in Fig. 7.2 (a)) which are
called the Automatic Signaling Sections:-

Fig. 7.2 (a) Automatic Signaling Sections

The automatic Signaling Section is defined as the portion of the running road between any
two consecutive automatic stop signals and each of these sections is protected by an automatic
stop signal. These automatic stop signals control the movement of trains into the sections and
operate automatically by the passage of train past the signals are per para (b) of the essentials.


Fig. 7.2 (b) Overlap and Berthing Tracks

The Para (c) stipulates that an Automatic Stop Signal can assume OFF aspect only when the
line is clear not only upto the next signal but also an adequate distance beyond it. This defines an
overlap of 120 meters (minimum) in advance of every Automatic Signal to be clear before the
signal in rear can change its aspect from 'ON' to 'OFF' in addition to the distance between the two
signals. So it becomes necessary to define the end of overlap in advances of every automatic stop
signal and hence, the track circuit is bifurcated at 120 meters from the signal as shown above and
this 120 meters track is called the "overlap track" and the remaining track length is called the
"Berth Track" in each signaling section.

7.3 Automatic Stop Signal

General Description and Numbering: Automatic Stop Signals are multiple aspect color light
signals and are either 3-aspect or 4-aspect as the case may be. These signals are numbered serially,
ODD numbers in one direction and even numbers in the other direction, for UP and DOWN lines or
vice versa Fig. 7.3 (a). There is an attempt at numbering the automatic signals according to their
location with respect to the kilometrage. This requires a code consisting of a group of digits in
which the first group of digits indicates the kilometre number last digit indicate the traction pole at
which the signal is located. For example 1771 means the automatic signal located at 1st traction
pole between 177 and 178 kilometre. For distinguishing UP and DN signals the last digit can be
made ODD in one direction and EVEN in the other approximate to the nearest traction poles.

The method of numbering helps in easy identification and location of signal by maintenance
staff in case of failure without referring to a layout plan. But this numbering becomes cumbersome
for track circuit which are to be numbered according to the Automatic Signal governing that
section. An example is illustrated in Fig. 7.3 (b). In quadruple line as there are 2 UP and DOWN
lines, it becomes essential to identify each line by suffixing or prefixing alphabet to indicate 'Local'
or 'through' and 'slow' or 'Fast' lines. This is in addition to the convention of using odd numbers for
one direction of traffic and even numbers for the other direction. An example is given in Fig. 7.3 (c).
If the lines extend to two different destinations, alphabets corresponding to the first letter of the
destination station or the name of the section may be used.

Fig. 7.3 (a)


Fig. 7.3 (b)

Fig. 7.3 (c) Numbering of Automatic Signals

7.4 Track Circuits

7.4.1 Arrangements and Numbering:
The track circuiting between any two automatic signals follows the principle of "Overlap"
and "berth track" as explained earlier. The overlap track circuit is normally of 120 meters length.
Since this track is included in the control of the automatic signal in rear, its condition has to be
repeated at the location of the rear signal.

Fig. 7.4 (a) Berth Track Circuit

The length of berth track depends upon the distance between two automatic signals. If it
cannot be made into one track circuit, it can be divided into two or more track circuits. The type of
track circuits can be DC (Neutral or Polarised) or AC and single rail or double rail (with 2 or 3
position) relay as the case may be to suit the local conditions taking into consideration the type of
electric traction if present. In case of DC traction arise, double rail AC track circuits with 50 cycles


per second supply can be used including impedance bonds for traction return. In case of AC 25 KV
electrification, one of the following types of tracks circuits can be used:-

(a) DC single rail track circuits.

(b) Electronic track circuits like JEUMONT, specially where the track circuits have to be
compatible for both DC and AC traction with impedance bonds.
(c) Joint less track circuits (AFTC)

The track circuits within the automatic signaling section carry the number of the Automatic
Signal governing the movements over them. But to differentiate between the track number of each
track in the berth section, e.g., A,B,C, etc., as shown in Fig. 7.4 (b).

Fig. 7.4 (b) Track Circuit Numbering by Alphabetical Order

Fig. 7.4 (c) Track Circuit Numbering by Numerical Order

Instead of using the alphabetical prefixes, tracks can also be numbered serially 1,2,3 etc as
shown in Fig. 7.4 (c).

7.5 Automatic Signal Control Circuits

The following layout illustrates the arrangement of track circuits and automatic stop signals
of three consecutive sections in one direction. Each of the signaling sections having one overlap
track and atleast one berth track. Fig. 7.5 (a).

Normally when the entire section is clear all the automatic signals will display clear aspect
(Green). When a train passes a signal (say signal 1) the signal is replaced to danger (red)
automatically. After the train clears the section upto the next signal (Signal 3) and an overlap 3T) in
advance of its, the signal will change its aspect automatically from danger (Red) to caution (yellow)
and as the train clears two sections ahead (upto signals 5) and the overlap (5T) the signal (No.1)
will change its aspect from caution (yellow) to clear (green) automatically.

Fig. 7.5 (a)



No: 1 L No: 2 No: 3

1T R G G
1T & 1 AT R G G
1 AT R G G
1 AT & 3T R R G
3T R R G
3T & 3 AT R R G
3 AT Y R G
3 AT & 5T Y R R
5T Y R R
5T & 5 AT Y R R
5 AT G Y R
Fig. 7.5 (b)

The same principles are illustrated by the table and the diagrams in which the sequence of
track occupation and change of aspects with the movement of train is indicated in the order in
which they occur. From the table Fig. 7.5 (b) and diagram Fig. 7.5 (c), it is clear that when the tracks
1T. 1AT and 3T are clear, signal No.1 will display caution and if tracks 1T, 1AT, 3T, 3AT and 5T are
clear, then signal No.1 will display clear aspect.

The same sequence will follow for other signals also. But at the same time if track 3T, 3AT
and 5T are clear, signal No.3 will display caution and hence, if signal No.3 is displaying caution, then
signal No.1 can display clear aspect provided 1T, 1AT and 3T are clear. If signal No.3 changes from
caution to clear aspect then also signal No.1 must display clear aspect provided 1T, 1AT and 3T are

So, the aspect control of Signal No.1 will be as follows: -


(a) 1TR, 1ATR and 3T picked up, then signal No.1 displays caution if signal No.3 is displaying Red.
(b) Signal No.3 is displaying caution or clear then signal No.1 displays clear (When 1TR, 1ATR and
3TR pick up condition).


Fig. 7.5 (c)

7.6 Four-Aspect Automatic Signaling

Generally when the automatic signals are provided with distance between the signals not
less than breaking distance, then 3-aspect signals will serve the purpose. But if the distance
between two consecutive signals is less than breaking distance On account of stations being very
close or to improve the section capacity by reducing the headway between trains and reducing the
automatic signaling sections, then the automatic signals have to be provided with 4 aspects. In this
case, the sequence of aspects, when a train passes a signal is Red, Yellow, double Yellow and Green
as the train occupies the section after passing a signal and clearing one section, two sections and 3
sections ahead of the signal respectively. The arrangement of signaling is shown in Fig. 7.6 (a).

Fig. 7.6 (a)

When a train passes signal No.7 and is occupying the section 7AT then signal No.7 displays
Red (danger) and the signals in rear display the aspects as indicated below: -

Signal No.5 - Yellow (Caution)

Signal No.3 - Double Yellow (Attention)
Signal No.1 - Green (Clear)


Fig. 7.6 (b)

As these signals have one, two and three sections ahead clear. In this system of 4 aspects
signaling, it is customary to ensure that the distance between the signal displaying red and a signal
displaying caution aspect is at least equal to breaking distance. If this distance is not available then
SEM part I Para 7.33.2 has to be followed.

7.7 Automatic Signal Circuits

Fig. 7.7 (a)

3 GECR pick up condition proves Signal not blank and its front contact proved in HR circuit of rear
signal (Red Lamp Protection).

Fig. 7.7 (b)


Controlling Circuit for Signal No 1

3 GECR relay picks up when it is displaying any one of the aspects namely Green, Double
yellow, Yellow or Red. This relay is repeated as 3GECPR relay at signal No.1 location. 3GECPR relay
pick up contact is proved in I HYR and 1 HR circuits, to prove Red lamp protection for signal No.3.

3 ECPR1 picks up when Signal No.3 is displaying any one of the OFF aspects namely Green,
Attention aspect or Caution aspect Yellow. This relay Pick up contact is used to control 1HHR for
proving signal No.3 Attention Aspect.

3 ECPR2 picks up when it is displaying either Green or Double yellow aspect. This relay Pick
up contact along with 3 ECPR1 are used to control 1DR relay for displaying clear aspect.

Fig. 7.7 (c)

When 3 GECR relay picks up at signal No.3 location, proving Sig No.3 is displaying any aspect
and 3TPR is up there by 1HYR relay at Sig No.1 location will pick up. With 1HYR relay pick up 1HR
relay will pick up proving 1TPR. 1ATPR up and signal No.1 OFF aspect lamp proving relays are down
that is 1 DECR ,1HHECR ,1HECR along with 1ECPR1 and 1ECPR2 is down makes 1HR to pick up, it
has a stick path with its own front contact by passing 1DECR, 1HHECR,1HECR,ECPR1 and ECPR2.

Once 1HR is up, proving ahead signal No.3 HR and 3ECPR1 are up thereby 1HHR relay picks
up. By proving 3HR, 3ECPR1 and 3ECPR2 pick up contacts 1DR will pick up.


All three controlling relays of signal No.1 HR, HHR and DR remain picked up when the entire
section is clear. As soon as train passes signal No.1, 1HR will drop and replaces the signal No.1 to

Fig. 7.7 (d) Four Aspect Automatic Signal Lamp Control Circuit

When train clears one section ahead including overlap, 1HR will pick up but 1HHR and 1DR
will drop as the signal No.3 in advance displaying Red. Through HR pick up the signal No1 will
change its aspects from Red to Yellow.

When signal No.3 in advance changes its aspects to Yellow, then 1HHR will pick up in signal
No.1 location and changes signal No.1 aspect from Yellow to Double Yellow through 1 HR and
1HHR pick up contacts.

Similarly if the signal No.3 in advance changes from Yellow to Double Yellow and
subsequently to Green, then 1DR will pick up in rear signal location then signal No.1 changes its
aspect to Green through 1HR, 1HHR and 1DR pick up contacts.

7.8 CASCADING (Cutting in) Arrangement

Whenever the lamp fuses with the signal displaying a particular aspect, then the signal
becomes blank and there is a chance that the driver may miss the blank signal and overshoot. Even

if the driver observes the signal, the signal with no light has to be treated as a defective signal and
General Rules 3.74 will have to be observed.

This will have a deleterious effect on capacity, so if a lamp of clear aspect fuses the signal
should display a more restrictive aspect than no light which is equivalent to 'Red'.

To avoid these conditions, an arrangement in the lamp control circuit can be adopted in
such a way that if a lamp fuses the signal can be restored to a more restrictive aspect. if green lamp
fuses (when signal is displaying clear aspect) then the signal is restored to double yellow, when one
yellow fails, the other will remain in case of attention and if both yellows of attention or single
yellow of caution fails, the signal is restored to more restrictive aspect ( danger) . This arrangement
is called the "cascading (cutting-in) arrangement".

In 4-aspect automatic signaling arrangements can be provided to restore the signal to a

more restrictive aspect when a less restrictive aspect fails due to lamp fusing etc. The circuit shown
in dotted line shows the "cascading" arrangement in such a way that when Green lamp fuses, the
signal is restored to double yellow, when one yellow fails, the other will remain in case of attention
and if both yellows of attention or single yellow of caution fails, the signal is restored to danger. .


Fig. 7.8 Four Aspect Automatic Signal Lamp Control Circuit (Cascading)

7.9 Red Lamp Protection

The above 'cascading' arrangement is safeguarding the signal from going blank when the
lamp for green or yellow aspect fuses by automatically restoring the signal to a more restrictive
aspect. But when red lamp in the automatic signal fails, the cutting in arrangement cannot restore
the signal to a more restrictive aspect, as there is no other restrictive aspect than Red in the signal.
Hence, the signal goes blank aspects not in a position to protect the automatic signal section
especially when a train occupies this section.

Under these conditions, the usual practice is to force the rear signal to danger so that it
assumes the protection of not only its section, but also the section in advance and as a result the
rear signal will remain at red till the train clears two sections ahead.


Fig. 7.9

In this method, the lamp checking relays (3 RECR/HECR/DECR) front contacts are included
in series with 3TPR front contact, to pickup 3 GECR relay when it is displaying any one of the OFF
aspects. This relay is repeated as 3GECPR relay at signal No.1 location. 3 GECPR relay pick up
contact is proved in 1HYR, and 1HYR pickup contact in 1HR relay circuits, to prove Red lamp
protection for signal No.3.

When the entire section is clear Automatic signal will display clear aspect. If automatic
signal No.3 is not displaying red with the train in its section due to lamp failure, then red lamp
checking relay (3RECR↓) drop causes to drop 3GECR. The 3GECR dropping in turn causes to drop
1HYR,and 1HYR causes 1HR to drop. There by signal No-1 display Red .But when the section is clear
and the automatic signal No-3 is displaying yellow or green then the signal in rear can also display
green. So, 3 HECR and 3 DECR front contacts are provided to bypass 3 RECR contact so that when
signal No.3 is displaying any OFF aspect there by 3GECR energised causing signal No.1 to display
respective OFF aspect.


8.1 Level Crossing Gates
 Classification of Level Crossings:
 ‘Special’ Class: TVUs greater than 50,000
 ‘A’ Class: TVUs greater than 30,000 or Line capacity utilization more than 80%, and Road
vehicles more than 1,000.
 ‘B1’ Class: TVUs greater than 25,000
 ‘B’ Class: TVUs greater than 20,000 and Road vehicles more than 750
 ‘C’ Class: All others
 ‘D’ Class: These are cattle crossings.
 LC gates are also divided in to following categories, based on whether they are
Interlocked/Non-interlocked and are Manned/Operated by Engineering/Traffic departments:

8.1.1 Non-Interlocked gates and interlocked gates:

 Non-interlocked gates are maintained by Engineering Department. At Interlocked gates,
Interlocking and communication equipments are installed and maintained by S&T

8.1.2 Engineering and Traffic gates:

 Gates outside the Station Limits are called Engineering gates and are manned and operated
by engineering staff. These gates may be Non-interlocked or Interlocked with Signals. Gates
within Station Limits are called Traffic gates and manned and operated by Traffic staff. These
gates also may be Non-Interlocked or Inter locked with Signals.
 Another classification of LC gates is by their Normal position, which could be Open to Road
traffic or Closed to Road Traffic.
 All Level crossing gates in ‘Special’ class and ‘A’ class and ‘B1’ class of level crossings will be
interlocked/ Signalled and kept open to Road Traffic
 Normal position of ‘B’ & ‘C’ class of level crossings will mostly be kept ‘Normally Closed to
Road Traffic’, except in exceptional cases of heavy Road Traffic where these level Crossings
can be permitted to have their position open to Road Traffic, provided the following
conditions are satisfied:
 The level crossing is not in a Suburban section
 Section concerned is not equipped with Automatic Signaling
 Level Crossing is equipped with Lifting barriers and is provided with a Telephone
connection with the Station Master and the working methodology includes a System of
Exchange of Private Numbers between the Gateman and the Station Master.
 Railway Track, at the Level crossings is straight on either side to afford clear view of an
approaching Train.


 As long as the gate is open to Road Traffic, a Red Flag by the Day time and a Red Light
during Night should be displayed towards the approaching Train on either side of the
Level Crossing.

8.2 Interlocking of LC gates:

Interlocking of LC gates with the signals shall have to be in Conformity with the Essentials of
Interlocking. In accordance with these principles, it shall not be possible to take ‘OFF’ a Running
signal unless, in addition fulfillment of other stipulated conditions therein, all interlocked LC gates
are closed and locked against the public Road for the line on which the Train will travel including
the Overlap. In addition, after the Signal has been taken ’Off’, it shall not be possible to release any
Interlocked Gate to permit Road Traffic until the said Signal is replaced to ‘ON’ position.

8.2.1 The Interlocking arrangements at mid-section LC Gate i.e Outside the Station
limit: (Absolute Block territory)
 Lower quadrant/ 2- aspect Color light signaling-
 The Gate stop signals with ‘G’ marker consisting of letter ‘G’ in Black on yellow circular
disc ‘shall be provided on either direction on single line section or in the direction of the
trains running on double line section at 400 meters from the LC gate.
 Passenger Warning board at not less than 1 KM and a Goods Warning board at 1.4 KM in
rear of Gate signal shall also be provided. The passenger Warning board can be
dispensed with if Warner signal is provided at 1.2 KM from the Gate signal
 Multiple aspect UQ/MACL signaling:
 The Gate stop signals with ‘G’ marker consisting of letter ‘G’ in Black on yellow circular
disc ‘shall be provided on either direction on single line section or in the direction of the
trains running on double line section at 180 meters from the LC gate.
 The Distant signal at not less than 1 KM and Goods sighting board at 1.4 KM in rear of
Gate signal shall also be provided.
Note: The latest policy is to provide Lifting barriers either mechanically operated or electrically
operated with MACLS.

8.2.2 The Interlocking arrangements at mid-section LC Gate i.e. Outside the Station
limit: (Automatic Block signaling territory)
 In Automatic Block Signaling territories, the Signal interlocking the LC gate shall be provided
with ‘G’ marker disc and an ‘A’ marker light. The ‘A’ marker light shall be lit only when the
Gates are closed and Locked against the Road Traffic
 Approach Locking and Back Locking shall be provided for the Interlocked Level Crossing
Gates, situated in Automatic signaling sections. Approach locking shall be effective from the
moment the train occupies the Track circuit provided at Braking Distance in rear of the Gate
signal and back locking shall be effective till the Train clears the Level Crossing.


8.2.3 LC located inside the Station Limits or in the vicinity (in Absolute Block
signaling territory)
 When the Interlocked Gate is situated bet Distant and Home Signal:
 The Gate Stop signal shall be located at 180 meters in rear of the Gate and provided with
‘G’ marker.
 The Distant signal shall be located at Braking distance (1 KM) in rear of the Gate stop
signal and shall also function as a Gate Distant as well as Station Distant signal.

8.2.4 LC located inside the Station Limits or in the vicinity (in Automatic Block
signaling territory)
 In Automatic Block Signaling territories, when a Semi-Automatic signal is required to protect
a LC gate, and also the Points, the signal shall be provided with illuminated ‘AG’ marker in
addition to illuminated ‘A’ maker. The illuminated Markers of S. A signal shall be repeated at
the place of operation of the signal alongside the Aspects of the signal. ‘A’ marker will be lit
when points are correctly set and locked and LC gate is closed against the Road traffic. ‘AG’
marker will be lit when Points are correctly set and locked but LC gate has failed
 Approach Locking and Back Locking shall be provided for the Interlocked Level Crossing
Gates, situated in Automatic signaling sections. Approach locking shall be effective from the
moment the train occupies the Track circuit provided at Braking Distance in rear of the Gate
signal and back locking shall be effective till the Train clears the LEVEL Crossing.
 Where Interlocked LC gates within Station limits are operated from a place other than the
place of operation of the Signal protecting the LC Gate, arrangements of Interlocking should
be such that the last operation before taking ‘OFF’ the signal should be the closing of the LC
gate and the first operation after the train has cleared the Level crossing and the Signal has
been put back to ‘ON’ position, should be the opening of the gate by the Gateman.

8.2.5 Approach Warning, Approach Locking and Back Locking at LC gates

 The Audible and Visual Train approach annunciation shall be such that the Gateman gets
adequate warning time. This shall normally be 60 sec for the fastest train, for closing the LC
gate before the train approaches within the sighting distance of the relevant Gate signal.
 Approach locking shall be effective from the moment the train occupies the Track circuit
provided in rear of the signal, which assumes Clear aspect when the Gate signal is taken ‘OFF’
and Back locking shall be effective till the Train clears the Level Crossing.
 Audible warning shall stop when the gate is closed and Locked but Red warning lights to Road
users where provided shall exhibit till the gates are re-opened for Traffic.

8.2.6 Electrical operation of lifting barriers

With ever increasing Road as well as Train traffic, there is a need to reduce the operating
time of the LC gates as at busy gates the time available for opening the Gate is limited. Slow


operation of mechanically operated Lifting Barriers, at times lead to Road Traffic chaos and damage
LC gate equipments. Mechanical Lifting barriers, in addition, need more maintenance and are
prone for failures and outside interference. Busy LC gates viz. Special. Class and ‘A’ class on
Electrified ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Routes are, therefore, now being equipped with electrically operated
Lifting Barriers.



9.1 Introduction:
 Interlocking logic is based on Software, requiring no wiring in the system for individual
Route/Signal. Hence the installation time is drastically reduced than for a conventional Relay
 Alterations do not require major wiring changes. Only data of the CPU card will have to be
changed. Therefore, Yard Re- modelling will not require large scale wiring alterations and
testing, obviating the need for long duration of Traffic blocks. This is, in fact, the most
important advantage of EI system.
 No relays are required for interlocking function. Only field gear actuating relays are required.
Power supply, Relays, Relay racks & accessories and indoor wiring get, thus reduced.
Consequently, the space requirement is reduced substantially.
 EI system has got extensive Self- Diagnostic features which helps in quick fault localization.
Thus the Down time of the installation in case of failure is reduced substantially.

9.2 Important Features available in EI:

 System should meet functional Requirements(of Interlocking, Control and Indication
 Provision to be made in the Hardware & Software for modular expansion of the system.
 For Large stations which cannot be covered by one EI system, it should be possible to
connect more than one EI system.
 The System should be capable of working in conjunction with Control cum Indication Panel
( CCIP) or alternatively a Video Display Unit (VDU)
 It should be capable of working with field Signaling equipment, Signaling cables and Outdoor
Power supply arrangements used in Conventional Interlocking System.
 Should be capable of interfacing with Block instruments, IBS and Automatic Signaling.
 System should meet the requirements of Environment conditions and Immunity from
Electromagnetic Interference etc.
 System should be user friendly and economical

9.2.1 System Architecture:

 To give very high overall availability and ensuring high degree of Safety.
 RDSO included three Architectures in the Tech. Specification
o Single Hardware Architecture with Diverse Software with warm/Hot standby
Processor/System with automatic changeover in case of fault in working system.
o In case of Warm Standby System, the Standby System should start functioning after
expiry of 120 sec of the failure of Main System. Preferably, the Train operation shall not
be affected or otherwise, there shall be no unsafe occurrence due to switching over from
Main System to Standby System.


o In case of Hot Standby System, Train operation shall not be affected and it shall also be
ensured that the fault, which affected the Main Processor/System, does not affect the
Hot Standby Processor /System.
o Two out of two Hardware Architecture with Identical or Diverse Hardware and Common
or Diverse Software. In addition, Warm/Hot standby Processor/System shall be provided
with automatic changeover in case of fault in working system.
o In case of Warm Standby System, the Standby System should start functioning after
expiry of 120 sec of the failure of Main System. Preferably, the Train operation shall not
be affected or otherwise, there shall be no unsafe occurrence due to switching over from
Main System to Standby System.
o In case of Hot Standby System, Train operation shall not be affected and it shall also be
ensured that the fault, which affected the Main Processor/System, does not affect the
Hot Standby Processor /System.
o Two out of three Hardware Architecture with Identical or Diverse Hardware and
Common or Diverse Software.
o System Validation should meet Safety Integrity Level-4 (SIL-4), as defined in CENELEC
(European Committee for Electro technical Standardisation) Standards. The
internationally accepted value of Probability of Wrong Side Failure (PWSF) for critical
Systems with human lives on stake is 10(-10) per hour.
o Software Requirements:
A. Executive Software:
a) Executive Software used in EI System should be developed in conformity with
Software Engineering Standards issued by recognized Standards Body such as
CENELEC with special relevance to Safety Critical Applications.
b) Full Documentation on Quality Assurance Program, especially the Verification
and Validation (V&V) procedures should be carried out preferably by an
independent Agency to check conformity to the defined Standards.
B. Application Software:
This is Site Specific Software based on Specific Railway’s Signaling Practices. This is
also required for Design of Application Software.

o System Composition:
a) Microprocessor based Interlocking Equipment conforming to one of the
Architectures as discussed above
b) Control cum Indication Panel (CCIP)
c) Maintenance Terminal with Display, Keyboard, Printer and Event Logging facility for
minimum 100000 events, with facility for serial Data Transfer to a Central
monitoring Unit
d) Field Equipment Interface Racks along with required number of approved type of
Signaling relays or Object Controllers.


e) The Object controllers shall be such that that they can operate or receive Status
Information from Outdoor Signaling Equipment without any modification/ change in
the Design thereof.

9.3 Redundancy Configurations in EI

 Redundancy configurations - Terminologies used are: Cold, Warm, and Hot Standby.

9.3.1 Cold Standby:

 If Main System shuts down, the Standby switches ‘On’ from ab-initio level.
 The fault levels affect the working System only.
 The Hardware damage in case of Lightning sensitive Electronic Systems is limited to Active
System only.
 In case of Yard Remodelling, the new Software Program can be loaded into inactive System
and tested, thus reducing the Change-over NI time.

 The Standby System shall have Delay Start feature of about 120 sec, which leads to loss of
information to SM/Panel Operator.
 The Standby System activates in ab-initio level. As a result, the earlier conditions of Route
Setting etc. are lost. SM/Panel operator have to re-activate the Commands or Controls.
 The Diagnostic Features are un-available and the Standby System cannot provide the details
of fault levels, which caused shutting down of the Main System.

9.3.2 Warm Standby:

 Similar in concept to Cold Standby except that the Diagnostic Features of Standby System are
always alive, thus makes fault rectification easier for the Main System

9.3.3 Hot Standby:

 Both the Systems are active and both the Systems handshake before delivering the Vital
 High availability of System at all times.
 No loss of information during faulty stages.
 Able to detect the healthy status of both the Systems which is not available in both Cold and
Warm Standby Systems

 Complexity in Hardware Architecture
 Complexity in Software Development
 Mis -match resolution technique is also complex and requires higher Maintenance Skills.


 As per Railway Board’s policy, Stations having 50 routes to 200 routes are to be provided
with Electronic Interlocking.
 At present Four major Firms manufacture and install the EI systems on Indian Railways. They
 M/s Ansaldo, (formerly Known as US&S) Bangalore, Single Hardware Architecture with
Diverse Software and Hot Standby.
 M/s Medha Servo Drives Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad, Two out of two Hardware Architecture with
identical Hardware, Identical Software and Hot Standby.
 M/s Invensys Rail (now Siemens Ltd), Bangalore, Two out of two Architecture with
Diverse Hardware with common software and Hot Standby.
 M/s Kyosan Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd, Japan



10.1 Different Types of Block Working
 System of Trains Working:-
 Absolute Block Working
 Automatic Block Working
 Following Train System (not widely used)
 One Train/Engine only System (not widely used)
 Pilot Guard System (not widely used)
 Train Staff and Ticket System (not widely used)

10.2 Means of Block Working

 Communication Instruments
 Block Instruments
 Token Block Instrument
 Token less Block Instrument
 Track Circuits, Axle Counters

10.3 Types of Block Instruments

 Single Line Working:
 Token Block Instruments
o Neale's Ball Token Instrument(Suitable for RE and Non-RE area
o Neale's Tablet Token Instrument(Suitable for RE and Non-RE area)
o NT Block Photos
 Token less Block Instruments
o Push Button Type Block Instrument (Suitable for Non-RE area)
o Daido Handle Type Block Instrument (Suitable for RE and Non-RE area)
o Axle Counter Based Block Instrument
 Double Line Working:
 SGE Double Line Block Instrument
 Axle Counter Based Block Instrument
 Intermediate Block Signaling
 The design of all types of Block instruments is such that there can be only one train at a time
in the block section. The main safety features are:
 Neale’s Ball/Tablet type instrument
 Normal polarity instrument
 Reverse polarity instrument
This is to prevent the block instrument going to wrong position due to line faults etc.


 Five different configurations of tokens, A, B, C, D and E to prevent unsafe condition

by wrongly inserting in the instrument pertaining to other block section available at the
same station
 Force drop arrangement available to prevent electrical sticking of electromagnet
 Safety catch is provided to ensure the rotation of the commutator contact assembly
depending upon the rotation of the Block handle
 Electrical control on Last stop signal(LSS) is available
 Taking up of ‘off’ LSS and handing over of token to the driver both put together
constitute the authority to proceed and enter into the block section
 Suitable to work in RE territory with suitable modifications
 Power supply required
o 12V DC for internal relay circuits, TCF/TGT Lock circuits (secondary cells)
o Line circuit – DC supply depending upon the length of the block section (DC-
DC converter)
o 12V DC for Block bell equipment in RE area (secondary cells)
o Telephone battery- 3V DC (Dry cells)

Neale’s Ball token Instrument

 Disadvantages of Token Block instruments:

(i) During crossing of trains, time consumed is more for exchanging the tokens with the loco
(ii) Possibility of token missing/ lost during handing over and picking up of tokens by Loco
pilots resulting in suspension of block working and consequent detention to train


(iii) Token balancing is required in the case of unidirectional flow of traffic.

(iv) It is necessary to take census of tokens once in six months.
 Push button type token less block instrument
 Non-cooperative type. Only during cancellation operation cooperation is required
 Relays based instrument
 Assumes four positions viz. TCF, TGT, TOL, LINE CLOSED
 Taking up of LSS is the authority to proceed to the driver to enter into the block
 Assumes TOL position automatically as soon as the train leaves the sending station
and occupies FVT (in advance of LSS) and sounds buzzer automatically both at sending
and receiving stations. The buzzer will stop as soon as the receiving end Station Master
acknowledges the buzzer
 After train arrives at the receiving station, Train arrival buzzer sounds and the block
instrument can be set to Line closed condition
 This is a zero power consumption in instrument in Line closed condition
 Not suitable for RE territory as this instrument works on DC pulse code ie.--+-- for
TCF, -- -- + for TGT, -- -- -- for TOL, -- + + for Line closed
 Power supply required
o 24V DC for internal relays (Secondary cells)
o 24V DC External circuits viz. FVTPR,SNR,TAR (Secondary cells)
o Line circuit- >36V DC depending upon the length of the block section ( DC-
DC converter)
o Telephone battery -3V DC (Dry cells)

Push button type Token less Block instrument


 Daido Handle type Token less block instrument

 This is co operative type
 Electro mechanical type i.e Relay based as well as Electro mechanical Lock
 Operating Handle assumes three positions viz. TCF, TGT, and LINE CLOSED
 Taking up of LSS is the authority to proceed to the driver to enter into the block
 TOL indication appears automatically as soon as the train leaves the sending station
and occupies FVT (in advance of LSS) and sounds buzzer automatically both at sending
and receiving stations. The buzzer will stop as soon as the receiving end Station Master
acknowledges the buzzer
 After train arrives at the receiving station, Train arrival buzzer sounds and the block
instrument can be set to Line closed condition
 Suitable for RE territory as this instrument works on DC pulse code, carrier
Frequency of 2700 Hz or 1800 Hz and modulated frequency of 85 Hz or + on
line and 85 Hz+CF for LC to TCF, TCF to LC and TGT to LC. DC + on line and 65 HZ+ CF for
TGT, CF+ 65Hz for TOL,
 Power supply required
o 24V DC for internal relays, Transmitter and Receiver (Secondary cells)
o 24V DC External circuits viz. FVTPR,SNR,TAR (Secondary cells)
o Line circuit- DC voltage depending upon the length of the block section with
line current of 110 ma ( DC-DC Converter)
o Telephone battery -3V DC ( Dry cells)

Daido Type Token less Block instrument


 SGE Double line block instrument

 This is non co operative type
 Electro mechanical type i.e Relay based as well as Electro mechanical Lock
 Operating Handle assumes three positions viz. Line Clear, TOL, and LINE CLOSED
 Taking up of LSS is the authority to proceed to the driver to enter into the block
 The block indication assumes TOL automatically as soon as the train leaves the
sending station and occupies FVT (in advance of LSS) and sounds buzzer automatically at
sending. The buzzer will stop as soon as the sending station master normalizes the LSS
lever/Panel knob.
 After train arrives at the receiving station, Train arrival buzzer sounds and the block
instrument handle can be set to Line closed condition.
 Suitable for RE territory with certain modifications viz. Filter unit, Block bell
 Power supply required
o 24V DC for internal relays (Secondary cells)
o 24V DC External circuits viz. FVTPR,LVTPR (Secondary cells)
o 12V DC for block bell equipment and commutator lock Secondary cells)
o Line circuit- DC voltage depending upon the length of the block section with
line current of 16-25 ma ( Dual Bank battery set)
o Telephone battery -3V DC (Dry cells)

SGE Double Line Block instrument


10.4 Absolute Block Working- Applies to both Single Line and Double
Line Working
 Only one train can be in the block section.
 The normal signaling available (MACLS):-
 Distant, Home, Routing Home, Inner Starter, Starter, Advanced Starter.
 BPAC is compulsory.
 Line Clear given only when the Block Section is clear plus block overlap of 180m beyond first
stop signal of the next station.
 Intermediate Block stop signal (IBS)
 On double line sections, to improve the line capacity, longer block section is divided in to two
portions to accommodate two trains in the same direction of one block section by providing
IBS i.e one train between LSS of the sending station and IBS and another train between IBS
and Home signal of the station at the receiving end of the block section
 Axle counter is provided between Sending station LSS and up to 400 meters beyond IBS to
monitor the clearance/occupancy of the section
 Axle counter is also provided between IBS and up to Block overlap (i.e 180 meters) beyond
Home signal of the receiving station to monitor the clearance/occupancy of the section
 The IBS is controlled by Line clear condition of the SGE block instrument of the sending
station and other controls viz. lever/knob of the sending end station master, Axle counter
between IBS and next station in clear condition
 IBS can be passed at ON by the Loco pilot of a train duly observing rules as given in G&SR
 When passed at ON, a buzzer will sound at the sending station which shall be acknowledged
by the SM at the sending station. No further train can be sent till the resetting is done jointly
by the Sending and Receiving end station masters. The above resetting process will be
recorded in a counter at the sending station

10.5 Automatic Block Working- Applies to both Single Line and Double
Line Working
 Normally the present policy is to provide 4 aspect color light signaling.
 The inter distance between two signals in the same direction is one KM
 Lines provided with continuous track circuits/axle counters and divided into number of Block
sections between two Block stations.
 Normal Signaling available:-
 Automatic Stop Signal, Semi-automatic Stop Signal and Manual Signal.
 The line to be clear up to the next automatic signal in the same direction plus overlap of
120m except where the next signal is manual signal the overlap is 180m.
 Automatic stop signal is provided with white enameled board with letter ‘A’ painted in black
and semi-automatic stop signal with ‘A’ marker light. In addition to ‘A’ marker light, G board
is also provided for semi-automatic stop signal controlling LC gate
 The Normal aspect of the automatic stop signal is ‘proceed’


 The automatic stop signal can be passed at ON by the Loco pilot duly observing Rules as per
G&SR i.e stop at the signal one minute by day and two minutes by night and proceed
cautiously up to next signal even though the next signal is in OFF condition
 On single line section the direction of traffic has to be established by controlling station to
convert the signals as automatic signals in that direction.
 The normal aspect of all automatic signals in the direction of traffic established will be OFF.
All the signals in the opposite direction remain at ON
 Automatic stop signal is provided with white enameled board with letter ‘A’ painted in black
and semi-automatic stop signal with ‘A’ marker light. In addition to ‘A’ marker light, G board
is also provided for semi-automatic stop signal controlling LC gate



Different Power arrangements are required for different Signaling Systems

11.1 Signaling Systems:

The different Signaling Systems are:
 Semaphore signaling
 Multiple Aspect Color Light Signaling operated by Lever Frames, Non-RE area
 Multiple Aspect Color Light Signaling operated by Lever Frames, RE area
 Multiple Aspect Color Light Signaling with Relay Inter Locking/Electronic Inter Locking, Non-
RE area
 Multiple Aspect Color Light Signaling with Relay Interlocking/Electronic Interlocking, RE area
 Route Relay Interlocking (RRI)
 Intermediate Block Signaling (IBS)
 Block Hut
 Intermediate Level Crossing Gates in Block section
 Automatic signaling
 Major Yard provided with Multiple Aspect Color Light Signaling with multiple Cabins, RE area
 Signaling Sub Systems like,
 Data loggers
 Electrical Lifting barriers
 DC Track circuits
 Magneto Telephones, Post type Telephones
 Non- Railway Electrified Area
 230V supply drawn from station Feeder
 Two Standby diesel generators of adequate capacity
 Solar panels with Battery backup may be provided as Main/standby source wherever
 Primary cells for Block line and Telephone circuit
 Railway Electrified Area
 On Single line section
o Power supply will be drawn normally from a single Auxiliary Transformer (AT)
o One standby Diesel Generator of adequate capacity will also be provided
 On Double/Multiple line section
o Power supply will be drawn normally from 25 KV OHE through Two Auxiliary
Transformers (ATs) provided on UP and Down lines separately
 In Big yards, DG sets of adequate capacity in addition to supply from two ATs and Local


Power supply from ATs, Local source and DG set(s) shall be terminated at a CLS power
supply control & distribution panel (CLS power Panel) in ASM’s office/cabin or LC gate as
required. This is to be maintained by Electrical Dept.
 5KVA,10KVA,25KVA & 50KVA ATs are available
 Purely Internal relays supply shall be separated from External relays supply
 Also External supply to Relays shall be separated for North, South, East and West
directions at a station
 Power supply Equipments associated with signaling system
 230/110V Transformer of various capacities
 Battery Chargers of different rating and capacities
 Voltage Stabilizers of different capacities
 Inverters of different capacities v)Transformer- rectifiers
 Indication Transformers 110/12V or 110/24V as required
 Low maintenance Lead Acid cells
 Power Panel
 DC-DC converters

11.2 Typical Power supply requirement at a Way side 4 Road station on

Double section in RE area
 On Double line section, 25KV AC Electrified territories, (Central Panel, MACLS and Q type
 Power supply will be drawn normally from 25 KV OHE through Two Auxiliary
Transformers (ATs) provided on UP and Down lines separately
 Power supply from ATs, Local source shall be terminated at a CLS power supply control&
distribution panel (CLS power Panel) in ASM’s office
 24V DC internal battery set with Charger
 Two sets of 24 V DC battery sets with Chargers for External North/East and External
South/West locations
 110 V DC battery set with Charger for Point machine supply
 Two nos. of 230/110V AC transformer for signal lighting circuit for Up and Down sides
 Two nos. of 230/110V AC transformer for feeding Track circuits for Up and Down sides
 110/24V AC transformer for panel indication supply
 24 V DC battery set with charger for Block instrument Internal relays
 12 V DC battery set with charger for Block bell equipment
 110 V AC or 230 V AC/ 24V DC rectifier for LVR circuit
 Two nos. of DC-DC converters for both Block line circuits. The voltage depends upon the
length of the Block sections to maintain a line current of 16 to 25 ma
 Telephone battery supply of 3 V DC for each telephone


Note: Additional power supply will be required if SSDAC is provided for BPAC

11.3 Integrated Power Supply (IPS)

 All new installations shall be provided with IPS only
 Should be procured and installed from and by original manufacturer only
 Pre-commissioning check list issued by RDSO shall be strictly adhered to before
commissioning IPS
 IPS scheme suitable for 4/6 line RE/Non-RE way side station is issued by RDSO

11.3.1 Technical features of IPS

 Suitable to work with VRLA/LMLA batteries
 Displays status of the system
 Input voltage 150to275 V AC with frequency variation of 48 to 52Hz
 Overload short circuit protected
 Battery reverse polarity protected
 Solid state switch on the input side gives indication and keeps the IPS in disconnected mode
when the input voltage beyond the limit i. less than 150V and more than 275V and
automatically gets connected when the input voltage becomes within limits.
 Over temperature shut down
 Fully protected from Lightning and any high voltage Surges
 Potential free contact s provided to give alarms at remote place i.e FRBC fail, DC-DC
converter fail, Mains fail, Battery low (50% deep discharge) and Call S&T staff
 Each module is suitable for operating in parallel on active load sharing basis with other
module of similar type
 Redundant modules are provided to achieve maximum availability

11.4 Power supply arrangement in Automatic Block signaling

Railway Electrified area:
 The scheme for a section of 8km length provided with 4 automatic signals on each line of
double section shall be as follows
 Two no's of 10 KVA ATs be provided in the middle of the section but nearer to the
corresponding Location Hut of the automatic signal (known as Main Location Hut) and
connected to CLS power panel with automatic change over facility to be maintained by
Electrical Dept.
 Power cable of adequate size (2x25 sq. mm or 2x35sq mm) shall be laid along the track by
S&T dept and terminated at each signal location hut. It is preferable to lay one additional
power cable in different path to connect the power supply with ring main protection
 The power supply shall be wired through DPDT switches in location huts, to enable extension
of the power supply from the main location hut to adjoining location huts on either end, up
to the last automatic signal location hut.
 Ferro Resonant voltage stabilizer of 1 KVA shall be provided in each location hut


 One 230/110V 1KVA transformer for lighting corresponding signal and another transformer
of the same capacity for feeding Track circuits shall be provided in each location hut. The
110V AC supply for track circuits shall be of Omnibus type.
 110V AC/6V DC, 5/10Amps track feed battery chargers shall be provided near feed end of
each track circuit with battery bank of 1,2,3,or4 cells of 2V/80AH each, in series as per site
 A 230V AC/24V DC,20Amps battery charger with a 80AH battery bank of low maintenance
cells shall be provided at each hut for feeding the controlling Relays

11.5 Power supply arrangement in Intermediate Block Signaling (IBS)

Railway Electrified area
 Two nos of 5KVA ATs shall be provided nearer to IBS location Hut and terminated on CLS
power panel with automatic change over facility. This is to be maintained by Electrical Dept
 230V AC local supply shall be provided as a third source of supply and wired for automatic
change over in case both the ATs fail. In case there is no local supply or the supply is
unreliable, the solar panel with inverter and battery bank of adequate capacity may be
 1 KVA Ferro resonant stabilizer
 2 nos of 230V AC/110V AC 500VA transformers for feeding each side IBS separately
 230V AC/110V AC 500VA transformer for feeding Track circuits
 230V AC/24V DC battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for feeding
Internal Relay circuits
 230V AC/24V DC battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for feeding
External Relay circuits
 Power cable of size 2x25 sq. mm or 2x35 sq. mm shall be laid from IBS location to a Location
which is <2.8 km from the controlling station and 110V AC supply extended. A 110V AV/24V
DC battery charger with a battery bank 40AH cells be provided for feeding RE cutting in
 Primary cells for IBS telephone

11.6 Power supply arrangement at mid-section LC Gates

Non-RE area:
 In case within 2km from the nearest station, 230V AC shall be extended from the station
through Power Cable (2x25sqmm or 2x35sqmm)
 In case more than 2km from the nearest station, Local EB supply shall be made available at
the LC Gate Hut. If the Local EB supply is not
reliable/available, the solar panel with inverter and battery bank of adequate capacity may
be provided
 Two sets of diesel generators each of 3.5 KVA capacity shall be provided with a Electrical start
arrangement provided at the Gate Lodge


 Inverter of 48V DC/230V AC –1KVA shall be provided at LC gate Hut. This shall be supported
with a230V AC/48V DC battery charger and battery bank of 40AH low maintenance cells
 230V AC/110V AC 1KVA transformer for feeding signals shall be provided
 230V AC/24V DC ,10Amp battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for
feeding controlling Relay circuits shall be provided
 Primary cells for telephone may be provided

RE area:
 In case within 2km from the nearest station, 230V AC shall be extended from the station
through Power Cable (2x25sqmm or 2x35sqmm)
 In case more than 2km from the nearest station, one 5KVA, AT on Single line section and
Two ATs each of 5KVA capacity on double line section shall be provided nearer to LC gate
location Hut and terminated on CLS power panel with automatic change over facility. This is
to be maintained by Electrical Department.
 230V AC local supply shall be provided as a second source of supply and wired for automatic
change over in case both the ATs fail. In case there is no local supply or the supply is
unreliable, the solar panel with inverter and battery bank of adequate capacity may be
 230V AC/24V DC ,10Amp battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for
feeding Internal Relay circuits shall be provided
 230V AC/24V DC ,10Amp battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for
feeding External Relay circuits shall be provided
 Primary cells for telephone may be provided
 One diesel generator of 3.5 KVA capacity shall be provided on single line section with a
Electrical start arrangement provided at the Gate Lodge. A manual change over arrangement
may be provided for extending Generator supply in case all other supplies fail
 Inverter of 48V DC/230V AC –1KVA shall be provided at LC gate Hut. This shall be supported
with a230V AC/48V DC battery charger and battery bank of 40AH low maintenance cells
 230V AC/110V AC 1KVA transformer for feeding signals shall be provided
 230V AC/24V DC ,10Amp battery charger with battery bank 40AH, Low maintenance type for
feeding Internal Relay circuits shall be provided

11.7 Power supply arrangement for Signaling Sub systems

 Single section Digital Axle Counter (SSDAC)
 230V AC/24V DC-20Amps battery charger (Ripple and noise free charger)
 24V-80AH low maintenance battery set
 The above shall be provided at Central location (Station) and power supply shall be extended
to SSDAC device through 2x25 sq. mm or 2x35 sq. mm power cable
 Multi section Digital Axle Counter (MSDAC)
 230V AC/24V DC-50Amps battery charger (Ripple and noise free charger)
 24V-200AH low maintenance battery set


 The above shall be provided at location nearer to Evaluator and power supply shall be
extended to Axle detector unit through 2x25 sq. mm or 2x35 sq. mm power cable
 Universal Axle Counter (UAC) For two sets of Axle counter
 230V AC/24V DC-20Amps battery charger (Ripple and noise free charger)
 24V-80AH low maintenance battery set
 The above shall be provided at location nearer to Evaluator
 230V AC/24V DC-10Amps battery charger (Ripple and noise free charger)
 24V-40AH low maintenance battery set the above two equipments give power supply to
Electronic Junction Box (EJB) and may be provided in location near EJB or if provided at
station the power supply shall be extended to EJB through 2x25 sq. mm or 2x35 sq. mm
power cable.
 Audio Frequency Track circuit (AFTC)
 For centralized version, 110V AC shall be fed to each 110V AC/24V DC Power supply unit
(PSU) of the track circuit and wired locally on the Cable termination Rack for the group of
track circuits provided at central place i.e. Relay room
 For decentralized version, 110V AC shall be taken to each PSU of the track circuit
provided in the field through 2x25 sq. mm or 2x35 sq. mm power cable. A max of 40
track circuits shall be fed through such cable
 A 230V AC/110V AC, 1 KVA transformer for each group of 8 track circuits shall be
provided to feed power supply to PSUs
 Data Logger (512 digital and 32 analogue ports provided at wayside stations)
 230V AC/24V DC 20Amps battery charger
 24V-80AH low maintenance battery set
 230V AC power supply for central monitoring unit at Divisional headquarters office for PC,
Monitor, and Printer and associated equipments with UPS of adequate capacity to provide
back up at least 6hrs.
 Electrical Lifting Barrier (ELB)
 ELBs work on low power 24V DC or high power 110V AC
 For working 8mtr long boom the current requirement
 6-8 Amps for 24V DC supply
 10 Amps for 110V AC supply
Note: The other power supply requirements remain the same that of Mid-section LC gates.


 Voltage – 25 KV (23.75 to 27.5 KV)
 Frequency - 50 Hz (48.5 to 51.5 Hz)
 Span – 72 m max. Less on curves


 Stagger - +/- 200mm

 Ht. of contact wire – 5.55 m

What is the value of Traction current to which Signaling Systems were designed earlier?
 Single Line – 300 A
 Double line – 600 A
 Traction TX cap – 13.5 MVA

What is the value of Traction current to which Signaling Systems are now designed?
 Single Line – 800 A
 Double line – 1000 A
 Traction TX cap – 21.6 MVA

How does 25 KV AC Traction cause interference in S&T Systems?

 Obstruction to Signal Visibility by OHE Masts.
 Conduction – Direct contact or coupling via earthing points.
 Electrostatic Induction – Capacitive coupling
 Electromagnetic Induction – Traction return current flow

How are these mitigated?

 Visibility Improvement by Providing Offsetting OHE Masts.
 Conduction – use of High-Speed Circuit Breakers & earthing.
 Electrostatic Induction – Use U/G Cables instead of Overhead transmission wires for sig. &
Tele circuits.
 Electromagnetic Induction –
 Reduce earth Return current
 Use Screened cables
 Limit length of parallelism
 Design equipments & circuits to withstand safe voltages

How are the locations of Signals fixed?

 Signals are to be so located
 to be clear of standard moving dimensions
 to afford maximum continuous visibility to drivers of approaching trains
 Min. distance from any part of the signal to OHE 600 mm.
 A Earthed metallic screen to be provided if the signal/any part is closer than 2m.
 When signals & OHE Masts are on the same side of the track –
 The distance between the signal and the mast in front of it must not be less than 30 meters.
 The distance between the signal and the mast in rear must not be less than 10 meters.
 This may be reduced to 3 meters provided:
 The mast is not anchored and
 Contact wire is staggered away from the signal.


12.1 Electromagnetic Induction

 When a conductor carries current, there is a magnetic field around the conductor. With an
alternating current, the magnetic field is also alternating. Hence, the A.C. traction overhead
system sets up an alternating magnetic field.
 Any conductor linking with these magnetic lines of force, has a voltage induced in it according
to the well-known "Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction" which states that
"Whenever the, number of lines of force linking with a circuit changes, an emf is induced in
the circuit which is proportional to the rate of change of flux".
 The magnitude of the induced voltage is also dependent on the current, the distance of
separation, the surrounding medium etc.
 When the entire outward and return current is restricted to two conductors located
physically close to each other, the induced voltage on a third conductor due to each one of
these will cancel, leaving a resultant which is nearly zero.

12.2 Rail reduction factor – Screening due to Return currents through

 Return current through the rails helps in reducing the induced voltage to some extent. This
property of the rail current is defined as Rail Reduction Factor.
 Rail reduction factor improves with the number of tracks and it is therefore possible to get
greater reduction of induced E.M.F in the case of double & quadruple tracks than in the case
of single track.
 Rail reduction factor is 0.56 in the case of single track and 0.4 in the case of double track.
 If there is no parallel path through the earth, whole of traction return current would flow in
the rails throughout their length, the screening factor of the rails would have a low value i.e.,
the rails would provide effective screening.
 The same screening factor is lower near the vehicle and near the sub-station than elsewhere
because the large portion of the traction return current flows in the rails at these places.

12.3 Cable Screening Factor due to use of Screened cable

 Presence of a conductor in the magnetic field of the main source, reduces induced voltage.
This property has been taken advantage of in the manufacturing of cables.
 While the cable cores are individually insulated and provided with insulated sheathing to
make them compact, one more metallic sheathing is provided over this.
 The entire cores and metallic sheath are then covered by an insulated overall sheathing. This
metallic sheathing can be in the form of an aluminium extruded pipes or strips of Aluminium
covering the cores. These type of cables are called screened Cables.
 To reduce the voltage in the core, the sheath must carry current in opposite direction to
catenary current. For this, cable sheath should be part of a return current circuit that is
completed through the earth.
 For effective screening, earthing of cable sheath at frequent intervals is insisted upon.
 Protection of Personnel and equipment from Induced Voltages.


 Safety of operating and maintenance personnel against electric shock.

 To ensure reliable and safe operation of the equipment by limiting or eliminating the induced
voltages in signal and Block circuits.
 To protect the equipment against buildup of unduly high, voltages which can cause dielectric
(Insulation) breakdown
 Insulation of Rods - by use Rod Insulation Jt. -
 One each at LF/GF (op. end) and Point/Lock bar/ lock post end.
 Interspace LE 300 m.
 All Insulation Joints to be in the same span of roller supports.
 For rod running under the track, the top of the rod shall not be less than 40 mm below the
bottom of the rail, to ensure that the rail does not come in contact with the rod during the
passage of trains.
 The distance between any 0HE mast and the point rod shall not be less than 40 min.

12.4 Insulation of Wires

 Wire insulator shall be provided on each wire as close to the cabin as possible.
 Insulator shall be provided in each wire near the Gear of operation Eg. LC gate.
 All insulators shall be provided between two consecutive stakes or pulleys supporting
brackets (i.e.) within the same span.
 Insulator to be provided at every 300 mts.
 Horizontal distance between two wires shall not be less than 50 mm.
 Vertical distance between two wires shall not be less than 200 mm.
 Any contact between the wire transmission and the rails as well as the masts must be
 Insulator shall be provided with split links or disconnecting links on either side for easy
 Wire insulators shall be provided on wires of Level Crossing gate (Lifting Barriers.)
 Earthing
 LF/GF, Winch, Booms, Location Boxes, Signal Posts, Power equipment
 Cable sheath, armour etc. at both ends- maintain continuity at joints- inter earth distance LE
 Block Working Circuits through Block Filters.
 Telecom Systems on U/G Cables or OFC systems
 Earthing of S&T cables, structures & buildings is done for one or more of following:
 To ensure effective and rapid operation of protective equipment in the event of earth
fault current in electrical supply system.
 Protect against danger to life through shock due to non-current carrying equipment &
metal work being maintained at a dangerous potential relative to earth.
 To reduce interference (earthing of sheath of cables)

12.5 Maximum Earth Resistance specified


 For lightening discharger LE 10 Ohms

 Earth for equipment LE 10 Ohms
 Cable screen/armour LE 10 Ohms
 Axle counter, Telecom LE 1 Ohm
 Signaling earths LE 10 Ohms
 Block earths LE 10 Ohms

12.6 Approved Block Instruments in RE areas

12.6.1 Single Line:
 Neale's Token type
 Daido Handle type Tokenless Block
 Axle Counter Block

12.6.2 Double Line:

 SGE Double Line Block Instrument,
 Axle Counter Block
Separate batteries for Line and indication circuits for each block

12.7 Track circuits permitted for use in 25 KV RE areas

 D.C. Single Rail Track Circuits
 Length of TC limited to 350 m on MBC sleepers, 450 m on wooden sleepers 750 m for
QBAT relay,
 Use of Chokes, battery,
 A.C. Track Circuits single rail or double rail working on a different frequency other than 50 Hz
or its harmonics.
 Electronic Track Circuits like Juemont Track Circuit
 Bonding – Transverse and Cross bonding – for flow of traction return current.
 All OHE Masts to be connected to negative rails.
 Negative rails to be connected to other negative rails by transverse bonds
 Only A.C. immune D.C. track circuits and HV track circuits are normally allowed on A.C.
electrified lines in single rail mode, which demands IRJs in one of the running rails. In AC
Electrified areas, single rail DC track circuit is used.
 D.C. track circuits are inevitably single rail, since the principle of an impedance bond in
separating traction from track circuit current cannot be applied.
 Feed and Relay components are specifically modified to provide protection from damage and
immunity to interference.
 A.C. immunity of D.C. track circuits is achieved by using an A.C. immunised track relay.
 A TPR of minimum pick up delay of 0.5 secs, is to be used to suppress momentary pick up of
the track relay due to circuit transient and to prevent the release of interlocking during the
passage of a short vehicle over a rail joint.


 QSPA1 Relay should be used at track relay locations, whose contact should be used to pick up
the repeater relay in RR.
 Interlocking circuits to be so designed, that release of locking is done using pick up contact of
delayed repeater
 I.V (for 600 A on Double line, 300 A on Single Line), in unscreened cables - 90V/KM.
 Max voltage permitted for safety of Maintenance Personnel = 120 V AC
 Max Length of parallelism = 1.2 KM.
 Circuits to be repeated, if longer.
 Direct feeding of signals – limited to 240 m
 Relays are to be immunised to 300 V Ac with a factor of safety of 2.5. If less, repeat the
circuits at the max length.

 All circuits which pass through a main cable must have individual returns. No Common return
or earth return to be used.
 Double cutting with controlling relay contacts in both the conductors.
 In case sufficient contacts are not available, the relay may be repeated and its contacts used
in the circuits.
 Cross protection to be provided.
 No earth return circuit is permitted in any of the signal circuits. (Block circuit is an exception
to this, as adequate protection has been provided to prevent unsafe conditions.)
 All external Ckts should be terminated in AC Immunised relays.


Double Cutting

 Lowest voltage at which glowing of the lamp occurs is called the "Glow Voltage “. Below this
voltage there will be no illumination. This Glow Voltage is found to be 2.3 volts for a signal
lamp working on 12 volts.
 In case of 2 earth faults, one at the farther end of one limb and the other at the nearest end
of the other limb, induced voltages will appear at the primary of the signal lamp transformer


and this will cause the burning of the lamp, even though the controlling relay is de-energised.
This will cause an unsafe failure when 'OFF' aspect burns.
 Since the induced voltage is proportional to length of parallelism of the circuit, length should
be restricted to such an extent the signal shall not glow under cable fault conditions.
 To obtain a Glow voltage of 2.3V on the secondary, voltage on primary side of signal lamp
transformer should be 21 volts. i.e. (110/12) x 2.3 =9.166 X 2.3 = 21.08V.
 When unscreened signalling cable is used, the induced voltage is 87.5V/Km. Maximum length
of directly fed signalling circuit when unscreened cables is 21/87.5 x 1000 = 240 meters.
 In case there are 2 faults occurring on the two limbs within the stipulated length, the induced
voltage will be superimposed along with the regular voltage and cause frequent fusing of
lamps. When frequent fusing of lamps occur, the cable shall be tested for earth faults.
 Use HPR, DPR relays for cutting in lamp feed or in local feed circuits.
 Use AC Immunised Point machines in Point Motors.
 Use modified SGE Block Instrument with 77 Ohms indication coil and 17 mA to 25 mA
polarized relays.
 Power Supply.
 AC Busbar – Max. Length of parallelism 2 KM.
 Use Isolation transformer for GT 2KM.
 Separate circuit for signals LT 240 m, MT 240 m.
 Separate Batteries for Int. & Ext. supplies.
 Separate batteries for North & South side ext. supplies.
 Separate Tx for signals LT and MT 240 m & for North and South side feeds.

Higher Traction Currents – 800 Amps on Single Line and 1000 Amps on Double Line
 IV on D/L : 95 V/KM and on S/L 116 V/KM
 Direct Feeding of Signals Max Distance – 220 m on D/L and 180 m on S/L.
 Max Safe Voltage for maintenance Personnel = 400 V
 Factor of safety was Reduced from 2.5 to 1.5

Track Circuits
Maximum permissible length
DC Single Rail Track Circuit
Single Line section Double Line Section
Without additional protection 200 m 300 m
With additional protection of 120
450 m 450
Ohm. Choke at relay end

Repeating of Circuits
Maximum permissible length under factor of safety of 1.5
Single Track Double Track
Shelf Type AC Immunised 2.1 KM 2.8 KM
QNA1 2.1 KM 2.8 KM
K-50 (B-1) 1.0 KM 1.2 KM

13.1 Basic Documents for S&T Works

 Engineering Plan or P.Way plan
 Signaling and interlocking plan (SIP)
 Table of control or Selection table

13.1.1 List important details conveyed by Signaling & Interlocking Plan (SIP)
 Its Number, Revision, Scale, Station Name, Railway,
 Standard of Interlocking
 Engineering Scale Plan (ESP) Details on which SIP is based
 Adjacent stations & Distances
 Gradients in the Station
 Means of operation of Gears,
 Points, Signals, Track Circuits – Nos., Lengths etc.
 Crank Handle interlocking, LC gate working
 Inter-signal Distances & Aspect Control of Signals
 CSRs of loop Lines, sidings
 Block Working with Adjacent Stations
 Midsection LCs connected to the station
 Special Sanctions Required from CRS, COM etc.

13.1.2 List the Indoor Drawings required for Works

 CTR Details – called FTOT in SR
 Indoor relay Circuits, Contact Analysis
 Interface Relay Circuits (EI)
 Rack-wise Relay Distribution Chart
 IPS Design
 Earthing Arrangements
 Rule diagram (to include in SWR)

13.1.3 List the Outdoor Drawings required for Works

 Track circuit bonding plan
 Cable core plan
 Cable route plan
 Location Box Drawing
 LC Gate drawings.
 IBH/Auto Goomty Circuits

13.1.4 What information is conveyed by Cable Core Plan (CCP)?

 Main Cable details between Cable Termination Rack & Location Boxes


 Tail Cables between Location Boxes & Functions

 Core wise allocation of functions
 Nomenclature of LBs, BBs etc.
 Termination details in a LB

13.1.5 What information is conveyed by Cable Route Plan (CRP)?

 Main Cable route
 Location of LBs
 Track Crossings, Road Crossings
 Diversions at culverts, minor/major Bridges

13.1.6 What information is conveyed by Track Bonding Plan (TBP)?

 + ve & - ve Rails,
 Feed & Relay Ends
 Bonding arrangements
 Glued Joint Locations
 Special Bondings/Jumpers

13.1.7 What information is conveyed by Location Box Drawing?

 Cable Termination Details – Main & Tail Cables
 Fuse details
 Relay circuitry for relays in the LB
 Connections to Functions
 Equipments provided in the LB & wiring

13.1.8 What information is conveyed by Cable Termination Rack (CTR) Details?


 Outdoor Main Cables Termination details

 Fuses – Functions & Capacity
 Loopings to Relay Racks/Interface racks
 Loopings to Panel, CH EKTs/RKTs, Reset Boxes
 Loopings to IPS
 Loopings to Block Instruments

13.1.9 What information is conveyed by Relay Circuits?


 Sequence of connecting contacts by loops

 Starting & Ending Terminals
 Special arrangements – RC, Diode loops

13.1.10 What information is conveyed by Contact Analysis (CA)?

 Position of the relay in the Rack & Rack No
 Type of Relay, Contact configuration
 Contacts used and Sheet No.
 Code pin details


13.1.11 What information is conveyed by Integrated Power Supply (IPS)

 Number and capacity of SMR Units
 Number and capacity of DC/DC Convertors – Utility wise
 Number and capacity of Transformers
 Capacity of Battery

13.1.12 What information is conveyed by Front Panel Diagram (FPD)?

 Size of the Panel Top Plate
 Position of Dominoes & dummy domino plates
 Position of Colored buttons for Signals, Points, Routes, LC gate controls, Controls for CH,
slots etc.
 Position of Group buttons, Emergency buttons, Emergency Counters, SM’s Key, Emergency
 Indications for Signals, Points, Locks, Flasher, Track circuits, Controls,


13.1.13 State the distinct colors used for buttons.

Function Type Color

Signal- Main Stop Signal Red
Distant No Button
Route Ind. No Button
Signal - Subsidiary Shunt Yellow
Calling On No Button
Point Black /Black with white
Route White
Alternate Route Grey
Alternate overlap White with Black Dot
Control Blue

Function Type Color

Group Buttons Group Point Black with Red Dot
Group Slot Green
Group Slot return Green with Red Dot
Group – Calling ON Red with White Dot
Emergency Buttons Point operation when track down Black with Red Dot
Sub-route/overlap cancellation White with Red Dot
Emergency Route Release White with Red Dot
Emergency Signal Cancellation Red
Failure Acknowledgement For Signal White
Button For Point White

13.1.14 What are the standard indications on the Panel?

Function Type Illumination
Power Supply Round Indication slits for Mains, White
DG, AT supply
Flasher supply Round Indication slit on top right Flashing white supply
24 V DC Panel supply Round Indication slit White
Distant/Main Stop Round indication slit for signal ON – Yellow for Distant
Signal aspects - Red for Main stop
OFF – Yellow, Double or Green
Direction type Route Vertical indication slit above main Normally No Light.
Indicator signal When any Route arm is lit –
Function Type Illumination
Calling ON Round indication slit below Main Normally No Light.
Signal OFF – Yellow


Shunt below Main Diagonal indication slit below ON – No light

Stop main signal OFF – White
Independent Shunt One diagonal slit above One ON – White in horizontal slit
horizontal slit OFF – White in diagonal slit
A/AG Marker Round indication slit White when in Automatic
Point Rectangular slits in Point Zone Normal – White on straight route
when point is Free & Red when
point is occupied
Reverse - White on diverging
route when point is Free & Red
when point is occupied
Point fail – Indication changes
from steady to flashing
Point Lock Round indication slit near Jn. of White
T/O & straight line
Route Lock Round indication slit near route White
Track Circuit Rectangular slits in track circuited Normally No Light, when route is
portion not set;
White light when track is free and
route is set;
Red when track is occupied
Timer Round Indication slit Normally No Light
Flashing white during timer
Steady White, after completion of
timer operation
Control Round Indication slit Steady or flashing white or Red

Failed Condition Signal Lamp common Steady ‘S’ White indication

(Buzzer with Point – Common Steady ‘P’ White indication
Indications, Buzzer to Button – common White
be muted when Button – Signal, Route, Point White


13.1.14 What information is conveyed by Earthing Plan?

 No. & location of MFE Electrodes
 Ring earthing by linking these Electrodes
 Termination of Earth Terminal inside the building
 Connection of equipment to Earth Terminal
 Sizes of connecting wires, strips etc.



13.2 Signaling Plan

 The Signaling plan is a scaled drawing depicting the arrangement of signaling of a station
 It is desirable that the Signaling plans are prepared to the scales
o 10 metre to a centimeter (1 in 1000) longitudinal
o 5 meters to a centimetre ( 1 in 500 ) transverse
 Prepared based on the approved P.Way plan
 Signaling plan is the basic document from signaling side on which other Drawings viz. Table
of control, circuit diagram, Station working Rule Diagram, Operating panel diagram, etc.
prepared and execution of signaling works are done at a Station
 Generally prepared to ‘U size’ i.e 297 mm x any length with border 10 mm. On the left hand
side of the each drawing, an extra margin of 30mm should be allowed for binding
 Prepared on the Tracing film of 90/100 Grams per (GSM) opaque bond extra smooth
milk white
 Standard symbols to be used while preparing the signaling plan
 Each Station signaling plan will have a Plan number

Typical 4 Road Station on Double Line Section

Details available on signaling plans

 IRSEM Part I Para no.8.6 contains the details to be available on the signaling plans
 Standard of Interlocking and class of station
 Holding capacity of all Running lines and Sidings
 Direction of reception and despatch on running lines
 Description of sidings
 Restriction on dead-end sidings if any(e.g. No stabling)
 All gradients within station limits and up to 2.5 kms in rear of first stop signal. Normally the
station yard should be constructed with a gradient of 1 in 1000 or more. To construct a yard
between 1 in260 and 1 in 400, CRS approval and less then1 in 260, Railway Board’s approval


will be required. In the latter case, additional precautions viz. provision of Slip siding, Catch
siding will be required if the gardient is less than 1 in 100
 KM and Class of LC gate within station limits, whether inter locked or not?
 Type of Block working with adjacent station and location of block instruments
 UP and Down directions and names of important Junctions on either side
 Reference to condemnation of gradient infringements, CRS dispensation for deviating from
General Rules/ SEM, if any
 Reference to approved engineering plan on which the signaling plan is based
 Note regarding telephone communication provided between ASM/ Cabin man and LC gate
within and outside station limits
 Aspect sequence chart for color light signals
 Whether the Point turn out is 1 in 8 ½ or 1 in 12 or 1 in 16
 Details of Detection Table etc. which are not apparent in the plan
 Details of Track circuits/Axle counters
 Inter signal distances and distance between Warning Boards and Signals
 Details Crank Handles and their grouping
 Scale to which the plan is drawn
 Name of the Station, Division, Zonal railway
 If the station is located in 25 KV AC traction, the shall be indicated
 Details of open bridges
 Location of water column, ash pit/tray
 Signal overlap in big yards
 Custody of spare keys
 Date of commissioning of the installation
 Names and designations of persons prepared, checked and approved the signaling plan
 Counter signature of CTPM (for COM of the Zonal railway) for having accepted the plan
 Checked by AXSTE and XSTE in full before they are approved by JA grade officer or above as
authorized by CSTE






14.1 Bell/Buzzer Testing of Relay wiring
After Relay wiring is done, to check the correctness of wiring, Bell/Buzzer Testing is done.
 The above testing shall be done after completing the wiring, soldering but before inserting
any relay in the Relay room/Relay hut/Location
 To check the continuity of point to point wiring a Bell or Buzzer is used
 The +ve and –ve feed for working the Bell/Buzzer will be connected in series with the wire
under testing. The sounding of the Bell /Buzzer while testing the continuity of wire between
two given points indicates the wiring is intact
 During the above test, the number of wires at each point of testing will also be cross
checked with the circuit diagram and this is known as Wire Count Test
 The continuity testing of each wire along with Wire count testing ensures the wiring is as
per the approved circuit
 The above testing shall be done initially by the technician carrying out the wiring, then by
the Field Supervisor and then by the Engineer in charge of the work.
 The Bell/Buzzer tested copies of wring diagram duly signed by all the above officials shall be
preserved at site for future record/guidance.
The final completion /“As Made” drawing shall be prepared based on the Bell/Buzzer tested copies
of the wiring diagram.

14.2 Initial Energisation of Circuits

 Use crocodile clips and energise each relay circuit individually.
 Insert fuse
 Insert relay
 Put through each relay contact shown in the circuit using crocodile clips (Keep at least
100 Nos.)
 Check whether relay has picked up.
 Break/remove crocodile clips one by one and same that the relay drops.
The above method ensures checking of both front and back contacts shown in a particular

 Connect switch board to simulate field functions TPRs, WKPRs, Sdgs, LCs, SPIs etc.
 Connect dummy load Panel – ie. Connect Bulbs fixed on a board to cable termination
 Energise all TPRs, WKPRs etc. using switch board and lit all signals on the dummy load
 Keep TPRs, WKPRs, CHLRs, LC, SPIs in favorable condition required for a particular signal.
Take off signal and observe that the signal is taken ‘OFF’.
 Check route release/cancellation circuit for each signal route wise by dropping/ picking
up of TPRs sequentially.


 Check all Panel indications and ensure they are in order.

 Energise other functions viz. crank handles, Siding Keys, LC/SPI controls as per circuit,
check and correct all panel indications.


 Take OFF Signal as stated above.
 Energise /De-energise TPRs, WKPRs one by one and check whether signal goes to ‘OFF’
and ‘ON’.
 Check TSR function (one train one signal).
 Test sequence of signal aspects.
 Take ‘Off’ signal to loop line. Remove route bulb and check whether signal goes to ON.
 Check Distant HHR – Break Loop line Point.
 Check Distant DR - Break Main Line point.
 Remove one by one signal aspect bulb and ensure ECR drops.
 Check approach Locking/ back locking.
o Approach Locking for starters/shunt signals.
o Dead approach locking for Home signals.
o Test back locking as given below:
Take off signal. Operate track circuits sequentially and ensure TPZRs or UYRs pick up. Now
drop back lock track circuit. Push back the signal knob to normal Route will not get released.
Pick up track circuit. Route will get released. Repeat the same for all track circuits.
For Major Yards it is preferable to test back locking keeping the circuit since there may be
many parallel movements. For this the following procedure shall be followed.
o Disconnect stick circuit of ASR.
o Put through TPZR/UYR contacts using crocodile clips.
o Now the ASR is directly controlled by TPRs. Each and every dropping of TPR, the ASR
will drop and Pick up.
NOTE: If the parallel movements exist, then position of points can be kept otherwise and the
proving of TPR tested.
 Test conflicting Signals:
Take off one signal. Try to take off conflicting signals. It will not obey.
Now put back the first signal knob to normal by keeping the approach track circuit if any in
dropped condition. Still the second signal will not be taken off. Pick up the approach track
circuit. Now the second signal will assume ‘OF’ aspect. Repeat the same for second signal to
first signal.
NOTE: If no approach track circuit is available, the dead approach locking will be available
which can be cancelled. As soon as the cancellation process is completed, the second signal
will assume ‘OFF’ aspect.


 Check RECR is proved in Automatic route releasing circuits.

 Test WLR circuits. Break each ASR, TPR etc. contacts as per circuit.
 Check O/G controls to field.
 Check whether concerned points are getting locked when signals are taken ‘OFF’. Un
connected points should not get locked.
 Check CHLR circuit. When crank handle is ‘OUT’, WLR should not pick up.

 Crank handles, Siding controls, LC/SPI controls

 When relevant CH, Sdg. Key, LC/SPI controls are not available, signals shall not obey.
 When relevant signals are taken ‘OFF’, it shall not be possible to transmit controls of CH,
Sdg and LC etc.
 Check all Panel indications, working of counters, Buzzers.
 In RE territory, check O/G controls for DPR, HPR, NWPR/RWPR, Sdg. Controls, LC controls.
 Check all Parallel movements on the panel.

 Points: - Conduct the following tests :
 Obstruction test.
 Detection contact break test.
 Out of correspondence test (in case of cross over points)
 Track locking Test AT BT
 Physical testing of crank handles as per grouping.
 Functioning of crank handle cut out contact.
 Locking of Point machines including crank handle lids.
 Signals
 Aspect sequence checking.
 Aspect correspondence checking from panel.
 Remove signal bulb at site and ensure ECR drops in Location/Relay room. This will
ensure No load current of signal transformers is within limits.
 Locking of the signal unit.
 Track Circuits : Ensure :-
 Track circuit voltages are within limits
 Track circuit correspondence test from relay room
 Minimum Drop shunt value.
 LCs, SPIs, Sidings
 Conduct negative testing ie. Try to release the control without control being given by
Panel operator.


 Release the control on LCs, SPIs, and Sidings etc. and check the relevant signals do not
obey/ assume ‘OFF’ aspect.

14.4 Factory Acceptance Test & Site Acceptance Test

In olden days- Departmental work
All relays wiring carried out at site
 Wiring was tested physically using bell/buzzer
 Simulation and Functional testing was done at site and stations commissioned.
 In EI, the entire logic (interlocking) is developed using computer at central place.
 Before it leaves the factory it is necessary to test logic circuits using operational Video
Display unit (VDU), inter locking simulator &Field Simulation panel (FSP) software tools.
During the internal simulation testing, Table of control (TOC) & Square sheet will be tested.
 VDU will control all the Functions in lieu of Control panel i.e setting the Route, clearing the
signal, operating the Points, Cancelling the route etc.
 FSP will control all TPRs, NWKRs/RWKRs, LCPRs, KLCRs i.e. simulation of all the incoming
control circuits from field to Relay room and simulation of all the outgoing control circuits
from Relay room to Field
 After installation at site, once again the simulation testing, Functional testing needs to be
done before commissioning. This is known as SAT
 During simulation testing at field, Control panel/VDU will be used to control all the
functions i.e. setting of route, clearing of signal, Cancellation route, operation of points etc.
 Simulation panel consisting of ON/OFF switches will control all TPRs, NWKRs/RWKRs, LCPRs,
KLCRs i.e. simulation of all the incoming control circuits from field to Relay room
 Dummy load panel will have the simulated signals using Holders and Bulbs suitable to pick
up Lamp proving Relays (ECRs) i.e simulation of all the outgoing control circuits from Relay
room to Field
 During functional testing in the field, all the simulation panels will be disconnected and all
the Points, Signals, Track circuits/Axle counters, LC gates, Siding controls, Crank handles etc
will be tested from the Control Panel directly.

14.5 The Tests performed on Application Data during FAT & SAT
 Approach /Dead approach Locking test
 Point driving & locking test
 Crank Handle operation test
 Level Crossing operation test
 Emergency Signal Cancellation test
 Emergency Route Release test
 Overlap Release test
 Emergency Crank Handle Release test
 Emergency Level Crossing Gate Release test


 Emergency Point operation test

 One Signal One Train test
 Station Master Key effectiveness test
 Button operation test
 Route initiation test
 Route Checking test
 Route Locking test
 Signal Clearance test
 Train Passage test
 Overlap Release test
 Direct & Indirect locking test (Square Sheet test)
 Route Release test for Tower Car & Long Trains movement
 Sectional Route Release test
 Abnormal train movement test
 Indications verification
 Timers operation test
 Counters operation test
 Signal blank test
 Point detection failure test
 Calling On clearing & cancellation test
 Negative test based on the fields in TOC

14.6 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)

 Application Data Verification & Testing Process:
 Conversion of Interlocking Logic into conventional CAD circuits for easy verification. 
 Internal Verification & Testing
 Verification of Interlocking Logic circuits by development team using SIP, TOC & FPD as
 Simulation of Internal Logic Circuits by testing team using operational VDU, Interlocking
Simulator & Field Simulation Panel software tools. During internal Simulation, TOC &
Square Sheet will be tested thoroughly.

 Third Party Verification & Testing:

 Independent Verification & Validation of firms signaling team and testing of Application
data to ensure the functionality and safety.
 Customer Verification & Testing


 Conventional CAD circuits will be forwarded to Railways for their acceptance and
necessary approval.
 Testing by Railway personnel the TOC based route testing and Square Sheet testing on
the Application Data using operational VDU, Interlocking Simulator & Field Simulation
Panel software tools. All type of test cases can be verified during this testing.

14.7 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

 Wiring Verification & Testing
 Installation team will arrange the Relays as per the Relay disposition chart, and do the
wiring between Equipment-to-Interface Relays-to-FTOT using External Circuits & FTOT
particulars as reference.
 Testing of wiring by using the Buzzer/Bell (Bell Testing) from EI equipment (OC)-to-
Interface Relays-to-FTOT to check the wiring continuity using External Circuits & FTOT
particulars as reference along with Railway personnel.
 The TOC based route testing and Square Sheet testing by the Railway personnel on the
Application Data which is loaded into the system using CCIP/Operational VDU & Field
Simulation Panel. All type of test cases will be verified during this testing.
 Complete System and all the Interface Relays connected will get tested during SAT.

14.8 Functional Testing

 Before Commissioning, all the functions can be driven directly from the EI system to check
the correspondence from the field during intermittent zero traffic period. This is also known
as actual Functional Testing.
 As the interlocking is performed in the logical level, computerised simulation testing
validates the interlocking logic. Various levels of testing conducted at circuit level,
computerized simulation & Field testing ensures expected functionality and safety.

14.9 Square Sheet Testing


 Purpose of the above testing is to check all the parallel and simultaneous movements are
working properly as per the design of vital Inter locking circuits, may the design be relay
based or electronic based logic circuits
 It is possible that some parallel/simultaneous movements go unchecked if the square sheet
method of testing is not followed
 The square sheet is prepared in MS office Excel progamme from Table of control
 In the square sheet the direct locking is shown by the symbol ‘X’, indirect locking through
point setting is indicated by ‘P’ and the no locking i.e permitted parallel/simultaneous
movement is shown by the blank space.

For example as per the square sheet annexed, when 1A signal to A route is taken OFF, only
permitted parallel movement is taking OFF of 2 signal to K route and 8 signal to L route. All other
movements are locked. Similarly signal no 1A to B route and so on…There are 992 movements to
be checked like this.



15.1 Definitions of a few Important Terms:
Axle Counter Block (ACB): The Secondary Train Detection System uses Axle Counter units, Axle
Counter Heads and ACE. The SSI or ZC interfaces with the ACE in order to determine the ACB Status
and detect Trains on the Guide way.

Automatic Route Setting (ARS): Automatic Route Setting is Automatic Routing of Train as the ATS
routes a Train along its Assignment.

Automatic Train Control (ATC): Automatic Train Control is an alternate term for the CBTC System.
It encompasses ATP, ATO & ATS. Ensures Safe Passage of Trains & Optimised Line Operation.

Automatic Train Operation (ATO): Automatic Train Operation provides the CBTC Functions, which
will be assigned to Train Operator otherwise.

Automatic Train Protection (ATP): Automatic Train Protection provides the CBTC Safety Critical
Functions. Works on the Principle of Maximum Safe Speed & LMA.


Automatic Train Supervision (ATS): Automatic Train Supervision provides functionality to monitor,
control, and regulate System Operation.

ATP Manual Mode (ATPM): A Train Operating Mode, where the Train is driven manually by the
Train Operator under the control of the ATP System.

Coded Manual Train Mode (CM): Another name for ATP Manual Mode.

Restricted Mode (RM): A Train Operating Mode where the Train is driven manually by the Train
Operator and the Speed of the Train is limited (25 Kmph).

Closed Track: A status applied to a Track either by CBTC System Reaction or by Operator
Command. When a Track Status is ‘Closed’, Controlled Trains are not allowed to approach closer
than the applicable Safety Distance to any portion of the Track.

Communicating Train (CT): A CBTC Equipped Train that is communicating with the ZC.

Controlled Train: A CBTC Equipped Train operating in ATO or ATPM Mode.

Fallback Mode: Mode of Operation implemented when the ZC is not capable of CBTC Moving Block

Failed Train: A Term used to indicate when communication between the ZC and the Train is lost.
When this occurs, the ZC initiates NCT Processing and converts the Train to an NCT Train. The
Location and the Travel Direction of the NCT Train is maintained at the last reported Location and
the Travel Direction.

Fail-Safe: A Design Principle applied to a Vital System such that the result of a Hardware Failure or
any Statistically Significant Combination of such Failures, shall either prohibit the System from
assuming or maintaining an Unsafe State, or shall cause the System to assume a State which is
known to be Safe.

Safety Distance: The Safety Distance defines the closest that the front of a following Train can
approach the rear of a preceding Train or an Obstacle on the Guideway. The Safety Distance is
selected to allow for a series of worst-case conditions to occur and still ensure that Safe Separation
is maintained.

Vital: A Vital System, Sub-system, or Function is one, where a Failure will directly lead to a situation
with the potential to cause Harm, Injury, Damage to Property, Plant or Equipment, damage to the
Environment, or Economic Loss. Vital may also be described as Safety Critical and is applied in
relation to Safety Integrity Level ‘4’.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL): Safety Integrity Level is a number, which indicates the required Degree
of Confidence that a System will meet its specified Safety Functions with respect to Systematic
Failures. A SIL can be assigned to any Safety Relevant Function or System or Sub-system or


Automatic Speed Control (ASC): Automatic Speed Control determines the Speed Profile used to
control the Train and to control the Train following the Determined Speed Profile in the minimum
period of time with respect to the Stopping Constraint, Passenger Comfort Constraints, Vehicle
Characteristics Constraints, Track Constraints and Supervision Constraints.

Limit of Movement Authority (LMA): Limit of Movement Authority is the point beyond which the
Train may not safely proceed. It is calculated by ZC & enforced by VOBC.

Platform Emergency Stop Button (PESB): Buttons located on each Station Platform. Activation of
PESB closes the Tracks associated with the corresponding Platform side for ATO and ATPM Trains,
and replace the Signals associated with the Route that is affected by the activation of the PESB to

Stopping Position: The specified point within the System at which the Train is to stop.

Pseudo Platform: Pseudo Platforms are used for Station Stops that do not include Passenger
Access. These are Locations without Platforms, e.g. Sidings, where Trains are normally required to
stop. These are normally Stations in the Sidings or Depots that requires the Train to stop.

Train Operator Display (TOD): Train Operator Display is touch-screen Device that allows the Train
Operator to enter Information to be sent to ATS and to monitor Train Operation Status and
Information received from the ATS.

Transition Zone (TZ): The Section of the Transfer Track through which any Train must pass in order
to transfer from non-CBTC Equipped Track to CBTC Equipped Track, or vice-versa.

Vehicle On-Board Controller (VOBC): Vehicle On-Board Controller is a subsystem of CBTC for On-
Board control and supervision.

Zone Controller (ZC): Zone Controller is CBTC Sub-system controlling Wayside Devices, Safe Train
separation & Control of Movement Authority.

Field Element Controller (FEC): The Vital Sub-system that performs the Control and Supervision of
the Field Elements. This Sub-system is based on two Layers, the Element Controller (EC) and the
Interface Board (IFB).

Interface Board: The Vital Interface Sub-rack that provides Interface to the Field Elements. This
Interface Board includes the Interface Controller (IC) and the discrete Input / Output Hardware.

Interface Controller: Part of the IFB and provides discrete I/O Hardware Handling and Processing of
EC Requests.

Rollback Protection: Rollback - Movement of the Train against the Commanded DoT, which is
determined based on the MA provided to the Train. The VOBC calculates and reports Potential
Rollback Distance to the ZC. ZC uses this Information to limit the MA provided to following Trains.


The VOBC commands EB, when it detects that the Train has moved more than 3 m against the MA
Direction. Rollback is supervised in ATPM, ATO and RM Operating Modes.

Obstructed Motion: The VOBC detects Obstructed Motion in Automatic Mode, if the Train does
not travel a minimum distance (1 m) within a certain time (5 Sec.), after the Propulsion has been
commanded. In order to avoid the possibility of damage to the Train Propulsion System, the CBTC
system activates EB and removes the Propulsion Command.

Un-commanded Motion: When the Train is in ATO Mode and has stopped at any SP, the VOBC will
supervise to ensure that there is no Motion of the Train that it has not commanded. If the VOBC
determines that the Train has moved more than the Tolerated Distance (Accumulated Distance of
10 m), without Motion being commanded, it will apply the EB. When the Driver releases the EB,
the Train will be able to resume Operation in ATO Mode.

Crawlback: Crawlback is defined as a Low Speed Manoeuvre to align the Train, if it overshoots its
Station Stopping Point. This Function allows the Driver to move the Train a limited distance in the
Reverse Direction under very specific conditions.

If the Train has overshot the Station Stopping Point by less than 10 m, the Driver will get a
Message that indicates Crawlback available on the TOD and Crawlback will be done in RM Mode
(driving the train in RM Reverse) following Safe Operational Procedures.

Crawlback can be also be done in ATPM Mode, if Rolling Stock permits to perform Reverse
Movement under ATPM Mode.

During Crawlback, the System will prevent Points within the Crawlback Area from being
moved and prevents following Trains from being routed into the Crawlback Area.

15.2 Signaling System in Hyderabad Metro Railway

The trains can run with headway of 90 Sec to tackle commuters during office peak hours in
morning and in evening. The overview display panel will mimic all three corridors and indicate
current locations of all trains running on these corridors. The OCC shall be the primary control
center having a back-up control center at Uppal depot to take over the operation if the OCC to be
evacuated due to unforeseen situation.

The advanced signaling & Train Control technology, Communication Based Train Control
(CBTC), is adopted for Hyderabad Metro to control the trains. Hyderabad Metro would be first in
India to claim train control by CBTC technology. The equipments are being provided by TCTS’
SelTrac(Thales Canada, Transportation solutions).The trains running on three corridors will be
controlled and monitored from state-of-the-art Operation Control Centre (OCC) at Uppal

Local ATS at station and VDU at interlocking station can also control the train when needed.
At interlocked stations Two aspect CLS, Point machines, along with Electronic interlocking are
provided to deal the train services. Axle Counter based Fall-Back system is also adopted as


secondary train detection system in all three corridors in unlikely event of failure of CBTC

 Two aspects of signals are:

i. Stop dead- Red
ii. Permissive aspect- Violet or Green
 When the trains are worked on CBTC (ATO/ATPM controlled mode), the signal shall assume
violet for permissive aspect
 When the trains are worked on non-controlled/Fall back mode, the signal shall assume Green
for permissive aspect
 3- phase point machines ( French make, robust type) are provided to operate points in
Hyderabad metro railway. Clamp type is used on Mainline and conventional point machine is
used in Depots.
 Digital axle counters are used as track detection device ( Thales make- AzLM FieldTrac 6315-
MSDAC or 6316- SSDAC)

There are two major depots at Uppal and Miyapur. These depots will be controlled and
monitored from independent control centers at Uppal and Miyapur respectively. The signaling at
these depots shall be based on redundant Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) system.

Test tracks at the Uppal depot shall facilitate testing of trains before putting them in to the
passenger operation to ensure safe and reliable train operation.

The trains shall run on Automatic Train Operation (ATO) mode which is the normal mode of
operation of trains. The Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system continuously monitors safe train
operation and initiates necessary action if a train doesn't perform as desired.

There are other degraded modes of train operation such as ATP mode, RM mode and Cut
out mode which will be selected as and when needed. All vital train borne equipment's are highly
safe and redundant to avoid any unwanted interruption of train service.

The station equipments e.g. Computer Based Interlocking (CBI), wayside ATP etc., are vital
signaling equipments and redundantly arranged to ensure safe and uninterrupted train operation.
Passenger Emergency Stop Plungers are provided on each platform and in Station Control Room
(SCR) to stop a train immediately in case of emergency.

15.2.1 Communication based train control system (CBTC)

Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) is a railway signaling system that makes use of
the telecommunications between the train and track equipment for the traffic management and
infrastructure control. By means of the CBTC systems, the exact position of a train is known more
accurately than with the traditional signaling systems. This results in a more efficient and safe way
to manage the railway traffic. Metros (and other railway systems) are able to improve headways
while maintaining or even improving safety.


A CBTC system is a "continuous, automatic train control system utilizing high-resolution

train location determination, independent of track circuits; continuous, high-capacity, bidirectional
train-to-wayside data communications; and train borne and wayside processors capable of
implementing Automatic Train Protection (ATP) functions, as well as optional Automatic Train
Operation (ATO) and Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) functions.", as defined in the IEEE 1474
standard. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

City and population growth increases the need for mass transit transport and signaling
systems need to evolve and adapt to safely meet this increase in demand and traffic capacity. As a
result of this operators are now focused on maximizing train line capacity. The main objective of
CBTC is to increase capacity by safely reducing the time interval (headway) between trains
travelling along the line.

Traditional legacy signaling systems are historically based in the detection of the trains in
discrete sections of the track called 'blocks'. Each block is protected by signals that prevent a train
entering an occupied block. Since every block is fixed by the infrastructure, these systems are
referred to as fixed block systems.

Unlike the traditional fixed block systems, in the modern moving block CBTC systems the
protected section for each train is not statically defined by the infrastructure (except for the virtual
block technology, with operating appearance of a moving block but still constrained by physical
blocks). Besides, the trains themselves are continuously communicating their exact position to the
equipment in the track by means of a bi-directional link, either inductive loop or radio

As a result, Bombardier opened the world's first radio-based CBTC system at San Francisco
airport's Automated People Mover (APM) in February 2003. A few months later, in June 2003,
Alstom introduced the railway application of its radio technology on the Singapore North East Line.
Previously, CBTC has its former origins in the loop based systems developed by Alcatel SEL (now
Thales) for the Bombardier Automated Rapid Transit (ART) systems in Canada during the mid-

These systems, which were also referred to as Transmission-Based Train Control (TBTC),
made use of inductive loop transmission techniques for track to train communication, introducing
an alternative to track circuit based communication. This technology, operating in the 30–60 kHz
frequency range to communicate trains and wayside equipment, was widely adopted by the metro
operators in spite of some electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues, as well as other installation
and maintenance concerns.

15.2.2 CBTC and Moving Block

CBTC systems are modern railway signaling systems that can mainly be used in urban
railway lines (either light or heavy) and APMs, although it could also be deployed on commuter
lines. For main lines, a similar system might be the European Railway Traffic Management System
ERTMS Level 3 (not yet fully defined). In the modern CBTC systems the trains continuously

calculate and communicate their status via radio to the wayside equipment distributed along the
line. This status includes, among other parameters, the exact position, speed, travel direction and
braking distance..

This information allows calculation of the area potentially occupied by the train on the
track. It also enables the wayside equipment to define the points on the line that must never be
passed by the other trains on the same track. These points are communicated to make the trains
automatically and continuously adjust their speed while maintaining the safety and comfort (jerk)
requirements. So, the trains continuously receive information regarding the distance to the
preceding train and are then able to adjust their safety distance accordingly

Fixed block and Moving block

From the signaling system perspective, the first figure shows the total occupancy of the
leading train by including the whole blocks which the train is located on. This is due to the fact that
it is impossible for the system to know exactly where the train actually is within these blocks.
Therefore, the fixed block system only allows the following train to move up to the last unoccupied
block's border

In a moving block system as shown in the second figure, the train position and its braking
curve is continuously calculated by the trains, and then communicated via radio to the wayside
equipment. Thus, the wayside equipment is able to establish protected areas, each one called Limit
of Movement Authority (LMA), up to the nearest obstacle (in the figure the tail of the train in

It is important that the occupancy calculated in these systems must include a safety margin
for location uncertainty (in yellow in the figure) added to the length of the train. Both of them form
what is usually called 'Footprint'. This safety margin depends on the accuracy of the odometry
system in the train.

CBTC systems based on moving block allows the reduction of the safety distance between
two consecutive trains. This distance is varying according to the continuous updates of the train,


location and speed, maintaining the safety requirements. This results in a reduced headway
between consecutive trains and an increased transport capacity

15.2.3 CBTC-Main applications

CBTC systems allow optimal use of the railway infrastructure as well as achieving maximum
capacity and minimum headway between operating trains, while maintaining the safety
requirements. These systems are suitable for the new highly demanding urban lines, but also to be
overlaid on existing lines in order to improve their performance.

Of course, in the case of upgrading existing lines the design, installation, test and
commissioning stages are much more critical. This is mainly due to the challenge of deploying the
overlying system without disrupting the revenue service.

15.2.4 CBTC- Main benefits

The evolution of the technology and the experience gained in operation over the last 30
years means that modern CBTC systems are more reliable and less prone to failure than older train
control systems. CBTC systems normally have less wayside equipment and their diagnostic and
monitoring tools have been improved, which makes them easier to implement and, more
importantly, easier to maintain.

CBTC technology is evolving, making use of the latest techniques and components to offer
more compact systems and simpler architectures. For instance, with the advent of modern
electronics it has been possible to build in redundancy so that single failures do not adversely
impact operational availability.

Moreover, these systems offer complete flexibility in terms of operational schedules or

timetables, enabling urban rail operators to respond to the specific traffic demand more swiftly
and efficiently and to solve traffic congestion problems. In fact, automatic operation systems have
the potential to significantly reduce the headway and improve the traffic capacity compared to
manual driving systems.

Finally, it is important to mention that the CBTC systems have proven to be more energy
efficient than traditional manually driven systems. The use of new functionalities, such as
automatic driving strategies or a better adaptation of the transport offer to the actual demand,
allows significant energy savings reducing the power consumption.

15.2.5 CBTC-Risks
The primary risk of a CBTC system is that if the communications link between any of the
trains is disrupted then all or part of the system might have to enter a failsafe state until the
problem is remedied. Depending on the severity of the communication loss, this state can range
from vehicles temporarily reducing speed, coming to a halt or operating in a degraded mode until
communications are re-established. If communication outage is permanent some sort of
contingency operation must be implemented which may consist of manual operation using
absolute block or, in the worst case, the substitution of an alternative form of transportation.

As a result, high availability of CBTC systems is crucial for proper operation, especially if we
consider that such systems are used to increase transport capacity and reduce headway. System
redundancy and recovery mechanisms must then be thoroughly checked to achieve a high
robustness in operation. With the increased availability of the CBTC system, it must also be
considered the need for an extensive training and periodical refresh of system operators on the
recovery procedures. In fact, one of the major system hazards in CBTC systems is the probability of
human error and improper application of recovery procedures if the system becomes unavailable.

Communications failures can result from equipment malfunction, electromagnetic

interference, weak signal strength or saturation of the communications medium. In this case, an
interruption can result in a service brake or emergency brake application as real time situational
awareness is a critical safety requirement for CBTC and if these interruptions are frequent enough
it could seriously impact service. This is the reason why, historically, CBTC systems first
implemented radio communication systems in 2003, when the required technology was mature
enough for critical applications.

In systems with poor line of sight or spectrum/bandwidth limitations a larger than

anticipated number of transponders may be required to enhance the service. This is usually more
of an issue with applying CBTC to existing transit systems in tunnels that were not designed from
the outset to support it. An alternate method to improve system availability in tunnels is the use of
leaky feeder cable that, while having higher initial costs (material + installation) achieves a more
reliable radio link

As a CBTC system is required to have high availability and particularly, allow for a graceful
degradation, a secondary method of signaling might be provided to ensure some level of non-
degraded service upon partial or complete CBTC unavailability. This is particularly relevant for
brownfield implementations (lines with an already existing signaling system) where the
infrastructure design cannot be controlled and coexistence with legacy systems is required, at
least, temporarily.

For example the New York City Canarsie Line was outfitted with a backup automatic block
signaling system capable of supporting 12tph, compared with the 26tph of the CBTC system.
Although this is a rather common architecture for resignaling projects, it can negate some of the
cost savings of CBTC if applied to new lines. This is still a key point in the CBTC development (and is
still being discussed), since some providers and operators argue that a fully redundant architecture
of the CBTC system may however achieve high availability values by itself

15.2.6 CBTC- Architecture


The typical architecture of a modern CBTC system comprises the following main subsystems:
 Wayside ATC equipment cabinets in a CBTC system
 Wayside equipment, which includes the interlocking and the subsystems controlling every
zone in the line or network (typically containing the wayside ATP and ATO functionalities).
Depending on the suppliers, the architectures may be centralized or distributed. The control
of the system is performed from a central command ATS, though local control subsystems
may be also included as a fallback.
 CBTC onboard equipment, including ATP and ATO subsystems in the vehicles.
 Train to wayside communication subsystem, currently based on radio links.

Thus, although a CBTC architecture is always depending on the supplier and its technical
approach, the following logical components may be found generally in a typical CBTC architecture:

 Onboard ATP system. This subsystem is in charge of the continuous control of the train speed
according to the safety profile, and applying the brake if it is necessary. It is also in charge of
the communication with the wayside ATP subsystem in order to exchange the information
needed for a safe operation (sending speed and braking distance, and receiving the limit of
movement authority for a safe operation).
 Onboard ATO system. It is responsible for the automatic control of the traction and braking
effort in order to keep the train under the threshold established by the ATP subsystem. Its
main task is either to facilitate the driver or attendant functions, or even to operate the train
in a fully automatic mode while maintaining the traffic regulation targets and passenger
comfort. It also allows the selection of different automatic driving strategies to adapt the
runtime or even reduce the power consumption.
 Wayside ATP system. This subsystem undertakes the management of all the communications
with the trains in its area. Additionally, it calculates the limits of movement authority that
every train must respect while operating in the mentioned area. This task is therefore critical
for the operation safety.
 Wayside ATO system. It is in charge of controlling the destination and regulation targets of
every train. The wayside ATO functionality provides all the trains in the system with their


destination as well as with other data such as the dwell time in the stations. Additionally, it
may also perform auxiliary and non-safety related tasks including for instance alarm/event
communication and management, or handling skip/hold station commands.
 Communication system. The CBTC systems integrate a digital networked radio system by
means of antennas or leaky feeder cable for the bi-directional communication between the
track equipment and the trains. The 2,4GHz band is commonly used in these systems (same
as Wi-Fi), though other alternative frequencies such as 900 MHz (US), 5.8 GHz or other
licensed bands may be used as well.
 ATS system. The ATS system is commonly integrated within most of the CBTC solutions. Its
main task is to act as the interface between the operator and the system, managing the
traffic according to the specific regulation criteria. Other tasks may include the event and
alarm management as well as acting as the interface with external systems.
 Interlocking system. When needed as an independent subsystem (for instance as a fallback
system), it will be in charge of the vital control of the trackside objects such as switches or
signals, as well as other related functionality. In the case of simpler networks or lines, the
functionality of the interlocking may be integrated into the wayside ATP system.

OCC of a Metro System

15.2.7 Salient Features of a CBTC System:

1. Moving Block Technology (can also provide for Unattended / Driverless Operation) (UTO /


2. Movement Authority (MA) & Interlocking integrated in Zone Controller (ZC), thereby
reducing potential Interface Issues.
3. Not dependent on or restricted by Axle Counters or Track circuits. Two Trains can occupy the
same Physical Block.
4. Excellent Operational Flexibilities:
 Automatic Route Setting :
o Automatically sets the Route for train Movements defined by various types of
Assignments – Shuttle, Single Destination & Line etc.
o Progressive Route Setting based on Train Id & Assignment.
 Automatic Junction Management:
o Priority to Late Train.
o Priority to Train Going to / Train Coming from One Branch of the Route.
o NOT OOT (First Train Scheduled to arrive at the Junction).
5. Built-in Redundant Data Communication System (DCS) that allows any Sub-system to
communicate with any other Sub-system.
6. Knows the Position of each Train to a high degree of Accuracy. Position updated every 0.5
Seconds. Limit of Positional Uncertainty – 10 m. In case Position is lost, NCO (Non-
communicating Object) is created (after 60,000 msecs.). Following Train, now, shall be one
Block in rear of the NCO.
7. Can control the Behaviour of the Train at all times and also modify the Behaviour to ensure
the Safety of the System.
8. Can change System Parameters to ensure Optimum use of Resources. Examples – Dwell Time
& Speed (Regulation), Traction Power (Energy Saving) etc.
9. Operation:
 Workstation display the Track Layout together with ICONs, individually identifying all
Guide way Elements as also Trains.
 At a glance, Controllers can monitor the Location & Schedule Adherence of each Train
within the System. ICON Color changes alert Controllers to the changes in the Status of
Trains, Platforms, Track Switches & Tracks.
 Situations requiring Urgent Attention trigger Visual (different Colored) & Audible Alarm
 Pull-down Command Menus, Drag & Drop and Point-&-Click Options are available to
perform various Functions:
o Routing of Trains to specific Track Location or Station.
o Assigning Trains to a Line / Run / Shuttle Service.
o Holding Trains at specific Location or by-passing Platforms.
o Diverting Trains around an Impassable Area.
o Changing Train Speed.
o Maintaining & Adjusting Energy Use.
10. Operational Safety:


o Train Tracking & Enforcement of Safe Train Separation.

o Granting of LMA.
o Speed Supervision. With a view to enforcing Safe Train Speed Limit.
o Enforcement of Correct Route Setting & Locking.
o Pulling back of LMA, in the event of any Obstacle / Obstruction arising in the Set
o Interlock between Train Movement & Door (Train as well as PSDs) Status.
o Provision of PESBs.
o Hold & Skip Options.

CBTC System incorporates Computers On-board the Trains & along the Track that
communicate via Continuous Radio Transmission providing Data for Safe & Reliable Train

System automatically generates Movement Authorities based on actual Locations of

Moving Obstacles (i.e. Trains) & Fixed Obstacles such as Switch protecting Signals, thereby creating
a ‘Protection Envelope’ for each Train.

‘Protection Envelope’ prevents any other Controlled Train from entering into this Envelope.
A ‘Variable’ Safe Separation Distance, according to actual Speeds of the Trains, is thus maintained
between them.

A Display in the Cab shows Information about Operating Conditions ahead of the Train.
Information is continuously transmitted to the Train by means of a Radio based DCS.

15.2.8 Train Separation & Movement Authority:

1. Movement Authority (MA) is calculated by ZC and defines an Area, where the train can
move safely. MA is calculated based on Track device Statuses, Position of other Trains and
End of Track Locations.
2. MA is limited by either an Obstruction ahead of the train or if there is NO Obstruction by
the Destination.
3. A MA is extended past a Track device only when it is confirmed that the Track Device is in
Safe State. For Example, a Point Locked in Position.
4. On-board CBTC Equipment (VOBC) supervises a Controlled Train’s ability to stop within the
MA. If the Train is at Risk of travelling beyond the MA, VOBC Commands EB.

15.2.9 Speed Supervision:

1. CBTC System Vital Functions continuously check that the Train respects most Restrictive
Permitted Speed.
2. Most Restrictive Permitted Speed is calculated taking into account the following:
o MA Limit.


o Civil Speed Limits, defined in On-board Track Database.

o TSR, if any.
o Maximum Speed for Current Train Operating Mode.

15.2.10 Train Modes of Operation:

Operating Mode is selected using Mode Selection Switch (MSS).

ATO Mode:
Normal Mode for Main Line Operation. Train moves automatically from Station to Station under
CBTC Control.

VOBC controls Train’s Speed, Motoring, Coasting & Braking without Driver’s Intervention. To
initiate Motion after servicing a Station Stop, TO must Push ATO-Depart Push Button.

Door Opening – Automatically controlled by VOBC or Manually by TO but VOBC enables Doors
opening. AUTO / Manual Door Open Button available on TOD. Doors on Platform side are only

VOBC imposes FSB on detection of Train Speed over Target Speed. VOBC continues to monitor
Speed following application of FSB and either applies EB, if Train Speed exceeds Maximum Safe
Speed or releases FSB, if Speed is successfully reduced to the required Target Speed.

Necessary Driving Information is shown on TOD.

15.2.11 Train Identification:

 Each Train is associated with an Unique Train ID, a Label of Alpha-numeric Characters
providing Train’s Destination & Assignment.
 VOBC sends the Train ID to ATS & ZC.
 ZC uses the Train ID as an Identifier for NCT when Train Loses Communication.
 ZC sends the Train ID to ATS, when it receives it from VOBC.

15.2.12 CBTC & Fallback Modes:

CBTC Mode:
ZC is responsible for creating a Route, requested by ATS Route Set Command. Route is either
released automatically by ZC as the Train transits over the Route or manually upon receipt of an
ATS Operator Command.

Fallback Mode:
 ATS Route Setting Command is sent to the SSI.
 Switchover between CBTC & Fallback Modes:

The System is provided with Switchover Mechanism, which will provide the Facility to
switch the Mode of Operation for a Zone from CBTC Mode to Fallback Mode. To support both CBTC
and Fallback Modes of Operation, the Field Element Controllers (FEC) in the Interlocking (IXL)
Stations are loaded with four Element Controllers (EC). Two of the ECs are loaded with Zone

Controller Software and the other two ECs with SSI Software. The CBTC / Fallback Changeover Box
is linked with Power Supply for ZC and SSI. Only the ECs for ZC or the ECs for SSI will be operational
at any time for a Zone Location.

15.2.13 Emergency Control PC (ECPC):

The ECPC provides the direct Control and Supervision of SSI in an unlikely case of complete
Failure of Central & Local ATS or the Local Network. The SSI ECPC will be connected to SSI via an
Emergency Control Switch. The Emergency Control Switch (A Manual Ethernet A/B Switch)
disconnects SSI from the DCS and connects it to directly to ECPC and vice versa.

The ECPC is a simplified Version of the ATS and contains minimal Commands. A user of the
ECPC will have the same GUI as any other ATS Workstation. However, the Line Overview will be
limited to Area for the connected Zone. The ECPC does not have communication with any Trains.
So all trains in the Zone are tracked as NCTs.

The SSI will provide the ECPC Statuses of all the Field Elements e.g. Points, Signals, ACBs,
PESBs, PSDs, Routes & Route Locking. The ECPC will provide Control for Route Commands & Point

15.3 System operations in HYD Metro:

Hyderabad MRT Rail System comprises of Main Line Areas which support full CBTC and the
Depot Areas which support Fixed Block Routing. Main Line CBTC Areas are equipped with Zone
Controllers, SSI, WRUs and Transponders (Position & Wheel Calibration type). Depots are equipped
with SSI and Axle counters for Fixed Block Signaling. Fallback on Main Line is with SSI & Axle
Counters and Fixed Block Signaling.

Trains are normally running in ATO Mode on the Mainline and operating in RM Mode only
in the Depot. In order to allow Trains entering/exiting the Mainline from/to the Depot, the
Mainline CBTC interface with the Depot Interlocking.

Each Border between the Mainline CBTC and Depot Interlocking Territories has an Area
designated as a Transition Zone (TZ). TZ has an Entry and Exit Signal for the RM Train to enter the
TZ from the Depot or Exit the TZ to the Depot. An Interlocking Handshake is implemented to
ensure that only one of the two Systems can route a Train into the Transition Zone at any one time.

At the approach to the full CBTC Territory (Mainline), at least two Transponders and a
Wayside Radio Unit are located to allow Trains entering the System to establish Position and
communication with the ZC, prior to crossing the Border. Once in the Transition Zone, the Train can
be switched to ATPM or Automatic and routed using CBTC Routing.


Zone ‘1’ Zone ‘2’ Zone ‘3’ Zone ‘4’ Zone ‘5’ Zone ‘6’

INT. Stns. 1 1 1 1 1 1

RIO Stns. 2 3 1 1 2 3

NI Stns. 7 13 5 4 7 10


CBTC System – A Block Schematic


Border between Main Line & Depot:

Trains are made to establish Position & communicate with ZC, prior to crossing the Border
from Depot to Main Line. Once in Transition Zone, the Train can be switched to ATPM or Automatic
and routed using CBTC Routing.

TZ between CBTC & Non-CBTC Territory is marked by Trackside Signals to indicate the
Territory Border Points. A Train must pass through the TZ in order to be handed over to Depot
Interlocking and vice-versa. Both Main Line CBTC and the Depot Interlocking could route a Train to
this area. A Safe Protocol consisting of an Interlocking Handshake is implemented to ensure that
only one of the two Systems can route a Train into the TZ at any one time.

Train Handling at ZC Border:

The ZC can only provide Movement Authority within its own Territory, as there are no areas
with Overlapping Control. If the Movement Authority is extended up to the ZC Border, the
Handover ZC requests a Movement Authority Extension from the Takeover ZC. The VOBC
establishes Communication with the Takeover ZC, before the Train enters the Takeover ZC Area.
Until the Train completely exits the Handover ZC Area, the VOBC maintains Communication with
both ZCs.

Each ZC (Handover and Takeover) calculates the Movement Authority for its Area of Control and
sends the Movement Authority to the Train’s VOBC. The VOBC concatenates the received
Movement Authorities. When the Handover ZC’s Movement Authority does not extend to the ZC-
ZC Border, the VOBC discards the Takeover ZC’s Movement Authority.


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