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HE will be called EVERLASTING FATHER – Isaiah 9:6-7

Estimated time: 1hr: 30 minutes

(Message adapted from change partners daily devotions)

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his
shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no
end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice
and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts
will do this. — Isaiah 9:6-7

Among the names given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 is the unexpected title Everlasting Father. This
phrase, with Mighty God on one side and Prince of Peace on the other, manages to
highlight the unique relationship between Jesus the Son and God the Father. 

Everlasting Father also touches something deep inside each of us that the terms Counsellor,
God, and Prince can’t reach—“our own need for someone called Father”.  

Few words provoke a more varied deep-rooted response than father. Feelings of honour,
love, and gratitude can fill one person, while another is consumed with shame, hatred, and
bitterness at the mere mention of dad. Both the intensity and range of emotions point to an
even deeper truth: father hunger is universal. We all long for a healthy and intimate
relationship with someone we can call father and are either delighted or distressed by what
we have.

Our times are marked by an epidemic of father absence. The high percentage of children
growing up in homes where there isn’t a dad present is stunning. For too many young
people, an understanding of the phrase Everlasting Father is severely handicapped by the
lack of any figure who can serve as an earthly example.

Most fathers painfully learn how far they can fall short of meeting even the basic ideals of
fatherhood. But fathers as well as the rest of humanity must understand that no human can
fill the “father vacuum” in the human heart. A good earthly father helps, but our father
hunger can only be satisfied in God Himself. The best a human father can do is point his
children to the Everlasting Father.

Given the insatiability of our father hunger and the reality of father absence, it’s good news
that Jesus came to satisfy and answer these deep needs. When applied to Him, the
term Everlasting Father reminds us that Jesus has revealed Father God like no one else.

The Christmas Child born to us, the Son given to us, was revealing the Father. Just as human
children often resemble their fathers in appearance and character, so the Bible tells us in
Hebrews 1:3 and Colossians 1:15 that in Jesus the nature and glory of Father God comes to
us. Jesus Christ is everything God the Father wants you to know about Him. Jesus said in
John 10:30, “I and the Father are one,” and in John 14:9, “Whoever has seen me has seen
the Father.”

The Christmas Story tells you the Father in heaven loves you. Even if you think, My dad was
never really there for me, you have a Father in heaven who is there for you. His eyes are
always upon you. You are never far from His thoughts.  Because He is the Everlasting Father,
He loves you with an everlasting love. That longing in your heart can never be met by a
human relationship. It can only be filled by the Father God who loves you and came to you
that first Christmas in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Production Concept in the Kitchen

Short Film

(Idea: Interview with different people from church (4) familiar faces with interesting
testimonies – their salvation testimony, where they were, where they are now... What the
Father’s Love means to them.)

(Interview to be done before and made ready for viewing with the help of the media team- good phones can be
used to do the recording.)

Song: Opening sounds (Preferably a solo accompanied by a dance and instruments –

preferably one or two dancers only)

Song: Whole choir (there may be need to build a wooden make shift stair case on stage
where choir back up will be seated the whole time – See picture)

Short Narration that introduces the play

Play: Scene 1

Song: Whole choir

Short film: two more interviews – salvation testimony

Song: Guys only song (Suggestion is that male members of the choir sing along side some
non members. (2 Christmas Carols)

Dance: Yet to find dancers but a fast paced dance

Song: Whole Choir

Play: Scene 2

Song: Lead singer and main back-ups only- with a dance

Play: Scene 3 (Final Scene)

Song: Whole choir (Offertory is taken at this point)

Song: Whole choir (End of Production).

Uniform concept
(My idea just)- Red, white, black – Pictures below.

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