Picking Slip(s) PDF

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Sample Data Picking Slip

12345 Sample Street, Samplecity, ZZ 12345, Sampleland

Tel: (604) 555-1234

Sold to Ship to Order no.

Lucky Consolidated Ltd. Same 10005
545 Clearwater Way Purchase Order
Samplecity, ZZ 54321
Req. Ship Date
1004 02 déc. 2018

Order Description Carrier Freight

Qty on Order Shipped Item no. Description Loc. Lot no. Unit Wgt. Weight
0 1005 Bracket - Widget Type B 1.12

Total Wgt. 0

Sample Data BN 123456789

12345 Sample Street, Samplecity, ZZ 12345, Sampleland Tel: (604) 555-1234

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