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Reprod. Nutr. Dev.

46 (2006) 417–429 417

c INRA, EDP Sciences, 2006
DOI: 10.1051/rnd:2006022

Male-induced short oestrous and ovarian cycles in

sheep and goats: a working hypothesis

Philippe Ca *, Maria-Theresa P-Rb , Narjess

Lc, Gley Kd , Danielle Mb

INRA, Département “Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Élevage” 37380 Nouzilly, France
INRA, CNRS, Haras Nationaux, Univ. F. Rabelais, UMR Physiologie de la Reproduction
et des Comportements, 37380 Nouzilly, France
INRAT Laboratoire de Productions Animale et Fourragère, Ariana, Tunisie
INAT, Chaire de Productions Animales, Tunis, Tunisie

Abstract – The existence of short ovulatory cycles (5-day duration) after the first male-induced
ovulations in anovulatory ewes and goats, associated or not with the appearance of oestrous be-
haviour, is the origin of the two-peak abnormal distribution of parturitions after the “male effect”.
We propose here a working hypothesis to explain the presence of these short cycles. The male-effect
is efficient during anoestrus, when follicles contain granulosa cells of lower quality than during the
breeding season. They generate corpora lutea (CL) with a lower proportion of large luteal cells com-
pared to small cells, which secrete less progesterone, compared to what is observed in the breeding
season cycle. This is probably not sufficient to block prostaglandin synthesis in the endometrial cells
of the uterus at the time when the responsiveness to prostaglandins of the new-formed CL is initiated
and, in parallel, to centrally reduce LH pulsatility. This LH pulsatility stimulates a new wave of fol-
licles secreting oestradiol which, in turn, stimulates prostaglandin synthesis and provokes luteolysis
and new ovulation(s). The occurrence of a new follicular wave on days 3–4 of the first male-induced
cycle and the initiation of the responsiveness to prostaglandins of the CL from day 3 of the oestrous
cycle are probably the key elements which ensure such regularity in the duration of the short cycles.
Exogenous progesterone injection suppresses short cycles, probably not by delaying ovulation time,
but rather by blocking prostaglandin synthesis, thus impairing luteolysis. The existence, or not, of
oestrous behaviour associated to these ovulatory events mainly varies with species: ewes, compared
to does, require a more intense endogenous progesterone priming; only ovulations preceded by
normal cycles are associated with oestrous behaviour. Thus, the precise and delicate mechanism
underlying the existence of short ovulatory and oestrous cycles induced by the male effect appears
to be dependent on the various levels of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovario-uterine axis.

male-effect / ovulation / corpus luteum / cycle / oestrus / uterus

1. INTRODUCTION very early in the literature. In the 19th cen-

tury, Girard [1], presented this technique
The existence of a two-peak abnormal as “being able to fertilise all adult ewes of
distribution of lambing and kidding five the flock in the shortest time possible”. Un-
months after the re-introduction of males derwood et al. [2] in ewes and Shelton [3]
in sheep and goat flocks, was described in goats carefully described the distribu-
tion of lambing and kidding induced by the
* Corresponding author: voluntary re-introduction of males. They

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or

418 P. Chemineau et al.

suggested that this re-introduction prob- short cycles, and on the effects of P4 in-
ably provoked induction of synchronous jections which suppress the short cycle.
ovulations and oestrous behaviour, being
able to induce such synchronisations of
parturitions. However, the existence, in
both species, of two peaks of lambing 2. OVULATORY AND OESTROUS
and/or kidding, clearly separated by some RESPONSE TO THE MALE
days, suggested that the underlying physi- EFFECT
ological mechanisms were probably not so
simple. In both species, immediately after in-
Many authors have decorticated the troduction of males (Day 0, D0), LH pul-
short, medium and long-term response to satility increases and remains elevated if
the male effect conducing to a rationali- the male remains present among females in
sation in the understanding of female re- the flock. The gonadotropin stimulation of
sponses (see reviews in sheep [4–7], in the ovarian follicles provokes an increase
goats [8–10]). However, to our knowledge, in plasma oestradiol 17 β (E2) pulsatil-
in spite of these important advances, the ity, which centrally triggers the onset of
general mechanism to explain the exis- the preovulatory surge of LH, around 20 h
tence of an abnormal (i.e. short) cycle after after D0, and females ovulate before D3
the first male-induced ovulation has not after introduction of males. The percent-
been carefully described, especially to ex- age of females ovulating is generally high
plain the very constant duration of the short (> 85%) all year round in Mediterranean
cycles and why some females experience breeds, or about one month and a half be-
it and other ones do not. The objective of fore and/or after the breeding season, in
the present review was to propose a work- more seasonal breeds. In responding fe-
ing hypothesis for a global explanation of males, the delay between the introduction
the underlying physiological mechanisms of males and ovulation is modulated by the
controlling these short cycles. It is now intensity of anoestrus (indirectly estimated
clear that a subtle dialogue between the by the percentage of females cycling be-
hypothalamus-pituitary axis, the ovary and fore D0).
the uterus is probably responsible for the If females are not mated by an entire
appearance and constant duration of these male in the following days after intro-
short cycles. We will also try to replace, duction (especially in goats), a very spe-
within this global description, the mech- cific pattern of ovulations and oestrous
anisms by which exogenous progesterone behaviour is observed afterwards (Fig. 1).
(P4) or progestagens are able to completely After the first male-induced ovulation,
suppress short cycles and to provide a ra- in one part of the females the corpora lutea
tionale explanation for the existence or not (CL) develop and secrete P4 during the
of oestrous behaviour associated with in- normal duration, leading to a second ovu-
duced ovulations. lation around day 19 in ewes and 23 in
goats. The second group of females expe-
Thus, after a description of classical rience a very early luteolysis, after only
ovulatory and oestrous responses to the 1.5 days (i.e. D4–D5) of low P4 secretion
male effect in sheep and goats, we will fo- in the blood of the systemic circulation (be-
cus on various experiments performed to tween 0.5 and 1 ng.mL−1, Fig. 2). After
demonstrate the implication of the differ- this short cycle of highly constant dura-
ent levels of the hypothalamus-pituitary- tion (5–6 days) in both species, these latter
ovarian-uterine axis in the generation of females re-ovulate a second time around
Short cycles after the male effect 419

Figure 1. Schematic repre-

sentation of the ovulatory and
oestrous responses of ewes
and goats to the male-effect
(adapted from Thimonier
et al., [6], for ewes). Int.,
P1, P2 and P3 varied with
“intensity of anestrus”.

Figure 2. Plasma pro-

gesterone in Creole goats
experiencing short lifespan
and normal corpora lutea after
introduction of bucks (adapted
from Chemineau et al. [18]).
First and second ovulation are

6–9 days after introduction of males. This dition and/or previous nutrition of females.
second ovulation is always followed by a A significant negative relationship was ob-
cycle of normal duration and females re- served between the percentage of females
ovulate again around day 25 in ewes and cycling before male introduction and the
29 in goats. percentage of females experiencing a short
In both species, the percentage of fe- male-induced cycle in both species (ewes
males experiencing short cycles among re- [11], goats [12]). The frequency of short
sponding females varies with the depth of cycles is significantly higher in Barbarine
anoestrus and is modulated by body con- ewes which have been underfed around
420 P. Chemineau et al.

lambing, 5 months before introduction of in goats: in deep anoestrus, fewer females

rams, than in females correctly fed (67 vs. experience oestrus at the first ovulation
21 %, 13). Interestingly, this negative effect [12].
of underfeeding is not compensated for by Of course, in field conditions, it fre-
a “flushing” applied during the 3 weeks quently occurs that the flock is consti-
before introduction of males, in spite of a tuted of a mixture of females previously in
significant increase in ram-induced ovula- anoestrus (which respond as exposed ear-
tion rate (1.31 vs. 1.65 [13]). lier) and of already cycling females. Thus,
The very specific pattern of response the situation described above is compli-
of these two groups of females after D0, cated by the presence of these latter fe-
one experiencing a normal cycle and the males which show oestrus between day 0
other one a short then a normal cycle after and 17 after introduction of males. Thus,
the first male-induced ovulation, is compli- in flocks where around 50% of the females
cated by the variability in the expression are cycling on D0, it may be difficult to
of oestrous behaviour at each one of these clearly see the response of anovulatory fe-
ovulation times. This expression depends males to the introduction of males.
mainly on the species and on the previous
priming by P4. The duration of this first male-induced
In ewes, which require a sufficient pres- ovulatory cycle is remarquably constant in
ence of endogenous P4 so that E2 may be both species and between breeds within
able to trigger oestrous behaviour [14], no each species. In other situations where
oestrous behaviour is generally observed at short cycles are also observed, like resump-
any ovulation if not preceded by a luteal tion of post-partum activity or onset of
phase of normal duration [11, 15]. Thus, puberty, the duration of these short cycles
first induced ovulation is never associated is not as constant as it is after induction by
with oestrus, and in the group of ewes ex- the males.
periencing a short luteal phase, oestrus is The intriguing question of this constant
not observed at the second one. On the con- duration of the male-induced short cycle
trary, oestrous behaviour is observed at the and of the reason why some females are
second induced ovulation in ewes experi- experiencing it while other ones show a cy-
encing a normal cycle and at the third one cle of normal duration were not explored
in ewes experiencing short cycles. This sit- completely. One reason of the few number
uation explains the two peaks of oestrous of experiments done so far could be that
behaviour observed around days 18–20 adequately designed experiments are dif-
and 24–26 in ewes [6]. ficult to perform in this field. But various
In goats, which do not require such experiments were done in this area and we
priming [16], about 60% of the females propose hereafter a working hypothesis for
show oestrous behaviour as early as the the underlying mechanisms involved. One
first male-induced ovulation (i.e. D2–D4) interesting point to mention, coming from
and almost all females show oestrus at the the laparoscopic examinations performed
second one, around D8–D10 (group ex- on the male effect, is that one given ewe
periencing a short cycle) or D23 (group doing twin ovulations, experiences either a
experiencing a normal cycle). This ex- normal cycle, or a short cycle on both CL,
plains the difference between species when but quite never one short CL and one nor-
watching at the time schedule of distribu- mal CL. Thus, this strongly suggests the
tion of oestrus after introduction of males. existence of a general control of cycle du-
The expression of oestrous behaviour also ration, involving the general physiology of
varies with anoestrous intensity, especially females.
Short cycles after the male effect 421

Figure 3. Jugular plasma progesterone in Pre-

alpe ewes induced by the male effect during
anestrus season or cyclic during the breeding
season (adapted from Chemineau et al. [19]).

Figure 4. Percentage of large and small

luteal cells and progesterone secretion by
3. IMPORTANCE OF THE CL corpora lutea collected in male-induced ver-
CHARACTERISTICS ISSUED sus breeding-season ewes (adapted from
FROM MALE-INDUCED Chemineau et al. [19]).

Systemic plasma P4 concentrations

were initially described as being roughly FGA treatment during the breeding season
identical between females experiencing (BS ewes) were compared to male-induced
normal cycles and those showing short ewes (MI ewes) during anoestrus, their in-
cycles up to D4–D5, after which luteoly- dividual CL surgically collected 82 h after
sis occurs in the latter group (ewes [17], the LH surge from twin CL, had the same
goats [18], Fig. 2). However, when care- weight but contained a higher proportion
fully comparing the evolution of plasma P4 of large luteal cells (139.1 vs. 142.1 mg
between Prealpe ewes FGA-treated during and 25 vs. 11%, in BS vs. MI ewes, respec-
the breeding season (BS ewes) and male- tively, Fig. 4 [19]). These large luteal cells,
induced ewes (MI ewes) during anoestrus which at this stage of the cycle derivate
(Fig. 3, [19]), or between Barbarine ewes directly from granulosa cells of the pre-
experiencing normal vs. short cycles (11), ovulatory follicle, secrete the majority of
a significant difference appeared at day 4 P4. On the contrary, the small luteal cells,
after the LH surge or D5–D6, i.e. immedi- which derivate from thecal cells of the fol-
ately prior to luteolysis in short-cycle fe- licle, secrete the minority of P4 released
males for which ovulation was induced by by the CL in the blood [20–27]. In vitro,
males. This difference is always in favour these BS-ewe CL, after enzymatic disper-
of normal CL which secrete more P4 than sion, secrete a higher quantity of P4 than
short-lifespan CL. The fact that various au- MI-ewe CL in the absence of any LH
thors did not find significant differences stimulation (13.8 vs. 7.3 ng/105 cells/3 h
may also originate from the fact that ovu- [19]). In this experiment, P4 in vitro secre-
lation rate may vary from one female to tion of MI-ewe CL collected from females
another. in which the twin CL left intact was of
This difference, when observed, is very short duration, seems lower than that of
probably due to substantial differences in CL collected from females in which the re-
CL composition and function. When Pre- maining CL was of normal duration (2.9
alpe ewes previously synchronised by an vs. 10.3 ng/105 cells/3 h respectively), but
422 P. Chemineau et al.

the low number of samples (3 vs. 2) im- view [39]). Thus it is very probable that the
paired any statistical comparison. small difference at day 4 between females
Thus, it is very probable that the cellular which will experience a short cycle and
composition of the CL at this early stage of females which will experience a normal
its development, reflects either the cellular one are dramatically amplified in the blood
composition of the follicle when recruited supplying the uterus and the ovary itself.
by the sudden introduction of males, or the This may have profound consequences on
changes which occurred within the CL be- the chain leading to prostaglandin and oxy-
tween the onset of luteinisation and day 4. tocin liberations (see below).
Thus, the difference observed here between During the early luteal phase of the
the two groups in the ratio of large/small cycle, between days 3 and 9 of the goat oe-
luteal cells could either reflect a similar strous cycle, LH is liberated in a pulsatile
difference in the granulosa/thecal cell ratio manner with a frequency that is strongly
of the preovulatory follicle, or may reveal associated with plasma P4 concentration of
a difference in the processes of develop- luteal origin (r = −0.97 [40]). Thus, the
ment of the large and/or small luteal cells low P4 plasma levels observed here may
between D0 and D4. The hypothesis of be responsible for an insufficient negative
a seasonal difference in follicular compo- feed-back on the central nervous system
sition is not supported by the results of controlling the frequency of LH pulses.
Cahill et al. [28, 29] who did not find any Unfortunately, to our knowledge, only one
difference in granulosa cell content of the experiment has been done in this area,
follicle of the breeding season compared to reporting that the observed difference in
the anoestrous season. On the contrary, the P4 plasma concentrations between short-
hypothesis of a difference in the evolution lifespan and normal CL at around D4, does
of the luteal cells between D0 and D4 is not provoke a significant difference in LH
supported by the description of an inade- pulsatility [11]. This is probably due to
quate luteal function due to poor response the difficulty of measuring differences in
to the LH surge during the final maturation this parameter which imposes using a quite
of the anoestrous follicle in ewes [30, 32]. large number of ewes sampled during suf-
In rats and women, if intrafollicular con- ficient durations.
centration of P4 is low, luteal development As stated earlier, it is possible to ma-
is abnormal [33]. In the few hours follow- nipulate on a long-term basis (months) the
ing the LH surge, P4 may act to mediate, as frequency of short cycles induced by the
a paracrine factor, the survival rate of gran- male [11, 15]. This has been done quite
ulosa cells [34] and luteinisation of these extensively in Barbarine ewes and it was
cells [35]. This abnormal evolution of the demonstrated that this long-term regula-
follicular cells into luteal cells may be rein- tion of body condition not only changes
forced by the poor quality of the granulosa this frequency, but also changes the abil-
cells at male introduction, as reflected by ity of the short-lifespan CL to synthesise
poor oestradiol secretion compared to P4- and secrete P4 after introduction of rams:
treated ewes (Cognie Y and Oldham CM amongst ewes experiencing short cycles,
personal communication). underfed females had lower P4 plasma
All experiments done after the male ef- concentrations on Days 5–6 compared to
fect measured plasma P4 concentrations in well-fed ewes [11]. This suggests that
the jugular vein, but it is known in various these underfed Barbarine ewes had their
species that it is much lower than that of CL constituted of a lower large/small luteal
the uterine and ovarian arteries (2.35 times cell ratio than those of wellfed-ewe CL.
lower in humans [36], sows [37, 38], re- More recently, it was demonstrated in Rasa
Short cycles after the male effect 423

Aragonesa ewes that previous treatment troduction of rams, significantly increased

with a sub-cutaneous melatonin implant P4 plasma concentrations on Days 4–5,
modifies the frequency of short cycles af- and significantly reduced the frequency of
ter introduction of rams. A majority of the short cycles compared to control ewes but
treated ewes exhibited a cycle of normal not completely suppressed them (71 vs.
duration (80%), whereas 52% of the un- 43%, respectively [45]). The i.m. injection
treated ewes exhibited a short cycle after of a more potent PGF2 alpha synthetase in-
the introduction of rams [41]. However, hibitor (finadyne) every 12 h from D3 to
in more strongly seasonal breeds, such as D6, significantly decreased 13-14-dihydro-
Alpine and Saanen goats, under conditions 15-keto-PGF2 α (PGFM) pulses (1.3 vs.
when most of the animals develop short cy- 0.4 pulses), and reduced the frequency of
cles after the male effect, melatonin treat- short cycles (50 vs. 14% [44]). Thus, as
ments do not modify the percentage of early as D3, that is when CL are just sensi-
goats experiencing a short luteal phase [42] tive to PGF [46], a part of the females have
or the distribution of parturitions [43]. their male-induced CL which is luteolysed
by uterine prostaglandins.
It was, consequently, interesting to ex-
4. IMPORTANCE OF THE UTERUS plore if PGF secretion is, as it is during
AND PROSTAGLANDINS, AND a normal cycle, under the control of E2
OF THE OVARIAN FOLLICLES secretion by the ovarian follicles. In Bar-
AND E2 barine ewes, surgical destruction by cau-
terisation of the largest follicles visible at
Classically, at the end of a normal cy- the surface of the ovary at D3, in spite of
cle, prostaglandin (PGF) secretion from an absence of effect on PGFM secretion
the endometrial cells of the uterus induces and on LH pulsatility at D4, completely
luteolysis which provokes the triggering of suppresses short-lifespan CL, while E2 in-
a new cycle. This secretion is controlled by jection in females with cauterised follicles
the ovarian secretion of E2 coming from induces a complete restoration of short cy-
the new wave of follicles. The same phe- cles, compared to control females (0, 100
nomenon acts to control early luteolysis and 50% of short cycles, respectively [11]).
after male-induced ovulation. Thus, the same mechanisms regarding
Hysterectomy completely prevents the the PGF synthesis and liberation by the
appearance of short cycles after introduc- uterus under oestrogenic control of the
tion of males in ewes and leads to the ovary as in normal cycles are in place and
maintenance of CL over a long period of seem to work, except that luteolysis occurs
time. In Prealpes and Barbarine ewes, hys- much earlier than in normal cycles. The
terectomy does not modify the percentage fact that the new wave of follicles grow-
of ewes ovulating after the introduction of ing around D3–D4 after the first induced
rams, and completely prevented luteolysis ovulation, at the time when the responsive-
of ram-induced CL compared to control ness to prostaglandins of the new-formed
ewes: 0 vs. 50% in Prealpes and 78% in CL is initiated, seems to control this part
Barbarine ewes, respectively [19, 44]. of the system, may be a comprehensive ex-
The involvement of PGF in early re- planation to the very constant duration of
gression of corpora lutea induced by the the short male-induced cycle. It is known
ram effect was extensively studied in Bar- that follicular waves in sheep and goats
barine ewes. Intra-uterine injection of in- (as in cattle) are working on a very pre-
dometacin, a specific inhibitor of PGF cise time-scale basis, emerging generally
synthesis, on days 2, 3 and 4 after in- at 5–7 day intervals and being associated
424 P. Chemineau et al.

to one E2 peak (review [47], goats [48–50], has also been proposed based on a differ-
ewes [51–53]). Three E2 peaks occur in the ence in the timing of the LH surge after
plasma during the oestrus cycle [54]. The introduction of rams in a limited number
first E2 peak in ewes, at around 3–4 days of of ewes [5, 17]. But very few experiments
the cycle [55], could be the peak responsi- or observations have been done.
ble for the early luteolysis of short-lifespan However, three groups of results do not
CL. favour this hypothesis. (a) In spite of a
quite large number of experiments and
measurements in untreated ewes, the asso-
5. HOW EXOGENOUS P4 ACTS ciation between the duration of the follicu-
TO COMPLETELY SUPPRESS lar phase and the duration of ram-induced
SHORT CYCLES? IS THIS CL was not demonstrated: ewes showing
WORKING FOR ENDOGENOUS a long duration of the interval between
P4 FROM THE EARLY CL? the introduction of the males and ovulation
were not those experiencing normal cycles
Progesterone injections (or progestagen (20.9 ± 11.2 vs. 14.2 ± 6.9 h, in 12 and
treatments) were described very early as 22 Barbarine ewes experiencing short vs.
being able to completely suppress short- normal cycles, respectively [11]. (b) The
lifespan CL and were demonstrated to injection of P4 (or progestagen treatment)
achieve a better synchronisation of oe- performed some days (3–5) before intro-
strous behaviour in one peak instead of two duction of rams had the same effect on
after introduction of males. These exper- suppression of short-lifespan CL, but did
iments were also interesting tools which not delay the interval between male in-
provided arguments for the hypotheses troduction and LH surge [5]. (c) A single
raised to explain the existence of these injection of P4 in GnRH treated ewes with-
short cycles. out the ram effect, is able to restore CL of
Most experiments were done injecting normal life span on the contrary to control
the adequate doses of P4 (i.e. 20 mg per ewes with no P4 treatment [30, 60]. Thus,
ewe) at exactly the same time as the intro- the initial hypothesis of an enlargement of
duction of males. This provokes an impor- the duration of the follicular phase after
tant delay in the post-introduction events: P4 treatment is probably not adequate and
LH surge and subsequent ovulations are suggests that other mechanisms are work-
delayed from 24 to 72 h, depending on the ing at the ovarian and/or uterine levels.
experiments [5, 17, 56, 57]. This was also More recently, experiments performed
demonstrated in goats [58, 59]. The con- in Barbarine ewes to identify the sites of
comitant suppression of short-lifespan CL P4 action, the minimal efficient doses and
and of enlargement of the interval, intro- duration of P4 treatments and the effects of
duction of male- LH preovulatory surge, P4 injection on uterine PGF synthesis and
led to the proposition that the existence release and on oxytocin plasma concentra-
of these short-lifespan CL is due to an tions [11] has provided interesting results
insufficient follicle maturation before ovu- on the doses of P4 and on the role of the
lation [57]. This hypothesis is reinforced uterus.
by the fact that an early induction of pre- One single 2.5 mg injection of P4 intra-
mature ovulations using GnRH injections muscularly (im) or in the uterine lumen (iu)
in P4 treated ewes, restores short-lifespan at D0 did not modify the frequency of short
CL [11,17]. The hypothesis of a longer du- cycles compared to control ewes (40, 57
ration of the follicular phase in females ex- vs. 71% in iu, im and control ewes, respec-
periencing a normal lifespan CL duration tively) and did not restore normal luteal
Short cycles after the male effect 425

function as 20 mg im did (1% of short 6. CONCLUSION

cycles [11]). The efficiency of the mini-
mal doses described previously (20 mg in Taken together, these results allow
one single injection) is due to the duration building a working hypothesis to explain
of the presence of P4 rather than to the the reason(s) why short-lifespan CL are
P4 quantity: two subsequent intramuscu- observed after introduction of rams and
lar injections of 2.5 mg, at the introduction bucks (Fig. 5). The sequential mecha-
of rams and 6 h later, completely sup- nisms involved in the appearance of short-
press short-lifespan CL compared to con- lifespan CL after introduction of rams dur-
trol ewes (0, 73%, respectively) and is as ing anoestrus could be the following:
efficient as a single 20 mg im injection (0% (1) The follicles induced to ovulate
[11]). are of poor quality because of the un-
sustained long-term gonadotropin activity
Measurement of PGF metabolite PGFM during anoestrus. These follicles especially
secretion and plasma oxytocin in ewes with present a low granulosa cell quality com-
cauterised follicles 48 h after ram-induced pared to follicles developing during the
ovulation, receiving E2 injection 24 h af- breeding season.
ter cauterisation, but treated or not with
20 mg P4 im at D0 (in comparison with (2) CL developed from these follicles
control ewes C) revealed that P4 treatment have an abnormal development leading to
(a) highly significantly impaired PGFM se- an insufficient proportion of large luteal
cretion from the uterus at D5: 21.9, 34.5 cells, and thus secrete lower quantities of
and 8.1 pgm.mL−1 of plasma and 3.6, 3.2 progesterone conducing to lower concen-
and 2.2 pulses in 14 h, in C, -P4 and +P4, trations in the blood of the ovarian vein and
respectively, (b) significantly reduced oxy- in the general circulation.
tocin secretion: 14.2 and 12.9 pg.mL−1 of (3) The counter-current mechanisms
plasma in –P4 and +P4 ewes, respectively acting locally amplifies the difference in P4
[11]. Thus, the classical P4 treatment dra- concentration in the uterine and ovarian ar-
matically acts upon the uterine secretion of teries.
PGF to reduce it and probably also reduces
plasma oxytocin (which could be of ovar- (4) Due to these insufficient P4 concen-
ian origin). This reinforces the hypothesis trations reaching the ovary and the uterus,
of a local effect of P4 on the uterus and/or the chain responsible for oxytocin and PGF
the ovary rather than a central effect to de- liberations is more sensitive to estrogens.
lay the LH surge. (5) The plasma progesterone concentra-
tion of general circulation is insufficient to
However, these observations were done block the gonadotropin activity on days 3–
after exogenous injections of robust doses 5 after the LH surge.
of P4 and it remains to demonstrate that
(6) The new wave of follicles initiated
natural progesterone of the early CL via
on days 3–4 of the first male-induced cy-
counter-current mechanisms and/or gen-
cle continues to grow and to secrete more
eral circulation, may be able to participate
oestrogens. The corpus luteum initiates its
directly in the inhibition of PGF secretion
responsiveness to prostaglandins.
and of oxytocin synthesis and liberation.
This is suggested by the fact that more (7) These estrogens stimulate prostag-
“physiological” doses of P4 (i.e. 2.5 mg in landin secretion by the uterus and oxytocin
two injections) also provide the same re- liberation from the CL, thus causing early
sults on duration of ram-induced cycles. luteolysis.
426 P. Chemineau et al.

Figure 5. Working hypothesis for a global explanation of the underlying mechanisms controlling
the lifespan of male-induced copora lutea in sheep and goats: the 7 sequential events leading from
low quality follicles of anestrus to early luteolysis at day 5 after introduction of males. (1) Low
quality of granulosa cells in follicles during anestrus at D0, (2) low proportion of large/small luteal
cells in induced CL at D5: low P4 concentration in the ovarian vein, (3) amplification of low P4
concentration in uterine and ovarian arteries by counter-current mechanisms, (4) high sensitivity of
oxytocin and PGF chain to E2, (5) systemic plasma P4 insufficient to centrally block LH pulsatility,
(6) high LH pulsatility stimulates the growth of the new follicular wave which started at D0, (7) E2
stimulates PGF and oxytocin which produce early luteolysis.
Short cycles after the male effect 427

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