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How does the workplace culture affect employee performance?

Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondent,

Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree (2) Neutral (3) Agree (4) Strongly Agree (5)

Please give your honest opinion to each question. There is no right or wrong answer your
opinion is what is important. Your cooperation in filling out the questionnaire is appreciated..

S.NO Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Reward System:

1 In my organization, I am rewarded or
appreciated whenever I perform better.
2 I would rate the performance appraisal
system in this organization as excellent.
3 My organization provides me better
feedback of results on time.
4 In my organization, promotion is based
on performance.
5 I believe in my organization, there is
recognition for good performance.

S.NO Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Risk Taking & Innovation:

6 System should be more widely

encouraged & promoted to new
7 My organization provides me
opportunity for independent thought and
8 The overall environment of my
organization is supportive of taking
9 I believe our organization is open to
10 My organization follows new ideas and
strategies for the betterment of

S.NO Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Openness to Communication:

11 I would rate the communication in our

organization as poor.
12 In this organization, employees are
encouraged to discuss and negotiate job
and personal goals with their heads.
13 Two-way communication is present.

14 Employee’s suggestions are listened to

15 I have more freedom to use my own


S.NO Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Work Environment:

16 I believe the work environment of this

organization is satisfactory.
17 Management values the employees of
this organization.
18 The turnover ratio in my organization is
19 People in this organization share a
common set of moral principles.
20 Promotions are given to those who
deserve them.
21 In my organization, employees are
promoted based on political affiliations
or biasedly.

S.NO Questions 1 2 3 4 5

Employee Participation:

21 I believe this organization offers

sufficient job training for employees.
22 People in this organization have the
opportunity to be involved in the
decision making process.
23 I believe I am accepted as part of the
‘team’ in this organization.
24 The system of my organization has
contributed to better teamwork.
25 The anxiety of managers is high.
Conceptual Framework:


 Reward system
 Risk taking and Innovation Performance
 Openness to communication
 Work Environment
 Employee Participation
Dependent Variable

Independent Variable

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