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SOUR TR MUSICA ANTIQUATA BEING Essays IN MopaL CompostTIon PART | BY H. ELLIS WOOLDRIDGE Antiquare. In modum pristinum reducere.—/éstus HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, NEW YORK, AND TORONTO CONTENTS. CHORAL PORTIONS OF THE ORDER OF HOLY COMMUNION — Kykib ELEISON ae i ” i te i SEO) Tue Creep. . os : a se 10 Orrertortes— Let your Light so shine ... i we te ce 13 Lay not up for yourselves faa : : : attra Whatsoever ye would. a : : 7 es iv. Not every one that saith unto me : 15 3 Sanctus a es Hf ie its ave i aceon i BENEDICTUS ... 16 ‘i AcNws Der... 7 a os ia 7 we oe WP 1 \ PATER NOSTER... : we ee 7 7 : pect GLORIA IN EXcELsts 4 i . 7 fa ts 20 APPENDIX OF TRANSPOSITIONS :— OvrERTORIES— i. Let your Light so shine . a fa 7 ca we 25 ii, Lay not up for yourselves te a i an we 35 AGNus DEI . ae aoe ae 26 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS 2 . oe ” 26 COLLECT FOR THE SUNDAY A¥TER ASCE: (O God the King of Glory) a Z ae we 29 THE CHORAL PORTIONS OF THE ORDER OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. FOR FOUR VOICES, THE TREBLE SINGING THE PLAIN SONG OF MERBECKE, WITH THE NECESSARY ADDITIONS, H. ELLIS WOOLDRIDGE. PREFACE. Tire music here offered for the choral part of the Order of Holy Communion consists, almost entirely, of a simple modal setting of the plainsong contained in Merbecke’s ‘“ Book of Common Prayer Noted.” That work, however, which issued from the press of Richard Grafton, the King’s printer, in 1550, was based upon the first Prayer Book of Edward the Sixth, and is in consequence, in several important respects, unsuitable to the modern use. Certain alterations and additions therefore have been made, in preparing the present work, in order to bring the music of Merbecke's composition into proper corre- spondence with the words of our modern Prayer Book service, The natwe and extent of these variations, and the necessity for them, will appear from the following short account. Kyrie cleison. Merbecke’s Kyrie consists only of the three short ejaculations —Lord have mercy upon us; Christ have mercy upon us; Lord have mercy upon us—as in the old unreformed service, The music given for the first of these has been adopted in this work for the opening clause of the Responses to the Command- ments; the remaining clauses of the Responses, for which no music exists in Merbecke, have been composed upon the words of the later Prayer Books. The Creed. The order of the clauses, And he shall come again, &e., and Whose hingdow, &c., is in Merbecke the reverse of ours. This has, of course, been corrected here. Sanctus and Benedictus. At the request of musicians familiar with the modern choral practice, I have included in the present work a setting of the Benedictus, the plainsong of which is placed by Merbecke, continuing the old us immediately after the Sanctus. Merbecke's final clause of the Sanctus is Osanna in the highest. This, of course, is in accordance with the unreformed use, but contrary to the later Prayer Book version, which gives Glory be to thee, &c, This latter clause is found, in Merbecke, concluding the Benedictus. In this work the Benedictus receives its proper ending, Osanna, &c., and the Sanctus is made to end as in our Prayer Book, with Glory be to thee, &c. Paternoster, The Lord's Prayer, in Merbecke's time, was sung by the priest alone as far as the word éewptation, the people responding, But deliver us from evil, The Doxology, For thine is the kingdom, &e., was apparently not sung, since music for it is wanting in Merbecke ; this has now been composed to accompany the word In the same request was included the Agnus Dei, which also appears in Merbecke's book at the end of the service, immediately before the Post Cominunions, of the Prayer Book. It may also be mentioned that in Merbecke’s original the music of the Pafernoster appears in notes of only half-value, as compared with the rest of the book"; this has been corrected in the present work, and the notation is thus made consistent throughout. Gloria. in the Gloria, as given here, one of the clauses, Thou that takest away, Ge, appears within brackets, This clause is not to be found either in Merhecke’s version or in Edward's first Prayer Book, that version was compos Book, 1552. n accordance with which -d. It occurs for the first time in Edward’s second Prayer The music given for it in our setting is a mere repetition of that composed by Merbecke for the clauses in the first Prayer Book. Finally, attention may be drawn to two alterations of notes given in Merbecke. In the Creed the opening note of the priest's intonation is in the modern use erroneously sung as C; Merbecke's note is D. In the Paternoster, the note which, six times repeated, opens Merbecke's composition is given as B; this, however, must be a mistake, since B is quite inadmissible as an initial in Mode VIII, while C, which is given in Dr, Rimbault’s edition (1845), from a copy in his possession, is the most usual one, and has been adopted here H. EL W. 1 The shoviness of the notes was perhaps intended to express the greater rapidity of the single voice in melody. KYRIE ELEISON. I and incline our hearts to keep this law. aad Lord, have mer - dis ————— cy up-on de P Lord,have up.on us; andwritealltheseThylaws in our hearts, we beseech Thee. 4 ddd dd, deojde 1 40 THE CREED. Mode IX, transposed. a te So Se 1 believe in one God, The Fa. ther Al. might. y Ma-ker of Heaven : = = : : = a f ? 2 ad J = jd eS and earth, and of all things vis. i-bleand in. vis. ible: And in one Lord Je -sus Christ, <——— wer TT = ll eH dd = = = —- the on ly Son of God, begot - ten of His Father be-fore all worlds. God of God, 5 BS f eelees rs fee | PP djdady F = | u a= : as SSS SS EE Light of Light, Ve - ry God of Ve - ry God, be-gottennot made, be-ing of one substance with £ jag = — J eafe err TF d Perr Pr ef 1s J —_— Hop canes f RS enti am — the Fa. ther, by whomallthings were made; who for us men, and for our sal-va - tion, 5 ae ae aaa psd we =P A a SSS pee = = = came down from Heaven and wasincarnate by the Ho-ly Ghost of the Virgin Ma.ry, and was made man, eae PPP ee : i a Midgndid 44 anal dddddd dddjod | a oe = 4 as Z2S5 na # rt ze g _ SSS SS ae al-so for us, under Pi-late He suff red and was bu - ri-ed- aur oN =A 5 ee 2 wofdde dd | J =f 5 PPPP PPP 4 La) Preprint 14 4 a # ry Plt te 1 pp fp - —_ | ies f Tt ?? # stp pit tt tpt i dd dtddi io pS Part f. = SS Tar i iH and sit-tethon the right hand of the Father: and He shall come again with glo ry tojudgeboththe quick “ =; retest re rt res / Pr widdzd Jide, jjiddd eg ddd J o ee ae fe =a =a ————- and the dead: whose Kingdomshall have no end. And I believe in the Ho . ly Ghost the Lord and oe eee Se oe coe ot eo Seca = ae a Oar er Th et F 1 jddiedd yd me ET —* Giver of ife; who pro.cecd.eth from the Fa.ther and the Son, who withthe Fa. ther and the Son | 4 Fs} eh nt dd SS = == mini Pree prior 2S 5-6-6: pd ah pg Z a FT aor a Saas a Cath-0-lic and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the re-missi.on of sins. $ a p> $ ty a je i 7 tT = #2 eave IEEE Tey ery ef == = t = oe THE OFFERTORIES. a glo. ri. fy your Fa. ther which IL. Mode Il. See oe = — = Lay not up for yourselves treasure up_on the earth where the rust and aothdoth cor.rupt, a Lad did tr r Pre Seas eee 5 mae =e fr : = = — — =, . = ss and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for your-selves treasures in Heaven, 4 a = i a 2 pr Pp?rft ttt Lota a pad dt d ov a, ip t a7 where nei ther rust nor moth doth cor-rupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal. a fice r = d adhd = Il. Mode VIII. a ee — ay Se 2 80 ev. er yewould that men should do unto you, even. so do you T re f a eae ee Pt +S rf Prete I un. to them, for this is the Law and and the Pro. aided ad. ; IV. Mode Il, transposed. _ ; ——————— Not ev . ‘ry onethat saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter in_to the King_ Part ee te rit did g gd ys pd Pg dg aS ’ a Sao SS SS SSeS] dom of Heaven, but he that doth the Will of My Fa.ther which is in Heaven, i t Hf ee tas aS ey fe = —— SANCTUS. Mode II, transposed. a ff 7 ¢ == ty a a ss — = = — (ores ———— Heaven and earth SS to Thee, O Lord most high; BENEDICTUS. Mode II, transposed. a a a —— Bless.ed is he that com.eth in the Name of theLord. in the High-est. a da 17 AGNUS DEI. Mode I. a i a a o Lamb of God, that tak’st a-way the sins of the world, _ SS SSE os 8 FP forerprrioeret i i —— wv Tw have mer - cy up_on © Lamb of God, that tak’st away a : have mer - éy up. 61 us. —#¢ Jibs 0 Lamb of Goa, a tho sins of the world, havemer . cy a * have mer. cy up. 08. oe : SEs that takst away the sins of the world, grant Thy peace. ied DulIHE EH i boo | y 18 PATER NOSTER. ORGAN, Mode VIII. Our Father which art in Heaven, ee Thy King-dom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. o i 24 2 = be PS ee ae de Sj a a HE (SSS Give us this day our dai . ly bread And for_give us our tres . pasé. es, eas ov po Z i __# H = — * x * = —-s — eer re-EEPde-eP PG eeePee-PRcCeeeeeEEd ECE CCPC EE es ; j i fr \ 1 Poe te J oy kort 4 fi = —— = o a eo a Se SS ia eee hue ere CeCe But de. ver Z 2 — = — = aE ee foe ae alae o—s go ip0 ,, «do HOE o = = t= is the King - dom, ‘the power and the 20 GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. Mode IV. . oO SSS SSS Glo_ry be to God on High. And in earth peace, good will towards men. See Heed cell 7 { if PE a o |i) 4 pa== ———= 5 a ian pT f u ial : = S———— We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we wor. ship Thee, we glo-ri. fy Thee. ip ge dg dd 2g Ft ey a a SS SSS We givethanks to Thee for Thy great glo . ry, 0 Lord God, Heaven-ly King, nae eS Fer ay 7 a a SS SSS SSS SSS SSS God the Fa. ther Al.might — y. © Lord the only be-got-ten Son | = a s és = aor 7 = 3 a a Se ? [eee PPP | gs ease | ¥: = =o = eu Christ, SSS © Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Fa. ther, +~—- 83 3 Pe * Pr Ee AY f meee | | a e ee ee pig, : f-F Ta fanaa i 7 = fe a ——_———————————— that ta kest a way the sins of the world, have mercy up. on us; et a + = = ==] oa —2— 4 Pee tm ie rttt Resa Miseaeeerate —— Lg. = + irae tt ar iz a [SE SSE away the sins of the world, have mer. cy = PrP FF 22 ES = ++ — = — = — 7 = Thos that tkest a. way the sine of the world, reeclve our prayer f = =f Sp Sj ror? i f aa we pe 8 d_s_s _—_ ta f have ner. ey up-b od a SSS SS SSS For Thou on-ly art ho~ ly, Thon only art the Lord, Thou on. ly © Christ Jay é = Ie Spee Ke with the Ho - ly Ghost art most high in the glory of God the Fa. ther. A men. aA a Feet Ud. x. 7 APPENDIX. TRANSPOSITIONS. 25 OFFERTORIES. I —a— ? rte? T Let your Light so shine be. fore men that they may see your good works a a J bd J add s — pp rt a rr ina t ~~ and glo. ri. fy your Father which — is in Heaven, . die) py = SS ———t =j 3 IL. 4 — —— a pepper? FP PT Pr Lay not up for yourselves treasure up- on the earth, where the rust and moth doth d¢dade = 2 gopctd-s 4 $33.5. pad g-g SS = popes StF td dg eee r fee t corrupt ad whore thieves break tha and eal But lay up for yourselves te SSC ree rerer Tree: Spt Pee 4 oth doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break thro’ and steal. dod d gd d dtd a rp ae AGNUS DEI. ® SS Z —— a oer a eee Lamb of God that takst a bo jhe. J 3s jaid 4 © Lamb of God Y zi > yw _ iol oe Hu _ i Z = ge + E | Po ot Teeter that tak’st. a way the sins of the world, grant us Thy _ peace. | a¢dbd J ad [bas eee iti, be Zz - a Tima ee y GLORIA IN EXCELSIS. ORGAN, a spe) = = gS pF rit ne Ana in earth peace, seed wil tow'ds mon, We praise Thee Glo-ry be to God on High | J a 2d 2 a o> a = SSS = 3 u i ica «4 27 a jo = 2 PES Epp sa ry ? P 4 bless ag aa wor. re Thee, “ glo.ri- fy Thee, we give thanks to Thee eters te eaddd | 3 = =f o—* hed ioe a a PrP er a L a for Thy great glo . ry, © LordGod, Heavenly King, God the Fa_th eth dps ies 79) TR eo = = + oo = SS ~ Je- ~ su Christ, Hi g os Eure 5 Ss —— | rf rT ote - © Lord, the on. ly Son Je - q - su Christ, 0 Lord God, d ed id 24d 22¢2 3 ddd tg J. ou je - . su Christ, 3 =a Se I rePRPT PE iF Lamb of God, Son of the Fa - “T that takest away the sins of the world, ddd dice ¢ Beenie = a a + —F rrr f rrri pret have mercy up.on us; Thou that ta.kest away the sins of the world, J id jd td od ad fee — {=e 28 bk | f 3 2 5 _ o } ? f f tire me fy Soe ty Tat hag svar He of Snel | | uJ ad¢ eget dde kee = =p = SS | Z =F Ey se — o ereee lala “| t f re-ceive our prayer; Thou that miter at the right hand of God the Fa . ther, 44} bp dgeeg d ége ¢ have mer . cy ? have mer. cy up-on. For Thou _d us, have mer . cy on - ly art ial Ho - ly, Bs Se = = rT Thou on. ly art the Lord, Thou on-ly © Christ, with the Ho . ly Ghost, o¢e¢dye ded yy, 4d wg £ = i — 3 oe , if eet : — = ce = oe ze pre tftt f art most High in the glo. ry of God the Fa- ther. aco a _ men. ; a A cpt dd dt ts tei ed ed a Eee a A . men. THE COLLECT FOR THE SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY. “O GOD, THE KING OF GLORY.” FOR FOUR VOICES. By H. E. WOOLDRIDGE. 3st COLLECT FOR THE SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY. King of the King of who hast ex . alt . eo 2 hast ex. alt - ed who hast ex . alt . ~ ed Thine - BUUR TS Be Son Je. = U8 Christe with great tri. umph Christ with great triumph, with great tricumphywith do |dd Thy King . dom, Thy King. =. = dom in Heaven, King - King-dom, Thy Heaven, tri umph un. to Thy King. dom in Heaven, We. Heaven, tri. umph un. to Thy King dom 33 Thee, leave us not be-seech ‘Thee, leave us mot com. fort-less, leave be - seech Thee, leave not comfort . less, ddd ld ud dd comfort-less,leave us not com . fort ~ less, leave us not us not comfort . less,.. but send ae 34 Thee, leave us not com-fort - less, leave. seech Thee, leave us not com-fort- comfort us,.. leave us not_ com - fort - less, not com-fort - us not com - fort less, not com-fort - less, but send com.fort us, to Thy Ghost, to com-fort us, to to com - fort 36 the same place,the same us un - tothe ther our Sa. viour Christ place whi - ther Sa - viour Christ ot place whi . ther Sa . viour Christ is place whi - ther Sa - viour Christ is reign.eth with and the Ho. ly Ghost, reign - oth and the Ho ly Ghost, reign-eth reign . eth with Thee reign eth reign - eth with Thee the and.. and. liv — eth and 37 38 Ghost, with Thee and. Ghost, One Ghost, with Ghost, One with _ out world

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