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Dental Traumatology 2006; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-9657.2005.00364.

x Copyright Ó Blackwell Munksgaard 2006

All rights reserved

Case Report

An alternative method for splinting of

traumatized teeth: case reports
Yildirim Öz G, Ataoğlu H, Kir N, Karaman AI. _ An alternative Gülsün Yildirim Öz1, Hanife Ataoğlu1,
method for splinting of traumatized teeth: case reports. _
Nihal Kir2, Ali Ihya Karaman2
Ó Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006. 1
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
Dentistry, University of Selçuk, Konya, Turkey; 2Department
Abstract – Injuries to the dentoalveolar complex are fairly of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Selçuk,
Konya, Turkey
common and can be caused by a number of reasons. There are
many techniques for repositioning and stabilizing traumatically
luxated or avulsed teeth. Many of the splinting techniques
previously advocated were time-consuming. Not only were the
splints difficult to fabricate and difficult to remove, they also
contributed to injury of the soft and hard supporting tissues. Key words: Ribbond; fixation techiques; dental
Ribbond (Ribbond Inc., Seattle, Wash) is basically a reinforced trauma
ribbon which is made from ultrahigh molecular weight polyethy- Dr Gülsün YildirimÖz, Selçuk Üniversitesi,
lene fiber having an ultrahigh modulus. It is used in dentistry for Dişhekimliği Fakültesi, Ağız, Diş, Çene Hastalıkları ve
Cerrahisi Bölümü, 42079, Kampüs/Konya, Turkey
various purposes. The use of Ribbond appears to be an adequate Tel.: + 90 332 223 11 50
and easy method for stabilization and fixation. It can be used in the Fax: + 90 332 241 00 62
treatment of dental injuries. In this article the use of Ribbond for e-mail:
the treatment of dentoalveolar injuries is described. Accepted 23 February, 2005

Dental trauma is a common injury, especially in assessment of injuries to the permanent dentition
children. Approximately every one of three children showed crown or crown-root fractures were 39%. It is
will also suffer trauma to the permanent teeth before possible that this difference again is due partly to the
leaving school age (1–3). Usually it represents a anatomic differences between adult and pediatric
serious problem associated with many aspects of the teeth and supporting structures.
patient’s life. In the international literature, there Once the diagnosis of a dentoalveolar injury is
are many studies investigating different parameters confirmed, the injury should be classified. The
of dental trauma. The most commonly investigated purpose of such classification is to provide a
parameters are frequency, etiology, appropriate comprehensive and universal description of the
treatment plan, and methods for prevention of the injury for communication and treatment planning
dental trauma (4, 5). purposes. In this classification, dentoalveolar injuries
The nature of dentoalveolar fracture also varies are divided into four major categories: injuries to the
with age, possibly due to the anatomic differences dental tissues and pulp, injuries to the periodontal
between the teeth and supporting structures of adults tissues, injuries to the supporting bone and injuries
and children. Trauma to the primary dentition most to the gingiva or oral mucosa (6).
often affects the supporting structure, whereas Dental splinting is frequently needed following
trauma to the permanent dentition mostly affects traumatic injuries to stabilize subluxated, luxated,
the teeth themselves (6). In his review of the causes avulsed and root fractured teeth. In all cases of
and pathogenesis of dental injuries, Andreasen (7) dental injury, proper treatment is important for the
reported that, of trauma to the primary dentition, subsequent healing period.
10% involved crown or crown-root fracture, whereas Treatment of such injuries can be complex and
75% involved luxations and avulsions. A similar costly. Fixation methods used for dental splints vary

Dental Traumatology 2006; 22: 345–349 345

Yildirim Öz et al.

according to authors and with the type of dental Ribbond was employed for tooth splinting in
trauma. Many different types of splinting techniques these patients (Figs 3 and 7). For this purpose, labial
have been described in the literature (8–11).Ribbond surfaces of the traumatized teeth and at least one
(Ribbond Inc., Seattle, Wash) is a bondable, rein- adjacent tooth on both sides were etched with 36%
forced polyethylene fiber material (Fig. 1). It can be phosphoric acid gel for 30 s, rinsed off the gel and
used in the treatment of multiple displaced teeth. dried the etched enamel surfaces. After applying
The use of Ribbond is an acceptable and easy flowable composite to enamel surfaces, fibers are
method for stabilization and fixation. In this report; coated with a light cured composite (Figs 4 and 8).
usage of Ribbond for splinting traumatized teeth, is Displaced teeth were repositioned and during the
presented. light curing of ribbon held in position by finger
pressure (Figs 5 and 9). At this time the practitioner
should be sure that the displaced tooth is in its
Case reports
correct position. Approximately 4 weeks later, it is
The sample consisted of six patients treated in a observed that the stabilization of the traumatized
Selcuk University, Faculty of Dentistry, Depart- teeth was achieved. Following the healing period,
ments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Ribbond material is debonded with tungsten car-
Orthodontics. The age of the sample was between bide bur which can be used with a micromotor. The
10 and 12 years and included four males and two tooth surfaces were refined with polishing disks
females. Records of each trauma according to the (Figs 6 and 10).
age, sex, history of trauma, repositioned teeth, type
of hard tissue injury, number of teeth involved the
splint can be seen in Fig. 2.
Splinting teeth for periodontal, orthodontic or post-
traumatic reasons is a common procedure (12). The

Fig. 1. Different size of Ribbond.

Fig. 3. Traumatic anterior segment of Case A.

Number of
Number of
Fixation teeth Type of hard
Age Sex Cause Complication traumatized
time involved the tissue trauma

1 Buccal and
11(Case A) Male – 4 weeks 2 5 1 palatal
12 Male Necrosis 4 weeks 3 5 3 Extrusions

2 Palatal
11 Male Fall – 4 weeks 2 4

1 Avulsion
10(Case B) Female – 4 weeks 2 4 and 1 buccal

Traffic 2 Buccal
12 Male – 4 weeks 2 4
accident displacements

Traffic 2 Buccal
11 Female – 4 weeks 2 4
accident displacements

Fig. 4. Frontal view of the segment after stabilization with

Fig. 2. Records of each trauma. Ribbond (Case A).

346 Dental Traumatology 2006; 22: 345–349

An alternative method for dental splinting

Fig. 5. Occlusal view of the segment after repozition (Case A). Fig. 8. Frontal view of the segment after stabilization (Case B).

Fig. 6. Postoperative view of the segment (Case A). Fig. 9. Occlusal view of the segment after repozition (Case B).

Fig. 10. View of the segment after the healing period (Case B).
Fig. 7. Traumatic anterior segment of Case B.

requirements of modern tooth splinting, as sum- neither damage gingival tissue nor increase the risk
marized by Oikarinen (8), are as follows: it should of caries. Splints should be easy to clean and they
be possible to make dental splints without a should be esthetic and not interfere with occlusion.
laboratory, they should not cause trauma to the Endodontic treatment and sensitivity testing should
teeth, should help teeth regain their original posi- be possible during the fixation period. The splint
tion, and provide adequate fixation during the should allow slight mobility to aid the functional
period of immobilization. Dental splints should reorientation of the periodontal membrane fibers

Dental Traumatology 2006; 22: 345–349 347

Yildirim Öz et al.

(8, 9). Weisman (13) has proposed supplementary This material is expensive and this is Ribbond’s
requirements and states that dental splints should disadvantage.
not injure the pulp of the traumatized or adjacent In our cases displaced teeth’s apex have yet
teeth, nor interfere with intra-oral radiographic closed. These teeth were observed both clinically
techniques, allow placement of a rubber dam, be and radiographically. In our one case the central
applicable to primary, mixed and permanent den- incisors showed pulpa necrosis at the end of the
titions, should not interfere with proper oral healing period. The patient referred to the depart-
hygiene, nor promote root resorption, and should ment of endodontics for root-canal treatment.
be economical and require a minimum of special- Endodontic treatment continued uneventfully.
ized equipment. In addition, trauma splints should Bearn (17) stated that reinforcement fibers have the
have optimal properties for handling, application disadvantage of a rigid splint, which limits physiologic
and removal (14). From the patient’s perspective, tooth mobility and contributes to a higher clinical
the splint should not interfere with occlusion, oral failure rate. It has been shown in experimental studies
hygiene and speech (15). that replanted teeth stabilized with a physiologic
Many techniques can be used for the stabilization semi-rigid or flexible splint show less replacement
and fixation of dentoalveolar injuries. Some tech- resorption and better organized ligament fibers
niques have been used for many years, whereas compared to rigidly fixed teeth (18, 19). We also plan
others are more recent and have become possible as to analyze the benefits and long term clinical
a result of the development of new dental restorative outcomes of the Ribbond on a larger sample.
materials (16). This study indicated that Ribbond is an easy and
The fixation and stabilization methods with the good method for splinting and stabilizing teeth.
longest history of usage are arch bar and wire Ribbond can be particularly recommended for
fixation. Arch bars are indicated only for injuries splinting of traumatized teeth and is well tolerated
involving bone fractures in which rigid stabilization by the patients. Further, ease of application and
is required (16). removal represented by shorter chair time may
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