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The Bubonic Plague

By: Cade Smithey

T​ he Bubonic Plague or the black death is taking many lives today. The 1330’s were

taken by the curse of the Black Death. The Black death would infect one person and then infect
other people very rapidly. If you got the infection there would be spots that pop up on your skin.
They were red, then they would turn black. After that they would pop and you would end up
dying. If you came down with the infection they put you in a house and when you died they
wouldn’t even give you a Christian burial.
Europe tried to fix the problem with the famous “Plague Doctor”. They are usually
dressed in all black and they would have mask that looked like a bird beak. They usually filled
them with good smelling odors because they thought that it spread through smells. But with all
that on the “Plague Doctor” would still end up dying. The cities would end up littered with
bodies, they even assigned people to go get them but they died. The Plague wiped out ⅓ of
Europe's population. The Obituary will be filled with all the people who died from the plague in
the past 3 days.You can find all this information at​, ​​,​.
Health and Medicine
By: Madalyn Motley 

H​ ealth and medicine in Medieval Times were mostly useless because people didn’t

know what caused diseases during this time period. That is a reason that the many died
from the Black Death. Peasants were told that diseases were a punishment from God
for bad behavior. Another belief was that the body had four fluids, and if these fluids
were unequal then you became sick. Sometimes butchers and barbers would play the
role of a surgeon and try to find a cure for the illness the patient might have. It was not
the fault of the “surgeon” if the procedure didn’t work. 

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