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Quant by Anshul Gupta: CAT 2020

Percentages, Profit & Loss - Advanced

“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do”
- Benjamin Spock

27th March 2020

1. A vendor gives 3 consecutive discounts of 10%, 15% and 15% after which he sells his goods
at a percentage profit of 30.05% on the C.P. Find the value of the percentage profit that the
shopkeeper would have earned if he had given discounts of 10% and 15% only.

a. 62.5%
b. 53%
c. 45.05%
d. 51.3%

2. A motorist uses 24% of his fuel in covering the first 20% of his total journey (in city driving
conditions). If he knows that he has to cover another 25% of his total journey in city driving
conditions, what should be the minimum percentage increase in the fuel efficiency for non-
city driving over the city driving fuel efficiency, so that he is just able to cover his entire
journey without having to refuel? (Approximately)

a. 39.2%
b. 43.5%
c. 45.6%
d. 41.2%

3. In a right angled triangle, the circumradius is 66.67% more than one of the sides of the
triangle. If all the sides of the triangle are of 2 digits, calculate the maximum value of the
smallest side?

a. 99
b. 57
c. 60
d. Cannot be determined

4. A man sells 4 articles. The first one is sold at a profit of 50%. The second one is sold at the
cost price. The third one is sold at loss of 100%. The fourth one is sold at profit of 20%.
Calculate the overall profit or loss percentage.

a. -30%
b. 0%
c. 30%
d. Cannot be determined

5. A man starts a shop by buying 100 articles at Rs 10 each. Due to lack of capital, he borrows
50% of the money required from a friend, and promises to pay him Rs 10 at the end of
every day (starting from borrowing day) until the day he returns the borrowed money. His
shop starts at the same day when he borrows the money. The shopkeeper sells 10 articles
every day, the first 5 at 10% profit, and the other at 20% loss. After how many days can the
shopkeeper return the borrowed money?

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 50

6. Dishonest shopkeepers use 2 false balances to cheat. The first one which they use to buy
shows a weight 10% less than the actual weight. The second one used while selling shows a
weight 50% more than the actual weight. Whenever a shopkeeper sells to another
shopkeeper, the shopkeeper who is buying the material uses his balance. Shopkeepers A,B
and C are all dishonest. A sells to B, B sells to C, and Shyam buys from C. The marked price
of the goods is same throughout all the transactions. What is the percentage of extra
amount paid by C, as compared to the amount he would have paid if he bought from an
honest shopkeeper?

a. 50%
b. 33.33%
c. 69%
d. 66.43%

7. Dishonest shopkeepers use 2 false balances to cheat. The first one which they use to buy
shows a weight 10% less than the actual weight. The second one used while selling shows a
weight 50% more than the actual weight. Whenever a shopkeeper sells to another
shopkeeper, the shopkeeper who is buying the material uses his balance. Shopkeepers A,B
and C are all dishonest. A sells to B, B sells to C, and Shyam buys from C. The marked price
of the goods is same throughout all the transactions. If profit percentages of A,B, and C are
a%, b% and c% respectively, what is b-c? _________

8. Consider a big cube formed of 64 smaller cubes, out of which 40 are coloured. The smaller
cubes are arranged such that the exposure of the coloured cubes to the outside is
minimized. What is the % of the exposed area that is coloured? (approx.)

a. 62.5%
b. 50%
c. 41.67%
d. None of these

9. Consider a big cube formed of 64 smaller cubes, out of which 40 are coloured. The smaller
cubes are arranged such that the exposure of the coloured cubes to the outside is
maximized. What is the % of the exposed area that is coloured? (approx.) ______
10. A shopkeeper sells same number of articles every day. On Day 1, the list price is 1% above
the cost price, and discount offered on list price is 1%. On Day 2, list price is 2% above CP,
and discount is 2% on list price. Similar pattern is followed for 100 days. What is the overall
profit percentage of the shopkeeper? _______

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is

what makes life meaningful”
- Joshua J Marine

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