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the New York

New York “Arming Black Millennials

With Information"

website: “Arming Black Millennials with Information" 75 Cents


Vol. 27 No. 1 January 9 – January 15, 2020 website:


Living legend
Tom Joyner
leaves a void
in the fight
for civil rights
as he ends
50 years of
The voice that registered millions of new voters, raised $65M for HBCUs,
held drives for victims of Katrina and prompted companies to stop
discriminating in advertising, hangs up the mic, page 6
2 Report: More people are leaving
New York than any other state
By Victor Omondi

W hen it comes to states

that have been greatly
hit by the recent exo-

Black men walk the dus, New York City takes the
lead. While some states have
seen a significant rise in their

streets of Baltimore to overall population, New York

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

seems to be tailing in this sector.

According to the most recent

combat violence census report released Monday,

about 76790 cleared out of the
sate between July 2018 and July
2019. This represents a loss of ment, drug treatment, and other 0.4%, which isn’t healthy for a

forms of support along their state of its caliber.
 group of Black men walks. Baltimore ended 2019 Again, looking at the pop-
from Baltimore is on a with one of its worst homicide ulation lost through domestic
mission to address the rates to date, and the men are immigration in New York, the
violence that plagues some of determined to prevent another situation is even worse. The
the neighborhoods throughout individual from becoming a state is among the three states
the city. According to The Bal- statistic. They want to me- that lost more than 100000 to
timore Sun, local community diate situations in the streets other states between July 2018
leaders have joined forces to that could potentially result in to July 2019.
host walks that were started violence. According to the census
to spread awareness about “We have to be at the center data, at least 1860649 more the census data by the Empire million, 28.9 million, and 21.4
violence and provide support of the change of saving lives,” residents left the state be- Center, New York’s population million respectively.
for residents who have felt the said Dr. Andrey Bundley who tween the two years than currently stands at 19453561, While New Jersey and
wrath of its negative effects. serves as the Director of Afri- those who moved in. Now, which is below the 19530351 Connecticut experienced net
The group—a collective can American Male Engage- looking at the population recorded in 2018. Despite the outflows of about 4000 each,
comprised of activists, church ment, a division of the Mayor’s data between 2010 and 2019, major population crisis facing in the record, New York expe-
leaders, and residents—has Office of Children and Family the state has seen a loss of at the state, it’s still the fourth rienced the biggest loss. The
been gathering for months to Success. “If the state of Black least 1.4 million residents to most populous state after Cal- 4000 decline in these states is
walk the streets of Baltimore men is going to change, it’s domestic migration. ifornia, Texas, and Florida. The way below the 76790 recorded
and interact with locals. To going to take Black men to   Based on an analysis of states have a population of 39.5 in New York.
offer solutions to issues faced inspire and guide Black men,
by the community, they pro- first, and then other people of
vide resources for employ- good will.”
Weinstein charged with new sex
Fourth inmate dies in crimes during court appearance in
Mississippi prison separate rape case
male prisoner died before noon max Films co-founder alleged-

Thursday at the Mississippi ly performed a sex act forcibly
State Penitentiary at Parchman. man who was once on an unwilling woman in the
Burton said the inmate, whom arguably the most pow- New York City area. Another
she declined to identify pend- erful person in the film woman alleged that Weinstein
ing notification of relatives, industry got another crushing raped her in a hotel room in
had multiple stab wounds. legal punch to the gut as he Manhattan, New York. Page
   Sunflower County Sher- was attending a court hearing Six reported that protesters iff James Haywood said other in New York City. angrily chanted outside as nounced new charges that

inmates were injured. Depu- Harvey Weinstein (pic- Weinstein entered the NYC Weinstein faces. According
ACKSON, Miss. (AP) ties from multiple counties and tured, center) appeared in court courthouse where jury se- to National Public Radio, Los
— Another Mississippi in- state agencies responded to the on Monday (January 6) as jury lection ahead of his trial was Angeles County District At-
mate has died at the hands sprawling and isolated Parchman selection occurred in a crimi- scheduled. torney Jackie Lacey held a
of a fellow inmate, bringing the prison, Haywood said. Inmates nal case against the disgraced The movie mogul has news conference on January
death toll to four in disturbances in a different unit than the one film executive, which is being pleaded not guilty to all the 6 announcing the charges her
over the past week in the state where the stabbing occurred set prosecuted by the state of New criminal charges he faces in office filed that day against
prison system. The violence their cell block on fire, the sheriff York. Manhattan Criminal Court. If Weinstein.
comes even as a federal judge said, speaking by cell phone from Weinstein, 67, faces multi- convicted, Weinstein faces a “We believe the evidence
has rejected claims that condi- the prison. Haywood said the fire ple aggravated sexual assault life sentence with parole eli- will show that the defendant
tions in one Mississippi prison was put out and the inmates were charges in this case related to gibility after 25 years. used his power and influ-
are unconstitutionally harsh. under control. allegations made by two dif- Meanwhile, on Monday, ence to gain access to his vic-
Sunflower County Corner “Everybody is up here and ferent women who claimed he in Los Angeles County, Cali- tims and then commit violent
Heather Burton told The As- everything is calm and cool raped them in 2006 and 2013. fornia, the District Attorney’s crimes against them,” Lacey
sociated Press a 32-year-old right now,” he said.   In the 2006 case, the Mira- office in that jurisdiction an- said at the news conference.

Soleimani’s daughter: Father’s death ‘will bring darker days’ for the US, Israel procession at Tehran Univer- cause separation between two are the symbol of stupidity

sity on Monday, Zeinab Solei- nations of Iraq and Iran with and a toy in the hand of inter-
ranian Gen. Qasem Solei- mani said President Trump’s your strategic mistake in as- national Zionists,” she added
mani’s daughter warned “evil plan to cause separation sassinating both Haj Qasem in front of a large crowd at the
that her father’s death “will between two nations of Iraq and Abu Mahdi has failed and procession.
cause more awakening in the and Iran” by killing Solei- it has only caused historical “This heinous crime com-
resistance front” and “will mani and Iraqi militia leader unity between two nations mitted by the Americans ex-
bring darker days” for the Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis “has and their mutual eternal hatred presses the spirit of criminality
United States and Israel. failed.” for the United States,” Zeinab and bullying that covers all
Speaking in front of a large “Trump, you compulsive Soleimani said. crimes of bloodshed, especial-
crowd at her father’s funeral gambler, your evil plan to   “Hey crazy Trump, you ly on the land of Palestine.”

New York Beacon (USPS 011-156), serving metropolitan New York is published weekly by SHGM at 600 3rd Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016. Periodicals postage
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Mayor Pete Buttigieg: Generational 3

wealth has been stolen from Black


V ideo footage of Demo-

cratic presidential can-
didate Mayor Pete Butt-
igieg saying Black Americans
Black, Jewish leaders unite
in NYC after wave of anti-

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

had its generational wealth
stolen was shared today.
When asked his stance on Semitic attacks
reparations, Buttigieg not only
voiced his support for HR utive director of the New York

40, but also said the wealth Civil Liberties Union, Ha-
disparity between Blacks and fter a violent few days zel Dukes, president of the
whites is a result of “systemic in New York City and NAACP New York State
racism in this one far-out suburban Conference, and Rabbi Marc
“Now I support HR 40 … community in which Jewish Schneier, president of the
but I don’t think we have to people were targeted, Black Foundation for Ethnic Under-
wait for that commission to do portunities to build up wealth.” prised that when slavery end- and Jewish leaders planned to standing.
its work to do other things,” The video was captured and ed… less than two lifetimes come together Monday morn- The greater New York area
Buttigieg said. He added if shared by a Twitter user iden- ago, that we continue to see ing in Harlem to denounce the was reeling after five people
generational wealth is “true tified as Jameion B. Fowler, the consequences of that, in attacks. were stabbed at a Hannuk-
for a dollar that’s been saved, who identifies as an outspoken addition to things that are The coalition planned to kah celebration at a private
that’s also true for a dollar member of the American De- not from some distant far off speak out at the National Ac- residence in Monsey, N.Y.,
that’s been stolen – and what scendants of Slavery (#ADOS) point past but happened within tion Network House of Justice, over the weekend, and several
has been stolen from Black movement. living memory,” Buttigieg headquarters for the National more attacks took place in
Americans is generational op- “So we shouldn’t be sur- continued. Action Network civil rights the five boroughs throughout
organization headed by Rev. the month of December. The
Al Sharpton. violence comes on the heels
Two kicked out of National Guard   Along with Sharpton,
other leaders slated to speak
are: Donna Lieberman, exec-
of a fatal attack at a Kosher
supermarket in New York City
that left six people dead.
over white supremacist ties Border stops for people
men have been kicked
out of the Army Nation- of Iranian descent
al Guard after liberal activists
uncovered their membership
in a religious group with white spark outrage
supremacist ties.
Brandon Trent East told backlash they triggered — with

The Atlanta Journal-Constitu- references to the internment
tion that the Alabama National eports of Iranians and of Japanese-Americans during
Guard sent him a separation Iranian-Americans be- World War II — highlighted the
notice on Dec. 14. ing detained for ques- potential risks inside the U.S.
   A spokeswoman for the tioning upon entering the U.S. even before the fierce retaliation
Georgia National Guard said kicked off a furor on Sun- promised by the Iranian govern-
Dalton Woodward is no lon- day from Washington state to ment for the killing of Qassem
ger a member. She declined Washington, D.C., marking Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s
to comment on the terms of a new domestic blowback to elite paramilitary forces, by a
Woodward’s separation. the Trump administration’s U.S. military drone on Thursday.
Woodward didn’t respond targeted killing of a key Iranian CAIR said in its statement
to a request for comment left leader. that a source at U.S. Customs
with his friend East. The Washington state chap- and Border Protection had re-
Earlier in 2019, the At- ter of the Council on Ameri- ported that the agency received
lanta Antifacists group pub- can-Islamic Relations, a prom- a national directive from the
lished a report saying East inent Muslim civil liberties Department of Homeland Se-
and Woodward were leaders group, said on Sunday that curity to “‘report’ and detain
of the Norse pagan group group is part of the Asatru searchers say endorses white more than 60 people of Iranian anyone with Iranian heritage
Ravensblood Kindred. The Folk Assembly, which re- supremacy. descent, including American entering the country who is
citizens, were held for hours deemed potentially suspicious
long periods of questioning or ‘adversarial,’ regardless of
Protests across US condemn action over the weekend at the Peace
Arch checkpoint in Blaine,
Wash., along the border with
citizenship status.”
“We are working to verify
reports of a broad nation-
in Iran and Iraq Canada. CAIR noted that many
Iranian-Americans would con-
wide directive to detain Ira-
nian-Americans at ports of

tinue to approach the port of entry so that we can provide
ASHINGTON (AP) — Demonstra- entry over the weekend as community members with ac-
tors in dozens of cities around the some return to the U.S. after at- curate travel guidance,” Masih
U.S. gathered Saturday to protest the tending an Iranian pop concert Fouladi, executive director of
Trump administration’s killing of an Iranian Saturday in Vancouver. CAIR’s Washington chapter,
general and decision to send thousands of ad-     The initial reports and the said in a statement.
ditional soldiers to the Middle East.
More than 70 planned protests were orga-
nized by CODEPINK and Act Now to Stop
War and End Racism, a U.S.-based anti-war
coalition, along with other groups.
   From Tampa to Philadelphia and San Fran-
cisco to New York, protesters carried signs and
chanted anti-war slogans.
President Donald Trump ordered Friday’s
airstrike near Baghdad’s international airport raising fears of an all-out war, but it’s unclear
that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of how or when a response might come.
Iran’s elite Quds Force who has been blamed Protest organizers said the Trump adminis-
for attacks on U.S. troops and American allies tration has essentially started a war with Iran by
going back decades. Iran has vowed retribution, assassinating Soleimani.
4 Danielle Outlaw is Philadelphia’s
first Black woman Police

T he city of Philadelphia
has a new police com-
missioner, and she’s a
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Black woman.
Ex-fiancé of Bobbi On Monday, Mayor Jim
Kenney named Danielle Out-
law as the new head of the
Kristina Brown, Nick city police department, making
her the first African-America
woman to hold the position.
Gordon, dies at age 30 Outlaw, former police chief
of Portland, Oregon, is now
in charge of the fourth-largest   “Despite all of the incredi- police department in the U.S.,

ble challenges Nick faced over with 6,300 sworn officers,
ick Gordon, the ex-boy- the last few years I can honest- according to the agency’s
friend of Bobbi Kristina ly say that he worked hard to website.
Brown, died Wednesday hold his head up and stay sober In her new role as Phila- Danielle Outlaw because I am Outlaw’s appointment
of a suspected drug overdose in and that he genuinely wanted delphia police commission- convinced she has the convic- concluded an extensive four-
Florida reports CBS News. He a happy healthy life with his er, Danielle Outlaw said she tion, courage, and compassion month search in which over
was 30 years old. family more than anything will work on tackling crime needed to bring long-overdue 30 candidates were considered,
Gordon’s death was con- else,” the attorney continued. and gun violence in the city. reform to the Department. including several from within
firmed via a statement by his “We are devastated by the (Photo: Mark Makela/Getty After meeting and speaking the department.
attorney, Joe S. Habachy. loss of my beautiful broth- Images) with her at length, I came Kenney wrote that “while
“While I cannot speak to the er, He leaves a void in the “I think constantly about away confident that Danielle I have tremendous respect for
specific circumstances of his hearts of my family and his what it takes to be a police Outlaw possesses the strength, our officers, the Philadelphia
death, I can say that it’s been friends. Nick’s battle in life officer,” Kenney said in a integrity, and empathy vital to Police Department needs re-
truly heartbreaking to have was not an easy one. I will be statement. “I am appointing the tasks ahead.” form.”
witnessed first hand the total forever grateful that my God

Annual Kwanzaa
devastation that drug addiction afforded a small moment at the
has wreaked upon a group of very end of Nick’s life, and I
young friends, all of whom was able to hold his hand as he
were loved and had immense journeyed on,” Jack Walker Jr.

crawl brings $250,000

potential,” Habachy stated. said according to People.

to Black businesses
in New York City crawl that takes place in New people of the African diaspora

York City in the neighborhood together to support Black-
et’s support black busi- of Harlem and the borough of owned businesses in their
nesses through libations! Brooklyn. New York’s fourth communities. Heading into our
According to The Root, annual Kwanzaa Crawl kicked 4th annual year, we have host-
the annual Kwanzaa Crawl off with a ceremony recogniz- ed over 8,000 crawlers. We’ve
helps generate $250,000 for ing the holiday’s seven core expanded from 17 Black-
NYPD Sgt. Cyress Smith says he developed a chronic cough, black businesses in Brooklyn principals of African heritage owned businesses in Brooklyn
asthma and other illnesses after sifting through debris in the and Harlem in New York City. that include unity, self-deter- in our inaugural year to over
aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. (Photo: Henry Ray Abrams/ Kwanzaa, the week-long mination, and purpose. 30 businesses in Brooklyn and
AFP via Getty Images) holiday celebrating black cul-   As listed on the Kwanzaa Harlem, last year, cumulatively

Black NYPD sergeant says ture, heritage, and family, is

the theme for the yearly bar
Crawl website, The crawl is
“a one-day event that brings
raising over $250,000 for these

he was suspended after

seeking treatment for
9/11-related health issues appeared in the paper. You

know what? They crossed the
New York City police line with my daughter.”
sergeant who claims   The-52-year old law en-
he faced retaliation forcement officer says he
for seeking treatment for his suffers from a chronic cough,
9/11-related health issues has asthma, and sleep apnea, con-
since been suspended. ditions he developed after sift-
Sgt. Cyress Smith spoke ing through debris at the Fresh
with the New York Post about Kills Landfill following the
how he was reportedly forced 9/11 terrorist attacks on the
out after leaving work to pick World Trade Center in 2001.
up his daughter from the hos- In a lawsuit filed in June,
pital earlier this month. Smith accused the NYPD
“I am being forced off the of exiling him to the depart-
job,” Smith told the outlet. ment’s outcast assignment, the
I believe “what made them VIPER Unit, for three years
come after me was the lawsuit after attending treatment for
and the fact [that] an article his ailments.

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BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

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‘Living legend’ Tom Joyner’s career

has transformed black media
journalist Bomani Jones. Joyner’s devoted and sizeable one of only 3,000 Black doctors station, which was inside a
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Even as we enter 2020 audience, or for thought-pro- in the United States in 1909. Ford dealership, came out and
with optimism and a sense of voking analysis of the issues Joyner and his father, Hercules said I don’t need this, I’m try-
renewed purpose, there will of the day. Joyner, were featured in the ing to really sell some cars,”
be a huge void in our cultural In 2015, the National Urban documentary, “Rising from the Joyner said. “Tell you what,
life without the daily voice of League honored Joyner with Rails: The Story of the Pullman it’s a sun-up sun-down station.
radio legend Tom Joyner, who our “Living Legend” at our Porter.” Hercules Joyner, who Every Saturday, I’ll let one of
retired last month after nearly Conference in Fort Lauderdale.  served as one of the elite Tuske- you play all the Aretha and
50 years on the air, the last 25 His live broadcast from the gee Airmen,  earned a degree in Temptations that you want.”
as the host of the iconic Tom Conference was a highlight of chemistry from Florida A&M In a career spanning nearly
By Marc H. Morial Joyner Morning Show. the week. College and spent most of his five decades, Joyner has never
It’s hard for me to imagine Our most important part- career as an accountant.  The altered his focus on serving
“I learned so much about the last 16 years of my life as nerships with Joyner have Tom Joyner Foundation’s “Her- Black listeners.
building a community around President and CEO of the Na- been around our education cules Scholarship” is named in “Don’t worry about cross-
content from Tom Joyner. That tional Urban League without initiatives. A third-generation his honor. over. Just super serve, super
show was so good at finding Joyner’s enthusiastic support alumnus of a HBCU, Joyner “The Fly Jock” – a nick- serve, super serve,” he told
commonality within a diverse and clear-sighted analysis.  has been a passionate advo- name he earned during the CBS News. “Anything that
audience — yes, there is diver- Reach Media, the company cate, with his Tom Joyner eight years he commuted be- affects African Americans,
sity within blackness — and he founded in 2001, has long Foundation raising more than tween a morning show in Chi- that’s what you do,” he said.
serving many wants and needs been one of the National Urban $65 million since 1998 to sup- cago and an afternoon show “Just worry about connecting
simultaneously. It’s hard to League’s most valued media port more than 29,000 students in Dallas – told CBS News he to people and their needs.”
be entertaining, informative partners. attending HBCUs. got his big break after a protest We offer Joyner our grati-
and educational without ever Whenever the National Joyner’s deep respect for march in his hometown of Tus- tude for his many years of en-
talking down to your audience. Urban League has launched education, and for HBCUs in kegee, Alabama. “ tertainment and commentary,
Tom did that day after day for a new initiative or announced particular, stemmed from the “I’m out there protesting wish him well in retirement
decades. I wish him and ev- a campaign, the Tom Joyner experience of his grandfather, the fact that our radio station and look forward to lending
eryone who’s worked on that Morning Show was always one Oscar “Doc” Joyner, a Pullman in this all black town didn’t our support to his efforts to
show the best. They’ve done a of our first stops.  There was porter who attended Meharry play any black music. And uplift the community through
lot for a lot of people.” – Sports no better forum for reaching Medical College and became this guy who owned a radio education.

Will money rule in this presidential race?

to the nomination given her ing?  So even though Kristen New Hampshire.  But with targeted.  
extremely limited resourc- Gillibrand had $14.9 million the debate qualification set   Election protection orga-
es.  Castro, matching Harris in in the bank when she dropped so high, voters in those states nizations have the monitoring
grace and reflectiveness, said: out of the race last August, she will not have the opportunity issue covered, and there are
“It just wasn’t our time.”  He, was not polling well and failed to see some great possibilities likely to be massive GOTV
too, felt he did not have enough to qualify for the September in action because they don’t (get out the vote) efforts led
money in the bank to com- debate.  Meanwhile, Senator qualify for the debates. by civil society organiza-
pete.  It almost certainly would Corey Booker did not qualify    To be sure, it was useful to tions.  But what engages new
have helped these candidates for the last debate, but he is narrow the field of candidates voters?  They must feel that
qualify if they had the resourc- hanging in there. from an unwieldy number to the political process reflects
es, say, of former New York Although Booker and en- a more manageable one.  And them.  Already Latino voters
Mayor Michael Bloomberg, trepreneur Andrew Yang are candidates all appreciate the are concerned that Demo-
who pumped $100 million still in the race, the Demo- fact that they have more time crats aren’t vying for their
into his campaign in just one cratic field is mostly white, to go in-depth answering ques- vote.  And African American
month! and the January debate stage tions.  Still, if it’s an all-white voters think that the Democrat-
  In fairness, though, it is on January 14, 2020, in Des debate stage, what does that ic Party takes them for granted.
essential to note that Senator Moines, Iowa is likely to be all- say about progress in this na-    To engage new voters,
By Julianne Malveaux Bernie Sanders raised a whop- white.  The white folks on the tion?  What does it say about perhaps Democrats need to

ping $34.5 million in the fourth stage may be “qualified”, but the Democratic Party, which examine their rules to embrace
emocrats started this quarter of 2019 alone.  Mayor I find them no more qualified presents itself as a big-tent par- more candidates of color.  And
Presidential campaign Pete Buttigieg and former VP than, say, Julian Castro and ty that has embraced diversity? they need to fight for leg-
season with more than Joe Biden raised more than Kamala Harris.  Their greatest   islation that makes it easier
20 candidates.  Eventually, $20 million in that quarter, flaw was the inability to com-   For Democrats, there are to vote.  Democrats like to
it dropped to about a dozen, and Senator Elizabeth Warren pete in this multi-million dollar three keys to winning this call themselves candidates of
with, so far, only five of those came close.  The deadline for cacophony of voices. election.  First, Dems must en- the “underdog.”  But when
“qualified” to appear on the filing finance reports is later   Neither Harris nor Castro gage “new voters,” including billionaires like Steyer and
next debate stage.  But debate this month, so I’m cautious in will suffer much for dropping young people and first-time Bloomberg come sauntering
performance doesn’t seem to concluding based on news arti- out of the race.  Some say that voters.  Next, Dems must mon- through the door, concern for
matter much. Both Senator cles and partial reports.   Still, Castro will run for governor of itor the rules around elections the underdog seems to go out
Kamala Harris and former generally, those who have Texas.  Harris has three years so that they do not discrimi- of the window.
Obama cabinet member Julian something to crow about put more of a Senate term, and nate and scrutinize the ways    Dr. Julianne Malveaux is
Castro having had excellent their numbers out there early. she is an effective presence people are removed from the an economist, author, media
debate performances, and yet    And for some, money in Capitol Hill.  I didn’t like voting rolls.  Finally, and most contributor and educator. Her
they have still dropped out of isn’t the only issue.  Did they seeing either of them drop- importantly, Democrats must latest project MALVEAUX! On
the race. meet the thresholds the Dem- ping out of the race, but the place significant effort on get- UDCTV is available on you-
It’s a money thing.   ocratic party set for debate loss is ours, not theirs.  The ting out the vote in November For booking, whole-
  With just $9 million in qualification?  Do they and way the election cycle works, (and during the primaries), sale inquiries or for more info
the bank, Senator Harris said their advisors think they can candidates can get a big boost and new voters and especially visit www.juliannemalveaux.
she couldn’t see her way clear win?  What are the polls say- if they can win either Iowa or communities of color, must be com

Subscribe to the New York Beacon, 600 Third Avenue,

2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016
$35.00 per year 212-213-8585
NFL is working to improve diversity in Apps tracking students 7

its coaching ranks location leads to debate
about privacy on
W college campuses
hile the National Football League has
plenty of diverse talent on the field,
you’d be hard pressed to see that re-
flected in the sidelines.
The New York Times reports that in the

2019 off-season the number of minority head
coaches shrunk from eight to four. When it came yracuse University pro-

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

to general managers, that number went from fessor Jeff Rubin’s Intro-
four to two. This led to Richard Lapchick, the duction to Information
director of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics Technologies class has multi-
in Sport, giving the NFL it’s lowest grade in coaches for quarterbacks, there were only two ple Bluetooth beacons hidden
16 years in the annual report he puts out that black coaches in the 2019 season. around the lecture hall that
tracks the hiring of minorities and women in This is a problem the NFL is working to connects with an app on stu-
the league. The only minority head coaches at solve. In 2003 the league introduced the Rooney dents’ smartphones to boost
the moment are Mike Tomlin of the Steelers, Rule to help increase diversity across coach- their “attendance points.” Ru-
Anthony Lynn with the Chargers, Brian Flores ing staffs and front offices. The rule requires bin uses the Spotter app which
with the Dolphins and as of today Ron Rive- that each team interview at least one minority according to their site is used
ra with the Washington Redskins. candidate from outside the organization when at “over 30 schools.”
This drought of talent is partially explained hiring a head coach, assistant coaches or senior It may seem odd, but it is
by the process of which head coaches are se- executives. This rule hasn’t led to much change, just the latest in a technologi-
lected, one that tends to favor offensive coor- though, with there never having been more cal trend on college campuses
dinators and coaches for quarterbacks. Many than eight minority head coaches at anytime in across the nation that use of students using the cam-
black coaches are typically selected for jobs the league. Additionally, the NFL has seldom smartphones to track students pus’ WiFi network is Virginia
involving the defensive line. When it comes to penalized teams for violating the rule. more precisely than ever be- Commonwealth University in
fore. The technology also Richmond, and students have
allows schools to monitor their begun to speak out against the

Mountain lions killed after they

students’ academic perfor- changes.
mance, analyze their conduct “We’re adults. Do we really
and assess their mental health. need to be tracked?” Robby

ate human remains near a popular

“They want those points,” Pfeifer, a sophomore at VCU,
Rubin said to The Washing- said to The Washington Post.
ton Post. “They know I’m “Why is this necessary? How

hiking trail
watching and acting on it. So, does this benefit us? … And is
behaviorally, they change.” it just going to keep progress-
One school that recently ing until we’re micromanaged
began logging the attendance every second of the day?”

O fficials in Arizona killed three mountain

lions who ate human remains close to a
popular hiking trail.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Department dis-
Barnard murder investigation
takes ‘Racist’ turn with white
supremacist robocalls
covered the human remains Tuesday during an
investigation at Pima Canyon Trail near Tucson
and closed the trail, the department said. The

Arizona Game & Fish Department said in a state- Raul Vega said in a statement provided to CNN
ment Wednesday the lions were killed overnight. affiliate KGUN. he murder investiga- side Park in upper Manhattan
The mountain lions are not suspected of Vega added: “In addition, they did so 50 tion into the killing of on Dec. 11.
killing the victim, Game & Fish officials said. yards from a popular hiking trail and within a young college student    According to a new report
Authorities are trying to determine what hap- sight of homes, and repeatedly showed no fear in New York City took a de- from the New York Times on
pened on the trail, the sheriff’s department said. of responding officers.” cidedly “racist” turn for the Thursday, robocalls were left
“Mountain lions are not routinely scaven- He said the mountain lions “were a clear and worse after it was reported that at Barnard College and Colum-
gers. A mountain lion eating human remains present danger to public safety.” white supremacists have been bia University, Barnard’s sister
is abnormal behavior. Those that do are more The mountain lions are being preserved as targeting school officials. school, on Christmas Day.
likely to attack a human being in the future,” possible evidence in the death investigation, Tessa Majors, an 18-year- The report came hours after
Game & Fish Department Regional Supervisor officials said. old freshman at Barnard Col- the NYPD announced it had
lege, was found clinging to life “located” the prime murder
before succumbing to knife suspect — a 14-year-old who

DC students forced to portray wounds sustained during an

apparent mugging in Morning-
had been on the run for more
than two weeks.

slaves for history lesson, principal D O N AT E Y O U R C A R

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Getting diabetes as we get older–there is good news!

By Glenn Ellis(TriceEdneyWire. problems and heart and blood vessel derly diabetes patients should be taught
com) problems. People with diabetes whose to look for symptoms of hypoglycemia,
blood glucose levels are high are more such as dizziness, weakness, delirium,
More and more, I am finding many prone to infections than people with and confusion. Often, the low glucose
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

people who as they enter their 6th de- normal blood glucose levels. will cause them to fall, resulting in a
cade, are finding new aches and pains People with poorly controlled dia- head injury and death.
that never existed before. Increasingly, betes are also at greater risk for dental There is good news! Despite the
many are finding something else that problems. They’re more likely to have high rates of diagnosis, there are ways
never existed before: diabetes. For infections of their gums and the bones the disease may be delayed and even
most of these people, after a lifetime that hold their teeth in place, because prevented. Your best options include
of enjoying reasonably healthy lives, diabetes can reduce the blood supply regular exercise; losing 5 to 10 percent
seemingly out of nowhere, they are to the gums. of your body weight if you’re over-
told they are now diabetic, and pre- Not only that, but when we age, loss weight or obese; and reducing your in-
scribed medication. Needless, to say, of teeth and poor dental health becomes take of sugar and sweetened beverages.
this comes as a shock! more and more common. As a result, If we are all honest with ourselves, one
However, consistent with many what we eat, and how we eat (along or more of these risk factors is a part of
other changes in the body as we age, with age-related poorer appetite). We who we are, and how we have grown
your body becomes more susceptible don’t, and can’t, chew like we used to. accustomed to living.  By losing just 5
to diabetes. That means things like crunchy fruits to 7 percent of your body weight, you
Of course, seniors (those over 65) and vegetables are off-limits. We end can slow the development of type 2
are not the only people to be affected up gravitating towards softer chewy diabetes.
by diabetes. According to the Centers foods that tend to be more processed, You may not be able to prevent
for Disease Control and Prevention and bad for our health in the long run. diabetes entirely. But taking steps now
(CDC), over 30 million people in the A poor diet of soft and processed may prevent related complications and
United States have diabetes. The CDC foods can have serious long-term ef- improve your quality of life.
also notes that 90 to 95 percent of cas- fects, especially on the seniors or those Remember, I’m not a doctor. I just
es involve type 2 diabetes. More than with systemic health issues like heart sound like one. Take good care of
one-quarter of the US population aged disease and diabetes. Specifically, a problems that negatively affect their yourself and live the best life possible!
65 and older has diabetes,1 including poor diet can lead to either unhealthy care. They may forget to eat, be unable The information included in this
type 1 and 2, and approximately one- weight loss or unhealthy weight gain, to afford medications or quality food, column is for educational purposes
half of older adults have prediabetes. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or skip medication doses to extend a only. I do not dispense medical advice
In this population, age-related insulin malnutrition, dehydration, jawbone prescription. They also may experience or prescribe the use of any technique
resistance and impaired pancreatic islet loss, osteoporosis, stroke, and some changes in taste and a lack of interest as a replacement form of treatment
function increase the risk of developing cancers. Poor nutrition can also cause and ability to shop for food and prepare for physical, mental or medical prob-
the disease. even more oral health issues, including meals at home. lems by your doctor either directly or
Many older people also have other gingivitis and tooth decay. An additional concern with blood indirectly. Glenn Ellis, is Research
conditions as well as diabetes, and this If we look, honestly, at all the things sugar being too high, is the danger of Bioethics Fellow at Harvard Medical
can complicate diabetes management. that go along with aging, we find that it blood sugar dropping too low (hypo- School and author of Which Doctor?,
For example, high blood pressure or makes sense that the risk of becoming glycemia). This creates the conditions and Information is the Best Medicine.
high levels of certain fats in the blood diabetic increases as we get older. In for many serious issues that wreak Ellis is an active media contributor on
can speed up the progression of com- addition to their many physical chal- havoc in the lives of the elderly; partic- Health Equity and Medical Ethics. For
mon complications of diabetes, such as lenges, elderly diabetes patients often ularly falls and fractures. Instead of, or more good health information visit:
kidney problems, eye problems, foot are socially isolated and have financial in addition to, sweating and tremors, el-

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more support than you realize. Find teachers and free adult
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Guilty of corruption, Liberians rejoice over

Sudan’s ex-president is a promised path to US
sent to reform center

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

(GIN) –

(GIN) –
rom a cell inside the court
in Khartoum, Sudan’s
former President Omar
A s the Trump adminis-
tration turns down an
ever-growing number
of applications for asylum,
it surprised many that some
al-Bashir heard the judgement 5,000 Liberians in the United
against him – two years in de- States have been granted a path
tention for money laundering to citizenship.
and corruption.   In fact, it was the product
  It was a dramatic fall for of decades of effort by the
the former regional power Liberian community and its
broker who rose through the allies.
ranks from paratroop officer to   “This has been a 20-plus-
colonel in the Sudanese Army, year fight where people have
from Chairman of the Revolu- not known their fate,” said
tionary Command Council for Abena Abraham, co-founder
National Salvation to finally of the Black Immigrant Collec-
all the posts of chief of state, tive, speaking to Sahan Journal Trump set an expiration date
prime minister, chief of the in Minnesota. “The passage of March 2019 for Deferred
armed forces, and minister of of this is a relief. It assures Enforcement Departure.
defense. He served as president Liberians that the U.S. is their   But just days before the
of Sudan for 30 years. home.” deadline, the administration
  As a brigadier in the Su- The provision was buried quietly issued an executive
danese Army, he led a group in the $738 billion defense ap- order extending the program
of officers in a military coup propriation bill for fiscal year until Mar. 30, 2020. And now,
that ousted the democratically 2020 under “Other Matters.” It Liberians can apply for perma-
elected government of Prime will allow Liberians to apply nent residency before the expi-
Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi. for green cards under the Na- ration of their current statuses.
  He ruled with an iron tional Defense Authorization   “This breakthrough is
fist–his 30-year dictatorship O. al-Bashir Act titled “Liberian refugee a testament to the power of
was marked by oppression, immigration fairness”. organizing, and what a fo-
genocide, and human rights off angry protests and finally with the short sentence. “It’s   Under the provision, about cused movement can do,” said
abuses. a demand for Mr. Bashir’s just a slap on the wrist,” said 4,000 Liberians living in the Patrice Lawrence, the National
  In the Darfur region, he removal from power. After a spokeswoman for the Suda- U.S. can apply for permanent Policy and Advocacy Director
fought a war against south months of unrest, Sudan’s nese Professionals Associa- residence within one year of for the UndocuBlack Network.
Sudanese that resulted in military stepped in and toppled tion. “Bashir needs to answer the legislation’s enactment.   “Our pleas have been
death tolls estimated between Mr Bashir on April 11, 2019. for his role in the 1989 coup, Qualified Liberian nationals heard,” Democratic Council-
200,000 and 400,000, accord-   Al Bashir was finally done torture and killings including will have lived in the U.S. woman Debi Rose of North
ing to the U.N., from either in by corruption. Millions of crimes against humanity in continuously since Nov. 20, Shore said. “When this bill is
combat, starvation or disease. dollars were discovered stuffed Darfur.” 2014 and not absent for more signed by the President, hun-
This produced an arrest war- in suitcases and a large hoard   Jehanne Henry of a Hu- than 180 days in total. dreds of our neighbors will no
rant in 2010 for the crime of of foreign currency was found man Rights Watch who focuses   Anyone convicted of a longer be living in limbo.”
genocide but it was dismissed at his home. on Sudan, added” “The trial violent crime, or an individual   Meanwhile, back in Li-
by the Sudanese government   As Mr. Bashir is over 70, for these charges of financial who has participated in the beria, thousands turned out
and opposed by the African he will serve his 2-year sen- crimes does not address the persecution of any person on to protest the deepening eco-
Union, League of Arab States tence in a state-run reform human rights violations that account of race, religion, na- nomic crisis under President
and the Non-Aligned Move- center. An appeal is being so many Sudanese have expe- tionality or political opinion George Weah with more than
ment as well as the govern- mounted, say his lawyers rienced. So the sentence will would be prohibited. half of the 73,000 public ser-
ments of Russia and China. who called the verdict ‘po- not likely satisfy the many   Only one year ago, scores vice workers not receiving
  Eight years later, price litical.’ thousands of victims of abuses of Liberians in the U.S. feared their full their full salaries in
increases in fuel and bread set   Still, many are unsatisfied under al-Bashir’s 30 year rule.”   deportation after President November and December.

Corruption fighter freezes bank account of

Angola’s pampered rich  
(GIN) – had a share in lucrative state state-owned companies that

contracts and became head of led to the government incur-
ome called her Princess. Angola’s state-owned oil firm, ring losses of $1.14 billion.
Others labeled her the thanks to her father’s generous   Jose Filomeno, Isabel’s
beautiful face of the dicta- decrees. Her assets swelled brother, was fired as head of
torship–always beaming from to $2 billion, the Bloomberg Angola’s sovereign wealth
the pages of Fortune, Forbes and news service reports. fund and accused of illegally
other high-finance magazines   Last month, an Angolan transferring $500 million from I. dos Santos (center)
which flattered her as Africa’s court froze the assets of dos Angola’s central bank to the
“First Woman Billionaire.” Santos, her husband Sindika U.K. Their sister, Welwitschia Angolan and international spokesman Marcial Dachala
Today, the daughter of Angola’s Dokolo, and one of her exec- dos Santos, recently lost her law at my disposal to fight concurs. “This confirms what
ex-president is in a messy fight utives and seized their shares seat as a member of parliament this order and ensure the truth we’ve been saying since 1975,
over millions siphoned from in local companies, including after leaving Angola. comes out.” But political an- that this country is a victim of
state funds, now frozen as part of the Unitel telecommunications   These moves mark another alyst Paula Roque calls the kleptocracy.”
the current president’s anti-cor- firm, the BFA bank and the ce- step in President Joao Lourenco’s arrests an indication that An-   Angola is the second big-
ruption drive. ment company Cimangola, ac- bid to battle graft and dismantle gola is “finally moving in the gest oil producer in sub-Saha-
  As Ms. Isabel dos Santos cording to Angola’s state news the influence of his predecessor’s direction of accountability ran Africa. Nonetheless, 36%
tells it, she made her first mil- agency. The nation’s Attorney family over key industries. and reversing decades of im- of its citizens live in extreme
lion selling eggs on the street General accuses the three of   Dos Santos says she will punity, nepotism, patronage poverty, according to the Unit-
on her way to school. Soon, she engaging in transactions with “use all the instruments of and corruption.”  Opposition ed Nations. 
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Wednesday's Woman

By Audrey J. Bernard

Chase's Thasunda Brown Duckett to

receive UNCF’s Leadership Award

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

T hasunda Brown Duck-
ett, Chief Executive Of-
ficer of Chase Consumer
Banking, will be the recipient
of the coveted Leadership
strategies designed to increase
homeownership among Afri-
can Americans and Hispanics
across the country.
Duckett has been recog-
through their support of our
mission and education. Pro-
ceeds fund UNCF programs
and help support our 37 mem-
ber-historically Black colleges
Award presented by the United nized widely as a leading exec- and universities.
Negro College Fund at its 2020 utive in the financial industry. Duckett will be joined
“A Mind Is …” Gala to be held She was named as a “Top 100 by Dave Yawman, EVP,
Thursday, March 20, 2020, at Leading Female Executive” Government Affairs, Gen-
Cipriani 42nd Street, 110 East by Automotive News; one of eral Counsel & Corporate
42nd Street, New York City. The the most powerful women in Secretary who will accept
always elegant event will begin banking by American Banker the distinguished Corporate
with a reception followed by magazine; one of the 50 most Partner Award on behalf of
dinner and the program. powerful women in corporate PepsiCo. PepsiCo and Del-
The celebrated banking America by Black Enterprise ta are presenting sponsors
executive is a member of the magazine and among the top of this event. Help UNCF
Chase Consumer & Com- most influential Blacks in celebrate its contributors
munity Banking Leadership corporate America by Savoy and students at this black tie
Committee. Chase is one of the magazine. optional social event of the
largest U.S. providers of bank- Duckett is a founding year, and help area students
ing, lending, treasury, wealth member of the firm’s Women get to and through college
management and investment on the Move initiative and by contacting Event Planner
services. Duckett oversees a an Executive Sponsor of The Diego Aviles, Vice President,
banking network with more Fellowship Initiative in New Development, Northeast at
than $750B in deposits and York City. The enrichment (212) 820-0153.
investments, 5,100 branches, program, run by JPMorgan
16,000 ATMs and more than Chase, offers young men of About The United
47,000 branch employees – color academic, social and Negro College Fund
including more than 3,000 emotional support to help The United Negro College
financial advisors – serving Thasunda Brown Duckett them achieve personal and Fund (UNCF) is the nation’s
23 million households nation- professional success. largest and most effective mi-
wide. nancing Satisfaction Survey She was previously Mortgage Duckett is originally from nority education organization.
From 2013 – 2016, Duckett to #1 in Prime and Non-Prime. Banking’s East Region Sales Texas. She holds a Bachelor’s Since 1944, UNCF has raised
was the CEO of Chase Auto Fi- She broadened its dealer part- team for three years. She has degree in Finance and Mar- over $4.6 billion for higher
nance, one of the leading bank nerships and launched Chase also served as the Channel keting from the University of education.
providers of auto financing in Auto Direct, the bank’s new Executive of Bank Branch Houston, and an MBA from To serve youth, the commu-
the country with a portfolio of direct-to-consumer business. Integration and as Director Baylor University.  She is nity and the nation, UNCF sup-
more than $60 billion in assets Prior to Auto, Duckett of Affordable Lending and married and has four children. ports students’ education and
and relationships with 75% of served as National Retail Sales Emerging Markets. She and her family live in development through schol-
U.S. franchised automotive Executive for Chase Mortgage Before joining JPMorgan Connecticut. arships and other programs,
dealers. Banking, where she managed Chase in 2004, Duckett was a The 2020 “A Mind Is…” strengthens its 37 member
Under her leadership, Chase 4,000 mortgage bankers who Director of Emerging Markets New York Gala raises funds colleges and universities, and
Auto Finance moved from #27 provide home financing to at Fannie Mae, where she led for UNCF and honors those advocates for the importance
in the JD Power Dealer Fi- customers across the nation. the implementation of national who have made a difference of minority education.

Dining With the Divas 2020 sweetheart affair

T he Apollo Theater ’s
annual Dining With the
Divas Luncheon led by
Jonelle Procope, President
and CEO, Apollo Theater, will
each ticket is $75. All tickets
and contributions are final and
non-refundable. For further
assistance, please contact spe-
be held on Thursday, Febru- by Friday, January 24, 2020.
ary 13, 2020. The anxiously Following the lovely luncheon,
awaited gathering will begin the ladies meet at The Red
with a sisterhood networking Rooster for more fabulous fun
reception at 11:30am followed and frivolity.
by the luncheon which will
actually take place on the About The Apollo
legendary Apollo stage. The Theater
2020 presenting sponsor is Citi The legendary Apollo The-
and the Divas Luncheon Event ater -- the soul of American
Chairs are Terri Borden, Joan culture -- plays a vital role in
Haffenreffer and Carolyn cultivating emerging artists and
Minick Mason. Dining With launching legends. Since its
the Divas is a special luncheon founding, the Apollo has served
advancing women’s leader- as a center of innovation and a
ship through art education. Jonelle Procope creative catalyst for Harlem, Dining With the Divas on the legendary Apollo stage
This unique event highlights the city of New York, and the
extraordinary women from With the Divas will benefit the world. With music at its core, ican narrative and its role in the Night contests in 1934, the
many industries who serve Apollo Theater’s year-round the Apollo’s programming ex- development of American and Apollo Theater has served as a
as role models and mentors. education, community, and tends to dance, theater, spoken global culture. The Apollo The- testing ground for new artists
The sweetheart event attracts performing arts programs word, and more. The Apollo ater envisions a new American working across a variety of art
more than 350 guests and serving New York City stu- Theater is a commissioner cannon centered on contribu- forms and has ushered in the
is an important networking dents and families. The Apollo and presenter; catalyst for new tions to the performing arts by emergence of many new mu-
opportunity for a diverse and Theater is a not-for-profit artists, audiences, and creative artists of the African diaspora, sical genres -- including jazz,
influential group of wom- 501(c)(3) organization. The workforce; and partner in the in America and beyond. Since swing, bebop, R&B, gospel,
en. Proceeds from Dining non-tax-deductible portion of projection of the African Amer- introducing the first Amateur blues, soul, and hip-hop.
Beacon on the scene

Golden Globes rich with glitz, glamour and grandeur!

talented people of color were
snubbed in major categories.
Unfortunately, there’s nothing
we can do about that because
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

the Hollywood Foreign Press

are all very, very racist.” He
brazenly added, “We were
going to do an In Memoriam
tonight but when I saw the list,
it wasn’t diverse enough. It
was mostly white people and I
thought nah, not on my watch.”
Although his remarks drew
wild laughter and applause, I
don’t think he’ll ever be invit-
ed back. Some 3 hours later
top winners included: Ellen
DeGeneres received the Carol
Burnett TV Achievement Award
and Tom Hanks received the
Cecil B. DeMille Award for
lifetime achievement. “1917”
Host Ricky Gervais won Best Motion Picture in
drama, while “Once Upon A
By Audrey J. Bernard Time In Hollywood” won Best Beyonce, Jay-Z

Motion Picture in comedy or
EVERLY HILLS, CA musical. And in the TV awards fate in 1997 film, “Titanic.” South Korean movie to ever Taron Egerton, “Rocketman”;
— The 77th Annual categories, “Fleabag,” “Succes- Awkwafina accepted the award win this award in the 77-year Best director: Sam Mendes,
Golden Globe Awards sion,” and “Chernobyl” won for Best Actress–Motion Pic- history of the Golden Globes. “1917”; Best supporting actress
presented by the Hollywood top honors in comedy, drama ture, Musical or Comedy for Quentin Tarantino accepted in a motion picture: Laura
Foreign Press Association and miniseries, respectively. “The Farewell. The 31-year-old the award for Best Screenplay– Dern, “Marriage Story”; Best
took place on Sunday, January Brad Pitt accepted the award actress and rapper makes histo- Motion Picture for “Once Upon original song: “I’m Gonna Love
5, 2020 at the Beverly Hilton in for Best Supporting Actor–Mo- ry as the first woman of Asian A Time... In Hollywood.” Other Me Again” from “Rocketman,”
Beverly Hills. Ricky Gervais tion Picture for “Once Upon A descent to win the award for big winners included: Best ac- music by Elton John, lyrics by
returned as host and proceeded Time...In Hollywood.” In his lead actress in a movie comedy/ tor in a motion picture, drama: Bernie Taupin; and Best orig-
to roast the star-studded au- acceptance speech, he thanked musical. Bong Joon Ho accept- Joaquin Phoenix, “Joker”; inal score: Hildur Gudnadot-
dience as well as lambast the his co-star Leonardo DiCaprio ed the award for Best Motion Best actress in a motion pic- tir, “Joker” . (See Page 13 for
Hollywood Foreign Press for mentioning that he “would have Picture, Foreign Language for ture, drama: Renée Zellweger, additional coverage) (Photos by
their lack of diversity in their shared the raft,” a joke in refer- “Parasite.” The South Korean “Judy”; Best actor in a motion Paul Drinkwater/NBC, Getty
2020 nominations. “Many ence to DiCaprio’s character’s director’s drama is the first picture, musical or comedy: Images and Just Jared)

Tiffany Haddish, Salma

Bong Joon Ho Awkwafina Quentin Tarantino Tom Hanks Hayek Pinault

Wesley Snipes, Robert De Niro, Marty Scorsese Brad Pitt Ellen DeGeneres Joaquin Phoenix
Beacon on the scene

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Billy Porter Beyonce, Jay-Z Yara Shahidiy Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio Da’Vine Joy Randolph

Paige Butcher, Eddie Elisa Pugliese, Kee-

Murphy gan-Michael Key Laverne Cox Jennifer Lopez Priyanka Chopra Cynthia Erivo Kerry Washington

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In the community

East River Plaza surprises families at Holiday Festival

Posted By Don Thomas

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

ast River Plaza on be-

half of the Blumenfeld
Development Group,
Inc. (BDG) and Brookfield
Properties presented an early
Christmas gift to 12 families
by raffling off free Christmas
trees that were used by the
Plaza for the one-day event.
Plaza visitors had the oppor-
tunity to enter the free raffle
when visiting the festival,
which included performances
by nationally renowned Vy
Higginsen’s Sing Harlem and
pictures with Santa.
“We are committed to al-
ways incorporate and give
back to the local communities
of our properties. We were
honored to host for the ninth
year in a row the very talented
and celebrated Vy Higginsen’s
Sing Harlem Choir at our An-
nual East River Plaza Holiday
Festival, who were inspiring,
entertaining and put smiles on
everyone’s face. What better
way to culminate the day’s
activities than to surprise 12
lucky families with a free
Christmas tree from our festi-
val set,” said Ed Blumenfeld,
President, Blumenfeld Devel-
opment Group.
The raffle delivered a very
special moment when Keith Keith Carlson, Marek Dulka and Angel Sorey Perez 10
Carlson and Marek Dulka
who were two of the lucky tree This was going to be the first special events throughout the and currently controls over local communities in which it
winners, traded their 5 foot Christmas Angel would spend year, which have included, a five million square feet of real develops.
tree with 10 year old Angel without her grandmother and mural painting exhibit, Save estate. With a primary focus on
Sorey Perez who won one of was very grateful that she the Gates presentation and a BDG services include leas- the New York City region,
the smaller trees. could go home with a large Fall Festival. ing, acquisitions, property it redevelops obsolete, aban-
What Keith and Marek tree her grandmother would Blumenfeld Development management, construction, doned properties into via-
didn’t know was that Angel’s be proud of. Group is a full service real land use, architecture, en- ble projects that create job
grandmother who passed away The Holiday Festival is a estate development firm with gineering and design. BDG growth, investment, and new
in March, loved celebrating continued effort by East River a diverse portfolio in the New not only supports a host of opportunities for residents
Christmas, her favorite hol- Plaza to give back and incorpo- York metropolitan region. charitable based initiatives, in historically disadvantaged
iday with Angel and family. rate the local community into BDG develops all asset types but regularly invests in the neighborhoods.

Vy Higginsen’s Sing Harlem Choir

Audrey's society whirl

American Black Film Festival to honor Hollywood

Trailblazers Louis Gossett Jr. and Lena Waithe  

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Posted by Audrey J. Bernard

T he American Black
Film Festival (ABFF)
Honors announced to-
day the recipients of two of
their most prominent awards– Lena Waithe Deon Cole Louis Gossett Jr.
Hollywood Legacy Award
and Industry Renaissance notable film and television White People,” among others. sic Television Award. Sponsors Carpet), Accenture, Prudential
Award–which each honor out- credits include “The Deep,” Waithe first made headlines in to date include American Air- Financial and Sony Pictures
standing accomplishments in “Blue Chips,” “Daddy’s Little front of the camera as Denise, lines, Cadillac and Hilton (Red Entertainment (Supporting).
film and television. Academy Girls,” Tyler Perry’s “Why Did in the critically acclaimed Net-
Award winner Louis Gossett
Jr. (“Watchmen,” “An Officer
I Get Married Too?,” “Fire-
walker,” “Jaws-3D,” “Enemy
flix series “Master of None.”
In a role that was originally About ABFF Honors
and a Gentleman”) will be Mine,”“Iron Eagle,” “Ex- intended for a straight, Cauca-
honored with the Hollywood tant,” “Madam Secretary,” sian female, Waithe has made ABFF Honors is an annual outstanding content awards
Legacy Award for his contri- “Boardwalk Empire,” “Family Denise’s experience as a queer awards season gala dedicated include Movie of the Year and
butions to the entertainment Guy,” and “ER,” among oth- black woman uniquely her own to saluting excellence in the Classic Television Award. Pre-
industry. The Hollywood Leg- ers. Gossett Jr. is the founder and became the first woman of motion picture and television vious honorees and presenters
acy Award honors a legendary of The Eracism Foundation, a color to win an Emmy award industry. The ceremony cele- include Denzel Washington,
artist whose trailblazing work non-profit organization ded- in the category of “Outstanding brates Black culture by recog- Don Cheadle, Robert Downey,
has inspired generations and icated to eradicating racism.  Writing for a Comedy Series.” nizing artists who have made Jr. Regina King, Will Packer,
made an enduring contribution A triple-threat in the enter- Waithe’s feature screenwriting distinguished contributions Ryan Coogler, Ava DuVernay,
to film and television. Addi- tainment industry, Lena Waithe debut, “Queen & Slim,” is also to American entertainment Tiffany Haddish, Issa Rae, Vio-
tionally, Emmy Award-win- expertly taps into emerging nominated for ABFF Honors through their work, as well as la Davis, Cicely Tyson, Octavia
ning producer, writer, and cultural sensibilities with a “Movie of the Year” Award. those who champion diversi- Spencer, Armie Hammer, the
actor, Lena Waithe (“The sharp wit, speaking to a myriad ABFF Honors recently an- ty and inclusion. Individual late Diahann Carroll and more.
Chi,” “Boomerang,” “Queen of experiences from her unique nounced their nominees for recognition awards include To learn more about ABFF
& Slim”) will receive the pres- perspective and challenging “Movie of the Year,” a com- Hollywood Legacy, Excel- Honors and to stay up-to-date
tigious Industry Renaissance audiences to think outside of petitive award presented to lence in the Arts, Rising Star, on upcoming announcements
Award, which recognizes con- conventional norms. She has the best feature length film Industry Renaissance and Pro for the 2020 ceremony, visit
tent creators whose exemplary become a champion for under- of the year directed by and/or Hollywood. Recognition of 
work in film and television served voices in the industry, starring a lead actor or actress
contributes to changing per-
ceptions of people of color in
creating writing and develop-
ment opportunities for people
of African descent. Voting is
now open to the public at www.
About ABFF Ventures
the entertainment industry.  of color as well as promoting And A B F F Ve n t u r e s L L C respected enterprise, generat-
  “We’re honored to celebrate diversity and representation for the second year, American (ABFFV) is a Los Ange- ing goodwill throughout the
these two extraordinary talents,” on the screen through her Airlines will sponsor the ABFF les-based entertainment com- entertainment and corporate
said ABFF Ventures CEO, Jeff production company, Hillman Honors “VIP Fan Experience,” pany founded by its CEO communities.
Friday. “These awards not only Grad. Currently, she serves as a which is an opportunity for Jeff Friday as a platform to ABFF’s momentum con-
recognize how Mr. Gossett’s writer and executive producer one consumer to attend this produce live events, tele- tinues to build. In 2019, the
contributions have propelled of two BET shows: the new exclusive event and celebrate vision and film focused on company expanded its inter-
the industry forward but also series “Twenties” which is Black excellence among the African American culture. national footprint with the
acknowledge a new generation based off her own early years most influential artists, exec- Its mission is to entertain and highly successful launch of
of trailblazers in people like Ms. in LA and the second season utives, and stakeholders in the inspire communities of color the ABFF London as part of
Waithe, who will continue to of the “Boomerang” revival entertainment industry. One fan while promoting diversity and its Global Film Series. In ad-
create change and new opportu- which she created alongside will be randomly selected by inclusion in Hollywood. Its dition, the National Museum
nities in film and television for Halle Berry. Both shows are set the ABFF organization from tent-pole properties are the of African American History
people of color.” to air in early 2020. Waithe has the pool of individuals who vote American Black Film Festival and Culture (NMAAHC) in
Louis Gossett Jr. has been also received critical acclaim for the “Movie of the Year”, and (ABFF), cited by Movie- Washington, D.C., acquired
disrupting Hollywood for over for creating Showtime’s “The receive two (2) tickets for the Maker magazine as “One of ABFF photographs and oth-
40 years making his film de- Chi,’’ which will debut its third ceremony, two (2) round trip the Coolest Festivals in the er archival materials to be
but alongside Sidney Poitier season this year. domestic economy-class tickets World,” and “ABFF Honors,” included in its permanent
in the 1961 classic “A Raisin Waithe has proven herself on American Airlines, hotel an annual awards ceremony collection.
in the Sun.” Gossett Jr. was a talent to be reckoned with, accommodations and a chance saluting career achievement At the heart of the ABFF
the first African American to continuing to grow her body to walk the “red carpet” on the in film and television. organization is its commit-
win an Academy Award for of work which includes: an night of the ceremony. The an- In creating ABFF Ven- ment to community – unifying
Best Supporting Actor for his overall deal to create and nouncement will be made on or tures, Friday channeled his artists in appreciation of one
unforgettable performance as produce original series for about January 20, 2020.  passion for entertainment, another’s work, to encourage,
drill Sergeant Emil Foley in Amazon Prime Video; Show- Presented by ABFF Ven- as well as his discomfort uplift and come together. With
“An Officer and a Gentleman.” time’s “How To Make Love tures, the 2020 ABFF Honors, with the under representa- the support of the world’s
Additionally, he has been nom- to a Black Woman,” which hosted by Emmy-nominated tion of people of color in leading entertainment, media
inated for seven Primetime she will executive produce; comedian and actor Deon Cole Hollywood, into an organi- and consumer product com-
Emmy Awards, three Golden the groundbreaking film, “The (black-ish), will take place zation with the ultimate goal panies, the ABFF continues
Globe Awards, five NAACP 40-Year-Old Version,” which February 23, 2020 in Los An- of advocating for diversity to lead the way promoting
Images Awards, two Daytime is premiering at Sundance geles. Previously announced within the industry. Through diversity and inclusion in the
Emmy Awards and in 1992 he 2020; the horror anthology honorees include Cynthia Eri- his vision and perseverance, motion picture and television
received a star on the Holly- series “Them” for Amazon; vo with the Rising Star Award ABFFV has become a highly industries.
wood Walk of Fame. Other and Sundance darling “Dear and “The Wire” with the Clas-

Audrey's reel whirl By Audrey J. Bernard

Michael B. Jordan brings his panther power to Just Mercy

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Scene from Just Mercy -- Destin Daniel Cretton directs Michael

Theatrical Release Poster B. Jordan Scene from Just Mercy with Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx

W arner Bros. Just

Mercy dapper su-
perstars Michael
B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx
along with Brie Larson were
joined by co-stars Tim Blake
Nelson, Karan Kendrick
and Rob Morgan, as well as
Bryan Stevenson at a special
New York screening at The
Edition on Sunday evening,
December 15, 2019. Just Mer-
cy shadows world-renowned
civil rights defense attorney
Bryan Stevenson (Michael
B. Jordan) as he recounts his
experiences and details the
case of a condemned death Rob Morgan, Tim Blake Nelson, Karan Kendrick, Michael B.
row prisoner whom he fought Scene from Just Mercy with Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx Jordan, Bryan Stevenson, Brie Larson
to free brilliantly directed by
award-winning filmmaker sentenced to die for the notori- gan (“Mudbound”) as Herbert Pi,” “The Blind Side”), Asher
Destin Daniel Cretton (“The ous murder of an 18-year-old Richardson, a fellow prisoner Goldstein (“Short Term 12”)
Glass Castle,” “Short Term girl, despite a preponderance who also sits on death row and Michael B. Jordan. Bry-
12”) from a screenplay he co- of evidence proving his inno- awaiting his fate; Tim Blake an Stevenson, Mike Drake,
wrote, based on Stevenson’s cence and the fact that the main Nelson (“Wormwood”) as Niija Kuykendall, Gabriel
bestselling memoir. testimony against him came Ralph Myers, whose pivotal Hammond, Daniel Hammond,
SYNOPSIS: Just Mercy from a criminal with a motive testimony against Walter Mc- Scott Budnick, Jeff Skoll and
is based on the powerful and to lie. In the years that follow, Millian is called into question; Charles D. King served as
thought-provoking true sto- Bryan becomes embroiled in a Rafe Spall (“The Big Short”) executive producers. Cret-
ry of young lawyer Bryan labyrinth of legal and political as Tommy Chapman, the DA ton’s behind-the-scenes cre- Jamie Foxx, Bryan Stevenson,
Stevenson (Jordan) and his maneuverings, as well as overt who is fighting to uphold Wal- ative team included director Michael B. Jordan
history-making battle for jus- and unabashed racism as he ter’s conviction and sentence; of photography Brett Pawlak,
tice. After graduating from fights for Walter, and others O’Shea Jackson Jr. (“Straight production designer Sharon nity/Participant Media/Macro, a
Harvard, Bryan had his pick like him, with the odds—and Outta Compton”) as Anthony Seymour, editor Nat Sanders Gil Netter Production, an Outlier
of lucrative jobs. Instead, he the system—stacked against Ray Hinton, another wrongly and composer Joel P West, all Society Production, Just Mercy.
heads to Alabama to defend them. convicted death row inmate of whom previously collabo- Now Playing In LA and NY,
those wrongly condemned ASSETS: Just Mercy stars whose cause is taken up by rated with the director on “The everywhere. Just Mercy will
or who were not afforded Michael B. Jordan and Oscar Bryan; and Karan Kendrick Glass Castle.” They are joined be distributed worldwide by
proper representation, with winners Jamie Foxx (“Ray,” (“The Hate U Give”) as Wal- by costume designer Francine Warner Bros. Pictures and has
the support of local advocate “Baby Driver,” “Django: Un- ter’s wife, Minnie McMillian, Jamison-Tanchuck (“Detroit,” been rated PG-13 for thematic
Eva Ansley (Larson). One of chained”) and Brie Larson who stands by her husband. “Roman J. Israel, Esq.”). content, including some racial
his first, and most incendiary, (“Room,” “Short Term 12,” DEETS: The film was Warner Bros. Pictures pres- epithets. (Production images
cases is that of Walter McMil- “Captain Marvel”). The main produced by two-time Oscar ents, in Association with En- courtesy of Warner Bros.; Pre-
lian (Foxx), who, in 1987, was cast also includes Rob Mor- nominee Gil Netter (“Life of deavor Content/One Commu- miere photos by Just Jared)

Michael B. Jordan, Bryan Jamie Foxx, Bryan Steven-

Stevenson son, Michael B. Jordan Karan Kendrick Jamie Foxx Brie Larson Michael B. Jordan
What's going on
By Victoria Horsford


A week ago, many people world’s end by 2020. Harlem, New York born,
observed Christmas, Hannu- The 2020 calendar is rife Patricia Bath, 76, MD, was a
kah, the Festival of Lights with less bellicose events, pioneer in ophthalmology was
and Kwanzaa, all celebrations like the US presidential elec- the first Black woman doctor

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

of the human spirit and to tion, city and state primaries to hold patents for her devel-
men of peace. New Year’s and elections. And Japan opment of precise instruments
Day 2020 arrives with news hosts the 2020 Olympics! for cataracts treatment.
of a war aborning in the Looking back: The big Diahann Carroll, triple
Middle East in response to literary event was the August, threat, actress of TV stage and
Trump’s nod to an American 2019 NY Times Magazine screen. She makes history in
drone strike which killed Ira- single subject issue, THE prime time TV as Julia an RN,
nian Major General Qassim 1619 PROJECT, 80 pages not a stereotypical Black role.
Suleimani. Now all hell is of historical essays and in- Rep from Detroit, John Patricia Bath
breaking loose. Did the im- sights about the genesis of Conyers, 90, longest serving
peachment motivate Trump’s American slavery, its legacy, Khalil Muhammad Black Congressman who was
action? And in a part of the which endures and impacts a civil rights champion Afri-
world where so many Amer- contemporary race relations, Virginia. The brainchild of can American in Congress
ican troops are scattered and by Black journalists and NY Times staffers headed by Rep from Baltimore, Eli-
vulnerable. Iraq has requested scholars like Harvard’s Khalil Nikole Hannah-Jones, THE jah Cummings, 68, a 12-term
that US personnel exit. The Muhammad, Wesley Morris, 1619 Project exceeded all congressman, who chaired the
Middle East is hot as Hades. and Jamell Bouie, Last year expectations. The Pulitzer House Oversight Committee
Brinksmanship is not the way was the 400 th Anniversary Center has free PDF and les- which held pre Donald Trump
to start the year. Iran vows of the arrival of the first ship son plans. NYT should have impeachment hearings. The
retribution for Suleimani’s carrying 20 -30 enslaved a book deal signed for the son of sharecroppers, Cum-
death. No one foretold the Africans to the colony of special edition. mings was a lawyer and advo-
cate for the poor before going Robert Mugabe
to DC. He was the first African
BEST MOVIES/2010-2019 American Congressman to
lie in state in the dome of the
raphy are BELOVED, SONG
Capitol His widow. Maya EST EYE She is getting the
An Essence Magazine key players in the USA space Rockeymoore will run for his lion/s share of year- end cov-
essay, 20 BEST FILMS 2010- program. Spenser’s film pro- congressional seat. erage in memoriam columns.
2019, by Candace Frederick, duction company owns rights Ken Gibson, 86, was first Robert Mugabe, 95, revo-
a well- researched piece with to life of the late Madame CJ African American to become lutionary who became Zim-
spot-on analysis, about films Walker, hair products entre- a mayor in a major USA babwe Prime Minister from
by Black writers, directors, preneur who was America’s northeastern city. . Elected in 1980 to 1987 before his as-
producers and actors. first self-made woman mil- 1970, Mayor Gibson served cension to the Presidency
The 20 Best Films are lionaire. four terms. from 1987 to 2017. Mugabe
1)PARIAH ¸20 )2 ;2011 10) QUEEN OF KATWE, Richard Hatcher passed returned land to indigenous
FEET FROM STARDOM 2016, starring Oscar winner last month. He became mayor Blacks, whose property was
about Black music stars like Lupita Nyong’o in a true of Gary Indiana in 1967 and confiscated by the British
Merry Clayton and Patti life story about an Uganda served five terms. He was colonists. Was that action a
Austin 3) BEASTS OF THE girl who became a chess one of the nation’s first Black curse or blessing!
SOUTHERN WILD, 2012, master. 11) MOONLIGHT, Octavia Spencer mayors of a major city. He Jessye Norman, soprano
about 6- year- old Quvenve- the film by writer-director organized the 1972 National opera diva extraordinaire, is a
shane Wallis and survival, Barry Jenkins, Oscar winner Vance Ford about how race Black Political Convention minion of the NY Metropoli-
saving her dad, their home film, an industry shifting ar- impacts the criminal jus- in Gary and was the chair of tan Opera and European opera
and forestalling the world’s chetype of Blac k love , self tice system 15) WIDOWS, Jesse Jackson’s 1984 Demo- houses. The Met Opera House
end. 4) BELLE, 2013, a peri- identity and gay Black male starring Viola Davis is and cratic Presidential campaign. hosted her NY memorial.
od drama about a mixed- race narratives. 12) GET OUT, by Cynthia Erivo, aggrieved “ Toni Morrison,, 88, inter- Frank Robinson, 83, Ma-
aristocrat and her struggle for writer/director Jordan Peele’ women who got justice after nationally acclaimed Amer- jor League Baseball Hall of
love and dignity. 5) FRUIT- s “meet- the- parents night- the death of their criminal ican literary icon, first Af- Famer, who became and the
VALE STATION, 2013, a mare in the horror genre,” husbands.” 16) IF BEALE rican- American woman to first Black manager in MLB.
story about a young Black starring Daniel Kaluuya.13) STREET COULD TALK, win Nobel Prize in Literature. He was the only player to win
man shot by Oakland police. MUDHOUND, 2017, Black 2018, an adaptation of the Prominent titles in her bibliog- MVP status in both leagues.
6) STRAIGHT OUT OF male mental health issues, James Baldwin novel of the
COMPTON, about the rise of particulars among veterans same name about a Black man INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS
NWA, Niggaz Wit Attitudes who had to fight racism after sentenced to murder which he
and the rise of returning home from WWII, didn’t commit. 17) SORRY The republic of Haiti cele- 1804 declared their indepen-
HIPHOP as American pop 14) STRONG ISLAND 2017. TO BOTHER YOU. 2018. brates its 216th Independence dence from France Emancipa-
culture phenom. Today NWA Documentary directed by Film shines a light on what it Anniversary on January 1, tion and independence were
alum like Ice Cube and Dr. is like “ to be Black and have 2020. Known as the oldest the outcomes of the Haitian
Dre, of BEATS head phones to constantly choose between Black nation and the second Revolution, 1791-1804, un-
fame are American million- your own principles and the oldest republic in the New der the leadership of Haitian
aire/billionaire elites. 7) I AM white man who pays you.” World, enslaved Haitians Black generals Touissant
NOT YOUR NEGRO, 2016, 18) BLACK PANTHER a declared their emancipation Louverture and Jean-Jacques
a tour de force piece directed super hero, set in Wakanda, from slavery in 1795 and in Dessalines.
by Raoul Peck, which deals Africa where Blacks have ev-
with and resurrects the words erything. Black super heroes LOCAL CALENDAR
of James Baldwin. 8) FENC- have box office clout topping
ES, adapted from the August $1 billion in grosses. 19) HARLEM: Robert Hors- ed at 325 Lenox Avenue,
Wilson play, starring Denzel BLINDSPOTTING, 2018, a ford, Lee Brathwaite, and Harlem. Sponsors are eli-
Washington and Viola Da- story about “ Black and white Alyah Horsford- Sidberry gible for an open bar and
vis. 9) HIDDEN FIGURES, male friendship, race the lies will co-host a Community VIP reception at 5:30 pm.
2016, starring Tariji Henson we tell ourselves” and 20) Development Networking Supporters networking
and Octavia Spencer, about LUCE, 2019 about a young event in support of NYS phase begins at 6:30 pm.
Black women, all NASA Black teen male, accused of Senator Brian Benjamin Personal checks only. Call
mathematicians ,who were Ice Cube bringing explosives to school. at Cove Lounge, locat- 212.663.6288

Subscribe to the New York Beacon,

600 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016 $35.00 per year.
A Harlem-based management consultant, Victoria Horsford can be reached at

By Don Thomas

One Night Only

Darrian Ford sings Sam Cooke’s songs

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Darrian Ford

M ulti-talented Darrian
Ford brings his cel-
ebration of the late
great Singer Sam Cooke to The
Cutting Room in Manhattan
what makes Cooke’s music so
The idea to develop a stage
show about Cooke was nur-
tured when Ford was doing
Considered “the freshest
in vocal jazz,” Darrian Ford
is a Chicago native and a true
triple-threat. He released his
debut album New Standards in
for an exciting one-night only a workshop of a new musical the Spring of 2018. It charted
experience. Ford, along with centered on the music of the #1 on Debut Jazz Albums on
the horns of Brass Illusion, late 40s, 50s and 60s. Crooners the NACC (North American
will bring Cooke’s mastery of such as Nat King Cole, tight College and Community Radio
Gospel, Pop, Jazz and Blues to harmony groups like The Mills Chart/, and
life in “The Cooke Book: The Brothers, and Sam Cooke finished the year at #11 on the
Music of Sam Cooke on Wed., were among Ford’s research Vibe UK Top 20 Jazz Albums
Jan., 22, 2020, on what would subjects. for 2018.
have been Cooke’s 89th birth- “I grew up listening to Sam’s Ford began his career as a
day. Doors will open at 7:30 Pop hits but when I discovered dance prodigy, eventually per-
pm with an 8:30 pm showtime. his Jazz interpretations during forming with internationally
The production is not a the course of my research, I renowned companies such as
musical theater piece, nor is it was impacted by the fact that Alvin Ailey American Dance
a concert. It is an entertainment this was the same guy who Theater and Donald Byrd/The
experience that traces Cooke’s sang “Cupid” and “Twistin.” Group.
music from the singer’s Gos- I thought his range of artistic He made his Broadway
pel roots to his all too brief offerings, not to mention his debut in Rodgers and Ham-
career as an international Pop business accomplishments, merstein’s State Fair and went
sensation. The show has re- were compelling and deserve on to perform with the first
ceived critical acclaim across exhibition,” said Ford. national tours of The Color
the country and has created a The upcoming engagement Purple, Smokey Joe’s Cafe,
new generation of fans for the of The Cooke Book will be the and The Who’s Tommy. Ford
singer. The engagement marks biggest version of the show also co-starred as Fayard Nich-
the return of the show to New yet, showcasing a company of olas of the legendary dance The late great Sam Cooke
York City since its earliest days 10 (ten) musicians and singers. duo the Nicholas Brothers in
of development back in 2006. Additionally, public television HBO’s Introducing Dorothy York/New Jersey area, playing an Ford‘s “The Cooke Book”
“The catchy melodies, natu- will film the performance for Dandridge with Oscar-winning the timeless R&R of great horn event and his debut album
rally human lyrics and honesty broadcast and a live album will Halle Berry in the title role. bands including Chicago and (available on iTunes, Amazon,
make his music approachable be recorded and released in the Brass Illusion is a musical Blood, Sweat and Tears. For Google Music and CDBaby),
to everyone,” Ford said on Spring of 2020. powerhouse based in the New more information about Darri- visit

Subscribe to the New York Beacon, 600 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor,
New York, NY 10016 $35.00 per year 212-213-8585

Audrey's reel whirl By Audrey J. Bernard

Chadwick Boseman stars in riveting crime drama

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Theatrical Release Poster Chadwick Boseman in scene from 21 Bridges Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller, J. K. Simmons in 21 Bridges

S TX Entertainment thrilled
audiences with its release
of the action-packed crime
drama 21 Bridges starring
Chadwick Boseman, Sienna
Miller, Stephan James, Keith
David, Taylor Kitsch and J.
K. Simmons, which was an
early Thanksgiving treat for
thrill seekers. The stars were
joined by director Brian Kirk
at the New York City premiere
screening held at the Lincoln
Square Theater on Tuesday, Stephan James in scene from 21 Bridges Keith David, Chadwick Boseman in scene from 21 Bridges
November 19, 2019 where
onlookers feasted their eyes citywide manhunt for a pair of taken to prevent the killers from tor); Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, MWM Studios, H. Brothers;
on Boseman’s longtime love cop killers (Stephan James and escaping Manhattan, which is Mike Larocca, Robert Simonds, AGBO Films, X-Ception Con-
Taylor Simone Ledward. The Taylor Kitsch) after uncovering locked down for the first time in Gigi Pritzker, Logan Coles (pro- tent (production companies). 21
evening was deelicious from a massive and unexpected con- its history — as the authorities ducers); Adam Mervis, Matthew Bridges was released nationwide
beginning to end! spiracy. As the night unfolds, close all 21 Bridges to prevent Michael Carnahan (screenplay); by STXfilms on Friday, No-
SYNOPSIS: 21 Bridges lines become blurred on who he any entry or exit from the iconic Adam Mervis (story); Henry vember 22, 2019 to favorable
follows an embattled NYPD de- is pursuing, and who is in pursuit island. The movie was distribut- Jackman, Alex Belcher (music); reviews from thrillists. (Produc-
tective Andre Davis (Chadwick of him. When the search inten- ed by STXfilms last year. Paul Cameron (cinematogra- tion photos courtesy STXfilms.
Boseman), who is thrust into a sifies, extreme measures are DEETS: Brian Kirk (direc- phy); Tim Murrell (editor); and Party photos by Just Jared)

Stephan James, Sienna Miller, Chad-

Winnie Harlow Stephan James Chadwick Boseman Brian Kirk wick Boseman, Taylor Kitsch

Taylor Simone Ledward,

Keith David Sienna Miller Taylor Kitsch Stephan James, Brian Kirk, Chadwick Boseman Chadwick Boseman
Flick chat

Best of ADIFF 2019 announced!

Posted By Don Thomas and complexity of everyday

life in Lagos, a dynamic city
he Best of the African where anything is possible in
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Diaspora International 2 weeks.

Film Festival (ADIFF) Sundance 2019 Official
is back from Jan. 10 to 12 with Selection, The Last Tree by
a selection of some of the most Shola Amoo, a moving com-
popular films showcased in ing of age story about Femi, a
2019. Screenings will be held British boy of Nigerian descent
at Teachers College, Columbia who, after a happy childhood
University in Manhattan. in rural Lincolnshire with his
Several films that made white foster mother, moves
the cut go back into history. to inner London to live with
Opening Night film, Ali’s his Nigerian mum. As an ad-
Comeback: The Untold Sto- olescent, Femi goes back to
ry by Art Jones, a fascinating Nigeria with his mum to find
documentary that recounts the his roots and internal peace.
unsung saga that broke the From NYC 2019 Spotlight
boxing’s blacklist status of on Egyptian Cinema is Sins of
Muhammad Ali, the champi- the Flesh by Khaled El Hagar
on who said “no” to war and who establishes a parallel nar-
racism. rative, in which an erotic and
Paul Laurence Dunbar: symbolic struggle for freedom
Beyond The Mask by Fred- plays out on a farm while the
rick Lewis explores the life 2011 urban revolt in Tahrir
and legacy of Paul Laurence Square serves as a backdrop.
Dunbar (1872-1906), the first Winner of ADIFF NYC
African American to achieve 2019 Public Award for the Best
national fame as a writer. Film Directed by a Woman of
Wagner Moura’s Marighel- Color, Made in Bangladesh
la, currently censored in Bra- by Rubaiyat Hossain is about
zil, is a new Brazilian action a young woman working un-
drama set in 1969 based on the der very poor conditions in
life of Afro-Brazilian politician a factory in Bangladesh who
and guerrilla fighter Carlos decides to fight to set up a
Marighella. Facing a violent union despite threats from
military dictatorship and with management and disapproval
little support from a timid of her husband.
opposition, writer-turned-pol- Also directed by a woman
itician Carlos Marighella orga- of color is Dhaliniaro/Youth,
nizes a resistance movement. a rare drama from Djibouti
Mama Africa: Miriam that follows Amina and her
Makeba the powerful docu- two best friends, as they must
mentary about the South Af- choose their paths into adult-
rican singer and activist Mir- hood.
iam Makeba is back again by For more information about
popular demand. Coming from the Best of ADIFF 2019, or to
ADIFF NYC 2019 Spotlight receive the complete line up,
on Nigerian Cinema are two screeners and high resolution
films: the romantic comedy 2 images e-mail
Weeks in Lagos by Kathryn Festival web site: www.nya-
Fasegha, a turbulent and thrill- The African Diaspora
ing journey into the lives of International Film Festival is
Ejikeme and Lola which cap- a 501(c)(3) not for profit or-
tures the excitement, vibrancy, Ali’s Comeback: The Untold Story ganization.

Marighella Made in Bangladesh

Theater talk

By Audrey J. Bernard

Iconic musical — West Side Story – continues to break records

N ow in previews, pro-
ducers Scott Rudin /
Barry Diller / David
Geffen recently announced
that the Broadway return of
raphy, for the first time ever on
Broadway by the internation-
ally acclaimed Anne Teresa
De Keersmaeker. Playing the
doomed lovers crossing lines
Cruz  (debut), Kevin Cso-
lak, Alexa De Barr (debut), Is-
rael Del Rosario (debut), Jor-
dan Dobson (debut), Tyler
Eisenreich (debut), Arman-

BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

the Jerome Robbins / Arthur of prejudice and hate, Juilliard do Eleazar (debut),  Mar-
Laurents / Leonard Bernstein discovery Shereen Pimentel, lon Feliz (debut),  Satori
/ Stephen Sondheim master- who made her Broadway debut Folkes-Stone (debut), Zuri
work, West Side Story, has at age 9 in The Lion King, will Noelle Ford (debut),  Ui-
once again broken the all-time star as Maria, opposite Isaac Seng François (debut), Yesy
Broadway Theatre house re- Powell, seen in the recent re- Garcia  (debut),  Carlos E.
cord for a single week, with vival of Once on This Island, Gonzalez, Jennifer Gruen-
a gross of $1,807,025.94.  In as Tony. er (debut),  Jacob Guz-
7 performances the previous The part of Maria’s brother man, Matthew Johnson (de-
week, West Side Story broke Bernardo, leader of Puerto but), Dharon E. Jones (de-
the record (with a gross of Rican street gang The Sharks, but),  Jarred Manista (de-
$1,497,319) held by Rodgers will be played by Amar Ra- but), Michaela Marfori (de-
and Hammerstein’s Cinderella masar, the New York City but), Ilda Mason (debut), Mi-
($1,479,889.97, established on Ballet principal who made his chelle Mercedes (debut), Paul
12/29/13, for an 8-performance Broadway debut in 2018 in Dharon E. Jones (front, center) and the cast of West Side Story Morland (debut), Daniel Ore-
week). This new record also Carousel. The plum supporting (Photo by Julieta Cervantes) skes, Pippa Pearthree, Mia
represents an all-time box of- role of Bernardo’s girlfriend Pinero (debut), Gus Reed (de-
fice high in the storied 62-year Anita has gone to Yesenia February 6, 2020. ing work together, we’re good but), Thomas Jay Ryan, Mi-
life of West Side Story. The Ayala, who appeared in the “This is not like any West friends and good collaborators chael Seltzer (debut), Ah-
newly conceptualized produc- same Carousel revival. The Side Story anybody has seen,” — it’s a very natural and easy mad Simmons, Corey John
tion began performances on other key role of Riff, Tony’s Rudin told The Hollywood Re- fit, and we all bring something Snide,  Sheldon True (de-
December 10, 2019, ahead best friend and leader of rival porter. “It is being treated as a different to the table. They are but), Ricky Ubeda, Madi-
of its official opening night gang The Jets, will be played new work — and being made both much, much smarter than son Vomastek (debut), Tony
on Thursday, February 20, by Ben Cook, one of the orig- by a group of artists who have me — and frankly, I’m just Ward, Bridget Whitman (de-
2020. inal Broadway cast of Mean made a remarkable amount happy to be in the room.” b u t ) ,   D a n n y Wo l o h a n ,
When the original pro- Girls. Both Ayala and Cook of visionary theater for their “There are very few musi- and Kevin Zambrano (de-
duction of West Side Sto- also will appear in Steven whole lives. Having done two cals that were written 60 years but). 
ry first premiered at the Winter Spielberg’s screen remake of shows with Ivo that I loved do- ago that feel like they were cre- The production also fea-
Garden Theatre on September West Side Story. ing, this is a hugely important ated this morning,” concluded tures scenery and lighting
26, 1957, it utterly changed Premiered on Broadway in show for us. We’re honored to Rudin. “This is that show.” design by Mr. van Hove’s
the face of the American mu- 1957, West Side Story retells have the opportunity to do it.” Marked by a record-set- longtime collaborator, five-
sical theater.  A career-de- the tragic Romeo and Juliet The West Side Story reviv- ting 32 Broadway debuts, time Tony Award nominee Jan
fining milestone for every tale of young lovers from feud- al marks the formation of a the cast of West Side Sto- Versweyveld, with costume
single member of its towering ing families against the back- new powerhouse producing ry includes Isaac Powell as design by An d’Huys, sound
creative team — Laurents, drop of ethnic gang violence triumvirate of industry heavy- Tony, Shereen Pimentel as design by Tom Gibbons, vid-
Bernstein, Sondheim, and on New York’s Upper West weights. While Diller has been Maria, Yesenia Ayala as Ani- eo design by Luke Halls, and
Robbins — West Side Story re- Side in the pre-gentrification involved in several of Rudin’s ta, Ben Cook as Riff, Amar orchestrations by Leonard
imagined the most enduring 1950s. It features a book by Broadway productions since Ramasar as Bernardo, Ma- Bernstein, Sid Ramin, Irwin
love story ever written as a Arthur Laurents, music by 2013, including The Humans, rissa Brown (debut), Gabi Kostal and Tony and Academy
contemporary musical, com- Leonard Bernstein and lyrics Three Tall Women and To Kill Campo, Adolfo Mena Ce- Award winner Jonathan Tu-
plete with form-shattering by Stephen Sondheim. The a Mockingbird, among others, jas (debut), Daniel Ching (de- nick.  Alexander Gemignani
stagecraft and a score for the original production ran for this marks Geffen’s return as but), Audrey Collette (de- is music supervisor / musical
ages. 732 performances, with a 1960 a principal Broadway produc- but), Lorna Courtney, Marc director. Casting is by Telsey
The show is based on a con- return engagement running an er for the first time since the Crousillat (debut), Stephanie & Company. DKC/O&M is
ception by Jerome Robbins. additional 249 shows. The mu- 1980s, when he was a lead Crousillat (debut), Roman the Press Representative.
The entire original produc- sical was revived on Broadway producer on hits like Cats,
tion was directed and choreo- in 1980 and 2009. Dreamgirls and M. Butterfly. Dharon dazzles in Broadway debut
graphed by Mr. Robbins. Now, Van Hove’s production He also was one of the original
more than six decades later, the will be the first major staging producers on the off-Broad- Dharon E. Jones, a Brooklyn native,
legacy of that original produc- in the U.S. to depart from the way cult musical Little Shop is making his Broadway debut in West
tion, along with subsequent classic template of original of Horrors, which ran for five Side Story. This aspiring thespian
stagings around the globe and director-choreographer Je- years in its 1982 premiere run. counts his credits to date: (Theater)
the iconic cinematic adapta- rome Robbins’ iconic dances, “This is, in fact, the begin- First Site-Specific Little Shop of Hor-
tion, has cemented West Side immortalized in the 1961 film ning of an ongoing partner- rors at Bool’s Flower Shop, Ithaca, NY
Story’s place as one the most version that won 10 Oscars, ship,” explained Rudin of the (2019), 1776 and Newsies at Connecti-
significant cultural achieve- including best picture. The new producing team. “It comes cut Repertory Theatre (2017). Televi-
ments of the 20th century. Broadway revival will feature out of long friendships and long sion: “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”
The upcoming Broadway all-new choreography by Bel- working relationships that are Season 4 Episode 12 (2019); and
revival which is a radical gian modern dance luminary enormously important to me, (Film) Champions as “Kenny” (2018
reimagining for the 21st cen- De Keersmaeker. It began and have been for many years. NYU short film), Saturday Church as
tury will be directed by Tony previews December 10 at the Barry and David are the two “Julius” (2017). Jones is a student of Dharon E. Jones (Pho-
Award winner Ivo van Hove Broadway Theatre, with an smartest people I know. We Ithaca College BFA Acting ‘20. to courtesy O&M)
and features all-new choreog- official opening night set for like each other, we like mak-

Lillias White spends holiday at The Green Room

S anta came early for
guests who attended Tony
Award-winner Lillias
White all-new holiday concert
“A Lillias White Christmas” at
or nice! White performed classic
Christmas favorites — sprinkled
with lots of Jamaican merriment,
soul, jazz and blues and topped
off with her signature scats
The Green Room 42 for three — including “Jingle Bells,” The Green Room
resplendent performances (De- “Christmas in My Pocket,”
cember 13-15, 2019) – and this Lillias White James Sampliner Will Nunziata “Gee Wiz Its Christmas,” “Let Holiday,” “Through the Eyes
show was a gift that kept giving. It Snow,” “Christmas Night in of a Child,” and the hallowed
The intimate venue with its quiet illuminated in a sparkling red proceeded to bring the house Harlem,” “Blue Holiday,” “A “Silent Night,” which was the
elegance was the perfect setting dress adorned with a boa made down with a spectacular show Christmas Love Song,” and the appropriate closer. Throughout
for this joyous occasion. From of Christmas tinsel. She was jam-packed with holiday cheer soulfully sassy “Santa Baby.” the show, White thanked the au-
the stage, the Broadway veteran accompanied by music director and classics. Gloriously directed Other memorable standouts dience several times expressing
renown for her show-stopping James Sampliner (Legally by Will Nunziata, this show included: “My Favorite Things,” how blessed she is and grateful
numbers and bringing acclaim Blonde, Honeymoon in Vegas, had something for everyone – “My Christmas Song for You,” for her God-given gifts. (Photos
to many popular watering holes, Prince of Broadway) and they whether you’ve been naughty “Merry Christmas Baby,” “Blue courtesy The Green Room)
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

Actress Rhonda “Passion” Hansome (left) accepts award from Andrea J. Fulton (right). Actor Rome Neal congratulates Ms. Hansome

Actress Rhonda “Passion” Hansome lauded

Posted By Don Thomas also performed at the event As a standup comedian, Everything” on Siriusxm. To to begin or advance a career

was congratulated by fellow Hansome has opened for the keep up with Rhonda’s future in the performing arts or one
eteran Actress/Direc- ABC Fulton Foundation Ben- late great Aretha Franklin, projects and appearances, go of the allied arts required
tor Rhonda “Passion” efit performer Actor/Producer/ Grammy Award-winner Anita to: www.rhondahansome. to produce performing arts
Hansome received the Vocalist Rome Neal. Baker, the late great James com. event.
Longevity in Multi Disci- Hansome has appeared on Brown and living legend Di- Established in 2014, The It has provided a forum
plinary Artistic Achievement “Saturday Night Live” and as ana Ross in venues including Anderson and Bert Cade Ful- for hundreds of new and es-
award presented by Andrea J. (Bermuda) in the film “Pretty Radio City Music Hall to LA’s ton Foundation is a Brook- tablished artists and interns
Fulton of The Anderson and Woman.” A VIV AUDELCO Greek Theatre. lyn-based non-profit per- primarily via the production
Bert Cade Fulton Foundation Award winner Hansome has Rhonda tells stories at Gen- forming arts organization of original, award winning
at their 2nd annual awards ben- directed 35 productions, in- eration Women, Yum’s The founded by Veteran Play- plays performed in schools,
efit recently held at the Sugar cluding “American Captives: Word, Tale: NYs Finest Story- wright/Producer, Andrea J. churches, theatres and court-
Hill Restaurant/Supper Club in Lena Baker and Sandra Bland” telling, Rose Valley and Bady Fulton which focuses on yards throughout NYC and
Brooklyn. which was recently in the Unit- House Storytelling Concerts. nurturing and cultivating the beyond. For additional ABCFF
The Bedford-Stuyve- ed Solo Festival on Theatre She can currently be heard on performing arts interests of information, visit onerightan-
sant-born entertainer who Row in Manhattan. John Fugelsang’s “Tell Me adults who later in life seek

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Sports Rosario,

The decades best

NFL player Baseball players of the decade
BEACON, January 9 – January 15, 2020

of the decade By Andrew Rosario

By Andrew Rosario to hang up his cleats last year,

G oing back to 1900 and
every subsequent de-

Gronk set records for most cades, a list would be
ue to the violent nature receiving yards (1,327) and released as to who were the
of the game, it is very no other player at his position best players of their era. 1900
rare that a player can has caught more touchdowns saw players like Honus Wag-
last and be productive for 10 in the post season (12). Gron- ner, Christy Mathewson and
years. The average shelf life is kowski had two seasons where Cy Young. 1910 saw Ty Cobb
3. That's what makes the New he caught more than 50 passes and Walter Johnson.1920 in-
York Beacon NFL player of the and more than 11 touchdowns. cluded the Babe with 1930
decade so special. Rob Gron- injuries were a big part of through 2010 adding Lou
kowski, tight end for the New his career as well. When the Gehrig,
England Patriots was as just Patriots had the epic come- Ted Williams, Joe Di Mag-
as big on the team as was the back victory against the At- gio, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mike Trout. Photo: Special to the NY Beacon
golden boy quarterback Tom lanta Falcons, Gronkowski Mays, Hank Aaron, Sandy
Brady. The Patriots would not was relegated as a spectator Koufax, Frank Robinson, Bob win for all of the marbles. Over
have added three more Super after having surgery to repair Gibson, Juan Marichal, Rober- the last decade, three pitchers
Bowls to their organization if a herniated disk. He won his to Clemente, Joe Morgan, Rod can arguably could claim they
not for the contributions of the last Super Bowl in 2018 after Carew, Rickey Henderson, could be that man. Clayton
man they call "Gronk". the Patriots defeated the Los Reggie Jackson, Pete Rose, Kershaw, Justin Verlander
Coming out of the Univer- Angeles Rams. He announced Ken Griffey, Jr, Barry Bonds, and Max Scherzer averaged
sity of Arizona, he established his retirement last March. Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez, 162 regular season wins over
himself after only playing Just one look at how the Pa- Derek Jeter and Mariano Ri- that time. It is what they have
two seasons where he aver- triots played this past year and vera. done in post season that sep-
aged 18.8 yards per catch and more recently getting eliminat- This past decade produced arates them. Verlander is 0-6
1,1197 receiving yards setting ed from the playoff in last Sun- some of the games best talent in the World Series. Kershaw
school records. Gronkowski day's wild card game against who many argue could have is 4-7 with an era close to 5.
was the 42nd pick by the Patri- the Tennessee Titans showed played in any those eras. From That leave us with Scherzer.
ots in 2010. The following year just how much Gronkowski 2010 thru 2019 we saw the The Washington Nationals
is when he began going nation- was missed. The NFL put him emergence of players who were looking to win their first
al recognition as he became the the 100 greatest players of all dominated both offensively as Matt Scherzer World Series in team history
first tight end in league history time. The New York Beacon well as dominating from the Photo: Special to the NY when they sent Mad Max to the
to lead the in receiving touch- names Rob Gronkowski the pitchers mound. That said, the Beacon mound in game 7 against the
downs (17). When he decided NFL player of the decade. New York Beacon has selected defending champion Houston
the most explosive player and All Star game every year since Astros. He woke up the morn-
the one person fans would like coming on the scene. The ing of the game and needed
to see on the mound with the Vineland, NJ product who his wife's assistance just to get
game on the line. attended Millville Senior High dressed. Getting much needed
When you look at the num- School turns 29 years old in pregame assistance from the
bers that Los Angeles Angles August. He has proved to be training staff, Scherzer gave up
right fielder Mike Trout put durable as well playing an only 2 runs in 5 innings as the
up over the last decade (285hr, average of 149 games a year Nats sprayed champagne and
752rbi, .305ba, 200sb) you after only playing in 40 game hoisted the Commissioner's
would think that is impressive. during the 2011 season. Mike Trophy. It was the first time
Imagine what his numbers Trout can be a free agent after the road team won every game.
would be if he didn't miss the the 2020 season. You can bet Unlike Trout, Scherzer is in
first two years working his way he will be the most sought af- the twilight of his career as he
up to the show. Aside from his ter player in recent history. He will turn 36 in July. His career
offensive prowess, his defense could become the first $400- stats (170-89) over the decade
is stellar with a cannon of an $500 million dollar athlete. shows why he is the best pitch-
arm. Trout won three MVP The New York Beacon names er over the last 10 years. That
awards (the 11th player to win Mike Trout the best offensive is why the New York Beacon
Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski three), seven Silver Slugger player of the decade. names Max Scherzer the pitch-
Photo: Special to the NY Beacon Awards and was voted to the Your team has one game to er of the decade.

Boxer of the decade at the top of his game.

Pacquaio dominated the
tough champion Keith Thur-
man in 2019 and if he can
By Joshua Garcia Durant (#9) joined Pac Man as wins against Lucas Matthysse, continue to defy father time

they all looked up at Pacquaio's Adrien Bronzer, and Keith possible bouts with Terance
ver the past decade the rival Floyd Mayweather at Thurman to finish the decade Crawford, Mikey Garcia, and
sweet science through #1 with $915 mil. The duo's are a strong optic for Pacquaio's a rematch with Floyd May-
its controversial highs 2015 mega-fight sold over 4 current career state. weather would not only be
and lows and changes in tra- million pay per view buys and Senator Manny Pacquaio great fights in the works but
ditional coverage to streaming Pacquaio has over 20 million living the life he could've only huge paydays rivaling any of
services continued to provide total ppv views in his impres- dreamed of as a kid in the them have seen yet. PacMan as
historical feats never seen in sive 71 fight career. No NFL Philippines won his first title the only eight division cham-
the sport of Boxing. For the or MLB players made Forbes in 1998 as a flyweight and is pion ever is one of the best of
first time in the fight game top 10 list. currently the third ranked wel- all-time, of course he's fighter
there is a champion in four Throughout the decade there terweight in the world at 41, of the decade, and don't count
different decades. are a couple forgettable nights the oldest man to ever be wel- him out of the 2020's. The New
Released last month was the for the General Santos City kid, terweight champion. Although York Beacon names Manny Manny Pacquiao
Forbes list of the athletes who but two of his four legendary being elected as a Senator of “Pac Man” Pacquaio the Boxer Photo: Special To The NY
made the most money over the battles against Juan Manuel the Filipino governement has of the decade. Beacon
last 10 years, Manny Pacquaio Marquez in 2011-2012, revenge stunted the amount of fights, if
came in 8th with $435 mil. for a bad decision against Tim its true you're only as good as Next Week: Basketball, Tennis, MMA
Lebron James (#4) and Kevin Bradley, and three straight your last fight, PacMan's still

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