Myp 2 Task April 3rd

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sson A Read the article and complete the text with words from the box. ing ships Native Americans calle New World s “colonists tobaccoleat explorers Worlds in Contact Before the 1500s, there was very ttle contact between people in the (1)_____ countries ke Spain and England and the areas that became the (2) countries ke Mexico and the United States. Then the frst (3) = traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in (4) “They thought they were in India, so they called the people in the new lands (5) Now we call these people (6) They learned about new plants such as the (7), and began to use them. Late, ‘people from Europe came to lve in the new land. They were called ® On their ships, they brought everything they needed toilive such as 9) and other farm animals. B. Complete the sentences with would or used ro and a verb fiom the box 1. In igh school, soccer every day after school 2. The Maya Indians ‘a chacolate dink fom cacao beans. 3. We. ‘my grandparents every year on January 1. 4. Ahundred years ago, people by boat or on horses. 5. The Aztec people salt to clean ther teeth. 6 We_________big dogs when | was. chi Sera is talking to her grandfather about his childhood. Complete her questions with used to and a verb, Didyouusedtohelp yur father with his work? alotofrice every day? traditional clothes? to school? running water in your house? 2? your own idea) 1 2 3 4 5 Life in the Past 55 56 Unit [A.This picture shows Inuit fein the past. Wite sentences about these things with sedi, 1 boats made of animal skins ‘The ni used touse boats made of animal skine for hunting. 2. furclothes 3. spear 4, sled 5. sled dogs 6. housemade of snow B. Think about dally Iife in your country 100 years ago. Wite sentences about these things with would, used to, didnt useto,and the simple past tense. 1 2 6. entertainment Jamestown, Virginia, was one ofthe fist placesin the world ‘where people fom Europe, America and Afica came together in 1608. Today ita ving history museum, where children and adults come ro experience history. Inaiving history museum, actors wea clothes from the past and demonstrate mary ofthe activites of daly Ife back then. The actos also tlkto the wstors and explain everything they do. Ataliving history muscu there are aways many things fo touch, hea and smell, Visitors at Jamestown Settement can walk through copies of the three small sailing shi that carted colorist to Virginia and even lie down in a colonists bed! The colonists stayed on the crowded, dangerous ships for more than four months When they got 1 Virginia, they built an area of houses with a high wall around it. In today’s can see houses, a church, and even a garden with foods that the colonists ate. Women in long dresses work inside thet homes, anc visitors can help them with thelr sewing and cooking here is also an Indian Vilage at Jamestown Settlement, and it looks vey ferent from the fort. It shows how the Indians Ivedin long houses and grew com and other crops in large fields. Actors there make pottery and teach vistors how to 58 Unit Living History at Jamestown Settlement play Indian games, You can even help them make an Indian boat from a ee! Today the ling history museum of Jamestown is very popular especialy with chkiren and families People come. there to have fun visit to experience old ways af getting things done. A living history museum isthe best way fo understand how people ved in the pas. ut also to learn, Many school classes UNIT 9 A Read the article again, Circe for true or F fr fase Toutss ike to goto Jamestown today. In Jamestown, people from three different cultures came together: Aaliving history museum, all ofthe things to see are inside glass cases. Actors work ata living history museum, The real ships that the colonists used are in Jamestown, You can seea copy of an Indian village in Jamestown ‘The Indians around Jamestown didn't know about farming. ‘The Jamestown Settlement naw is only for learning, Bich of these things are found! inthe Jamestown Settlement now? Cirle the things that are inthe atic people making pots actors archaeologists ships people cooking 095 people fighting with guns Indian boats anold school staple foods clothes that people used to wear afort Answer the questions 1. Are there any living history museums in your country? 2. Where are some places that foreign visitors can learn about your countrys history? ite about an important place in yout country history, What happened there? What can people see there today? LifeinthePast 59

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