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Level I Questions Flux Leakage Testing Method In lux leakage testing of a ferromagnetic object, ‘magnetized close to the saturation point using an encieling coi asa sensor, what isa primary condition which needs to be met in order to obtain a response from the flaw’? a. using 2 coil with a high number of turns bs. providing electrical connection between coil and tested abject ©. moving the tested object in relation to the coil 4. shielding the cable which connects the coil wich the recorder ©. using a strip chart recorder EE62 Figure FLA 1x 7 Strand What willbe the relative flux leakage level onthe sorfave of the 1 % 7 strand cable (Figure FL-1) caused by m outer wire break compared with that caused by an inner wire break? (Assume that the gap between the ends of broken wire isthe same in both eases.) 4, greater b. smaller ©. the same, if diameters of both wires are the same ©. the same, even if diameters of both wires ae different FE.63 What method of magnetization can be used in flux leakage testing? permanent magnet », high frequeney ae © de daandb © aandc 2B ‘Flux leakage may occur at a surface defect in a ferromagnetic material: 1. when the magnetizing force is present b. after the magnetizing force has been removed © aandb 4. none of the above Zsi Flux leakage inspection can normally be applied to: 1. ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic material . nonmagnetic materials only «, ferromagnetic materials only dd. nonconductors only u330 Rotational transverse magnetization in bar or pipe testing is used for the detection of: a. transverse defects >, defects that have a longitudinal component . only longitudinal defects 4. both transverse and longitudinal defects . only holes AAG With rotational flux leakage detection systems, distinctions between similar OD and TD defects are accomplished by: ‘observing a difference in amplitude ‘measurement of impedance change ‘observing the signal to noise ratio Frequency analysis ‘only by visual observation of test piece Flux Leakage Testing Method, Level I 10, Figure FL2 x Point of Interest Lines of | Flux ‘Using Figure FL-2, what is the vertical component of 13. the leakage flux at the riddle of the defect gap of a ‘The curve shown in Figure FL-3 is called a: surtace defect? 4. hysteresis loop 2a, minor loop 2. 2200 e. recuil curve >. maximum 6. magnetization curve «equal to horizontal component e. permeability curve a. divergent 6333 &, convergent VOI [Fignre FL-3 Ta circular magnetization, the recommended B magnetizing eurrent in amperes per linear inch of section thickness i: 2, 200 to 400 . 400 to 600 &, 600 to 800 6. 800 10 1 000 1.0000 1 200 H 6230.13 Flus leakage techniques can normally examine for: A Hal effest probe measures: 2. surface flaws only 4. permeability by subsucface defects only b. conductivity ¢. defeets at any location tangential field strength 4. surface and near-surface dofeets 4. Field stength perpendicular to the probe surface 6301 e. seiuctance eau A relative motion beiween specimen and a. is neoded in order to pick-up leakage fx ‘The ratio B/H is equivalent to a materials: 2. search eoil a. fiold strength ball prabe b reluctance ©. magneto probe & pemnittvity a. magneto resistor 4, permeability ©. piezoelecteic crystal relative pormeabilty 0.302 Gaus Torx given erack with a given magnetic field, more magnetic lines of foree we deflected out of the magnetic path when the: 2. length ofthe crack is parallel to the magnetic lines of force length ofthe crack is perpendicular tothe magnetic lines of force ¢. length ofthe crack is diagonal to the magnetic lines of force 4. edges ofthe crack are polarized 63034 48 16, Which discontinuity in Figure FL-4 would show the strongest indication? # o U6 Figure FL-t Magnetic Discontinuity A Rell ‘Magnetizing ‘Current 37. The optimuun angle at which the magnetic field mast ingersect a discontinuity jn atest specimen is: 3. 90° 60" © 45° 430° us6 Flux Leakage Testing Method, Level 1 18. In the flux leakage examination of tubular products, which of the following discontinuities can be detected? longitudinally oriented b. transversely oriented ©. slivers d. all of the above pp.6z7 19. In the flux leakage testing of tubular products. the ‘amplitude of the signal received trom a discontinuity ‘will depend upon: 2, the depti of the discontinuity b. the orientation of the discontinuity ©. the distance between the fx leakage sensor and the tube 4. all of the above e. aande pp.629 20. Flux leakage inspection can reveal the presence of: a, discontinuities b. voids ©, inclusions 4. either bore ea, bande 10-2 49 Level II Questions Flux Leakage Testing Method Influx leakage inspection of wire ropes using an ‘encircling coil as a sensor, the response of the coil depends on wht parameters of the wire break? a. cross-sectional area of broken wire 1b location of broken wire within the cross-section cc. gap between the ends of the broken wire d allof the above BB144-46 ‘The highest sensitivity of a Hall generator is obtained when the direction of the magnetic field in relation to the largest surface of the Hal probe is: a. parallel b. atan angle of 46° f, at an angle of 30° or 60° 4. perpendicular . none of the above omit ‘The best flaw detection sensitivity is obtained when. the magnetizing, ux i 2 parallel to the Haws longest dimension ». pexpendicular to the flaw’s shortest dimension c. perpendicular to the flaw's tongest dimension none of the above 330 {In flux leakage inspection for flaws, the part being {ingpected should be magnetized: a beyond saturation », to saturation or near saturation ©. well below saturation 4. using a combination of ac and de fields U330 ‘An advantage that flux leakage testing has in ‘comparison with eddy current testing is that flux leakage testing is: Jess sensitive to interferences due to surface roughness useful on products at temperatures above the Curie point useful on austenitic steels, capable of much higher inspection rates 122-123 a »b, Using Figure FL-S flux leskage strength decreases With distance (d) fron the defect surface and is approximately proportional to: b © J. e Yor Using Figure FL-6, the relation between the depsh (D) of detects and signal amplitude (A) of leakage flux is approximately (K = constant of proportionality): a ASkUD Figure Fl-6 ys oe koe] 51 Flux Leakage Testing Method, Level It 8 0 ‘What particular type of defect is not indicated by ux leakage techniques? 8, overlap b. grain boundary crack «. slag inclusion with erack @. surface contamination . Iongitudinal sea AAAS Electric current flowing in a magnet will ater the direction of magnetic fields in a magnet. a. true bi, false 6.30,30-34 ‘The strength of the magnetic field in the interior of a Tong solenoid is determined by: the number of turns in the solenoid the strength of applied current the length of the solenoid all ofthe above rnone of the above 0.207 In Jongitudinal magnetization by a coil, for most effective magnetization, the part to be magnetized should be: 14, The number of broken wires ata particular location ‘on a wire rope cannot always be determined hecause: 2. the broken ends overlap ba visual inspection for verification is impossible because the breaks are inside the rape ¢. the strip chart recorder speed was t00 slow 4d, the conditions stated above are all possibilities the stip chart recorder speed was too fast CCL, 16, 18, 19 15. Asa general rule, hard materials have: a. high coercive force and are easly demagnetized . high coercive force and are not easily sdemagnetized «¢. low coercive foree and are easily demagnetized 4. low coercive force and are not easily demagnetized none ofthe above 6.30.22 16. The point (P) shown on the hysteresis foop in Figure FLT iscalled the: a. coercive force '. initial permeability . residual field 4. leakage Hux «. demagnetization point 6.30.22 a. held against the inside wall of the coil b. positioned in the center of the coil ©. held near the outside wall of the coil held half way between the wall and center of the coil 6.30.14 Due to the unique constroetion and great lengths of. ‘wire ropes, a practical end reliable NDT technique for testing is: acoustic emission ‘lteasonies magnetic techniques radiation none of the above E62 Inde magnetic testing of steel wire ropes, one type of ‘magnetizing method is preferred over the other for the following reasons: 4. penmanent magnet: constant magnetic field intensity, no magnetizing current b, electromagnet: fluctuating magnetic field intensity, ‘heavier, more rugged constraction c. electromagnet: constant magnetic field intensity, lighter-weight construction 4. permanent magnet: fluctuating magnetic Held intensity, heavier, more rugged construction FFA 52 17, ‘The field strength over a crack is directly proportional to the relative permeability of the steel and the rato: a. crack depth rack widths be. cack width ‘crack depth ©. grack length Sack depth 4. crack length ‘crack width x94 ‘A calibration standard is propared using holes. With respect lo the reference size, i is considered good practice to: a, inelude holes larger in diameter than the reference b, include holes smatler in diameter than the reference size ©, include holes both larger and smaller in diameter than the reference size <. include holes of the reference size only DD.630 ‘When testing tubes, ifthe sensor bounces slong the surface this may: a. make it difficult to estimate fault severity b. cause false signals. «. decrease speed of inspection . distort the magnetizing system. pp.628 ‘In flux leakage testing, the greatest tube wall thickness for which maximum sensitivity can be ‘maintained in mm (in) is: 42, 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) b. 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) cc. 8mm (0.3 in) 4.76 mm G in) 330 ‘The following are used in determining magnetic flux leakage: a. coll b. magnetic tape . Hall element «all ofthe above ©. and 0316-317 2, 2B. 24, Fiux Leakage Testing Method, Level If In the examination of tubular products, « circumferential (transverse) magnetic field can be established by: a properly positioning north and south poles of ‘magnet with respect tothe tube b. using a central conductor positioned inthe tube © aandb 4. neither a norb pp.6zs {In the examination of tubular products where the flux sensor measures the leakage field at the outside surface of the tube: a. OD discontinuities are detected bb. both OD and ID discontinuities may be detected «. both OD and ID discontinuities can be detected but generally cannot be distinguished from each other 4. both OD and ID discontinuities can be detected and can generally be distinguished from each other Dp.625 Calibration standards used inthe flux leakage ‘examination of tubular products should be carefully prepared since the fx leakage signal response {ior the notch will be affected by: notch orientation noth width notch length notch depth all of the above p.630

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