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Personality Factors
Dr. Isaias Santana

Santo Domingo, D.N.

Unidad 05: Personality Factors

Table of Contents
1. The Affective Domain

2. Affecive Factors in Second Language Acquisition

2.1 Self-Esteem

2.2 Attribution Theory and Self-Efficacy

2.3 Willingnes to Communicate

2.4 Inhibition

2.5 Risk Taking

2.6 Anxiety

2.7 Empathy

2.8 Extrovertion

3. Motivation

3.1 Theories of Motivation

3.2 Instrumental and Integrative Orientation

3.4 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

4. The Neurobilogy of Affect

5. Personality types and Language acquisition

6. Measuring Affective Factors

7. Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

Introduction to Unit I
Welcome to Unit five! In this unit, it will be presented the affective factors that might

have either a negative or positive influence on students’ English learning process. The

importance of this chapter lies in the impact that the intrinsic and extrinsic factors have in a

way or another to contribute in second language acquisition success. This domain is not

an easy domain to be described due to the great number of variables involved in it. Before

going to make your assignments, do not forget to read your textbook from page 152 to

186. Good luck!

General Objetives

1. Understand the theoretical framework involved in the affective domain.

2. Understand the affective domain and the affective factors in second language acquisition.
3. Understand the effect of motivation and personality types in second language acquisition.

Specific Obejctives
1. Identify the affective factors that might hamper second language acquisition to

provide students with effective learning strategies.

2. Identify motivation effects in English language students to build up effective.

motivational classes improving students’ communication strategies.

3. Develop effective class plans according to students’ language acquisition

personality types.

4. Foster students’ intrinsic motivation in the classroom.

Autor/a: Nombre del Autor
Unidad 05: Personality Factors

5. Identify motivational strategies to help students in the second language acquisition


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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

Content Development
We will discuss the inherent side of affectivity: identity factors inside an individual

that contribute here and there to the achievement of language learning.

The Affective Domain

Influence alludes to feeling or feeling. It includes an assortment of identity factors,

sentiments both about ourselves and about others with whom we come into contact.

Benjamin Bloom and his partners gave a helpful broadened meaning of the

emotional space.

1. Accepting: must know about nature encompassing and circumstances, wonders,

individuals, object.; be eager to get, not stay away from it

2. Reacting: be eager to react deliberately without intimidation, and after that to get

fulfillment from that reaction.

3. Esteeming: Placing worth on a thing, conduct, or an individual

4. The association of qualities into an arrangement of convictions

5. Esteem framework

Language is inseparably woven into the texture of basically every part of human

conduct. Language is pervasive to the point that it can't be isolated from the entire people

that live, breath, think and feel. Seeing how individuals feel, react, accept and esteem is an

exceedingly significant part of a hypothesis of second language obtaining.

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

1) Self-Esteem

Confidence is likely the most inescapable part of any human conduct. Malinowski

noticed that every single person have a requirement for phatic fellowship—characterizing

oneself and discovering acknowledgment in communicating that self in connection to

esteemed others. Well-acknowledged meaning of confidence is an individual judgment of

value that is communicated in the frames of mind that people hold toward themselves.

Three general dimensions of confidence

1. General, or worldwide, confidence is said to be moderately steady in an

experienced grown-up and is impervious to change aside from by dynamic and broadened


2. Situational or explicit confidence alludes to one's self-examinations is specific life

circumstances on certain generally discretely characterized attributes or identity qualities.

3. Undertaking confidence identifies with specific errands inside explicit


Adelaide Heyde found that every one of the three dimensions of confidence

connected decidedly with the execution of the oral creation measure. MacIntyre, Dornyei,

Clement, and Noels saw the hugeness of self-assurance in their model of "eagerness to

convey" in an unknown dialect. Regardless of whether we don't know which one starts

things out between high self0esteem and language achievement, both are plainly

associating components.

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

2) Inhibition

Firmly identified with the idea of confidence in the idea of a hindrance. Every single

person fabricates a set of barriers to ensure the conscience. The human inner self includes

language conscience or the individual, proud nature of second language procurement. The

hindrances, the safeguards, that we place among ourselves as well as other people are

significant components adding to second language achievement. Ehrman has

recommended that receptiveness, weakness, and equivocalness resistance of those with

flimsy inner self-limits make various pathways to progress from those with hard-driving,

deliberate, perfectionistic, thick personality limits. The distance emerges from the

resistances that we work around ourselves. These safeguards repress learning, and their

evacuation can, in this manner, advance language realizing, which includes self-

presentation to a degree show in a couple of different undertakings.

3) Risk-taking

Hazard taking is a significant normal for effective learning of a second language.

Students must almost certainly bet a bit, to be eager to evaluate hunches about the

language and go out on a limb of being off base. Individuals will in general face negative

outcomes on the off chance that they commit an error inside and outside the study hall,

and they dread that a great deal. One needs to make an atmosphere of acknowledgment

that will animate self-assurance and urge members to explore and to find the objective

language, enabling themselves to go for broke without inclination humiliated. Effective

language students are moderate, not high, daring people. They like to be in charge and

like to rely upon aptitude. They don't go out on a limb or go into a hopeless scenario.

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

Educators ought to urge understudies to figure fairly more eagerly than the standard

understudy is inclined to do and to esteem them as people for those dangers that they


4) Anxiety

Unpredictably entwined with confidence and restraint and hazard taking, the

develop of tension assumes a significant compelling job in the second language securing.

It is related to sentiments of uneasiness, disappointment, self-uncertainty, dread, or stress.

At the most profound, or worldwide, level attribute nervousness is a progressively lasting

inclination to be on edge. At an increasingly fleeting, or situational level, state nervousness

is knowledgeable about the connection to some specific occasion or act. Late research on

language uneasiness centers all the more explicitly around the situational idea of state

tension. The majority of the examinations presume that unknown dialect nervousness can

be recognized from different kinds of tension and that it can negatively affect the language

learning process. Alpert and Harber separated among debilitative and facilitative

uneasiness. In any case, the thought of facilitative tension is that some worry over an

undertaking to be practiced is a positive factor. Without this, a student can be "tentative".

Bailey clarified the beneficial outcomes of intensity by methods for the build of facilitative

nervousness. That is, both to an extreme and too little nervousness may prevent the

procedure of fruitful second language learning.

5) Empathy

An assortment of value-based factors may apply to second language learning:

impersonation, displaying, recognizable proof, compassion, extroversion, animosity, styles

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

of correspondence, and others. Sympathy is simply the way toward "putting into another

person's shoes," of coming to past oneself to comprehend what someone else is feeling.

Language is one of the basic methods for sympathizing, nonverbal correspondence, for

example, sympathy encourages the way toward identifying must not be disregarded.

Guiora characterized compassion as "a procedure of grasping where an impermanent

combination of self-object limits allows a quick passionate misgiving of the full of feeling

background od another" and there are two vital viewpoints to the advancement and

practicing of sympathy: initial, a mindfulness and learning of one's own sentiments, and

second, ID with someone else. As it were, you can't completely identify or know another

person – until you enough know yourself. Correspondence requires an advanced level of

sympathy. So as to convey adequately, you should most likely comprehend the other

individual's full of feeling and psychological states. In a second learning circumstance, the

issue of compassion ends up intense. Not exclusively should student speakers accurately

distinguish psychological and powerful sets in the listener; however, they should do as

such in a language in which they are uncertain.

6) Extroversion

Extroversion and contemplation are conceivably significant factors in the securing of

a second language. Extroversion is the degree to which an individual has a profound

situated need to get personality improvement, confidence, and a feeling of wholeness from

other individuals not from oneself. Then again, introspection is the degree to which a drive

a feeling of wholeness and satisfaction separated from an impression of this self from

other individuals. Teachers have cautioned against prejudging understudies based on

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

apparent extroversion. Educators need to consider social standards in their evaluation of

an understudy's assumed "detachment" in the study hall, in view of the contrast between

American culture and different social orders. It's uncertain that extroversion or

contemplation aides or impedes the procedure of second language securing. Toronto

thinks about finding no noteworthy impact for extroversion in portraying the great language

student. There's no proof that outgoing understudies are better. Truth be told,

contemplative people were essentially superior to outgoing people in their articulation. It

recommended that self observers may have the persistence and center to take care of

clear explanation in an unknown dialect. By the by, it is possible that extroversion might be

a factor in the advancement of general oral open capability, however not in tuning in,

perusing, and composing. Instructors ought to urge understudies to stand up in class for

their talking capacity regardless of social contrast.

Myers-Briggs Character Types

Jung said that individuals are in principal ways and that an individual has

inclinations for "working" in manners that are trademark, or "run of the mill," of that specific

person. Obtaining from a portion of Jung's "types," the Myers-Briggs test: (1) introspection

versus extroversion (2) detecting versus instinct (3) thinking versus feeling (4) making a

decision about versus seeing. The Extroversion-Introversion class identifies with a part of

identity. The Sensing-Intuition classification has to do with the manner in which we see our

general surroundings. The Thinking-Feeling class depicts methods for touching base at

ends and of putting away reality in memory. The Judging-Perceiving has to do with one's

demeanor toward the external world. 16personality blends are conceivable with four two-

dimensional classifications. Laurence focused on the significance of an educator's

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

comprehension of the individual contracts of students in a study hall. We ought not to rush

to presume that mental kind can anticipate effective and ineffective learning. Fruitful

students know their inclinations, their qualities, and their shortcomings, and viable use

qualities and adjust for shortcomings paying little heed to their common inclinations.


Endless examinations and trials in human learning have demonstrated that inspiration is

vital to adapting, yet we should consider the importance of inspiration more.

1) Behavioristic

l expectation of remuneration

l want to get encouraging feedback

l outside, singular powers in charge

2) Cognitive

l driven by essential human needs

l level of exertion exhausted

l inner, singular powers in charge

3) Constructive

l social setting

l network

l societal position

l security of gathering

l inside, intelligent powers in charge

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

The satisfaction of necessities is fulfilling, requires decisions, and as a rule must be

deciphered in a social setting.

1) Instrumental and Integrative Orientations

The instrumental side alluded to obtaining a language as a method for

accomplishing instrumental objectives. The Integrative side depicted students who wished

to incorporate themselves into the way of life of the second language gathering and

become associated with the social exchange in that gathering. It is critical to consider

instrumentality and integrativeness as an instance of direction instead of as sorts of

inspiration. Gardner and Lambert and Spolsky found that integrativeness was a significant

prerequisite for effective language learning. Be that as it may, which one is increasingly

significant can't be said in light of the fact that there are heaps of variable discoveries.

Second language learning is infrequently taken up in settings that are solely instrumental

or only integrative. Most circumstances include a blend of every direction. We should view

the two directions essentially as two out of various potential directions to comprehend the

integrative-instrumental build better.

2) Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Characteristically propelled practices are gone for achieving certain inside

compensating results, to be specific, feeling of ability and self-assurance. Then again,

Extrinsically propelled practices are completed fully expecting a reward from outside and

past oneself. Common outward rewards are cash, prizes, and even particular kinds of

positive criticism. Natural is better than outward for long haul maintenance. Maslow

likewise concurred that characteristic inspiration is plainly better than outward. We are

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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

eventually propelled to accomplish "self-completion" when our fundamental physical,

wellbeing, and network needs are met. It is imperative to recognize the characteristic

outward develop from Gardner's integrative-instrumental direction. While numerous

occurrences of characteristic inspiration may for sure end up being integrative, some may


The Neurobiology of Affect

John Schumann discovered the amygdala assumes a significant job in the

relationship of impact on language learning. The amygdala is instrumental in our capacity

to make an evaluation of improvement. Schumann reasoned that positive examinations of

the language learning circumstance improve language learning and negative evaluations

repress second language learning.

Estimating Affective Factors

The estimation of viable variables has for a long time represented an astounding

issue. Tests present three issues.

1. The most significant issue in estimating affectivity is the issue of legitimacy.

2. A second related issue in the estimation of full of feeling factors lies in what has

been known as the "self-bootlicking" disorder.

3. At long last, a trial of confidence, sympathy, inspiration, and different variables

can be socially ethnocentric, utilizing ideas and references that are hard to decipher


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Unidad 05: Personality Factors

Brown, H. D. (2014). Principles of language learning and teaching (6th ed.). United
States: Pearson Education. Recuperado de


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