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Types of cases: (1) Open ended case

(2)Closed ended

Steps in solving a case:

• Introduction: 1/3rd of the page to include

the name of the company, age, type of product
or service, historical background, weather sick or
profit making, type of company proprietary firm
or private or public sector or PSV .
• Organizational Structure: Give the
organizational structure in the form of a tree for
better understanding & layout. If it is not given
in the script then create a national one but it is
not always must. Expand that department which
is more relevant of the case.
• Key Personnel: List out the key personnel
around whom the case is revolving.
• Philosophy of the company: Required
in the case of strategic management of HR
oriented cases, it can be emitted as or cannot
attempt this paragraph.
• Situational Analysis: Write down to 3/4th
of a page giving the circumstances under which
it has led to this case certain problem areas
given in the case to be highlighted so that SWOT
analysis is carried out conveniently.
• SWOT Analysis: To find out the positive &
negative aspects of company. SOWT can be
tabulated & points are given below & the points
are given in the format.
You can also do SWORT analysis where
R stands for risk.


1. STENGTHS: Sound financial

position, technical man power
available, suitable work culture, raw
material available so on.
2. OPPORTUNITIES: Government
policies, product boom, monopoly.
3. WEAKNEES: All the negative
aspects of the company like import of
raw material, machinery, non
availability of technical man power.
4. THREATS: Unfavorable Govt.
policies M.N.C. yam ping in to the
arenas. (Multinational company).

• Identification of the problems:

Having gone through situation analysis & the
SWOT, we can find out the problem areas. Make
sure that imp. Problems areas are identified but
they should not be more than four.
• Formulation of the structure OR
Options available OR The course of
action: Select only 3 course for your
convenience & to save time & give them title as
(a) option “x”
(b) option “y”
(c) option “z”

• The best option: Select the best option

out of the 3 given above & justify by giving the
advantages & disadvantages.
(a) Advantages: As many as you can give
but not for the sake of it (1,2,3)
(b) Disadvantages: Less than the
advantages but you can not miss the
glaring one (1,2)

• Recommendations
• Conclusion


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