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Presentado al instructor:

Alexander Alzamora

Presentado por:
Grupo Mega Logísticos


Anderson Orjuela Aguirre

Diana marcela Figueroa Gavanzo
Yenny Alejandra Franco

FICHA: 1667931



introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

objetives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

evidencia 1: workshop "six sigma, lean and the theory of constraints"

what does six sigma do for an organization? how does it work? (¿que hace six sigma para
una organización? ¿como funciona?

what is lean thinking? what are the five essential steps? (¿que es el pensamiento de lean?
¿cuáles son los cinco pasos esenciales?------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

what is the focus of the theory of constraints? how does it improve a system? (¿cuál es el
enfoque de la teoría de las restricciones? ¿como mejora un sistema?) --------------------------- 5

based on your project, choose one of the methodologies for your organization and clearly
support why you chose it. (con base en su proyecto, elija una de las metodologias para su
organización y apoya claramente porque lo elegiste) ------------------------------------------------ 6

conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7


This work was done to reinforce our reading comprehension and that also allows us to practice
our pronunciation with a more technical vocabulary. This in turn helps us to extend the
vocabulary more and more to be able to understand more topics.


1. Know what you do and what is SIX SIGMA and what does she do for an organization.
2. Know what is the thought of lean and how you can implement
3. What is the approach and what is the theory of Restrictions
4. How to implement this knowledge in our organization.


Six Sigma, Lean and the Theory of Constraints

1. After reading the above mentioned document, answer the following comprehension

A. What does Six Sigma do for an organization? How does it work? (¿Que hace Six
Sigma para una organizació n? ¿Como funciona?

Six Sigma states that by focusing on the reduction of variation, it will solve the process
and business problems, using a set of statistical tools to understand the fluctuation of a
process, the administration can begin to predict the Expected result of that process. If the
result is unsatisfactory, you can use associated tools to better understand the elements that
influence that process. Through a rigid and structured research methodology, the elements
of the SEN process understand more fully.
works with five steps define, measure, analyze, improve and control

1. Define: Begin by defining the process who are the customers and what are their
2. Measurement: The approach measures the process, categorizing the characteristics,
verifying the measurement systems and collecting the data.
3. Analyze: Once the data is compiled, we analyze and become important information for
the identification of the problem.
4. Improve: Solutions are developed to the problem and changes are made in the
5. Control: It is done at a desired level and expendable, it is put under control this last part
is the sustained part of the Six Sigma.

B. What is Lean thinking? What are the five essential steps? (¿Que es el pensamiento
de Lean? ¿cuá les son los cinco pasos esenciales?

LEAN's thinking focuses on waste disposal that is defined as something that is not necessary to
produce the product or service, a common measure, the amount of time the product is actually
being worked on, this approach It manifests itself in an emphasis on flow. The five essential steps
in Lean are:

1. Identifies which features create value.

2. Identify the sequence of activities called current value.
3. Make activities flow.
4. Let the customer pull the product or service through the process.
5. Perfect the process.

C. What is the focus of the Theory of Constraints? How does it improve a system?

 The restriction theory focuses on improving the system that is defined as a series of inter-
dependent processes. An analogy for a chain system a group of links working together
towards a general objective, the restriction is a weak link and the performance of the
whole chain is limited by the strength of the weak link, in manufacturing processes
everything slows down that It consists of five steps:

1. Identify the Restriction

2. Take advantage of the
3 Constraint Subordinate other processes to the Restriction
4.Raise the Restriction
5.Repeat the Cycle

System-wide performance is re-evaluated for the new constraint process; Exploiting the
process, subordinating and evaluating. By focusing on the restrictions, this methodology
produces positive effects on the flow time of the product or service through the system.
Reducing waste in the restriction increases performance and improves time, decreases
variation and improves quality, this approach does not require an intimate knowledge of
data analysis or a large number of people who understand the elements of System, only a
few people with the power to change things are all that is needed.

D. Based on your project, choose one of the methodologies for your organizació n
and clearly support why you chose it.

 In our project it would put into practice the thought of lean, as the reading is evidenced,
Lean identifies the value and the determination of the characteristics at internal level and
external points of the client, makes that they are valued terms of as the specific product
Meets the requirements and needs of customers at a specific time. The necessary
operations are defined as a prerequisite for other activities being an essential part of the
business. Lean focuses on eliminating waste and improves flow, the product for less time
in the process, reducing the chances of damage. As the company observes all value-flow
activities, the system restriction is eliminated and performance is improved.

In OTEX the lean thinking is implemented minimizing the waste that damages the processes that
exert speed and improvement.

Implementing self-criticism and identifying improvement in the following aspects through lran

1. OVERPRODUCTION: estimate accurately the future demand, adjusting to what the client

2. WAITING TIMES: order to repair parts in time to avoid affecting the processes.

3. TRANSPORTATION: Do not accumulate raw materials and finished products.

4. UNNECESSARY STOCK: Do not store raw materials and products that are not requested by

5. MOVEMENTS: Lack of planning in the processes, making the employees carry out activities
without having the need.

6. DEFECTS: Offer products in poor condition.

7. HUMAN TALENT: Inadequate assignment of tasks for workers


The evidence presented above shows us the importance of learn about topics with more technical
vocabulary, also to improving the pronunciation and retake topics from other areas that we do not
have many times the opportunity to study in English.

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