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Alright, FINE

Alex: Come on. Come ooooon. You know you want to.

Jade: No, I don't want to. YOU want me to.

Alex: Nooo, don't kid yourself. You want to. Do it. Go on!

Jade: Alright, FINE. Picks up wig, puts it on and faffs around. Well, I do look quite dashing.

Alex: Yes, I think so too.

Jade: Alright. Well, now it's your turn Alex. Go on. Get on with it.

Alex: Get on with what? I have no idea what you're on about.

Jade: You know fine well what I'm talking about. Now do it.

Alex shakes head furiously.

Jade: Whispering venomously into his ear. Doooooooo it.

Alex: Alright, FINE. Eats a spoonful of cold baked bean and shudders in happiness.

Jade: Feels good, doesn't it.

Alex: Yeah.

Camera pans out to a sign that says Bizarre Bad Habit-Keepers Anonymous

Alex: Go on, Sally. It's your turn. Just accept that you're gonna do it. Accept people's judgements.
You can do this.

Sally (Jade in different costume): Nope. I don't think I can.

Alex: No, go on. We are supporting you through this difficult time.

Sally: While beginning to tear up. Alright, FINE. Sucks on her hair furiously.

Alex: There now. That wasn't so hard... Just make sure you get your hairballs removed regularly, eh.

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