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Look, read and complete the activities.  

1. Look at the picture and say: a - Where is it from?  

Is it from…. A book? A Magazine? 
A newspaper? The internet?   
B- How can you identify the origin of the graphic? What can you see in it? 
2. What do people in the pictures do (what are their occupations)? 
3. What other professions/occupations can you remember? Name 6 more 
4. Read the following text and highlight NEW words 

Interviewer​: Hello, nice to see you again, Javier.

Mascherano​: Hi, nice to see you too.
Interviewer​: Thank you for your time, I know you are really busy.
Mascherano​: It’s ok. I do a lot of things in my free time.. I also have time for interviews.
Interviewer​: What other things do you do in your free time?
Mascherano​: Well… I usually train… I exercise 4 hours a day. After that I relax… Sometimes I watch series on Netflix or
I listen to music.
Interviewer​: Great! So you have time to relax everyday…!
Mascherano​: Not really. Last week was a difficult week.
Interviewer​: Why?
Mascherano​: Because we had an important game and I was in the concentration
Interviewer​: OMG! That’s hard…
Mascherano​: Yes, really hard.
Interviewer​: And what about next week? Are you going to have a hard week too?
Mascherano​: Yes! We have a new championship

6. Answer the questions: 

a. Does the interviewer know Mascherano? How do you know?
b. Do they use formal or informal language? Why?

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