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Amphoteric Polymer Improves

Hydrocarbon/Water Ratios in Producing

WellsĊAn Indonesian Case Study
F.O. Stanley, SPE, BJ Services; P.S. Tanggu, California Energy; and Hardianto
and Ewen Marnoch, SPE, BJ Services

Summary be produced by a well completed at that level, and also influence the
Exorbitant water production is constantly burdening the oil indus- relative rates of production. In most water-wet-sandstone forma-
try, especially as lifting and facility costs rise and disposal of pro- tions, the water saturation varies from 100% below the oil zone to
duced water becomes increasingly expensive and environmentally progressively lower percentages at points higher in the oil zone. The
sensitive. An amphoteric polymer material (APM), previously de- zone from a point of 100% water saturation to some point above
scribed in Ref. 2, has been successfully applied in Indonesia. This which water saturation is fairly constant is called the transition inter-
product reduces water cut and very often increases hydrocarbon val. Relative permeability relations permit both water and oil to be
production by effectively reducing the permeability to water with- produced from this transition zone.
out significantly changing the formation permeability to hydrocar-
bons. This paper reviews the mechanism, application, and Water Production Overview
associated laboratory results by which the APM polymer reduces Extreme water production problems can come from many sources.
water cut, with a primary emphasis on Indonesian case histories. These include, but are not limited to, channels behind casing, casing
The product can successfully and economically reduce water pro- leaks, coning, encroachment, water breakthrough, and natural and
duction, often with the added benefit of increased hydrocarbon pro- induced fractures. An important step in solving excessive water pro-
duction. Results also indicate that high-permeability sandstone res- duction is to determine the source. A water-control method can then
ervoirs with water-production problems can benefit from APM be designed to control the unwanted water.
treatments. Laboratory and field results show good product applica- Cement squeezing for control of water production, because of
tion under high-shear situations and at temperatures up to channels and casing leaks, can be very effective. However, if the wa-
275°F.1,2,4 Careful candidate selection and good placement tech- ter is being produced from a formation close to the perforated inter-
niques, in conjunction with production logging to determine water val, the cement will have limited success because poor penetration
location, are important to the success of APM jobs. into the pore openings provides only a thin barrier to water produc-
tion. Other systems available are low or solids-free grouts including
plastics, sodium silicates, and polymer solutions.
Low-viscosity treatments often penetrate into the reservoir. If
The profitability of oil companies is suffering in high water-cut placed effectively, they can provide some control of water production
areas and a focus on methods for water control is paramount in the by blocking pore throats and flow channels through which water nat-
engineers’ plans to increase profits. Wells treated during a late 1995 urally produces. Application of these treatments can be difficult, es-
and early 1996 Indonesian study showed a water-cut reduction, an pecially in zones where the offending water production cannot be iso-
increased oil cut, and a reduced total volume of produced fluid in the lated or identified. The treatments often follow the path of least
field, enabling more wells to be placed on-line and not exceed wa- resistance and may not effectively seal off the water production. In-
ter-management capabilities of the production facilities. correct placement could cause damage to the oil section of the zone,
High water cuts are often caused by common oilfield phenomena resulting in serious and often permanent production losses. If the flow
such as water fingering, coning, or early breakthrough during flood- of water is from a large channel or fracture, then these systems may
ing projects. Water production occurs in many oil and gas wells pri- not have sufficient strength or viscosity to stay in place and are either
marily because of the higher mobility of water relative to hydrocar- bypassed or produced out in a short period of time.
bons. This water production can take place on the initial completion An APM was developed to selectively combat the problem of ex-
or later in the life of the well. Small amounts of water may not create cessive water production.1,2,4 APM is a terpolymer characterized by
problems; however, when the production of water becomes exces- the presence of both positively and negatively charged components
sive, it is often necessary to consider water reduction. Operators are along the polymer chain. The nature of this polymeric material is to
often required to shut in high-water-cut, low-oil-producing wells so provide a strong bond to the formation. The hydrophilic character
that they can meet facility capabilities even though the reservoir is of one branch of the polymer forms a hydrogen bond to water. The
known to contain economic quantities of hydrocarbons. Large net effect is a drag or high friction pressure on water flowing through
quantities of water add to the overall dollar-per-barrel costs of pro- the formation pore spaces. Laboratory tests with APM on lower-
ducing a well. More water can mean additional lifting, separating, permeability (50 to 250 md) Berea sandstone (Figs. 1 through 4)
and treatment costs as well as the environmental concerns that are and on the higher permeability (7.7 d) Gretta formation (Fig. 5)
associated with water disposal. show that significant reduction in permeability to water is accom-
Hydrocarbon production can also be reduced by high water pro- plished with little effect on the permeability to oil. Water production
duction. The increased wellbore hydrostatic head often reduces the is reduced by lowering the mobility of water without restricting pro-
available energy to drawdown the reservoir. Higher-density water duction of oil or gas to any appreciable extent.
in the tubing string can lead to early shut-in or the installation of un-
planned artificial-lift equipment. General Formation Discussion
The relative amounts of gas, oil, and water present at any particu- Permeability is a measure of the ease with which fluid or gas can
lar level in the reservoir determine the most likely fluid(s) that will move through the interconnected pore spaces of the formation.
When the pore spaces contain only one fluid, the permeability of
*Formerly with PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia. that rock to that fluid is described as the absolute permeability. Be-
Copyright 1997 Society of Petroleum Engineers
cause two, and often three, fluids (gas, oil, and water) can exist in
the same pore spaces in a petroleum reservoir, relative permeability
Original SPE manuscript received for review 16 September 1996. Paper peer approved 22
May 1997. Paper (SPE 37016) first presented at the 1996 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Con-
relationships must be considered. Relative permeability represents
ference held in Adelaide, Australia, 28–31 October. the ease with which one fluid flows through connecting pore spaces

SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997 181

Fig. 1—The effect of APM on the absolute water permeability af- Fig. 2—The strong bonding and long-lasting properties of APM
ter treatment. The permeability of the core to water is reduced for water control are illustrated. The APM was still effective after
approximately 90%. 5,000 pore volumes of a high-salinity brine had been flowed
through the core.

Fig. 4—Relative oil and water permeability determinations made

at irreducible fluid saturations. The data show that oil permeabil-
Fig. 3—The performance of APM is not sensitive to shearing ac- ity was relatively unchanged, but a significant decrease in rela-
tion that may result from mixing and pumping. tive permeability to water does occur.

in the presence of other fluids, compared to the ease which one fluid
flows when it is alone.
Most reservoir rocks were formed or laid down in water with hy-
drocarbons replacing a portion of the water at a later date. For this rea-
son, most reservoir rocks are considered to be water wet. The grains
of the rock matrix are coated with a film of water permitting hydrocar-
bons to fill the center of the pore spaces. Productivity of hydrocarbons
is maximized in sandstone formations that are water wet.3
Water saturation in a reservoir can vary from 100% (when pores are
completely filled with water), to connate water saturation where only
a thin film of water coats the actual formation rock. Connate water is
also called irreducible water. This water is not mobile and will not be Fig. 5—Relative oil and water permeability determinations made
produced from the pore spaces. Between these two extremes is the at irreducible fluid saturations on a highly permeable sand pack.
transition zone of a formation. Here, relative permeability relations The data show that oil permeability is relatively unchanged, but
a significant decrease in relative permeability to water does occur.
permit and influence the production of both water and oil.
Water coning, encroachment, and breakthrough are all factors
that can affect the near-wellbore water saturation and can play a If a large change in absolute permeability is observed, then an ex-
large part in influencing the ratio of water to hydrocarbon produc- amination of well information may provide some clues as to the
tion. Production of hydrocarbons and water from a formation is de- cause. A reduction in permeability may reflect fines migration, scale
termined by the effective permeability of the formation to that fluid, build-up, organic deposition, wettability changes, or a variety of
and the effective permeability is a function of water saturation.1,2,4 other formation-damage mechanisms. Suitable damage-removal
During the production life of a well, relative permeabilities in the systems (acids, solvents, etc.) may be sufficient to restore natural
near-wellbore area can be changed by many factors; however, the permeability and improve hydrocarbon production. A significant
overall absolute permeability of the formation should remain stable. increase in absolute permeability, especially in wells that have not
Refs. 2 and 4 review the unique ratio of effective permeability to been fracture stimulated, often indicates an external source of water
oil vs. effective permeability to water that exists for each water satu- production from a channel behind pipe, a casing leak, or an induced
ration. These papers go into great detail on the calculations in- fracture. If it is determined that the production of water is through
volved, using this and other formation information to give an indica- the formation matrix, APM can be recommended to reduce the rela-
tion of whether a zone is damaged, producing naturally, or if fluids tive permeability of the formation to water and subsequently reduce
are entering from another source. water production.
Relative permeability and associated calculations can be hard to
perform because the required reservoir and well data are often hard Treatment Overview
to obtain. In those situations, a determination on the use of APM is The APM treatment is carried in a brine solution (2% KCl or NH4Cl)
often made using knowledge of area water-production characteris- containing mutual solvent and a surface active agent. The mutual
tics. Production logging can also be useful in determining the source solvent is required to provide strong water-wetting properties to the
of water and helping to selectively treat just the water-producing treating fluid. This allows the APM to strongly absorb to the rock.
portion of the zone. The surface active agent aids in the penetration of APM (2 cp viscos-

182 SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997

ally, as the permeability increases, the available surface area for
treatment decreases and the APM concentration (and volume)
should be increased.
Conventional pumping and mechanical equipment are used for
mixing, pumping, and placement. Pump rates are generally below
2 bbl/min and should always remain below the fracture gradient. A
shut-in period of 2 to 4 hours is required to allow the polymer time
to give the optimum relative permeability changes. See the simpli-
fied procedure below.
1. Perform production logging, reservoir modeling, and/or detailed
production plotting to determine the location of the unwanted water
and whether the well is a good candidate for water-control treatments.
Fig. 6—Pore volume required to fill radially around a 7-in. well- 2. If possible, attempt to isolate the zone of interest to be treated
bore. by using a packer(s) or other method. This is especially important
on long intervals.
ity with surface tension of 18 to 20 dyne/cm) into the small forma- 3. Hold safety meeting, rig up pump truck, and test lines. Pickle
tion capillaries and improves fluid cleanup after the treatment. Dis- pipe if necessary.
placement is usually with a KCl or produced-water fluid. 4. Perform injectivity test with filtered KCl and record pressures.
Wettability problems encountered in oil or gas wells may also con- Do not exceed formation fracture pressure.
tribute to high water production. In sandstone reservoirs, before pro- 5. Mix preflush and APM product in clean tanks.
duction, the water preferentially adheres to the rock. In this situation, 6. Pump the following treatment below fracture pressure:
oil will be the most likely fluid to flow. However, in many oil wells SXylene, toluene, or diesel at +/- 25 to 50 gal/ft plus water wetting
heavy-ended organics such as paraffin and asphaltenes may deposit surfactant/nonemulsifier.
on the formation surface and create an oil-wet situation. This condi- SAPM product to give 5 to 8 ft of radial penetration.
tion will allow water to be the preferred fluid for flow. In many oilwell SFiltered KCl displacement fluid.
cases, a solvent treatment combined with a water-wetting chemi- 7. Displace to within 1 bbl of perforations.
cal(s), designed to help with the organic-deposition removal, can less- 8. Shut well in for at least 2 to 4 hours (longer is O.K.).
en this problem and is often used in front of the APM treatment.3 For 9. Slowly bring well on production.
gas wells, 2% KCl plus a water-wetting surfactant (surface active
agent) is recommended as a preflush before an APM treatment. Indonesian Case Histories
The actual volume of APM needed to reduce relative permeabil- High water cuts are a major problem for many wells in the Riau area
ity to water in a particular formation is largely a function of the of central Sumatra, Indonesia. The majority of the area is a large an-
formation’s ion-exchange capacity. For practical design purposes, ticline with a natural (strong) water drive. Coning and fingering
the normal treatments are designed for radial penetration of 5 to 8 (channeling) of water from high-permeability streaks are thought to
ft, which covers an average range of 60 to 400 gal/ft of section be the primary contributors to water-production problems. This is
treated. Fig. 6 (or similar industry-published graphs) can be used to confirmed from various sources—production logging, detailed res-
calculate treatment volumes on the basis of wellbore size and forma- ervoir modeling, and water/oil ratio (WOR) and WOR-derivative
tion porosity. APM concentrations generally range from 1 to 10% plot-performance curves. WOR plots are described further in vari-

by volume and are surface-area and permeability dependent. Gener- ous SPE papers. For this project, the WOR plots indicated that there

Stimulation Job Description and Well Information



Treatment Fluid Treatment Fluids of Perforations, gal/ft

Diesel 25 25 25 71 50

APM (% APM concentration) 195 135 163 571 375
(8%) (8%) (8%) (8%) (10%)


Bottomhole static temperature, °F 136 136 225 122 240

Bottomhole pressure, psi 620 615 1,500 650 470
Depth, ft 1,318 1,311 3,940 980 2,294

Gross perforations, ft 24 28 20 17 10

Treated perforations, ft 18 28 20 7 10

Permeability, md 478 421 998 681 3,487
Porosity, % 33 23 25 25 22

Gravity of oil, °API 22.1 23.8 35 23.8 36

Casing diameter, in. 7 7 9.625 7 7
Tubing diameter, in. 4.5 4.5 3.5 4.5 3.5


Initial bbl/D of fluid, pretreatment 3,216 1,192 1,464 615 12,593 19,080

Current bbl/D of fluid, posttreatment 1,136 654 792 996 7,266 10,844

Initial BOPD, pretreatment 64 83 73 74 342 636
Current BOPD, posttreatment 182 111 277 50 385 1,005

Initial % water cut, pretreatment 98 93 95 88 97.4 96.7
Current % water cut, posttreatment 84 83 65 95 94.7 90.1

SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997 183

Fig. 7—Production performance on Well 1—Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.

was a deviation in what was previously a normal water cut. This, in In October 1995, the lower 18 ft of perforations were treated (at
combination with reservoir and logging info, helped to determine 0.5 to 0.75 bbl/min) with 450 gal (25 gal/ft) of diesel (plus additives)
that fingering or channeling was the most likely water source. followed by 3,500 gal (195 gal/ft) 2% KCl with 8% APM concentra-
Facilities and pipelines that handle and transport total fluid tion (plus additives). Surface pressures during the job were less than
throughout the area are currently being used to their maximum capa- 5 psi. Estimated radial penetration of the APM was 5 ft.
cities. Selective well “shut ins” have had to be performed because The production (Fig. 7) showed an initial dramatic improvement
of the limitations of handling large quantities of water. These cur- in oil production from 64 to 346 BOPD (a 441% increase) and a
tailments have resulted in loss of oil production. drastic decrease in fluid production from 3,216 to 1,236 B/D of fluid
The primary objective of this APM pilot project was to reduce to- (a 62% decrease). Water cut was reduced from 98 to 84%. Produc-
tal water production from high-water-cut wells while still maintain- tion has stabilized at 182 BOPD and 1,136 B/D of fluid (84% water
ing the current oil production in those wells. Any increase in oil pro- cut). Water reduction and subsequent oil increase was immediate on
duction would also be welcome but was not essential. Reduced fluid this well. This is most likely caused by the selective treatment of
volumes would in turn save water-treating, facility, and field-main- only the water section of the zone with the APM. The payout of the
tenance costs. Various intervals in this area have been previously entire project was less than 10 days.
left unproduced because of excessive water production. If the pilot
project was deemed successful, then numerous zones could be Well 2. Well 2 experienced oil-production declines from 300 BOPD
opened and/or reopened and APM jobs performed. to 83 BOPD while total fluid was maintained at 1,200 B/D of fluid.
Seven APM jobs have been performed to date. Five wells are Water cut had increased to 93%; however, additional remaining re-
presented in this paper (the data is summarized in Table 1). The oth- serves were calculated. The most likely path of water production was
er jobs were recently pumped and are cleaning up; early indications high-permeability channels (fingering), which was also noted on the
are favorable. No. 1 offset well. An APM treatment was recommended to help re-
duce the relative permeability to water and reduce water volumes. A
Well 1. Excess water production was a problem on this well and esti- slight oil gain was also anticipated. The suspected water interval was
mated remaining reserves were calculated at 350,000 bbl. A com- thought to be in the lower portion of the zone; however, it was planned
prehensive analysis program (production logging, reservoir model- to treat the entire interval with the APM. By treating both the oil and
ing, and WOR plots) was performed to identify the water-producing water sections, the intention was to confirm lab tests that showed little
layer and its mechanism. Data indicated that the lower portion of the reduction in permeability to oil with the use of APM.
zone was contributing the majority of the water production for the In November 1995, the entire 28-ft interval was treated (at 0.75
interval. The most likely path was through high-permeability bbl/min) with 700 gal (25 gal/ft) of diesel (plus additives) followed
channels (fingering). A low-risk APM water treatment was rec- by 3,750 gal (135 gal/ft) 2% KCl with 8% APM concentration (plus
ommended. additives). Pump pressures increased from 10 to 35 psi when the

Fig. 8—Production performance on Well 2—Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.

184 SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997

Fig. 9—Production performance on Well 3—Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.

APM system was at the perforations. Estimated radial penetration job was still planned in an attempt to decrease water and increase oil
of the APM was 5 ft. production. In December 1995, the 7-ft interval was treated (at 1.0
After treatment, the oil increase (Fig. 8) was slow but showed bbl/min) with 500 gal (71 gal/ft) of diesel (plus additives), followed
continuous improvement with time. Current improvement in oil by 4,000 gal (571 gal/ft) 2% KCl with 8% APM concentration (plus
production is from 83 to 111 BOPD (a 34% increase) and a decrease additives). Pump pressures increased slightly during the job from 0
in fluid production from 1,192 to 654 B/D of fluid (a 45% decrease). to 11 psi. Estimated radial penetration of the APM was 9 ft.
Water cut was reduced from 93% to 83%. The slow cleanup of this A successful total fluid production decrease was noted (Fig. 10).
well (compared to the No. 1 offset described above) is believed to The total fluid was reduced from 615 to 480 B/D of fluid (a 22% de-
be caused by the entire interval being treated with APM. The oil was crease); however, the oil production also dropped. A steady, slow in-
pushed away from the wellbore during the treatment and took time crease in oil was closely monitored and in March 1996 a workover
to re-establish its production path to the wellbore. Extensive logging to clean out sand fill was performed in the hope of increasing the oil
was not performed to identify the water-producing interval, result- production. The oil increased; however, the total fluid also jumped
ing in cost savings and faster payout. drastically. This well, as stated above, was not the best candidate for
a water-control treatment, and the response from the APM treatment
Well 3. This well was identified as having a water-channeling prob- has confirmed this observation.
lem from evaluation of WOR and WOR-derivative plots. In Febru-
ary 1996, the entire 20-ft interval was treated (at 0.50 bbl/min) with Well 5. This well was identified as having a water-channeling prob-
500 gal (25 gal/ft) of diesel (plus additives), followed by 3,250 gal lem from evaluation of WOR and WOR-derivative plots. In March
(163 gal/ft) 2% KCl with 8% APM concentration (plus additives). 1996, the 10-ft interval was treated (at 0.50 bbl/min) with 500 gal
Pump pressures remained flat at 0 to 5 psi throughout the job. Esti- (50 gal/ft) of diesel (plus additives), followed by 3,750 gal (375 gal/
mated radial penetration of the APM was 5 ft. ft) 2% KCl with 10% APM concentration (plus additives). Pump
Oil-production increase (Fig. 9) was slow but gradually increased pressures increased slightly from 0 to 20 psi when the APM polymer
to 419 BOPD (from a pretreatment rate of 73 BOPD) within 2 weeks reached the perforations. Estimated radial penetration of the APM
of the APM job. Current oil production is 277 BOPD (a 279% in- was 8 ft.
crease) with a decrease in total fluid production from 1,464 to 792 Oil-production increase (Fig. 11) was slow but gradually increased
bbl/D of fluid (a 46% decrease). Water cut was reduced from 95 to to 385 BOPD (from a pretreatment rate of 342 BOPD) within 2
65%. Production logging was not performed to identify the water- months of the APM job. A decrease in total fluid production from
producing interval, resulting in cost savings and a rapid payout of 12,593 to 7,266 B/D of fluid (a 42% decrease) was noted; however,
less than 2 weeks. Of special note is that the bottomhole temperature a portion of this was possibly caused by the smaller-sized pump that
on this well is 225°F, confirming previous laboratory tests showing was run after the APM treatment. What is more notable is the water-
high-temperature stability of the APM product. cut reduction from 97.4 to 94.7%. Production logging to identify the
water-producing interval was not performed. The current trend on this
Well 4. Diagnostic plots on this well identified water channeling as well is a continued increase in oil production with a stable water cut.
the most probable cause of the high water cuts. Although the zone Bottomhole temperature is 240°F and the permeability is estimated
does not have a strong water drive, has limited interval (7 ft), and has at 3,800 md, illustrating that high-permeability and high-temperature
relatively low water cut (relative to other “problem” wells), an APM wells can benefit from the APM product.

Fig. 10—Production performance on Well 4—Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.

SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997 185

Fig. 11—Production performance on Well 5—Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia.

Discussion SI Metric Conversion Factors

Results of the ongoing pilot study show that treated wells cumula- °API 141.5/(131.5)°API)+g/cm3
tively dropped water cuts from 96.7 to 90.1%, increased oil by a to- bbl 1.589 873 E*01 +m3
tal of 369 BOPD (a 58% increase) and decreased total produced cp 1.0* E*03 +Pa@s
fluid by 8,236 B/D of fluid (a 43% decrease). The reduced water vol- ft 3.048* E*01 +m
ume has allowed all wells in the field to be placed on line without dyne 1.0* E*02 +mN
exceeding facility water-production capabilities. This in turn has in- °F (°F*32)/1.8 +°C
creased the average total barrels of oil per day and decreased the av- gal 3.785 412 E*03 +m3
erage water-handling costs for the area. Reducing the water cut has in. 2.54* E)00 +cm
allowed the operating company to extend the economic life of the md 9.869 233 E*04 +mm2
wells and increase the recoverable hydrocarbon reserves. psi 6.894 757 E)00 +kPa
*Conversion factor is exact. SPEPF
1. An amphoteric polymer material (APM) has been applied suc-
cessfully to an Indonesian oil field to reduce water production econom- Rick Stanley is a country technical engineer for BJ Services workĆ
ically with the extra benefit of increased hydrocarbon production. ing in Jakarta, Indonesia. His primary areas of responsibility are
2. High-permeability sandstone reservoirs with water-produc- fracturing, acidizing, remedial treatments, and sand control/
tion problems can benefit from APM treatments. frac packing. Before his 9 years with BJ Services, spent mostly in
New Orleans, he held various production and drilling engineerĆ
3. Field results verify previous laboratory tests showing good
ing positions with Callon Petroleum in Natchez, Mississippi, and
product application at temperatures above 200°F. with Exxon Company U.S.A. in New Orleans. He holds a BS deĆ
4. The candidate selection and implementation process, includ- gree in civil engineering from the U. of Alabama. Ewen Marnoch
ing detailed water-production plots and proper placement tech- is a station manager with BJ Services working in Duri, Indonesia.
niques, in conjunction with production logging to determine exact His focus in recent years has been on operations, remedial waĆ
water location, are important to the long-term success of APM jobs. terĆcontrol treatments, sand control, and frac packing. Before
his Duri assignment he was involved in coiledĆtubing operations
Acknowledgments in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the North Sea area. Hardianto is a
field technical engineer with BJ Services currently working in BalĆ
We extend our appreciation to PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia and BJ ikpapan, Indonesia. His current focus is on cementing; however,
Services for permission to publish this paper. Special thanks to all previously he was stationed in Duri and involved in remedial waĆ
those that supplied vital well information and treatment results. In terĆcontrol treatments and sand control. He holds a BS degree
addition, we gratefully acknowledge the previous diligent work by in petroleum engineering from UPN in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Joel Boles, Dave Dunlap, and Rudy Novotny on this subject. Paternus Syukur Tanggu is now working with California Energy
Co. Previously he was in the production department in Duri for
PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia and was involved in remedial and
References stimulation projects in the Duri field. He graduated from ITB in
1. Boles, J.L. and Mancillas, G.: “Water Control Well Treatment Solution Bandung, Indonesia, with a degree in petroleum engineering.
and Method,” U.S. Patent No. 4,476,931 (16 October 1984). Photo is unavailable.
2. Dunlap, D.D., Boles, J.L., and Novotny, R.J.: “Method for Improving Hy-
drocarbon-Water Ratios in Producing Wells,” paper SPE 14822 presented
at the 1986 SPE Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette,
Louisiana, 26–27 February.
3. Gidley, J.L.: “Stimulation of Sandstone Formations with Acid-Mutual
Solvent Method,” JPT (May 1971) 551.
4. Novotny, R.J.: “Matrix Flow Evaluation Technique for Water Control Ap-
plications,” paper SPE 30094 presented at the 1995 SPE European Forma-
tion Damage Conference, The Hague, Netherlands. Stanley Marnoch Hardianto

186 SPE Production & Facilities, August 1997

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