Education Philosophy

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Art Education Philosophy

Maddie Blohm Ms. Blohm

My goal as an educator is to challenge my students, both inside and outside of the classroom.
School is the place where students can develop curiosity and have the chance to venture through
experimental thought processes. Education is constantly changing and there is always room for
progress. Failure is another opportunity to develop competence and technique in the face of
adversity within the content. When presenting a demonstration and doesn’t follow the planned
procedural structure, adaption will take full force within my lesson. I will preserve and reroute
my thought process and methods to acclimate to the changing classroom elements. I want my
students to show perseverance and to prove to themselves that are other methods to problem
solve and to never shy away from failure.
From my educational experiences, my favorite teacher always made it justice to go out of their
way to check if each student’s psychological needs were being met to satisfaction. She always
gave a sense of belonging and treated everyone with appreciation. As a student, that
encompassed the growth of my motivation and passion for knowledge. Now that I am educator, I
have realized the importance of each need to be achieved in the classroom. This pertains to
student learning because any child should have the experience to gain a sense of achievement,
respect, fun, and freedom in a school setting. If any of those needs are met to standard, it
assembles a positive and safe learning environment and can guide relevance to their future
As a future art educator, I will share my passion and love for art with my students. By doing so, I
will display my past and current artworks to intrigue my students. It’s important to me to become
a teacher that reaches out to my students to explore and promote curiosity in the world of art.
There are benefits to allow my students to be themselves, while expressing originality through
the use of multiple art mediums. Art is a way to escape and give people a break from mundane
reality. Art allows the translation of emotions, the fleeting feelings of a moment, and gives
opportunity to tell your own story. Isolation is never welcome in my classroom. Art is the best
way to form a community and enables students to create relatable artworks. My purpose as an art
educator is to help develop future artists and have them discover a deeper appreciation for art. I
believe that everyone has the potential to be an artist, and my role within my chosen field is to
help them establish their own path within art.
My growth as a teacher has magnified since I have been enrolled in the university. Coming into
the education program was stressful because it was the fear of unknowing if this was truly the
right fit. Throughout the years, the art professors, education professors, and cooperative teachers
have eased my tension. Combining all their training and my experiences operating a classroom
has been beneficial. It has led to me to believe that I can embellish into a confident teacher by
connecting with my students, being passionate, and being open minded to other interpretations.
My overall encounters in education has led me to believe that I have chosen the correct career
path for myself and will continue to thrive in my field.

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