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The Social networks in my point of view are positive, which is why it makes people keep in
communication with each other, sharing relevant events, providing product information,
making life globalize efficiently. A tool when it comes to selling in your business because it
is connected to people's lives resulting in advertising, organizational and commercial. The
advantages is the point of view of the company bringing efficiency in its activities of
demonstrations, marketing and promotional sales is vital the publications on social
networks since people are interacting in them this makes them know your business and the
globalization of the new world digital.

Globalization is a very important item for the people of the world since it brings markets,
cultures, people and knowledge closer. The environment keeps people united by different
circumstances in common for tastes and the connection of the digital age is essential for the
community. This makes the borders disappear thanks to the fluidity of the environment of
an interactive tool.

The misuses of social networks cause great consequences in the social environment since in
the interactions they violate duties as citizens to abide by such as the privacy, security and
privacy of data because there are people who violate these parameters by giving it
inappropriate use is where they are develop problems of the social environment with cyber
attacks of bullying affects integrity, free development of thinking and personality. The theft
of information is a very vulnerable problem in social networks since anyone has access to it
and this causes that anyone can copy your identity and expand it without any control
whatsoever this data is important for people these can be bank accounts, private
information, statements, notes etc. Thefts can be made easier from your accounts with this
information violating your privacy rights. Data on social networks should be minimal
because they can be attacked by cyber criminals without the appropriate control of the
responsible authorities

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