Soil, Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil: December 2006

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Soil, Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil

Chapter · December 2006

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.b07_613.pub2


2 49,844

20 authors, including:

Stephen Nortcliff Claus G. Bannick

University of Reading Umweltbundesamt, Germany


H. Schulte-Bisping N. Litz
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen 29 PUBLICATIONS   173 CITATIONS   

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Article No : b07_613 Article with Color Figures

Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization

of Soil
STEPHEN NORTCLIFF, University of Reading, Department of Soil Science, Reading,
United Kingdom
HERWIG HULPKE, Bayer AG, WV Umweltschutz, Leverkusen, Germany
CLAUS G. BANNICK, Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany
KONSTANTIN TERYTZE, Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany
GERHARD KNOOP, Bayer AG, WV Umweltschutz, Leverkusen, Germany
MICHAEL BREDEMEIER, Universit€at G€ottingen, Forschungszentrum Wald€
G€ottingen, Germany
HUBERT SCHULTE-BISPING, Universit€at G€ottingen, Institut f€
ur Bodenkunde, G€

1. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

2. Ecological and Political Aspects of Soil 3.1.4. Other Soil Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Utilization of Wastes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
3. Function and Utilization of Soil . . . . . . . 402 Raw Material Deposits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
3.1. Soil Ecosystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 3.2. Land Utilization and Soil Destruction
3.1.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 (Statistics) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
3.1.2. Ecological Soil Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 3.2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Regulating Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 3.2.2. Land Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 Habitat Function for Organisms in and upon 3.2.3. Soil Destruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
the Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 3.2.4. Forecast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
3.1.3. Productive Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412

1. Definition which reflect, at least in part, varying combina-

tions of mineral and organic matter and their
Soil is normally considered as the fine earth differing responses–both separately and often in
which covers land surfaces as a result of the in complex association–to different environmental
situ weathering of rock materials or the accumu- conditions. Indeed soil (and the soil constitu-
lation of mineral matter transported by water, ents), together with the plant life it supports, the
wind, or ice. The distinctive feature of soil is that rock on which it lies, and the climate it experi-
to this weathered mineral material is added or- ences, forms a finely balanced system.
ganic material. This organic material may be Depending upon the context, the word ‘‘soil’’
both living and dead. The dead organic matter may have very different meanings. A simple
will include little altered and freshly added dead definition of soil is the material that plants grow
plant roots and leaf and other plant litter, dead in and which provides them with physical support,
fauna, and organic material in various stages of water, and nutrients. There are other more partic-
decomposition from little modified relatively ular uses of the term soil. To the engineer, soil is
fresh materials to the complex decomposed ma- the finely divided and relatively loose ‘‘rock’’
terial called humus. It is this mixture of mineral material at the earth’s surface, and this overburden
and organic material which gives the soils their is often considered an inconvenience because it
distinctive characteristics. Across the surface of must be removed. The geologist calls this layer the
the earth there are many different types of soil regolith and geological investigations frequently

 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

DOI: 10.1002/14356007.b07_613.pub3
400 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

begin below it. The hydrologist looks on the soil as the soil and are also subject to considerable
if it were a large reservoir storing water to supply changes as a result of the weather, being fre-
streams and rivers. The most widely held view of quently exposed to wetting and drying cycles and
the soil, however, is as a medium for plant growth to a wide range of temperatures, which results in
and the provision of food and fiber directly or high rates of activity in physical and chemical
through the intermediate stage of animals. processes. Both organic and mineral materials
Soil is important as a medium for plant growth are transformed in these surface layers and fre-
and for the support of much animal and human quently some of the byproducts of these trans-
activity. The soil acts as a reservoir for nutrients formations are released and removed to lower
and water providing the plants’ needs for these layers within the soil (eluviation). Below the A
requirements throughout their growth. The soil horizons usually B horizons are encountered
may also provide an environment for the break- where the balance shifts from predominantly
down and immobilization of materials added to biological processes as in the A horizons to
the surface (in addition to the aforementioned predominantly chemical and physical processes.
plant and animal remains) such as fertilizers and Pedologists normally consider this zone to be that
pesticides and waste products such as sewage of peak activity of the pedological or soil-form-
sludge, animal wastes and slurries, and com- ing processes, and it is for this reason that many
posted refuse materials. The soil is a complex of the currently used soil classifications pay
dynamic system in which the interactions of the particular attention to the characteristics of the
biological, chemical, and physical environments B horizon in the allocation of soils to classes. The
results in the transformation of materials, possi- B horizons are frequently subject to the maxi-
bly rendering initially harmful materials less mum intensity of weathering processes and trans-
dangerous and immobilizing others as a result formations and may also exhibit the accumula-
of the interactions between these added materials tion of materials translocated from surface layers
and the organic and inorganic soil constituents. (illuviation) such as clays, organic matter, and
This immobilization may enable breakdown of iron and aluminum hydrous oxides. The descrip-
the potentially dangerous materials to less dan- tion of B horizons frequently emphasises the
gerous forms. These interactions and transforma- degree of weathering and the nature of the accu-
tions may be long term, over decades, medium mulated materials. The C horizon, below the B, is
term over months or years, short term between the relatively unaltered material from which the
individual events such as rainstorms, or almost A and B horizons may have developed.
instantaneous. The importance of the incorporation and
The soil usually consist of a vertical sequence breakdown of organic matter and the production
of layers or horizons differentiated by physical, of complex organic materials, as well as the
chemical, or biological characteristics. This se- weathering of mineral materials to produce sec-
quence of layers is normally described as the soil ondary products (such as clay minerals) and to
profile. Surface horizons are usually character- release minerals which may be taken up by plants
ized by accumulations of organic materials as a or leached out of the system, provides the dis-
result of the addition of plant and animal residues tinctive nature of the soil. In particular the large
(it is, however, becoming increasingly apparent surface area associated with soil materials and
that organic additions in deeper layers from roots their ability both to retain and exchange ions
may have a significant role to play in the overall (both those added in fertilizers and those released
additions of organic material and in the operation during weathering and biological decomposi-
of the soil processes). Surface horizons with a tion) and to absorb water are important properties
mixture of mineral and organic materials are which distinguish soil from rock materials.
usually identified as A horizons and may be The soil performs many functions. These
further described by the amount and nature of include functions related to natural ecosystems,
the organic matter present within the horizon. agricultural productivity, environmental quality,
Where there is a substantial proportion of organic soil as source of raw materials and as base for
material in the surface layer it may be called O buildings. Of these the agricultural productivity
horizon. The A and O horizons are generally function is probably the most widely recognized
considered the biologically most active part of and understood. This function of soil is to support
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 401

plant and animal productivity whilst maintaining increasingly able to manipulate our environment.
or enhancing water and air quality and also As yet we know too little either of the nature of
supporting human health and habitation. To per- the soil – environment relationships or of the
form this production function, the soil must be changes in these relationships and the response
able to provide the following: a physical, chemi- of the soil as the environmental conditions are
cal and biological context suitable for the sur- changed. It is essential that this potential for
vival and development of living organisms; the change is acknowledged in any attempts to ma-
conditions for the regulation and partitioning of nipulate the soil – environment system.
water flow, storage and recycling of nutrients and
other elements; conditions to support biological
activity and diversity for plant growth and animal 2. Ecological and Political Aspects of
productivity; an environment to filter, buffer, Soil Protection
degrade, immobilize, and detoxify organic and
inorganic substances; and provide mechanical Soils are complex ecosystems that are strongly
support for living organisms and their structures. cross-linked to the other environmental compart-
This brief list of requirements illustrates the ments (water and air). Because of these linkages
complex demands placed upon soil if it is to far reaching interactions with the other environ-
maintain the productivity which is essential if the mental compartments exist, through which soils
food demands of an ever growing global popula- have an important ecological mediator function.
tion are to be met. It further illustrates the need to With respect to material transport processes,
understand the complex interactions between the soils can be both sources and sinks.
various components within the soil and the inter- In significant contrast to the other environ-
actions with other components of the terrestrial mental compartments (air, water systems) hu-
ecosystems. The productivity functions of soil is mans took possession of soil from early times.
probably the most widely studied and under- The concept of ‘‘owned land’’, which implies
stood, but the soil is increasingly expected to ‘‘possession of soil’’ underlines this fact. In some
perform functions related to the maintenance of languages (e.g., German) land (Land) and soil
environmental quality, such as the filtering of (Boden) are often used as synonyms. Soil there-
toxic materials applied to the soil surface. If the fore represents the most important resource for
soil is to perform these varied functions effec- human life in both its material and cultural
tively and with no reduction in its overall quality aspects. Because soil is possessed as property,
the role of the soil, its components and processes it has long been assumed that special care of the
must be investigated and understood. It must be soil by the state could be dispensed with, since
ensured that in performing one function the soil’s the soil’s owners would already take care of it.
ability to perform other functions is not reduced This assumption may well be true in many cases
or removed. for specific forms of use, such as agricultural use.
Soil is essential for many human activities. It But less care is felt when the utilization of the soil
is also a basic part of the natural environment. does not serve a single aim but several parallel or
The development of humans and society since even conflicting purposes. Such multiple uses are
prehistoric times has been closely linked with an typically the result of an increasing density of
increasing ability to manage the soil to human human population.
benefit. This progress has been achieved by Soil is utilized by exploiting its functions. The
adjusting the balance between the soil and its great importance of soils for the existence of
natural environment. These adjustments have not humankind is clearly suggested by the term
always resulted in positive responses and bene- ‘‘culture’’, which is derived from the Latin word
fits, and there are records throughout history ‘‘colere’’ (to till).
describing soil destruction as a result of misman- The exploitation of certain soil functions does
agement and misuse of the soil, often as a result of not only create benefits but can also cause dam-
the failure to understand the nature and complex- age. There are many examples for such conflicts.
ity of the soil – environment relationships. Fu- Agricultural use as opposed to planned use for
ture use of the soil must take account of these housing or industrialization is a typical conflict of
relationships even in a society where we are this type.
402 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

In the course of this, the use of the soil for taminated sites) for soil protection is that the
nature conservation purposes or as a groundwater actual results of this exploitation often cannot be
reservoir for the production of drinking water can undone. Care must then be taken that this exploi-
be restricted or even endangered. Often, how- tation in the past has no harmful effects for
ever, with cross-linked and complex ecosystems present-day or future uses. The selection of ap-
the conflicting interactions are more complicated propriate uses therefore plays an important part.
and often neither transparent nor easy to under- The precautionary principle, generally important
stand. Nevertheless, when exploiting the soil it in environmental protection, cannot apply here
must always be borne in mind that the benefit since, understandably, actions in the past cannot
from the use of one function can at the same time be cancelled by means of precautionary
be detrimental to the use of another function. Soil measures.
protection is therefore chiefly a task whereby the In the case of contaminated sites, the protec-
utilization of soil functions has to be prudently tion of soil functions can therefore not be man-
selected. The properly targeted management aged by applying the precautionary principle.
of these uses must then be carried out in such Instead, it must be orientated to the reduction or
a way that no unreasonable and unaccepted elimination of risks to soil functions intended for
conflicts of the various intended uses will occur. future utilization.
At the same time the kind of use and its extent
must also be taken into account. The understand-
ing of soil protection as the management of 3. Function and Utilization of Soil
competing claims for use by human beings is
undoubtedly an anthropocentric view. But criti- 3.1. Soil Ecosystems
cism raised against this view frequently fails to
understand that this approach to action implies a 3.1.1. Introduction
large number of optional actions that can extend
from the utilization of one or a few soil functions Pedogenesis–the formation of soil–involves
to the use of all conceivable or available func- interactions between the lithosphere, hydro-
tions. In the limiting case the utilization of any sphere, atmosphere, and biosphere (Fig. 1) [1].
soil function can be entirely dispensed with. The At the earth’s surface, the lithosphere becomes
use can therefore admit the range from ‘‘no the pedosphere under the influence of weathering
functions’’ to ‘‘all.’’ As a result of this, and forces and organisms.
despite the anthropocentric approach, even
extensive ecological requirements are taken into
account. A system designed for the protection of
soil functions consequently offers starting points
for practicable as well as ecologically demanding
With regard to its utilization and exploitation,
the soil is the memory and archive of these
actions. In this respect, pollutions arising from
earlier uses (contaminated sites) play an impor-
tant part in soil protection. As a result of the
exploitation of soils in the past, restrictions often
arise today on the utilization of some or all soil
functions. Thus a soil that functions as a reservoir
for groundwater regeneration and was contami-
nated in the past cannot be used as a water
protection zone if through this contamination,
owing to displacement processes, concentrations
of contaminants appear in the groundwater mak-
ing it unacceptable for drinking water catchment. Figure 1. The soil in terms of the interaction of various
The problem of exploitations in the past (con- spheres [1]
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 403

Thus soil is a complex, multiphase mixture of dimensional cross section through the soil (soil
minerals, water, air, and organisms, together with profile) is the main criterion for classification of
products of their transformation and degradation. soils.
Depending on the climatic conditions and the The smallest, undividable unit of a soil body is
nature of the underlying rocks, widely differing known as a pedon. Neighboring peda of the same
types of soil can be formed, whereby the rate of soil type form a polypedon. The properties of the
formation depends on how fast the rocks are peda of a polypedon vary only slightly (e.g.,
weathered in the lower layers and on how rapidly horizon depth). On a larger scale, polypeda may
biomass is degraded in the upper layers. be collected together as pedocomplexes.

Lithosphere. The lithosphere is the rock Atmosphere and Hydrosphere. The spa-
mantle of the continents and the earth’s surface cial arrangement of the voids, the pore system,
beneath the oceans. The soil–the upper, inhab- and the solid soil components determines the soil
ited part of the earth’s crust–is formed from structure. The structures are classified in two
rocks by weathering, mineralization, decompo- main categories: primary structures and second-
sition, humification, texture formation, and dis- ary structures (aggregates). In primary structures,
placement, under certain conditions (e.g., cli- aggregation is not apparent, due to uniform bind-
mate, leaf fall from vegetation). Weathering is ing forces between the primary particles. Only in
the chemical, physical, and biological transfor- coherent structures are the primary particles
mation of inorganic material such as basalt, permanently attached, forming a nonorganized
granite, gneiss, carbonate, loess, and sand at the mass, as in humus and clay soils. In secondary
earth’s surface by size reduction, degradation, structures, primary particles are bound to one
transformation, and dissolution. With progres- another far more strongly than to neighboring
sing soil development, the petrogenic starting groups, thus forming secondary particles. Aggre-
materials are increasingly replaced by pedogenic gates such as crumbs (1 – 10 mm) are formed by
materials such as clay minerals, which are more aggregation of individual grains. Segregates
stable at the earth’s surface. form by shrinkage from a coherent bulk. Inter-
Nine groups of minerals can be distinguished particle binding can be by pure adhesion, or by
on the basis of chemical composition [2]: cementation by mineral precipitates, inorganic
colloids, roots, fungal hyphae, or bacterial slime.
Class I Elements: metals (Ag, Au, . . . ), metalloids The soil solid phase can be separated into various
(As, Sb, . . . ), nonmetals (C, Se, . . . ) particle sizes by classification processes such as
Class II Sulfides: galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS) sieving and sedimentation. The mass composi-
Class III Halides: halite (NaCl), sylvinite (KCl)
Class IV Oxides, hydroxides: corundum (Al2O3), quartz
tion of the solid phase as a function of particle
(SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3) size is known as granularity or texture. Particles
Class V Carbonates, nitrates, borates: calcite (CaCO3) >2 mm make up the coarse fragment, and those
Class VI Sulfates, chromates, molybdenates, tungstates: <2 mm, the fine earth, which is subdivided into
Class VII
baryte (BaSO4)
Phosphates, arsenates, vanadates: apatite
sand (63 – 2000 mm), silt (2 – 63 mm), and clay
[Ca5[(F, Cl; OH)/(PO4)3] (<2 mm) fractions.
Class VIII Silicates: quartz (SiO2) Soil pores are also classified according to size:
Class IX Organic compounds large pores (>50 mm), medium pores (0.2 –
50 mm), and fine pores (<0.2 mm). Large pores
As a result of the various soil-forming factors, bind soil water only weakly and are easily
characteristic horizontal layers, known as hor- drained. Medium pores can be penetrated by root
izons, are formed, which differ in their biologi- hairs and microorganisms and store capillary
cal, chemical, and physical properties. At the soil water available to plants. Fine pores bind water
surface, the horizons contain larger proportions so strongly that it is no longer available to plants.
of organic material (O/A horizons), whereas the The soil contains a pore system formed by min-
mineral component increases with increasing eral particles generated by weathering. The two
depth. main types of particle packing (see Fig. 2), cubic
The horizons together make up the solum. The loose and hexagonal close packed, influence
vertical distribution of the horizons in a two- various soil processes.
404 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

morphological size [4] the edaphon is divided

into microflora (bacteria, fungi, algae), micro-
fauna (protozoa), mesofauna (nematoda, rotifera,
tardigradae, mites, and collembola), macrofauna
(annelids, snails, insects and their larvae), and
megafauna (vertebrates); see Figure 3.
The particular living conditions in the soil are
coupled with typical modes of behavior of the
Figure 2. Packing of spherical particles [3] organisms. Thus the group of soil burrowers
(fodient edaphon) is formed mainly of organisms
from the mega- and macrofauna (annelids, in-
sects and their larvae) which generate their own
Biosphere. The totality of the ecosystems of living environment by burrowing and agitation of
the earth’s crust, in close interaction with the the soil. Serpentine edaphon move through the
hydro-, litho-, and atmospheres, makes up the pores of the soil (rhizopods, annelids, collem-
biosphere. The total organic fraction of the solid bola). They are restricted to open, air-containing
phase of the soil is divided into biomass, which pores and are found mainly in the upper soil
includes all living organisms (soil flora and layers. The soil swimmers (natant edaphon) are
fauna), and the necromass, which contains all adapted to life in the water of the soil. They
dead organisms and their transformation pro- include some microflora and the majority of the
ducts. The latter category is derived from both mesofauna (rotifera, nematodes, tardigradae).
underground (e.g., roots) and overground sources Bacteria and fungi, which rapidly cover the walls
(e.g., leaf fall). The degradation products of the of pores or enter soil voids belong to the sessile
necromass are the humic substances which, de- edaphon [5].
pending on their solubility, are divided into the The soil flora and fauna introduce organic
alkali-insoluble humins and the alkali-soluble material into the soil system. Almost 100 % of
humic acid precursors and humic acids (see the elemental composition is accounted for by C,
Section O, H, N, and S. The central importance of the soil
Within their biotope, the soil organisms form is due to the fact that fundamental ecological
a community known as an edaphon. The edaphon processes interact there. Thus the soil is an
is divided according to the size and way of life essential basis for all life processes. Soil func-
of the organisms. In the division according to tions are summarized in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Classification of soil organisms by size [4]

Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 405

Figure 4. Soil functions

From the environmental viewpoint, the most 3.1.2. Ecological Soil Functions
important functions are the regulating and pro-
ductive functions, known together as ecological Regulating Functions
soil functions. Other soil functions include raw
material resources, land for building, recreation- The regulating function of the soil depends on the
al areas, and waste disposal. regulation of natural material and energy cycles.
The filter function is the mechanical retention It includes all material and nonmaterial introduc-
of particules and colloids by the soil-pore system. tions to the soil and the process therein which
The buffer function includes the binding of they initiate.
dissolved substances by absorption and desorp-
tion, the inclusion and release of substances Filter Function. Filtration is defined as me-
(including water) by pore spaces, and the in- and chanical retention of material >100 nm in size
excorporation of substances by soil organisms. [6]. Filtration occurs during the flow of aqueous
The habitat function is the ability of the soil to suspension, through the pore systems.
support colonies of organisms within and upon The behavior of the soil water (hydraulic
the soil. This includes the function of the soil as potential f) is determined by the gravitation
substrate for higher plants. potential z (downwards) and the matrix potential
The productive function differs from the hab- y (upwards). At equilibrium, these two poten-
itat function in that here the economic exploita- tials are equal, i.e., f ¼ (y) þ (þz) ¼ 0. Ad-
tion of the biomass is of primary importance. dition of water (e.g., by precipitation) increases
The other soil functions are mainly or exclu- the matrix potential and displaces the equilibri-
sively of anthropogenic nature. Here, the eco- um. This infiltration is one of the most important
logical functions are of minor importance com- effects counteracting erosion.
pared to the anthropogenic exploitation or are Decreased filter performance can arise
indirectly exploited, for example, in the degra- through pore blockage due, for example, to com-
dation or sorption of pollutants. In contrast to the paction or clogging with mud. Pore blockage can
other soil functions (raw material deposits, build- also have deleterious effects on the transforma-
ing, recreation, waste disposal), the regulatory tion and habitat functions (stagnant water, air
and habitat functions can be defined solely on the deficiency).
basis of the natural pedological and ecological
properties of the soil, regardless of the use to Buffer Function. The buffer function en-
which it is put. The productive function can be compasses the following major areas:
distinguished on the basis of both ecological
aspects (habitat for cultivated plants) and so- 1. Buffering of water balance
cio-economic criteria, since it is directly inter- 2. Buffering of acid inputs
linked with agriculture and forestry. 3. Buffering of nutrients and pollutants
406 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

The buffering of water balance is largely a Below pH 4.2 in the aluminum buffer system,
result of the ability of soils to store water in pore destruction of the crystal lattice structure and
spaces by means of capillary forces. Since the release of aluminum ions occurs
pressure of a liquid (tension) is lower than atmo-
spheric pressure, the liquid rises in a capillary AlOðOHÞH2 Oþ3Hþ !Al3þ þ3H2 O
until hydrostatic equilibrium is attained. The The buffering of nutrients and pollutants af-
capillary pressure and hence the height to which fects most ecological soil functions. It is made
the liquid rises increase with decreasing capillary possible by the presence of organic and inorganic
diameter. exchangers, whereby the following adsorption
The water-storage capacity of a soil is char- phenomena can occur:
acterized by the amount of water that can be
retained for a given value of capillary pressure 1. Van der Waals forces: relevant for organic
(pF characteristic). The pF value is defined as the pollutants, humus
logarithm of the negative capillary force (y), or 2. Hydrogen bonds: relevant for organic pollu-
the pressure in centimeters water column. Of tants, mineral surfaces
particular importance for the habitat and produc- 3. Electron donor – acceptor complexes: rele-
tive functions is water available to plants, with vant for organic pollutants, humus
pF ¼ 1.8 – 4.2 (exploitable field capacity). For 4. Hydrophobic bonding: relevant for organic
each soil type, at a given pF value, the quantity of pollutants, humus
water that can be retained against the force of 5. Ion bonding: relevant for organic pollutants,
gravity can be determined. The exploitable field inorganic pollutants and nutrients, humus,
capacity (in mm/dm) for some substrates is given clay minerals
in the following [7]: 6. Covalent bonding: relevant for organic and
inorganic pollutants
Fine sand 13
Silt 25 For nutrients and inorganic pollutants, ion
Sandy loam 19 formation is the most important process. Ion
Clay 15
exchangers have positive or negative excess
charge, thus binding anions or cations. Sorption
Buffering of acid inputs is achieved by various of this type is reversible and an ion-concentra-
soil buffer systems, depending on the pH range: tion-dependent equilibrium is established in the
soil solution. The sorption strength depends on
Neutral (6.2 – 8.0) carbon dioxide/ the distance between the bonding partners, which
carbonate buffer is largely determined by their hydration shells,
Acidic (4.2 – 6.2) exchange buffer decreasing with increasing distance according to
Highly acidic (2.8 – 4.2) aluminum buffer
the Coulomb law P  Q1Q2/r2.
In addition, the strength of sorption increases
Buffer systems consist of a weak acid or base with increasing ion charge, which is taken into
and the corresponding salts, and maintain con- account in the Hofmeister ion series of decreas-
stant pH within a certain range. All soils are ing hydration shell and increasing exchange po-
exposed to acids, both of natural (e.g., absorption tential:
of nutrient ions by plants with release of protons)
and anthropogenic origin (e.g., fertilization, at- Liþ < Naþ < kþ < Rbþ < Csþ
mogenic inputs).
Carbonate-containing soils can buffer protons Mg2þ < Ca2þ < Sr2þ < Ba2þ
by formation of hydrogencarbonate The input of nutrients and inorganic pollutants
þ 2þ into the soil, their dissolution in soil water,
CaCO3 þH Ca þHCO
buffering by adsorption and desorption, uptake
After exhaustion of the carbonate buffer, by plants, and loss of eluates can be depicted in
buffering is performed by the exchange buffer nutrient and pollutant cycles (! Ecology and
system, whereby all cations of the mineral and Ecotoxicology, Section 2.1.4). The ecological
organic ion exchangers are replaced by protons. cycle for heavy metals is shown in Figure 5.
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 407

Figure 5. Heavy-metal cycle in the ecosystem [8]

Can be used as indicator for accumulation. b Potentially biorelevant. c Momentary biorelevant increase of metal concentra-
tion in the dissolved phase as indicator for biotoxicity and bioacumulation.

Heavy metals can be bound in the soil in the Dissolved

following ways (R represents a solid/dissolved Aquo complexes, e.g., Cd2þ 2þ
ðaq:Þ , Pbðaq:Þ

inorganic/organic compound, e.g., iron oxide, Inorganic complexes, e.g., AsO3þ 4 , ZnðOHÞ3 ,
clay mineral, humic substance): PbðCO3 Þ2
2 , CdCl

Organic complexes and chelates, e.g., CH3 Hgþðaq:Þ ,


The pollutant content of the soil is character-

ized by background values, which are represen-
tative values for the general background content
of a substance or group of substances in the soil.
When statistically determined they can be used
to give the local, regional, or nationwide pollution
Oxides, e.g., As2O3 of the soil. Table 1 lists values based on the
Bound in silicates e.g., tin in Hornblende evaluation of over 16 000 soil samples collected

Table 1. Heavy-metal contents in rural areas for arable land (90th percentile)

Substrate As Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Sb Zn

Sand 3.0 <0.3 3.0 0.03 <3.0 13 <0.3 14

Sandstone 7.0 0.9 15 0.11 30 75 0.6 43
Loess 9.6 <0.3 149 25 0.16 44 51 1.1 89
Boulder clay 5.4 <0.3 14 0.08 19 32 0.9 76
Claystone 10 1.1 27 0.14 74 61 0.6 121
Basalt 5.0 0.8 71 0.1 339 49 168
408 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

Table 2. Priorities of relevant soil pollutants use substances that enter the soil as nutrients or
energy sources, whose exploitability increases
with decreasing persistence of the compounds.
After a substance has entered the soil, the micro-
flora require a latent period (lag phase) for the
development of the specific species spectrum
required for its metabolization. This time period
depends on the xenobiotic properties of the
substance. If the substance is introduced more
often, the lag phase becomes shorter and the
persistence decreases. In addition, all processes
that stimulate microbial activity in the soil are
suitable for increasing its metabolic potency.
These include application of organic and inor-
ganic nutrients and cultivation of the soil.
The degradation and transformation of post-
mortal plant and animal material to humic sub-
stance is also attributed to the transformation func-
tion. Humic substances are naturally occurring
biogenic substances with characteristic yellow to
black color, high particle density, and persistence.
Humic substances have been found in materials
that have undergone coalification, such as peat,
liquites, and lignites. The humic substances can
be classified according to their solubility. Humic
substance fractions and their solubility, as deter-
mined by various authors, are as follows:

1. Classification according to SCHEFFER, ULRICH

nationwide in Germany [9–11]. The samples were [12] :
collected by a uniform method, and the 50th and
90th percentiles of the heavy-metal content de-
Crenic acids acids, alkali, water, alcohol
termined for three types of land usage. The shown Apocrenic acids acids, alkali, water, alcohol
values are representative for the rural area. Hymatomelanic acids alkali, alcohol, acid (partially)
Soil has to fulfill a buffer function to protect Gray humic acids alkali
Brown humic acids alkali
humans, plants, and groundwater from soil pol-
lutants. Soil pollutants and the corresponding
pathways are listed in Table 2. 2. Classification according to FLAIG [13] :

Transformation Function. The behavior Fulvic acids acids, alkali

of chemical compounds in the pedosphere de- Hymatomelanic acids alkali, alcohol
pends on the properties of the substance, the Humic acids alkali
Humines insoluble
location, and in some cases is affected by anthro-
pogenic activities. The transformation function
provides for self-cleaning of the soil. Degrada- 3. Classification according to SWIFT [14] :
tion and transformation of substance in soil can
occur abiotically (e.g., reactions on mineral sur- Fulvic Acids acids and alkali
faces, photochemical reactions) or biotically. Humic acids alkali
One of the most important forces of the self- Humines insoluble
cleaning capacity of soils are the microorgan-
isms, which provide the enzymes necessary for In contrast, ZIECHMANN [15] classifies the hu-
biotic transformation processes. Microorganisms mic acid fractions according to their reactivity
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 409

and their ability to undergo further humification been shown, among others, for some chlorinated
with uptake of oxygen: hydrocarbons, triazine derivatives, organic phos-
phorus compounds, carbamates, thiocarbamates,
Starting materials organic substances
thiurams, urea derivatives. Under comparable
(nonhumic) undergoing humification conditions, the rate of microbial degradation is
lightly colored to colorless given approximately by
Humic acid reactive fraction, gradually transforming
into humic acid c ¼ ekt
light brown to brown
Humic acids fraction containing carboxylic acid groups, where c is the concentration of the compounds, t
phenolic OH group is time, and k is the mineralization rate.
base-soluble, precipitate in acid Plotting log c against t gives a straight line
intense brown color
Humines inactive fraction whose gradient is the mineralization rate k, which
insoluble allows predictions of the persistence of the com-
intense brown color pound under given soil and other environmental
conditions to be made. Strongly sorbent, dry,
The principle route for the formation of humic low-nutrient soils with relatively low microbial
substances is shown in Figure 6. In reality, the activity exhibit small gradients, whereas soils in
formation mechanism presented here may be far which the nutrient supply, air and water balance
more complex. This is due firstly to the wide and hence the microbial activity are optimal give
variety of substance groups that can be involved a steep gradient.
in the humification process, and secondly to the Continuation of the microbial transformation
activities of the micro- and macrofauna, which are process in the soil is essential for plant growth
responsible not only for producing these sub- and hence for the existence of animals and hu-
stances but also for mineralization, which com- mans. In this context, the question of whether the
petes with humification. Substances produced by increasing production of chemicals in the last few
microorganisms during the degradation of organ- decades, which has led to intentional or acciden-
ic matter, as well as partially degraded, but con- tal introduction of intermediate, final, and waste
siderably modified, substances, are involved in products into the soil, can seriously affect the
the humification process. In contrast to this incor- biological functions of the soil, is becoming of
poration of degraded biopolymers in a preexisting increasing importance.
humic substance system, it is now being discussed To investigate this, it is necessary to study the
whether such degraded biopolymers should them- behavior of numerous chemical substances in the
selves be designated as humic acids. soil and to elucidate their effects on soil organ-
Degradation and transformation of nutrients isms. Depending on their properties, chemical
(! Ecology and Environmental Chemistry, Sec- pollutants can persist in the soil or be degraded.
tion 1.4) is another important transformation Thus a distinction can be made between persis-
process in soils and also involves microorgan- tent and nonpersistent pollutants. Both groups
isms. Of major importance for the cleansing of can affect soil microorganisms and their activity
the soil is the degradation and transformation of in various ways (Fig. 7). Persistent pollutants
pollutants. The microbial degradation of various accumulate in the soil, acting on the soil micro-
groups of chemical substances with ultimate flora either alone or as complexes with clay
mineralization is a first-order reaction. This has minerals, humic acids, and oxides. Nonpersistent

Figure 6. Formation of humic substances [15]

HAP ¼ humic acid precursors; HA ¼ humic acid; Hm ¼ humines
410 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

Figure 7. Behavior of pollutants in the soil and their interaction with microorganisms [16]

pollutants undergo a decrease in concentration up to 50 %. Field studies have shown that de-
due to chemical or physicochemical, but mainly creasing their numbers decreases the degradation
biological/biochemical processes. If such pro- performance of the soil by up to 40 %. In general,
cesses result in mineralization of the pollutant, single-cell organisms, worms, and anthropods
a detrimental effect on soil microorganisms is each make up one-third of the soil biomass. The
unlikely. However, since complete mineraliza- number of organisms per square meter in the
tion is generally the exception, it can be expected upper 30 cm of the soil is as follows [17]:
in many cases that intermediate degradation
products or the final products of transformation Bacteria 601012
reactions could adversely affect the soil micro- Fungi 109
organisms and their activity. Such effects can Algae 106
change the condition of the total biomass as Single-cell organisms 500106
Threadworms 10106
well as the species composition of the microor- Mites 150 000
ganism population and its mineralization and Collembola 100 000
synthesis activity. White ringworms 25 000
Earthworms 200
Snails 50 Habitat Function for Organisms in Spiders 50
and upon the Soil Isopods 50
Millipedes 150
The organic material of the soil consists of 85 % Centipedes 50
Beetles 100
postmortal substance, 10 % plant roots, 4 % bac- Fly larvae 200
teria and fungi, and 1 % soil fauna. Vertebrates 0.001
Figure 8 shows the soil microorganisms and
their important ecological functions.
Bacteria and fungi account for 90 % of degra- Respiration of an organism is a measure of its
dation, while soil animals are responsible for metabolic activity and, therefore, its material
only ca. 10 %. However, soil animals are highly turnover. Protozoa account for 70 % of respira-
effective in accelerating microbial degradation tion–considerably higher than their biomass
and can increase the availability of nutrients by fraction of about one-third. It is not general
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 411

Figure 8. Soil microorganisms and their ecological functions

knowledge that these soil-inhabiting microfauna (flagellates, amoebas, and ciliates) can be re-
produce approximately as much biomass as garded as being of equal importance.
earthworms. In the food chain, protozoa repre- The broad-spectrum activity of pollutants in
sent an ecologically important link between bac- soils, in particular their effects on entire colonies
teria and small metazoans (e.g., rotifera and of organisms, has remained largely unregarded,
nematoda) and thus exhibit pronounced catalytic partly due to the lack of suitable test systems.
activity towards bacterial processes and reminer- Classical laboratory tests (e.g., LC50 values) are
alization processes in the soil. unsuitable for predicting the true toxicity in open
Taxonomically, soil protozoans can be divid- country. To make more accurate predictions for
ed into three main groups: small flagellates of both existing and new substances, current labo-
size 3 – 10 mm; 2 mm flat naked amoebas with ratory tests, which are restricted to a few selected
diameter 10 – 300 mm and testate amoebas of animal species, generally on standardized sub-
size 20 – 200 mm; and ciliates (20 – 300 mm). strates, must be extended to further soil animal
Their occurrence is mainly limited to the upper species, and additional tests on organisms, or-
10 cm of the soil. Due to their small size or flat, gans, single cells, and cell compartments are also
flexible form, flagellates and naked amoebas can required. Novel test methods based on enzymes
enter even the smallest soil pores ( 2 mm). as biomarkers avoid the need for animal tests and
In terms of ecological function, biomass (Table 3), can also be used at sublethal concentrations.
and distribution, the three groups of protozoans Although such tests provide important ecological

Table 3. Distribution of ‘‘naked’’ protozoa in different soils and in the rhizosphere (numbers given: individuals/g dry matter [18] and, below,
relative biomass fraction (%) calculated according to [19])

Arable soil Forest soil, subtropical

Uncultivated soil Rhizosphere Soil (total) Rhizosphere

Flagellates 570 – 14 000 1600 – 65 000 22 000 – 3 127 000 4000 – 8 231 000
4 – 16 8 – 15 19 – 58 12 – 16
Naked amoebas 10 500 – 50 000 18 000 – 181 000 14 800 – 823 000 1100 – 30 750 000
79 – 56 43 – 92 5 – 39 3 – 61
Ciliates 30 – 280 0 – 1750 10 – 132 600 280 – 132 600
17 – 29 0 – 41 3 – 76 23 – 84
412 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

data on the lethal and sublethal action of pollu- decrease in the amount of CPA present. In au-
tants, they are not suitable for predicting effects tumn and winter degradation is generally slower.
on species colonies in ecosystems. This informa- However, general statements valid for all CPAs
tion can only be obtained by means of field cannot be made.
experiments designed to take into account tem-
poral, spatial, and genetic population variations Fertilization and Waste Utilization.
in the ecosystem and the varying bio-availability Fertilization and the utilization of waste materi-
of pollutants from species to species. als can lead to the introduction of both organic
and inorganic pollutants into the soil. In contrast
to the application of crop-protection agents, this
3.1.3. Productive Function is an unintentional contamination. The aim of
fertilization, which can include utilization of
The productive function is the ability of the soil to waste, is to improve conditions for the growth
act as substrate for cultivated plants (food and of cultivated plants, either by direct action on the
feed plants, renewable resources). Effects on the plants themselves or by effecting the soil. The
productive function are generally assessed in macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potas-
economic terms, rather than ecologically, since sium are the most important for the nutrition of
cultivation in agriculture, forestry, and horticul- cultivated plants. Thus in the sustainable devel-
ture is intended to produce a profit. Nevertheless, opment of agriculture, both nutrient and pollutant
a number of ecologic soil functions are affected aspects must be taken into account.
by cultivation.
Nutrient Aspect. The high productivity in Agriculture countries of Central Europe, compared to aver-
age world harvests, is only attainable by intensive
Plants obtain their nutrient elements, but also application of fertilizers. The concept of loca-
pollutants, mainly from the soil. The supply of tion-specific soil fertility formulated by KLAPP
nutrients is generally typical for the type of soil [20], who defined this as the soil’s own level of
and region. However, in modern agriculture ex- natural, persistent performance which distin-
ternal measures are applied to increase the har- guishes it from other soils, is not applied in
vest: inorganic and organic crop-protection conventional agriculture. According to KLAPP the
agents, organic and mineral fertilizers, and utili- most important aspect is the sustainability: the
zation of organic and mineral wastes, all of which long-term ability of the soil to provide all re-
can lead to pollution of the soil and can damage quirements for plants to flourish, that is, to pro-
soil functions. vide constant or only slowly decreasing harvests
without fertilization. In contrast, in modern agri-
Crop-Protection Agents. The entry of CPA culture, fertilization is regarded as guaranteeing
into the soil as a result of agriculture is a potential the nutrient requirement of the plants, taking into
influence on soil function. The CPAs are de- account the nutrients already available in the soil.
signed to alter the balance of nature in favor of The natural productivity of the soil is thus
the cultivated plants. completely disregarded. In modern agriculture,
The behavior of CPA in soil depends on their the target of fertilization to an extent appropriate
properties, the way in which they are used, and on to the requirements of the plants is not met. If a
local conditions. The soil determines important balance is determined for nitrogen, the result is a
properties of the location, especially the hydro- considerable fertilizer excess. The starting point
logical properties. for sustainable use of the soil should be a nutrient
The amount of CPA applied, the frequency of supply that is appropriate to the needs of the
application, and the time at which it is applied are plants and which avoids an excess in the soil and
relevant to movement of the agents in the soil and release into other environmental compartments.
their potential entry into water systems. The Furthermore, in intensive agriculture, the pro-
manner in which a CPA is used affects its degra- portion of nutrients introduced into organic ma-
dation, which is faster at the higher temperatures terials should be restricted to 60 % of the total
of spring and summer and leads to a more rapid nitrogen requirement. The reference points
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 413

for fertilization planning are the exploitable com- a1 is assumed, a cadmium load of 10 – 40 g/ha
ponents in the following plant population, which can be calculated [22].
increase with increasing frequency of utilization However, depending on the region and the
and the amount of organic material utilized (see spectrum of discharge or compost starting ma-
Transformation Function). Residual material re- terials, these theoretical pollutant loads are not
maining on the field after harvesting must also be always fully exploited.
included in the balance, and manure should be The inputs can be compared to theoretical
used in preference to external waste materials. outputs, as exemplified below for the Cd and Hg
balance. For the average German wheat harvest
Pollutant Aspect. Mineral fertilizers, organic of 5 t ha1 a1 and a tolerable Cd content of
fertilizers, and wastes all introduce inorganic and 0.2 mg Cd/kg dry matter wheat (marketability
organic pollutants into the soil and can cause criterion), a potential output of ca. 1 g ha1 a1
adverse effects there and in other environmental results. The Hg output is 0.3 g ha1 a1
compartments. Mineral fertilizers can contain (0.06 mg Hg/kg dry matter).
various amounts of pollutants, depending on the If the values specified e.g., by the Drinking
origin of their raw materials and the production Water Regulations (Trinkwasserverordnung),
process used. are taken as the tolerable pollution of the leach-
The main pollutants entering soils via fertili- ate, then for the average leachate quantity in
zation are Cd and Cr, and to a lesser extent Pb, Ni, Germany of 200 mm/a (2106 L ha1 a1), a
and As. The Mn, Cu, and Zn contents of fertili- potential Cd output of 10 g ha1 a1 and an Hg
zers are, with the exception of the high Cu and Zn output of 2 g ha1 a1 result. Thus the potential
content of liquid pig manure, low, lying in the outputs are already met by the potential inputs
nutrient element/trace nutrient element range. from the utilization of waste materials alone.
Most of the heavy metal load comes from phos-
phate rock and P fertilizers derived therefrom Forestry
(super and triple phosphate, partially digested
and soft phosphate rock), Thomas phosphates, After agriculture, forestry is the second largest
and phosphate-containing multinutrient fertili- use of land. In forestry, atmospheric nutrients and
zers. P fertilizers derived from phosphate rock pollutants are of major importance.
can exhibit high Cd contents, depending on the The problem of pollution in forestry is exem-
origin of the phosphate rock. Thomas phosphates plified by a comparison between Cd inputs and
have high Cr contents, resulting from the pro- outputs (in g ha1 a1) for a forest soil (spruce
duction process. The specific quantity of heavy trees, ca. 120 years old) in a mountainous region
metals introduced is strongly influenced by the of northwest Germany [23]:
various land-use and fertilization systems. Ac-
cording to BOYSEN [21], the Cd entry is up to
Total input 6
4.1 g/ha in conventional farming, up to 4.8 g/ha Precipitation 2.7
for meadowland, but only 0.9 g/ha for ecological Interception 3.3
agriculture. Data on organic pollutants in ferti- Total output 15.3
Leachate 13.5
lizers are not yet available in sufficient quantity.
Crop (trunk wood without bark) 1.8
In terms of quantity, the most important organic
fertilizers are liquid manure, sewage sludge, and
compost. Thus the mean annual output is 2.5 times
In Europe only sewage sludge is subject to higher than the atmospheric input by precipita-
EC regulations which set values for heavy me- tion and dry deposition. It is questionable wheth-
tals in sewage sludge and soil. In addition, the er the limit values of the German drinking water
methods of application are specified, allowing regulations are suitable quality standards for
theoretical permissible pollutant loads to be assessing outputs in the leachate. For a limit
calculated. For compost, numerous quality value of 0.005 mg Cd/L water, a leachate flow
marks exist, whereby the pollutant concentration of 424 mm/a, and given the requirement that the
is specified. They do not, however, set limits on leachate water quality must comply with the
quantity. If an average application of 10 t ha1 drinking water regulations, a tolerable Cd output
414 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

of 21.2 g ha1 a1 can be calculated. This is wastes in type and constitution. They therefore
considerably higher than the actual leachate out- represent a special case. Organic wastes are
put of 13.5 g ha1 a1. In analogy to the speci- used in agriculture, gardening, and landscaping,
fied quality target that the output should not whereby a distinction can be made between
exceed the input, according to this model calcu- repeated application, mainly in agriculture, and
lation, an additional Cd input of 9.3 g ha1 a1 one-time use, mainly in recultivation and land-
would be possible without exceeding limit values scaping. Mineral wastes are mainly used in
specified for drinking water. landscaping and in recultivation and building
The fact that for the material balance for projects; smaller amounts are utilized in agri-
cadmium in this example, the output is more culture. An exception is soil material, which is
than twice as high as the input shows that this used in considerable amounts for improving soil
soil has already lost its function as a filter medium functions.
for the formation of new groundwater. The mo- An important criterion for assessing the harm-
bilization of cadmium accumulated in the forest lessness of such measures are the background
soil as a result of acidification demonstrates the concentrations of pollutants (see Section
problems that arise when the filter capacity of, which should not be exceeded by the
the soil is exhausted. The filtration capability of input pollutant load of organic wastes. In the
the soil can only be regarded as undisturbed if the utilization of organic wastes, the pollutant load is
output (at the background level) is lower than the the most important factor, since they remain
current input. If changes in soil properties lead to almost entirely on the surface after mineraliza-
release of accumulated materials, then pollution tion of the organic component, contributing to an
of the groundwater or of the habitat for organisms increase in the pollutant potential.
cannot be excluded. In the case of mineral wastes, there is gener-
ally no loss of mass after use in the soil, so that a
different pollution assessment concept must be
3.1.4. Other Soil Functions used.
The pollutant concentrations in the waste Utilization of Wastes should not exceed the background concentrations
in the location of use. If the values are compati-
The exploitation of waste is possible in cases ble, application is possible, since a deterioration
where it is both safe and useful. Benefits to the in soil quality with respect to pollutant concen-
soil occur if at least one soil function is improved tration will not occur. For the application of
without permanent detriment to other natural soil mineral wastes that exceed the background
functions or other environmental compartments. values, eluate investigations must be undertaken,
In the use of organic wastes in agriculture, the which indicate whether risks to groundwater
benefits can be assessed in terms of the fertilizer quality are present.
effect. Utilization of waste should be safe with The use of soil material in the topsoil region is
regard to nutrients and pollutants. An important subject to strict requirements for the soil proper-
part of the recycling and waste business in Eur- ties. This is due to the requirements of plants for
ope is the material utilization of waste with an water retention capacity, aeration, rootability,
increasing pressure to use wastes in soil-related warmability, and nutrient storage capacity. For
applications. this reason, the soil should have similar compo-
In Germany for example, the distinction be- sition and properties to that at the site of use.
tween mineral and organic wastes is defined in Poorer soil materials should not be applied to
the regulation TA Siedlungsabfall, which ex- soils of higher quality.
cludes wastes containing >5 % TOC (organic
wastes) from dumps to minimize the pollution of Raw Material Deposits
the leachate associated with the degradation of
organic materials. Soils that act as raw material deposits include
Soils should be included under mineral sands for building and clays for ceramic produc-
wastes because the organic matter (up to tion, but the largest areas are taken up by lignite
30 %) they contain differs strongly from organic mining. Other areas that generally require recul-
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 415

Table 4. Breakdown of areas under mining law [24] ed sites (see ! Soil, 2. Damage and Soil Pollu-
Lignite mining districts, ha
tion, Section 2.4) are discussed [27, 28], soil
erosion (! Soil, 2. Damage and Soil Pollution,
Rhenish Central German Lausatia Section 1.2), soil salination, and desertification
Total area used 24 500 46 900 48 999 in other parts of the earth progress unabatedly.
Area subjected to recultivation 15 600 22 000 24 655 Many thousands of hectares of cultivated land
Operated area 8 900 24 900 24 344 are lost each year through erosion, salination, and
desertification. Thus, in 1975 the soil of half of
the Indian subcontinent, 150106 ha, was seri-
ously affected. In the United States in 1975,
tivation are the slagheaps from salt, ore, and coal erosion had made nearly 40106 ha unusable
mining dumps and military training areas. All of for agricultural cultivation [26]. In Argentina in
these lack a plant-supporting upper layer and 1980, 22106 ha, nearly 16 % of the cultivated
have lost the natural soil functions. land, had been destroyed by wind erosion. In the
Table 4 compares the three main lignite min- 1970s – 1990s, according to estimates, the farm-
ing areas in Germany. ers lost 480109 t of topsoil, which equals the
Especially in the former German Democratic entire topsoil of India [29]. These few examples
Republic, there are a large number of areas still to should prove the seriousness of the problem of
be recultivated. In the Land Brandenburg alone, soil destruction.
as of 1994, the total area affected by open-cast
mining of lignite was 50 000 ha. About half of
this has so far been rendered reusable. The re- 3.2.2. Land Utilization
cultivation of devastated and mined areas is
intended to restore or improve the natural soil Table 5 shows a breakdown by continents with
function. This includes building up a plant- regard to the land area and its use [30].
bearing soil layer in sufficient quality and depth. In the following, the land utilization and land
Other targets are: use are considered in more detail for the Federal
Republic of Germany, as an example of an indus-
1. Increasing the content of organic substances trialized country. Figure 9 shows the land use
in the topsoil distribution in the Federal Republic of Germany
2. Introduction of plant nutrients in 1994. Settlement and traffic areas, which are
3. Regulation of the pH value composed of residential and office buildings,
4. Stimulation of soil life industrial facilities, administrative and education-
al establishments, as well as roads, sports fields
At the same time, deterioration of soil func- and airfields, cemeteries and parks, in 1994
tion due to pollution input, addition of inappro- occupied about 12 % [31]. For comparison, in
priate nutrients, and compaction must be 1950, the proportion of residential, industrial, and

3.2. Land Utilization and Soil Table 5. Land area and use (in 106 ha; source [30])

Destruction (Statistics) Land Arable Permanent Forest

area land incl. pasture
3.2.1. Introduction permanent

The consumption and destruction of soils, i.e., Africa 2963 211 900 650
the destruction of the surface soil or of the topsoil North and Central 2144 272 349 549
[25], is one of the biggest ecological problems of South America 1753 127 516 886
the world. The soil is the basis for food produc- Asia 3098 573 1110 548
tion and will remain so in future [26]. While in the Europe 2260 304 183 1039
highly developed and industrialized countries Oceania 849 54 413 198
World 13 067 1541 3472 3870
problems of soil acidification and of contaminat-
416 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

cause of erosion, to the expansion of dry areas

and desertification after a short phase of meager
yields [34].

Erosion. Erosion by wind or water plays the

most important part in soil destruction. World-
wide, 25 000106 t of soil are washed away by
water erosion every year [38]. The extent of
erosion is shown in Tables 6 and 7.
Chinese soil scientists estimate that in their
country since the 1960s almost 10 % of the arable
fig land has been lost through erosion and desertifi-
Figure 9. Land use in the Federal Republic of Germany cation [40]. In the United States in the last 200
(source: [31]) years about one-third of the surface soil has been
destroyed by erosion [41].
At the 7th Conference of the International
traffic land was 7.2 %. Figure 10 [32] shows the Soil Conservation Organization in 1992 in
daily change in the years 1981 to 1985. Sydney, the following figures were reported by
The settlement area in Germany increases by the project for the worldwide estimation of soil
ca. 105 ha daily [33]. degradation: Between the 57th degree of latitude
South and the 72nd degree of latitude North,
164106 ha, i.e., 15 % of the earth’s surface,
3.2.3. Soil Destruction show more or less strong signs of degradation.
In addition, 295106 ha, corresponding approx-
Proceeding on another scale than the sealing of imately to the size of India, have to be classed
land mentioned above are the destruction of soil as highly degraded. About 124106 ha of these
by erosion, salination, desertification, and des- are in African and 106106 ha in Asian
truction of forests. countries [35].
In the frequently very labile ecosystems in
the non-industrialized countries, where 80 % of Chemical Degradation. The agricultural
the world population growth occurs, industrial lands rendered usable by artificial irrigation are
methods of agriculture lead much more quickly threatened, after some time of use, by salination.
to the destruction of the valuable topsoil. In the Table 7 shows the significant proportion of soil
subtropics and tropics, this leads rapidly, be- areas degraded by salination [35–37].

Figure 10. Daily change in land use from 1981 to 1985 in hectares (source: [32])
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 417

Table 6. Estimates of global rates of soil erosion and likely future trends (source [39])

Region Soil erosion by water Soil erosion by wind

Area, Denudation Dissolved Future Area, Future

106 ha rate2, mm/a load, 106 t/a trends* 106 ha trends*

Africa 227 0.023 201 þ 186 þ

Asia 441 0.153 1592 þ 222 þ
South America 123 0.067 603 þ 42 
Central America 46 0.055** 758** þ 5 
North America 60 0.055** 758** þ/ 35 
Europe 114 0.032 425 þ/ 42 þ/
Oceanica 83 0.39 293 þ 16 þ
World 1094 0.079 3872 þ 548 þ
þ ¼ Increased risks;  ¼ decreased risks;
total value for Central America and North America

Table 7. Extent of human-induced soil degradation for the main types In the late 1970s the United Nations estimated
of soil degradation (106 ha, source [37])
the risk that non-desert land will become desert
Types of degradation Light Moderate Strong/ Total as follows:

Water erosion 343 527 224 1094 50 % desertification of non-desert land in Africa
Wind erosion 269 254 26 549 32 % desertification in Asia
Chemical degradation 93 103 43 239 19 % desertification in South America [48].
Loss of nutrients 52 63 20 135
Salinization 35 20 21 76
Contamination 4 17 1 22 The Sahara alone expanded in the 50 years
Acidification 2 3 1 6 before 1977 by 650 000 km2 [42].
Physical degradation 44 27 12 83
Total 749 911 305 1965 Forests. The felling of trees in forests leads
indirectly to the destruction of soil. Through the
felling of trees the soil is often exposed to erosion
by wind or water.
Two further aspects of chemical degradation, More than 5106 ha of the tropical rain forest
i.e., contamination and acidification of soils, are wiped out each year to bring land into culti-
are closely related to anthropogenic industrial vation. Since 1970, farmers and ranchers in South
pollution. While their total extent is relatively America have converted more than 20106 ha of
small compared to the areas influenced by the wet tropical forests into cattle pasture [43].
other chemical degradation processes, there are The global current annual change of forest
numerous ‘‘hot spots’’ with severe problems in cover is depicted in Figure 11 [44]. According to
the heavily industrialized regions. this estimation, forest land is dramatically
With respect to area, loss of nutrients is the shrinking in South America (particularly Brazil),
most important chemical degradation process. Central Africa, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Nutrient losses result from current or historical Area, and in Russia. Rates of losses in the affect-
overexploitation of soils by non-sustainable cul- ed regions range from 100 000 to several million
tivation methods. hectares per year. There is no indication that
deforestation trends have been halted or reversed
Desertification. About 25 % of the earth’s in those affected regions (see time series on
surface is subject to the spread of deserts and Amazon deforestation in [45]).
every sixth human being is affected [42]. Every
year, about 6106 ha of pastureland become
desert [43]. The deserts have in this way expand- 3.2.4. Forecast
ed by 120106 ha from 1970 to 1990. This
corresponds to a greater land area than is culti- The amount of soil available on the globe cannot
vated in China today [47]. be increased, whereas the human population is
418 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil Vol. 33

Figure 11. Average annual change of forest per country (source: [44])

still increasing at a rate of 2 % or more annually in matic situation of almost continental extent ex-
developing countries. Pressure on the resource ists in entire South East Asia. Some countries in
soil is highly related to population growth. A Africa exhibit the same constellation of factors.
map of the number of inhabitants per hectare In South America the situation is still less dra-
agricultural land is shown in Figure 12 [30, 46]. matic, because along with an intense population
It illustrates that pressure on the soil will be growth, the cultivation of land is increasing at the
highest, where human population is already high expense of a loss of forests.
and growing fast, while the area of cultivated Currently (2001) there are no indications of
land cannot be increased much further. A dra- a major turn in the trend of increasing soil

Figure 12. Capita per hectare agricultural land (source: [30, 46])
Vol. 33 Soil, 1. Definition, Function, and Utilization of Soil 419

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37 L. R. Oldeman: Global extent of soil degradation. IS- Further Reading

RIC-annual report 1990 – 1992, Wageningen 1992,
pp. 19 – 39. A. Bhandari et al. (eds.): Remediation Technologies for Soils
38 FAO, Protect and Produce – Putting the Pieces Together, and Groundwater, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Rome 1992, p. 5. Reston, VA 2007.
39 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) N. C. Brady, R. R. Weil: The Nature and Properties of Soils,
(ed.): Climate Change 1995 — Impacts, Adaptations and 14th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific technical Anal- 2008.
yses. Contribution of Working Group II to the second P. S. Hooda (ed.): Trace Elements in Soils, Blackwell Pub.,
Assessment Report of the Intergovermental Panel on Hoboken NJ 2010.
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York 1996. of Pesticides’’, Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical
40 R. W. Arnold, Iszabocs, V. O. Targulian (eds.): Global Technology, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken,
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41 Entsorgungspraxis 3 (1993) 169. 18.a01.
42 FAO, The Conservation and Rehabilitation of African N. L. Nemerow, F. J. Agardy, J. A. Salvato: Environmental
Land, an International Scheme, ARC/90/4, p. 9. Engineering - Water, Wastewater, Soil and Groundwater
43 L. Brown: Zur Lage der Welt 1987/88, World Watch Treatment and Remediation, 6th ed., Wiley, Hoboken, NJ
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Main 1987, p. 93. P. Patnaik: Handbook of Environmental Analysis, 2nd ed.,
44 FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL 2010.
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p. 200. try, 3rd ed., Academic Press, Boston 2007.
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48 B. Roberts: ‘‘The Health of the World’s Land: A G. Sposito: The Chemistry of Soils, 2nd ed., Oxford
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