Old Age, Disease, and Death - Theosophical Topics in Depth PDF

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1/30/2020 Old Age, Disease, and Death: Theosophical Topics in Depth

Healing, Aging, Death, and After Death

Theosophical Topics in Depth

That which men call death is but a change of location for the Ego, a mere transformation, a
forsaking for a time of the mortal frame, a short period of rest before one reassumes another
human frame in the world of mortals. The Lord of this body is nameless; dwelling in numerous
tenements of clay, it appears to come and go; but neither death nor time can claim it, for it is
deathless, unchangeable, and pure, beyond Time itself, and not to be measured. – W. Q. Judge

Articles on: Healing and Disease | Aging | Death | After Death

Healing and Disease

“Facing Illness” by Marilyn O’Day

"The Illness of Human Nature: A Larger View of Health" by Jim Belderis
"Karma and Compassion: Key to Understanding Disease" by Rudi Jansma
"Health and Healing" by Scott Osterhage and Doreen Melbrod
"The Gardener and His Flowers" by Rutger Bergstrom
"Illness: A Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Experience" by Robert W. Bonnell
"Light a Single Candle: Depression and Stress" by Andrew Rooke
"Homeopathy: Healing the Complex Being" by J. T. Coker
"There Is No Medicine Higher Than Truth" by Ina Belderis
"Music and the Healing Arts" by Sarah Belle Dougherty
"The Once and Future Medicine" by Alan Donant
"Judge's Ideas on Health" by Richard E. Hiltner, M.D.
"Vaccination: An Examination of Its Dark Side" by Coen Vonk
Book Review: Transforming Burnout: A Simple Guide to Self-Renewal by Alan Shelton (rev. S. B.
"The One True Healer" by Doreen N. Melbrod
"Omnia Vincit Amor: Love Conquers All" by Grace F. Knoche
"An Episode in the Soul's Journey" by John Van Mater, Jr.
"I Know a Man" by David J. Wietersen
"Thoughts from the Portal of Death" by Alan E. Donant
Book Review (Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer of All by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD) by Elsa-Brita
"Love is Healing, Is Freedom from Fear," Gerald G. Jampolsky with Grace F. Knoche


"Conscious Aging" by Nancy Coker

"On Growing Old" by Madeline Clark
"Making the Best of the Worst: A Trip to the Ziller Valley" by Jules van Bergen
"Spring Meditations" by Rutger Bergstrom
"Who Is Old, Who Is Young?" by Jim Belderis
"Old Age, Disease, and Death" by G. de Purucker
"No Death -- Just Change" by Olive Jones

Death and Near Death

"Dust unto Dust" by Nhilde Davidson

"Through Births and Deaths" by Ingrid Van Mater
"The Causal Aspects of Death" by G. de Purucker
"Death and the Tree of Life: Native American Views on Death" by Blair A. Moffett
"Death -- and Eternal Spring" by Nhilde Davidson
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1/30/2020 Old Age, Disease, and Death: Theosophical Topics in Depth

"Nearing Death Awareness: Final Gifts by Callanan and Kelley" reviewed by Alan E. Donant
"Death and Rebirth" by Katherine Tingley
"On Facing Death" by Ingrid Van Mater
"Mozart's Key to Happiness" by Ida Postma
"Choosing a Death We Can Live With" by Nancy Coker
"To Sleep: Perchance to Dream" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell
"A New Lease on Life" by Tijn Touber
"The Timeless Experience" by H. R. Opdenberg
"A Glimpse of Death: Transformed by the Light by M. Morse" reviewed by Jean B. Crabbendam
"Accepting Death as Part of Life" by Ingrid Van Mater
"Letter from Australia: Grief and Contacting the Dead" by Andrew Rooke
"Remembering Elisabeth Kubler-Ross" by Andrew Rooke
"My Dog's Death" by Doreen Melbrod

After-death States

"Withdrawing into Stillness -- Sleep and Death" by Jim Belderis

"Children of the Sun, Offspring of the Stars" by John P. Van Mater
"The Change Called Death" by Elsa-Brita Titchenell
"Man After Death" (Theosophical Manual) (44K)
Book Review: Life after Death by Deepak Chopra (rev. Eloise Hart)
"The Mystery of Death and Rebirth" by Ingrid Van Mater
"Through the Portals of Death" by Armin Zebrowski
"Death Is a Season" by Agnes Wengert
"Sleep and Death Are Brothers" by G. de Purucker
"The Panoramic Vision" by G. de Purucker
"The Nature of the Kama-Rupa" by G. de Purucker
"Kama Loka" by William Q. Judge
"Devachan" by William Q. Judge

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