GATE 2020 Question Paper MA

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MA: Mathematics GA - General Aptitude Q1 - Q5 carry one mark each. QNo.1 «“) 6) i) (0) QNo.2 “ ® () 0) Qo. 3 “) ® ) 0) QW. 4 “) @) ey © QNo.5 & © © ) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award was conferred____Mary Kom, a six-time world champion in boxing, recently ina ceremony ___ the Rashtrapati Bhawan (the Presidents, official residence) in New Delhi. with, at on, in on, at to, at Despite a string of poor performances, the chances of K. L. Rahul’s selection in the team are. slim bright obvious uncertain Select the word that fits the analogy: Cover : Uncover :: Associate Unassociate Inassociate Misassociate Dissociate Hit by floods, the kharif (summer sown) crops in various parts of the country have been affected. Officials believe that the loss in production of the kharif crops can be recovered in the output of the rabi (winter sown) crops so that the country can achieve its food-grain production target of 291 million tons in the crop year 2019-20 (July-June). They are hopeful that good rains in July-August will help the soil retain moisture for a longer period, helping winter sown crops such as wheat and pulses during the November-February period. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the given passage? Officials declared that the food-grain production target will be met due to good rains. Officials want the food-grain production target to be met by the November-February period. Officials feel that the food-grain production target cannot be met due to floods. Officials hope that the food-grain production target will be met due to a good rabi produce. ‘The difference between the sum of the first 2n natural numbers and the sum of the first n odd natural numbers is Q6 - Q10 carry two marks each. ON. 6 “) @) (c) (0) Qo. 7 “) 8) c) (0) Qn. 8 “ ® ) (0) aN. 9 “ « cc) i) Qo. 10 “ @ i) c) Repo rate is the rate at which Reserve Bank of India (RBI) lends commercial banks, and reverse repo rate is the rate at which RBI borrows money from commercial banks. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the above passage? Decrease in repo rate will increase cost of borrowing and decrease lending by commercial banks. Increase in repo rate will decrease cost of borrowing and increase lending by commercial banks. Increase in repo rate will decrease cost of borrowing and decrease lending by commercial banks. Decrease in repo rate will decrease cost of borrowing and inerease lending by commercial banks. P,Q, R, 8, T, U, V, and W are seated around a circular table. I. Sis seated opposite to W. Il. U is seated at the second place to the right of R. IIL. Tis seated at the third place to the left of R. IV. V isa neighbour of S. Which of the following must be true? P is ancighbour of R. Qis.aneighbour of R P is not seated opposite to Q. Ris the left neighbour of S. The distance between Delhi and Agen is 233 km. A car P started travelling from Delhi to Agra and another car Q started from Agra to Delhi along the same road 1 hour after the car P started. The two cars crossed each other 75 minutes afier the car Q started. Both cars were travelling at constant speed. The speed of car P was 10 km/hr more than the speed of car Q. How many kilometers the car Q had travelled when the cars erossed each other? 66.6 752 88.2 116.5 Fora matrix M = [mj]; 1,/ = 1,2,3,4, the diagonal elements are all zero and my = —mj. The minimum number of elements required to fully specify the matrix is___. 0 6 12 16 The profit shares of two companies P and Q are shown in the figure. If the two compat have invested a fixed and equal amount every year, then the ratio of the total revenue of company P to the total revenue of company Q, during 2013 - 2018 is, 70 Company P 60 }~ company 9 «50 540 5 £30 20 10 o 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year 7 217 15 17:16 MA: Mathematics Q1 - Q25 carry one mark each. QNo.1 4) ®) (c) (0) ON. 2 “ @) cy ) Qn. 3 (8) ® © ) Qo. 4 «) ® c) (0) Qo. 5 «) e) (c) 0) Qn. 6 &) ® cc) Co) Qo. 7 “) ® ) 0) Quo. 8 «” @ 0 No. 9 “) ®) () (0) Qo. 10 “ @ () 0) No. 14 “) 8) c) Quo. 12 “ ® cc) i) Qo. 13, « 8) {cp ° Qo. 14 Qn. 15, Qo. 16 QM. 17 QNo. 18 Q.No. 19 QNo. 20 No. 21 QNo. 22 Qn. 23 QNo. 24 Qo. 25, Suppose that 51 and Sz are topologies on X induced by metrics dy and d, respectively, such that 3 © 3». Then which of the following statements is TRUE? Ifa sequence converges in (X, d) then it converges in (X, dy) If'a sequence converges in (X, d,) then it converges in (X, d2) Every open ball in (X, d) is an open ball in (X,d2) The map x + x from (X,d,) to (X,d2) is continuous [-1,1]. If the function f: D > R is defined by <>, (x,y) # (0,0) Gaye fay) = . 0, Gy) = (0,0) then F is continuous at (0,0) both the first order partial derivatives of f exist at (0,0) Wp IPC. YDIF dx dy is finite Sy FH) dx dy is finite ‘The initial value problem y(0) = has a unique solution if b = 0 no solution if b = 1 infinitely many solutions if b = 2 a unique solution if 6 = 1 Consider the following statements: I: log(|z|) is harmonic on € \ {0} I: log(|2\) has a harmonic conjugate on € \ {0} Then both and Il are true Lis true but II is false is false but Il is true both I and Il are false Let G and H be defined by G=C\(Z=x+iyEC: x<0,y=0}, H=C\{(e=x+iyeC:x€Z, x<0, y=0}. Suppose f:G > € and g:H — Care analytic functions Consider the following statements: ining —i and i I: f f dz isindependent of paths y in G Il: J, g dz is independent of paths y in #7 joining ~é and ¢ ‘Then both I and II are true Lis true but Il is false Lis false but I is true both | and Il are false Let f(z) = e¥?, z € C\ {0} and let. forn € N. Raa {zextive csi <3, Iyl<2}\ 0. If for a subset $ of C, F denotes the closure of $ in €, then F(Rnsa) #f(Rn) FR) \ FRne) = FRn\ Rr) FO Rn) = Mrmr FR) FR) = FRnvad Suppose that U=R*\((xy) ER? xy EQ), V=R?\ {yy ER? x>0y ‘Then, with respect to the Euclidean metric on R*, both U and V are disconnected U is disconnected but V is connected U is connected but V is disconnected both U and V are connected If (D1) and (D2) denote the dual problems of the linear programming problems (P1) and (P2), respectively, where (Pl): minimize x, — 2x, subject to —xy +x = 10, x12 20, (P2): minimize x, — 2x subject to —x, + x2 = 10,xy— x2 = 10, 41,47 20, then both (D1) and (D2) are infeasible (P2) is infeasible and (D2) is feasible (D1) is infeasible and (D2) is feasible but unbounded (PI) is feasible but unbounded and (D1) is feasible If 4,0) and (0,2) are critical points of the funetion f(xy) =5— (a+ Bx? + By? + (at Dy3 $23, where @, 8 € R, then (4-2) isa point of local maxima of f (4 3) is a saddle point of f n21, with initial point x9 > 0. Then the sequence (x,} converges only if.x9 > 1 converges only if x9 <3 converges for any x9 does not converge for any x9 Let C[0,1] denote the space of all real-valued continuous functions on [0,1] equipped with the supremum norm [[-n- Let T:C[0,1] + C[0,1] be the linear operator defined by TAG) = [ e* Foray. a ‘Then Wri 1 —T isnot invertible T is surjective Wr+Ti=1+1TI Suppose that M is a5 x 5 matrix with real entries and p(x) = det(x! — M). Then p(0) = det(M) every eigenvalue of M is real if p(1) + p(2) = 0 = p(2) + p(3) M~ is necessarily a polynomial in M of degree 4 if M is invertible M is not invertible if M? — 2M = 0 Let C[0,1] denote the space of all real-valued continuous functions on (0, 1] equipped with the supremum norm [fleo: Let f € C[0,1] be such that IF@) — FO) Ss MIx — y|, for all x,y € [0,1] and for some M > 0. Forn€N, let fala) = f(x") If S= (f,: nN}, then the closure of $ is compact Sis closed and bounded $ is bounded but not totally bounded Sis compact Let K+ Rx (0,00) > R be a function such that the solution of the initial value an M24, u(x,0) = f(x), xER, t> 0, is given by problem uc = f Ka-y.0f0) ay a for all bounded continuous functions f. Then the value of Sn K(x, t)dx is ‘The number of eyclic subgroups of the quaternion group Qa =(a,b|a* = 1, a2 = b?, ba = ah) ‘The number of elements of order 3 in the symmetric group S, is Let F be the field with 4096 elements. The number of proper subfields of F is If (xf, x3) is an optimal solution of the linear programming problem, minimize x, + 2x2 subject to 4x, 2B 2x, +x, > 10 -ay+%2S7 XX, 20 and (A}, 3,4) is an optimal solution of its dual problem, then 2, xf + D9-, 4j is equal to (correct up to one decimal place) Let a,b, ¢ € R be such that the quadrature rule f fooae = af (-1) + bf (0) + cf’) is exact for all polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2. Then b is equal to, (rounded off to two decimal places) Let fe) = x# and let p(x) be the interpolating polynomial of f at nodes 1,2 and 3. Then p(0) is equal to For n > 2, define the sequence (x,} by 1fo3 n= ae [ tant ede, a tn Then the sequence (xr,) converges to (correct up to two decimal places) Let 12(0, 10] = {f: (0, 10] + R= f is Lebesgue measurable and [.° f2dx < co} }F and let T be the linear functional on equipped with the norm Iifll = (2° f2dx ) [0,10] given by 0 , TiN = | rend [ fooax. 4 : Then [ITI is equal to If {43,%22,%ag = 10,%31,X32/%3q} is the set of basic variables of a balanced transportation problem seeking to minimize cost of transportation from origins to destinations, where the cost matrix is, Di] Dz | Ds | Dy | Availability o, [6] 2 |1]0 10 o, [4] 2 [2 [3] a5 0, [3]. 2/1 3a Demand [10 [w—5| +5] 15 and A, € R, then x32 is equal to Let Zzo5 be the ring of integers modulo 225. If x is the number of prime ideals and y is the number of nontrivial units in Zy25. then x + y is equal to Let u(x, t) be the solution of Fu oto uxo=s@), 2% ~0)=0, reRt>0 BF Hz UO =fO), F7.0)=0 xERr>0, where f is a twice continuously differentiable function. If f(-2) = 4, (0) = and u(2,2) = 8, then the value of w(1,3) is Q26 - Q55 carry two marks each. Ono. 26 “) ®) ) 0) Q.No. 27 «) ®) {cy ° Qo. 20 “) e) ) 0) QNo. 29 “ ® © i) No. 30 “) ®) () 0) QW. 31 «) 8) () (0) ON. 32 ) ®) ) 0) Qo. 33 {ay ® {cy Co) Qn. 34 & @ cc) co) Qo. 35, “) 8) (c) (0) No. 36 4) e@) ) (0) Q.No. 37 4) @) ) (0) Qo. 38 «) e) i) (0) QM. 39 “) @ ) 0) No. 40 “) ®) (c) (0) No. 41 4) ® {cp (0) ON. 42 a) ®) © QNo. 43 (a) ® © 0) ON. 44 QNo. 45 QNo. 46 QNo. 47 QNo. 48 No. 49 Q.No. 50 Qn. 51 Q.No. 52 No. 53 Q.No. 54 Qn. 55 Let {¢,} 221 be an orthonormal basis for a separable Hilbert space H with the inner product (+, + ene forn € N. ‘Then the closure of the span {f,:7 € N} equals H f= 0if(, fy) = (Fen) foralln €N (fa}21 is an orthogonal subset of H there does not exist nonzero f € H such that (f, €2) = (f, fa) Suppose V is a finite jensional non-zero vector space over Cand T:V > V isa linear transformation such that Range(T) = Nullspace(T). Then which of the following statements is FALSE? ‘The dimension of V is even O is the only eigenvalue of T Both 0 and 1 are eigenvalues of T T?=0 Let P € Myen(R). Consider the folloy ig statements: If XPY = 0 forall X € Miym(R) and ¥ € Myer (R), then P = 0. if m 1, P is symmetric and P? = 0, then P = 0. ‘Then both I and I are true Tis true but I is false Tis false but Il is true both I and 11 are false For nN, let Ty: (UM) > Mello) and 7: U5 [ll) > Cr Ihllco) be the bounded linear operators defined by x jsn Xn fn Ty %2, O4.¥e)--), where yj { and Tits) = Cees): ‘Then Tall does not converge to IIT] as n > 0 IIT, — TI converges to zero as n > 00 forall x € U', |IT,(x) — T(x)Il converges to zero as n > 00 for each non-zero x € [*, there exists a continuous linear functional g on [% such that g (Tm (x)) does not converge to g(T(x)) as n> © Let P(R) denote the power set of R, equipped with the metric dU,V) = suplzy() — xv@)L eR where xy and xy denote the characteristic functions of the subsets U and V, respectively, of R. The set { {m} : m € Z} in the metric space (P(R),d) is bounded but not totally bounded totally bounded but not compact compact not bounded Let f:IR > R be defined by 1 $0) =P rexenes where Xnn41) i8 the characteristic function of the interval (n,n + 1]. For a € R, let 5, = (x € BR: f(x) > a}. Then Sx is open Sis not measurable So is closed 5. is measurable a Form € Ny, let fy, gn: (0,1) > IR be functions defined by fa) = x" and ga(x) = x"(1 — x). Then (fn, converges uniformly but {g,.} does not converge uniformly {gn} converges uniformly but {f,} does not converge uniformly both {f,} and (gq) converge uniformly neither {f,} nor {g,,} converge uniformly Let w be a solution of the differential equation y’ + xy = 0 and let @ = wp be a solution of the differential equation y" + 2xy' + (x? +2)y =O satisfy (0) = 1 and $’(0) = 0. Then $(x) is (cos? xe ng (cosxye"> a ayes (cos x)e~** For n € NU {0} let yq bea solution of the differential equation ay" + (L—a)y'tny= satisfying yy (0) = 1. For which of the following funetions w(x), the integral [re@x@warts ra 5 is equal to zero? eo oF nu tae Suppose that x= co.opu {(x, sin sxe R\ (0}} and ¥ = {(0,0)}U {(exsing) re R\ 0 } are metric spaces with metrics induced by the Euclidean metric of R?. Let By and By be the open unit balls around (0,0) in X and Y, respectively. Consider the following statements: 1: The closure of By in X is compact. IL: The closure of By in Y is compact. ‘Then both I and II are true Lis true but I is false Lis false but Il is true both | and Il are false If f:€\ {0} > Cisa function such that f(z) = f (£) and its restriction to the unit cirele is continuous, then f is continuous but not necessarily analytic F is analytic but not necessarily a constant funetion f isa constant function lim f(z) exists For a subset $ of a topological space, let Int(S) and 5 denote the interior and closure of S, respectively. Then which of the following statements is TRUE? If is open, then S = Int(S) If the boundary of S is empty, then S is open If the boundary of S is empty, then S is not closed If 5\ Sis a proper subset of the boundary of S, then S is open Suppose 3,,3y and 93 are the smallest topologies on R containing S,,S, and $3, respectively, where 5,={(aa+"):a@eQnen}, t@ :a>, B : 9 isnot true when a > 2, B= —1 Tlis not true when a = 4, =3 Lis true when a =5, f =3 Let J and J be the ideals generated by {5, VIO} and {4, V10} in the ring 2[V10 | = {a + bV10 | a,b € 2}, respectively. Then both J and J are maximal ideals 1 isa maximal ideal but J is not a prime ideal Tis not a maximal ideal but J is a prime ideal neither / nor J is a maximal ideal Suppose V is a finite dimensional vector space over IR. If W,,W and W; are subspaces of V, then which of the following statements is TRUE? If Wy + W, + W3 = V then span(W, UW) Uspan(W, U Ws) U span(Ws UW.) = ¥ If W, 0 W, = {O} and W, 9 Wy = {0}, then WY, (W, + Wa) = {0} IEW, + Wy = W, + Wy, then W, = Wy IfW, #V, then span(V \ W,) =V Let a, B € R, a # 0. The system x, — 2x, tax; =8 Hy) +44 =f M2, Xy%4 ZO has NO basie feasible solution if a<0,B>8 a>0,00, <0 «<0, <8 Let 0

Ris continuous and fireor dx <0 z For f € X, define 1 ile =( f rcorar J. r-{[uere) Then [+p defines a norm on X If + glp R[x] isa linear transformation over IR satisfying T(-1,1,1,1) = x? + 2x4, T(1,2,3,4) = 1-x?, T(2,-1,-1,0 Then the coefficient of x* in T(—3, 5,6, 6) is Let F(x,y,2) = (2x - 2y cosx)? + (2y— y?sinx) j + 4z R and let S be the surface of the tetrahedron bounded by the planes x=0y=0,2=0and xt+ytz2=1 If fis the unit outward normal to the tetrahedron, then the value of fe fds is (rounded off to two decimal places) Let F = (x + 2y)e7i + (ye? +x?) j + yz Rand let $ be the surface x+y? +2= 1, 220.10 Aisa unit normal to Sand [foe P)- Ads} = an. 3 Then at is equal to Let G be a non-cyclic group of order 57. Then the number of elements of order 3 in Gis ‘The coefficient of (x — 1) in the Taylor expansion about x = 1 of the funetion F = { Pa O

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