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1. Define the concept of fallacy.

2. Determine whether the following arguments are valid or not.
3. Identify the type of fallacy on those arguments you find fallacious and
explain why you consider the argument “not valid” (support your answer).
4. If there are any valid arguments, you must also explain why you consider
those arguments “valid”
5. There might be more than one fallacy in a single statement. You must
explain each one of your answers.
6. This activity will be graded.

Fallacy is:
1. You don´t have to do what I tell you, but remember that I am the one who pays
for your education.
____________________. Why?
2. Chevrolet is the best option if you want to buy a car because it is the best-
selling brand in Colombia. _____________________. Why?
3. If you eat that hamburger, your cholesterol levels will go up; then, all that
saturated fat will go to your bloodstream and block your arteries; and, finally,
you will die from a heart attack. ______________________________. Why?
4. I really think you should give me the job; I need it more than anyone else
because I have a wife and two children who need to be fed.
____________________. Why?
5. According to Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director of the National Department of
Statistics, multidimensional poverty in Colombia has increased from 17.8% in
2016 to 19.6% in 2018 (DANE, 2019) _____________________. Why?
6. I can´t live with you mother. If you want me to stay here in this house, she has
to go.
_________________________. Why?
7. Italians love spaghetti. Texans wear boots. Philosophers are ugly.
___________________________. Why?
8. "You didn't even finish high school. How could you possibly know about this?"
__________________. Why?
9. Scientist Manuel Elkin Patarroyo claimed that the population of night monkeys
are not at risk for his experiments. ________________________. Why?
10. If you don´t buy me this new book now is because you consider that reading is
not important. _______________________. Why?
11. If you buy me this new game is because you don´t love me.
________________________. Why?
12. Person A: The children's winter concert at the school should include non-
Christmas songs too.
Person B: You won't be happy until Christmas songs are banned from being
played on the radio!
__________________________. Why?
13. You claim to be an animalist, so why do you eat meat?
_______________________. Why?
14. Animal testing has helped to develop new medicines and treatments for human
_______________________. Why?
15. Scientist: Evolution explains how animals developed, adapted and diversified
over millions of years.
Opponent: If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? And why
don't we have three arms? Wouldn't that give me a competitive advantage?
_________________________________. Why?

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