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21 Days to Improve Your Life Plan

This plan was put together to try to help you improve your life in just 21 days by creating
healthy habits and just slowly changing your routine into a more healthy one.
It contains:

• Habit building training: During this three weeks we will implement one healthy habit per week
by doing simple actions daily. The three habits that we are going to implement will be: Drinking
more water, stop using your phone right before bed and start doing yoga on a daily basis.
• 21 Days diet plan cheat sheet: You will have the normal option and the vegan option. Note that
this diet plan should be used as a guideline, don’t obsess to follow it exactly, always give
yourself a little flexibility.
• 21 days workout routine cheat sheet: A bodyweight routine that you can do at home and a
weights routine that you could do at the gym. Both routines will be divided in 3 workout days and
two cardio days so they are both 5 days routines.
• Exercise summary.

Some disclaimers before we begin:

As always, check with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes. Always listen to
your body and modify as needed. Note that the exercises listed in the workout routines are
specified in sets and repetitions per set. The weights that you use should depend on your fitness
level, strength and technique, so please be sure not overestimate your capabilities, since it could
result in an injury. Start small and then work your way to heavier weight liftings.

If you are recovering from an injury, emphasize clean eats and meet with a local personal trainer or
exercise physiologist to set up a specific plan.

Please keep in mind that these are healthy food suggestions, but portions and serving sizes should
be adjusted to fit your unique needs.

Let’s get going!

The very first thing that you need to do to make sure you complete this 21 day plan is to set up
systems to keep you motivated and accountable. I’m going to list 4 things that I think are
indispensable to achieve long-term success, but feel free to add any other system that you think
would help you complete this plan.

Set an specific goal

I can’t stress enough how important being specific about your goal is. When bad days come (and
they will come, trust me) you need to have a really specific goal to help you stay motivated to
achieve it. If your goal is vague, and is something like: “I want to be healthier” you will probably quit
at some point. But if you are specific about it, and with that I mean know WHY you want to achieve
that goal, that will move you when you are not feeling it. “I want to be healthier because I want to
be able to play ball with my children/grandchildren” or “I want to lose weight to look better on this
outfit”, etc.
Be specific, and you write it down. For real. Write it down and put it somewhere you could see it
everyday, so you continuously remember yourself why are you doing this.
You can even make an inspiration board (it could be a real board or a Pinterest board) to have a
visual reminder of what you want to achieve.

Create an accountability method

It is important to stay accountable on your progress. Not only it will help your realize how far you’ve
come but it will also motivate you to keep following the plan in order to get the results.

Find a support team

Look for someone who you could reach for words of encouragement during the next 21 days. This
could be a family member, a friend or a coworker. If you feel like you have no one to turn to for stuff
like this, you could always email me at and have a conversation with
If you could, try to convince someone to join you in this plan, so you two can keep each other
accountable and motivate each other. In my experience, to do any program with someone else is
the best way to stick with it.

Meal prep for the win

We are all really busy in our daily routine, so I get that most of us don’t have time to cook three
meals everyday. That’s where meal prep joins the party. Some of the meals that I propose you in
the diet plans can be prepared in advanced and stored in the fridge. Take advantage of this and
maybe dedicate some time one day per week to prepare some meals so you don’t have to worry
about preparation time later on. Just heat it up and eat it!

Habit training

This training will be divided in 3 weeks. Every week we will focus on one
specific habit, but we will follow up with it during the next weeks while we
focus on other habits. The goal here is to be able to introduce three healthy
habits into our daily routine. I will use drinking more water, stop using your
phone before bed and yoga practices, but feel free to use this same
method to build up any other habit that you want to implement in your life.

The habit building is really not that complicated, is all about consistency
and setting up systems. And those are the tips that I will give you in this part
of the plan. So let’s get into it.

Drinking more water

Drinking more water is super important to our well

function and it can also be a really helpful tool to
lose weight (as shown in this article) and to
improve your workout performance. We all know
how important it is to drink water, and even so we
struggle to reach the amount of water that we
should drink per day. And this is why we need to
build up the habit of drinking more water. And it
can be done by just two simple steps: drinking a
glass of water first thing in the morning and having
a water bottle with you all day long. If you are not

used to this, it could take a little time to internalize, but once you’ve build it, you will strive for water
and you will feel so much better during your days.
So how do we build this habit? Well it has three phases: the first one is more passive and the other
two more pro active. This is how I recommend you to tackle this habit building:

Day 1: Put a glass of water next to your bed. When you wake up, don’t even think about it and
drink the whole think. You can even do it while you are still in bed. Easy and quick. Be sure to put
the glass on the table the night before, so there is zero chance of you forgetting about drinking in
the morning.

Day 2: Same thing. Glass of water on your bedside table the night before, and drink the whole
thing on the next morning.

Day 3: Continue to do the glass of water first thing in the morning. On top of that, look for a small
water bottle and take it to your job. Try to drink all of it during the entire morning. Put it somewhere
you can see it and you won’t even have to think about drinking it.

Day 4: Continue to do the glass of water first thing in the morning. Today, instead of a small water
bottle, look for a normal one and half fill it up. Bring it with you to your job and drink it entirely
during the morning.

Day 5: Repeat day 4.

Day 6: Continue to drink a glass of water when you wake up. Today, fill the bottle entirely. By now
you will already have the tick to dink every now and then while at work. But if you started this habit
building on a Monday, it means that today it’s Saturday, so maybe you aren’t going to work today.
No problem. Just carry the water bottle with you on whatever you are doing. Put it in your car if you
are driving somewhere or in the dinning room table if you are at home. Make sure it is in a place
where you can easily see it and try to drink it all. It will require a little attention from you today, just
because you won’t have it entrant of you all the time, but you will probably be more used to drink
every now and then already.

Day 7: Repeat day 6 and be pro active in your drinking.

Continue to proactive do this last step until you do it without even thinking about it. This is one of
the easiest habits to build up, because drinking water is almost effortless, you just grab the glass/
bottle and drink. So, continue to build this habit through the next weeks.

Stop using your phone before bed

Sleeping is crucial to be healthy, productive, and

even happy. Having a good before bed routine can
really help us to get a better sleep. In my opinion
the most important habit that we should try to
implement in our bedtime routine is to get away
from our phones at least an hour before we go to
bed. Why? Well, on top of all the stimuli that we get
from our phone’s screen (blue light) we can be
tempted to stay on our phone long past our bed
time, just trap on instagram, facebook or youtube,
checking on other people’s lives and loosing quality
sleep time because of it. So my recommendation is
to strive for a phone-free hour before we go to bed.
But this is so hard to achieve today, when people
are basically falling asleep on their phones. How do

we achieve it? By slowly building the habit. This one will be a little more hard than the water and it
will hardly depend not only in willower but also in strategy.

Days 1 and 2: We are going to try to not look at our phone while we lay down in bed. Pretty simple
right? We are allowed to look at our phone until we lay down. After that moment, we can’t look at it
until the alarm goes on in the morning. You could do this by charging your phone on the other Side
of the room, or even outside your room. This may not seem as a big step, but it is actually settling
in your subconscious that the bed is a place where no cellphone are allowed.

Days 3 and 4: Today you will put your phone aside 15 minutes before you go to bed. You can put it
aside before you do the very last steps prior going to bed (going to the bathroom, putting on your
pajamas, etc.). 15 minutes. I know you can do it.

Days 4 and 5: Here is where things get interesting. You are going to put your phone aside 30
minutes before you go to sleep. I know this is the hardest step. My recommendation is to use some
app that allows you to block your phone so you can’t use it even if you want to. There are a lot of
different apps that allow you to do it. I personally use “offtime” which is an app that turns my phone
into a useless brick for as long as I settle it. You could try some of this apps and activate them 30
minutes before you go to sleep. If I were you I would settle the app to work for 2 hours, so either
you go to sleep 30 minutes after you activate it, or you have to wait those 2 hours in order to use
your phone again. I know it sounds a little drastic, but, this method is really useful. Obviously, you
can rely on your willpower to achieve this, but be sure not to lie to yourself.

Days 6 and 7: Now, we get to the hour. You are going to put your phone aside an hour before you
go to sleep. It is important that you have something to do in that hour: talk to the people that live
with you (if you have a partner, a roommate or live with your parents), practice a hobby, read,
meditate, do yoga (which is part of the next habit) or just relax. Try to fill up the time, so you really
are disconnecting.

Practicing yoga

Yoga is a very wide topic and it covers a philosophy that talks about the importance of taking care
of your body and your mind. I personally have experienced the great benefits that yoga can aport
you physically and I think doing a little yoga practice everyday is a great way to end or start your
day. It can help you in many ways, depending on what your goals are (lose weight, relief anxiety,
relax, strength, sleep better, etc). If you are skeptical about yoga, here you have an article on why
you should give it a try.
The thing with this habit is that building it
is less progressive than the last two.
What I mean by this is that I don’t think
you can start by a small routine change.
The first step will be to do a 10 minutes
yoga workout, so it is not as small as
drinking a glass of water in the morning
or not using your phone on bed. But I
also think this is the habit where you can
see the benefits the quicker. So I hope
this is enough to keep you motivated,
because that’s what worked for me.
A good way to implement this habit is to
do this yoga practices in the time
between you put your phone away and
you go to sleep. This way you could be working in building two habits at the same time and actually
each habit will help build the other one. But obviously this is just a suggestion you can do this yoga
practices at every time during the day.

Day 1: Think this habit through. Why do you want to start doing yoga? Which benefit of yoga are
you looking for? Which yoga practices are best for that specific goal? You can find all of this
information in my blog or consult google for extra info. Decide which practice are
you gonna perform and schedule a time of the day when you will do it. Put your yoga mat in a
reachable place and prepare to start on day 2.

Days 2, 3 and 4: Start by a small yoga practice, maybe a 5-10 minutes one. This is just to get your
feet wet, to know what it is to do yoga. Watch some video tutorials if you need to. Start to
acknowledge your body. If you have already practiced yoga in the past, you can skip this step.

Days 5, 6 and 7: Move to a full yoga practice. This will vary a lot depending on what is your goal.
For example if you are just trying to get a better sleep, you may not need more than a 10 minute
before beed stretch session in order to achieve it. Then do that. If you are trying to lose weight or
to gain strength for example, you may need something a little more intense or long. Try different
routines until you find the one that better suits with you and stick with it. As you progress you will
be able to introduce your own routines and poses, but always listen to your body and don’t rush it.

Again, this is a guideline, don’t stress if any of these progressions is too quick for you. Take extra
day in every step if you need to. The important thing is to be consistent. And don’t be hard on
yourself if you skip one day. Is not that big of a deal, but make sure that you get back on track the
very next day. I have what I call the 2 days rule (I may have read/watch this somewhere a long
time ago, but I honestly don’t remember where): If you stop doing something for one day, is a
breathing pause; if you stop for two days, you are quitting. Be sure not to quit, because it will be
really hard to get back on track. Try to don’t lose momentum, and once you’ve builded the habit,
you won’t even have to worry about it anymore.

Diet Plan Cheat Sheet

For the diet plan we are going to divide it in two parts: the weekdays and the weekend. During the
week days you will have a more settle diet, while the weekends will be a little more flexible, and
you will even have a cheat meal (this means that you can eat whatever you want). I will suggest
you to make this meal on Saturday night, but you can change it to whenever it fits your schedule
better. Remember, this is not supposed to be a really strict diet, it is just a guideline.

The amounts will vary depending on your current physique and your goals. In this meal plan I’m
also going to give you a vegan option, so this plan can be used by as many people as possible.

A recipe book for this plan will come up shortly, but if you have any questions on how to make any
meal proposed, feel free to email me and I will send you a recipe to follow.

Week 1 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Monday Overnight Oats Lentils with rice Smoked Salmon Sliced Bell peppers
(preferably brown Salad (100 gr)
rice, but white rice Vegan option:
is fine) Salad with flax
(Save leftovers) seeds

Tuesday Overnight Oats Grilled salmon with Chicken taco Hummus and
asparagus and lettuce wraps chopped veggies
sweet potato Vegan option:
Vegan option: Tempeh taco
Sweet potato with lettuce wraps
hummus and (save leftovers)

Wednesday Overnight Oats Couscous with Chicken taco Sliced Bell peppers
meat and lettuce wraps (100 gr)
vegetables Vegan option:
Vegan option: Tempe taco lettuce
Couscous with wraps
vegetables (leftovers)
(save leftovers)

Thursday Overnight Oats Lentils with rice Pureed vegetables Turkey Sandwich
(preferably brown and a piece of fruit Vegan option:
rice, but white rice Salad sandwich
is fine) (tomato, cucumber,
(Leftovers) lettuce, spinach)

Friday Overnight Oats Chickpeas with Chicken breast with Fruit Macedonia
spinach and quinoa mash potatoes (bowl with as many
(Save leftovers) Vegan option: fruits as you want )
Seitan with mash

Saturday Avocado toast with Couscous with Cheat Meal 1 or 2 squares of

eggs meat and dark chocolate
Vegan option: vegetables
Avocado toast with Vegan option:
olive oil and a Couscous with
handful of nuts vegetables

Sunday Protein pancakes Home made burger Two eggs omelet Kale chips
top with a serving (be careful with the with tomato and
of nut butter and/or sauces, don’t use cucumber.
pure maple syrup too much) Vegan option:
Vegan option: Tempeh salad
Vegan home made
(be careful with the
sauces, don’t use
too much)

Week 2 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Monday Overnight Oats Chickpeas with Grilled chicken Sliced Bell peppers
spinach and quinoa salad (100 gr)
(Leftovers) Vegan option:
Salad with nuts

Tuesday Overnight Oats Grilled salmon with Mediterranean lentil Fruit Macedonia
asparagus and salad with (bowl with as many
sweet potato cucumber, olives, fruits as you want )
Vegan option: peppers, tomato,
Sweet potato with kale and parsley.
hummus and

Wednesday Overnight Oats Whole-grain pasta Quesadilla with Hummus and

with avocado, fresh grilled chicken, chopped veggies
tomato and chicken cheese of choice,
breast. and chopped
Vegan option: veggies
Whole-grain pasta Vegan option:
with avocado, fresh Quesadilla with
tomato and quinoa tempeh, vegan
meatballs cheese, and
chopped veggies

Thursday Overnight Oats Chili with meat and Zucchini noodles Sliced Bell peppers
rice with avocado pesto (100 gr)
Vegan option:
Chili with rice
(Save leftovers)

Friday Overnight Oats Black beans with Smoked Salmon Turkey Sandwich
rice, broccoli and Salad Vegan option:
sweet potato Vegan option: Salad sandwich
(Save leftovers) Salad with flax (tomato, cucumber,
seeds lettuce, spinach)

Saturday Avocado toast with Chili with meat and Cheat Meal 1 or 2 squares of
eggs rice dark chocolate
Vegan option: Vegan option:
Avocado toast with Chili with rice
olive oil and a (Leftovers)
handful of nuts

Sunday Protein pancakes Your go to pasta Ratatouille with Kale chips

top with a serving (again, watch out quinoa
of nut butter and/or the sauces, most of (Save leftovers)
pure maple syrup them are loaded
with sugar).

Week 3 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Monday Overnight Oats Black beans with Chicken breast with Fruit Macedonia
rice, broccoli and mash potatoes (bowl with as many
sweet potato Vegan option: fruits as you want )
(Leftovers) Seitan with mash

Tuesday Overnight Oats Chicken breast with Ratatouille with Hummus and
beans and quinoa chopped veggies
couscous (Leftovers)
Vegan option:
Seitan with beans
and couscous

Wednesday Overnight Oats Chicken Soup and Sliced Bell peppers

a turkey and fresh (100 gr)
Vegan option:
Vegetables soup
and falafel with
small salad at the

Thursday Overnight Oats Chickpeas with Chicken breast with Turkey Sandwich
spinach and quinoa mash potatoes Vegan option:
(Save leftovers) Vegan option: Salad sandwich
Seitan with mash (tomato, cucumber,
potatoes lettuce, spinach)

Friday Overnight Oats Grilled salmon with Mediterranean lentil Fruit Macedonia
asparagus and salad with (bowl with as many
sweet potato cucumber, olives, fruits as you want )
Vegan option: peppers, tomato,
Sweet potato with kale and parsley.
hummus and

Saturday Avocado toast with Chickpeas with Cheat Meal 1 or 2 squares of

eggs spinach and quinoa dark chocolate
Vegan option: (Leftovers)
Avocado toast with
olive oil and a
handful of nuts

Sunday Protein pancakes Home made burger Zucchini noodles Kale chips
top with a serving (be careful with the with avocado pesto
of nut butter and/or sauces, don’t use
pure maple syrup too much)
Vegan option:
Vegan home made
(be careful with the
sauces, don’t use
too much)

Workout Plan Cheat Sheet

As it is said in the introduction, I’m going to give you a bodyweight and a weight lifting routine. You
can either use only one or mix up both.
This workout plan is designed to be done 5 days per week, but if you are just getting started you
could space it a little more. Instead of 5 days per week do 5 days per week and a half. Anyway I
encourage you to try to complete the 21 days plan.

This workout routines are thought as a progressive plan. This means that the workouts in the first
week will be easier than the ones in the last one, but also that you will be prepared to those last
workouts because you will have improved your overall shape.
This plan is divided in two kind of days: Workout days and cardio days.
Since this plan is set for only three workouts (bodyweight or weightlifting) per week, it is going to
use a full body approach. Ideally, we should work every muscle groups twice per week, but since
we have limited workouts, every workout day will be full body day, with emphasis in one of the
three big muscle groups:

• Push (Chest, Shoulders and Biceps

• Pull (Back, Shoulders and Triceps)
• Legs

The cardio days are going to be based on just building up cardio endurance. For that we are going
to use 2 kind of cardio workout:

• Interval training
• Maintenance cardio

You are supposed to rest 2 days per week. In my opinion it is better if you don’t take two days off
back to back, just because you will destroy your momentum and it will be harder to come back and
also because then you will have to do 5 straight workouts. But if that’s the way it better fits your
schedule (maybe resting the weekends), go for it. Just try to commit to come back and to workout
five days in a row.

This workout plan is supposed to help you get your feet wet and start building the habit of working
out consistently. Since it is a progressive workout, being the last week the most challenging one,
after you are done you can use the last week’s routine as your routine following up.

Week 1

Bodyweight Weight Lifting

Day Workout 1 (Push focussed) Workout 1 (Push focussed)
1 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
outside, static bicycle or elliptical or elliptical machine)

⁃4x10 Bench Press

⁃10 Push-ups
⁃3x10 Leg extension and leg curl
⁃15 Squats
antagonistic super set

⁃10 Chair dips

⁃3x10 Row

⁃10 Sit-ups
⁃3x8 Pec-dec machine

⁃5 Shoulder push-ups
⁃3x8 Shoulder press

⁃15 Incline push-ups

⁃3x10 Triceps extension

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 1
10’ Warm up running/biking/eliptical
2 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

4 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

Day Rest Day


Day Workout 2 (Pull focussed) Workout 2 (Pull focussed)
4 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
or elliptical machine)

⁃10 Supermans
⁃3X8 Pulldown machine

⁃5 Burpees
⁃3x8 Leg press

⁃10 Door frame rows

⁃3X10 Incline Chest machine

⁃10 Arm leg plank

⁃3x8 Reverse pulldown

⁃10 Leg raises

⁃3x10 Cable lateral raise

⁃30” plank
⁃3X8 Arm curl-press

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 2
10 Minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minutes rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minute rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical
Day Workout 3 (Leg focussed) Workout 3 (Leg focussed)
6 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static
bicycle or elliptical machine)
⁃15 Squats
⁃3x10 Back Squat
⁃12 Lunges
⁃3x8-12 Push-ups
⁃20 Bicycle crunches
⁃3x10 Lunges
⁃5 Squat jumps
⁃3x10 Hip thrust
⁃15 Step Up

⁃3x20 Calf Raises

⁃10 Bridges

⁃3x10 Sit-ups
Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest
30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Rest Day


Week 2

Bodyweight Weight Lifting

Day Workout 1 (Push focussed) Workout 1 (Push focussed)
1 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
outside, static bicycle or elliptical or elliptical machine)

⁃4x10 Shoulder Press

⁃12 Push-ups
⁃3x10 Leg extension and leg curl
⁃15 Lunges
antagonistic super set

⁃12 Chair dips

⁃3x10 Row

⁃10 Climbers
⁃3x8 Cable Fly

⁃5 Shoulder push-ups
⁃3x8 Bench press

⁃15 Shoulder taps

⁃3x10 Triceps extension

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 1
10’ Warm up running/biking/eliptical
2 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

4 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

Day Rest Day


Day Workout 2 (Pull focussed) Workout 2 (Pull focussed)
4 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
or elliptical machine)

⁃12 Supermans
⁃3X8 Reverse grip pulldown machine

⁃5 Low plank climber

⁃3x8 Leg press

⁃10 Door frame rows

⁃3X10 Incline Chest machine

⁃12 Arm leg plank

⁃3x10 Wide Row

⁃10 Leg raises

⁃3x10 Cable face pull

⁃35” plank
⁃3X8 Arm curl-press

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 2
10 Minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minutes rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minute rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical
Day Workout 3 (Leg focussed) Workout 3 (Leg focussed)
6 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static
bicycle or elliptical machine)
⁃15 Squats
⁃4x10 Back Squat
⁃12 Lunges
⁃3x8-12 Push-ups
⁃20 Bicycle crunches
⁃3x10 Bulgarian squat
⁃5 Burpees
⁃4x10 Hip thrust
⁃15 Lunges step up

⁃3x20 Calf Raises

⁃10 Bridges

⁃3x10 Sit-ups
Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest
30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Rest Day


Week 3

Bodyweight Weight Lifting

Day Workout 1 (Push focussed) Workout 1 (Push focussed)
1 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
outside, static bicycle or elliptical or elliptical machine)

⁃4x10 Bench Press

⁃12 Push-ups
⁃3x10 Leg extension and leg curl
⁃20 Squats
antagonistic super set

⁃12 Chair dips

⁃3x10 Row

⁃25 Punches
⁃3x8 Pec-dec machine

⁃5 Shoulder push-ups
⁃4x8 Shoulder press

⁃15 Shoulder taps

⁃4x10 Triceps extension

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 1
10’ Warm up running/biking/eliptical
2 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

4 minutes rest

2 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed

30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 60% of your maximum speed
30 seconds running/biking/eliptical at 80% of your maximum speed
1 minute running/biking/eliptical at 40% of your maximum speed

Day Rest Day


Day Workout 2 (Pull focussed) Workout 2 (Pull focussed)
4 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static bicycle
or elliptical machine)

⁃15 Supermans
⁃4X8 Pulldown machine

⁃5 Low plank climber

⁃3x8 Leg press

⁃12 Door frame rows

⁃3X10 Incline Chest machine

⁃12 Arm leg plank

⁃4x10 Reverse Pulldown

⁃10 Donkey Kicks

⁃3x10 Cable lateral raise

⁃40” Plank
⁃3X10 Arm curl-press

Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest

30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Cardio 2
10 Minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minutes rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical

3 minute rest

10 minute running/biking/eliptical
Day Workout 3 (Leg focussed) Workout 3 (Leg focussed)
6 ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill or jogging
outside, static bicycle or elliptical ⁃10’ Warm up (treadmill, static
bicycle or elliptical machine)
⁃20 Squats
⁃4x10 Back Squat
⁃12 Lunges
⁃3x8-12 Push-ups
⁃15 Sit-ups
⁃4x8 Bulgarian squat
⁃6 Burpees
⁃4x12 Hip thrust
⁃15 Step ups

⁃3x20 Calf Raises

⁃12 Bridges

⁃3x10 Sit-ups
Do the entire circle 3 times. Try to rest
30 seconds in between exercises and
rest 4 minutes in between sets.

Day Rest Day


Exercise Summary




Chair dips


Shoulder push-ups

Incline push-ups



Shoulder taps


Weight Lifting
Bench press

Leg extension and leg curl

antagonistic super set (for this one
you do the leg extension and right
after it, the leg curl, that’s one set)


Pec-dec machine

Shoulder press

Triceps extension

Cable fly


Supermans Lunges

Bicycle crunches

Door frame rows

Squat jumps

Arm leg plank

Step Up


Low plank climber


Leg raises
Lunges step up

Donkey kicks

Weight Lifting: Weight Lifting:

Pulldown machine
Back Squat
Leg press

Incline Chest machine

Reverse pulldown
Cable lateral raise
Hip thrust
Arm curl-press
Calf Raises
Wide Row
Cable face pull
Bulgarian squat


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