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Found Trinkets Date (A025) O Odious Otig

Scale Model (A026) O Rogue Triceratops

(A027) O Mercenary Minotaur
Wooden Flute
(A028) O Greedy Tyrant-O-Saurus
Fanciful Stationary (A032) O Wailing Banshee
Bolt of Fine Linen (A033) O Whomping Olisaurus
Tulips (A034) O Lorem Ipsum Merlo Mupsi
Animated Rock (A035) O Abominable Mud Creature
Mortar & Pestle (A036) O Gobblidy Goop
Bedroll (A037) O Prankish Fairy
Bar of Soap (A038) O Mischievous Fairy
Flaming Dagger (A039) O Troublesome Fairy
(A040) O Frugal Fairy
Swirly Straw
Cooking Spices the dark places Date
Last Year's Pantaloons (D001) O Banished Mushroom Creature
Invisible Cloak (D002) O Horrendous Postureling
Potion of Levitation (D003) O Discontented Miniatures
(D004) O Dust Bunnies
Skeleton Key
(D005) O Tha Dungeon Lackey Defense Force!
Talking Skull
(D006) O Stealthy! Rooftop Popcorn Brigade
(D007) O Chompy Treasure Chest
(D008) O Giant Carnivorous Larvae
Hostile Creatures and Dastardly Foes Date (D009) O Polka-Dancing Cockroach
(A001) O Pickled Mushroom Creature (D010) O Gelatinus Karaoke Beast
(A002) O Overly Ambitious Goblin Trainee (D011) O Blathering Blatherskites
(A003) O Ferocious Blah-Boaricus (D012) O Mob of Garrulous Gobhooligans
(A004) O Colony of Bear Bugs (D013) O Durable Skeleton Hunter
(A005) O Swarm of Flying Leeches (D014) O Skeleton Fighter Poetry Club
(A006) O Dreadful Jackalope (D015) O Grimy Grave Robbers
(A007) O Mythical Waddling Warbler (D016) O Ancient Slugglemyte
(A008) O Avenging Scribbles (D017) O Briney Undead Pirates
(A009) O Feral Chickens (D018) O Cunning Arachnid
(A010) O Werekeet (D019) O Dungeon Horde
(A011) O Giant Hideous Toad (D020) O Orcish Warriors
(A012) O Group of Goblins (D021) O Slithering Centipede
(A013) O Skeleton Fighter (D022) O Drooling Amphipod
(A014) O Marauding Gullpiper (D023) O Greater Otig
(A015) O Goblin Riders (D024) O Counterfeit Golem
(A016) O Sharks (D025) O Villainous Slime
(A017) O Velociduck (D026) O Polyester Nightmare
(A018) O Burrowing Slugglemyte (D027) O Belching Troll Monster
(A019) O Heedless Horseman (D028) O Restless Mummy
(A020) O Band of Brigands (D029) O Radioactive Undead Ogre
(A021) O Undead Pirates of the High Seas (D030) O Mysterious Hooded Figure
(A022) O Delinquent Pterodactyl (D031) O Suit of Armor
(A023) O Grumpy Ogre (D032) O Floating Sword
(A024) O Band of Fiendish Orcs (D038) O Garbage Heap

Heroes of Feonora© was created by Josh & Lisa Graye, (2010) All Rights Reserved

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