Chapter 3

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As was previously shown, knowledge of source impedance and load admittance are essential
for determination of the system stability. To obtain this information a small signal
disturbance(Voltage Or Current) can be injected into the system and the circuit response
could be used to calculate corresponding impedance and admittance. There are three methods
for disturbance injections: series(voltage) injection, shunt (current) injection, and impedance
injection (which can be accomplished through series or shunt connection). In this chapter all
these methods will be described in detail.


To produce desirable shunt current disturbance, this injection method utilizes three current
sources connected in parallel with power system as shown in figure 3.1. The injection point
was placed between the filter and the load because this interface is the most susceptible to
the incremental negative resistance phenomena of Constant power load system. The system
from figure3.1 in arbitrary reference frame is shown in figure 3.2. In a general form, an AC
disturbance can be injected in the q-d reference frame as

Where Imi and Imo are the desired current injection amplitude, Ɏinj is the injection angle and
Ȧs is the injection radian frequency which will be swept over a range of interest. By inverse
transformation, the injected currents in machine variables become
Where the transformation matrix is

Where Ȧe is the power system radian frequency and ȟ is a dummy integration variable.

With Imo=0, Equation 3.1.4 evaluates to

Figure 3.1 Generalized CPL system with an ideal current injection

Figure 3.2 System from the Figure 3.1 in the arbitrary reference frame.

The shape of the injected current is identical to the shape of current formed by double-
sideband suppressed carrier(DSSD) used in AM broadcasting. Some portion of the injected
current will flow into the source and some portion will flow in to the load. The nature of the
source current can be evaluated by simply adding the line current and the injected current the
resulting current takes form
Where i as, i*bs and i*cs, are ideal currents produced by the system power source and Ims is
the magnitude of these currents.

It can be shown that the frequency spectrum of signals defined by 3.1.11- 3.2.13 will have
peaks at Ȧe, (Ȧs- Ȧe) and (Ȧs+ Ȧe).

Figure 3.3 illustrates this fact. The magnitude of the term (Ȧs± Ȧe) is equal to a half of the
magnitude of the injected current and much less than the magnitude of fundamental line
current. When this signal is demodulated, the fundamental current component is considered a
noise signal and it makes measurement of the desired signals less accurate. The best solution
for this issue is band-pass filter that will extract(pass) only signals of interest. For higher
frequency measurement, a high-pass filter will eliminate only low frequency fundamental and
increase signal-noise ratio.
Figure 3.3 Phase A line current and it frequency spectrum.

Figure 3.4 consists four groups of plots. The first plot demonstates an effect of injected

currents on line currents ias, ibs and ics. The second plot shows the same line currents in the

synchronous reference frame. Here in ieds=ie0s=0, Ɏinj=00 and Ȧs=3770rad/sec. The current
injected in to phase A presented on the third plot and it has classical shape of DSSC
modulation. The last plot shows of the line current in the stationary reference frame.
Figure 3.4 Current injection waveforms for Ɏinj=00 and Ȧs=3770rad/sec.
Figure 3.5 has the same set of plots. For this example q-and d-axis currents were injected in
equal amount of each of them. It makes angle Ɏinj be equal 450.

Figure 3.5 Current injection waveforms for Ɏinj=450 and Ȧs=3770rad/sec.

When the currents are injected, the resulting voltage perturbations and source and load
current perturbations at the injection frequency can be used to speci¿cally calculate the
source and load impedances [9]. The a b c voltage at the injection terminal, the load, and
source currents must be transformed to the d q synchronous reference frame and their
components at the frequency of interest must be extracted. Traditionally, the current is
injected ¿rst in the q-axis and then the d-axis. However, it cannot be assumed that the source
and load currents in one axis are zero if the current injected in that axis is zero because of the
coupling between the axes and the circulation of current between the source and load. Herein,
the injection angle Ɏinj can be set to an arbitrary value. Several values of injection angle (at
least two) are then used to solve for the complete set of impedances. For example, the source
impedance equation (1) can be rewritten in the form

where A is the matrix required to satisfy (14) but is not written out here due to space
constraints. For a three-phase system without zero-sequence current, the impedance matrix
consists of four unknowns Zqq ,Zqd ,Zdq , and Zdd . Therefore, at least two sets of
measurements are needed in order to solve the linear system of equations. To solve this
problem, (14) can be extended by combining two or more measurement results in one set of
equations with each measurement corresponding to a unique angle Ɏinj . A minimum of two
measurements are necessary to obtain a solution. The solution represents a best ¿t to the data
obtained from the current injection and can be automatically solved using math processing
software such as MATLAB.


To produce desirable shunt current disturbance, this injection method utilizes three current
sources connected in parallel with power system as shown in figure 3.1. The injection point
was placed between the filter and the load because this interface is the most susceptible to
the incremental negative resistance phenomena of Constant power load system.

This can be explained by taking a simple source-load system shown in below figure,. The
source-load system shown in Fig. 1 will be used for a basis of discussion for the proposed
techniques. Therein, the voltages across the source and load are denoted Vs and Vl ,
respectively. The current from the source to load is labeled isl . Finally, the perturbation
source is an ideal voltage source whose instantaneous voltage is denoted Vp .


The set of Ȧp,i defines the frequencies at which immitances are sought. These frequencies
will often be logarithmically distributed over some range. The selection of the perturbation
amplitudes clearly requires a degree of engineering judgment. One of the principal
advantages of the proposed technique is that the perturbation energy can be arbitrarily
distributed, and that the extraction process can focus on and take advantage of prior
knowledge of the perturbation and switching ripple frequencies. Using transform techniques,
the reconstruction frequencies are set by the sampling time.

In order to set forth the proposed method of impedance extraction, it is convenient to first set
forth some definitions related to waveform representation. The first of these is an angle
vector ș(t) that consist of N angular components organized in a row vector as

Often, the individual components will be of the form

where nî [1«..N], and where Ȧn and ș0n represent the angular radian frequency and
initial value of the n¶th component. Note that (4) is a typical form; not a defining form.
Herein, it will be attempted to approximate a signal f(t) in the form

where fdc represents and average value, f c and fs are constant coefficient vectors in , and
C and S are matrix valued function in general (but are vector valued functions in (5)) whose
elements are given by

where Į is a dummy matrix variable and i and j are arbitrary indices. Physically, f (and
coefficients fdc, f c and fs ) could represent voltages, currents, or any other signal of interest.
The representation (5) is quite flexible. In some ways, it is reminiscent of a truncated Fourier
series. However, whereas a truncated Fourier series is restricted to representing periodic
function, the representation of (5) is not. This is because the frequencies of the angle vectors
need not be related in a rational way. Clearly, not every signal can be represented in the form
of (5); however, this form will be shown to be adequate for the application at hand.


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