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Course: ELP 553: Organizational Management I Human Resource Management

Professor: Dr. Gregory Hicks

North Carolina State University

Fall 2019

Sarita Shaw
DPI pre-service descriptors Leadership Project Evidence
(What you did to meet each descriptor)

Standard 2: Instructional Leadership ● Participated in School Improvement planning teams to create schedules that supported
school initiatives which included contributing staff members who are not a part of the SIP
2b1. Adheres to legal requirements for team.
planning and instructional time ● Observed multiple school activities including lunch, class changes, teacher planning times,
PLC meetings, athletic events, school starting and ending procedures, and staff meetings to
monitor and analyze scheduling effectiveness.

Standard 4: Human Resource Leadership ● Reviewed the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Instrument.
● Observed two colleagues outside my teaching area, scheduling pre-conference meetings,
4c1. Works with others to provide formal observations, and post-conference meetings.
feedback to teachers concerning the ● Completed weekly Walk-Through Observations
effectiveness of their classroom instruction
and ways to improve their instructional

Standard 4: Human Resource Leadership ● Analyzed current staff evaluation processes against best practices to determine effective
teacher improvement through professional development.
4c2. Works with others to implement ● Reviewed procedures for various teacher improvement plans, i.e., directed, monitored, and
district and state evaluation policies in a mandatory improvement plans.
fair and equitable manner. ● Discussed teacher dismissal as per GS 115C-325.
nloe Magnet High School 
Gifted & Talented/IB Diploma Programme

Enloe High School is a Gifted & Talented International Baccalaureate Magnet High School in a Wake County residential community
inside the Interstate 440 beltline. It is near the state government complex, banking and commercial facilities, and universities, and is
15 minutes from Research Triangle Park. Enloe, a 9th- through 12th- grade school, has an enrollment of 2,497 students. Its magnet
program draws students from all over the county (WCPSS, 2019).

Mission Statement

Wake County Public School System will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative,
creative, effective communicators, and critical thinkers

Vision Statement
Students at Enloe Gifted and Talented / International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Magnet High School will capitalize on their
strengths through a curriculum offering a wide range of opportunities where integrity, diversity, and talents are nurtured.
Summary of Teacher Working Condition Survey

According to the Teacher Working Condition Survey, Enloe Magnet High School has a clean
environment where teachers feel safe and are encouraged to reflect on their practices. Teachers
also feel that they receive useful information on student performance while being held to high
professional standards. Over the last few years, teachers have felt that they need more technology
access, support from leadership, and improvement in student conduct. They do not feel that there
is mutual respect between the teachers and administration, and they do not have a place to raise
concerns as they do not feel they have a level of influence to do so.

Enloe Magnet High School Staff

Total Teachers: 121

Total Staff: 250

Enloe Human Resource Table

Human Resource Practices

Enloe has a prominent presence in the WCPSS Magnet Fairs along with a strong media presence and long-standing positive
reputation in the community. While family and student recruitment have been a desire of Enloe, specified teacher recruitment
practices are not present at this time.


The Administrative Team is assigned a department within the school to oversee. Within the department, the leader
responsible addresses all issues regarding Human Resource matters including hiring, evaluation, supervision, and action plans. The
leaders of the department communicates directly with the Human Resource Department of the Wake County Public School System
to screen prospective hires, communicate about any concerns of the applicants, and finalize their placement within the school.


All hired staff of Enloe Magnet High School are inducted through the Wake County Public School System orientation
protocols. They attend orientation at the district level before receiving access to the school site. The supervising administrator is
responsible for welcoming the teacher and providing all necessary resources for their job and success. All new staff to Enloe receive
a school-based orientation at the beginning of the year.

Staff Development

The leaders of Enloe support staff development and work to maintain a system where staff needs are provided within
Professional Learning Teams, Staff Professional Development sessions, and remote learning opportunities. At this time,
development is provided in the areas of Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, and Students. Teachers selected their area of need
within the categories to participate in development opportunities. Four leaders have been selected to provide information,
professional development, and remote opportunities within the categories. All Professional Learning Teams meet on Wednesdays.
Supervision/Evaluation/Action Plans

Enloe Administrators are responsible for supervising the teachers of the departments which they are assigned. The duties of
supervision include Professional Development Plans, Teacher Evaluation Cycles, Learning-Rounds where teachers conduct
walk-throughs every quarter, Action Plans with the accompaniment of the Principal, and parent and student needs. Two action plans
are currently in progress.

Instructional Time

Enloe Magnet High School is on an A/B block schedule where students attend four different ninety minute classes per day.
Teachers are assigned a planning period each day.

Personal Analysis

Enloe offers a rigorous curriculum and provides many opportunities through the magnet programming and expertise within the
community of the staff. The diversity of the school allows students to experience a real world model where varying cultures are
represented, and independent choices are necessary for success. Some areas of concern include staff development in areas that are
prominent areas of need including discipline, rigor and engagement among lower level courses, and absenteeism. Enloe is taking
steps towards the student needs in these areas by providing Second Chance Breakfast, Homeroom, interesting programs, and
required equity initiatives within observation cycles. The scheduling structures for professional learning teams lend themselves
towards guided discussions and data analysis where departments can plan their approach to address these school wide concerns.
We also have a parent, teacher, and student equity team where we can address some of these needs. Teacher representation does
not match with the student population. A highly qualified diverse staff that matches the student population will potentially provide
more student to teacher interaction and relationship building opportunities which could affect attendance and participation. In order to
make this change, the administration will need to show the staff that there is a mutual respect among all members. The Teacher
Working Condition Survey conveys a need for building of staff to administration relationships. Teachers that feel supported feel
empowered to buy-in and contribute to the community.

Enloe Magnet High School is a highly esteemed school with an immense variation of academic opportunities to prepare
students for college and career. Many students and staff members travel from near and far to attend Enloe daily. While the school
provides some of the best educational opportunities, there remains a disconnect in relationships. These relationships between
administration and staff, staff and students, and students and purpose are demonstrated in the subgroup data, absenteeism, and
Working Condition Surveys. Perhaps, procedures, protocols, and consistency would provide the structure, support, and action
necessary to provide a greater effect in the community of Enloe.
Analysis and Critique Against Best Practices

Enloe Magnet High School administrators have conducted several rounds of interviews for Teachers, Instructional Assistants
and Assistant Principals. The administrators use Applitrack, software adopted by Wake County Public School System to manage
human capital, and select the best candidates for an interview. While the applicant pool has been abundant in quantity, the selections
are often a misfit for the position. Most recruitment efforts are created to attract prospective students to the Magnet Program.
Considerations for the school include media presence with a greater focus on teachers, college and university partnerships, and
communication to staff about the school needs to promote word of mouth recommendations.

​Utilizes district resources for recruitment

Does not utilize media or recruitment materials to promote teaching at Enloe
Does not communicate needs with staff or college and university partnerships


The Administrative Team completes the three phases of the selection process: the paper screening, personal interview, and
reference checking. Student, teacher, and administrative teams are formed to interview candidates who apply for an administrative
position. The stakeholders involved in the selection process for administration have not been trained for selection and confidentiality,
nor do they determine the constitution of good responses before interviewing. Each team is responsible for providing strengths,
growth areas, and questions collaboratively after the interview.

​Team Completes three phases for selection

Strengths and weaknesses are noted in place of a ranking system
Stakeholders are not properly trained for selection/confidentiality

All new staff members participate in a mandatory orientation where they receive training on the essential protocols and
procedures necessary to effectively conduct a full day of instruction. The new staff members are assigned a “Buddy”, an experienced
staff member who provides assistance.

​New Staff Orientation takes places every year before the first teacher workdays
Feedback is not received from inductees for improvement

Staff Development

Staff development sessions are few, and include whole school discussions such as Second Chance Breakfast initiatives,
Vision Casting, and other School Improvement needs. With more time dedication, the plan for Instruction, Curriculum, Environment,
and Learner (ICEL) development will provide dynamic and comprehensive training.

​ ifferentiated development is organized to train teachers on curriculum development,

alignment, implementation, climate improvement, and instructional strategies
The development does not include incentives, supervision, or employee assistance and
Few sessions are offered during the year
Supervision/Evaluation/Action Plans

Enloe Administrators conduct observation cycles that include a preobservation, an observation, and postobservation
conference. The observation cycles are not specific to their department of supervision. The same reflection and planning questions
are used among all administrators during the preobservation and postobservation conferences for consistency.

​Administrators conduct regular well-planned observation cycles

Instructional Time

The A/B block schedule provides ninety minutes of uninterrupted learning for students and affords all teachers a 90 minute
planning block each day.

​Adequate instruction and planning time is provided

WPLP​ Magnet​ ​Elementary ​School 

Mission Statement

WPLP Gifted and Talented Magnet Elementary School will provide an inclusive and equitable environment for diverse learners to

engage in purposeful learning for global citizenship. We will strive to empower our students, staff and stakeholders to reach their

greatest potential through authentic relationships, development of gifts and talents, rigorous instruction, and integrity.

Vision Statement

All students of WPLP Gifted and Talented Magnet Elementary School will lead their lives with confidence and achievement through

the development of gifts and talents, equitable and dynamic instruction, and community empowerment.

Human Resource Practices


WPLP Elementary maintains partnerships with surrounding universities and colleges to provide exposure to the prospective
teachers, opportunities to learn the culture and rigor, as well as develop positive relationships with the community. The demographic
ratio of the students are matched by the staff. Updated videos for recruitment are regularly conveyed through digital platforms and job

The Administrative Team reviews the profiles and resumes of potential candidates for hiring. The team selects candidates for
an interview in the school. The candidates complete a three part interview on the school level. The candidate rotate between
administration, teachers, students, and parents for the interview. References are contacted as a final step.


All hired staff of WPLP Elementary attend a two day induction. The first day is dedicated to celebrating and a “Getting to
Know You” session where the community learns more about the new staff members as well as provides an opportunity to learn about
the community. This learning includes a cultural introduction, expectations, and opportunities to contribute to the culture of the school
through calibrating the environment, structures, and community helpers for feedback and assistance. Day two provides the training
for all expectations.

Staff Development

The leaders of WPLP develops strong Professional Learning Teams, Staff Professional Development sessions, and remote
learning opportunities. Differentiated training is provided in the areas of Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, and Students.
Teachers are also empowered to strengthen the whole-person (mind, body, spirit, and heart) to unleash their full potential. All
teachers participate in training regarding equity, differentiation, and student engagement. They are expected to demonstrate their
learnings daily.

Supervision/Evaluation/Action Plans

The duties of supervision include Professional Development Plans, Teacher Evaluation Cycles, Learning-Rounds where
teachers and students conduct walk-throughs every quarter, Action Plans with the accompaniment of the Principal, and parent and
student needs. The administration follows the C2D2 Discipline Plan where crucial conversations, documentation, and coaching drive
the improvement of teacher performance. This Discipline Plan includes the steps to expulsion.

Instructional Time

WPLP Elementary provides an A/B block schedule where students attend Math and Reading daily, and Science, Social
Studies and Specials in alternation. Teachers are assigned a planning period each day. Instructional time is protected with little to no
interruptions unless by observation, administrator, or emergency. Teachers are provided with a walkie-talkie to communicate with
administration immediately in case of an emergency.
Final Summary
The Human Resource Management plan serves as a foundation for structures that will produce a healthy, safe, and engaging
environment for each student enrolled. The recruitment, selection, and evaluation of teachers will be aligned to promote growth for all
stakeholders of the school community. The systems and procedures are essential to a trusting and productive culture where high
expectations are indicated with support for all to achieve.


About Our School / About Our School. (n.d.). Retrieved from ​​.

Smith, R. (2013). Human Resources Administration. doi: 10.4324/9781315855530

Student Outcomes / Student Outcomes Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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