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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2005) 66: 486–496

DOI 10.1007/s00253-004-1779-z


P. Metzger . C. Largeau

Botryococcus braunii: a rich source for hydrocarbons and related

ether lipids

Received: 6 July 2004 / Revised: 23 September 2004 / Accepted: 24 September 2004 / Published online: 4 December 2004
# Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract This paper presents a review on Botryococcus To avoid any confusion, it is important to specify what
braunii, a cosmopolitan green colonial microalga charac- kinds of compounds are considered as “lipids” in the
terised by a considerable production of lipids, notably present Mini-Review. According to the classic definition,
hydrocarbons. Strains like wild populations of this alga lipids are all the compounds produced by living organisms
differ in the type of hydrocarbons they synthesise and which are sparingly soluble in water but readily soluble in
accumulate: (1) n-alkadienes and trienes, (2) triterpenoid organic solvents (Ratledge and Wilkinson 1988); and their
botryococcenes and methylated squalenes, or (3) a structures may contain straight long hydrocarbon chains or
tetraterpenoid, lycopadiene. In addition to hydrocarbons isoprene units and various functional groups, especially
and some classic lipids, these algae produce numerous oxygenated ones. In this paper, we choose to separate B.
series of characteristic ether lipids closely related to braunii lipids by a functional group approach, so that
hydrocarbons. This review covers the algal biodiversity, straight-chain and isoprenoid hydrocarbons are presented
the chemical structures and biosynthesis of hydrocarbons together, while a second section is devoted to ether lipids.
and ether lipids and the biotechnological studies related to Strains of B. braunii isolated and grown in laboratories
hydrocarbon production. and wild populations of this alga both differ in the type of
hydrocarbons they synthesise. Accordingly, they are sub-
classified into three chemical races. Algae in race A
Introduction produce essentially n-alkadiene and triene hydrocarbons,
odd-carbon-numbered from C23 to C33 (Metzger et al.
Botryococcus braunii is a green colonial microalga 1985a), algae in race B produce triterpenoid hydrocarbons,
widespread in freshwater and brackish lakes, reservoirs, C30–C37 botryococcenes (Metzger et al. 1985a) and C31–
ponds, or even ephemeral lakes situated in continental, C34 methylated squalenes (Huang and Poulter 1989a;
temperate, alpine, or tropical zones (Wake and Hillen Achitouv et al. 2004) and algae in race L produce a single
1980, 1981; Aaronson et al. 1983; Huszar and Reynolds tetraterpenoid hydrocarbon, lycopadiene (Metzger and
1997; Huang et al. 1999; Metzger and Largeau 1999; Casadevall 1987; Metzger et al. 1990). The chemical
Volova et al. 2003). This alga is characterised by a structures of some characteristic hydrocarbons typical of
conspicuous ability to synthesise and accumulate a variety the three chemical races of B. braunii are shown in Fig. 1.
of lipids. These lipid substances include numerous In addition to hydrocarbons, B. braunii also synthesises
hydrocarbons, i.e. highly reduced compounds comprising classic lipids such as fatty acids, triacyl glycerols and
only carbon and hydrogen as elements (Brown and sterols; and a list of these and their distributions can be
Knights 1969; Knights et al. 1970), and a number of found in a previous review (Metzger and Largeau 1999).
specific ether lipids (Metzger et al. 1991; Metzger and A second feature of this alga is the production of
Largeau 1999). numerous ether lipids of a new type which are not
glycerol derivatives, like those occurring in all other living
organisms. In each race, ether lipids are closely related to
P. Metzger (*) . C. Largeau hydrocarbons; and in some strains their production can be
Laboratoire de Chimie Bioorganique et Organique Physique, largely dominant. Lastly, non-polysaccharide biopolymers
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, of very high molecular weight (104 Da to 4×106 Da),
11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, polyaldehydes and polyacetals, have been isolated from
75231 cedex 05 Paris, France
e-mail: lipid extracts of B. braunii. Their occurrence and possible
Tel.: +33-144-276717 functions as precursors of the insoluble polymeric material
Fax: +33-143-257975
Fig. 1 Types of hydrocarbons
produced by the three chemical
races of B. braunii (I: Knights et
al. 1970; II: Villarreal-Rosales et
al. 1992; III: Metzger and Ca-
sadevall 1983; IV: Huang and
Poulter 1989b; V: Metzger and
Casadevall 1987)

building up the outer walls of the alga were recently stored in these outer walls (Largeau et al. 1980). However,
reviewed by Metzger and Largeau (2002). there exists an important morphological heterogeneity
Owing to its oil richness and its ability to form blooms, within algae examined after water-sampling from lakes
sometimes enduring over many years, like in the Darwin and cultivation of strains in the laboratory. The most
Reservoir in Australia (Wake and Hillen 1980; Townsend striking variations concern the size and shape of cells,
2001), this microalga has been proposed as a renewable which can be more or less embedded in the matrix, and the
source of liquid fuel (Casadevall et al. 1985). Furthermore, presence (or not) of refringent threads linking clusters of
oil production via CO2 fixation could also mitigate the cells, thus leading to the formation of very large colonies
emission of greenhouse gases (Pedroni et al. 2001). (Fig. 2c). On the basis of such morphological differences,
Several studies were therefore carried out to determine the but ignoring chemical analyses, Komárek and Marvan
optimal conditions for B. braunii culture and hydrocarbon (1992) proposed the existence of at least 13 species in
production. Botryococcus. However, Plain et al. (1993) noted that, in
The present article focusses first on the algal biodiver- each chemical race and for the same strain, some of these
sity, the chemical structures of hydrocarbons and ether features could vary in relation to age and culture
lipids and their biosynthesis and then on some biotechno- conditions. Recently, 18S rRNA sequences of four strains
logical developments related to the production of algal of B. braunii belonging to the three chemical races
hydrocarbons. established that these strains formed a monophyletic group
(Senousy 2003; Senousy et al. 2004). Now, whether the
numerous strains of B. braunii belong to a single species,
Biodiversity of B. braunii to three species in connection with the nature of the
synthesised hydrocarbons, or to several sub-species is still
Mophology and taxonomy under debate.

Colonies of B. braunii under microscope observation

exhibit a typical morphology (Fig. 2a) characterised by a Hydrocarbon content
botryoid organisation of individual pyriform-shaped cells
held together by a refringent matrix containing lipids. Oil Today, a total of about 60 samples of B. braunii, including
droplets can be excreted from the matrix by the pressure of strains cultivated in laboratory and wild samples collected
a coverglass. Ultrastructural studies reveal that the matrix from lakes, have been analysed for their hydrocarbon
surrounding the basal part of the cells consists of outer content and composition (for a non-exhaustive list, see
walls originating from successive cellular divisions (Fig. Metzger and Largeau 1999). They originate from all
2b). Furthermore, the bulk of B. braunii hydrocarbons are climatic zones, with the exception of the Antarctic. While

algae of races A and B have been identified in alpine,

continental, temperate and tropical lakes, those of race L
are only observed in water samples collected in the tropics.
Algae of race A exhibit the largest range in hydrocarbon
content, from 0.4% (Bolivian strain from lake Overjuyo;
Metzger and Largeau 1999) to 61.0% of their dry weight
(French strain from lake Chaumeçon; Metzger et al
1985a). By comparison, in algae of race B the hydrocar-
bon content is generally intermediate, accounting for 30–
40% dry weight (Metzger et al. 1985a; Okada et al. 1995),
but lower levels down to 9% have also been observed
(Okada et al. 1995). The exceptionally high level of 86%
of botryococcenes noticed by Brown and Knights (1969)
with algae in the resting phase of growth, probably due to
partial lysis or degradation of cell content, has not been
observed again. Algae of race L show a hydrocarbon
content ranging from less than 0.1% in two Indian strains
up to 8.0% in a Thai strain (Metzger and Casadevall 1987;
Metzger et al. 1997).
A comparative overview of the relative abundance of
hydrocarbons and some other lipids is given in Table 1 for
three strains of race A and one strain each of races B and
L. Depending on the strain, the content of hydrocarbons
and ether lipids varies significantly.


Chemical variability

Hydrocarbons from B. braunii race A

About 30 chemical structures have been determined

among the 50 hydrocarbons detected in cultivated strains
and wild samples of B. braunii race A (Metzger and
Largeau 1999). All these compounds, ranging from
monoenes to tetraenes and almost all odd-carbon-num-
bered, exhibit a terminal unsaturation. The hydrocarbon
Fig. 2 Micrographs of B. braunii. a Light microscopy of an English distributions are under the control of genetic factors:
strain (Maddingley Brick Pits, UK), race A: some refringent variations were observed from strain to strain cultivated
globules of lipids are ejected from the colonies by the pressure on
the cover glass. b Transmission electron microscopy of a colony of a
under identical conditions (Metzger et al. 1986). Gen-
strain from Ivory Coast (Yamoussoukro), race L: the section shows erally, dienes predominate; and they comprise a mid-chain
successive outer walls surrounding the cells. c Scanning electron unsaturation, predominantly in a cis configuration (Metz-
microscopy of a very large colony of a Martinique strain (La ger and Largeau 1999). The most frequently found trienes
Manzo), race B. Scale bars: a, c 10 μm; b 1 μm exhibit two conjugated mid-chain unsaturations, while the
other, rarely occurring, exhibit two conjugated double
bonds in a terminal position (Metzger 1993). Only one

Table 1 Relative abundances of Compound Race A Race B Race L

some types of lipids in five
strains of the three chemical Bolivia UK Morocco Martinique (La Ivory Coast
races of B. braunii grown in the (Overjuyo) (Maddingley) (Oukaimden) Manzo) (Yamoussoukro)
laboratory (expressed as % dry
wt). For analytical details, see Total lipids 62 63 43 53 35
Metzger (1994, 1999), Metzger
and Casadevall (1992), Metzger Hydrocarbons 0.4 9 20 32 3
and Largeau (1999) and Metz- Ether lipids 35 5 n.d. 0.2 13
ger et al. (1985a, 1990, 2002, Epoxides n. d 4 n.d. 1 0.6
2003). n.d., Not determined Triacylglycerols 2 6 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Sterols n. d 0.1 n.d. 0.2 0.2

type of tetraenes has been identified with three conjugated

double bonds in a terminal position (Metzger 1993).
Incubations with radio-labelled tracers have shown that
oleic acid is the direct precursor of dienes and trienes
(Templier et al. 1984, 1987) and that decarboxylation of
very long chain fatty acid derivatives, activated by a β-
substituent, is the final step leading to the formation of the
terminal unsaturation (Chan Yong et al. 1986). In contrast,
a cobalt-porphyrin decarbonylase isolated from B. braunii
race A (incubated with a fatty aldehyde) yielded an alkane
(Dennis and Kolattukudy 1991, 1992). However, it can be
noted that saturated paraffinic hydrocarbons are not
biosynthesised by living algae.

Hydrocarbons of B. braunii race L

Trs-trs-lycopadiene (Fig. 1) was the sole hydrocarbon

detected in strains from Thailand and Ivory Coast
(Metzger and Largeau 1999), but a second minor isomer
of unknown structure was detected in two Indian strains
(Metzger et al. 1997). Nothing is known on lycopadiene
Fig. 3 Various C34 isomeric botryococcenes from race B (I: Cox et
al. 1973; II: Galbraith et al. 1983; III, V: Metzger et al. 1985b; IV:
Hydrocarbons from B. braunii race B Okada et al. 1997a; VI: David et al. 1988)

Botryococcenes, specific hydrocarbons of B. braunii race

B, are triterpenoids comprising acyclic and cyclic the incorporation level of [2-14C] MVA into botryococ-
compounds. Out of the 50 botryococcenes identified, cenes was however low (0.2%; Casadevall et al. 1984). In
only about 15 structures have been determined, due to fact, the 13C-labelling pattern observed after feeding the
difficulties encountered in their purification (Metzger and algae with [1-13C] glucose established that botryococcenes
Largeau 1999). The first described was a C34 compound and methylated squalenes resulted from the non-MVA
(structure I in Fig. 3) isolated from a wild sample by Cox pathway (Sato et al. 2003). In this pathway (Fig. 4),
et al. (1973); and today five other C34 isomers are known pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate resulting from
(structures II–VI in Fig. 3). The C30 botryococcene (Fig. 1) glycolysis are condensed into 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phos-
isolated from a cultured strain (Metzger and Casadevall phate (DOXP), in turn transposed into 2-C-methyl-D-
1983) is the precursor of all higher homologous erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP), the intermediate in IPP
compounds; and botryococcene distribution is strain- biosynthesis via the non-mevalonate pathway (Schwender
dependant (Metzger et al 1985a). In addition, algae of et al. 1996; Duvold et al. 1997).
race B synthesise squalene and C31–C34 methylated
squalenes (Huang and Poulter 1989b; Metzger and
Largeau 1999). Generally present in trace amounts, they The presqualene diphosphate pathway
were isolated in an appreciable yield from a Bolivian strain
(4.5% of dry biomass; Achitouv et al. 2004). Squalene and C30 botryococcene are non-head-to-tail
triterpenes resulting respectively from 1′-1 and 1′-3
linkages of two farnesyl moieties (Poulter 1990). As
Biosynthesis of triterpenoid hydrocarbons in race B reported by Inoue et al. (1994a, 1995), [1-14C] farnesol
was actually incorporated in a high yield into squalene
The non-mevalonate pathway (1.3%) and botryococcenes (19.0%) during a feeding
experiment and could be phosphorylated to its mono- and
Due to the massive production of triterpenes, particularly diphosphate esters with a cell-free extract of B. braunii
botryococcenes, B. braunii race B must efficiently produce race B. However, in vivo incubations of [1-3H] farnesyl
isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphos- diphosphate (FPP) with a cell-free extract did not confirm
phate (DMAPP), the fundamental precursors for isopre- the putative role of FPP as precursor of botryococcenes:
noid biosynthesis. Until recently, IPP was believed to be the radio-labelled precursor was incorporated into squa-
produced in all living organisms from the condensation of lene but not into botryococcenes. This suggested that
acetyl CoA through the mevalonate (MVA) pathway. In another derivative of farnesol was intermediate in
the case of B. braunii, a labelling experiment showed that botryococcene biosynthesis (Inoue et al. 1993). However,
Fig. 4 Schematic biosynthetic
pathways for botryococcenes
and methylated squalenes. FPP
Farnesyl diphosphate, S-AM S-
adenosyl methionine. Bold ar-
rows indicate the positions of
methylations leading to C31–C34
higher homologues

in a recent study Okada et al. (2004), using a modified arrows in Fig. 4 likely depends on genetic factors. In B.
experimental procedure, established that FPP is indeed a braunii race B, alkylation of squalene proceeds in a similar
precursor of botryococcenes: Triton X-100 used by Inoue way, with methionine as the source of methyl groups for
et al. (1994a) in their experiments is in fact an inhibitor of the synthesis of C31–C34 higher homologues (Huang and
botryococcene synthase, while it stimulates the synthesis Poulter 1989a; Achitouv et al. 2004). The biosynthetic
of squalene. pathway of cyclobotryococcenes is presently unknown: it
Both stereochemical studies (White et al. 1986, 1992) could be initiated either by protonation of a methylated
and incorporation experiments performed with (R)- and botryococcene or by methylation (Metzger et al. 1985b;
(S)-[1-2H] farnesol (Huang and Poulter 1989b) gave Huang and Poulter 1988).
support for presqualene diphosphate (PSPP) as a common
precursor in the synthesis of squalene and C30 botryo-
coccene. Cleavage of the rearranged cyclopropane leads to Ether lipids and their biosynthesis
squalene, while direct cleavage of cyclopropane leads to
C30 botryococcene. Today, it is unknown whether two Ether lipids occur widely in Nature, generally as 1-O-alkyl
separate enzymes are responsible for the synthesis of and 1-O-(1′-alkenyl) analogues of triacylglycerols and
squalene and botryococcene, or whether a single enzyme glycerophosphatides, or as isopranoid dialkyldiglycerol
machinery is capable of producing two different irregular tetraethers in Archaea (Mangold and Paltauf 1983). By
triterpenes. Indeed, it was recently shown that a recom- contrast, ether lipids from B. braunii are not glycerol
binant yeast squalene synthase is able to synthesise a derivatives, but closely related to the hydrocarbons.
hydroxybotryococcene from PSPP, in addition to two
squalene derivatives (Jarstfer et al. 2002).
Ethers from B. braunii race A

Alkylation and cyclisation Initial work revealed the huge production of ether lipids by
two strains of B. braunii race A originating from Bolivia
Incubations of the algae with radio-labelled tracers (lake Overjuyo) and France (lake Coat ar Herno) with the
followed by chase experiments in cold media indicated predominance of an alkadienyl-O-alkatrienyl ether ex-
that C30 botryococcene is the precursor of its higher hibiting an oxygen bridge between two C27 hydrocarbon
homologues (Wolf et al. 1985a; Metzger et al. 1987). chains (compound I, Fig. 5; Metzger and Casadevall
Experiments performed with L-[Me-14C]- and L-[Me-13C]- 1991). The ether lipid content maximised at 42% (dry
methionine demonstrated that this amino acid, likely via weight) in the exponential phase of growth and then
its S-adenosyl form, is the methylating agent (Metzger et decreased slowly down to ca. 20% in the stationary phase.
al. 1987). Given the variability of the chemical structures By comparison, hydrocarbons were only minor constitu-
of botryococcenes in relation to the strain origin, as ents in these strains throughout growth (Villarreal-Rosales
illustrated in Fig. 3, the pattern of the successive et al. 1992). On the basis of structural grounds and a
methylations occurring at positions indicated by bold feeding experiment showing the incorporation of 14C-

Fig. 6 Characteristic ether lipids of race B (I: Metzger 1999; II:

Metzger et al. 2002; III: Okada et al. 1997b)

moiety, such as III, indicates that epoxide is a close


Ethers from B. braunii race B

Fig. 5 Characteristic ether lipids of race A (I, III: Metzger and
Casadevall 1991, 1992; II: Metzger 1994) So far, few ether lipids have been described in B. braunii
race B. Botryolins (Fig. 6) were isolated as very minor
labelled trienes into the ethers, a biosynthetic pathway was components from a strain originating from Ivory Coast
proposed with two mono-epoxides derived from a C27 (Metzger et al. 2002). These triterpenoid triethers comprise
triene hydrocarbon as intermediates. In this route, the a tetramethylsqualene carbon skeleton. Braunixanthins
protonation of an epoxide function acts as the starter for (Fig. 6) are carotenoids of a new type isolated from a
the coupling reaction. Japanese strain (Okada et al. 1997b). They contain an
Another Bolivian strain (originating also from lake alkylhydroquinol moiety mid-chain bound by ether bridg-
Overjuyo) is also an efficient producer of an original series es to echinenone and a tetramethysqualene derivative. This
of phenoxy ether lipids accounting for 35% of the dry latter unit contains a tetrahydrofuran (THF) ring, which
biomass (Metzger 1994). Each compound comprises a n- likely derives from the cyclisation a diepoxy-tetramethyls-
alkenylresorcinol linked by phenoxy bonds to one or two qualene (Metzger 1999).
hydrocarbon chains derived from alkadienes and/or
alkatetraenes. In some resorcinolic ether lipids, a chain
can be ether-linked to such structures, thus giving rise to Ethers from B. braunii race L
high-molecular-weight lipids C114H206O5; compound II in
Fig. 5). The very low hydrocarbon content of this strain Twelve series of ether lipids, lycopanerols, were isolated
suggests that alkenylresorcinols, alkadienes and tetraenes, from B. braunii race L, accounting on the whole for nearly
via their epoxides, are biosynthetic precursors. 10% of the dry algal biomass. These compounds present a
Ether lipids occur in all other strains of race A but in a great diversity in the arrangement of terpenoid, alkylphe-
lower amount than in the three above strains (e.g. 5% dry nol, resorcinol and/or non-terpenoid units, bound to each
weight for a strain originating from Maddingley Brick other by ether and/or phenoxy bonds (Rager and Metzger
Pits, UK; Table 1; Metzger and Largeau 1999). Structu- 2000; Metzger and Rager 2002; Metzger et al. 2003). Each
rally, they derive from the coupling of alkadienes, compound contains from one to three tetraterpenoid
alkenylresorcinols, alkenylhydroquinols and/or α- moieties exhibiting generally a THF or a tetrahydropyran
branched aldehydes originating from aldol condensation, (THP) ring, likely derived from diepoxy-lycopane (Fig.
called botryals. As an example, Fig. 5 shows an alkenyl- Fig. 7; Metzger 1999). As examples, Fig. 7 shows two
O-botryalyl ether, compound III, in which a hydroxyl structures of lycopanerols. Lycopanerol F, a C120H236O7
group is esterified by oleic acid (Metzger and Casadevall compound, isolated from two strains originating from
1992). The efficient incorporation of 14C-labelled epox- India and Ivory Coast, comprises three THF-containing
yalkene (16%) into ether lipids containing an alkenyl lycopanes, bound by ether bridges. Lycopanerol H
Fig. 7 Characteristic ether li-
pids of race L (I: Metzger 1999;
II: Rager and Metzger 2000; III:
Metzger and Rager 2002)

C147H274O10), also isolated from the same strain of Ivory tion is not a limiting factor for growth (Casadevall et al.
Coast, comprises a THF-containing lycopane ether linked 1985). By contrast, an increase in nitrate results in a longer
to a THP-containing lycopane, in turn linked by a phenoxy exponential phase, but in the end this leads to a decrease in
bond to an alkylhydroquinol linked in the mid-chain to an hydrocarbon production, even though the biomass in-
α-tocopherol unit. Sequential condensations of terpenoid creases. In B. braunii race B, ammonia was found to
and non-terpenoid moieties are believed to be at the origin inhibit botryococcene biosynthesis, while the synthesis of
of the lycopanerol series (Metzger et al. 2003). some amino acids was favoured (Ohmori et al. 1984). B.
braunii race A is able to use nitrite in the place of nitrate
(Yang et al. 2004a).
Biotechnological studies By comparison with non-enriched air, air enriched with
1% CO2 highly enhanced growth, with a mean doubling-
Most of these studies concern strains of race A and, less time of the biomass in the exponential phase of ca. 2 days
frequently, those of race B. Accordingly, the conclusions against 7 days and with hydrocarbon production increased
cannot be generalised to all B. braunii strains. 5-fold (Chirac et al. 1985). In contrast, supplementation of
In the three chemical races of B. braunii, the hydrocar- the culture medium with bicarbonate did not decrease the
bon productivity was shown to be optimal during the generation time (Wang et al. 2003).
exponential phase of growth (Largeau et al. 1980; Metzger A wide range of irradiance is accepted by B. braunii:
et al. 1985a, 1990). Thus, the production of hydrocarbons 15–180 W m−2 (Cepák and Lukavsky 1994), but hydro-
appears to be a normal feature of B. braunii. Hydrocarbon carbon synthesis is favoured by a medium light intensity
synthesis does not occur in nitrogen- and phosphorous- (40–90 W m−2). In batch air-lift cultures, optimisation of
deficient media (Casadevall et al. 1985; Brenckman et al. light intensity leads to a 2-fold increase, both in biomass
1985a; Wolf et al. 1985b). Similarly, ether lipid production and hydrocarbon production (Brenckmann et al. 1985b).
was shown to be maximal during the exponential and early Entrapment of B. braunii colonies in calcium alginate
deceleration stages of growth (Villarreal-Rosales et al. beads exhibits some interesting advantages by comparison
1992). to free suspension cultures: enhancement in chlorophyll
Like all photosynthetic micro-organisms, B. braunii photosynthetic activity, protection against photoinhibition
requires CO2, light, inorganic nutrients and water to grow. towards high irradiance and an increase in hydrocarbon
A modified Chu-13 medium (Largeau et al. 1980; Metzger production despite a decrease in the rate of biomass
et al. 1991), has been found favourable for algae of all production (Baillez et al. 1985, 1986). However, the lack
three races. In this culture medium, phosphate concentra- of stability of calcium alginate beads over a long period is

not favourable to their use in cultures on a large scale. Conclusions

Immobilization in polyurethane foams appeared detri-
mental, likely due to toxic effects (Baillez et al. 1988). B. braunii is noteworthy for synthesising and accumulat-
Although B. braunii forms spectacular blooms in ing high amounts of hydrocarbons and ether lipids. The
nature, today its culture in open ponds is far from under wide biodiversity of B. braunii results in the production of
control, essentially due to competition with fast-growing three types of hydrocarbons, associated with three chem-
microalgae. Most studies concerning the influence of ical races: A (alkadienes, trienes), B (triterpenes) and L
various factors on the production of biomass and (tetraterpene). In addition, hydrocarbon levels and dis-
hydrocarbons were carried out in the laboratory using tributions vary with algal origin. Botryococcenes and
cylindrical batch air-lift systems (Casadevall et al. 1985; methylated squalenes, hydrocarbons of race B, have
Kojima and Zhang 1999). Experimental cultures under received much attention due to an original terpenoid
natural illumination in tubular photobioreactors, immersed structure, a close biosynthetic relationship with squalene
in water for cooling, have been conducted up to a volume and an important role in geochemistry. Indeed, the fully
of 200 l (Gudin and Chaumont 1981, 1984), but their hydrogenated derivatives, botryococcanes and tetrame-
feasibility at a larger scale has not been tested. Recently, tylsqualane, are specific markers of B. braunii which are
new forms of photobioreactors, cylindrical and hemi- found in petroleum and oil shales, sometimes in high
spheric, have been developed for culturing microalgae, amounts (Moldowan and Seifert 1980; McKirdy et al.
including B. braunii (Sato et al. 2002). 1986; Summons et al. 2002). Botryococcenes, like meth-
The culture of B. braunii on pre-treated domestic and ylated squalenes, originate from the non-mevalonate
piggery wastewater reduced both nitrate and phosphate terpenoid pathway, likely via presqualene diphosphate as
levels in these media (Sawayama et al. 1994; An et al. a close precursor. Successive methylations of C30
2003). In addition, the concentration of some toxic metals, botryococcene and squalene give rise to their respective
such as arsenic, chrome and cadmium, was significantly higher homologues.
reduced (Sawayama et al. 1995). In batch culture, a In the literature, the oil from B. braunii is often
biomass of 8.5 g l−1 dry cell weight and 0.95 g l−1 associated almost exclusively with hydrocarbons. Howev-
hydrocarbons were obtained from secondarily treated er, numerous other compounds, such as ether lipids, are
piggery wastewater (An et al. 2003). present in the extracts. These high-molecular-weight ether
The possibility of using industrial flue gas to supply lipids derive from lower metabolites, notably hydrocar-
cultures with CO2 is supported by the tolerance of B. bons, via the coupling of epoxide derivatives. Strains rich
braunii towards some pollutants. Indeed, sulfite and in these unusual compounds could be the source of novel
bisulfite (at a low concentration) could supply B. braunii enzymes responsible for the formation of ether bonds.
as sulfur sources, likely via air oxidation into sulfate (Yang Although the influence of various culture parameters on
et al. 2004b). Likewise, nitric oxide, via oxidation into hydrocarbon production is now well known, cultures on a
nitrite in water, could be used as the sole source of large scale of the best candidate species for renewable
nitrogen (Yang et al. 2004a). hydrocarbons have not yet proved financially worthwhile.
Classic routes for the recovery of microalgal biomass, However, the cloning of the squalene synthase gene from a
often dispersed in the culture media, generally need strain of B. braunii race B in Escherichia coli (Okada et al.
filtration or centrifugation. In the case of B. braunii race 2000) offers promising prospects for the production of
A, it was shown that adjusting the pH to 11 causes hydrocarbons by fast-growing micro-organisms.
flocculation of the alga (Lee et al. 1998). Hydrocarbon
recovery can be achieved by extraction of the dry biomass
with solvents (Metzger and Largeau 1999). Supercritical References
CO2 extraction has been also employed: the extraction was
found to be optimal at a pressure of 30 MPa (Mendes et al. Aaronson S, Berner T, Gold K, Kushner L, Patni NJ, Repak A,
2003). Rubin D (1983) Some observations on the green planktonic
alga, Botryococcus braunii and its bloom form. J Plankton Res
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the outer walls of the alga (Largeau et al. 1980; Metzger Achitouv E, Metzger P, Rager M-N, Largeau C (2004) C31–C34
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