HIRADC - Tie in Activity Outage PDF

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Berca Buana Sakti '500 kV Transmission Line Pemalang Project page tof 10 STRINGING (TIE IN ACTIVITY, OUTAGE) HIRADC Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determining Control REVISION Rev. No. Date ‘Status Revision Details 0 30 Mei 2018 First issue for implementation Prepared by, Reviewed by, Approved by, wedged by, | , im Bambang S | Dimas Suryo A Lauren amin | PurwoD Hendrik C BBS BBS BBS | GSI sc Stringing Spy HSE Coord ‘Site manager ‘Site manager EHS Manager HSE Manager 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining a ___| Control ‘Tipe Pekerjaan / Works Penarikan kabel Aktifitas Tie In / Stringing Work (Tie in HIRADC No. HIRADC/BBSI05-Rev.00 Activity) = = _ Lokasi / Location Berdekatan dengan 500 kV Eksis | Near Existing 500kV ‘Method Statement T-ABA-E-AG-0114-1_Rev.0 No | Aktvtasirea | IdetihastBahaye Resto | S84 Tindakan Pengendaiian Penanggung o1 wunikasi/ | - Toolbox meeting yang a|a = Pengawas akan mengadakan Toolbox talk yang terencana dan effective | 3 | 1 HSE, {dak effectifserta untuk seluruh pekerja / Supervisor willconduct a well prepared and sages partisipasi, komunikasi effective toolbox talk to all workers yang buruk, persiapen - Diperbolehkan untuk bertanya dan diskusi / Allow for questions and yang buruk, tidak ‘ieeamoos stesheparenatien Pr pati tari aia iy Tox ToR/ paredenirsiions Every employee shall sign the toolbox talk ‘and participation, Poor - Toolbox talk akan dipergunakan untuk berdiskusi mengenal apapun / communication - Poor The toolbox talk will stipulate everything that has been discussed preparation Ineffective pusiikiitban BOGHe _ eperti Me ukti dalam HSE System /Retoin the proof in the HSE ~ Pastikan radio komunikasi bekerja dengan baik / Ensure Radio Comm work properly 2 Persyaratan | - Benda Jatuh/Falling 3 \4@ ~ APD umum / General related PPE - Safety helmet, safety gloves, eye | 1 | 2 ‘Supervisor |APD/ PPE objects protection, safety shoes/boots, clothes reflection, ear protection, dust and Safety Requirements |. Terhantam oletvStruck masks. officers wil by - Pengelasan / Welding -Celemek / Apron,Helm Las yang sesuai ‘ensure that all - Melangkah ke dengan safety helmet / welding helmet compatible with safety employees is dalam/Step into heimet, Sarung Tangan Las/ welding gloves, Welding Shield equipped with - Terpotong oleh/Cut by - Gerinda potong / Grinding,Cutting Wheel — Pelindung muka yang good PPE - Terjepit/Pinch cocok dengan safett heimet / Face shield compatible with safety ~ Terbakar/Burn heimet = Rompi / Safety Vest - HIRADC dlbuat oleh (Nama): Bambang Subagyo Tanda tangan: AkAl Tot HIRADC disetujui oleh (Nama): Lauren ‘Tanda tangan: Tg! Note; RiRating) = [(L) x (S)] - Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 5-12, Red (High) = 15:25, see BBSIP32-02. Risk L: Likelihood/peluang; S: Severitykkeparahan Assessment. For R > 15, make Specific Risk Assessment ) ) 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining _ , Control Tipe Pekerjaan’ Works | Penarikan kabel Akitas Tie In/ Stinging Work (Tie In| HIRADC No. HIRADC/BBSI05-Rev.00 Activity) . - = oka / Location Berdekatan dengan 500 KV Eksis / Near Existing 500kV | Method Statement | T-ABA-E-AG-0114-1_Rev.0 ‘Sebelum 5 Setelah | Penanggung No | AktvtasiArea | Identifkas!Bahaya-Resiko |— See Tindakan Pengendalian tieve] anew ~ Bekerja di ketinggian / WAH —Full Body Hamess — Double Hook Lanyard & Shock absorber - Safety helmet chin strap, Rope Grab, Vertical Lite Lne, Horzontal Lite Line, . 03 Pengawasan/ |- Tindakan tidak aman/ | 3 | a [lal - Pengawas qualified sebagai HSE Rep harus selalu hadir / Qualified | 1 | [MM tra {Supervision Unsafe actions- ‘supervisor appointed as HSE representative always present Supervisor Terpeleset, tersandung, ~ Petugas Keselamatan yang qualified melakukan inspeksi regular / need to leave jatun / Sip, tp, fal, Qualified Safety officer regular inspections the working Merokok ai tempat ee! area, he must teriarang / Unauthorized be replaced ‘smoking area by another qualified person, ~ Posie Kerja yang kurang 2 7 os jonomis | a4 PPastikan pekerja memperhatixan posisi kerja yang nyaman / Ensure Si Fe nomics | ik / Poor working to maintain comfortable body position during working conditions. a\¢ ana Safety = Aktifitas ~ Menahan dari posisi menbungkuk secara terus-menerus / Refrain Reps will dan eben Th ply from continuous bending position ensure that all pulling activities-Injury - Beban engkat maksimal untuk pria 25 Kg dan wanita 20 Kg / Mex —ne ~ Aktfitas kantor / Office weight per man=25Kg and woman 20Kg Postion to activities -Injury rk ~ Posisi meja, kui, lemari i kerja Char, table, work ‘bench posiioning-Injury HIRADG dbuat oleh (Nama); ~ Bambang Subagyo Tondatangan BO Tot - HIRADC disetujul oleh (Nama): Lauren Tanda tangan: Tot Note: Rating) = [(L) x (S)) Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 5-12; Red (High) = 15-25, see BBSIP32-02: Risk | LL Lkelnoodipeluang; S: Severtyheparahan Assessment. For R> 15, make Specific Risk Assessment 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining B Control Pnarikan Kabel Akifias Te In/ Stringing Work (Tien | HIRADC No HIRADG/BBSIO5-Rev.00 Activ) a Berdekatan dengan 500 KV Eksis/Near Existing 00kV | Method Statement | T-ABAE-AGOTT#1_Rev.0 Idontithai Bahaya-Resio | Seber Tndokan Pengendalan Penanggung os | Inspeksi, | - Perelatan (Pui, BV handle, | 3. | 4 [Mga - Lakukaninspeksi sean 3 buan seal, dengan color cofing yang disepakat/ Safety Officer, Penandaaan | "Tia, sth Yok wie Ensure the inspection checkist per3 month, and use color cocing Mechanic Inspection, | rope, etc) danmesin pMarch = Yelow rere Tagging {automower, crane, loadal) peat ak dapat guraton ‘Aor June = Green dengan bak / Miss use July-Sept = Orange hhandtool and equipment per | haa, 4 7 ~ See step 01-04 ( Communication, PPE, Supervision &Ergonomics ) 06 | Retaringh | aun Fal Coderaserus, | 3 | 4 WHA) Oniy ceed cimber alowed to work a height and medically deckard ee — Vases! cores Bar, ~ Climbers should wear safety full body harness with 2 lanyards and shock hal Liss ao absorber and fall back arrester and retrackable fall arrester and hooked to oon eral ~ Terpeleset/ Get sipped Saale ae |e - Lanyard 100% ted up and hook at proper anchor point Lo Sapeioey/ pest toes ~ Vertical life tine to be installed for asceding and desceding , ower ‘pinched, cuted = Climber must attached rope grab during asceding and descending of Tower ~ satu dat ketingian Faling terme com aha ~ Stop work immediatly and cimb down wile before raining ~ Komurikas kurang bak / ~ Get full supervision fom foremen and superior iscommunication ~ make sure below areas empty and no workers under suspending load Make sure conduct Tocl Box Meeting prior work commencing = cents peti Gat = check ath device piso str the work mae ~ Berhent bekera dan turun dari ketinggan tower sebelum turunhujn / Stop work immediately and climb down before raring. ~ Monitoring peti menggunaka Stike Alert Lightening monitoring using Strike Alert HIRADC cbuatoleh (Nama): Bambang Subagyo Tanda tangan: He Tot HIRADC disetujui oleh (Nama): Lauren Tanda tangan: Tok Note: RiRating) = [x (SI. L: Likelihoodipeluang S: Severitykeparahan Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 5-12; Red (High) = 15-25, see BBSIP32- Assessment. For R > 15, make Specific Risk Assessment or : ificati is ii [i 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining - Control Tipe Pekerjaan/ Works | Penaran kabel Akiftas Tie In/ Stinging Work (Tie In| WIRADC No. HIRADCIBBS/O5-Rev.00 z= Activity) Lokasi/ Location’ Berdekatan dengan 500 KV Eksis / Near Existing 500kV | Method Statement | T-ABA-E-AG-O114-1_Rev.0 No | AkivtasiAran | ldenkasiBahayeResko | SST Tindakan Pengendalian Tenn] cae a or , = Semua peralatan yang digunakan diatas (pull, snatch block) wajb dikat di ~ Kejatuhan material dari pon matte af oa Seater Agen se ote ul, sat Bt eed en - Dilarang bekera itawah aktfas pekerjaan di ketinggian /Notallowed fo work ‘under working at high act. 07 | Pemithan | - TerpelesetGetsfpped | 2_| 2 (UMN - Seestop 02,03 PPE requirement & Supervision) 2\4 Supenisor Material ~ Bagian tubuh teepit atau ~ Pastkan elevasitanah yang digunakan data dan besih/ Make sure soll Sorting terpotong / pat of body is elevation slat and areas clean ‘Material pincied, cuted - Aplkaskan penempatan dan penyimpanan yang rapid an bersit/Apply safe ‘and neat stacking and storage practice ~ Pastkan akses jalan yang digunakan untuk mengiim material amarvEnsure ‘access road to deliver materials safe 08 | Pengiriman | - Terpeleset/ Get sipped | 2 | 2 ‘See step 07 (Sorting Materia) 2\1 BBS Supervisor Material! ~ Bagiantubu terjepit tou Tampere. |" toceng (eatertonk - Pasian endrantaepras perk en dan Mat sre rnp oon ae - Pastkan pengemudi atau operator mempunyailisensi yang sabibake sure the ares hoes vena dhveror operator have vali cance. ne ~ Tilak dpeenankan care manger yng aman nse cng of * - Drang btandra das eqdpmenting on po apn roid HIRADC cfibuat oleh (Nama); ~ Bambang Subagyo Tanda tangan: ©” Abe Tot HIRADC disetujl oleh (Nama): Lauren Tanda tangan: Tot Note: Ria = tox Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 6-12; Red (High) = 15-25, see BBSIP32-02: Risk Likelinoodipaluang; S: Severtyikeparahan Assessment. For R > 15, make Specific Risk Assessment ror) . 5 = = (500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining BET Control ‘Tipe Pekerjaan/ Works | Penaridan kabel Akitas Tie In/ Stinging Work (Tie In| HIRADC No. HIRADCIBBSIO5-Rev.00 Actvty) a - Lokasi / Location’ ‘Berdekatan dengan 500 kV Eksis / Near Existing 500kV Method Statement T-ABA-E-AG-0114-1_Rev.0- No | akivtaiaren | denttiasiBabaya Resto oP Tindakan Pengendalian Seah | Pemmnagens ~ Soa sap 02,02 (PPE requrement & Superson f 1|2 BBS Supervisor 09 | Penggalian | - Penggunaan alat bantu yang manual | ‘salatvmissuese handtools- Manual tergrs, ersayatlacraon ee ents, Excavation ~ Terjatuh, terperosok ke ~ Cukup waktu istirahal/Fainy break time dalam galian/ Fall down to excavation hole-terkilr, = Cukup minum air / good drink patahisprain, broken ~~ Terlalu letah / fatique- ~~ Gunakan barricade apabila galian dengan kedalaman lebih dari 1,2 m/ Apply pingsaniblacked out banicading if excavation hole more than 1,2 m ~ Dehidrasi/ dehydrated- Pingsan/blacked out ~ Pastkan ada korrinasi dan jn untuk melakukan pekerjaan pemadaman dari | 2 | 2 (MIN Supervisor PLN dan pastken kita menerima Berita Acara Jadwal Pemademan dari PLN. / ‘Make sure there is coordination and permit fr doing outage work from PLN ‘and make sure we recive ime schedule let rom PLN. ~ Pastkan ade staff dar PLN yang ikut mengawasi pekerjaan pemadaman./ “Make sue there is staf from PLN supervise the outage work. ~ Pastkan tidak ada pekera yang bekera di dekatTransisi Line yang dipadamkan sampai benar benar transmisiline tersebut di padamkan dan telah di inspeksi oleh pegawai dari PLN. / Make sure there is no workers who working at near outaged transmission line before it really outaged and there is 10 | Outage Work | - Tersengatarus induksi/ Get | 2. | 5 stun Inspection rom PLN stl thet confirming, HIRADC dibuatoleh (Nama): * ‘Bambang Subagyo Tanda tngan: AEL Toh HIRADC esetujui leh (Nama) awen Tanda tangan: To Note: R(Raing) = [1 x (SI ating Clegoies: Geen (Low) = 1-4 Amber Medium) = 612; Red (High) = 15:25, see BBSIPS2-02 Rsk linoodipeluang; $: Severtyykeparatan Assessment. For R > 15, make Specific Risk Assessment. ) 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining HIRADC disetuui oleh (Nama): Lauren ‘Tanda tangan: Tot Control Tipe Pekerjaan / Works | Penarikan kabel Akitas Tie In/ Stinging Work (Tie in| HIRADC No. HIRADCIBBS/05-Rev.00 : Activity) |_ Lokasi Location Berdekatan dengan 500 KV Eksis/Near Existing 500KV | Method Statement | T-ABA-E-AGOTI41 Rev . Sebelum ‘Setelah | Penanggung No Lambipminbn Identifikasi —— LisiR Tindakan Pengendalian LIsiR W Pemasangan ‘See step 06 & 10 4 ‘See step 06 & 10 ( General working at height &Outage work) 2/2 All Supervisor fe ~ Grounding cable included stick grounding has in place and working property. na ~ Pastixan kabel grounding sudah terpasang aman dan baik / Grounding cable Grounding |has in place and working properly. System ~~ Competence person only to handle grounding system activity }- Proper handgloves must be wor for discharge residual current/voltage to the earth 12 Pemasangan: ‘See step 06, 10 5 ‘See step 06 - General working at height 2/2 BBS! Supervisor Teetmneg| | ~ Kejatinen materi da See stp 10 Outage work ‘kefinggian tower / Material backstay_ {all from tower height ~ Pastkan setiap tower yang dibackstay menggunakan 2 wire rope dengan diameter > 12,5 mm. / Make sure every tower installing backstays is using 2 ‘steel wire with dia. > 12,5 mm rope to every leg tower. ~ Pastikan wire rope untuk back stays di ikat ke tower dengan benar dan unjung lainnya, di ikat di angkur yang balk. /Make sure wire rope for backstays is tighten to the tower properly in one end and tighten to proper anchor in another ‘end. z ~ Pastkan angkur menggunakan balok/bayang yang teranam / menggunakan ‘blok beton di atas sledges. / Make sure anchor is using beam / a driven bar or concrete block on sledges ~ Pastikan jarak minimal dari tower ke posisi jangkar seharusnya tepat 45° dari } HIRADC buat oleh (Nama): Bambang Subagyo Tanda tanga: PHL Tot Note: R(Rating) = {(L) x (S)] LL: Likelnoodipeluang: S: Severtykeparahan Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 5-12; Red (High) = 15-25, see BBS/P32-02: Risk Assessment. For R > 15, make Specific Risk: Sakti FA) 500 KV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Control | Tie Pekejaan/ Works | Penaan kabel Akitas Ten / Stinging Work Ten | HIRADC No HIRADCIBBSIO5-Rev.00 Activity) kasi Location Berdekatan dengan 500 KV Eksis/ Near Existing SOOKV | Method Statement | TABAE-AG.O1141 Revo No | Aktivitas/Area | Identifikasi Bahaya-Resiko Tindakan Pengendalian een] Penanoaues {anah / Make sure the minimum distance from the tower to the anahor postion shouldbe lo ensure the backstays are fixe at 45° tothe ground. 13 | Pemasangan | See step 05,06, 3 | 4 FAB see step 05-Inspecton 2 | 2 [IBM 8s supervisor boy as See Step O6- General working at height at Tower Installing Running Out Block 14 | Line Tower | See stop 06, 3 | 4 [AR see step 06- Genera working at eight at Tower 2 | 2 [IBMT 58 supervisor ‘monitor engawas Linesman 15 | Pelepasan | See step 06, 10 3. | 4 (HR) see step 08 Generel working at height at Tower 2) 2 [RMD 20s supervisor ane Forgan paterson ~ See step 10 Outage work Dismanting eeien pat Seactig ~ Men box atau Spacer Trolley untuk memasang spacer wajb di perksa dan di Spacer and | Oley, Tanga gantung tagging, pastkan rem dapat berfungs! dengan balk. /Man box or Spacer tlley Jumper forinstaling spacer need to be inspected and tagged. make sure the break con x ‘be used propery -Mengikat line ~ Tangga gantung wajb di prise dan di tagging sebelum digunakan./ ying ‘ksis Catch ladder need tobe checked and tagged prior o used. ‘up existing line ~ Tangge gantung wai 6 perks dan di tagging sebelum digunakan./ ying L Jacder need to be checked and tagged prior tose. HIRADC dlbuatoleh (Nama): * Bambang Subagyo Tandatangan: 7° “BL Tot HIRADC disetuji ole (Nama): Lauren Tanda tangan To Note: Rating) = (0) x) Rating Catogoris: Green (Low) = 1-4; Amber (Medium) = 6-12; Red (High) = 1525, see BBSIP3Z-02 Rak |___L Likelihood peluang: S: Severtyeparahan Assessment. For R> 15, make Specific Risk Assessment - a 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Control Tipe Pekerjaan/ Works | Penaritan kabel Akitas Tie In/ Stinging Work (Tien | HIRADG No. HIRADCIBBSIO5-Rev.00 ‘Actviy) Lokasi/ Location’ Berdekatan dengan S00 KV Eisis/Near Existing 500K” | Method Statement | T-ABAE-AG-OTT41 Rev No | AktivitasiArea | Identifkasi Bahaya-Resiko er Tindakan Pengendalian Tisi® none spacer dan Jumper / spacer and instalation 16 | -Menarkine | - See step 06,10 3 [4 [MB See step 06 General working at height at Tower 2 | 2 [IBMT 8s Supervisor = = Maen tb ot ~ See step 10 —Outage work omeoms ~ Cek rem mejakonduktr sebelum dounakan/ Check tumtable brake prior to poset _ Dra enn ouh pda star the work saat pengangkalan dan - Pastkan ada pekrja yp betanggung jawab mengortol rem mejakonduktor Wine | enarkan/Condictr drum To ensure person in charge has in place and capable to contol rake function” famine | claps ding ing & ofthe tumtable en - Pastkan penggunaan angkar dan pemberat yang benar / Ensure using good Winch atau tensioner trtarik anchor and counter weight -Mengulur! Wiech or tensioner clas - Insal barcade untuk peraatan yang berutar! Baricade rotating equioment Slacking -Connect ke tower Baru! Connecting to Now é ‘Sagging -Pemasangan lem HIRADC dibuat oleh (Nama): Bambang Subagyo “Tanda tangan: PRE Tol HIRADC tise leh (Nama) teuen Tanda tangen: Tok Noe: Rag = 1) (I Rating Catagories: Green (Low) = 4; Arbor (Medan) = 6-12 RediHigh)= 1625, ee BBSIPSOZ RK | Likeliood/peluang:S: Sevetyheparahan Assessment For R> 15, make Specific Risk Assessment. ) Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Determining Ti) 500 kV OHTL, Pemalang Project Sakti one 9 Fro) Control ‘Tipe Pekerjaan / Works Penarikan kabel Aktfitas Tie In / Stringing Work (Tie in HIRADC No. HIRADC/BBS/06-Rev.00 Actviy) Lokasi / Location ‘Berdekatan dengan 500 kV Eksis / Near Existing 500kV ‘Method Statement T-ABA-E-AG-0114-1_Rev.0 Sebelum Setelah ng No AtivitasiArea | Identiikasi Bahaye-Resiho | STR ‘Tindakan Pengendalian tisk Penanggur ‘klem onduktor/ {Clamping to ) 7 -Memotong line | See step 06 3/4 See Step 06- General working at height at Tower 2\2 BBS Supervisor eksis | Cutting Existing Line Peni stringing / ‘Stringing Checking HIRADC dbuat oleh (Nama); * Bambang Subagyo Tanda tangan: FU t¢ To! HIRADC disetujui oleh (Nama): Lauren Tanda tangan; Tot Note: R(Rating) = (L) x (S)] LL: Ukelinoodipeluang; S: SevertyIkeparahan Rating Categories: Green (Low) = 1-4, Amber (Medium) = 6-12; Red (High) = 15-25, see BBS/P32-02: Riek Assessment For R > 15, make Specific Risk Assessment

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