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March 18, 2020

Grammar Notes Difference between used to

and would

They are both used to talk about things that we used to do in the past and now no longer.

When using "Used to", time period does not have to be established, both action and stative
verbs can be used, and it can be used in the negative form.

➢ Different forms of used to

❑ Affirmative Sentences
I used to go to school by bus.
❑ Negative Sentences
I didn´t use to go to school by bus.
❑ Interrogative Sentences
Did you use to go school by bus?

When using “Would”, it only takes action verbs and not stative verbs, and time periods has
to be established.

➢ Different forms of Would

❑ Affirmative Sentences
I would go to school by bus.
❑ Negative Sentences
I wouldn´t go to school by bus.
❑ Interrogative Sentences
Would you go to school by bus?

"Would", not used for permanent actions in the past just "used to".

But sometimes it´s okay to use “would” with stative verbs (love, hate, believe, want, need,
know, remember) it happens where the state is not permanent but a temporary one usually
with frequency adverbs ( always, usually, generally, often, sometimes)

❑ I would sometimes feel lonely in that places.

❑ She would often forget her student´s names.

Fernanda Gpe Ramírez Martínez

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