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Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

l IAC-Discovered,
3rd, Co-Expansion *,
Sheds New Light on
2nd, Co-Expansion **
and Einstein- Hubble
expansion of the universe,
Reviving Cosmology
and Astrophysics.
Driven away
"Stars" by
from left-alone
galaxies inside
Expanding, Large Intergalactic Voids, LIV,
Space-Dynamics Today Revise. [FIGS. 1-5].
Figure 1
By Borlaff - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, *, **

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

* WIKIPEDIA: On January 23, 2019, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

released an even deeper version [7] of the infrared images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
obtained with the WFC3 instrument, named the ABYSS NASA Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
The new images improve the previous reduction of the WFC3/IR images, including
careful sky background subtraction around the largest galaxies on the field of view. After

this update, some galaxies were found to be almost twice as big as previously

measured.[8][9] **

** ADVERTISED ON 24/01/2019
AUTHORS Alejandra Rueda Moral
The ABYSS HST Ultra Deep Imaging Project
The missing light of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
The missing light of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field on ArXiv

"To produce the deepest (NASA) image of the Universe from space a group of
researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) led by Alejandro S.
Borlaff used original images from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) taken over a
region in the sky called the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF).
After improving the process of combining several images the group was able to recover
a large quantity of light from the outer zones of the largest galaxies in the HUDF. Recovering
this light, emitted by the stars in these outer zones, was equivalent to recovering the light
from a complete galaxy (“smeared out” over the whole field) and for some galaxies this
missing light shows that they have diameters almost twice as big as previously measured.

The HUDF is the result of combining hundreds of images taken with the Wide Field Camera
3 (WFC3) of the HST during over 230 hours of observation, which, in 2012, yielded the
deepest image of the Universe taken until then. But the method of combining the individual
images was not ideally suited to detect faint extended objects.

To do this, Borlaff explains “What we have done is to go back to the archive of the original
images, directly as observed by the HST, and improve the process of combination, aiming at
the best image quality not only for the more distant smaller galaxies but also for the
extended regions of the largest galaxies.

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

The WFC3 with which the data were taken was installed by astronauts in May 2009, when
the Hubble had already been in space for 19 years.

This was a major challenge for the researchers because the complete instrument
(telescope+ camera) could not be tested on the ground, which made calibration more

To overcome the problems they analyzed several thousand images of different regions on
the sky, with the aim of improving the calibration of the telescope on orbit.

The image of the universe which is now the deepest “has been possible thanks to a striking
improvement in the techniques of image processing which has been achieved in recent
years, a field in which the group working in the IAC is at the forefront”, says Borlaff.
All the data will be accessible to the scientific community on the

Scientific article: Alejandro Borlaff, Ignacio Trujillo, Javier Román, John E. Beckman,
M. Carmen Eliche-Moral, Raúl Infante-Sáinz, Alejandro Lumbreras, Rodrigo Takuro
Sato Martín de Almagro, Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, María Cebrián, Antonio Dorta, Nicolás
Cardiel, Mohammad Akhlaghi, Cristina Martínez-Lombilla. “The missing light of the
Hubble Ultra Deep Field”, Astronomy & Astrophysics. DOI:

WIKIPEDIA: The Canary Islands (/kəˈnɛəri/; Spanish: Islas
Canarias, pronounced [ˈizlas kaˈnaɾjas]), also known informally as the Canaries, are a
Spanish archipelago and the southernmost autonomous community
of Spain located in the Atlantic Ocean, in a region known as Macaronesia, 100
kilometres (62 miles) west of Morocco at the closest point. It is one of eight regions
with special consideration of historical nationality as recognized by the Spanish
government.[6][7] Canary Islands are geographically located in the African Tectonic
Plate, even though the archipelago is economically and politically European, as it is
part of the European Union.[8][9]

The eight main islands are (from largest to smallest in

area) Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La
Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa.
The archipelago includes many smaller islands and islets: Alegranza, Isla de
Lobos, Montaña Clara, Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este. It also includes a
series of adjacent roques (those of Salmor, Fasnia,
Bonanza, Garachico and Anaga).

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

In ancient times, the island chain was often referred to as "the Fortunate Isles".[10]
The Canary Islands are the most southerly region of Spain and the largest and most
populated archipelago of Macaronesia.[11]
Historically, the Canary Islands have been considered a bridge between four
continents: Africa, North America, South America and Europe.[12]
As of 2019, the Canary Islands have a population of 2,153,389 inhabitants[2] and a
density of 287.39 inhabitants/km², being the eighth most populous autonomous
community. The population of the archipelago is mostly concentrated in the two
capital islands, around 43% on the island of Tenerife and 40% on the island of Gran
The archipelago's beaches, climate and important natural attractions,
especially Maspalomas in Gran Canaria and Teide National Park and
Mount Teide (a World Heritage Site) in Tenerife (the third tallest volcano in the
world measured from its base on the ocean floor), make it a major tourist
destination with over 12 million visitors per year, especially Tenerife, Gran Canaria,
Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.[13][14] The islands have a subtropical climate, with long
hot summers and moderately warm winters.[15] The precipitation levels and the level
of maritime moderation vary depending on location and elevation.
Green areas as well as desert exist on the archipelago. Due to their location above
the temperature inversion layer, the high mountains of these islands are ideal for
astronomical observation.
For this reason, two professional observatories, Teide Observatory on the
island of Tenerife and Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La
Palma, have been built on the islands.
In 1927, the Province of Canary Islands was split into two provinces. The
autonomous community of the Canary Islands was established in 1982.
Its capital is shared by the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria,[16][17] which, in turn, are the capitals of the provinces of Santa Cruz de
Tenerife and Las Palmas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has been the largest city in
the Canaries since 1768, except for a brief period in the 1910s.[18]
Between the 1833 territorial division of Spain and 1927 Santa Cruz de Tenerife was
the sole capital of the Canary Islands. In 1927 a decree ordered that the capital of
the Canary Islands be shared, as it remains at present.[19][20] The third largest city of
the Canary Islands is San Cristóbal de La Laguna (a World Heritage Site) on
Tenerife.[21][22][23] This city is also home to the Consejo Consultivo de Canarias, which
is the supreme consultative body of the Canary Islands.[24]
During the time of the Spanish Empire, the Canaries were the main stopover
for Spanish galleons on their way to the Americas, which came south to catch
the prevailing north-easterly trade winds.[25][26]
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

NOTE: Compare IAC-TYPE-Systems (FIG. 1) inside shown LIVs with the

visible White Waves, which are composed of galaxies and stars driven away
from each other expanding LIVs by radiation pressures of INCOMING (FIG.
3) stellar-galactic-winds that compact galaxies into Clusters, merge or
clash some, and cause clusters to move away from each other, thus
reversing into acceleration the slowing-down, extant, world expansion since
genesis, also enhanced by IAC-TYPE VOID-SYSTEMS (FIG. 1) generated
around galaxies left-alone-inside LIVs. Press (+) to expand Image.

Figure 2 re Astro-Thermo
Expandind LIVs, also SPACE-1, FIGs. 1-5





IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Astro-Thermo Definitions "A": Fundamentals of Large-Scale Thermodynamics

1) Radiation spreading out from the sun, other stars and galaxies EXERTS PRESSURE -
LIKE A GAS PRESSURE - on anything - according to

where T is the temperature, σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and c the speed of


2) Most stellar and galactic radiation winds proceed from extremely high

temperatures of stellar and galactic emitters (FIGS. 1 to 5) to the coldest spaces in

the universe – the expanding (and thus cooling) Large Intergalactic Voids, (LIV),
[FIGS. 1-5].
3) LIVE are also defined Expanding-Voids/Space-1 -- the largest thermodynamic sink in

the universe.
4) People, animals and trees are alive because of the sun radiation, which starts at the

sun's core at millions degrees C.

5) The upper layers of the sun do not collapse on its core by the enormous gravitation

force of the sun, due to extremely large radiation pressures that prevents that.
6) By the time the sun radiation gets to earth, its pressure is so low that we do not pay

attention to it, except, perhaps, when space scientists use solar sails to drive some
7) In short, even a minor increase in stellar or galactic temperatures, causes very large

increase in emitted radiation pressures – gigantic cosmic forces that drive away
other "near-by" stars and galaxies, compacting them into clustering-shining-"white
waves", or clusters shown in FIG. 2, and cause some to clash or merge, (FIGS. 1 to 5).

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

8) At millions degrees C of inner-star-temperatures, the radiation pressures are high
enough to prevent gravitational collapse, unless the core energy source is consumed,
a known condition that limits stars masses and is manifested as detected
supernovae, black holes and neutron stars.

Astro-Thermo Definitions "B": Circular Expanded Voids, (CEV)

1) Sub-intergalactic CEV are composed of stars driven away from a central emitter [FIG.
1 & 2] by their own radiation pressure and that of the central emitter.
2) CEV expand by their own and the central emitter radiation pressure, [FIG. 2].
3) CEV are located inside Larger Intergalactic Voids, [LIV] also defined as "SPACE-1",
(FIGS. 3-5].
4) Galaxies and stars, are pushed away by radiation pressures of stellar-galactic-winds,
which compact galaxies into Clusters, merge some, and cause clusters to move
away from each other, reversing into acceleration a slowing down world expansion
since genesis, enhanced by white rings around individual galaxies.
5) IN SHORT, the White WAVES observed in FIG. 2, are GALAXIES driven away by two
simultaneous thermo processes defined by FIG. 4.
6) In short, radiation cosmic thermo forces drive away and compact part of galactic
stars, especially when single galaxies left alone inside SPACE-1, (FIGS 1 & 2] or as
white waves that compact galaxies into clusters, inside LIV.
7) Both phenomena are driven by cosmic radiation pressures induced by billions of
stars, like the sun, or from galactic centers, and millions of galaxies in super-clusters
surrounding each void. [FIGS. 2 to 5].

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Accelerated expansion of the universe was discovered in 1998.

It was predicted 29 years earlier, in 1969, and published in 1981 by Cosmology,

Physics and Philosophy book, [5].

According to the gold awarded, New Astrophysical Relativistic School of

Thermodynamics, [1-4], only "late" in the age of the universe, the observed growing
numbers of strong radiation emitting stellar, galactic and clusters of galaxies compact
galaxies first into clusters, FIG. 5, "later" into superclusters of galaxies in the form of
observed filaments. [FIGS. 2, 3].

IAC-Discovery is assumed herein to incorporate:

1) Some Non-Expanding galaxies are not driven away with white-waves
type galaxies-stars [FIG 2].
2) These galaxies are left alone inside expanding LIVs, [FIG. 2}
3) Distances between them increase with the LIV 2nd-expansion.
4) As intensities and number of emitters inside each galaxy increase,
radiation pressures start driving stars away from the galaxies, namely,
those that are further away from galactic gravitational centers than
others, which thus remain locked inside the left-alone galaxies.
5) Empty cosmic spaces are so generated around such galaxies, (FIG. 1).
6) These cosmic-spaces-expansions are added to LIV-2nd-EXPANSION.
7) The net LIV-EXPANSION is defined, 2ND-EXPANSION
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Figure 3 RE A stro-T hermo FIG. 5. "100 MILLION LIGHT YEAR"

SCALE is indicated at top of this NASA MAP of the VISIBLE, EXPANDING UNIVERSE.
Indicated stellar-galactic winds (YELLOW ARROWS) ENTER EACH WELL-VERIFIED

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

COSMIC VOID, LIV, FROM OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS, irreversibly dissipating there, (FIG.
5), thus, causing their expansion, (FIG.2), to drive non-expanding galactic clusters
away from each other, thereby, collectively, generating a "late", secondary, world
expansion by two thermodynamic processes: (1) The one caused by dissipating
stellar and galactic winds, (FIG. 5, "VOIDS-EXPANDING SPACE-1"), (2) Smaller, semi-
rounded, multiple space-voids around left-over-galaxies inside LIVs – via strong
galactic radiation pressures that drive part of its stars "out" -- mostly as


and 2).

Collectively, both thermo-processes drive away the white waves and thus the
clusters-filaments that, with IAC-smaller, SEMI-circular voids, (FIG. 2]
reverse extant slowing-down expansion of the universe since
the big bang, into an accelerating one. Note also:

(a) The "WINDS" "flow" into each void only from nearby "SUPER-

(b) The "filaments" move away from each other by both

aforementioned thermo processes.**, ***, ****


** THIS "EXTRA EXPANSION in addition to and integrated with extant expansion" HAD
NUMBER and INTENSITIES of external and internal "EMITTERS" HAVE BECOME

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or



**** The "yellow arrows" depicted should be "inserted" into each void.

Figure 4 A stro-T hermo Definitions of Verified Space Dynamics

Dark-cold*** SPACE-"2",
wraps all non-expanding
galaxies. ****
Non-expanding SPACE-"3" (red
indicated), harbors interstellar winds
(marked) flowing to SPACE-"2", and
finally dissipating in cold, dark,
expanding, Large Intergalactic Voids,
LIV or "SPACE-1" (FIGS. 2, 3, 4, 5).
SPACE-1/LIV expansion is
simultaneously caused by (1) entering & dissipating there stellar and galactic winds, (2)
driven away "outcast stars" by radiation pressures of individual galaxies left alone inside the
voids – defined IAC-TYPE-SYSTEMS, [FIGS. 1, 2].
Voyagers 1 and 2 exploration of SPACE-"3" is indicated vis-à-vis various shocks generated by
interstellar winds impacting our solar system.
*** About 270 degrees C below zero. [FIGS. 3, 5]
**** Comparison of FIG. 1 with FIG. 2, illustrates that galaxies left alone inside expanding LIV generate
strong radiation pressures that drive away part of its stellar population, to form the IOC-DISCOVERED

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Images are from the author book [5], NASA, IAC and Wikipedia

Figure 5 by A stro-T hermo: Space Dynamics reproduced from ref. 5:

"CLUSTER I" and "CLUSTER II" represent "mid-compacting stages" of the "2nd
simultaneous, hidden, late expansion of the universe", namely, prior to being
further compacting the galaxies into the verified superclusters as filaments
(FIGS. 2 & 3).

RADIATION FLOW" as "3rd COSMOLOGICAL ARROW", which generates energy-density
gradients that lead to the "2nd COSMOLOGICAL ARROW", that leads to the emergence of life,
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Concluding Remarks

The 50-year-old A stro-T hermo school [1-5] is based on recorded NASA

and IAC RECORDS that update and support the ORIGINAL REFERENCES 1 to 5.

Today, this multiple, updated IAC-evidence, completes the formulation of this 50-year-old,
Gold-Awarded, Astro-Thermo School, [1-5].

Therefore, there is no need to replace our verified, thermodynamic, factually-observed

processes, with a "no-show", anti-gravity, anti-Einsteinian-physics, with the popular and
well-funded speculative dark matter and dark energy.

Original References of the 1972-Present Astro-Thermo School

1. Gal-Or Benjamin, Entropy, Fallacy, and the Origin of Irreversibility: An Essay on the
Einsteinian New Astrophysical Revolutionary School of Thermodynamics; Annal. N.Y.
Acad. Acad. Sci., 196 (A6) 305 (1972). Gold Medal Award.
2. Gal-Or Benjamin, cosmological origin of thermodynamics, Nature 230, 1971); 234, 217
3. Gal-Or Benjamin, The Origin of Irreversibility in nature, Science, 176, 11 (1972); 178, 119
4. Gal-Or Benjamin, On modified Foundations of Physics, Found. Phys. 6, 407 (1976); 6, 623
(1976); 7, 50 (1977);
5. Gal-Or Benjamin, Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy (CPP), Volumes I and II, Springer
Verlag, New York, 1981, 1983, 1987, and reprinted unchanged to present.

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Published Reviews and Comments

"Appeals to scientists of all disciplines who are prepared to open their minds.
Shines a welcome light in some dark corners of science.
Sir Karl Popper, in a Foreword, correctly describes it “a great book”.
The New Scientist Magazine

"Evokes a person heart !!

Has generated a large number of responses from around the world,
some declaring that it has turned them into “Gal-Orians”.
Since the thought presented by this book is so rich, translators of our country
should recommend this book with all their intellectual power."

Chinese Academy of Sciences

"A Master Piece. The well-known author bases his philosophy on a very sound
knowledge of present-day scientific theories. "

Indian Journal of Physics


“Gal-Or's remarkable book sees and seizes the world whole.

He emphasizes that all scientists operate under some set of philosophical

prejudices, and that failure to acknowledge this is self-delusion. Furthermore, he
argues that a failure to attend to the philosophical base of physics leads to an
empty scientism.

His work is challenging on many levels, constituting a review 'with derivations'

of general relativity 'as applied to cosmology', thermodynamics, the current state
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

of theoretical particle physics, astrophysics, as well as a summary history of

western philosophy, 'especially the philosophies of time and mind' and critiques
of western society, the intelligentsia and the relationship between academic
science and government.

One 'and perhaps the central' theme explored, is that of the interplay between
symmetry and asymmetry.

His primary interest is not in the recent progress in the unification of forces in
gauge theory, although he finds support in it for his Einsteinian outlook, but is
rather time, time's arrow, and the asymmetry between past and future. Around
time are accumulated discussions, both mathematical and philosophical, of
thermodynamic reversibility, time reversibility, the nature of causality, and the use
of advanced and retarded solutions to wave equations.

The second major theme is that of gravity and its overwhelming domination of
the actual form of the universe, at all scales.
The combination of these themes is not accidental; they are point and
counterpoint to his thesis that the time asymmetries are connectable to and
perhaps even determined by the master asymmetry given by the gravity of general
relativity: the remorseless cosmological expansion.
He argues that only the expansion can provide the unification of time
The expansion provides, among other things, an unsaturable sink for radiation,
which, in turn, permits the establishment of gradients in temperature and density,
which provide the basis for the physical process that leads to life.

He also criticizes the sloppy and improper use of the concepts of entropy 'and the
related notions in information theory' and quantum indeterminism, especially as
covers for an inadequate understanding of temporal asymmetries.
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Taking an Einsteinian position on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, he

looks forward to revitalization of Einstein's quest for a deterministic interpretation
of quantum events.
The value of this book lies in the challenging combination of ideas which Gal-Or
presents, which goes far beyond what can be sensibly described in a review.
[This] work may be too large to digest as a text in these days of the decline of
academic institutions "as Gal-Or describes them", but that will be the loss of both
the faculty and the students.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS

"Einstein's time-symmetric tensor was elevated by Gal-Or’s “New Astronomical

School of Unified Thermodynamics” to the status of the source of “Master
Asymmetry” controlling not only irreversible thermodynamics, but all physical and
biological phenomena!
Gal-Or calls “GRAVITISM” (his philosophy) that gravitation is the prime cause of
structures, irreversibility, time, geo-chemical and biological evolution -- that the
expansion of the universe is the cause of the second law of thermodynamics -- that
microscopic physics, and thermodynamics in particular, cannot be understood
without reference to cosmology.
He ties “irreversibility” to the “expansion of space itself”, i.e. as far as space is
expanding, the contribution of all kinds of radiation in space is weakened
“irreversibly” due to the expansion phenomenon itself.
Such loss, or “degradation” of energy in the depth of inter-cluster expanding
space, may then be considered as a universal sink for all the radiation flowing out
of the material bodies in the expanding universe.”
Advancement of Physics

"Gal-Or launches a new spirit of inquiry by his excellent and thought provoking
writings. I would recommend awarding a prize and would hope that this would
serve to focus attention on a most important subject.”
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

Gold Award by N.Y. Academy of Science

"This is a great book, and an exciting book; readable, worth reading and
enlightening." Sir Karl Popper, the Greatest Philosopher of Science

"I do not know a better modern expression of science, philosophy and classical
humanism than that of Gal-Or’s book." HaAretz Daily

"We are all Gal-Orians ! " Editor, Foundations of Physics

"Gal-Or’s “beauty” has always been the object of science, which, he lyrically
observes as “a most fundamental aesthetic frame of mind,
a longing for the run-away horizons of truth and symmetry
that we always try to reach.”

Order Amidst Chaos, Enlightenment Aesthetics

Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica, "Nature, Philosophy of"

"This is one of the most beautiful books that I have read."
Outstanding Books List

"Tour de force. A magnificent and sustained piece of work!
Gal-Or’s net is widely cast – it reaches as far as science policy and political
IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

A. Cottrell, V. Chancellor, Cambridge University

"The works of scientists like Gal-Or, Bohm, and (Noble Prize-Winner) Prigogine
provide important resources. Prigogine's formalisms do not really tell us how
irreversible change emerges from reversible [mathematics]. (in this Gal-Or is
superior)." The Crisis of the Sciences

“I have in the meantime studied your book, with great interest, and
made pages of notes on it.
I feel as if I had been on numerous walks and talks with you on the great
questions, and know that would be great to go on with them!
Who cannot be impressed by your love for the great men of all times and
all countries, by your phrase “working back and forth between theory and fact”,
by your belief that philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers, by
your concern for where thought and language lie in the scheme of things – and by
so much more!
I continue to reflect, again and again, on your central thesis that
expansion is the origin of all asymmetry in time.
What an ingenious phrase is your,
“smuggle irreversibility in without declaring the contraband”!
I regard your book as seeking to accomplish two tasks – and being two
books – at the very least One is the exposition of your central thesis, with clarity,
and careful mustering of every argument pro and con that can lead to testable
I don’t see how it is possible to do proper justice to a thesis of such
importance by mixing it in with the other great task.

That is to give students an appreciation of the unity of philosophy and
modern physics. You do both tasks far better than I could hope to.

IOC-Discovery Revises Cosmology and Astrophysics - Astro-Thermo School, 4th-Edition by Benjamin Gal-Or

I give you my personal thanks for putting the two books into a package
that I personally have found most thought-provoking.”

Prof. John Wheeler,
Inst. of Advanced Studies,
Princeton University, USA



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