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Noelia Alanis

Professor Dr. Christopher Nelson 

ORGL-3332 BV2

19 June 2019

Essay # 1: Participative Decision-Making Model: Thinker

When we think about working for a company we assume that the best leadership model

would be the role model of ourselves only. What happens when others have other point of views

and different opinions and options as to how to handle situations? There are many ways to act on

a business as to which decisions to take and what comments to make. There are four different

types of leadership styles that are followed by different personalities around the world. These are

as follows: Director, expresser, thinker and the harmonizer. I would consider myself to be a

thinker leader.

Everyone has their own unique “natural” leadership style according to their own

personality style. I never realized this could be, according to my understanding mangers follow

rules and apply them to employees and we would agree and follow as well, I thought. I have

worked in a voluminous number of places since I turned sixteen years old. I was anxious to be

was able to look for a job and start making my own money. I was only fifteen years old when I

was making an application a Jack in The Box. I could not work immediately but one of my close

friends was working there already and was helping me out. Shortly after I made my application I

began to work in my first job. A fast food restaurant. I was too excited to have a job and become

independent but then we met “Veronica”. She was our manager in charge at the time. Oh boy,

did she have a rough personality.

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I never imagined that personality helps us to be a successful leader. I guess not many

people love themselves and love their job too. Many managers are there to “make their

employees life’s miserable”. I would believe so. I began to understand that management could go

various ways and us as leaders could choose partially as to what leader we want to become. For

sure she was a director leader. She would tend to make drastic decisions and willing to take any

risk. She would change our schedule according to her best decisions without informing ahead of


I would always consider this to be poor management since I do believe that acting

professional and maybe considering informing your employees ahead of time of a change to the

schedule that most of the time would be the same. She tends to be rude to us of course we were

only teenagers then and would laugh at anything or anyone. In the other hand she would pursue

big and risky challenges and would promote the best of the best timers to be accomplished for

the better of the company. So, she made sure that we took care of our customers in the least time

possible and serve them as happily as we possibly could. She would lack of communication at

times, but we got on the boat and understood what had to be done without her having to

constantly tell us our roles.

As I began to mature and grow older I realized many things as to the management. It

takes much responsibility to be able to handle up to 15 employees in a single shift. After all the

employees have a good communication and are friends I think it should be difficult to keep them

in order and attentive to their assigned job and not make any type of joke and be seriously

making burgers and throwing tacos in the fryer without a single laugh remembering what

happened the wild night before. They were good days to us but to my manager we were so

unprofessional and young of course.

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I have learned to work with expresser leaders in my journey as an independent and

hardworking woman. I have learned from this type of management because they are very

entertaining and fun to work with They seem as very fun and outgoing type of personality with a

hint of management that make the job environment very fun to work with. They emphasis on

people and they are also willing to take risks. They are idea oriented and like to achieve goal. In

the other hand they tend to have difficulty in following through with their ideas. They seem

harder to gain commitment. The lack of having clear priorities may also be a difficulty for these

types of leaders but they are still willing to do the best of the best in the role of a leader.

Another type of leadership style that I have learned to work with was the harmonizer

leader. These leaders are very friendly and relationship oriented. They emphasize on team work

and a great communication. They tend to be very fun, warm and friendly towards others. Mostly

they are super loyal to the company that they work for. In the other hand, they like to avoid

conflict at al cause. They tend to make decisions slowly and precise. These leaders are the best to

work with since their love and patience towards employees and clients is very noticeable and

their kindness is so contagious. I personally love to work with these types of leaders, since they

have a way of speaking to us the employees that makes you feel comfortable and at peace at your

work environment.

I personally consider myself to be a thinker leader we tend to emphasize on precision and

like to be on point most of the time. We tend to stress on academics and credentials and become

the best of the best in that job title. We tend to have lots of quality control and are a fact and

process oriented. In the other hand we are unwilling to take risks and do not like to take chances.

We tend to become blind to the picture at times. Usually tend to miss deadlines. I would consider

this type of leadership because we obviously would like to perform at our very best in our job but

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for some reason we tend to lack a bit of professionalism. I would love to enhance my

communication skills to become a great leader and a coworker as well to be able to communicate

my knowledge that I have gains in the past 10 years of experience that I have as a nail


I have become a very precise nail technician and like for certain steps to be taken while

working. I have learned that being this type of leader created much conflict and bumps along the

road specially while working with new Nail Technicians that are new to the work environment of

fast paced nail salon. They do not like to take any type of advice from experience people because

they tend to take our opinions as offenses which is not what we are trying to do. I believe that we

need to have elasticity in the work environment and be able to accept an opinion or an advice to

later take the advice to your advantage and use it in other work environments.

After the years that I have working now as a professional I have encountered with many

different types of professional leadership styles. Those to which may be both affected negatively

and positively. I have taken the advice from mostly all my leaders that I have worked with in the

past 10 years that I have worked in different types of jobs. I like to learn from my elders and my

role models to become one day a leader like them.

I would tend to question the concern of a leader and later came to a maturity that I do not

like question my authority but accept their comment with respect and respond with a few

questions to clear wasters but in the end use any type of advice that is given and I personally

have become a better person and better coworker and an employee towards clientele as well. If I

could give an advice to anyone whom is learning to become a leader is to accept critiques and

use them to become a better figure for you own benefit and for others who would be working

with you.

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