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Noelia Alanis

Professor Dr. Christopher Nelson 

ORGL-3332 BV2

19 June 2019

Post Exam #2

Describe a scenario in which two or more decision-making paradigms would issue in radically
different decisions, describe those paradigms, and explain how each would propose handling the

According to some research that I have found there is eight basic decision-making paradigms.

1. Rational Model. 2. Bounded-rationality model

In the following scenario: Buying a home because the space is too small.

Rational model: To make a rational decision for this scenario you would have to most

importantly develop the alternatives for this particular problem. For this model you never know

if you made the best decision and if the time you took to make this decision was too fast of too

short. This model requires us to have all the information which is technically impossible for us as

humans to know every single detail about this problem. After you have evaluated the alternatives

you would make your best decision as if you would by the home or you would add a room to you

home to expand the space in your home.

Bounded-Rationality Model: Because of limited information capacity it is impossible to

understand all the information. In the decision-making situation. You decide according to satisfy

the extent or to certain extent. The decision will not perfectly be made according to this model

but we will decide the best alternative to certain extent.

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