Complaint Part of 20,000+ Pages Chargesheet Submitted by ED To Adjudicating Authority Under PMLA Against Mega Fraud SRS Group Faridabad

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BEFORE THE HON’BLE CHAIRPERSON, ADJUDICATING AUTHORITY UNDER ‘THE PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING ACT, 2002 Original Complaint No,__/2020 in : Provisional Attachment Order No, 01/2020 dated 08.01.2020 In Case File No. ECIR/03/CDZ0/2018 (in the matter of properties provisionally attached under Provisional Attachment | Order No. 01/2020 dated 08.01.2020) INDEX is 7 S.No. Particulars Page No. t - 7 From To {, | Original Complaint T 304 ‘Bnnemure-A 3, | Provisional Attachment Order No. 01/2020 dated i 220 08.01.2020 | Copy of Proof of Service of Provisional Attachment 221 285 Order No. 01/2020 to the Respondents ‘Bnnexure- RUD S [FIR No, 0021 dated 12.01.2017 registered at i 9 Faridabad Central Police Station 6 [PIR No. 1050 dated 19.09.0017 registered at 10 16 Faridabad Central Police Station 7. [FIR, No. 1824 dated 21.11.2017 registered at 7 26 Faridabad Central Police Station @ [FIR No. 0440 dated 15.12.2017 registered at Bhupani a7 35 Police Station 9 [FIR No. 0149 dated 30.03.2017 registered at Sector- 36 46 $1 Faridabad Police Station TO [FIRNo. 0591 dated 16.09.2017 registered at Sector | * 47 37 $1 Faridabad Police Station TI | FIR.No. 0620 dated 13.01.2018 registered at Sector-| "58 65 31 Faridabad Police Station 4 a\ sere aes By ee rear Dopuly Director J) ome mr et ete ss o eo rare | Govt of india Z Sosarn/ Gnancigeth 2 {ZT FIR No, 0010 dated 14.01.2018 registered at Bhupani 66 72 Police Station FS_[ FIR No, 0111 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 73 BL 31 Faridabad Police Station. {aT FIR No, 0112 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 82 30 31 Faridabad Police Station. TE] FIR No. 0113 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 7 39 31 Faridabad Police Station. Te} FIR No, 0114 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 100 708 31 Faridabad Police Station. T7TFIR No. 0115 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 109) ii7 31 Faridabad Police Station. IS” [FIR No. 0116 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- Tie 126 31 Faridabad Police Station TS} FIR No. 0117 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 127 135) 91 Faridabad Police Station BD [FIR No. 0118 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 136 144 31 Faridabad Police Station. BA FIR No: 0119 dated 04.03.2016 registered at Sector- 145 153 31 Faridabad Police Station BI TFIR No. 0120 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 154 162, 31 Faridabad Police Station_* 3ST FIR No. 0121 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 168) 172 31 Faridabad Police Station 3a [FIR No. 0122 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 173) 18t 31 Faridabad Police Station. 2 | FIR No. 0123 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 182 190 91 Faridabad Police Station ET FIR No, 0124 dated 04.03.9016 registered at Sector- isi 199 31 Faridabad Police Station GPT FIR No, 0125 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 200 208 31 Faridabad Police Station aa | FIR No. 0126 dated 04.03.3018 registered at Sector 209 ai7 31 Faridabad Police Station STIR No. 0127 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 218 226 31 Faridabad Police Station. BO TFIR No. 0128 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Secior- 227 235 31 Faridabad Police Station Ji] FIR No. 0129 dated 04.03,2018 registered at Sector- 256 24a 31 Faridabad Police Station Sa [FIR No. 0130 dated 04.03.2018 registered at Sector- 245 253 31 Faridabad Police Station SSTFIR No. 0366 dated 06.04.2018 registered at 254 261 Faridabad Central Police Station ~34 [FIR No. 0205 dated 05.04.2018 registered at Sector- 262 272 31 Faridabad Police Station. JST FIR No, 0206 dated 05.04.2018 registered at Sector- 273 283 31 Faridabad Police Station — FIR No. 0209 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 284 292 31 Faridabad Police Station. FIR No, 0210 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 298 301 31 Faridabad Police Station. FIR No. 0211 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 302 310 31 Faridabad Police Station. 7 FIR No. 0212 dated 06.04.2018 registered’ at Sector- ait 319 31 Faridabad Police Station 0 | FIR No. 0213 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 320 328 31 Faridabad Police Station. : AI FIR No. 0214 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 329) 337 31 Faridabad Police Station. 2 | FIR No. 0215 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 338 346 31 Faridabad Police Station FS [FIR No, 0216 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 347 355 31 Faridabad Police Station G4 | FIR No. 0217 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 356 364 31 Faridabad Police Station _ FST FIR No, 0218 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 365 373 31 Faridabad Police Station FET FIR No. 0219 dated 06.04.2018 registered at Sector- 374 382 31 Faridabad Police St = FT TRIR No. 0231 dated 11.04.2018 registered at Sector- 383 390 31 Faridabad Police Station FB | FIR No. 0146 dated 13.03.2018 registered at Sector- 301 398 31 Faridabad Police Station 49 | FIR No. 0238 dated 13.04.2018 registered at Sector- 399) 409 31 Faridabad Police Station. GO| FIR No. 0340 dated 30.03.2018 registered at Sector- 410 ai7 31 Faridabad Police Station Si | FIR No. 0256 dated 20.04.2018 registered at Sector- a8 725 31 Faridabad Police Station SO [FIR No. 0257 dated 20.04.2018 registered at Sector- 436 435 3] Faridabad Police Station BS [FIR No. 0260 dated 21.04.2018 registered at Sector- 436 444 31 Faridabad Police Station 54 FIR No. 0179 dated 09.05.2018 registered at NLT 445 a4 Faridabad. SST FIR No. 0273 dated 26.04.2018 registered at Sector- 455 ra} 31 Faridabad Police Station o BS FIR No. 0274 dated 26.04.2018 registered at Sector 470 476 31 Faridabad Police Station ST TFIR No,0075 dated 07.05.2018 registered at aT 481 Economic Offence Wing, New Delhi BB | FIR No. 0017 dated 123.01.2019 registered at Sector- 482 492, 31 Faridabad Police Station 493 “Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 111 dated 04.03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad-Police Station 7 Go| Chargecheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No, 112 dated 526 353 04.05.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police. Station Gi | Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in PR No, 113 dated Set 580 04.03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police. Station GE | Ghargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 114 dated Bal 610 54.05.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station Z| Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No, 115 dated eit 646 04,03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station, Ga | Ghargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR ‘No. 116 dated oT 675 64.05.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station - S| Ghasgesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 117 dated 674 700 G1.0s. 2018 et Sectos-31 Faridabad Police Staten: GE| Chargesheot fled on 29.05.2018 in FI ‘No, 118 dated For 728 68 | 408-2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police ‘Station -G7| Ghargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 119 dated 729 755 64.08.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station, Gal Chargesheet fled on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 120 dated 76 782 04.08.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. J5-| Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 121 dated 783 796 04.08.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 75 | Ghargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in Fi No. 122 dated 797 820 64.08-2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station, Fi] Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 123 dated B21 848 04.03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station, 7a | Chargesheet fled on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 124 dated 349) B78 64.06.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Staton. 737 | Ghargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 125 dated 879 308 cee oOI8 at Sector-3i Faridabad Police Station FH} Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 126 dated 904 928 04.03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 757 | Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 127 dated 929) 981 04.05.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 76 | Chargesheet filed on 29.05.2018 in FIR No 128 dated 982 oT Gn08 2018 at Seotor-31 Faridabad Police States 77 | Ghargesheet filed on 29.05:2018 in FIR No. 129 dated O78 1004 04.09.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 7a | Chargesheet fled on 29.05.2018 in FIR No. 130 dated) 1005 1024 94:03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. 75} Chargesheet Bled on 29.05.2018 in Fi. ‘No, 130 dated 1025 082 04.03.2018 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police. ‘Station GO| Chargesheet fled in FIR No, 206 dated 05.04.2018 at | 1053 1082 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station Ji | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 209 dated 06.04.2018 at]. 1083 104 ‘Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. ‘Chargesheet Sled in FIR No, 210 dated 96.04.2018 at | 1105 7130 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 211 dated o60F2018 at} 11S). Tist ‘Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. BF | Chargesheet filed in FIR No, 219 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1152 Ti7s Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station. BS | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 213 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1174 201 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station BS [Chargesheet filed in FIR No, 214 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1202 1231 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station BF | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 215 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1282 264 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station %B_| Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 216 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1255 1279 ‘Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station . 9 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 217 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1280 1308 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 0 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 218 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1304 1326 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station OT | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 219 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1327 1353 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 92 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 231 dated 11.04.2018 at) 1354 1380 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 93 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 238 dated 18.04.2016 at | 1981 3400 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 94 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 542 dated 11.09.2018 at | 1401 iat? Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station GE} Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 340 dated 30.03.2018 at |" 1418 144T Faridabad Central Police Station 96 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 366 dated 06.04.2018 at | 1442 1463 Faridabad Central Police Station 97 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 409 dated 17.04.2018 at) 1464 1494 Faridabad Central Police Station 38 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 51 dated 17.02.2019 at 1495 1567 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station (Additional Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 51 dated 17.02.2019 at Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station) 35 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 256 dated 20.04.2018 at {1568 1593 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station TOO | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 164 dated 21.03.2018 at |" 1594 161i Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station TOI | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 146 dated 13.03.2018 at [1612 1626 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 102 | Chargeshect filed in FIR No. 273 dated 26.04.2018 at |" 1627 1648 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station 763 | Chargesheet filed in FIR No. 312 dated 18.05.2018 at 1649 1667 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station TOF | Chargesbect filed in FIR'No. 489 dated 10.08.2019 et] 1668 1686 Sector-31 Faridabad Police Station {05 [Copy of ECIR No, ECIR/03/CDZ0/2018 dated | 1687 1704 20.12.2018 TOS [Copy of Sale Deed No. 16746 dated 14.12.2006 [~~ 1705 1709 pertaining to Jand of SRS Royal Hilis;Phase-IL, Sector g- 8 87, Faridabad. 107 Copies of Sale Deeds bearing No. 7139 dated 18-10.2006, Deed No, 7124 dated 18.10.2006, Deed No. 12210 dated 08.03.2006 pertaining to land of SRS Deen Dayal Awas Yojana, Sector 8 Palwal. 1710 1727 108 Copies of Sale Deed no. 7134 dated 24.10.2018, Deed no. 9422 dated 01.03.2011, Deed no. 5066 dated 09.08.2011 and Deed No. 5067 dated 09.08.2011 pertaining to land of SRS Affordable Housing Society (SRS Palm Homes), Sector 7 of Palwal. 1728 1749 109 Copies of Sale Deed No. 586 dated 19.04.2006, Deed No 2652 dated 02.06.2006, Deed No. 2653 dated 02.06.2006, Deed No. 2654 dated 02.06.2006, Deed No. 4001 dated 04.07.2006, Deed No. 4808 dated 27.07.2006, Deed No. 5143 dated 10.08.2006, Deed No, 12921 dated 24.03.2006, Deed No. 12922 dated 2:8,03.2006, Deed No. 12923 dated 24.03.2006, Deed No. 12980 dated 27.03.2006, Deed No. 13098 dated 30.03.2006, Deed No. 13099 dated 30.03.2006, Deed No. 13100 dated 30.03.2006, Deed No. 13133 dated 31.03.2006, Deed No, 13134 dated 31.03.2006, Deed No. 4898 dated 10.11.2009 and Deed No. 4899 dated |-10.11,2009 pertaining to land of SRS Project, Sector 6, Palwal. 1750 1880. Tio Copies of Sale Deed No, 17782 dated 28.12.2006 and Deed No, 17767 dated 28.12.2006 pertaining to land ‘of SR Royal Hills, Phase-I, Sector 87, Faridabad. 1881 1894 Tit Copy of Sale Deed No. 15794 dated 30.11.2006, Deed no. 16254 dated 17.12.2006, Deed no. 19273 dated 05.02.2007, Deed no. 17269 dated no. 19.12.2006, Deed no. 17271 dated 19.12.2006, Deed no. 20787 dated 24.12.2007, Deed no. 18210 dated 09.01.2007 895) 1929 12 Copies of Sale Deed No. 17498 dated 30.12.2009 pertaining of Tower P8, Sector- 87, Faridabad. 1930 1540, 113 Copy of Sale Deed No. 10482 dated 18112013 pertaining to land of Tower P9, Sector 88, Faridabad. 941 Ti4 Copies of Sale Deed No. 7112 dated 27.12.2007, Deed No. 7113, dated 27.12.2007, Deed No. 7114 dated 27.12.2007, Deed No. 7115 dated 27.12.2007 pertaining to land of SRS Royals Hills, Phase-l, Seotor-26, Rewari. 1942 i976 Tis Copy of Sale Deed No. 1410 dated 08.06.2018 pertaining to land of SRS Royals Hills, Phase-2, 1977 1979 16 Copi Bale Deed No, 1662 dated 04.08.2015, Deed No. 1665 dated 04.08.2015, Deed No. 1664 dated 04.08.2015 _and--Dead, No. 1663_dated 1980 1595) AORDOIS pertaining to land of SRS Signature Farms, Rohtak. ‘Copy of Sale Deed No. 4975 dated 15,09.2009 pertaining to land of SRS City Centre Emerald Court, Sector-5, Faridabad. 2004 Copy of Sale Deed No. 4158 dated 70.09.2010 pertaining to land of SRS Pearl Floors, Sector-5, Palwal. 2012 Copy of Sale Deed No. 4404 dated 23.02.1985 pertaining to land of SRS Tower, Sector-31, Faridabad. 2086 Copies of Sale Deed No. 1068 dated 34,08.2011, Deed Nor 1069 dated 24.08.2011, Deed No. 1139 dated 97.09.2011, Deed No. 1799 dated 04.01.2012, Deed Ne. 1800 dated 04.01.2012, Deed No. 180% dated ye 1 2012, Deed No. 1802 dated 24.08.2011, Deed Be yaaa dated 16.01.2012, Deed No. 1968 dated Mo. 12013, Deed No. 2321 dated 14.03.2012, Deed 1p eTs50 dated 33.05.2012, Deed No. 301 dated 3'082012, Deed No. 1040 dated 24.08.2011, Deed seotoa dated 24.08.2011 and Deed No. 2242 dated 503.2012 pertaining to land’ of SRS Residency, Raipur Rani, Panchisule. 2187 Copy of Sele Deed No. 10269 dated 08.01 2008, Deed Nor'2277 dated 23.05.2008, Deed No. 7999 dated 39.00.2008, Deed No. 4417 dated 09.07.2008, Deed No. 10703 ‘dated 25.02.2010, Deed No. 2637. dated 39/06.2009, Deed No, 1377 dated 05.05.2010, Deed 27.0997 dated 29.08.2009, Deed no, 7998 dated 76'08.2009,, Deed no. 8000 dated 29.08.2009, Deed ve. 10337 dated 17.02.2010, Deed no. 10704 dated 3e'49.2010, Deed no, 1878 dated 18.05.2019 pertaining to land of SRS Retreat Farms, Menjhawali, 2286 Copy of Sale Deed no. 6751 dated 30, 12.2002 pertaining to jand of SRS Mall, Sector -12. Faridabad. ‘2702 BET Copies of Sale Deed no. 14602 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no, 14603 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 14604 Jated 17.01.2014, Deed no, 14605 dated {7.01,2014, Deed no. 14606 dated 17.01.2014, Deed eot4607 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 14608 dated 101.2014, Deed no. 14609 dated 17.01.2014, Deed fo. 14610 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 1461) dated 37/01.2014, Deed no. 14612 dated 17.01.2014, Deed we S10873 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 10874 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 10872 dated 17.01.2014, Deed wr 10867 dated 17,01:2034, Deed no. 10870 dated 72910 17.01.2014, Deedtio, 10869 dated 17.01.2014, Deed Bee SN 3 a Tor TOBEE dated 17-01-2014, Deed no. 10877 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 10878 dated 17.01.2014, Deed 17710014 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 10915 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 10880 dated 17.01.2014, Deed ser 0879 dated 17.01.2014, Deed no. 11054 dated 301012014 and Deed no. 7820 dated 20.01.2014 pertaining to land of KIOSK/Booths in the name of SRS Limited. 124 Copies of Sale Deed no. 683 dated 16.01.2007, Deed coris213 dated 08.03.2017, Deed no. 3214 dated 08.03.2017, Deed no. 3215 dated 08.03.2017, Deed se 3216 dated 08.03.2017, Deed no. 4485 dated 57.04.2007, Deed no. 4486 dated 07.04.2007, Deed or NGR7 dated 07.04.2007 and Deed no. 4488 dated ne ot. 2007 pertaining to land of Agriculture land of Gise epprox. 11.95 hectares (29.53 acres) in Gautary Sean Nagar, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. SRS Retreat Service Limited. 29it “3197 125 Gopies of Sale Deed no. 3723 dated 20.07.2008, Doce somTSSS dated 30.11.2005, pertaining to land of SRS Nest and Banquets Prithla, Palwal. 3198 S27 126 Gepies of Sale Deed No. 10627 dated 19.02.2007, ET No. 10862 dated 22.02.2007 pertaining to land ‘of SRS Banquets Hali,Prithla, Palwal. 3216 3227 127 Copies of Sale Deed No. 10627 dated 13.02.2007, Seed No. 26498 dated 19.03.2013 and Deed No. 3723 dated 20.07.2005 pertaining to land of SRS Banquets Hall - iL,Prithia, Palwal.. ‘3208 3239 128 Copies of Sale Deed No. 9041 dated 06-01.2010 and Debd no, 9745 dated 07.01.2005 pertaining to land of Tramovable properties/assets in the name of Smt Bimlesh Tayal w/o Nanak Chand Tayal@ Foota. $240 3284 129 Gopy of Sale Deed No. 10186 dated 21.02.2006, ining to land of Immovable properties bearing Penge No, 52 Sector-9, Faridabad in the name of 3255 3260 130 pertaining to land of immovable propertics pears, Ba.54, DLF Model Town, Sector-10, Faridabad in the join name of Smt. Toshi Bansal w/o Bishan Bansal ‘and Smt. Sanjana Bansal w/o Raju Bansal. 3261 3067 13t Copy of Sale Deed No. 438" dated 12.04.2004, penaining to land of Immovable properties bearing Howse No. 122 Sector-9, Faridabad in the name of Sh, Nanak Chand Bansal 3268 3281 132. Copy of Sale Deed No. 590 3282 3287 Mr. Piyash Singla S/o Mr. Rajesh Singla. 133 Copy of Sale Deed No, 7889 dated 17.01.2018 pertaining to land of Immovable properties bearing Foouse No. 537 Sector-14, Faridabad in the name of Smt, Ritu Garg w/o Jitender Kumar Garg. 3288 3293 134 Copies of Sale Deed No. 9646 dated 07.10.2014, Deed Ne 13281 dated 17.03.2008, Deed No. 253 dated 06.04.2016, Deed No. 1303 dated 05.05.2016 pertaining to land of Immovable assets/properties Bearing House No. 506, Sector-14, Faridabad, House pe. 508, Sector-14, Faridabad and plot of area 626 se.yards in Mujheri Industrial Area, Faridabad in the name of Smt. Sangeeta Kapoor w/o Sh. Praveen Kumar Kapoor. 3294 3325) 135 Copy of Sale Desd No. 20541 dated 28.02.2007 pertaining to land of Immovable property bearing House No. 535, Sector-14, Faridabad in the joint name of Smt, Ritu Jindal w/o Vinod Jindal and Mr. Vinod Jindal. 3526 3330 136 Copies of Sale Deed No. 6257 dated 28.10.2009, Deed Noe 1877 dated 11.05.2007, Deed No. 2572-2573 dated 16.02.2018 pertaining to land of Immovable property bearing Plot No. 8, Sector-5, Faridabad, Plot Ro. 786 Sector-69, IMT, Faridabad, Plot No. 9, Mujeri Industrial Area, Faridabad and C-100, Bldeco Sideul, Sitarganj, Uttarakhand i the name of M/s Horizon Global Limited (earlier known as M/s Horizon Rubber Products Limited). ‘3331 3345 137 Valuation Report dated 31.10.2019 of SRS International School, Sector 88, ‘Village Baselwa Faridabad, by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3346 3356 138 ‘Valuation Report dated 24.11.2019 of SRS Signature Farms, Rohtak, by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3387 ‘3364 139 ‘Valuation Report dated 22.11.2019 of SRS City Centre Emerald Court, Scctor-5, Faridabad, by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engincers Associates, Ludhiana. 3365 3372 140 ‘Valuation Report dated 02.12.2019 of SRS Tower, Sector-31, Faridabad by Government Approved ‘Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3373 3393 iat ‘Valuation Report dated 23.11.2019 of SRS Retreat Farms, Manjhawali, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana, ‘3304 3410 142, Valuation Report dated 18.12.2019 of SRS Mall, ‘a4it 10 Seder “2 Faridabad by Government “Approved Veiner, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 143 Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 'of House No, 202 Smt, Bimlesh Tayal W/o SH. Nanak Chand ‘Tayal Sector-9, Urban Estate, Faridabad .by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3425 144 Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of House No. 1871 ‘Smt. Bimlesh Kumari Sector-9, Urban Estate, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s ‘Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3432 3438 148 Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of House No. $2 Smt Uma Garg W/o Sh. Vinod Garg Sector-9, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s ‘Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana 3439 3445 146 iiuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of Plot No. D-2-54 ‘Smt, Toshi Bansal, Smt. Sanjna Bansal Sector-10, DLF Model Town, Faridabad by Government ‘Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Enginéers Associates. Ludhiana. 3446 3452 147 Copy of bank account statement of 0018116100299 Sf M/s SRS Real Infrastructure Limited maintained with Oriental Bank Of Commerce 3453 3502 148 Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of House No. 122 Sh, Sh, Nanak Chand Bansal Sector-9, Urban Estate, Fesidabad by Government Approved Veluer, M/® ‘Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3503 3509 149) Valuation Report dated 03.11.2019 of House No. $97 Smt. Ritu Garg W/o Sh. J.K. Garg Séctor-14, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s ‘Arora: Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3510 3516 150 Valuation Report dated 03.11.2019 of louse No. 506 Smt. Sangeets Kapoor W/o P.K. Kapoor Sector 14, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, ™4/s ‘Arora Engineers Associates, Ludbiana. ‘3817 ‘3522 iBT Valuation Report dated 03.11.2019 of House No. 515 Smt. Sangeets Kapoor W/o P.K. Kapoor Sector 14, Furidabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s ‘Arora Engineers Associates; Ludhiana. 3523 3528 152 Valuation Report dated 25.11.2019 of a plot of area 626 sq, Yards in-Mujheri Industrial Area, Faridabad in the in the name of Smt. Sangeeta Kapoor W/o Sh. Praveen Kumar Kapoor, by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana 3529 ‘3541 153 Valuation Report dated 02.11.2019 of Booth No, 19,29,36,, Kiosk No. 85,85,87,88,123,125 Sector 2 Fetidebad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s ‘Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana, 3859 or ul 54 Valuation Report dated 04.11.2019 of Booth No. 85,86,87,88,123,125 Faridabad by Government ‘Approved Valuer, M/e Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. : 3560 3505 185 Valuation Report dated 04.11.2019 of Booth No. 33,24,29, Sector 15-A, partl, Faridabad by Geuerament Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3566 3577 186 Valuation Report dated 04.11.2019 of Booth No. 33,54 Sector 08, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3578 3589 157 Valuation Report dated 04.11.2019 of Booth No. 12 Sater 31, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3590 ‘3600 158 Valuation Report dated 04,11.2019 of Booth No. 61 Sector 16, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. ‘3601 3606 159 Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of Kiosk No. 176.179,180, 181 Sector 15. (The Property Under Construction) Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. ‘3607 ‘3611 160 Valuation Report dated 01.11.2019 of Booth No. 418 Sector 02, Palwal, Haryana by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana, 3612 3616 Ter Valuation Report dated 05.11.2019 of Booth No. 60 Sector 20-A, Faridabad Haryana by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. ‘3617 3622 162 Valuation ‘Report dated 02.11.2019 of SCO No. 91,9204 Sector -2, Faridabed Haryana by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3623 3636 163 WValuction Report dated 14.11.2019 of SRS Nest and Banquets Prithla, Palwal by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora, Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3637 3645 164 Valuation Report dated 22.11.2019 of Immovable Property/ bearing House No. 2120 Sector-9, Fordabad in the name of Mr. Piyush Singla S/o Mr. Rajesh Singla. by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana 3646 3652 165 Walston Report dated 03.11.2019 of Immovable Property/ bearing House No. 535 Sector 1, Furrlabad in the Joint name of Srat, Ritu Jindal W/o Vinod Jindal and Mr. Vinod Jindal by Government Approved Valuer, M/e Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. 3683 3659 166 Yalustion Report dated 01.13.2019 of Immovable Property/ bearing Plot No, -8;7Sestor 5, Ballabgarh ‘3660 3668 R Faridabad Ja Waination Report dated 01112019 of M/s Horizon | 9669 ‘3676 Global Ltd. Plot No. 9, Mujer ‘Industrial Area, Faridabad of size 2 Kanal by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. [6E [Valuation Report dated 01.11.2019 of M/s Horizon 3677 3686 ‘Global Ltd. Plot No. 786, Sector-69, IMT, Faridabad by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. F65TVatnation Report dated 25.11.2010 of Immovable | 9687 3652 Property/ bearing C-100, Eldeco Sidcul Sitarganj, Uttarakhand in the name of M/s Horizon Global Ltd. (earlier known as M/s Horizon Rubber Products Ltd) by Government Approved Veluer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. T70 | Valuation Report dated 25.11.2019 of SRS Affordable 3693 ‘3701 Housing Society (SRS Palm Homes), Sector 7 of Palwal by Government Approved Valuer, M/s Arora Engineers Associates, Ludhiana. FTL [Valuation Report dated 07.01.2000 of Tower N, SRS] 3702 3709 {Sector 82 Faridabad T7F | Valuation Report dated 07.01.2020 of. Comsmunity 3710 3714 Hall , SRS Royal Hills , Sector 87 Faridabad 775 [Valuation Report dated 07.01.2020 of SRS Deen 3718 3718 Dayal Awas Yojana, Sector 8 Palwal 474 |Vatiation Report dated 07.01.2020 of SRS Royal| $719 SB Hills Phase-II Sector - 26 Rewari T75 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e fo.) $724 aTTL 307m01010917943 ° of M/s LOGICAL SALES ‘AGENCIES PVT LTD maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad T76' {Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 8712 ‘3921 354401010035077 of M/s KM REALTECH LID maintained with Union Bank of India, NIS Faridabad {77 [Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no, 3922 3950 354401010035584 of M/s SWAMI FOODS LID maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad {78 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no, 3951 4084 3984401010035112 of M/s SRS PORTFOLIO LTD jnaintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 475 | Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 4085 4229 3440101003586 of M/s FRONTIER COMMERCIAL : CO. LTD (H.0) maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad {BO} Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no, 4230 4351 34401010035873 of M/s UPFRONT TRADING CO LTD, (H.0) maintained with UpionBank of India, NIT a J re a wo Faridabad Tat 182 Copy of Danke account statement bearing ‘Aye no. ‘954401010035781 of M/s EXCLUSIVE. ‘AGENCIES sero Maintained with Union Bank of Indie, NIT Faridabad 4352 4472 Copy of bank account statement “bearing Ale n0. $28%401010035095 of M/s VISION JWELLERS PT Seer maintained with Union Bank of India, wir Faridabad 4473 4599 188 Copy of bank account statement bearing ‘Aje 10. 964401010035996 of M/s ACHIEVERS ‘BULLIONS, SOTGLUERS PVT LTD. maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad. ¥600 184 Gopy of bank account statement bearing A/e We So oto10036es¢ of M/s SAUBHAGYA SRNAMENTS PVT LTD... maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 4663 #763 185 Copy of bank account statement bearing ‘Aye 9. SeRloro10036049 of _M/s —_CBLEBRATION SS OLUBRS PVT LTD. maintained with Union Banke of India, NIT Faridabad 4764 4863 186 Copy of bank account statement bearing /* Te. 384401010035867 of M/s FUTURISTIC ‘AGENCIES Ub H.0) maintained with Union Bank of Indiay NIT Faridabad 7864 ‘5008 187 Copy of Bank account statement bearing A/e 354401010035668 of M/s AHEAD ENTERPRISES: LTD. maintained with Union Bank ‘of India, NIT Faridabad 5009 5082 188 Cony of bank aosount statement bearing A/C fe. Goby 2010035835 of M/s FUTURISTIC AGENCIES PVT. LID (BUILD. MAT) maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad. 5083 3192 189 Copy of bank account statement bearing ‘Ale 10. Sees 2010035890 of M/s HARYANA FACILITIGS SERVICES (P} LTD. maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 5193 15399 190 W of bank account statement bearing A/é 354401010036060 of M/s SHREE ASHTVINAYAK GEMS AND STONES ‘PRIVATE LIMITED maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 5400 ‘5684 oT sy of ‘bank account statement bearing Ae 5° 307801010917644 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. ESCROW maintained with Union Bank of India 3685 3885 192 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/ My 500001010037 199 of M/s ‘SRS REAL 5886 5960 INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. maintained with Union oN 4 Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 193 of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 384401010036088 of =M/s_ SRS REAL INFRASTRUCTURE LTD SECTORS, PALWAL maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad ‘5961 6208 194 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. $$1401010035022 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. (PALWAL}/ MR. JITENDER KUMAR GARG Ur entained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 6210 6609 195) Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 381401010035398 of M/s SRS REAL BSTATE LID. {Sec-87) maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 6610 7272 196 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. 392401010038452 of M/s SRS: Real Infrastructure Limited maintained with Union Bank of India, NIT Faridabad 7278 7875 197 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 3794011000515 of M/s SRS Real Infrastructure Limited (Delhi) maintained with Oriental Bank of! Commerce 7876 3335 198 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no, 954401010035215 of M/s SRS Real Estate Limited jnaintained with Union Bank of India 8336 8986 199 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/< no. 954401010036050 of M/s DESTINY GEMS, JEWELLERS PVT. LTD. maintained with Union Bank of India * 3087 9616 200 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 361401010035760 of M/s SRS_ REAL INFRASTRUCTURE LTD.EMPLOYEE GRATUITY) maintained with Union Bank of India ‘9617 0229 201 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c re: 354401010035076 of M/s SRS RETREAT SERVICES maintained with Union Bank of India 10230 T0308 202 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c ne. 3$4401010035072 of M/s BTL INVESTMENTS LTD. maintained with Union Bank of India 70309 0493 203 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. 352408010132162 of M/s SRS Real Estate Limited maintained with Union Bank of India 10494 T1031 204 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/o no; $35401010035928 of M/s SRS Real Estate Limited {Pearl) maintained with Union Bank of India 11022 T1817 205 y of bank account statement bearing A/e no, 354401010035089 of ‘M/s SRS Computech Ltd jnaintained with Union Bank of India T1818 b 15 7206 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/o no; 564401010035477 of M/s SRS Finance Limited jnaintained with Union Bank of India 12072 72283 207 “of bank account statement bearing A/c no. $£4401010035962 of M/s SRS Limited maintained ‘with Union Bank of India. : 12284 12382 208 | Copy ‘of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 9790501000070 of M/s SRS Limited maintained with Union Bank of India 12383 12466 209 ‘of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 307801010917224 of M/s SRS LIMITED. DELHI maintained with Union Bank of India. 12467 12503 210 Copy of bank account statement ‘bearing A/c no. €27901010050157 of M/s SRS LIMITED (JEWELS Rajouri Garden) maintained with Union Bank of India 2504 12548 alt Copy of bank account statement bearing A/¢ no, 998201010050191 of M/s SRS Limited maintained with Union Bank of India 12549 13631 212 Copy of banks account statement bearing A/e Ne 307808040920123 of M/s SRS LIMITED. CC (DELH]} maintained with Union Bank of India 12632 12673 213 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. $398001010080191 of M/s SRS LIMITED maintained with Union Bank of India 12674 Tart 24 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/¢. no. 99740101 1000889 of M/s SRS LIMITED. maintained with Union Bank of India ia7i5 Ta7i8 218 Gopy of bank account statément bearing A/o no. $$2401010035562 of M/s SRS LIMITED. maintained with Union Bank of India i715 T2731 216 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 307806580000015 of. M/s SRS LIMITED. maintained with Union Bank of India 12732 12740 2i7 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c po, $07401010917251 of M/s SRS LIMITED. ESCROW A/C. DELHI maintained with Union Bank of India T2741 12770 218 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. $94401010035069 of M/s Satmaya Trading Co Lid maintained with Union Bank of India 2771 T2911 219 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. $2591250001980 of M/s Horizon Global Lid maintained with Syndicate Bank. 2912 3441 220 Gepy of bank account statement bearing A/e no. | 50861250001143 of M/s Horizon Global Ltd maintained with Syndicate Bank 13442 13605 221 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e no, 9200125001944 of Mjs—Horizon Global Ltd maintained with Syndipdi¢ Banic 13606 14130 PPPuIPerrre rea os 16 222 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no: 2201250000942 of M/s Horizon Global ltd maintained with Syndicate Bank. 14134 14446 223 ‘of bank account statement bearing A/c no. $0200019377123 of M/s Real Infrastructure Ltd maintained with HDFC Bank 4447 14641 B24 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 9401010035935 of M/s GALAXY REALTECH (P) LTD. maintained with UBL 14642 14706 228 Copy of bank account siatement bearing A/c no. 307801010917468 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LID. maintained with UBL 14707 14708 226 Zopy of bank account statoment bearing A/c no. 307801010917468 of M/s ‘SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. maintained with UBI 14709 14802 ‘287 ‘of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 307801010917644 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. maintained with UBL 14803 T5008 228 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 4$1101010133668 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. maintained with UBL 15004 15107 225 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 497901011000327 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. maintained with UBL 5108 T5315 330 ‘of bank account statement bearing A/c no. 497901011000388 of M/s SRS REAL ESTATE LTD. maintained with UBL T5316 15649 231 Copy of bank account statement bearing A/e po. $08%401010036265 of. M/s Lucra Jewels Pvt. Ltd maintained with UBL T5650 15684 232 Copy of statement of Sh, Naveen Chandra S/o Late Shr Jagdemba Parsad of Union Bank of India recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 15685 15697 233 Copy of statement of Sh. Vinod Katyal S/o Sb. Somnath Katyal of Union Bank of India recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 04.02.2020. 15698 15703 234 Copy of statement of Sh. Gaurav Aggarwal S/o Sh. ‘Ar Kamar of Indian Overseas Bank recorded under ‘Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 04.02.2020 T5704 15728 238 Copy of statement of Sh. Varun Vohra S/o Sh. ME Vobva of Tata Capital Financial Services Limited recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 04.02.2020 15729 15739 236 Copy of statement of Sh. Anupam Kumar S/o Sh, Rajeshwari Parsad of Oriental Bank of Commerce fecorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 03.02.2020 15740 18753 7 ‘Copy of statement ‘of Sh. D.P Dhawan ‘S/o Late Sh. 15754 ‘15765 Row ‘Chand of Syndicate Bank recorded under |. Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on. 03.02.2020 238 | Copy of statement ‘of Sh. Dhirendra Kumar ‘S/o Sh. 15766 18778 Yothan Mohan Singh of State Bank Of Inida recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 21.01.2020 239 | Copy of statement of Sh. Hardeep Singh S/o ‘Sh. 15779 15795, Bren Singh of India Bulls Housing Finance recorded : Sinder Seation 50 of PMLA,2002 on 19.11.2019 240 | Copy of ‘statement of Sh. ‘Sreedhar § S/o Late Sh. s 18796 15803 Koteswar of Karnataka ‘Bank recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 30.10.2019 FAT | Cony of statement of Sh. Sudhir Kamar Pandeya $/¢ T5804 T5818 oP snil Chanda of State Bank Of India recorded rnnder Section 50 of PMLA,2002 en 31.10.2019 242 | Copy of ‘statement of Sh. Nitin ‘Kumer Sharma S/o 15819 15821 Sh. Prakash Chand Sharma. ‘of Union Bank Of India recorded under Section 50° of PMLA,2002 on 01.11.2019 243 | Copy of statement ‘of Sh. Vinod Mudgil ‘S/o Sh. Tulsi 15822 15848 Ram of Union Bank Of India recorded under Section 80 of PMLA,2002 on O41. 11.2019 aa | Copy of statement of Sh. Pradeep, Sharma s/o Late 15849 15885 oP’ gam Krishan Sharma of Bank Of Baroda : recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on GAS Papy of etateraent of Sh. Deepak Goyal 970 Sh. Vey 15886 15912 Kav vet Goyal of Canara Bank recorded under“Section 0 of PMLA,2002 on, 11.11.2019 FAB [Copy of statement of Sh. Rajesh Kamar Gupta s/o T5918 Tso16 $e" om Pralcash Gupta of Central Bank of India srcorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 21.11.2019 GAT | Copy of statement of Sh. Sajeet Kant Patel s/o bate iS817 15919 $eP\fadna Sudan Singh of Punjab National Banke Seconded under Section 50. of PMLA,2002 on 41,11,2019 FH8 TCany of statement of Sh, Rashini Bhandari D/o Sh. 75920 15933 Deed Singh Bhandari of LIC Housing Finance Limited recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 25.11.2019 | | | | Fad | Copy of statement of Sh. Manohar Lal s/o hele Sh} 15934 15940 Keema Lal recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 21.05.2019 TBO |Copy of statement of Sh. Parmod Grover alas [15941 15952 Sey oa Kumar s/o Sh. Charan Dass Grover recorded under Section 50 2002 on 01.07.2019 wow 251 Copy of statement of Sh. Ajay Aggarwal s/o Sb Senilal recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 29.05.2019 15953 15963 252 Copy of statement of Sh. Rattan Singh S/o Lats Sh.Harlal recorded under Section 50 of ‘PMLA,2002 on 17.07.2019 T5064 15966 253 Copy of statement of Sh. Balraj s/o Laté Sh. Hariram feeded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 15967 15973 254 Copy of statement of Sh. Arun Dutt s/o Sh. Gyan peach Dutt recorded under Section 50° of PMLA,2002 on 30.05.2019 15974 15083 255 Copy of statement of Sh. Sonu Goyal 9/0 Late Sh. Ver Prakash Goyal recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 31.05.2019, 15984 15003 256 Copy af statement of Sh, Dhiraj Gupta 2/0 Sh. Ravi Dunit Gupta recorded under Section 90 of PMLA,2002 on 04.06.2019 15994 16006 287 Copy of statement of Sh. Dhiraj Gupta s/o Sh. Ravi Duk Gupta recorded under Section 50 of FMLA,2002 on. 03.10.2019 16007 T601T 258 Copy of statement of Smt. Navacet Kwatra w/o Sh Viney Kwatra of Secretary of SRS Ltd. recorded under Section 50 of PMLA,2002 on 02.07.2019 T6012 e021 359 Copy of statement of Sh. Krishan Garg s/o Lats Sh. On Prokash recorded under Section 60 of PMLA,2002 on 04.07.2019 T6022 T6034 ~ Copy of statement of Sh. Krishan Garg

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