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Meaning and Importance Education in Society: Formal and Nonformal Education

 Alvin Toffler quoted that, “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who
cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”.
o In our experience, we tackled the biological evolution of humans back in Grade 8.
However, we unlearned it as we go through Grade 9 and Grade 10 because the
topics in Grade 9 are focused on microeconomics and macroeconomics while
Grade 10 was mainly focused on contemporary issues. Then, we studied
biological evolution again in a comprehensive manner in UCSP in Grade 11.
o This statement highlights the journey of fast-paced education throughout the
o Education is always changing and as 21st century learners, it is a necessity for us
to have the ability to adapt to these changes.
 i.e. From manila paper to powerpoint presentations; from typewriters to
Microsoft Word, notepad and likes.
 Education is the social institution that formally socializes members of society.
 Education also refers to the process through which skills, knowledge, and values are
 Education brings continuity which is an important factor in development.
 Formal vs. Non-formal education
o Refer to the ppt
o Participatory approach, also known as Freirean Approach, is a teaching strategy
that incorporates themes or content area that are of interest to the learners.

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