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What is Jordan Maxwell’s role in the New World Order RECENT POSTS

rollout? (Update 1 – The Interlocking Web of Deceit)

The COVID-19 Hype Train: The Catalyst for

During this morning’s infoscan, I came across something that caught my eye… the NWO Transition [+ more (3/7)]
FALSE-FLAG ALERT (29 January 2020):
Engineered Viral Pandemic / Super Bowl
The 2019 Archive 2
Chabad Rabbi Greets Trump as a Jewish
King (+ a repost of “Israel’s Chief Sephardic
Rabbi con rms Putin is a Jew”)

…It was a link to this old Jordan Maxwell interview posted by a known disinformation peddler The 2019 Archive

called “Lion” (a.k.a. Lyin’) who operates on the Rumor Mill News site.

Since Jordan Maxwell is an interesting fellow to listen to, I went ahead and started to watch CATEGORIES

the video, and I noticed two things right o the bat:


1) The interview was being conducted by Kerry Cassidy, a person who has a long history of Alfred Lambremont Webre

promoting very questionable information to the awakening public (for money and fame), Channelings

such as suggesting Comet Elenin might be an alien spacecraft… David Wilcock

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…She also promotes the Veterans Today disinformation coming out of Gordon Du …
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…source link November 2018
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…And she lends credence to his Adamus Group… September 2018

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…source link
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June 2016
…To top it all o , she treats the ridiculous Leo Wanta fraud like it’s real…
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…source link

2) Sitting o to the side while the interview was being lmed was David Wilcock…

…and given a comment he made at the 3:59 mark, “my roof, my rules, alright,” the interview
appears to have been done at his residence.

Wilcock is another gure who has been promoting hokum to the awakening public, including
his famous promotion of the 2012 prophecies and his propagandizing for the BRICS New
World Order. For an example of the latter, have a look at these two entries from my second

David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 1 of 2

David Wilcock and the Real NWO, Part 2 of 2

So with these two questionable characters (Cassidy and Wilcock) being in on the interview, I
asked myself a question: “What disinformation is Jordan Maxwell knowingly or unknowingly
passing along that makes them such big fans of his?” You needn’t listen longer than a few
minutes into the interview to nd out: he is promoting the “good alien versus bad alien”

Starting at the 1:43 mark of the video, Jordan begins making a series of statements which
support the elite’s “good Anunnaki” narrative:

“You know, I can’t stand it when people say that this is all high technology of our government. No, I
don’t buy that for a minute. What I’ve seen with my own eyes — I don’t buy it for a minute.”

“If it has anything to do with our government, then what I have actually witnessed with my own
eyes, if it is — has to do with US government, then that means that the US government is in
league with extraterrestials…”

“But I am totally convinced that there is now on the Earth — again for a lack of a better term —
alien presence, which are the enemies of the human race, and they are obviously enemies of the
whoever the original creators of us — because of the things I’ve been told.”

“…That the people or the entities who created us — the gods who created us — have enemies
out there in the universe.”

“And so I’m saying that I am totally convinced, beyond the shadow of a doubt, for myself, that there
are such things as reptile aliens…”

“Be aware that there is a war for your soul.”

So the public promotion of a supposed war between “good aliens” and “bad aliens” is
what Jordan Maxwell, Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock, and Gordon Du all have in common.
They are saying that there are bad aliens (reptilians) who are working in league with the
US government and have taken control of the Western governments and Israel, and that
they are ghting against good aliens (humanoids) who have taken up with the BRICS
powers. Supposedly, these good aliens are our original creators (the Anunnaki/Elohim),
and they are working with the BRICS to take the planet back from the bad guys and bring
us “truth, justice, and the globalist way.”

Needless to say, this is all a gigantic lie. Even if ET/EDs really are on Earth, historical
accounts suggest they have the ability to appear to us in any form they wish (human,
reptilian, angelic, demonic, etc.). So to create an “alien” dialectic con ict, all they have to do is
appear on one side of the planet as benevolent-looking humans while appearing on the
other side as malevolent-looking reptilians. With their supposed ability to shapeshift, they
could pose as any number of “alien factions” to support whatever agenda they are
implementing at any particular place and time.

As I’ve painstakingly shown in previous entries, it was not “good aliens” who built up the
BRICS over the past few decades; it was the Illuminati. And the Illuminati (also know as the
“Dragons”) openly proclaim to be the bloodline descendants of Anunnaki who mated with
humans, so is it any surprise that they are presenting us with a narrative that makes the
Anunnaki slavemasters look like the good guys?

(By the way, Jordan Maxwell often tells a story that he had a girlfriend whose father was
an alien who had mated with a human wife. So who is leading him around by the nose,

If you want to know more about the Anunnaki and the e ort to overhaul their image, you
might have a look at this entry from my second blog…

…and its companion article…

And let’s not forget that the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, and the Vatican are pushing the “good
alien” propaganda line as well.

Well, that’s enough for today. Till next time, much love…

[Update 1 – 31 December 2014]

The Interlocking Web of Deceit

After examining the globalist-controlled part of the alternative media for the last few years,
I’ve noticed an interconnected web of deceit that serves the rollout of the Rockefeller-
planned, BRICS-fronted New World Order and the Vatican/Rockefeller-backed “good
Anunnaki” narrative. If you examine the following gures, you will nd all sorts of
connections amongst them. They work together to promote each other’s information in what
I’ve previously called “one giant circle-jerk of fraud.” This is the core of the network:

> The Veterans Today associates (Gordon Du , Preston James, Leo Wanta, Je Rense,
Benjamin Fulford, etc.)
> PressTV (heavily connected)
> RT (lightly connected)
> Kerry Cassidy
> The “White Hats”
> David Wilcock
> Drake
> Neil Keenan
> and many more lesser known names

If I ever get the time, I’ll prepare an entry that shows all the interconnections, but you don’t
have to wait for me. Just click on the “Veterans Today associates” link to get a good start, then
begin searching on the others’ sites for the names I listed to see how they support each
other’s very dubious information. It is an integrated disinformation network whose goal is to
get you to accept the BRICS NWO and the “good aliens.”

The reason I go to all the trouble to point this out is to show people that no one can save
them but themselves. The saviors we are being sold are merely our slave-drivers wearing
Guy Fawkes masks, so we have to start building our own community-based political and
economic systems. Whether we do or don’t, one thing is certain: we will get the government
we deserve.

This entry was posted in Extraterrestrials, Globalist Disinfo, NWO on December 28, 2014.

← “Let’s crash the global economy ‘as soon as Is PressTV distancing itself from Veterans

possible’ and blame the Fed” – An Today? – VT, Iran, Ukraine and the Future →

examination of globalist propaganda from

Stephen S. Roach (Update 1 – The two ways to

play “Blame the Fed”)

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