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New warband Roster,
New weapons & Equipment,
and two New scenarios
This is Not a Test

Leaders 4
Elites 5
Rank and File 7
Specialists 9
Special Rules 12
Melee Weapons 12
Ranged Weapons 13
Grenades 14
Armor 14
Equipment 14
The Night Has Eyes 16
Snack Attack 18

Acknowledgements Legal
Rules Written and Concept by Produced by World’s End Publishing

Joseph McGuire All rights reserved. This Is Not A Test Logo, the World’s End
Publishing Logo, and any places, things, and character names
Interior Artist and their distinctive likenesses, or artwork and photography
Dario Jelusic, Illustrations by Joakim Olofson are used with created specifically for this book are ™ and © 2014 of World’s End
permission and no challenge is made to ownership or rights. Publishing, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
Graphic Design and Photography means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical,
Dave Taylor Miniatures photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of
World’s End Publishing.
This work is a fiction and parody. No reference to real physical
Chris Layfield locations, events, persons living or deceased is intended.
Rules Review and Playtesting The models used in the photographs of this book, not specifically
the © or ™ of World’s End Publishing, LLC, are used with
Ash Barker, Jeremy Bernhardt, Damian Caufield, David Greig, Chris
permission by their manufacturers, where possible, and no
Layfield, Molly Mantooth
challenge is made to their ownership and rights. Illustrations by
Miniature Painting Joakim Olofson and John Newman are used with permission and
no challenge is made to ownership or rights.
Jeremy Bernhardt, Tanya Brewer, Steve Dake, Fernando
Enterprises, Joseph McGuire, John Newman, Daniel Siegenthaler, Contact us at:
Greg Zuniga
Miniatures Used
Comfy Chair Games, Copplestone Castings, Hasslefree
World’s End Publishing, LLC
Miniatures, Lead Adventure Miniatures, Mad Robot Miniatures,
P.O. Box 938
Mantic Games, Otherworld Miniatures, Ramshackle Games,
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Reaper Miniatures, Wargames Foundry, Victoria Miniatures,
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Terrain Construction
Joseph McGuire, Sabol Studios
Terrain Painting Piracy kills small business. Please do not post or distribute this
book on any website, torrent, file retrieval service, or anywhere
Denise Haynes, Joseph McGuire, Sabol Studios
else online. The wasteland is harsh, please be kind.

Mutant Cannibals
Mutant Cannibals - The True Nuclear Family

“Cannibalism is an ancient and dark sin and most are exposed as monsters. They are quickly hunted and
cultures throughout time have considered the act destroyed by the vengeful. These cannibals are aberrant
unforgivable. To knowingly consume the flesh of and are single in nature, though deadly they are hardly
one’s own kind is rarely about survival, but perversity. significant threats on their own. They may even form small
Even in the wasteland, to consume human flesh, even groups of like-minded individuals, but again these groups
in times of famine, is to commit a great atrocity.“ rarely last long. The second and more insidious threat
---St. Horowitz stalks the darkest places of the wasteland and causes
raiders and settlers alike to shiver in their beds. These are
“The events of the Long Night have left many scars the mutant cannibal clans.
and I fear there are some twisted creatures who wish
these wounds to never heal.” The history of cannibal clans stretches back to the dark
years of the Long Night. Without the protection of the
--- William Father-Speaker, government, some Last Americans were forced to eat the
Ancestor Shaman to the Garretts dead to survive. Seeing an easy way to live without hunting
and scavenging, these cannibals continued their gruesome
Cannibals are unnatural creatures. They are created
by deviant act and possibly by ill-birth, but few rational ways, even after the discovery of more palatable food
creatures will eat their own species. In the wastelands, sources. As the years passed and the Long Night receded,
cannibals come from two primary sources. The most these warped and demented survivors were slowly pushed
common and short-lived are those isolated wastelanders into the recesses as the settlements emerged and
who cannibalize the dead or living in order to stave off civilization slowly reasserted itself. Isolated and desperate,
hunger and death. Once done, some of these wastelanders the cannibals turned to inbreeding for clan survival and
literally develop a taste for human flesh and seek ways of growth. Over the coming century, they devolved into
acquiring more, either by murder or through grave robbing. deformed mutants that even upon the most rudimentary
Eventually, their needs get the better of them and they inspection would not pass as human.

This is Not a Test
Mutant Cannibal Warband Purchase Table
Title Type Barter Cost Special Abilities
Maw-Maw Leader 85 Revered Mother, Motivator and two skills/
one mutation; one detriment
Pa Leader 80 Three skills/one mutation; one detriment
First-Born Elite 45 Two skills; one detriment
Petunia Elite 45 Cannibal Ambush and one skill/mutation;
no detriments or physical mutations
Gran-Gran Elite 48 Psychic and Psychic Battery; one detriment
Youngins Rank and File 20 None
Degenerate Rank and File 15 Rag-Tag ability: one detriment
Critter Rank and File Varies May take a Giant Rat, Psychic Husk, Rad Roach,
Razor Rattler, Trog, or Wastewolf
Tiny Specialist 45 Big, Rotted Mind, and Dumb; Huge ability
Foundling Specialist 27 One mutation; one detriment
Psycho Specialist 40 Brute and Fearsome Reputation; one detriment
Gramps Specialist 35 Up-Armed, Frailty, and one skill

The cannibal clans are diverse and extremely individualistic. LEADERS

The majority tend to be composed of a single family long
since interbred, willingly or unwillingly. Even in groups made Maw-Maw
of several families, their bloodlines are mixed. Mating Maw-Maw is the stern yet nurturing matriarch of her clan. She
among the clans tends to be ad-hoc and few pairings indulges her evil brood as only a mother can and protects them
are long term. In the absence of any outside purges, to her last breath, despite the havoc they may wreak. Not a
cannibal clans can significantly increase their numbers planner by any means, Maw-Maw lets her offspring run wild
within the span of a decade or two. Each clan is led by the and only becomes involved when the family is threatened by
strongest of their kind and the birth order of each member outsiders. In the presence of interlopers, Maw-Maw’s rage is
determines their place in the family hierarchy. Later born of a mother’s desperation to protect her young. Likewise,
generations or those with more crippling deformities tend in her presence her children became inspired and will go to
to have less power than the clan elders, though those with great lengths to both defend and impress Maw-Maw. As suits
a penchant for violence have a way of gaining prestige. the perverse nature of the family dynamic, Maw-Maw may
have any number of suitors and mates. These may be of an
In the greater wasteland, these clans survive by raiding
incestuous nature, further corrupting the bloodline, or be taken
local settlements under the cover of darkness or by
from captives. Feuds and fights within the family for Maw-Maw’s
waylaying individuals or small caravans. They rarely attack a
affection are common and she is loath to intercede. Such
well-equipped foe, but in lean times hunger may drive them
activities flatter her and keep the family strong.
to desperation. After the battle, they will take captives,
preferably alive for freshness, but corpses will do in a pinch, Title Type Defense Wounds
and will search their fallen foes for anything of value. Relics
Maw-Maw Mutant 6 2
and heavy weaponry are especially prized, but these are
rarely understood. The weapons used by the clans tend to Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
be simple and easily maintained, though some experienced
5 6 6 6 7
elders of the group may be more proficient in the upkeep
of more complicated weapons. Once home, the clans Accessible Skillsets All, except Smarts
divvy up the spoils, add captives to their larders, which are Special Abilities Revered Mother, Motivator. May
nightmarish to say the least, and usually celebrate their choose up to two skills; may swap
victories with a feast. The menu is better left unsaid. out one skill for a mutation. May
start with up to one detriment.
Barter Cost 85

Revered Mother – With the exception of freelancers

and critters, all models benefiting from Maw-Maw’s
Motivator skill may add a +1 to their Move stat anytime
it allows them to complete a charge action.

Mutant Cannibals
Where Maw-Maw loves her children in her own fashion, First-Born
Pa is a vile creature that cares only for his own wants and
needs. Cruel and capricious, Pa will lead his kin on raids for Every family has their favorites and the First-Born are the
victims and spoils and has no compunction on sacrificing most beloved children of Maw-Maw and Pa. As the initial
his children if the need arises. This has caused several offspring of the cannibal brood, the First-Born maintain
cannibal clans to have only a single patriarch or matriarch, powerful positions in the family hierarchy and often
the other long since killed and eaten over disagreements maintain this through cruelty toward the youngins. The
regarding the fate of the clan’s children. Families with only younger children submit to them and will fulfill any desire
a Pa leading them will develop a particular level of cruelty the First-Born may have, either for food, labor, or worse.
as the malevolence of the father infects his children and On wasteland raids the First-Born will act as leaders and
drives their perverse behavior. In the absence of a mother will also get first pick of spoils and victims, after Maw-Maw
figure, it is best left unsaid on how these types both treat or Pa of course. In less degenerate clans, the First-Born
their victims and expands their numbers. may even have affection for the youngins and treat them
with some respect. In their generosity they may cajole and
Title Type Defense Wounds threaten the younger children instead of simply killing and
Pa Mutant 6 2 eating them. Such kindness is mostly short-lived though as
mercy and kindness in all cannibal families is viewed as a
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle weakness and the First-Born may have to fend of attacks
5 6 6 6 7 from emboldened rivals.
Accessible Skillsets All
Title Type Defense Wounds
Special Abilities May choose up to three skills; may
First-Born Mutant 6 1
swap out one skill for a mutation.
May start with up to one detriment. Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Barter Cost 80 5 5 5 5 6
Accessible Skillsets Leadership, Melee, Marksmanship,
and Survival
Special Abilities May choose up to two skills. May
start with one detriment.
Barter Cost 45

This is Not a Test

Petunia Cannibal Ambush – At the beginning of each game,

the opposing player must roll on the Cannibal Ambush
Petunia is not like the other cannibals. She is an inhuman Table to see if any of their warband has been tricked by
monster on the inside, but on the outside she is quite Petunia. Affected models are not set up with the rest
lovely; beautiful actually. Free of the blemishes of her kin, of the warband and instead come on from the player’s
Petunia uses her looks and savvy to visit settlements and board edge during the Clean-Up Phase of Turn 3. They
outposts to lure victims into cannibal ambushes. She will activate normally during the next turn.
also fences the loot of their victims and buys whatever
necessities the clan cannot make or steal. Petunia enjoys
a special position in the family and she knows and flaunts Cannibal Ambush Table
it. She is Pa’s favorite and she can get away with murder, D10 Result Effect
literally! Among her other kin, she is still quite popular and 10 Petunia’s dark origins have been discovered and
it is unusual for others to cross her. Being cut off from she has been chased out of the settlement. Her
supplies or risking Pa’s wrath is not worth it. Maw-Maw, on model may not be used this game.
the other hand, is jealous of the attention Petunia receives,
8-9 Petunia fails to entice any locals to join her for a
and is openly hostile to her. Petunia knows to give the bit of “fun” in the woods. No further effect.
matriarch a wide berth.
6-7 Petunia persuades a member of the opposing
*Restricted: A warband may only ever have one Petunia. warband into having a little fun in the back
country. The opposing player must nominate a
Title Type Defense Wounds rank and file member of their warband.

Petunia* Mutant 6 1 2-5 Petunia uses her charm and provocative smile to
great effect. The opposing player must nominate
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle either a specialist or two rank and file models.
5 5 5 5 6 1 Petunia’s succubus-like wiles lure the mighty to
temptation. The opposing player must nominate
Accessible Skillsets Agility, Marksmanship, and Smarts either an elite member of their warband, or a
Special Abilities Cannibal Ambush. May choose up specialist and a rank and file, or three rank and
to one skill or mutation. May not file models.
willingly take any detriments or
physical mutations.
Barter Cost 45


Mutant Cannibals
Long since lost to senility and insanity, Gran-Gran has a Youngins
tenuous grasp on reality, but despite this she remains a
force in the family due to her strong psychic ability. Her Youngins are the lesser children of the clan, a horrible
relation to Maw-Maw and Pa is assumed to be of parent mixture of brothers, sisters, cousins, and other incestuous
and child, but her unknown age leaves this in doubt. As relationships. There is a pecking order based on order of
with Maw-Maw, Gran-Gran loves her family and will commit birth, but only strength and the capacity for violence truly
deplorable acts to keep them safe. Beyond being protector matter to the Youngins who strive for Maw-Maw’s attention.
of the clan, she also acts as counselor, though her Many Youngins are the true born children of Maw-Maw, but
mutation has left her quite unhinged and her advice is often others may be offspring of the First-Born or captives, or
twisted in riddles and meaningless symbolism. When left may even be children stolen from settlements.
to her own devices, Gran-Gran will wander about the clan’s Regardless, they are more of a mass of unwashed
holdings seemingly at random or will sit in one place and mutants, than a true family.
interact with family only she can see.
Title Type Defense Wounds
Title Type Defense Wounds Youngin Mutant 6 1
Gran-Gran Mutant 6 1
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle 5 4 5 5 5
5 4 5 5 6 Accessible Skillsets Melee, Ranged, and Survival
Accessible Skillsets Marksmanship, Smarts, and Tenacity Special Abilities None.
Special Abilities Starts with the Psychic and Psychic Barter Cost 20
Battery mutations. May start with
one detriment.
Barter Cost 48

This is Not a Test
The inbreeding of the cannibals causes many horrifying Critter
effects among the children of the clan. The worst of
these are the Degenerates who are born with terrible The territory of
malformations and other debilitating mutations. These the cannibal clans
deformities may include twisted, excess, or missing limbs, attracts many of the
blindness, hunched backs, scaly skin, painful boils, etc. wasteland’s more
Degenerates are at the bottom of the family pecking order loathsome creatures.
and even the Youngins push them around. In battle, the The area will often
Degenerates are pushed forward and used as shock troops contain half-eaten carcasses, trash, and other left over
by the family. Out of all of Maw-Maw’s beloved children, they refuse from the various family raids, which creates the
are the least favored and considered the most expendable, perfect breeding ground for wasteland scavengers. Some
bless their hearts. members of the clan seem to have an affinity for these
creatures and they will make them pets of a sort and will
Title Type Defense Wounds even take them on raids.
Degenerate Mutant 6 1
Critters do not have stats listed here. Instead, the player
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle may choose to field a Giant Rat (17 BS), Rad Roach (16 BS),
Razor Rattler (23 BS), Trog (20 BS), or Wastewolf (23 BS),
5 4 4 5 5
using the stats and options presented in the Creatures of
Accessible Skillsets Melee, Survival, and Tenacity the Wastes section of the TNT main rules. Trogs may be
Special Abilities Must start with one detriment*, given a light weapon for free or a heavy weapon for 2 BS. A
determined by rolling on the warband may not have more Critters than Youngins. Critters
Degenerate Table, and has the Rag- may gain experience and use the Melee, Survivals, and
Tag general ability Quickness skillsets, except for the Wastewolf who uses
Barter Cost 15 Brawn instead of Survival.
*The detriments are not always visible and need not be If the warband contains Gran-Gran, up to one Psychic Husk
modelled. After determining the detriment simply reduce/ may be taken for 20 BS. Psychic Husks are beyond learning
raise the stat by that amount. and so cannot gain experience, but can accumulate
injuries. During games, as long as Gran-Gran is on the table
Degenerate Table the Psychic Husk is activated by the controlling player as
D10 Result Detriment normal warband model, as Gran-Gran thought-controls the
1 -1 Defense beast. Should Gran-Gran be removed from the game or go
out-of-action, the Husk becomes independent and reverts
2-3 -1 Ranged
to rules for controlling wasteland creatures on page 129 of
4-6 -1 Move the main rulebook. Should the Husk go out-of-action, then
7-9 -1 Melee Gran-Gran will automatically fail her next Activation test due
10 +1 Defense to being psychically overwhelmed.

Mutant Cannibals
Specialists Foundling
Tiny Not all members of the cannibal are the progeny of Maw-
Maw, Pa, or any other family member. Sometimes infants
Inevitably the child-minded Tiny is one of Maw-Maw’s and young children are brought in from the outside and
favorite children and in fact is quite popular with most inducted into the clan’s ways. This can include captured
other members of the family as well. Tiny is not a name for humans and mutants from raids, but the most important
a particular child, but is parlance for any member of the are those that are “found.” Many settlements kill mutants
family who is huge, dumb, and has the mental capacity of outright and mutants born to these communities are
an over-eager toddler. Standing at least 7 feet tall and made sometimes left to die of exposure outside the settlement
of not much else but muscle, Tiny cares little for the politics walls. When possible these Foundlings are rescued by the
of the family and is willing to smash skulls with his bare cannibals and are raised with the other children. Unlike
hands to whoever is nice or offers them food. Tiny knows most other mutant cannibals, the Foundlings possess
only the family’s love and sees no moral quandary with their useful mutations and are set above the other children.
despicable acts. In fact to the family, Tiny’s only fault is their Knowing they were abandoned by the outside world,
dimwitted nature and easy distractibility. When on raids, a Foundlings embrace their new heritage and grow to accept
family member must stay close to Tiny and remind them the ways of the clan.
which victims need to be pulped.
Title Type Defense Wounds
Title Type Defense Wounds
Foundling Mutant 6 1
Tiny Mutant 7 2
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
5 4 4 5 5
5 6 3 6 5
Accessible Skillsets Melee, Marksmanship, and Survival
Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, and Tenacity
Special Abilities Starts with one mutation. May start
Special Abilities Starts with the Big mutation*, with one detriment.
the Rotted Mind detriment, and the
Barter Cost 27
Dumb general ability. This model
may have the Huge general ability
for 25 BS.
Barter Cost 45

*The extra wound from the Big mutation has already been
factored into Tiny’s profile.

This is Not a Test

Psycho Gramps
All members of a cannibal family are twisted and malevolent An elder member of the family, Gramps may actually be
creatures, but the psycho is a breed apart. Caring little for Maw-Maw or Pa’s biological father, brother, or some other
inter-family bickering, the psycho sets themselves above esoteric relation. As the years have gone by he has been
such petty squabbles and only cares for inflicting pain passed over by his more vigorous relations and his body
and torture on their victims often in ways that would even has grown increasingly infirm. Despite this, his capacity for
give Pa pause. Psychos often wear flayed skins or other cruelty and years of experience have allowed him to amass
grisly trophies and when not on family raids can be found quite a collection of prizes and trophies taken from raids.
torturing anyone they can get ahold of, whether a captive The most valuable pieces of this hodgepodge collection are
or even a unlucky sibling. When raiding in the wasteland, heavy weaponry or powerful relics and Gramps is not shy
they wield vicious weapons such a power tools, chainsaws, about using them to keep from being eaten by those who
and large cleavers; the better to mutilate their opponents. think him weak.
Needless to say, as they stride forward awash in blood and
gore it takes a brave wastelander to challenge them Title Type Defense Wounds
in melee. Gramps Mutant 6 1

Title Type Defense Wounds Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle

Psycho* Mutant 7 1 5 4 4 4 5
Accessible Skillsets Marksmanship, Smarts and Survival
Move Melee Ranged Strength Mettle
Special Abilities Starts with the Up-Armed general
5 6 2 5 5
ability and Frailty detriment; may
Accessible Skillsets Brawn, Melee, and Tenacity choose one other skill.
Special Abilities Starts with the Brute and Fearsome Barter Cost 30
Reputation skills. May start with one
Barter Cost 38

*If the warband is led by Pa, up to two Psychos may be taken

that do not count against the number of allowed specialists.

Mutant Cannibals
Sample Warband
“We are what we are; the Good Lord
does not make mistakes. We are His
punishment for the hubris of the Last
Americans and we will consume the
flesh of their wayward children. Some
call us cannibals, but truly we are devils
beyond good and evil. For us flesh is
salvation and blood is redemption. All
other sustenance is but dust.”
-- Hezekiah Wormwood

In the Tri-State Wasteland, the Wormwood

clan is a byword for terror. Operating out of
a series of caves near the border with the
Highlands, the Wormwoods have waylaid
small caravans and solitary travelers for
years. Several purges by various peacekeeper
organizations have resulted in the deaths
of many of the cannibals, yet their numbers
never seem to dwindle. The clan has
remarkable staying power and this is due in
no small part to the strength of Hezekiah
Wormwood, the patriarch of the clan. A
religious zealot, Hezekiah rules his family
through sheer terror and ruthlessly culls
any who question his ways or authority. The
start of the clan has been lost to time, and
the woman who started the cannibal family
with Hezekiah is unknown, but no female
member of the clan is ever said to last long
once chosen to be a consort of the patriarch.
Luckily for the clan, Hezekiah preaches a
particular lusty form of religion and births in
the family are extremely high. Besides the
rapid reproduction of the faithful, Hezekiah
also teaches that cannibalism is the purest
form of worship and only by eating the flesh of
the living will the wasteland be fruitful again.

This is Not a Test

Mutant Cannibal Armory

Cannibal mutants have access to all of the normal items Gruesome Kill – The effect of this weapon on its victims
found in the Armory section in the main This Is Not a Test is terrifying. If a model hit by this weapon goes out of
rulebook. Additionally, they bring items of a more esoteric action, all enemy models within 4" and line of sight must
and grisly fashion as well, which are presented below. Note pass a Morale test (MET/TN 10).
that while these items are horrible in application, other
warbands may choose to use them as well, as in they are
not necessarily unique to mutant cannibals. However, any MELEE WEAPONS
warband that does use them is just as degenerate! Items
Mauler – While not normally thought of as weapons
in the armory follow all the normal rules for their type as
outside B-movies, some cannibals prefer heavy
applicable from the main rulebook.
industrial items, such as over-sized saws, large drills,
Note that items marked with a * are actually unique to Mutant and heavy grinders; generically referred to as maulers
Cannibals and may not be taken by other warbands. by their users. Of course these destructive items
are not nearly dangerous enough, so will be further
Special Rules sharpened or enhanced with spikes, electric shockers,
or other deadly attachments to increase the agony of
Bloody Mess – This weapon coats the target in blood their target.
or other substance enticing to savage beasts. All
model’s with the Animal type gain a +1 to their Melee Slaughter Blade – While generally in the shape of a
and Strength stats when attacking the affected model. heavy machete or cleaver, the slaughter blade is a
Further, models with the Animal type will always choose weapon that has been used to commit countless
this model as the target of its attacks if it has to choose murders and has never been properly cleaned of the
between multiple targets. Friendly models may pass a blood of its victims. Overtime the metal has become
Will test (MET TN/10) to resist this ability; this does not encrusted with the most virulent of contagions. As a
cost AP to attempt. result, any hit requiring a Survival test from the Poison
ability for this weapon will be at Strength 6 instead
of D6.

Melee Weapons

Mutant Cannibals
Type Strength 1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost
Melee Thrown
Mauler 1" N/A STR+2 2H Heavy, Gruesome Kill 8
Slaughter Blade Base N/A STR+1 N/A Poison 8
Cattle Prod Base N/A STR+0 1H Knock Out 5
Maw-Maw’s Pry Bar 1" N/A STR+2 2H Max. one per warband Free

has gotten the better of them and they are not yet ready
to use the pry bar. They may attempt this test once
before each game until they pass, after which it is no
longer necessary.

Net Launcher – Cannibals are obsessed with taking
captives, so much of their weaponry is modified for live
capture. This device is either a homemade tube device
or of a Pre-Fall police manufacture. This weapon follows
the rules for the Net found in the This Is Not A Test
rulebook, except it uses the profile found below and all
ranged combat modifiers apply when used.

Spear Fisher – The spear fisher is almost identical to

the more mundane spear gun, except for a length of
coiled wire or rope attached to the projectile. When
the spear hits, the shooter has hooked their target
and at their discretion can pull them closer. A model
wounded by the spear fisher counts as being “hooked”.
Cattle Prod – An electroshock weapon, the cattle At any time the “hooked” model or the firer may spend
prod was originally used to get livestock moving, but an AP to pull the other 5" closer by taking an opposed
with an increase in voltage, it can render the target Strength test. If the target is deceased, the firer may
unconscious. In the wastes, the cattle prod is a cannibal pass a Strength test (STR/TN 10) to pull the corpse 5
favorite to ensure any potential meat sources are not inches closer. The firer may release the other model
unnecessarily bruised. at any time as a free action or the hooked model may
pass a Strength test (STR/TN 10) to break the rope;
Maw-Maw’s Pry Bar* – Sometimes when Maw-Maw is at attempting this costs 1 AP.
rest, she needs a little help extracting herself from her
location, be it the sofa or the hammock out back. This Splatter Gun – A weapon that is ingenious as it is
rather large and sturdy instrument is used for just such disgusting, the splatter gun is any weapon used to spray
an occasion, but in a pinch one of Maw-Maw’s nearest hot liquids from a portable backpack. Given the amount
and dearest (and strongest) will use this to swat away of scrap in the wastes, the splatter gun can be made
any unwelcome suiters from Maw-Maw or those that from a near infinite supply of parts and the ammunition
sass her. Any time a model is first equipped with this can be just as varied. Among the cannibal clans, the
weapon, they must pass a Strength test (STR/TN 10) same mixture used in bloody heads is loaded into the
before the first game they attempt to use it. If passed splatter gun. This method is considered to be a fine way
they may use it as normal. On a failure, their enthusiasm to marinate one’s food.

Ranged Weapons
Type Max Range Strength Reliability 1H/2H Special Rules BS Cost
Net Launcher 16 N/A 1 2H Can immobilize target 10
Spear Fisher 18 7 1 2H N/A 7
Splatter Gun Template 5 1 2H Ignore -1 Movement Penalty, 12
Limited Ammo, Bloody Mess

This is Not a Test
Type Strength Special Rules BS Cost
Bloody Head N/A Limited Ammo, Small Blast, Bloody Mess 5
Filth Bomb 4 Limited Ammo, Gas, Large Blast, Extra Distracting 7

Bloody Head – Cannibals love to hollow out the head Gran-Gran’s Stew* – While not suffering from
of their victims and seal them with a mix of blood psychoses, Gran-Gran will often make her special stew
laced with pheromones harvested from female rad in a large cook pot. The pot should be represented by
roaches. When thrown the head explodes on contact a token or model and starts play in the possession of
and dowses the target with its vile contents. Though single model; place in base contact with carrier. While
unharmed, the smell of the blood and pheromones will carrying the pot the model moves at half-rate, though
drive any nearby animals insane with rage. Characters they may pass a Strength test (MET/TN 10) to move
hit with a Bloody Head are a bloody mess and affected normally. This does not cost any AP, but can only be
as such (see above). attempted once a turn. While carrying the pot the model
Filth Bomb – This concoction of explosives, rendered may not use any weapons or items, but the pot itself
corpse meat, fecal matter, and other liquids too gross counts as a heavy improvised weapon. The pot may be
to list, is brewed in a human stomach and then sealed put down by choice, or involuntarily should the carrier
with wax. In battle, the filth bomb erupts spewing is go out-of-action, but if any enemy model come into base
grisly contents over the enemy. To say this is distracting, contact with it while it is not being carried, it counts as
would be an understatement. The Survival test for the destroyed for the rest of the game. The stew is chock
Distracting ability is TN 12 instead of 10. full of the choicest cuts of human meat and smells
of rank decay. All members of the mutant cannibal
warband within 6 inches receive a +1 to Activation tests,
ARMOR while enemy models within 6 inches suffer a -1 to all
Skin Amor – A particularly depraved item, the skin suit is Activation tests.
exactly as described. Various pieces of skin tanned into
Hooks and Chains* – The model carries an assortment
a particularly rough hide. Beyond the simple leather of
of barbed chains and hooks with them at all times to
animals, skin armor is clearly made of the flensed skin
help secure their prey. When this model causes an
of humans. Only the bravest can face such a monster
enemy to go out-of-action in close combat, mark that
that would choose to wear such blasphemy. Models
enemy model with a token. During the End of the Game
equipped with skin armor count as having the Fearsome
sequence if that model should die as a result of rolling
Reputation skill. If they already have this ability, the TN
on the Survival Table, the cannibal clan has acquired
for the associated Will test is 12 instead of 10.
a fresh source of meat and is not required to pay any
Chameleon Suit* - For years, wastelanders have tried warband upkeep after the game. Having multiple models
to make impromptu stealth armor out of the hides of with hooks and chains does not confer any additional
creatures with the chameleon mutation, but all such benefits beyond increasing the possible number of
endeavors normal fail. However, the Wormwood clan marked enemy models.
has figured it out and the process has spread to other
clans, though the price of the secret is quite high in Illumination Flare – Wastelanders have good reasons to
captives and plunder. A model so equipped may use fear the night, as that is when most predators, human,
the effects of the Chameleon mutation, but does not mutant, or other, are on the prowl. When the need
actually count as having the mutation themselves. should arise, an illumination flare can be shot out of a
The armor is also somewhat finicky, so the model special-purpose gun to provide bright light over a period
cannot use the chameleon ability if they double move. of time. A model equipped with this item can spend 1
Additionally, due the rarity of material to make the suit, AP to launch a flare, which will last for D3 games turns,
only two suits may be used by the warband at one time. ending during the Clean-Up Phase of the rolled number.

Armor Bonus Armor Bonus BS Cost by Wounds
Type Special Rules
(Melee) (Ranged) 1 2 3+
Skin Armor +1 +0 Fearsome Reputation 6 9 12
Chameleon Suit +1 +1 Chameleon effect if the model does not double move 20 25 30

Mutant Cannibals
While in use, the illumination flare cancels out the meat cage, they are unharmed, but count as captured,
effects of the night fighting rules. Each purchase of an as if they rolled this result on the Injury Table during the
illumination flare allows it to be used D6 times and it Resolving Injuries step of the End of Game Sequence.
does not count against carry capacity.
Midnight Snack* – The cannibal keeps a piece of man-
Meat Cage – A metal enclosure, frequently built from old jerky on their person in the case they need a quick pick
shopping carts, meat cages are mounted on the back of me up. Using the midnight snack costs 1 AP. For the
larger creatures in order to store captured enemies for next D3 turns, the model gains a +1 to their Mettle stat.
later torture and consumption. A meat cage may only Each purchase of a midnight snack may be used
be used by a model with the Large or Huge abilities and D6 times.
the cage can only hold one model at a time; this model
must also be smaller than the model equipped with Equipment Prices
the cage. To place an enemy in the cage, a model must Item BS Cost
hit them in close combat and then pass an opposed
Gran-Gran’s Stew 20
Strength test against the target instead of rolling to
wound. If successful the model is placed in the cage; on Hooks and Chains 6
a failure the foe escapes the model’s grasp. Once in the Illumination Flare 15
cage, a model cannot take any actions until it frees itself Meat Cage 10
by passing a Strength test (STR/TN10). Taking this test
Midnight Snack 6
requires 1 AP. Psychic powers may still be used while in
the cage. Should a model end the game captured in the

This is Not a Test

The Night Has Eyes cover to attacking forces.

One warband is attacking while the other rests. The
Cannibals are consummate raiders of the weak, but attacker must close as quickly as possible and kill their
sometimes they seek larger prey. While food is always opponents in up close, the better to spread fear and terror
their top concern, sometimes pettiness or vengeance for and capture fresh meat. The defender caught unaware
perceived wrongs is enough to drive them against another must recover and push their attacker back; even minimal
warband. Of course, they are never ones for directness casualties will make their foe regret their cowardly attack.
and will avoid a fair fight at all costs. For days, and possibly
weeks, they will watch their foes waiting for when they Victory Points
lower their guard. Under the cover of darkness, they will
emerge from their hiding spots, and attack their enemies Attacker Action VP
with all the bloodlust they can muster.
Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One Out-of-Action 1
The Board - as a result of close combat +1
- or ranged combat at 6” away or less +1
The players should mark the center of the table and
- if the model was an elite +1
delineate a 12" ring around the center of the table. Around
the ring linear pieces (e.g. sand bag or stone walls, ruins, - if the model was the enemy leader +2
etc.) of terrain should be placed. This circle represents the Defender Action VP
area where the defender has chosen to rest and the linear Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One Out-of-Action 2
terrain acts as heavy cover and impediments to attack.
- if the model was an elite +1
Outside the circle, the rest of the board should contain
other scenery pieces to block line of sight and provide - if the model was the enemy leader +2

Cannibals operate a lot like other warbands, so the scenarios presented in the main This Is Not A Test rulebook, will
work perfectly fine for representing their activities. For available scenario options, they count the same as raiders
and outcast mutants. These scenarios, however, showcase the unique flavor of the cannibal mutant warband. They
can, of course, be used by other warbands whose own agendas may veer towards the macabre.

Deployment warband have successfully approached the defenders

Mutant Cannibals
without notice. The attackers will automatically win
The defender (see below) will deploy their models first and initiative for the first turn. All subsequent turns will have
must do so within the central board (12" ring) area. The initiative decided in the normal way.
attacker may deploy up to 6" away from any board edge
and may divide their forces among multiple board edges. Conclusion
Special Rules The game lasts for 6 + D3 turns as the sunrise will drive off
the attacker
Attackers and Defenders – Before the start of the
game, one warband must be designated as the attacker Rewards
and the other as the defender. Mutant cannibals,
mutant outcasts, and raider warbands may always The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from
choose to be the attackers. the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
campaign game. This is described further under Income
While They Sleep at Night – The attackers must use in the Campaigns section. Additionally, the attacker gains
the Night Ambush benefits. These are described under 5 BS for each enemy model taken out of action in hand
Advantages in the Fighting Between Uneven Warbands to hand or by ranged attacks at 6 inches or less. The
section of the rulebook. Note if there is a disparity defender gets 5 BS for each enemy taken out of action by
between warband sizes, the normal advantages can be any means. Neither player may gain more than 30 BS from
used, but the same one can never be taken twice. these latter rewards.
Guards – The defender must designate two guard To determine the Experience Points earned for this
models; the rest of their warband is groggy from their scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
rude awakening. The guards will activate normally, but following table:
every other defender suffers a -2 to their Activation
tests until they successfully pass an Activation test (i.e. The Night Has Eyes Experience Point Table
waking up). The guards may start the game holding. They Activity XPs
may choose to do this for multiple rounds. While holding
Wounding an enemy model or taking one out-of-action 1
they will make Activations tests, to see if play passes,
(Attacker only)
but may continue to hold until they take an action. Once
done holding, they revert to normal activation. - if the enemy model was killed in close combat +1
or by a ranged attack at 6" or less.
Got the jump – The attackers have the clear advantage Wounding an enemy model or taking one out-of-action 2
since they have scouted this location and observed the (Defender only)
defenders for some time prior to the attack. The leader Participating in current scenario 2
of the attacking warband must make an Intelligence
Winning warband leader 2
test (MET/TN 10) check. Success indicates that their

This is Not a Test

Snack Attack Mission

The defending warband has trussed up the settlers and
Background are getting ready to depart with their charges. Another
Cannibals are rightly feared as their victims can expect a warband has come upon the scene and is looking to stop
fate worse than death. Torture and mutilation are common this from happening. The defender has to break through
and darker punishments are always on the menu. But first, the perimeter with as many bound settlers as possible, the
the clans need to gather their food. Solitary travelers and attacker must prevent this.
small groups are the usual targets, as they are the easiest
to overcome, but sometimes cannibals want more food for
Victory Points
their feasts and so will attack whole settlements. Again,
Action VP
only the smallest and most remote targets are targeted.
Their chosen method is to use a more comely member Wounding an Enemy Model or Taking One Out-of-Action 1
of the family to sweet talk their way into a target and then Possession of a bound settler at game’s end 2
leave a door or gate open for the clan to sneak through. Getting a bound settler off the table (Defender only) 4
If pushed, the cannibals are not above rushing walls and
Each bound settler not in anyone’s possession 1
sentries alike, knowing that enough family members will
(Attacker only)
break through. Surprisingly, a blood bath does not ensue.
The clans want to take victims alive, so they bind their Deployment
captives and prepare their food to go.
The defender (see below) will deploy their models first and
The Board must do so within the settlement area. The attacker may
deploy up to 6" away from any board edge and may divide
At the center of the board, players should place a small
their forces among multiple board edges.
settlement consisting of three to four buildings and linear
terrain to represent perimeter walls. This central area
should be about 12" x 12" square. Outside the square, the
rest of the board should contain other scenery pieces to
block line of sight and provide cover to attacking forces.

Special Rules Conclusion

Mutant Cannibals
Attackers and Defenders – Before the start of the The game lasts for 8 turns.
game, one warband must be designated as the attacker
and the other as the defender. Mutant cannibals, Rewards
mutant outcasts, and raider warbands may always
choose to be the attackers. The winning warband may redraw up to two cards from
the Wasteland Deck when determining income after a
Night Raid – The attackers must use the Night Ambush campaign game. This is described further under Income in
benefits. These are described under Advantages in the Campaigns section of the rulebook. Additionally, the
the Fighting Between Uneven Warbands section of the defender gains 10 BS for each victim it gets off the board
rulebook. Note if there is a disparity between warband and both warbands get 5 BS for each bound settler in their
sizes, the normal advantages can be used, but the possession. Neither player may gain more than 30 BS from
same one can never be taken twice. these latter rewards.

Bound Settlers – There are a total of six bound To determine the Experience Points earned for this
settlers. At the beginning of the game, place each one scenario, which are cumulative with each other, consult the
in the possession of a different defender. A model in following table:
possession of a bound settler may move freely, but
suffers a -1 to their Move stat. The bound settlers are Snack Attack Experience Point Table
tightly trussed so they cannot offer much resistance, so Activity XPs
may not try to break free and will never take any actions
Wounding an enemy model or taking one out-of-action 1
(test for activation, move, etc.). If two opposing models
are in base contact with a bound settler, then neither Being in possession of a victim at game’s end 1
count as being in control of it. If this should happen Getting a victim off the board (defender only) 2
either model may spend 1 AP to make an opposed Participating in current scenario 2
Strength test against the other model. The winner Winning warband leader 2
retrains control of the captive and the losing is pushed
back 1" in any direction.

Note that the captive models need not be cannibal prey.

They can be wanted criminals, simple prisoners, debters
on hook to the caravans, tribal sacrifices, or anyone
else really.


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