Circular - Donation Request-11438

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March 31, 2020

We are facing an unprecedented pandemic challenge that has severely impacted millions
of lives and livelihood across the globe. India, like many others, has also been affected by
the outbreak of the epidemic COVID-19, causing considerable disruption and hardship to
our entire Nation. While the response and relief operations are underway in full swing, our
compassion and generosity to help the nation to fight the COVID-19 outbreak is the need of
the hour. Expectedly it will take an enormous effort in terms of time and money to contain
the epidemic and recover therefrom.

L&T-ites have always contributed generously to fight against causes that endanger the
country and its people. We have one more occasion on hand to respond to. I personally
appeal to all L&T Group employees to donate an amount equivalent to at least two days'
salary as your contribution to this noble cause. Accordingly, this amount will be deducted
from the salary of April 2020 unless otherwise intimated by you to our Shared Service Centre
by 7th April 2020. As in the past, L&T and its Group Companies will match the contribution
made by the employees. Ofcourse the employees are free to contribute extra amount as
additional days salary under due intimation to our Shared Service Centre.

The amount so raised as above would be in addition to the ₹150 Cr. that L&T group has
already donated to the PM-CARES Fund.

As is the case with such situations, we will examine the manner in which the benefits of our
assistance will accrue in the most effective way to the affected and act accordingly.

We are confident that L&T-ites will rise to the occasion and extend their assistance to the
those affected by this crisis.

Look forward to your wholehearted and generous support.

S.N. Subrahmanyan
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director


ECom Members
Sr. VPs EVPs VPs
Heads of S&A Companies
Notice Boards
L&T Financial Holding / L&T Infotech / L&T Technology Services / Mindtree
All staff members through Broadcast

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