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4/1/2020 Online Test PSY162

Online Test PSY162 Answer Key

Social Psychology

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Trust , Power, Persuasion are part of * Social Influence

Social Perception

Social Interaction

Social Influence

Branch of Psychology studies the group hostility * Social Psychology

Criminal Psychology

Industrial Psychology

Social Psychology 5
4/1/2020 Online Test PSY162

Full form of ABC in Social Psychology is * Affect Behaviour Cognition

Antecedent Behaviour Consequence

Affect Behaviour Cognition

Affectionate Behavioural Consequential

Scientific Study of Human Behaviour in Social Settings is * Social Psychology

Social Psychology



Virtue developed in fifth stage of Erik Erikson developmental stages * Fidelity




Erikson developed * Psycho Social Development

Psychosexual Developmental stages

Psychosocial Developmental Stages

Psychoanalytical Developmental Stages 6
4/1/2020 Online Test PSY162

Which concept of Social Psychology being used to check the spread of COVID 19? *

Social Distancing the other way form of Overcrowding

The language of facial expression is * Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication

Verbal Communication

Written Communication

Deception is * Both

Misleading statement



On becoming angry, face becomes red is actually * Emotional Expression

Physiological expression

Physical Expression

Emotional Expression

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4/1/2020 Online Test PSY162

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