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SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (For Students of Class X) ‘Time: 120 Minutes Max. Marks: 100 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Read the following instructions carefully before you open the Test booklet. parate OMR sheet. 1. Answers are to be given on a se is test. All are 2, There are 100 questions in thi Ther ory, The question nurbes | t 40 belong to Sciences, 41 to 60 pertain to Mathematics and 61 to 100 are on Social Science subjects. 3. Please follow the instructions given on the OMR sheet for marking the answers, 4, Write your eight-digit Roll Number as allotted to ‘you in the admission card clearly on the test-booklet and darken the appropriate circles on the OMR sheet as per instructions given. 5. Write down and darken Test, Booklet Number in the appropriate circles on the OMR sheet as per instructions given. 66. Since the time allotted for this question paper is very limited and all questions carry equal marks, you should make the best use of it by not spending too much time on any one question, 7. Rough work can be done anywhere in the booklet but not on the OMR sheet /loose paper. 8. Each correct answer will be awarded one mark, 9. THERE WILL BE NO NEGATIVE MARKING, 10, Please return only the OMR sheet to the invigilator after the test, 11, English version of the question paper will be considered as final in case of any dispute arising out of variation in translation, Please turn over the page and start answeriny immediately after you are asked to d0s0. ~ te Har CLLEIITT Booklet Number finan aon 151581 ders sible ogten (mar X fermi & fore) wma: 120 fire confirma stam: 100 caftentirt & fire arg peta et 8 ah, Peat argh at ear & ufet 1 3] ae signa wa tl 2. Fa Then F100 wer Bi Bet wee rer Hi wee 8 40 fram, 41 2 60 Thm atk 61 @ 100 whe fires Porat oy safe 1 3. Bem Ae Paes wad A fry sitqwoe-T ee Fey ore Pate ar are fae 4. frame Freel agen sk wh aT PTT ara ane-stata wa at wt sergfam oik aieant-ar 1 finge Fe wy é fafa sit saga tiet et aren ifea) 5. Frame Pete & agar aitquaM-ar wo weg wen fefeay aft sagaa wet wt ere fa) 6 eae gare foe fel eal awa & ar a tte we a asters sean sity oft frat eT FC aE ih ad 3 TR 1. Te ard geen Feet ot fiver or ee @, fog : are #8 8 one’ ae ay, 48 HF BET YS TT ate ort ard att SAT condition stated below, the Uitearbon glucose molecule is broken sina into three-carbon molecules pyruvate and lactic acid? — muscle cells 2. anaerobic condition in yeast cells 3. acrobie condition in mitochondria anaerobic condition in muscle cells 1, Under which 2. Which among the following is the correct sequence regarding the flow of impulse in a neuron. Zz 1, Dendrite > Axon -> Cell body 2. Axon —> Cell body—> Dendrite” 3. Axon—> Dendrite —> Cell body » Cell body—> Axon —> Nerve terminal 3.In a hypertensive patient, the systolic pressure increased to 150 mm of Hg. Which part of the brain would be involved in the regulation of blood pressure? Medulla 2. Cerebrum 3. Cerebellum 4, Hypothalamus (Desa Jenner's contribution for the eradication of small pox is 1. his proposition that small pox had possibly spread throughout the world fiom India and China. 2. his discovery of transformation rocedure. his finding that rubbing of the skin crust of small pox vietims on the arm of @ healthy person, would develop resistance against small pox, ~ 4 BS fang that the cow px infeton protects the person from infection ffom smal pox. aeeet 4, S35 saRR A vesd See ae 1, 3a ae fran fe daw Saat: i fra ow an & be . FH AMT Bt TE BUA ‘ata afr a 3. Si ae ahs fie dem afea tht at eat veel at ae DET a Wei 8, ae dae & oft situs 4 Sea a fara at Am ¢ . St ae ula fis hes a7 a Bane es ata ee a at <& Four important events given below may have led to the origin of life on the earth, ‘ces L_ Formation of amino acids and nucleotides IL, Availability of water # IIL, Organization of cells <& IV. Formation of complex molecules Select the correct sequence of events. 11, UL Il and IV 4,1, 1V and Ill * 3. 1,1V, Mand tll 4. II, Land 1V 6, Read the following statements carefully, 1. Energy transfer in the biotic world always proceeds from the autotrophs, Il, Energy flow is unidirectional, ¥ IL Energy availability is maximum at the tertiary level. 7 IV. There is loss of energy from one trophic level to the other. Select the relevant statements for the forest ecosystem Su Mand IV . I, Masid IIT 7 3. 1, Wand IV7 4. I, lll and IVX + 74 1n a highly pesticide polluted pond, which ~ of the following aquatic organisms will have the maximum amount of pesticide per gram of body mass? 1, Lotus ZX Fishes 3. Spirogyra 4. Zooplanktons 5. Presfaaa an mec ead yet Ie Sper et se ar ae) wen Lait oma a afters oT TT 1, Wet ar syeer BAT IL wifreisif a SST IV. afeq srypit at AT wenat & et ea a GAT 1. Giusy 2. IL tv aim 3. LIV, 13m 4. TM, 1 aR IV 6, frafatan wert at aauri a sfec- Latte dan 4 sat a1 carat wT extra & ure cat #1 1. oat ware we Ot fee A ater #1 IL. Sat et saa Gita Saeea A watt tet t1 IV.te ot ax a at tht ex KA a wai a wa tit 2 aa Uae va ad fia 8 aet wer at are 1. Litsikiv 2. LI sitnr 3. LI sitiv 4. TL I airy x % Sia farmer made an observation J ackwater paddy field of coastal Kerala er the paddy plants wilt during noon tha ds everyday but appear normal next fpoming. What would be the possible reason for wilting? A The rate of water absorption is less than the rate of transpiration in the afternoon. 2, The rate of water absorption is more than the rate of transpiration in the afternoon. 5, The changes in the rate of water absorption and transpiration are not associated with wilting. 4. The rate of water absorption is not related to the rate of transpiration. TF observe the experimental sets [A] & [B] GC w @ Observe the test tube’A & B. From the list given below, choose the combination of responses of shoot and root that are observed in B. 1. Positive phototropism and positive geotropisti ‘Negative phototropism and positive geotropism, - Positive photgtropism and negative geotropism 4. Only negative phototropism 1, Bowe SF ary Te Seether ET ates wt a an th 2. rt & ae Ve sari Bt eT, armies at eta afr BI set sagtaon a arent a at area a Bea a wa ae 4. we aaa BY aT oT at wa wa Te a wan ETA [A] aie (B] I ear fi w te (ree Fa) — (teal fe) ere A ait Bar sacha aif ae 4 qt 7 a, we ck oe a safest & 4 sts aire fra sacar Ba fem TM 1 Tae vera ae Ta ERI 2. FURR WHat Ten MAT 3, UAT Were Fe ETH qos 4, See FEM WTI * 10,"Raw banana has bitter taste, while ripe ~ banana has sweet taste. It happens because of the conversion of AY starch to sugar 2. ‘sucrose to fructose 3. amino acids 10 sugar 4. amino acids to protein 11. In the flowering plants sexual reproduction involves several events beginning with the bud and ending in a fruit. These events are arranged in four different combinations. Select the combination that has the correct sequence of events, 1, EmBtyo, zygote, gametes, fetlization +27 Gametes, fertilization, zygote, embryo, 7-3: Fenilizaton, zygote, gametes, embryo, Z Gametes, zygote, embryo, fertilization, 12, In pea plants, Round (R) and Yellow (¥) features of seeds are dominant over wrinkled (1) and green (y) features. In a eros between two plants having the same ‘genotypes (RrYy), the following genotypic Combinations of offspring are noticed, As RYY B- Rryy Cy D. The phenotypic features of A, B, C, and D are given below in an order in four combinations. “Select the correct combination of characters that corresponds to the genotypes, “Round & yellow; round & green; wrinkled & yellow; wrinkled & green, Round & green; wrinkled & yellow; wrinkled & green; roiind & yellow. +f3- Wrinkled & green; round & yellow; wrinkled & yellow; round & green, 7A. Wrinkled & yellow; round & green; wrinkled & yellow; round & yellow. aes 4 i , Rn, . ai mga tt t safe om Teas or ts Penn atm 1 ene wha 2. yeh & welt a 3. sie aa & cha F 4. shin ora side F Sie wee a aie a a Uw aent ed fa wen on sense dad Yo ora at Te th att wa ant daa a gfe 1, par, gas, fee 2. arre, fr, ger, pT 3. FR, a, ge, PT 4. 356, Fra, we, Phe 13, Fukaryotc orgasms have different level: . Eek ganization. Select the combination afore the levels are arranged inthe descending oer {_ DNA elromosome, cel, nucleus issue |, nucleus, chromosome, Tissue, DNA 3, Nucleus, tissue gprissie, cll, chromosome, nucleus, DNA /Taysthe gaseous: byproduct of @ process in plants is essential for another vial process that releases energy. Given below are four combinations of processes and prodiicts, ‘Choose the correct combination. cell, DNA, chromosome, ‘J/Photosynthesis and oxygen 3. Respiration and carbon dioxide 3. Transpiration and water vapour 44. Germination and carbon dioxide £47100 grams of oxygen (Os) gas and 100 grams of helium (He) gas are in separate Containers of equal volume at 100°C. Which one‘of the following, statement is correct? yl. Both gases would have the same pressure 2. The average kinetic energy of Or molecules is greater than that of He olecules. . “The pressure of He gas would be sreater than that of the Oz gas. 4." The average kinetic energy of He and 0; molecules is same. . ate w Latte emer 14. 15, air than th fret ae a ae ai ue wag afre, ese cet al seri wie een & LUA, TE, ifs, ae, are a a ifr, Aa, aoe, dhe, * afer, Shee, Ty, aE Been, WM, thea, Shae, arr, ‘as ar, al wm wire at teta acter, wa iran a fee wa atard srayrerat oh sat ae et 1 afasl & am a faq me di wet dae a wae 1, ware Sechoy Ten sR 2, Veer ae FT Seas 3. STS eT et BTV 4, siege wen aa SSS #4 100 WH atator (0,) Fe wT 100 WH ‘deem = (He) WA aK art arem-arem Te FY 100°C WT KF frafatias & tater aaron wet #7 1. dei te oa war TT 2. Oye ast wt atte aaa sah He armpit 3 FareT EPA 3. He fa a aa Ota 8 sare Tl 4, He 71 02% ays = sited aes wal gan eri (nw ne 01298 K an 1 at pressure, gas msn \erconsins equal masses of He, Th» Or am NM, Which ofthe following is comet for their average molecular velocities? 1, He> Hy> NHy> O2 © 2 He He yma Oe 28 K wet 1 ares SI TC eR Airy Mo eek a tle, Ha, Or BH NH, 1 tr errs 1 ere otter ore IT fry Frater 2 wer Pret welt? He > Hy> NUs> O2 He << O2< Nils I< He < Nils < Oz 4, Op Ball, Ci, Day $ les, —— Bas a ee Ye joe i © “ga = = nical nthe balanced Chemica 19 cad nite + 6 tte h Caton Mitrate +d lead chloride) eae od Oe felowing, seme is correct? Lek 2 4, 03, 3. a2, ee oe comet ore of nore number of 207 pales passing undeflested through the foils of Au, Ag, Tu and AT of 1000 i eyes cach in simulated alpha sarle eteing experiment of Rutherford would be eau cage CUAL pp nccucagcas B y, 2. Y oF oxygen gas will be 22. UEHIET sparen & drat weet Frees Grptde comfoustion of? moles sone s ea sehr ae fort os area tre at Rise its L256 2 ere & 3. 3528 a 6B . 4. 372g x i ae . 3728 uo hwo ery ay To a Reus i? OS LT yoo? aw oy BBFDRo) & s L +s amp 4 03a +9 Pb Ow a ‘ Nast das jot. (teu eee a QUnco Be wd MY i seh fier ren fee) at 23, Match List I (Position of the Metal in the * ow Activity Series) with the List I (Related min ay Reduction Process) and select the correct option using the codes given below. a ta) i. — creston ofthe Met in) (Related Redution ca the Activity Series) Process) a JA. The bonom of the] Eleevwsis Soe seties a IB. The top of hell Redoction by beat a arr series alone | aT 5 ee [GThe lower regions. Found in native state en Foe | ofthe series # - series carbon ot some aa Te cher reducing seer au arr cv DA 1 Ad! Ball CIV DH cay Dull 2 At Bl CIV DAll ci Dav 3 Ad BI Cll | DIV 4. Al Bl CIV DAL CIV Dell 24, Which of the following statements ean help a chemistry student 0 predict chemical properties of an element? 1. Position of element in the periodic table TL. Atomic number of the element ~ IIL. Numbér of shells in the atom » IV. Number of electrons in the outer most. shell 1,1, Mand IIL 27, Wand IV 3. 1, Mlland 1V 4. "Tl, IH and IV fad wa & varie pt wag ae & fou frafataa 9 a sa waa first Tarn fra & faenet at aeraa ee Ga # 1. aread art & aa at Ree TL we TET wi TL very a art st Fen Vara tr 4 eR at hen 1, Lan 2. LUSRIV 3. LMsixiv 4. Um sav S. c ider the elements A, B, C and D with 25 Cie numbers 6, 7, 14 and 13, siemetvely. Which of the fall fiatements are comect conceming these elements? |, Dwill lose electron more easily than C. 7 IL. Buwill gain electron more easily than C. “rll The element with highest electronegativity is D. v_ IV. The element with largest atomic size is 1, Tand II 2, Mand Ill [and IV |. Uland IV TbyA hydrocarbon ‘A’ (C3Hs) on treatment =" ith chlorine in presence of sunlight yielded compound ‘B’ as major product. Reaction of ‘B’ with aqueous KOH gave ‘@ which on treatment with concentrated H)SO, yielded ‘D’. Hydrogenation of ‘D’ gave back ‘A’. The sequence of reactions involved in above conversion is: 1., Substitution, Substitution, Addition, Dehydration ‘Substitution, Substitution, Dehydration, Addition pe Substitution, Dehydration, Addition, Addition pt Addition, Substitution, Dehydration, Substitution Suber Que Kon Biri WA, 25, 8m wifi fi TET A,B,C aan ba ea armies wT: 6.7, 14 WHS Be ae ae fara Freaferfers HA aha me ay #7 LC mt gem 4 D onart @ get am atm I. C # WA 4 B oer 4 ae en eT “ n. ie fig aI ae 7 D 1 IV, wate ANY, AEH Ae Aa C BI 1, Tait 2. WSU 3. 1sitIV 4, ILsit1v We URTATET “A? (CsHs) Wt WaT FT saftatr a ack @ fen aw Fer sae & 69 4, chine ‘Baa 21 Bt uefa KOH @ fafa grt ‘C’ wa eer 2 of fm ai H,SO, 3 fea ae ‘Dat 21D & weghrteer a ca’ at ofa att ti saa woe 4 affernst a ae 26. i @ AW oN) ctw) AW), Wrgor y hadatory 27, An organic liquid *A° with acidifis potassium dichromate gave product “- und “BY on heating wit mal Je of concentrated methanol in _presenc sulphuric acid formed compound * con subsequent treatment with hydroxide formed two products ‘D and “E’. The product ‘D” is known to affeet the optic nerve causing blindness. Intake of 'D’ in very small quantities ean cause death. What are compounds ‘A’, “B', ‘C’, ‘D” and or 1, A= Ethanol, B = Ethanoie acid, C= Methanol, D = Sodium acetate, E'= Methy! ethanoate \20 A= Ethanol, B= Ethanoic acid, C= ‘Methyl ethanoste, D = Methanol, E = Sodium acetate p> A= Sodium acetate, B = Ethanoic acid, (C= Methyl ethanoate, D = Methanol, thanol thanol, B = Ethanoic acid, C = A Methyl ethanoate, D= Sodium acetate, E= Methanol C whieh ium 28. Two nichrome wires A and B, each of Je agth 5 cm and of radius 1 cm and 3 em ‘spectively are connected to each other in es, If'a current of 5 A flows through the cc nbination of wires, the ratio of potential is Sree ‘across wire A to that across wire vill be: iy deal a. 321 B79: 40441:9 Kintera 05 Ngee @ Oy, 5 q 10 ON tok wate, B= CHE SR, data, D= aifeam wriee, E=vha tere 2. A= wre, B= CER FR, C= sitter tertee, D = Aer, 28% frais oR A ait B, ford wee at ‘TA Sem vig frm wrM: Lomax 3 <— $0. em ——> "= 30 em —> ‘what is the distance of the final image formed by this lens system? 1, 120em 10 right of lens A. 2, 90-em 0 right of lens A. 22.5 em to right of lens B 45 em to right of lens B cart of mass M moves at a speed won a tionless surface. At regular intervals of M =a, teat 1, blocks of ina m= 2 drops : vertically into the cart. How mui time is token to cover a distance of 22° fore ote at 2 ma: lem ate 3 mo A waif. fae fal ye fren go mt sie fee tt: ee 1, BH AR TE it 20emgt 2. Ba AR TE ok emg 3. SHB at SR Song x 4. SH BA TES dem OK 30, fet winin ys OM FoR at meu ae awh wot tat Frafisa sieerell we, wort m= a ae ort a zonbe ft fi 20 gt ea ie aw , ae ys ye PY 1 we ys ares Bye ay. | 2 ath i 73 Fo. 19k et hu ” WL x ae 3 ee BP ee gl. eS T° 50 4 at a3 f ~ NED oe ke bye as 5 (yf woud ae hey + Bey ba co) ’ 31. A ball is thrown vertically m the A aig Hie Gorter See Ft Ey point A See Bgue) ay Paaing st O58 Sac 11 Sed 0 ech eh height Hon the roof atop a building, ties a WC wat wag after FT He A wert oy 10 catch it. He misses the catch, the ball ware wwe th ae Hew HE AE TT ©vershoots and simultaneously the person ste tig sore wet ort t, a Fe a ae starts a stop-watch, The ball reaches its wm Proms FH aL Az Rat th Ae omy highest point and he manages to catch it seam fig wit ait ig & A on ‘pon its retum. By this time,a time interval Ser gg gd mary Ga 1 YH MEAT UHH T has elapsed as recorded by the stop “7 wt fameaet fem watch. If g is the a¢ : at wr. sie 7 " is the acceleration due to gravity at fo ye aK Tee Tg Zt, at this place, the speed with which the ball ee ate Aa oak ae ‘was thrown from point A willbe: A fa a 2 He Bt AE rr en, eB 4 x L. Sgf+er 1. Jeter s 2. (Ver +agi)/> 2. (eT Het )/2 ae (a'r +8aH1)/2 3. ( [eT veh fo 4. (Jer +39) 4. (ler eH fay of light of pure single colour is 32. 0% SY. 8 Wee at et ate were fect icident on the face of a prism having angle 30° fe sin art fig & first were of the prism 30° at an angle of incidence 45> & etm a ancfra wat fl sraiT 45°. The refracted ray does not change its far fir & at was @ fin ta direction as it crosses the other face and are fen 3 aif vita at aah fier emerges out of the prism. The refractive 35 yee amy agers ts B index of the material of the prism is: te AUS Cr ays. 22 22 3. v2 3. v2 4, 33 4.8 Vm e a 2 ye", veo 4 7 Le Woe Ue age 8 a A. sal gall Is, ameaic cubical solid block of side £ is Fs,A me overed coninuusly in a lage sow ied with water. Letd be the depth vee owe surface ofthe block, measured oth the surface of the water, at some fey. The graph which represents inet the variation of the buoyant force faith depth dit Fr ©) aN ‘d(em) F ty d(em) F ~ d(em) FE ™ d(em) 34. Three balls A, B and C of same size but of different masses, are thrown with the samme jbeed from the roof of a building, as shown in figure. Let va, up and uc be the Bnective speeds with which the balls a. By and C hit the ground. Neglecting air resistance, which one of the following relations is correct? UA> Ue > vB, . Ve>UA>UB YA>UB > ve YA™ Yas Ue as shown in figure. This system is pulled along a frictionless surface by a horizontal afr rere a at aie SRD C 0 ty Bt on ae ‘ret 8, teat ran t,he far anten xa mar ti mt vtfire Pr AY A, B oe Cay rei Fw AM: va, ww ve k, fa AG ged 2 cea Hae arg oe airy i stevia ar a, ft Preteen Fy ‘era aay wet 8? z t sn t c 1. un> ue > up 2. ve>ua>us 3. vn? 05 > be 4. n= vss ve N®& @fty am oa whntn ps oq wha force of 36 N. The force pulling the block ren th yeh my wi tas oe ae ae of mass my will be: iz m, im, rm 7 s 36N 1, 2N 2. 4N 3. 12N 3. 12N 4. 36N 4, 36N 14 pet =e grap of motion oft ao TPE ssh inthe gure tats. Car B YVelocits @ time ()—> caoose the correct statement, ‘Accelerations of two cars are equal to cach other at time (= fo 2, Aectlerations of two cars are equal to ‘ach other at an instant greater than fo _P Aecletions oft cr re equal to cach other at an instant earlier than fo ‘4, Atno instant inthe interval OS 1 fo the two accelerations are equal 41 Thre electric bulbs of rating 40 W ~ 200 Vs 5 W- 200 V and 100 W - 200 V are ‘connected in series to a 600 V supply. What jslikely to happen as the supply is switched on? 1, Only $0 W bulb will fuse. A. Both 40 W and 50 W bulbs will fuse. 5, Allthe three bulbs will emit light with their rated powers. 4. 100 W bulb will emt light of maximum intensity. we joc & 2 ae boon Jn vd) oS) ‘4 TRECNN8—13-18-SAT-Hindi—2A 5 re eset Tod, 36,3 ant A ait Bat, ela Fa (t) —, we wer afm: 1 Fr SRR et ype f 2. FFT 2 af am feet em ahi ard aera ti ial 3, FAT fo Ba TR feet om ee ari & ram war 1 4, Bra sina 0< 1s nH Pet i om Wesel ad & rer aa Fe i 37, aH fag aes, fare aT 4OW-20V; 50 W- 200 V #1 100 W-200v #, 600 Val anf a aot a ean ai anti a Raw aft wet re ar FH at rT #7 1, Bae 50. Wr Fea Fy At TET 2, 40.W ak 50 WS HH aa aye anti 3. det ae art on ag AL wa a va Zr 4, 100 W at are tam we ora atm 38.4 sound wave is sent simultancously . img ott * war Tang through a long hollow pipe AB and a solid wr AB ell a ae Ww CD a Pipe CD-of same length and having same Song tr avter A ate Fig Pe ‘cross-sectional area. A person standing at Bert tt 7 an at gts Point P as shown in the figure will hear the wa at =f sound A Ly 1, ” - ED © 5 oimm@d 1. atthe same time from pipes, AB and 1, Set ot AB Tar cD oH first from pipe CD and then from pipe AB 3. first from pipe AB and then from pipe cD 4. from pipe AB only and not from pipe cD 39. Two long current-carrying parallel wires are placed as shown, Which of the following figures will Tepresent the magnitude and direction of ‘the faeces exerted on the wires? rey ® 7 x 2 are re 7 lw x beh oe 16 m7 . 2.3 me CD att yak Wat oT ABS 3. Ted Tet AB att ea wart oey cpa 4, Was we AB @ sit TET CD 8 39,2 Ba, Ranier ore tte ete axgere sit zai Ha emits aa a vite ak fe 38 fea wa sha ante cai wa 37 “7 ‘S109 TRECNI18—13-18-SAT-Hindl—28 ical circuit, shown below, consists 40. . i anal an are te reir an ae aga artes tS gr a af Fr wo keys A i a Consider two cases : . i i the key Ko is S eat Kia & er Fat Kiet wef (i) ed K; is closed and the key Ko is et Kee at gt ae i (i) The key Ke is closed and the key Kr is a eet Rete # seve A meta rast amr aga en ‘The ratio of respective currents in these two “A cases will be: es 3: fps Bepe Boos “$4 iven tnt + = 0742857 which sa “1 = 012857 we frat sat ae oH repeating decimal having six different aed wee #1 aR x oe a digits Ifx isthe sum of such first three positive integers m such that wre yet on mat fe ata 1_oaa 1 nozbekf where a,b, 6 d eand fore 5c oabedef tomtabadesm f different digits, then the value of x is fafa ae dma 1. 20 1. 20 2.2 2, 21 Be al 3. 41 AR 4 42 Be Abe 42, Which of the following digits is ruled out in the units place of 12""+ 1 for every positive imeger n? ENE rational roots ofthe cubic equation 2+ Mb? + 56 ke 64 + =O are in the ratio: 2:4, | The possible values of & are | < Oonly | 2. Lonly 3. 2,0 : 424 } (ohne ‘odd natural numbers have been divided in groups as ‘ GPs B.78.10: 13, 15,17, 19, 21,23)... Then the stim of numbers in the 10th group is ; | A 4000 2. 4003, 3. 4007 4. 4008 if the polynomial x*~ 6x? + 16x2— 254 4 10 is divided by another polynomial x2. 2 +k, | LS the remainder comes vote bex+a, then SYS\0 the value of ais Gyre a -1 ew 23 fem, 12+ 1 mt emt fetan 3 9 Ban sie TE SAE? l 3 5 7 Ere Teer x + a +56 bx — 6b = 0 Seat e n2sae aqme el J} aaa are 1 aaa 0 2 1 3. 20 434 44. fern arpa emt Fret wer a aR vane 1,3); (5,7,9,11); (13, 15, 17, 19,21, 23); We, lod aye Herat at an 1. 4000 2 4003 3. 4007 4. 4008 45. FOR x 6x! + 16x! 25x + 10 wt AEE Pk Be Were x+a amt, tha wae . 1 I cc iM 2o035 ~ vomls) Sy AaedMy as WAL 93 es M45 fol pane OY ve ye 4H 8b Vet ye WE OR ee tS. syne 4 we la WD i; eS] $e3 DH, aden! dot Pace ces ou? 28, a , « vr). + D ay ws . NG TS geteuuo < s8x os is my a pound eS ee pd teen ove aM ds aye + an TZ ene ; de 0 38K x! 3-4-0 axttkx-S90 I x4 3x— : Fine values of k, so that the equations 46, we er aes Hot He a i ett aeeanaeOhaveaneroot ARF in common, are 0° a eee! 47. The value of cosa? sin (sr<4spis 47198 ta 4 Sar positive i 3. Re 4, negative . 4, sometimes negative and sometimes 4, ast aor site we ATT positive 48, A vertical pole of height 10 metres stands 48. at one comer of a rectangular field, The = Sad ew WH Sehr wt I angle of elevation of its top from the Waa are GO a a a swe wh farthest comer is 30°, while that fom za Fim 30° $, Tae UH oa ait A ‘another comer is 60°. The area (in m*) of ag 60° #1 sreaER Gas SAE (m? A) rectangular field is + 200v2 1, 2008 3 3 Boe 2, > 400 ee S EB 40003 anf . ma 3. a g, S002 4, 00v2 a 5 Gl, A owt poe vensio(’ V4 aan“ a ee) oe Supe wt : ae *) tor Z fs cant as BN ee Sabet be eac aries bY) EN sn 3 .o(m4a03 ) A yan We ve 4619 3 Ts Rimes 18S vee A citcle is inscribed ina square and the ‘Ware is cincumseribed by another circle, ‘What is the ratio of the areas of the inner circle to th Wouter cele? Misr liz 3 24 MAG 0. The surface of water in a swimining pool, piten itis full of water. is rectangulse with length and breadth "36m and 10sm ‘spectively. The depth of water increases WRiformty from 1 mv at one end to 175m at the other end. The water in the pool is emptied by a cylindrical pipe of radius Tem 4 the rate Of Sknvh, The time (in hours to empty water in the pool is (take <2) ik af pe af There is 4 tight circular ‘cone of height A and ‘vertical angle 60". ‘A’ sphere tee Placed inside the cone, it Touches the curved surface and the base of the eone, ‘The Volume of sphere is 31 é Skovh wR RC Bare Freer a etd 8 po Fuel Fl 1 6t 2 6L 2 a we a aol + 4 464 oy . Sat A sik. sehen: et 60° aren eH wa Bin vig to acid at ag Stee ar arm, ioe ae aig oe ae ye gh ame at ert aati ait ay oer py ISS 4a wD aa 4z Sunes - Ww 4 a if ar eS Dy ‘yp of two ey met and 36 respectively, as show it freure. When the bottle is placed right ‘gma table, the height of water in it is Tem, but when placed upside down, the height of water i bottle is Let Ibe the length of cach equal side of an iaosceles triangle. If the length of each le is doubled, keeping its height 53. equal sid Hehanged, then the difference of the squares of bases ofthe new triangle and the a given triangle is a ee Lo 1.10 2 4e 2. ar gar, {Sha BS 3. 9P e i 4. 12P hae a ° Ay diate pe 1 a aS rwtals by Xo ap uy tr COL s aa a OD. 2 Vesee BB Pur ashe U Bea ¢ +, fare estan gure, ABC isawinlein Sh HET art fi ween an He 4B 90° and “its incirele C) has =9 r ‘ tadius 3.°A cite Cy of radius 1 touches RST. 3&1 free | en ew TH Co Fae TESS AG. BC and ‘the cinle C.Then AC, BC War ya Cy TY Be wT Nength AI is equal to Apa cit seis S87 . ny eo eee yee OD VET ee ae me? Grant i. 2 che i Oe we OMG ae A 2. 10433 1, 3+6V3 2 - LAM 3. 104245 2 lots Gee 4. 9438 % 10428 ‘Y 943 We wy $8, Agee = AC, Pand Qare pointson $8, ABC #, AB = AC BI P Sik Q FAM: AC FP = AG. atively such that BC = BP SR AB firm fig ya aK t fe BC= + Then ZAQP is equal to BP=PQ=AQtI Ta, ZAQP ATR ¢ - x18 serosal (r= 180° efi) py 2s on H eT of 3 yee oT a ap, af ae 3, LEV | oe worry ew c >! 2 nrwey 0 ow port wey i (Risa Et Se oe ee yin 4 2, om a" 3, Bem 4. Jem a. How many points (x, y) with integral co- * fedinates are there whose distance from on. ve three a) a. 1f the vertices of an equilateral triangle fave integral co-ordinates, then / such a triangle is not possible. 2, the area ofthe triangle is irrational, 5, the area of the triangle is an integer. 44 the area of the triangle is rational but not an integer. 49, A box contains four cards numbered as 1, 2, 3 and 4 and another box contains four ‘ards numbered as 1, 4, 9 and 16, One card is drawn at random from each box. What is the probability of getting the product of the two numbers $0 obtained, more than 162 ow * wale 3 eked gs 86, 59. AT RR frat erg PAPC ABC wr We ah cae mg ROH TIT APN DC A Pe ne AABC % eT wt QT feet Hoe BQ-tem ait CQ=3em i PQ we 1. Tem 2 tom 3 A 3 Fem 5 {S 4. 2em e G freer are a fh é. Swinaaiae 1. ta fags iva at BL 2, fas ar dare rica eet 3. ae 4. fa ay st tv Mate s (aq) aM GOK OABE ; ener a: br ter aE eS ye len 2% yaw oom! 2 pie & 60. The mean ol Natural nun Percentage six 9 group of eleven consecutive nbers is m, What will be the cchange in the mean when next ponsecutive natural numbers are {eluded inthe group? 1 My, 2. By 3, Sy, 300 ws 300, ae Ol. The Swarsj flag designed by Mahatma Gandhi had the Spinning wheel in it, What did it symbolize? YX ldcal of set-hetp, 'ymbol of defiance to the British rule. 3+ Greatness of india in pre-eolonial time. 4 Ahimsa (non-violence) in eontemporary world, 62 Which of the following statements Tegarding the Silk Routes are correct? 1 They also meant cultural links.” IL. They spread over tand and by sea, 4” MU. They connect Affica, IV. Besides textiles, gold and silver got €XPorted from Asia to Europe through these routes, 27, Mand 2. 1, Mand Iv 3. Il, Mand Iv 4. 11, Mand tv ted Asia with Europe and” x 60, 61. Un remne ara MER Test 2 ret nth ee eT ome Oe am a aha 6 oy feet fr te tm? 1. m% \ ¥ 1. areas . 2. fafer are & ty a1 3, staffs are a wee ret a errs aI 4. ames fa 4 fn tae a (fees Be) a et retains Wa aha war we #7 1 a ai ‘ayel a of scree 8 Laser mead geo UL ofa at Rte oe aster Boia a 1V.a ri Sgro aaet srenen sen si 8 a rain efret 2 iy iat em . 1 SRL 1 natty TW atv LU I si 1V 4 wr Or Bb. & Qh Ne He & \> 4 meG. . AVE @. gg. which of the following statements regarding the impact ‘of Depression of 1929 are comes? 1, India’s exports increased but imports decreased. IL, India's export of gold increased. TH. Urban India suffered more than the: rural India. 1V. Industrial investment grew in India. 1, I Mand 1? 2. Mand IV, 3. ti, Mand tv gf Mand 1V ' 64. Which of the following statements about the French-in Vietnam are correct? 1. ‘The Vietnamese teachers generally twisted the school curriculum given by the French. «Ih The students protested the undue dominance by the colons. IIL The Anmanese Student was a French journal for enlisting the students support. 74 IV. The French had to counter the ‘Chinese influence. / 1, 1, Mand Ill AZ iyMand IV 3. I, Mand IV . 4. If, Mand 1V 25 63. 64. ono Te, SS le Pree 8 H-w wo a 8 bere a Fr wg et on rr ra we wat un, ee TR PT a het weet FT geet A ed AT wat TRA EM iy. ener a shelter fret Ast ome 1, nate 2, 11 sig IV 3, I, ULSI, 4, 1steIV fora A reife wee A Freferfa 3a ara ae at 1. freee Feet A wagh een fen al 1 frofiay 2 riches F aafat were FT famiiat wen i Wowidfed & fore dt awe st Fara wu aed a uate Waitt Luray 11, 1 RIV. 1, Y a 2; 3 4. Statements 9 ‘bout the impact of 5 On tribal communities in the hich of the following. © incorrect? tivators ould carry out their S in Village forests, Sultivators took to plough Pat im With ease, st © could collect wood and in the forests:> Poca ha access to protected Jot Collecting woe yf fuel and uilding, Mand Its Mand ty » 6. Which of the following statements about the Non ‘SoPeration Movement are correct? 1. The Justice Party participated in the Slections in Madras, ©” Ik alist lawyers did not Join the courts, UL. The talugdars were targeted, A TV. The import of foreign cloth declined and the export of Indian textiles ‘increased manifold, 4 Tand 11 2. TandIv 3. 1, Mand in 4. IL, Mand tv 26 fare yr ea ee ee oa ol aa safes Ta ate-8 wer ae at Pe iS ae po ib " ; , 1 oH a8 ee 8 og at Fare mera 4 ee “wet 4 sic saat a aT Bet A) * Waikerie st dr sine “een er wi & Per fire Gert fa aac aT afeTe em 1. Lan 2 Latcnt 3. Tate 4. I3ikIV ‘ wa iain aiktas Sed ream “eee h Loam 9 sfiew wi a get a am fermi UL arene BAe fare mM WV. fateh erat sta ant ont shy anche rg & frais af om adhe a Li OL Laity Lisi HI sit rv sey = i f the following regarding the omen in France are correct? nmade them active citizens. vo I Provisions were made for schools for poth boys and girls. . IL Divorce rules were made stringent. W TV Provisions were made for training women for jobs. Jf kiana 4, tend IV [Mand IV 4 Ul, Mand 1V a, Arrnge the following historical jevelopments in a chronological sequence | Rowlatt Act \°? IL. Kheda Satyagraha yer IIL. Champaran Movement \9 1V_ Ahmedabad Mill Strike \Y 1. LIL UL IV +2, 1,1 UL IV 3. 1, LIV, AML Direction (Questions 69-74) Read the statements and select the ‘correct answer from the options given below. 1. Statement [ is true, Statement II is false. 2. Statement Lis false, Statement ITis true. 3, Both Statements are true, and Statement II provides explanation to Statement I. 4, Both Statements are true, but Statement TI does not provide explanation of Statement I. AN ey S 69, Statement I : In the 19th century, London “was a colossal city. Statement II : London had grown as an industrial city. 27 61. 68. 69. 1) Breer sit wig Wafers a fe 3 ed AH Preafetera AA HA pert atl #? 1 eh eens A oe Te ATT 1. eee ote rete, et fer, fereereh cat WANT pat rath qu. ceree fer SEAT FT . Vv. Te fore afcensit a wafers we aa wart fre 71a 1. 1, 1 39ctT 2. UsIV 3, msielv 4, 1, WE SHELY prafetat wera at erage Saeed el 1 tee we UL, Bal AE LL, sare SaraTEA rv. srerarare fret Seay 10 1,1, 1, 1V 2. 1,1, UL IV 3. ILIV. 4, IL, 1V.1 fader (wer 69 B74 WH) sa faa we wert aN ate site faq AT faci YA wet Se aT aT AST 1. wer Laat B, Bear UL Wert Bh 2, wer 1 am t, eM TE AL 3. ht wer ae Baik wer He I a aren am tt 4, Shi er wet %, Tq we wer | aA caren Ae aT Bh waa |: satadt ware a cia Um fare wee aM wer MN: tied GH Steir wet FTA fasfaa a aa at — | | c2@siatemen 1 ss oa ig turban before colonial officials "5 ‘considered offending. Vv Statement Turban was,a, sien, of intac’ "(G respectability | 7A. Statement I: Louis Blanc built a cooperative community. " ‘Statement IT : He believed the community could produce goods together and divide the profits among the members. ‘72, Statement 1: Hand printing developed in China Statement HL: The mos printed textbooks in vast numbers. 73. Statement I : Rainfall is low in the westem parts of Decean Plateau and East of i []. GesPatement 1: A ge pu of be Deca | plateau is occupied by black soil. Statement I : Black soil in this part was formed by denudation of basaltic rocks overtime. 0 75. If the local time at Varanasi, located at 83°E longit is 23:00 hour then what will be the local time at Kibithu located at 97°E longitude (Arunachal Pradesh)" and Jodhpur, located at 73°E longitude? 1, 00:00 hour, ‘hour ‘hour, 2. hour hour, 22:20 hour hour, 23:20 hour ee . Sayre -G re) oe Os yt ane Fa parrater ‘sare “Since” mf wien see a a pemee ESETE ~ wm Fern: ee Th oe Se Ty ae ae oH nwt er ee SL at tw tors reergerat = aRM Fea fees eet a eo ialal Tera oe eT we TA Sen, od ae aes wt th 4, HOt Ls RAH OTE FET AT arret freat @ arene t1 wom I: a ya eh ed, dae gr & aq sore & RT aA #1 75, 83° Tt tain wT aafe art A wa 23:00 74 #, 7 979 Gee Te aah feta (sreoraa wee) Te 73° Yai Beet z ares stag Feria ara aq ty 1, 00:00 44, 22:00 4a 2. 22:07, 23:56 48 3. 23:56 FA, 22:20 ay 4, 22:56 7, 23:20 a = xy one ofthe flowing satements are — « fongitudes (76 wh Jatitudes CE auestor ats ‘a tnitdes are angular distances 1, Al md towards the Pole from the avstor . a1 Aongtaes do not join at poles 4 Ail Parallels and Meridians are + Fmaginary lines 7 tv, ates ar used to determine the ime of place > 1, Land 7 per iand 4. ,Wand Ill 7 4. Mand V7 arith cent climatic condition of Srinagar (QAR) with average annual temperature of (55°C and annual average precipitation 710 mm get modified and become similar that of Ranchi (Jharkhand) with anual Gvemge temperature 23.7°C and preciitation 1430 mm. which one of the Rillowing types of vegetation will become predominant in Srinagar? 1, Tropical Semi Evergreen Z Tropical Moist Deciduous | 3) Tropical Dry Deciduous | 4, Tropical Dry Evergreen 78.0n a school field trip, a student spotted tigers, turtles, gharials and snakes in their natural habitats. Name the ecological region (delta) where that student had gone. 1. Cawvery 2. Mahanadi 3. Godavari Ganga — Brahmaputra ws 29 76, sere we 7. 8. ee vam & ake UH Prerei 7 are, agai, sfearet ott aie at sah wept are 4 ten sa uifeafes 84 (Seel) alam aang, wet arene ra 1. ret 2. Ferret 3. erat 4, T-rey @ erson imcling by road, chest Mistance) from Mangalru to Masilpain Will be able to observe natural yegetalion’ 'Ypes in which of the following sequences? sal Montane Forest — Tropical Deciduous Forests — Tropical Evergreen Forests 2 Tropical Evergreen Forests ~ Tropical % Thom Forests — ‘Tropical Deciduous rests Y Tropical Deciduous Forests — Tropical Evergreen Forests ~ Mangrove Forests 4. Tropical Evergreen Forests — Tropical Deciduous Forests ~ Mangrove Forests Devi Of the following starement(s) is/are true with respeet to monsoons in India? The “Southwestem Monsoon takes longer duration as compared to. retreating Monsoon in covering India, duration as compared to Fetreating Monsoon in covering India. C. Both the Monsoons take almost the > ~ same duration in covering India, D. The Southwestem Monsoon is Propelled by the depressions while retreating Monsoon results from the ‘movement of Air Masses, AandD Bonly 3. Conly 4. BandD 30 wore wr tH wet yh OTT ged or ee ee ee Boa fea ar F wgfin areatid 80. ar A ara a aati H-a we ae ® fase aes Sear AE ' Sarai o oro wat afte aa ca 21 B efereh-afcart ) Teer ary Ae ag eS were FF a Gal 21 ©. St rag ane at sree ad a TT UH Sa ay aa Bi D. sfari-afvaet ares ale weraen a amt em 8 sat Gearrta ara “argeafe" a afer ar afore $y . ASR D ci the following regions marked i resentation with auival of the Southwestem Monsoon is June 13 11, Well developed in Thermal and Nuclear energy production IIL Rich in the produetion oFoil and natural gas IV. Well developed Textile Industry > Me 4. ° (82. With increasing urbanization, the main = gotivity which leads to loss of Bio-diversity is 1. ruralurban migration. 1. rapid increase in built-up area.“ Ill increased vehicular pollution. #* 1V. development of big industrial complexes. 1. Tand IIL 2. Land IV a Mand IV 4, Mand 1V 31 ‘8109 TRECN/18—13-15-SAT-Hindi—3 iz 2B 3. 4D 92, aga aida & ores, Hert Sa fafa wa Ee Lotto arita Fart I. fafa da an ia ara 1 4am ae ETT 1V.a@ stehfir afer fares 1. 13 2. 1aiRIV 3. 1aikIv 4. ILaiely SS.Whieh one of the following statements is ‘or ven greet about the shaded part on the Biven outline of India? 1. Ithas high Potential for hydel-power generation, bas the lowest degree of urbanization, Ragi is an important miler Brown here, 4 Mis famous tor religions tourism, lages in Sti Lanka for Chennai in India, Who be a refugee? 1. Chandimal, who is could not find a jot TI. Jaysurya, who left ethnic conflicts,” UL Umesh, Whose land and house were destroyed due to Tsunami. an IT professional, b in Sti Lanka. his village due to 1. Only Jaysurya 2. Only Chandimal 20" Jaysurya and Umesh 4. Chandimal and Jaysurya 32 } L ela fog & sar at rm ae a 2. ae aoe ar eae a th Ss wh wel Ser ey aren FERRET ay ST (millet) #1 4. me ais wien foe Hg th m Veet a at wom wh area der} 2 1 Seite si anf & ster ater 4 syaee a ae ay a 1 Set, ret tie ing aR Ts f MSE, Re a oy me 1. Sa sea 2 dora aed 3. RBI ak say 4. wwelee sik saga SE gor the following statements abo e consi roe Secu) Council (UN UnlGNSC consists of 1S members, I US, Russia and Germany are among the permanent members in china iste only Asian nation among the permanent members. tv all members of the UNSC have veto power. 4/7 Which of the above statements are correct? 1, Hand Il 2 Land I y Land IV 4. Mand 1V 86. Which of these statements about the Election Commission of India are true? |. It conducts and controls the election process in the country. ~ IL. It gets the voters list updated before the elections. ~ Ii Italso conducts the Panchayat elections in the country. 74 IV. It approves the election manifestoes of ws, political Parties» A Vand I 2. Iand Il 3. Mand IV 4, Iand IV 33 5. HE Iv. UNSC ® 3 ace ora Printer atten eel aa ara a5 wit? 1. 1st 2, Late a 3. LaikIV 4, 1 sttIV ame Frataa arin & fea Frater ent aa wats a wer were? i ‘ae te Hogar viewer Hr are aT Fra ae #1 Uae are AE ae BH HT Tata ae 2 Uae 2a 8 darae Ge ar Gare amt Iva Tstfee sell ga Shortt a eiipia an 1 1st ust naitiv sity SeNe | ca | outthe 87. RT eee | 82 consider the following statements abe we aaron Indian Parliament: Le on / 1. ttis the ultimate authority to make laws ser # ag eh TAT FH India 1, waNhe, +a 1 Iteonsits of the Presi en. the Lok BH - ea on th Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Sear Stra Te TTT ari get bene UL aaa | TIL tt consists of only the Lok Sabha Seer & wet A WW: ara @ Fat AT TL ate? the Rajya Sabha. A | IV. Lok Sabha members are chosen by the vA aa people through elections. wid aot Which of the above statements are correct? : pe 2 rate 2. Tand mt a et 3. Mand I 3. Ul AFI, Mand IV 4, 1 3clv gq, Fe 2 atecar ea alae a A 88, Which of the following is the inspiring Philosophy of the Constitution of India? wr #2 1 efter, aren, wears, checiae 1. Secularism, Equality, Communism, Democratic Republic ™ mia a I. Democratic Republic, Sovereignty, 1, diese wera, Aaya, et Eraternity IL, weiPreerm, am, =A Ivar, ays, aivafaea, oder UL Secularism, Equality, Justice, IV. Equality, Fraternity, Communalism, Secularism A 1. Land Ir 1. 13m 2. Land Ill 2. 13m and Il 3. ISHII 4. Mand IV 4, ISI 34 * tpdian Judi rue! toi cgrted system. <7 I, ‘The Supreme Court isthe highest court of appeal. : ‘M1 Only the Supreme Court can interpret the Constitution. 1V. Public Interest Litigation (PIL) ean be filed only in the Supreme Court and the High Courts. 7 1, Wltand Il 2, i, Mand 1V J. I.lond 1V ‘4. 11,1 and 1V of the following statements is NOT out Indian federalism? ‘The Union government is vested with ore financial powers than the State governments. 2, Power to legislate on residuary subjects js vested in the Union government. 3, The name and boundaries of a State can bbe changed by the Union government > without the consent of the concerned State. <2 The Union legislature can amend any provision ofthe Constitution without the consent of the State governments, 91, Democracy promotes equality through the following: 1, Universal adult franchise I, Equality before law and equal ~ protection of law IIL Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women ~~ IV. Independent and impartial media 1, Land IL w% I, Mand It 3. I, Mand IV 4, Mand IV 35 S109 TRECN/18—13-16-SAT-HindI4A m1. 1, 13 2. LAR 3. LMR IV 4. aikiv | | a gerd gee REE oh aclet 92.88 (ETE ste 92. Read the following statements 3 fract Yao 2) a sein FT, one of the four options given below. i Statement I : Enjoyment of pollution aren a a tl wat water isa fulfilment of right ties ai Statement IT : Release from forced labou SN eA is a fulfilment of right to life. Rea z 1, aa we AT 1. Only Lis correct. 2. aaa we LAH El Segura . San fat ee fl (Both I and II are correct. 3 ren #1 “4. Both I and I! are incorrect. 4. ei em hl it afer Ht Ae The daily wage ofa person in urban areas is oats at a ed ww saat a fey 300. The poverty line fora person is fixed $300 #1 ae ee Aten TE at © 1000 per month for the urban areas. fafa a qed wl we The following table shows the details of 81 Frater Tee sah employment of four families living in ‘ofteret ae deere ar feaTT ATT Mumbai city iar ent uw | wien & Family | Total Daysot | Members of wear eure a Employment got ina | the Family amt | weet ‘Month by the family ahem & fit ao a 2 3 [eer 7 as [Tenzin 15 4 aa T 7 = [Bala 1s 3 ae ud 5 Phulia 20 3 year m 5 Identify the family living below poverty fram at ten a 48 a ae often a line. ware Li aed Wem oe Tenzi 2 ier % Bala rane 4. Phulia < sa 36 ‘sios RECN 13-15 Sar Hing 4g ‘market is & 15 per ke and a farmer produces 100 kgs of wheat. In the next year the price of wheat has fallen to @ 10 per kg and the farmer produces 120 kgs. Ifthe government wishes to stabilize the income of the farmer, then what will be the minimum support price? 1, 212 perkg WQERDS per kg 3. 213 perkg 4. 8135 perkg 98. A:country has four groups of people. The table below describes aa * - ped + at feeia A, are Wag et ate 7 at fro toh ew fee 100 facts AQ aT sea we th oes Te AH ARIK Fa freer Zio Fam & site finer 120 Prem hg somes wen #1 fe wean fra at ony wy fee ancT Te ah Ag wr apr wae yea an eh? 1. 212 9fe fret 2. %12.5 wf fret 3. %13 wha farce 4. 213.5 sf fare seal nr 98.0 &a# ciel an wae 1 Areas Some social aiRtem ea aR a qe ann wea indicators of these groups. Identify the 1 fee tet @1 wales sagt aye st froup that isthe most vulnerable. an FifaG Groups| Literacy] Ute] Uncmploy wae | weer | ater) wan rate |Expeciancy| mentrate wx | owen | ata 4) | ears | uy eS 9 | cts | 09 xe | 9 o 10 4 B[ 93 #0 i9 © (Com = | on 7 is >| 6s 78 10 Ds 7 10 LA La 2B 2B ac 4.4 4D 4D 96. Which of the following statements are 96, Frafafas ert a aa wet #2 correct? Le ssi 8,30 oy attend em oe 1. Bank deposits share the essential wm @ features of money. \- 1. 3 st areal, ft ay fre 1. Any depositor may demand his deposit 458 seh om a on meme at any point of time from a bank. 1M. Bank mus retain all deposits by set. 9¢ ML Set eh sen ove Ta <2 Land II are true, but II is false, 2. Tis true, but If and III are false. 3. Land II are false, but II is true. 4. Allstatements I, Il and IIT are true. 37 1. Teen ae &, 3 noe #1 2. Lae tq aeT Tea #1 3. Laermer &, eq Uae #1 4. eh Ber Te ei 97. Bira and his wife Sheena have two Saughters aged 12 and 16. Sheena's mother and father, aged 68 and 72, also live with them. Bira is curently looking for work, Dat ‘can’t find any. His elder daughter Sompleted class 10 and prefers to lock for work, Sheena 40 stay at homie 10 Jook after how © works, How mg Unemployed members does Bira's family have? eV yf 2 33 a4 98. Which of the follow correct? | Globalization has led to increased flow of capital across countries. ~” Increase in flows of labour across ‘Countries has been larger than the increase in flows of capital, IIL. MNCs spread their production and ‘work with local producers in vayjous countries across the globe. 1 Land % Vand ttt 3. Mand It) 4. T.tand it ing statements are 99% In a vi @ Puranpur, 200 families are living. Eighty five families work on their ‘own piece of land, 60 families work on the field of other farmers, 5 families run their own shops and $0 families work in a Nearby factory to eam their livelihood. What percentage of Puranpur village ‘on the secondary sector? Ny oo re oy 3. 35 4. 55 ps os 5% | Vowe 38 ty EO A 98, Prefers wert a aa at #7 1 spisctren 9 tet a mer ft a sare iat feat . 1. Sei nea om oe were i afe, st pe abaepa A, IL agree eePrat, ayet faery io cer a ee ‘sere & ay tert #1 1 Later 2. sit 3. stu 4 Lusi 99.9R TR 4 200 vf free we Fi Seah fee sre eed ai ur we et ae 9 see fr ae et om a |S afar art ed a} Smt tote 0 ote anet omvtteey orm hoe Ra ety = i 7m ‘fre fees aoe seh en 1. 20 2. 25 3. 35 4 55 gv Jou Goole sabe ROWE a no dentify the correct) pairs. from (000, tiehs) and List-l (Violation of rights) (Riprelect the correct option using the 100, a=1 (aire) We AM Catieet wera) FA Be Ge a vera a peg mee ve eR, eh Perey a, hil codes given below. wm List ust IT at wi won) (Violation of rights) Carfeert) | Corfe mre) A Rightto aman bn paket of ik Apa |! oa ae a ew eh Jon which the compe or \ | me mantctring ts aifieme | | when ¢ far a atch and expiry date were 7a, Pra hts missing. he wate ff a ip [Rito jit ‘Sakina ees particular fra a) channel from her cable et | operon ut operator oes Bl qer |" [we oe oar some other channel as part, = satan 8 Fach Fa i ots compete packs afer | | Are at ain wet @. Ie Tigo [IN ooseph bought a television Atenas, west sat froma shop. He suffered 3 | rr shod wile using. ‘vt a aio, oe iD [Rio IV [Mori fet and was ah tre 8 seek admitted in the hospital aa th es | Eeccetatttones| Pep gar ar) [aire Seat afar wm eto aia wa veh wet ara Tet fag = eR TT Dy eat | 1V [Rat Hare star Fe Fra a ore, Het a ‘atom vg 7H ott FA satire rears se fea 7H 1, A-land C-IIL 1. ATSC 2, Bal and C-INl 2, Bel eC 3. Bell and D-IV 3. BAL aRD-V 3H Cll and DIV 4, C-lILaRD-V 39

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