Lec1 Definitions

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A relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded

at their upper surface and base by unconformities and their correlative
conformities (Vail, et al., 1977).


It is the science of understanding the variations in the successively (one

after other) layered character of rocks and their composition. These rocks
may be sedimentary, volcanic, metamorphic or igneous.

Types of stratigraphy:

Classical branches
• Lithostratigraphy
• Chronostratigraphy
• Biostratigraphy
Newer subdisciplines
• Seismic stratigraphy
• Cyclostratigraphy: study of astronomically (variations of the Earth's
orbit around the sun) forced climate cycles within sedimentary
• Magnetostratigraphy
• Chemostratigraphy
Sedimentary facies:
These are bodies of sediment that are recognizably distinct from
adjacent sediments that resulted from different depositional

Factors control Sequence stratigraphy:

Where T is the rate of tectonic subsidence,
E is the rate of eustatic sea-level rise,
S is the rate of sedimentation, and
W is the rate of water depth increase (or deepening).

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