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Both inherent natural variability and model parameter uncertainty must be considered in the
development of robust and reliable designs for drinking water treatment. This study presents an
optimization framework for investigating the effects of five variable influent parameters and three
uncertain model parameters on the least-cost treatment plant configuration contact, direct, or no
sweep conventional filtration that reliably satisfies an effluent particulate matter concentration
constraint. Incorporating variability and uncertainty within the decision-making

framework generates information for investigating: 1 impact on total cost and treatment reliability;
2 shills on the least-cost treatment configuration for providing reliable treatment; and 3 the
importance of the individual variable and uncertain parameter distributions for reliably satisfying an
effluent water quality constraint. Increasing the magnitude of influent variability and model
parameter uncertainty results in a greater expected design cost due, generally, to increases in
process sizing required to reliably satisfy the effluent concentration constraint. The inclusion of
variability and uncertainty can also produce a shift in the locations of the least-cost configuration
regions, which are dependent on the expected influent water quality and the magnitude of
variability and uncertainty. The additional information provided by incorporating the variable and
uncertain parameters illustrates that parameter distributions related to the primary removal
mechanism are critical, and that contact and direct filtration are more sensitive to variability and
uncertainty than conventional filtration.

Page 1
The composition of municipal waste v. ater varies from place to place. Sometimes industrial
wastes also mix with sewage. The type of treatment of IA ante .cv ater thus depends upon its
characteristics and the desired quality of uater after treatment. Decision making related to drinking
water treatment is. in general. a complex process that must satisfy multiple treatment objectives
through the desire of integrated treatment and waste processes hile constraining costs.
Additionally, there is inherent variability that must be considered. yet cannot be controlled at
least not easily such as flow rate. influent water quality concentrations. and temperature. The
effects of these variations must be considered to ensure that the effluent eater quality reliably
satisfies the appropriate regulator• statutes. More formalized appwaches that utilize mathematical
models to assist in the design process add additional complexities. The majority of process
models require some of the model parameters to be estimated using experimental or field
data,orgatheredfromexpertelicitaion.hichintroducemodeluncertaintyintothe designprocess.Finally,uncertaintyinthestructureofthemodelrepresentingthe-


process can introduce additional complexity, although this is more difficult to incorporate
into the decision-making process

Page 2

The purpose of waste water treatment is to remove/reduce organic and inorganic substances,
nutrients toxic substances kill pathogenic organisms etc. so that the quality of discharged
water is
improved to
meet the
level of water to
t l ir m ■ • ■ PrimaryTreatment _____Secondary Treatment --al be discharged in
some water
Air Chlonnapon body, on land or
Mists agricultural
water field.
Treatment of
water thus aims
at reduction of
Primary sludge
L Sludge
receiving water

bodies and
prevention of
of toxic
substances in food chain and prevention of disease due to pathogenic organisms present in
the waste water.
Fig. 29.2. Flow sheet of sewage (wastewater) treatment plant

Page 3

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Theoretical Background
Wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, the removal of impurities from wastewater, or
sewage, before they reach aquifers or natural bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and
oceans. Since pure water is not found in nature (i.e., outside chemical laboratories), any distinction
between clean water and polluted water depends on the type and concentration of impurities found in
the water as well as on its intended use. In broad terms, water is said to be polluted when it
contains enough impurities to make it unfit for a particular use, such as drinking, swimming, or
fishing. Although water quality is affected by natural conditions, the word pollution usually implies
human activity as the source of contamination. Water pollution, therefore, is caused primarily by the
drainage of contaminated wastewater into surface water or groundwater, and wastewater treatment is
a major element of water pollution control.Many ancient cities had drainage systems, but they
were primarily intended to carry rainwater away from roofs and pavements. A notable example is
the drainage system of ancient Rome. It included many surface conduits that were connected to a
large vaulted channel called the Cloaca Maxima ("Great Sewer"), which carried drainage water to
the Tiber River. Built of stone and on a grand scale, the Cloaca Maxima is one of the oldest
existing monuments of Roman engineering. There was little progress in urban drainage or
sewerage during the Middle Ages. Privy vaults and cesspools were used, but most wastes were
simply dumped into gutters to be flushed through the drains by floods. Toilets (water closets) were
installed in houses in the early 19th century, but they were usually connected to cesspools, not to
sewers. In densely populated areas, local conditions soon became intolerable because the cesspools
were seldom emptied and frequently overflowed. The threat to public health became apparent. In
England in the middle of the 19th century, outbreaks of cholera were traced directly to well-water
supplies contaminated with human waste from privy vaults and cesspools. It soon became
necessary for all water closets in the larger towns to be connected directly to the storm sewers. This

Page 4
transferred sewage from the ground near houses to nearby bodies of water. Thus, a new problem
emerged: surface water pollution.

Materials And Nleiliods

1)Organic material:

The amount of putreseible organic material in sewage is indicated by the biochemical oxygen
demand, or BOD; the more organic material there is in the sewage, the higher the BOD,
which is the amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to decompose the
organic substances in sewage. It is among the most important parameters for the
design and operation of sewage treatment plants. Industrial sewage may have BOD
levels many times that of domestic sewage. The BOD of storm sewage is of particular
concern when it is mixed with domestic sewage in
combined sewerage systems Dissolved oxygen is an important water quality factor for
lakes and rivers. The higher the concentration of dissolved oxygen, the better the
water quality. When sewage enters a lake or stream, decomposition of the organic
materials begins. Oxygen is consumed as microorganisms use it in their metabolism.
This can quickly deplete the available oxygen in the water. When the dissolved oxygen
levels drop too low, trout and other aquatic species soon perish. In fact, if the oxygen
level drops to zero, the water will become septic. Decomposition of organic
compounds without oxygen causes the undesirable odours usually associated with
septic or putrid conditions.

2)Suspended solids:

Page 5
Another important characteristic of sewage is suspended solids. The volume of sludge
produced in a treatment plant is directly related to the total suspended solids present
in the sewage. Industrial and storm sewage may contain higher concentrations of
suspended solids than domestic sewage. The extent to which a treatment plant
removes suspended solids, as well as BOD, determines the efficiency of the treatment

3)Plant nutrients:

Domestic sewage contains compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, two elements thzit are
basic nutrients essential for the growth of plants. in lakes, excessive amounts of
nitrates and-phosphates can cause the rapid growth of algae. Algal blooms, often
caused by sewage discharges, accelerate the natural aging of lakes in a process
called eutrophication.


Domestic sewage contains many millions of microorganisms per gallon. Most are
coliform bacteria from the human intestinal tract, and domestic sewage is also
likely to carry other microbes. Col ifbrms are used as indicators of sewage pollution. A
high coliform count usually indicates recent sewage pollution.

5)Seweraus sN stems:

A sewerage system, or wastewater collection system, is a network of pipes,

pumping stations, and appurtenances that convey sewage from its points of origin
to a point of treatment and disposal.

6)Combined systems:

Systems that carry a mixture of both domestic sewage and storm sewage are called
combined sewers. Combined sewers typically consist of large-diameter pipes or
tunnels, because of the large volumes of storm water that must be carried during wet-
weather periods. They are very common in older cities but are no longer designed and
built as part of new sewerage facilities. Because wastewater treatment plants cannot
handle large volumes of storm water, sewage must bypass the treatment plants during
wet weather and be discharged directly into the receiving water. These combined
sewer overflows, containing untreated domestic sewage, cause recurring water
pollution problems and are very troublesome sources of pollution.In some large cities
the combined sewer overflow problem has been reduced by diverting the first flush
of combined sewage into a large basin or underground tunnel. After temporary
storage, it can be treated by settling and disinfection before being discharged into a
receiving body of water, or it can be treated in a nearby wastewater treatment plant
at a rate that will not overload the facility. Another method for controlling combined

Page 6
sewage involves the use of swirl concentrators. These direct sewage through
cylindrically shaped devices that create a vortex, or whirlpool, effect. The vortex helps
concentrate impurities in a much smaller volume of water for treatment.

7)Separate systems:

New wastewater collection facilities are designed as separate systems, carrying either
domestic sewage or storm sewage but not both. Storm sewers usually carry surface
runoff to a point of disposal in a stream or river. Small detention basins may be built
as part of the system, storing storm water temporarily and reducing the magnitude of
the peak flow rate. Sanitary sewers, on the other hand, carry domestic wastewater to
a sewage treatment plant. Pretreated industrial wastewater may be allowed into
municipal sanitary sewerage systems, but storm water is excluded.Storm sewers are
usually built with sections of reinforced concrete pipe. Corrugated metal pipes may
be used in some cases. Storm water inlets or catch basins are located at suitable
intervals in a street right-of-way or in easements across private property. The
pipelines are usually located to allow downhill gravity now to a nearby stream or to a
detention basin. Storm water pumping stations are avoided, if possible, because of the
very large pump capacities that would be needed to handle the intermittent llows.A
sanitary sewerage system includes laterals, submains, and interceptors. Except for
individual house connections, laterals are the smallest sewers in the network. They
usually are not less than 200 mm (8 inches) in diameter and carry sewage by gravity
into larger submains, or collector sewers.

8)Alternatiye systems:

Sometimes the cost of conventional gravity sewers can be prohibitively high because of low
population densities or site conditions such as a high water table or bedrock. Three alternative
wastewater collection systems that may be used under these circumstances include small-
diameter gravity sewers, pressure sewers, and vacuum sewers.ln small-diameter gravity systems,
septic tanks are first used to remove settleable and floating solids from the wastewater from each
house before it flows into a network of collector mains (typically 100 mm, or 4 inches, in
diameter); these systems are most suitable for small rural communities. Because they do not
carry grease, grit and sewage solids, the pipes can be of smaller diameter and placed at reduced
slopes or gradients to minimize trench excavation costs. Pressure sewers are best used in flat
areas or where expensive rock excavation would be required. Grinder pumps discharge
wastewater from each home into the main pressure sewer, which can follow the slope of the
ground. In a vacuum sewerage system, sewage from one or more buildings flows by gravity into a
sump or tank from which it is pulled out by vacuum pumps located at a central vacuum station and
then flows into a collection tank. From the vacuum collection tank the sewage is pumped to a
treatment plant.

Page 7

Pumping stations are built when sewage must be raised from a low point to a point of higher
elevation or where the topography prevents downhill gravity flow. Special nonclogging pumps are
available to handle raw sewage. They are installed in structures called lift stations. There are two
basic types of lift stations: dry well and wet well. A wet-well installation has only one chamber
or tank to receive and hold the sewage until it is pumped out. Specially designed submersible
pumps and motors can be located at the bottom of the chamber, completely below the water level.
Dry-well installations have two separate chambers, one to yeceive the wastewater and one to
enclose and protect the pumps and controls. The protective dry chamber allows easy access for
inspection and maintenance. All sewage lift stations, whether of the wet ,well or dry-well type,
should include at least two pumps. One pump can operate while the other is removed for repair.

10)Flow rates:

There is a wide variation in sewage flow rates over the course of a day. A sewerage system must
accommodate this variation. In most cities domestic sewage flow rates are highest in the morning
and evening hours. They are lowest during the middle of the night. Flow quantities depend upon
population density, water consumption, and the extent of commercial or industrial activity in the
community. The average sewage flow rate is usually about the same as the average water use in the
community. In a lateral sewer, short-term peak flow rates can be roughly four times the average
flow rate. In a trunk sewer, peak flow rates may be two-and-a-half times the average.

Although sewage flows depend upon residential, commercial, and industrial connections, sewage
flow rates potentially can become higher as a result of inflows and infiltration (I&I) into the
sanitary sewer system. Inflows correspond to storm water entering sewers from inappropriate
connections, such as roof drains, storm drains, downspouts and sump pumps. High amounts of

rainwater runoff can reach the sewer system during precipitation and stormflow events or during
seasonal spring flooding of rivers inundated with melting ice. Infiltration refers to the
groundwater entering sewers via defective or broken pipes. In both these cases, downstream
utilities and treatment plants may experience flows higher than anticipated and can become
hydraulically overloaded. During such overloads, utilities may ask residents connected to the
system to refrain from using dishwashers and washing machines and may even limit toilet
flushing and the use of showers in an attempt to lessen the strain. Such l&I issues can be
especially severe in old and aging water infrastructures.

Page 8
Biochemical Characteristics of Waste Water Treatment:
Suspended solids are determined by filtering suitable aliquot of sample through a
previously weighed sintered brooch crucible and drying the crucible in an oven at 103° —
105°C to constant weigh. The difference in the initial and final weight of the
curcible gives SS content, mg/I.
. Settleable Solids:

Allowing I litre oldie sample to settle for about 1 hr at 20°C' in an 1 ra cone. The

volume of settleable matter in the tapered conical tube is recorded as m1/1. The
settleable solids may be expressed in mg/1 also.

Total solids:
Determined by evaporating a known volume of the waste water sample and
drying the residue Ibr 24 hrs. in oven at 103"-105 .1'. Followed by weighing. This
gives the total solids content of the sample which comprises the dissolved as
well as suspended solids.
The D.O. content of a water sample is measured codes metrically by the modified
Wrinkler's method. Oxygen present in the sample oxidize in divalent mass
generation its higher valency with precipitates as a brown hydrates, oxides after
addition of Na011 and KI upon acidification manganese reverts to divalent state
and liberate iodine from KI equivalent to DO content of the sample which is
titrated against 1 standard N/80 solution of sodium thiosulphate using starch as
an indicator. Interference due to nitrate can he eliminated by adding sodium azide to
the alkelene potassium iodide solution.
Dissolved oxygen:
Filterable solid. _Organic and Inorganic Solid.

Page 9
The D,O, is usually expressed as ing/1 or ppm

This is measured by D.O. oxy-meter

ii. Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Miero-organisms can utilize Organic substance as rood and Oxides them to obtain energy
for their life process, Some bacteria are also capable to utilize, reduce inorganic
substance such as Fez's
5' and NI l to obtain energy. In the biological degradation of sewage and other wastes
(caused by \ arious types of living organisms or bacteria) organic matter is converted into
fragments consisting, of acetic acid. When sufficient oxygen is present such as in aerobic
system. Oxygen is reduced while the organic matter is oxidized into CO2 and water.
CHI C00- + 202 BacteriaCO2 + 1CO3-+ H2O
inorganic substances like S2 NH3 or NH4+ if present are oxidised to sulphate
and nitrate.
S2 t,„ Bacteria 2-
2 4
N111 + 202 NO; + /1+ + H2O

When sufficient amount of oxygen is not available i.e., anoxic conditions prevail, organic
matter is oxidised by using nitrate as an electron acceptor.

5CH1C00- + 8NO3- + 8H+ 5CO2 + 5HCO3- + 4N2 + 9H20

Nitrate may also be reduced to the amine stage giving smell of railegfish.

CH3C00- + NO3 BacteriaCO2 + HCO + NH2

When oxygen is absent i.e., anaerobic conditions exist SO4' , PO43 and CO2 whatever
acts as electron acceptor and get reduced toI IS (Mercaptons-rotten eggs smell), P113, CII4.

2CH3C00- + 2SO4- + 31-1+ 2CO2 + 2HCO3- + H2S + HS + 2H20

CH 1C00- + PO41" + 3H+ CO2 + 11CO3- + P113 + H2O
C113C00- + 1120 CH4 + HCO1

h amount of oxygen required by a mixed population olmicro-organisms on oxidising organic

T e
matter present in a sample, under strictly aerobic conditions, is generally known as B.O.D.,
and is directly !elated to the extent of pollution (by se\\ 1+4e or Other Oxygen- demanding



The rate of bacterial oxidation at any instant is proportional to the amount of the oxygen-
demanding waste left at the instant, i.e., this reaction follows first order reaction and
theoretically will be completed in infinite time.

However, it has been observed that about 70 — 80% of the total B.O.D. is exerted in first 5
days. The sample is therefore incubated for 5 days at 20°C and the B.O.D. values determined
are reported as B.O.D. A polluted sample may consume more oxygen in 5 days than present
in water (nearly 9 mg/1 at 20°C). Hence before analysis it is diluted with a specially prepared
Dilution Water".

The dilution water is prepared by passing air in distilled water for 1 — 2 days so as to make it
saturated by dissolved oxygen. In one liter of this 1 ml each of phosphate buffer MgCl2.
and FeCI3 are mixed. The sample so diluted is taken in two bottles. The D.O. of one is
determined immediately and that of the other after 5 days incubation. The B.O.D. of the
sample is then calculated by

- D2
B.O.D. = Di xB mg/1

Where DI= D.O. of the sample in mg/I at the start of the experiment = D.O. of the sample in

mg/1 after 5 days

A = ml of the sample before dilution

B = ml of the sample after dilution.
Measurement of D.O. content of the sample before or after in combustion at 20°C for 5 days
or glutonic BOD at 27°C for 3 days. If the sample does not contain any oxygen, it is supplied
with oxygen and the depletion caused is calculated as the B.O.D. measurement. Microbial
organisms or seed may also have to provided B.O.D. is expressed in mg/l.

iii. Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.):

The C.O.D. is usually defined as the amount of oxygen used while oxidizing the organic
matter content of a sample with a strong chemical oxidant under acidic conditions.

The organic matter in the sample is related as the oxygen required (C.O.D.) in
accordance ith equation:

CrI-1,0., + x + 2:4 - i 02 -4 X CO2 + 7-Y- H20

In C.O.D. determination the organic matter is completely oxidised to CO 2 and I I20, the
C.O.D. values are greater than B.O.D. values which represent the amount of oxygen that
bacteria require for stabilizing biologically oxidisable matter.

The C.O.D. tests arc performed with the same objectives as those of 13.0.D, test. C.O.D.
test results are obtained in 5 hours whereas B.O.D. results are obtained in 5 days. In
comparison to 13.0.D., there is least interference in C.O.D. test.
Where VI and V, are the volume of Ferrous ammonium sulphate run down in the blank and
test experiments.

One sample volume ol the sample taken For the test.

The organic matter or the aliquot sample is oxidized to water, C'02 and ammonia. The
excess dichromate remaining unreacted in the solution water standard solution or 0.1 N
Ferrous ammoni 11111 sulphate.

C.O.D. in =
V - V2) Y. 8000

Chemical oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen consumed under specified condition
in the oxidation or organic and oxidisable inorganic matter connected for the influence
or chlorides.

When the waste water aliquot of the sample is relluxed with a known excess or oxidizing
agent potassium dichromate in the 50% sulphuric acid solution in the presence of AgSO4.
Silver sulphate as catalyst and mercuric sulphide.

Statics of NN'aste Water Treatment:

Waste water, whether domestic or industrial have several undesirable components, the
organic and inorganic pollutants that are potentially harmful to the environment and human
health. The treatment of waste water and its proper management has become a necessity in
order to conserve this vital resource.
The main aim of waste water treatment is the removal of contaminants from water so that
the treated water can be reused for beneficial purposes. The waste water treatment is carried
out in three stages: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary or advanced waste treatment.

Raw Primary Secondary

--e. Screen—e-ch,?m ba r
ri l

--*Skimming-0.sedime Mallon --+ISreelnednatry—+ seemenialion

lank tank

Sludge 4___Tertiary
______________d i g e s t i o n . 4 - - - . . e r . . a r y
Supornatont liquidtank ilt treatment
''Olgested sludge
FiR 7.3.

i. Print:Iry Treatment:

Waste water, contains a wide variety of solids of various shapes, sizes and densities.
The primary treatment is of general nature and is used For removing suspended solids,
odour, colour and to neutralize the high or low pil in the case of industrial effluents.
This stage exploits the physical or chemical properties of the contaminants and removes
the suspended and floating matter by screening, sedimentation, floatation, filtration,
precipitation etc.

N. 73. 1pical Comminutor.

Many kittsk of comminutes arc available. Basic parts include a screen and cutting
teeth. The set evil may be a slotted drum that rotates in the vertical plane. Stationary
teeth then shred
tllulct ial that is intercepted by the screen, Other types use as stationary semi-circular
screen and rotating or oscillating cutting teeth. Another device, called a barminutor,
uses a vertical bars smell with a cutting head that travels up and down, the rack of
bars, shredding the intercepted mato ial. Shredding devices should be located ahead of
pumping facilities at the treatment plant. Ott removal ahead of the shredder will save
wear on the cutting head. Usually, however, grit chambers are located at or above ground
level to facilitate grit handling, and pumps may be necessary to litl the sewage to them.
In this case, shredding is done ahead of the pumps and cutter wear must he tolerated.

iii) Grit IZemoo al:

Municipal waste water contains a wide assortment of inorganic solids such as

pebbles, sand, silt, egg shells. glass and metal fragments. Operations to remove these
inorganics will also remove some of the huger, heavier organics such as bone chips,
seeds etc. Tog,ether, these comprise the
material known as grit in waste water treatment systems. Most of the substances in grit
are abrasive in nature and will cause accelerated wear on pumps and sludge handling
equipment with
which it comesn contact, Grit deposits in areas of low hydraulic shear in pipes, sumps
and clarinets may absorb greases and solidify. Also, these materials are not
biodegradable and occupy valuable space in sludge digesters. It is therefore, desirable
to separate them from the organic suspended solids. I he latter should not be allowed to
settle along-with, otherwise it gets entangled with the inorganic limiter causing
septicity of waste water and requiring unnecessary labour and expenses k►r removal.
A velocity of flow between 0.15 to 0.3 m/see is practically considered sufficient liw this


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Grit removal facilities basically consist of an enlarged channel area where reduced flow velocities allow
grit to settle out. Many configurations of grit tanks are available. At-least two separate chambers should
be provided, one to take care of low flow and the other for the high flow. A period of detention of 1
minute is commonly employed. Grit chambers are cleaned by hand, mechanically or hydraulically.

Hand clearing is done only in the case of smaller plants, is less hygienic and odour free though
somewhat easier for disposing of the removed material than in the case of mechanical cleaning. In
hydraulic-cleaning, the deposited material is flushed out under fire-streams directed from a central point
and removed through pipes in the side-walls or bottom of the chamber.

fiv) Skiniminlz Tanks:

A skimming tank is a chamber so arranged that the floating matter like oil, fat, grease etc., rise and
remain on the surface of the waste water (Sewage) until removed, while the liquid flows out continuously
under partitions or baffles. It is necessary to remove the floating matter from sewage otherwise it may
appear in the form of unsightly scum on the surface of the settling tanks or interfere with the activated
sludge process of sewage treatment. It is mostly present in the industrial sewage. In ordinary sanitary
sewage, its amount is usually too small. The chamber is a long trough shaped structure divided up into
two or three lateral compartments by vertical baffle walls having slots for a short distance below the
sewage surface and permitting oil and grease to escape into stilling compartments. The rise of floating
matter is brought about by the blowing air into the sewage from diffusers placed in the bottom. Sewage
enters the tank from one end. A theoretical detention period of 3 minutes is enough. The floating matter
can be either hand or mechanically removed. Grease traps are in reality small skimming tanks designed
with submerged inlet and bottom outlet. The traps must have sufficient capacity to permit the sewage
to cool and grease to separate. Frequent cleaning through removable covers is essential for satisfactory
operation. Grease traps are commonly employed in case of industries, garages, hotels, and hospitals.

In this step, the settleable solid are removed by gravitational settling under quiescent
conditions. The sludge formed at the bottom of the tank is removed as under flow either
by vacuum suction or by raking it to a discharge point at the bottom of the tank for
withdrawal. The clear liquid
produced is known as the overflow and it should contain no readily settle- able matter.

The sedimentation operation in waste treatment applications may be carried out in

rectangular horizontal flow, circular radial flow or vertical flow basis. Fig. 7.8 shows the
three main types of arrangements.

In rectangular tanks, Iced is introduced at one end along with the width of the tank and the
overflow is collected at the surfaces, either across the other end or at ditThrent point along
the length of the tank. An endless conveyor scrapes the floating material into a screen
through which it also pushes the settled solids into a sludge hopper.

Fig. 7.8. (a) Rectangular Horizontal flow.

Inflo _Water Level

t_i_L-L-L_Li_ I —* Overflow

Flotation may be used in place of sedimentation, primarily for treating industrial waste water
containing finely divided suspended solids and oily matter. Flotation technique is used in paper
industry to recover line fibres from the screened effluent and in the oil industry for the
classification of oil bearing waste. It is also used for treating effluents from tanneries, metal
finishing, cold-rolling and pharmaceutical industries. Particles of density very close to that of
water are very difficult to settle in normal sedimentation tanks and take a long time for
separation. In such cases. the separation can be speeded up by aerating the effluent where by air
bubbles arc attached to the suspended matter. This has the effect for increasing the buoyancy of
the particles as a result; the particles float to surface from where they can be readily removed. To
aid in the flotation process, chemical coagulants such as aluminium and ferric salts or polymer
coagulant-aids are often used. These chemicals increase the flocculent structure of the floated
particles so that they can easily entrap the air bubbles.

Two methods of flotation are currently available:

(1)Dispersed-air flotation and

(2) Dissoked air flotation.

1. In dispersed air flotation, air is introduced directly into the liquid through a
revolving impeller or through diffusers. The air bubbles generated in dispersed air flotation
systems are normally about I mm in diameter and they usually cause turbulence which
breaks up fragile floe particles. Due to this, dispersed air flotation is not favoured
technique in the treatment of municipal
astewater, although it finds a limited application in treating industrial wastes containing oil,
grease and fine powders.

2. In dissolved air flotation. air iti intimately brought into contact with the waste
water at a pressure of several atmospheres when air is dissolved. The pressure on the liquid
is reduced to atmospheric level through a backpressure valve, there by releasing
micron-sized bubbles. Suspended solids and oil are carried to the surface of the flotation
tank by these minute air bubbles. A typical flotation system is shown in Fig. 7.10. Here, the
entire flow is pressurized and held in the retention tank so that the air gets dissolved in the

The intense mixing Of air and waste water in the pressurization system often degrades flocculent
suspensions or oil emulsions following chemical treatment. A portion of the clear effluent is recycled
fir pressurization to prevent such degradations. Compressed air is introduced into the discharge of-the
recycle pump and intimate contact is achieved in the retention tank. The recycled flow is then
returned through a back pressure valve (where the pressurized air is released and mixed with the
influent for flotation. The time in the flotation tank is about half an hour.

(vii) Neutralization:

When pll of the industrial waste is too high or too low then it should be neutralized by acid or alkali
and only neutral effluent should be discharged into the drain or public seer
1) litt s://www. 00 le.com/search?
=waste+water+traternent+ lant+8nie=1i tf-843coe=utf-
2) LtIps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/ear
th-and-planetary seiences/waste-water-treatment-plant
3) lilt )s://www.conserve-cncr'y-fiiture.com/
4) litt s://e2c4a8m6.stacli )
atlic(In.com/w )-
5) htt s://www. ►oo'le.com/search?c
=waste+water+tratenient+ lant+&ie=tt tf-88Loe=ntf-88‘client=firefox-


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