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CERDINAWAN. C024181007. Treatment Of Cystic Ovarian Disease In Dairy Cattle At

BBPTU HPT Baturaden. Supervised by Drh. Fedri Rell, M.Si

In general, ovarian cysts in dairy cattle consist of follicular and luteal cysts. The
occurrence of ovarian cysts in dairy cattle is characterized by anestrus symptoms (showing no
symptoms of lust). Luteal cyst is the cyst that form in ovaries that are thicker-walled than
follicular cyst due to the formation of a luteal tissue layer. The purpose of this research is to find
out how to diagnose and treat luteal cyst cases in dairy cattle at BBPTU HPT Baturaden. In
determining the diagnosis, the examination methods are carried out by rectal and
Ultrasonography (USG) examinations. From the per rectal examination result in the ovaries, it is
found the presence of large and hard follicles. While the ultrasound examination result showed
that the picture of follicles in the ovaries are large and have thick walls and there is a corpus
luteum. Treatment for luteal cyst is by administering 5 ml Sincrovall injection hormone therapy.
After 9 days post-treatment, the dairy cattle again showed estrus symptom.

Keyword : Anestrus, Estrus, Luteal, Sincrovall, Ultrasonography.

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